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Global Force Wrestling

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-I'm just going to jump right in, so here's a rundown of how I'm doing things with this diary here: news and card information will be delivered in chunks that will include what would be multiple small news snippets from a website. The news snippets will show up as Global Force Insider posts, and the shows will be written as if they were live reviews for the website.



I'm not big on backstories, so I didn't include one. Global Force is gearing up for their first show on July 24th, and that's where we join the promotion here.





-Global Force Insider:


-July 24th is fast approaching, with Global Force Wrestling set to debut in Las Vegas with its first ever show. The show will be titled Sin City Summit, and feature a tournament to crown the first ever Global Heavyweight Champion.


-GFW has officially signed agreements with four different promotions, representing four very different corners of the pro wrestling world. Being a member of Bullet Club, GFW Owner Jeff Jarrett has established a working relationship with the King of Sports, New Japan Pro Wrestling. A potential agreement with AAA in Mexico fell through after negotiations took a turn for the worse, but where there is failure, there is opportunity. The world of lucha libre will be represented in Global Force by the extremely exciting Lucha Underground promotion. The best of Canada will make their way to GFW by way of Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling. ECCW has been known to launch stars into the international markets, as well as bringing in the best talent in the world for events such as their very prestigious Pacific Cup tournament.


-The fourth promotion signed up with Global Force is much more surprising, as Ring of Honor has joined the fold. Owner Jeff Jarrett felt that he only need point to his biggest competition, World Wrestling Entertainment, as the reason behind the deal with ROH. With WWE having been carried on the backs of former Ring of Honor talents like Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins and CM Punk, Jarrett believes that Global Force has allied itself with the powerhouses of pro wrestling, and that there's no limit to what they are capable of achieving.


-The tournament being held at Sin City Summit will be a standard eight-man, single elimination tournament for the Global Heavyweight Championship. The first round will feature a bracket for each of the four separate GFW affiliates: New Japan Pro Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Lucha Underground and Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling. Each promotion has chosen two competitors to represent them in the first round of the tournament. The semi-final matches will be randomly selected during the show. Sin City Summit will also feature a special cruiserweight showcase match from each of the affiliate promotions.


-The full card for Global Force Wrestling's Sin City Summit on July 24th has been released.



Tony Baroni & The Bollywood Boyz Vs Billy Suede & DTA in six man tag team action.

Tournament Match: Kenny Lush Vs "Supernatural" Nelson Creed

-Lush took GFW Founder Jeff Jarrett to the limit in April, earning the respect of the multiple time World Champion. Creed has tangled with the best in the business, maintaining his position as one of the premier independent wrestlers in the Pacific Northwest. Both men look to really take advantage of an opportunity here to take the next step into the big time.


Lucha Underground:

Prince Puma Vs Cortez Castro Vs Bael in a three way frenzy match, where the first man to score the pinfall is the winner.

Tournament Match: Shawn Hernandez Vs Mil Muertes

-The mysterious Mil Muertes can, at times, appear unstoppable... but "Super-Mex" aims to prove that even the demon can fall beneath his boot.


Ring of Honor:

reDRagon Vs The Young Bucks in a tag team match featuring two former ROH World Tag Team Champions.

Tournament Match: Steve Corino Vs Michael Elgin

-Veteran warrior Steve Corino, the former leader of SCUM and the King of Old School, returns to the worldwide spotlight when he tries to out-battle the younger Elgin. The former ROH World Champion Michael Elgin said that this was the first thing that ROH has done for him in a long time, and he's just waiting to see what kind of plans Corino and Ring of Honor have to cheat him out of this too.


New Japan Pro Wrestling:

Ryusuke Taguchi Vs Kenny Omega in a New Japan Junior Heavyweight showcase.

Tournament Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan Vs AJ Styles

-The current NWA and IWGP Heavyweight Champions will collide in the first round of what's sure to be a fantastic tournament. The biggest variable in this match is the Bullet Club connection that Styles has to Jeff Jarrett. Not only are both men members of Bullet Club, but they go back almost fifteen years in the business, with Jeff giving AJ his first real headlining opportunity in NWA Total Nonstop Action. Many are questioning whether or not Jeff can stay neutral in the matter, to which he has replied that he will not in any way influence the outcome of the tournament, because Global Force is about the sport of professional wrestling, and the decisions of matches should be made by the competitors, and the competitors alone.





Global Force Wrestling presents


Sin City Summit


From the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada


July 24, 2015



Global Heavyweight Championship Tournament


NJPW Bracket

Hiroyoshi Tenzan Vs AJ Styles


ROH Bracket

Steve Corino Vs Michael Elgin


LU Bracket

Shawn Hernandez Vs Mil Muertes


ECCW Bracket

Kenny Lush Vs Nelson Creed


Singles Match

Ryusuke Taguchi Vs Kenny Omega


Tag Team Match

reDRagon Vs The Young Bucks


Three Way Frenzy

Prince Puma Vs Cortez Castro Vs Bael


Six Man Tag Team Match

Tony Baroni & The Bollywood Boyz Vs Billy Suede & DTA


Plus: The Semi-Finals and Finals of the Tournament!



Sin City Summit will be the next update, with a deadline of April 21st.

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Sin City Summit


Global Force Wrestling presents

Sin City Summit

Live from the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada

July 24, 2015


-Tonight's show is being called by the duo of Jim Ross and Matt Striker. After their work at Wrestle Kingdom together, it's really no surprise to see them here in Global Force. The show kicks off as GFW Founder Jeff Jarrett comes out to the ring and thanks everyone for coming. Jarrett says that they all... wrestlers, officials and family... that they all appreciate the great support that has come flooding in since the original announcement of Global Force Wrestling. Jeff says that tonight, he won't be competing, but on August 7th they will be in Davis, California and he will be in action there. Jeff announced that the August 7th show will be available through the Global Force website for just $5 as a download and will be made available within hours of the show finishing live. Global Force's return to Pay Per View will be August 21st, and while they don't have an announcement to make yet, we can be sure that the winner of tonight's tournament will be in the house at the Orleans Arena to make the first defense of his Global Heavyweight Championship. Jarrett mentions that the news will be coming fast and furious after tonight's show to set up the card for August 7th, as well as the PPV just two weeks later.


Overall: C-



ECCW Six Man Tag Team Match

Tony Baroni & The Bollywood Boyz Vs Billy Suede & DTA


-The faces came out to the familiar tune of Punjabi MC, with Gurv and Harv Sihra getting the energetic Tony Baroni in on the Bollywood style dancing. "Brilliant" Billy Suede and his partners for the night, DTA (Jordie Taylor and Daniel Adonis) didn't seem to want to have as much fun though. Harv told his opponents that they look too serious, and the crowd erupted when he told them that they should smile and go out for Madras after the show. Adonis took exception, kickstarting the match by attacking Harvinder. Gurv and Baroni were still in the ring, so a full scale battle broke out until all but Harv and Adonis were out of the ring.


For the majority of their offense, Billy Suede lived up to his moniker as he allowed the larger Adonis and Taylor to take turns beating down on their opponents. A turnaround came quickly though as with Adonis on the outside with Suede, Tony Baroni turned an Irish Whip from Taylor into a Suicide Dive taking out both men. Jordie Taylor went to the ropes to try and get the action back into the ring, but ended up walking right into a Double Superkick from The Bollywood Boyz. Baroni went up top, Harv and Gurv used the ropes to slingshot themselves onto their opponents outside, and Tony Baroni came crashing down hard onto Taylor with a Senton Bomb for the win!


Billy Suede tried to get into the ring as Baroni celebrated with the Sihra brothers, but Daniel Adonis lifted him onto his shoulder to carry him away from the ring as Suede clawed at the victorious trio.


