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YOU Decide What Happens Next

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Hello all. Am setting up a new storyline / feud between two new-gen wrestlers in my fed, and I thought it might be fun to let you guys pick what happens.


Each person who comments on this posts the next step in the storyline, putting anything they want to happen. Be realistic, be crazy - however you want to do this. I want to see what you guys come up with!


The wrestlers are "The Gentleman" Mickey Grays (Old School Face) and Jonny Marx (Evil Truck Driver). I'll get things started...


  • Fed owner Tag Kallam announces his new graduate and protege Mickey Grays, who says he will lead by example and be a shining light in the world of wrestling, bringing class and integrity back to this smelly old sport.
  • Other new gratuate Jonny Marx (an Evil Truck Driver from the wrong side of the tracks) interrupts the promo demanding to know why the clean-cut Grays gets mentored by the boss, instead of him. He screams favoritism, along with many other words not fit for broadcast.
  • A brawl breaks out between these two new graduates. Fed owner Kallam tries to intervene but is thrown to the floor in the fracas. The two young fighters are separated by security while the shaken Kallam is escorted backstage.


Now let's see what weird and wonderful directions you people can take this Storyline in. Anything you post here will be replicated exactly in my game. Let's have some fun with this!

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Something that occurred to me is to create a bunch of angles where Jonny Marx tries to make Mickey Grays look bad- entice him into cheating, provoke him into attacks, that sort of thing, to try and turn him heel and to "prove" that he is no better, and that people like Marx are just as deserving of the owner's attention. Not great, probably, but that is what I might look to do with it :)


So the first one might be a taunting angle, and it could progress from there.

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So you have the Initial Segment.


Then I'll piggyback off of Dr. Hook and say the 2nd segment would be Marx taunting Grays. Maybe he can say something like "He's not the angel you all think he is," and maybe he can say he did research and found out that he was arrested in his past (he could either be lying or telling the truth) I guess he would close by saying he will do anything to get Grays to display his past tendencies.


So I guess next would have Grays in his debut match and Marx comes out. He slides in a chair but Grays won't oblige. The distraction costs him the win.

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Good stuff, thanks. So here's a summary of what we have so far. Once we get a few more of these I'll get this one going in my game and post grades etc... Your entries are highlighted in this rather sexy shade of brown...


  • Fed owner Tag Kallam announces his new graduate and protege "The Gentleman" Mickey Grays, who says he will lead by example and be a shining light in the world of wrestling, bringing class and integrity back to this smelly old sport.

  • Other new graduate Jonny Marx (an Evil Truck Driver from the wrong side of the tracks) interrupts the promo demanding to know why the clean-cut Grays gets mentored by the boss, instead of him. He screams favoritism, along with many other words not fit for broadcast.

  • A brawl breaks out between these two new graduates. Fed owner Kallam tries to intervene but is thrown to the floor in the fracas. The two young fighters are separated by security while the shaken Kallam is escorted backstage.

  • Marx barges in to Kallam's office telling him that Grays isn't the angel he claims to be. Marx researched Grays online (Evil Truck Drivers can use the internet too) and found that Grays has a criminal past! Maybe this whole "Gentleman" image is a lie? Maybe Grays isn't even this guy's real name? Marx declares that he won't stop until the truth is revealed, until the world gets to see the so-called Gentleman's real character. He storms out triumphantly, having stirred things up nicely.

  • Kallam makes a match between his two proteges - the two men he says have rekindled his love of wrestling - it's Grays vs Steve Mason (who doesn't