Winners: Tony Baroni & The Bollywood Boyz

Overall: E-



-The six men from the opening match are in a video where they are all asked who they think is going to win in the first round and go on to represent ECCW in the semi-finals. The results are 4-2 in favor of Creed, as Nelson has the big fight experience, having faced some of the best wrestlers in the world. On the flipside, Kenny Lush has helped to train some of the Pacific Northwest's brightest talents, and almost defeated Jeff Jarrett just a couple of months ago. The video ends with Creed obviously picking himself to win, and then Kenny Lush barking at the camera and telling the fans not to sleep on him here, because he's going to do big things in Global Force Wrestling.


Overall: F+



ECCW Quarter-Final Match

Kenny Lush Vs Nelson Creed


-The first match in the tournament to crown the Global Heavyweight Champion kicked off with the Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling bracket. Kenny Lush, sporting a singlet with the familiar image of Biggie Smalls, came out fast and hard. Lush kept the crowd riled up with consistent barking in the ring, but showed good skills by keeping up with Nelson Creed's technical wrestling, while countering most of Creed's move attempts and putting the veteran on his back several times. Lush got too excited though and went up top, allowing Creed to dive towards the ropes and send Lush tumbling to the mat.


Creed took advantage by wrapping Lush up in an Abdominal Stretch, turning it into a version of the Rear Naked Choke as well. Lush began to fade, but got the crowd behind him and came back with a huge Shoulder Block after shoving Creed off and into the ropes. Lush went for another one, but Creed saw it coming and locked in another Abdominal Stretch. This time, Creed worked over the ribs of Lush with some vicious elbow shots. Kenny reversed his way out of the Stretch and into one of his own, but Creed quickly turned it into a Hip Toss. Creed went up to the top rope and called for the Flying Splash, but Lush moved out of the way and Creed hit the mat hard.


Both men struggled to their feet, duking it out shot for shot until Creed caught Kenny with a poke to the eyes and a DDT for a two count. Creed went for a second DDT, but Lush lifted him and tossed him into the turnbuckle. Creed charged forward but fell victim to a massive Lariat. Lush pulled his opponent up, called for the end and went for the 100 Mile Driver, however Creed slipped out of it, shoved Lush into the ref, hit a field goal kick between the legs while the referee was recovering, and then made the pin, yanking the tights of Lush and picking up the three count to advance in the tournament.


Winner: Nelson Creed

Overall: E+



-Michael Elgin cuts a promo about how Ring of Honor has done nothing but screw him over, and that he expects nothing less tonight. Elgin says that it's only a matter of time before one of Corino's buddies shows up to cost him the match, or until Corino pulls out some kind of weapon to sway the match in his favor. Elgin says that ROH chose Corino to give him one last run at the limelight... but that they chose him to be the sacrificial lamb, and he won't have it. Elgin says that one way or another, Steve Corino's quest for relevance ends tonight.


Overall: E



ROH Quarter-Final Match

Steve Corino Vs Michael Elgin


-With the rumors indicating that this might be Steve Corino's last major run in pro wrestling, the streamers were out in full force, bringing the veteran to the point of almost tearing up as the variety of colors flew past his head in the ring. Former ROH Champion Michael Elgin didn't get the same treatment, hitting the ring to a chorus of boos and a lineup of middle fingers and other obscene gestures. After locking up, Elgin would use his strength advantage to just shove Corino off of him and to the mat. This would happen several times before Corino saw his frustration and slid to the outside to gather his head. Corino slid back into the ring and ran right into a Shoulder Block from Elgin, but bounced right back up and took Elgin out with a big time Lariat. Corino pulled him up and went to town on him with big Forearm shots to the head. Corino went for a Superkick, but Elgin side-stepped it and caught the King of Old School with a Belly to Back Suplex before rolling out of the ring himself.


Corino went for a dive to the outside, but Elgin saw it coming and caught him with a big right hand to the jaw and Corino tumbled between the ropes to the floor. Elgin would use the time on the floor to do significant damage to his opponent, using the guard rails and steel steps to soften up the back of Corino. With both men back in the ring now, Elgin hit Corino with a Powerbomb into the turnbuckle, but only got a two count. Elgin went for the Crossface, but with Corino so close to the ropes, getting his foot onto the bottom rope was quick. "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin kept the attack focused on the back of Corino, but could not put him away with any submissions, including a vicious looking Stretch Muffler.


Elgin once more locked in the Crossface, but Corino fought it off and turned it into a quick two count. Elgin popped up, but walked right into a Big Boot from Corino. The boot wasn't enough though, and Elgin bounced right back, picking Corino up onto his shoulder and planting him with a Running Spinebuster. Elgin called for the Lifting Double Arm DDT, but Corino blocked it and executed an Inside Cradle for a two count. Both men got to their feet, but it was Corino who came up like a bat out of hell with a strong STO. Corino pulled Elgin back to his feet and connected with the Dream Maker Lariat. Elgin got back up, and walked right into a Superkick. Elgin struggled to sit up, and sat right up into a Sliding C Special! Corino covered, but somehow only managed a two count. The King of Old School hit the Old School Suplex, cradling the leg for another two count, but this time Corino held on and turned it into an Inside Cradle for the win on the exhausted Elgin.


Winner: Steve Corino

Overall: D



-Shawn Hernandez is highlighted in a video, and he speaks about his path through the business. He speaks about working for and against Jeff Jarrett, and says that when he got the call from Lucha Underground to represent them, he jumped at the opportunity. The video gets darker, and turns its attention to the mysterious Mil Muertes. Now on his own, Muertes is considered more dangerous than ever. The voice over the picture talks about how Muertes is focused on winning the Global Heavyweight Championship, but that the one thing that always makes him dangerous, and the one thing he his opponents are constantly threatened by is... from Muerte's own tongue... Death.

Overall: D+



LU Quarter-Final Match

Shawn Hernandez Vs Mil Muertes


-With Hernandez already in the ring, the arena went dark as ominous orchestral music hit and the only light seen was a purple haze that the mysterious Mil Muertes came through, stopping just long enough to be seen ripping a terrifying mask from his face and spraying a red substance from his mouth into the air around him. As he made it closer to the ring, the lights began to come back, and when they were completely on again, Muertes stood across from Hernandez with a rose in his hand. Mil clenched his fist around the rose as blood dripped from his hand and the match began.


Hernandez wouldn't be intimidated though, as the veteran and former TNA Tag Team Champion took the fight right to his opponent. Both men exchanged clubbing blows and turned this third quarter-final match into a fist-fight. The fight spilled to the outside, where both men used the environment to their advantage. By the time they rolled back into the ring, both men had been busted open; Muertes from being rammed into the ring post, and Hernandez from having his face dug into by the crumpled rose, thorns and all.


Muertes hit the Flatliner out of nowhere on Hernandez, but instead of capitalizing and going for the pin, he ended up posing on the second turnbuckle. Muertes set up and went for the Dagger to the Heart, a vicious Spear, but Hernandez saw it coming and stepped out of the way, sending Muertes crashing into the turnbuckle. Hernandez called for the Mega Bomb, the move he used to call the Border Toss in TNA. With Muertes up in the air, Hernandez was all ready to call it the end, but the man of mystery dropped down behind his opponent and tried to counter with yet another Flatliner. This time, however, Hernandez caught his opponent and turned it into a Backbreaker, which he held onto and, showing off his devastating power, adjusted his opponent and planted him with the Mega Bomb for the three count, advancing in what was a relatively short, but brutal match-up.


Winner: Shawn Hernandez

Overall: D-



-With the help of a translator, Hiroyoshi Tenzan cut a promo on AJ Styles, saying that Bullet Club is disrespectful to the sport and that Tenzan hopes that he can beat some respect into Styles.


Overall: D



NJPW Quarter-Final Match

Hiroyoshi Tenzan Vs AJ Styles


-Styles came out to the ring sporting his familiar Bullet Club garb, telling the camera on the way down that he was going to do Jeff proud tonight. Styles hit the ring and the action picked up quickly with both men exchanging Headlock Takeovers before AJ kipped up and walked right into a Headbutt from Tenzan. Styles dropped to the mat hard and took his time getting up. AJ used a stick and move philosophy to keep his distance in the match, hitting Tenzan with strikes and then backing off immediately. Styles got arrogant after a Springboard Forearm landed, applying a Camel Clutch. Knowing he wouldn't finish the match this early on, AJ used his fingers in the mouth of Tenzan to add more to the hold until he was forced to relinquish it by the ref. After arguing for a moment, AJ walked right into a Mongolian Chop that knocked him down. Styles got back up, but ended up fighting with Tenzan while he attempted to set up and lock in the Anaconda Vice. AJ successfully fended it off, but ended up crashing to the mat with a Lifting STO from Tenzan.


Styles took control of the match back from the four-time IWGP Heavyweight Champion with some dastardly tactics, but it gave him the edge nonetheless. AJ worked over the head and back of Tenzan with different submissions, and took the time to bust out a Garvin Stomp, finishing with a vicious boot to the head of Tenzan. The Phenomenal One went for the finish with the Styles Clash, but couldn't get Tenzan up and wound up on the wrong end of an Emerald Fusion in return. Tenzan couldn't make the cover though, and both men struggled to their feet. Both men charged the other, with Tenzan ducking under a Leaping Lariat and returning from the ropes with a big time Spinning Heel Kick. Tenzan covered, but only got a two count. Instead of pulling AJ up though, he locked him into a Boston Crab, sitting down heavily on the back of Styles and forcing AJ to use up a lot of energy clawing his way to the ropes to break the hold.


AJ tried to rally himself and charged at Tenzan, but the more experienced grappler caught him with a Mountain Bomb in return. Tenzan threw his arms up into the air and psoitioned Styles, going up top for the Diving Headbutt. Tenzan hit the Headbutt, but only got a two count. A very close two count, but not close enough. He climbed the ropes again and tried for a second, but crashed and burned on the second attempt. Styles went for the Clash again, but still couldn't hit it. Instead, AJ hit the ropes and connected with a Lariat, but couldn't put Tenzan down. Styles hit the ropes again for a second Lariat, connecting again, but again Tenzan stayed up. Tenzan went for a Lariat of his own, but AJ ducked under and hit the Pele Kick out of nowhere. Styles went outside the ropes, using the top rope to hit a Springboard Lariat, finally putting Tenzan on his back. AJ capitalized slowly, climbing to the top rope and connecting with the Spiral Tap for the win in a clean, back and forth contest.


Winner: AJ Styles

Overall: C-



-Prince Puma's rise and success in Lucha Underground is highlighted, with trainer Konnan talking about the unlimited talents that this kid has. Konnan says that Jeff Jarrett asked him personally to choose an opponent for Puma at Sin City Summit, but Konnan says that to truly showcase what this kid can do, he needed to provide two opponents who just so happen to be teammates. The video finishes with Konnan telling the viewers to prepare to be amazed.


Overall: D+



LU Three Way Frenzy

Prince Puma Vs Cortez Castro Vs Bael


-Lucha Underground's standout star Prince Puma ended up taking on two men in what was essentially a handicapped match for the majority of the contest. Castro and Bael team together in a Trios group with Mr. Cisco as The Crew. The Crew members worked together early on in the match to keep Puma grounded and on the defensive, but with Castro attempting a pinfall after putting Puma down with a Tombstone Piledriver, Bael stopped the count and an argument began between the two men. Neither man could decide who should go for the pin, so they just continued the assault on Puma. Konnan's protege managed to turn the tides when Bael whipped him into the ropes and went for a Back Body Drop, but Puma turned it into a Hurricanrana on Cortez Castro, who didn't seem to be aware of his positioning at the time.


Puma launched into the offensive, with the crowd firmly behind him, as he took out both men with a series of Palm Thrusts, Spinning Kicks and a Tornado DDT on Bael, using Castro's chest and face as a launching pad for the move. Puma looked primed to take the control completely, but ended up being sent to the outside by Bael. Castro looked like he was going for a dive, but Bael caught him with a Big Boot to the chin and then connected with a Tope Con Hilo to the outside on Prince Puma. Bael got up, but ate a Forearm to the face from Castro, who caught his partner with a Tope Suicida. Cortez put the boots to Bael, but this allowed Puma the opportunity to go to the top rope. Bael managed to fight his way back to his feet, and with both men now up, Puma came off the top rope with a Corkscrew Plancha, taking out both men.


Puma rolled Bael back into the ring, went to the top rope and connected with the Shooting Star Press to earn an impressive victory on the debut show for Global Force Wrestling.


Winner: Prince Puma

Overall: D



-The semi-final matches for the tournament were being decided in the back as the four competitors that advanced all had a ball in a tumbler. Jeff Jarrett pulled the first ball with Shawn Hernandez's name. Hernandez looked at the other three men, all in the back with him and smiled. Jarrett pulled the second ball, and said that the man facing Hernandez would be... Nelson Creed. Hernandez told Jarrett that he "had this", but that he wanted a former World Champion, looking at Styles and Corino. AJ Styles and Steve Corino both left to prepare for their match against each other later, but not before AJ walked up to Jarrett and told him that he guarantees that he'll be in the main event tonight, and that he's got it in the bag. Hernandez said that Jeff knows he can't interfere, to which AJ replied that The Bullet Club has been informed not to help him tonight. The camera pans to Nelson Creed, who leaves to go get his robe for his entrance, but runs into Kenny Lush. Fortunately for Creed, there was security present to keep the four semi-finalists apart, and they did their job by keeping Lush away from him. Kenny Lush screamed that Nelson Creed is a cheater, and that he'll get what's coming to him. Creed said that he was fifty percent right, and that the fifty percent he had correct is one-hundred percent of the reason why he's moving on, and Lush is going back to the hotel.


Overall: F+



LU Vs ECCW Semi-Final Match

Shawn Hernandez Vs Nelson Creed


-Nelson Creed came out with a new object for his second round match against the Lucha Underground representative Hernandez. Creed held high a book, with the cover showing a non-descript wrestling bout and giant words saying "Nelson Creed Wrote This Book". Creed gave a copy to Hernandez, who tore it in half with his bare hands. This show of disrespect led to Creed blindsiding his opponent. Creed put the boots to Hernandez, continuing the assault until the referee pulled him away and started the match.


Hernandez recovered and the match began evenly. Super-Mex used his power to keep Creed guessing, but Nelson Creed used his intellect to keep the match even, working over the back of Hernandez. Creed dropped Hernandez across his knee with a vicious Backbreaker, following up with a Bow and Arrow type submission hold to weaken the back. Creed continued to work over the back of Hernandez, even putting the native Texan into the Texas Cloverleaf, but Hernandez used his leg strength to flip Creed forward and release the pressure.


Super-Mex took control from there, tossing Creed across the ring with the Crackerjack. Creed desperately tried to turn the tide in his favor, but ran into a brick wall trying to take Hernandez down with a Shoulder Block. Dazed, Creed found himself on the wrong end of a delayed Vertical Suplex. Hernandez kept him up for a crowd count of 14 before planting him. Super-Mex called for the end, but instead of going for the Mega Bomb, he took to the skies with a beautiful Flying Splash to put the emphasis on the win, advancing to the Global Heavyweight Championship match against the winner of the next match.


Winner: Shawn Hernandez

Overall: D-



-In a pre-taped video, Steve Corino talked about his career, the ups and downs, the near-hits that he's had and the several retirements that he's returned from. Corino says that he loves pro wrestling too much to stay away, but that the narcissism that he can't get rid of is truly what brought him to Global Force. Corino says that he's widely known as The King of Old School, but he wants his legacy to be undeniable, and the Global Heavyweight Championship is his shot at immortality.


Overall: D-



ROH Vs NJPW Semi-Final Match

Steve Corino Vs AJ Styles


-Corino and Styles upped their games for their semi-final match here. New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor have a long history of working together, so AJ Styles is familiar with Corino, having worked for both organizations. While Corino has extensive experience in Japan, it is mostly with Zero-One. Each man challenged the other to impress them, with Styles connecting with one of his beautiful Dropkicks, and Corino knocking AJ down early with a devastating Rolling Elbow. Styles pulled some strikes from his arsenal, laying some open-hand slaps on the face of his opponent, followed by a left Lariat, and then a spinning right-arm Lariat to take down the King of Old School. Corino retaliated with some Palm Thrusts to the abdomen of Styles, backing him into the corner where Corino drove his elbow into AJ's face repeatedly. Corino sent Styles across the ring to the turnbuckle with an Irish Whip, and then followed in with a Lariat into the corner. Styles crumpled to the mat, and Corino put his boot into AJ's face, scraping it twice before hitting the ropes and coming back with a massive boot to the face of his seated opponent.


Corino went for the Old School Expulsion, but Styles countered out of the move and hit him with a desperation Spear. Corino pulled himself up, but AJ was ready and hit him with a classic Spinebuster. Styles pulled Corino up and dropped him with a Cradle Piledriver, ala Jerry Lynn. Lynn was both a mentor to AJ in TNA, as well as a foil to Corino in the final days of ECW. Styles yelled "Screw ECW!", went up top and made fun of Rob Van Dam's classic pose before trying to hit a Five Star Frog Splash. Corino moved out of the way though, and upon recovering, hit AJ with a series of moves to counter AJ's ECW throwback. Corino landed a Tornado DDT, followed by a Ki Krusher and then finished him off with the Styles Clash, but AJ kicked out just before the three count.


Later on, Corino side-stepped a charging AJ Styles, who went through the ropes and to the floor. Corino hit the ropes and caught AJ with a Suicide Dive, sending him crashing into the guard rail. With the fight on the outside, Corino used the rail to his advantage to hurt AJ's ribs, but Styles turned it around and connected with a Drop Toe Hold, sending Corino face first into the railing. The King of Old School writhed around on the floor in agony as Styles pulled himself back up slowly. The ref's count reached eight as Good Ol' JR and Matt Striker reminded the fans that Global Force is using the same count-out rules as New Japan, where wrestlers have a twenty count to make it back into the ring. AJ rolled into the ring, and then right back out. Styles went to the fans, pushed one who was sporting a Sabu t-shirt and grabbed his chair. Styles said that Sabu was crap as he set up to hit Corino with the chair. AJ swung, but Corino ducked under and caught him with a Lariat.


Corino rolled AJ back into the ring, but as the ref scolded him for almost using the chair, Styles grabbed onto his shirt, feigning an inability to stand in order to keep his attention. Meanwhile, on the outside, Corino was attacked from behind by Michael Elgin! Elgin drove him shoulder first into the ringpost. Elgin put Corino's arm through the steel chair and then stomped down on it before bailing into the crowd to keep the ref from noticing him. Styles rolled out of the ring, kicked the chair away and pulled Corino to his feet. AJ rolled his opponent into the ring and pinned him, but only got a two count. Corino was brought back to his feet, where AJ set up and connected with the Styles Clash to win the match with the aid of "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin. Could AJ have known about Elgin's participation? Is that why he was so confident earlier about defeating Corino?


Winner: AJ Styles

Overall: C-



-Kenny Omega cut a promo inside of the ring, saying that he's bested The Funky Weapon multiple times across the ocean, and he's going to clean up the situation here in Global Force, because when it comes down to it, there isn't a better Cruiserweight in the world, and just like Bullet Club, Kenny Omega... is real.


Overall: E



NJPW Singles Match

Ryusuke Taguchi Vs Kenny Omega


-Omega's IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship wouldn't be on the line in this match, but it didn't stop Taguchi from bringing his A-game against his heated rival. The two men exchanged Arm Drags early, leading into Headlock Takeovers, followed by a Bodyslam from each competitor. Taguchi ducked under a Lariat attempt and connected with a Dropkick in return, sending Omega rolling to the floor. Taguchi teased a dive, but instead of following through, The Funky Weapon decided just to dance for the American crowd instead. With his back turned, Taguchi fell victim to a very quick Half-Nelson Suplex from Omega. The former IWGP Junior Champion rolled to the floor. This time, it was Omega's turn to tease a dive, but instead of dancing, Kenny pointed his fingers at Taguchi like guns and pulled the trigger. Taguchi slid back into the ring and tackled Omega. The two men brawled, throwing punches wildly at each other and rolling to the outside of the ring.


On the outside of the ring, Taguchi tried to whip Omega into the side of the ring, but Kenny showed his athleticism by using the ring to do a backflip over his opponent. Omega taunted him with a crotch chop, and then sent Taguchi into the side of the ring. Taguchi also saw this coming and was able to counter it, but where it looked like he would follow suit with the backflip, he instead connected with a Back Elbow. Taguchi got the fans behind him and the action returned to the ring. The Funky Weapon took advantage of the match at this point, later connecting with three rolling Vertical Suplexes, ala Eddie Guerrero's Three Amigos. The fans seemed a bit torn on that one though, as when Kenny Omega stopped the momentum of Taguchi with a low blow, the fans actually cheered.


With the crowd now behind him, Omega began revving up the chainsaw. Jim Ross explained that Omega likes to shave his arms about a week before a big match, so that by the time the match comes around, the hair on his arms is razor sharp. With the chainsaw revved, Omega dug his forearm into the face of a seated Taguchi, proceeding to scrape it back and forth viciously to the count of four. Taguchi tried to rally himself, but as he tried for a Hip Attack was caught by Omega, who turned it into a delayed German Suplex for a two count. Omega then pulled his rival up and after many theatrics, connected with the One-Winged Angel, a one-armed Electric Chair Driver for the win.


Winner: Kenny Omega

Overall: D



-The history of the Ring of Honor Tag Team Championships is run through, with a highlight on the most recent holders of the belts. Both teams of reDRagon and The Young Bucks are spotlighted, and their matches in New Japan Pro Wrestling are used to highlight the path that both teams have taken to get to Global Force.


Overall: E+



ROH Tag Team Match

reDRagon Vs The Young Bucks


-Following in the tradition of their home promotion Ring of Honor, the two teams shook hands to start the match. The Young Bucks showed a lack of respect though, as they pulled Fish and O'Reilly in to kick them between the legs. reDRagon had experienced these kinds of shenanigans from the Bucks previously though, and were ready. Each man caught a Buck by using their leg strength to keep the kicks from connecting. Both members of reDRagon went to work with vicious kicks to the Young Bucks, sending Matt and Nick into opposite corners. The strikes put both Bucks down, so O'Reilly whipped Fish into Matt with a Crossbody into the corner, and then followed up with a running kick to the chest. They did the same thing to Nick in the other corner, and the Bullet Club members rolled to the outside to regroup.


Back in the ring, O'Reilly went to work on the arm of Nick, pounding away on it and then eventually going for a Cross Armbreaker. Matt Jackson broke it up with a Springboard Legdrop across the neck. The Young Bucks showed off to the Vegas crowd with their fantastic teamwork. A tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker on O'Reilly led to a Flying Kneedrop to the face, followed by a Back Body Drop Swanton Bomb for a two count. Fish broke it up, but ended up on the receiving end of a series of Superkicks, followed by a final Double Superkick. Fish rolled to the outside, where he was joined by O'Reilly unceremoniously as he was thrown over the top rope onto his partner. The Bucks tried for stereo Suicide Dives, but ended up taking some brutal kicks in response as they crashed to the mats on the outside of the ring.


Bobby Fish connected with a slingshot Senton onto Matt Jackson for a one count, but got right back on him with a vicious kick to the underarm. reDRagon put Matt down with a tag team move, as Fish brought Matt up in a wheelbarrow for O'Reilly to connect with a Double Arm DDT. Fish held on though and turned it into a Wheelbarrow Suplex for a two count. Fish went for the Fish Hook, a Heel Hook variation, but Nick Jackson managed to make it past O'Reilly with a springboard leap, and then stomped on Fish's head to break the hold. After order was restored, Fish made the tag to O'Reilly, and Matt made the tag to Nick. The two fresh men came in, with Nick connecting with a tilt-a-whirl DDT on O'Reilly. Nick got arrogant though, and wound up on the wrong side of an Ankle Lock. O'Reilly couldn't lock it in though, and Nick shoved him off into a Superkick from Matt, still on the ring apron. Matt eventually tagged back in, grabbing the ref's attention to stop the tag from reDRagon. Bobby Fish came in on fire, but was stopped and forced back to the apron as Matt planted O'Reilly with a rolling Fireman's Carry, allowing Nick to hit the 450 Splash. Nick caught Bobby Fish with a Superkick, sending Fish off the apron and to the floor, allowing Matt to give you More Bang for Your Buck, connecting with the Moonsault and defeating the team of reDRagon in a crazy tag team match.


Winners: The Young Bucks

Overall: C-



-Backstage, Jeff Jarrett was pumping up AJ Styles, telling him that he has to win the Championship tonight to give The Bullet Club a perfect start to their reign in Global Force. Styles replied that "it's in the bag", with Jarrett mentioning that AJ was very smart earlier, not involving him or the bone soldiers in his match with Corino. AJ said that Jeff needs to relax, because even though he can't be involved physically, The Bullet Club and Jeff Jarrett are a huge part of the success of AJ Styles, and it's going to continue that way. Jarrett mentioned that Hernandez has never been "the man", but that he is incredibly dangerous and deserves AJ's respect. Styles kind of brushed it off, pulled his hood over his head and left for his match. The camera focused in on Jarrett, who put his hands together almost as if to pray.


Overall: D+



LU Vs NJPW Tournament Final

Global Heavyweight Championship Match

Shawn Hernandez Vs AJ Styles


-Styles charged his opponent at the opening bell, but Hernandez saw it coming and side-stepped to send AJ into the turnbuckle. Hernandez planted a couple of boots to the mid-section before deciding on a couple of Shoulder Thrusts to soften up AJ's abdominal area. Hernandez reared up for a big right hand, but Styles countered with a classic poke to the eye. AJ whipped Hernandez into the ropes, executed a Leap Frog, dropped down on the return, and then caught him right in the jaw with a picture perfect Dropkick. Styles went to pull Hernandez up, but Super-Mex used his power to lift AJ on his shoulder and send him forward, planting him face first onto the mat. AJ got right back up, charging and dropping an Elbow to the back of Hernandez's head. AJ pulled him up, but this time just went absolutely berzerk with clubbing forearm shots to the back. Hernandez fell back to the mat, and Styles executed a standing Frog Splash to the back of his opponent for a quick two count.


With Hernandez back in control now, he began to systematically work over the back of AJ Styles. A big Powerslam was followed up by a Ron Simmons-esque Spinebuster to add more damage to the back. AJ struggled to his feet to avoid a potential pinning situation, but ended up securely in the arms of Super-Mex, who lifted him off the mat and applied a tight Bearhug. At one point, AJ's body went limp, but as the ref checked on him, Styles regained his composure and dug two knuckles, index and middle finger, into the eye of Hernandez to break the hold. Hernandez approached Styles, but AJ saw him coming and connected with the Pele Kick for the second time tonight. Styles managed to connect with his signature Quebrada DDT, but only got two as Hernandez power-lifted him off to stop the count. Styles tried to hit the Clash to finish the match, but his back wasn't strong enough to get his opponent up, and Hernandez countered with the Crackerjack! Styles rolled to the outside to avoid more damage.


With AJ on the outside, the Young Bucks ran down to the ringside area to help him up. The referee's attention was focused on those three men, allowing Kenny Omega to sneak into the ring. Kenny was all hopped up, waiting for Hernandez to notice him, and when he did, Omega connected with the Flash Man's Time Stopper, a step-up version of the Enzuigiri. Hernandez was not phased though, as he immediately ran over Omega with a big Shoulder Block. Super-Mex lifted Kenny for the Mega Bomb, but instead of in the ring, he walked him towards the ropes and tossed him unceremoniously over the top, crashing down hard onto the other members of Bullet Club! He wasn't done there, as Hernandez himself dove over the top rope, taking out everybody except Nick Jackson, who managed to crawl out of the way.


Hernandez began to pull himself up, but stood up to see Nick Jackson standing there with a steel chair in hand. Nick reared it back to swing it, but it was stolen before he could by an interfering Prince Puma! Puma tossed the chair aside and began throwing fists at Nick. Matt Jackson and Kenny Omega attacked, but Puma was saved by The Bollywood Boyz. Harv and Gurv Sihra joined Puma in a three on three brawl against The Bullet Club outside of the ring. Meanwhile, Hernandez had Styles back in the ring and the two men were going shot-for-shot. AJ used his forearms to block a Lariat, and then hit a spinning Roundhouse Kick, taking Hernandez down. Styles dropped a knee down onto the back of the neck of Hernandez, and then applied an STF, but Hernandez easily made it to the ropes. With the brawl still ongoing outside of the ring, AJ went to the ropes and shouted at his teammates to "get this over with". Unfortunately, the distraction turned the tides and the faces took control on the outside of the ring.


AJ connected with the Springboard Forearm on Hernandez, but didn't cover. Instead, he lifted him up and connected with a series of rights and lefts, followed by another Roundhouse Kick attempt, but Hernandez blocked it and countered with what almost looked like a Powerbomb variation. Both men were exhausted at this point, but Styles was the first one up, connecting with yet another Pele Kick to keep Hernandez down. Styles climbed the turnbuckle, facing away from Hernandez and got distracted by the brawl outside. It looked like AJ was going to fly out of the ring, but Hernandez dove to the ropes, causing AJ to drop crotch-first. Super-Mex adjusted his opponent and then began to climb, winding up on the second turnbuckle with AJ on his back. The fans stood as Hernandez stood straight on the second turnbuckle, lifting AJ up and then jumping off, sending Styles crashing hard to the canvas with an avalanche style Mega Bomb! Matt Jackson caught Gurv Sihra with a Superkick and tried to get into the ring, but Harv grabbed his leg to pull him back out as Hernandez made the cover and scored the pinfall!


Jeff Jarrett came out to the ring as Hernandez was awarded the Global Heavyweight Championship, and while the emotional celebration happened in the ring with Puma and the Bollywood Boyz joining Super-Mex, Jeff helped AJ to his feet on the outside, called for help from the other Bullet Club members, and the group from New Japan Pro Wrestling made their way to the back with their heads low. The show ended with a graphic stating that everyone should follow Global Force Wrestling on Facebook, Twitter or through the website to keep up with news on the upcoming shows, with the next one just two weeks away, and the next PPV event a month from now.


Winner: Shawn Hernandez

Overall: D+



Show Overall: D+



Apologies for the delayed post, I had family come over yesterday so I couldn't finish up the last match in time. Due to that, the deadline for the next post will be moved up by two days. The next update will be due out Sunday April 26, and will feature the cards for the next PPV, as well as the in-between show and any noteworthy bits of news.

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Global Force Insider:


-As many viewers noticed, GFW employed a translator to help with a promo by Hiroyoshi Tenzan. This is expected to continue, as Jeff Jarrett wants to afford workers from all over the world the best opportunity possible. Jarrett said that as of the next PPV special, the company will have a full time interviewer and several translators on staff to present in-ring interviews more like the UFC.


-Shawn "Super-Mex" Hernandez emerged from Sin City Summit as the inaugural Global Heavyweight Champion, and due to this, the next PPV on August 21st will be titled Lucha Invasion, and GFW will be joined by a half dozen stars from Lucha Underground. The six luchadors making their debut for Global Force will be Argenis, SoCal Crazy, the legend Blue Demon Jr, Lujo Esquire (Aaron Aguilera, formerly known as Jesus in the WWE), Aero Star and Johnny Mundo (former ECW Champion John Morrison).


-The main event for Lucha Invasion was announced as the first defense for Global Heavyweight Champion, Shawn Hernandez. Super-Mex will mix it up in the main event with a man he's very familiar with. GFW founder Jeff Jarrett will lace up his boots for the first time on PPV in Global Force to challenge the Champion. Jarrett was quoted as saying "I'd hoped that I wouldn't have to step in and do this, but Hernandez didn't win my Championship fairly. These young punks, Prince Puma and the Bollywood Boyz... they got mixed up in business they aren't ready for. Not only am I going to take back the belt that should have come home to the Bullet Club anyways... but my boys Omega and the Bucks are going to teach them a lesson in respect."


-At Lucha Invasion, Johnny Mundo will face off one on one with the runner up in the Global Heavyweight Championship tournament... "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles. Two of the best high flying heavyweights in the world will collide live on Pay Per View. The show will also feature a Lucha Underground Showcase match, which will pit SoCal Crazy against Aero Star, with the winner getting a shot at current Lucha Underground Champion Samoa Joe. Joe won the belt in May and has been on a tear since, but both SoCal Crazy and Aero Star believe they can detrone him and will compete in Global Force for the right to do so.


-The August 7th "in-between" show will be titled Road to Invasion, and as Jeff Jarrett announced at Sin City Summit, will be available as a $5 download within 24 hours of the show ending. You can get that right through the company's website or iTunes. The main event for the show will be Lucha Underground against The Bullet Club in a six man tag team match. Jeff Jarrett will team with the Young Bucks in a warm-up match for his title shot against the trios team of former Lucha Underground Champion Prince Puma, former AAA Mixed Tag Team Champion Aero Star and former ECW Champion Johnny Mundo.


-Global Force is gearing up for a tournament to crown Global Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions, and they want YOUR input. GFW is asking for fan suggestions on what type of tournament should decide the Champions. "We did a classic eight-man single elimination tournament to crown our Global Heavyweight Champion, and we want to get some variety in there. So now's the chance to have your voice heard. We care about the fans, and we want to make sure we're providing the level of excellence that I know we are capable of." So there you go, if you want to see a round robin tournament, a tournament of triple threat matches, or any other kind of tournament, contact Global Force and let them know. This could make for a very interesting field of competitors and intriguing match-ups.


-Michael Elgin's opponent at Lucha Invasion has been hand selected by Steve Corino, and has yet to be revealed.



Upcoming Cards


Road to Invasion

Friday August 7, 2015

From the Aggie Stadium in Davis California


Main Event

Six Man Tag Team Match

Johnny Mundo, Prince Puma & Aero Star [Lucha Underground] Vs Jeff Jarrett & The Young Bucks [bullet Club]


Singles Match

Bobby Fish [ROH] Vs Cortez Castro [LU]


Four Way Frenzy

Tony Baroni [ECCW] Vs SoCal Crazy [LU] Vs Bael [LU] Vs Kenny Omega [bullet Club]


Singles Match

Ryusuke Taguchi [NJPW] Vs Billy Suede [ECCW]


Tag Team Match

Kenny Lush [ECCW] & Blue Demon Jr. [LU] Vs Mil Muertes & Lujo Esquire [Lucha Underground]


Singles Match

Argenis [LU] Vs Michael Elgin [ROH]


Tag Team Match

The Bollywood Boyz [ECCW] Vs DTA [ECCW]





Lucha Invasion

Friday August 21, 2015

From the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada


Main Event

Global Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Hernandez © Vs Jeff Jarrett


Singles Match

Johnny Mundo Vs AJ Styles


Six Man Tag Team Match

Prince Puma & The Bollywood Boyz Vs Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks


Three Way Frenzy

reDRagon Vs The Crew Vs DTA


Singles Match

Steve Corino Vs Mil Muertes


Tag Team Match

Kenny Lush & Blue Demon Jr. Vs Nelson Creed & Lujo Esquire


Singles Match

TBD Vs Michael Elgin


Three Way Frenzy

Tony Baroni Vs Argenis Vs Billy Suede


Lucha Underground #1 Contender's Match

SoCal Crazy Vs Aero Star



All announced events will be posted in every news bit. The writing for the smaller events will be different from the PPV shows, as I hope to add more shows per month throughout the game and don't want to weigh myself down too much by doing the same amount of writing for every show. I haven't decided how I will be writing them yet, but I'll settle on something a bit quicker than the Sin City Summit write-up.

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Global Force Wrestling presents

Road to Invasion

Friday August 7, 2015

From the Aggie Stadium in Davis, California



Tag Team Match

The Bollywood Boyz Vs DTA


-The show opened up with the much talked about Bollywood Boyz taking on a team that they know well from Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling, DTA. DTA is made up of Jordie Taylor and Daniel Adonis, both of whom are Cruiserweights, but display movie-quality physiques. DTA were no match for the boys from the east though, as Taylor fell victim to a Diving Reverse Elbow from Harv, leading to Gurv paying tribute to the late "Macho Man" Randy Savage with a Flying Elbowdrop to secure the victory.


Winners: The Bollywood Boyz

Overall: E-



-While they danced in the ring, the Bollywood Boyz were attacked from behind by The Young Bucks. This went back to the debut show at Sin City Summit, where the Sihra brothers joined Prince Puma to help keep the Bullet Club from costing Shawn Hernandez the Global Heavyweight Championship against their leader AJ Styles. The Bucks caught both men with Double Superkicks, and then spiked Gurv into the mat with the Indytaker, a move where Matt used the ropes to springboard into a Spiked Tombstone Piledriver from Nick to Gurv. Harv Sihra crawled towards his brother and covered him while Matt and Nick stomped away at his back before posing and leaving... sending a message to the young Punjabi tag team that they wouldn't be able to mess with Bullet Club business and not pay for it.


Overall: E-



Tag Team Match

Kenny Lush & Blue Demon Jr. Vs Mil Muertes & Lujo Esquire


-Making their debuts in this match were Blue Demon Jr and Lujo Esquire from Lucha Underground. Demon is a very recognizable name in lucha libre and was integral in helping to get Lucha Underground off to a hot start, with his feud against Chavo Guerrero Jr. Esquire is still relatively new to LU, but equally as dangerous. Kenny Lush was the odd man out here, not having competed for a lucha promotion to this point. Lush made himself well known in this one though, going toe to toe with both Muertes and Lujo in different sequences. Lush hit Lujo Esquire with the 100 Mile Driver, but as he wasn't the legal man, the referee refused to make the count. Kenny and Blue Demon sorted things out, but Muertes knocked Lush off of the apron and then hit Demon with a lightning quick Flatliner, draping the arm of his partner Lujo Esquire over top of the legend for the three count.


Winners: Muertes & Esquire

Overall: D-



Singles Match

Argenis Vs Michael Elgin


-Argenis, from Lucha Underground, is the brother of the original Mistico and has really made his mark since coming north of the border to compete. He was out-sized in this match against the much larger Elgin, but didn't let it get to him. Early on, Argenis shocked Elgin by being able to stay away from the power of the bigger man. That wouldn't last though, as Elgin managed to catch him on a Reverse Springboard Crossbody, adjust the positioning and drive him into the canvas with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Argenis would manage a two count off of a Flying Hurricanrana from the top rope, but that was as close as he'd come to finishing the match. Elgin caught him with a vicious Powerbomb and then locked in the Crossface to try and put away the luchador. Argenis though, would manage to reach the ropes despite the incredible torque put on the move. Elgin got frustrated, taking the match to the outside of the ring, where he set up and hit a Powerbomb onto a knocked over section of guard rail. At this point, the referee called for the bell, disqualifying the former ROH Heavyweight Champion.


Winner: Argenis

Overall: D-



-Elgin grabbed a mic and said that he feels completely and utterly disrespected right now, being put in a match against someone from outside of his division. Steve Corino made his way out unannounced, holding a microphone in his hand and dressed in a ROH t-shirt and jeans. Instead of challenging Elgin, who he remembers tried to break his arm just two weeks ago, Corino said that he would do him a favor and reveal to him his opponent at Lucha Invasion. As the fans waited, a very large 350+ pound man came out wearing a torn up shirt with no sleeves and the anarchy logo on it. Corino announced him as former NWA Anarchy Champion Iceberg. Elgin remarked that there's a reason why this guy hasn't made it. Corino agreed, but said that they may have two different reasons in mind. Before leaving, Corino said that the reason why 'Berg hasn't "made it", is because everyone's afraid of the sheer violence he brings with him. Iceberg laughed and yelled at Elgin to prepare, because he's going to kill him.


Overall: E



Singles Match

Ryusuke Taguchi Vs Billy Suede


-The Funky Weapon went one on one against "Brilliant" Billy Suede, who was the winner of the 2008 Pacific Cup tournament, as well as a student of ECW great Lance Storm. Taguchi busted out some Storm-isms during the match in an effort to taunt the Canadian, including the Canadian Maple Leaf, which Suede barely managed to escape. Suede put up a good fight against the former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, connecting with a Springboard Tornado DDT for a near-fall himself. The end of the match came as Taguchi rolled into another Canadian Maple Leaf, turning it immediately into his dreaded Ankle Lock. Suede clawed and screamed to get to the ropes, but Taguchi yanked him back into the middle of the ring. Billy managed to roll onto his back and pull The Funky Weapon down into an Inside Cradle for a very close two count. Taguchi sprung to his feet, but missed a big Elbow as Suede ducked under and caught him with a Superkick to the jaw. Taguchi stumbled, allowing Billy Suede to grab onto his head and brilliantly connect with the Shiranui for the shocking victory.


Despite still being in shock about losing, Ryusuke Taguchi shook the hand of his opponent post-match before leaving.


Winner: Billy Suede

Overall: E+



Singles Match

Bobby Fish Vs Cortez Castro


-In a match that was heavy on submission wrestling, Lucha Underground's Cortez Castro faced one half of reDRagon in Bobby Fish. Both men have expertise in submissions, with Castro focusing more on chokeholds and Fish favoring the leglock submissions. With both men knowing their strengths, they played to them. Castro worked over the head and neck area, while also trying to wear down his opponent to throw off his breathing. Fish chipped away at the legs of Castro, using moves like the Dragon Screw Legwhip, as well as just blatantly stomping down on the ankles of Castro several times throughout the bout. Castro would attempt his favored submission, the Dragon Sleeper, but Bobby Fish countered with a vicious knee to the face, followed by dropping down and picking the ankle of his opponent, allowing himself to lock in the Fish Hook DE for the submission victory in a very evenly contested match.


The two men will meet again at Lucha Invasion in the first ever tag team three way frenzy match between reDRagon, The Crew and ECCW's DTA.


Winner: Bobby Fish

Overall: D-



Four Way Frenzy

Tony Baroni Vs SoCal Crazy Vs Bael Vs Kenny Omega


-SoCal Crazy shined early in the match, hitting a sequence of three straight Tope Suicida's, where he connected on Omega first, slid back into the ring and ran right through to hit one on Bael, and then did the same to catch Baroni on the other side of the ring. The fans began a loud "Lu-Cha" chant and it set the pace for this breakneck match. All four of the men would end up flying out of the ring at some point during the bout, with Baroni connecting with a Plancha off the top rope onto all three men, Bael with a Tope Con Hilo onto Baroni and Omega doing a beautiful Swan Dive over the top onto both Bael and Crazy. Something happened during the match to set off Tony Baroni, who began just brawling with Bael and wound up in the crowd. Meanwhile, in the ring, the match would come to an end as Omega connected with the vicious Aoi Shoudou, a Cross-Legged Sitout Fisherman's Buster for the win over SoCal Crazy.


Winner: Kenny Omega

Overall: D-



Main Event

Six Man Tag Team Match

Johnny Mundo, Prince Puma & Aero Star Vs Jeff Jarrett & The Young Bucks


-The main event of the evening saw a Trios team from Lucha Underground take on The Bullet Club. GFW founder Jeff Jarrett laced up his boots for the first time in the promotion, and started the match off strong against Johnny Mundo. Jarrett worked over the left knee of the high flying former ECW Champion, but a simple mistake allowed Mundo to make the tag to Puma, who ran over Jarrett twice with a Lariat before connecting with a beautiful spinning kick that sent Double J into his corner, where he tagged out. The Young Bucks worked the rest of the match against the Lucha team, with Jarrett getting involve on the outside. At one point, with Jarrett and Mundo exhanging punches on the outside, Aero Star dove through the ropes with his arms at his side, colliding head-first into Jeff Jarrett's chest. Another loud "Lu-Cha" chant broke out. The Bucks came to Jeff's aid, but Puma hit all three members of Bullet Club with a Shooting Star Plancha to the outside. With all five men now out there, Johnny Mundo ascended to the top rope and came off with a Corkscrew Plancha to take everybody out.


The end of the match came as Mundo hit Starship Pain on Jarrett in the ring, but Nick and Matt broke up the pin. Puma tagged himself in, allowing Mundo to take the Jackson's to the outside with a double Clothesline over the top rope. Aero Star used Mundo's back as a launching pad for a 450 degree Plancha onto the Bucks. Mundo followed them outside. Puma looked primed to put away Jarrett, but was distracted as "The Cleaner" Kenny Omega made his way to the ring. Omega set up a chair on the outside and sat down, gesturing for the match to proceed. With Puma's back to him, Jarrett clubbed him in the back of the head with a forearm shot, and then connected with The Stroke to pick up the victory.


The Bullet Club celebrated in the ring, with Jarrett telling everyone that he's going to take back HIS Championship in just two weeks, and bring it to where it rightfully belongs, with the Bullet Club.


Winners: Jarrett & The Bucks

Overall: D+



Show Overall: D


-I've now posted an A-Show (Sin City Summit) and a B-Show (Road to Invasion). Do you guys like the difference in write-ups, or does one work better than the other for you?

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-I've now posted an A-Show (Sin City Summit) and a B-Show (Road to Invasion). Do you guys like the difference in write-ups, or does one work better than the other for you?

Both are good, it's rare to see someone write up the matches move by move. But what kind of B-show is that, if you book seven matches there?:p

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Both are good, it's rare to see someone write up the matches move by move. But what kind of B-show is that, if you book seven matches there?:p


I'm going more with a Japanese feel to the shows. The A-Shows are PPV events where most of the large happenings will occur. The B-Shows feature most of the same talent, but are designed more to act as house shows almost, where things will happen that affect the storylines, but if you were unable to view the show for whatever reason, just reading the results would be enough to keep you up to date.


I probably won't ever go with a classic North American style b-show, where it's mostly squash matches and storylines. I prefer the sport aspect to the drama.

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-An announcement is expected to be made soon about the upcoming Cruiserweight Tag Team tournament, but Jarrett and the group at Global Force are still brainstorming ideas. Questions have been raised by fans about why Global Force is using strict weight divisions for their Championships, and the answer is as simple as their working relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling. Jeff Jarrett feels like New Japan is the closest that anyone is coming to making wrestling feel like a sport again. Jarrett likes the weight divisions, and has assured us that weight won't factor into who gets what spots on the card. "If the Cruiserweight Tag Team Titles are being defended on the same show as the Global Heavyweight Championship, and their match is bigger, of course we're going to give them the main event. The main event is the biggest match on the card, it's not neccessarily this title or that title's spot."


-Many were shocked that "Brilliant" Billy Suede picked up a victory over former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Ryusuke Taguchi at the Road to Invasion show, but it's been reported that not only is Taguchi on his way back to Japan for the foreseeable future, but that Suede himself received an invite from New Japan to participate in some of their smaller September shows coming up, kind of as a tryout to see if Suede is ready for the big time in Japan. The plan as of now is for him to work almost exclusively with Taguchi while he's over there, with other wrestlers sprinkled into multi-man matches with the two.


-GFW's first surprise debut was former NWA Anarchy Champion Iceberg. Many felt this was underwhelming, but insiders have stressed that this isn't TNA, and that the surprises aren't about popping ratings or oh my god moments. Iceberg is a bonafide veteran of the American indy scene, and has done everything from working with Cruiserweight wrestlers, all the way to participating in Deathmatch tournaments and everything in-between. Iceberg wasn't brought in at the request of anybody, but Steve Corino is familiar with the veteran and was very happy to introduce him into his storyline with Michael Elgin.


-Global Force will debut in Illinois on September 4th with a non-PPV show. Current Global Heavyweight Champion Hernandez is already confirmed as not being able to make that show, but it's likely to be a barn burner as it could still feature the Champion if Jeff Jarrett takes the belt at Lucha Invasion.


-GFW officials see Mil Muertes as a potential big star for them, but feel like he needs a mouth-piece to accompany him as they don't want to ruin the mystique behind the character by having him speak so early in his run with the company. Expect to see Muertes paired with a manager at Lucha Invasion.


-Some confusion has arisen in regards to the falling out between Global Force and AAA, and the partnership with Lucha Underground. For clarification, the agreement to use AAA talent is still technically in place, but the talent exchange is being done using Lucha Underground. The main reason for this is the presence that Lucha Underground has in the United States, but a secondary (and some would argue larger) reason for the change was because AAA didn't want to loan out top talent to a promotion that was going to be featuring lesser known wrestlers in similar positions on the card. Some of the loudest praise for Global Force thus far has been that it wasn't designed as an all-star promotion, as those have never worked out in the past. Many fans have given Jeff Jarrett kudos for establishing an easier to maintain roster, so who knows, maybe the mix up with AAA was a blessing in disguise for the new group.


-On the other side of the coin, some fans have already begun the "I told you so" treatment toward Global Force Wrestling, as Jeff Jarrett is set to headline the second PPV event Lucha Invasion against Global Heavyweight Champion Shawn Hernandez. Early indications are that the PPV numbers for the initial show weren't what providers wanted to see, and that they specifically asked for a Jarrett-headlined second card. Whether or not this means that Jeff Jarrett will walk out with the Championship remains to be seen, but the company can't make the same mistakes that TNA did early on, and the PPV providers they are signed with are a significant source of their income.


-Tony Baroni revealed over twitter that the reason he and Bael ended up in the crowd at Road to Invasion is because he took exception to something that Bael said to him and lost his temper. Baroni challenged Bael to face him one on one September 25th in Las Vegas to settle the score.



Who Are They?


-Who Are They? is going to be a fixture in the updates for us on Global Force, as many fans of the promotion are seeing workers for the very first time. Because of this, we'd like to give you some background on the roster of competitors in GFW, and we'll start with a feature on The Bollywood Boyz, Gurv and Harv Sihra.



-Brothers Gurvinder and Harvinder Sihra have been wrestling in Canada for over five years, most notably for Elite Canadian Championship Wrestling, where they are four-time ECCW Tag Team Champions. They have previously worked for Jeff Jarrett in the upstart Indian wrestling promotion Ring Ka King, where they were the final Tag Team Champions, defeating the team of Scott Steiner & Abyss.


Many in the industry consider The Bollywood Boyz to be one of the best tag teams that wasn't already with a major promotion, and that's where Global Force came in. With the Sihra brothers having already worked with Jeff Jarrett, it was a natural fit for the two young men to put aside their outside endeavors and concentrate more on their pro wrestling careers. Gurv had been on the path to becoming a police officer in Canada, while Harv has done films in India, embracing the heritage of his family.


The decision to bring in The Boyz may have been a short-sighted one for Jeff Jarrett though, as they are already causing problems for Jarrett's Bullet Club, keeping the Global Heavyweight Championship from the clutches of Jarrett's ace, AJ Styles.


"With our Bollywood gimmick, I feel that people are definitely connecting with it. Bollywood is definitely a big industry right now, people are aware of it and they know exactly what it is. It's not just a gimmick either -- my brother's done some stuff in Bollywood for Indian films and music videos. It is who we are. It's never been done. It's something different." - Gurv Sihra



Upcoming Cards:


Lucha Invasion

Friday August 21, 2015

From the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada


Main Event

Global Heavyweight Championship

Shawn Hernandez © Vs Jeff Jarrett


Singles Match

Johnny Mundo Vs AJ Styles


Six Man Tag Team Match

Prince Puma & The Bollywood Boyz Vs Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks


Three Way Frenzy

reDRagon Vs The Crew Vs DTA


Singles Match

Steve Corino Vs Mil Muertes


Tag Team Match

Kenny Lush & Blue Demon Jr. Vs Nelson Creed & Lujo Esquire


Singles Match

Iceberg Vs Michael Elgin


Three Way Frenzy

Tony Baroni Vs Argenis Vs Billy Suede


Lucha Underground #1 Contender's Match

SoCal Crazy Vs Aero Star



Invasion: Illinois

Friday September 4, 2015

From the Redbird Arena in Normal, Illinois


Card To Be Announced



GFW Pay Per View

Friday September 25, 2015

From the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada


Singles Match

Tony Baroni Vs Bael


Plus More!




-You'll notice that feedback is definitely being taken to heart, and changes are being made. I'd like to thank everybody for their time, whether it's been just reading, or reading and replying. It's much appreciated. One thing that I won't be getting into is adding color to the text. I can tell by looking around at other diaries that it's something that has become a staple in the diaries in the dome, but it is always something that throws me off as a reader. Maybe no one utilizes it correctly, or maybe I just find it gawdy.


Any feedback, good or bad, is appreciated. There are some things I will fix or add to the diary as we continue on, and there will be some things (like the colored text) that I am just vehemently against... but I do appreciate that anyone would take the time to read and comment. Again, thank you.

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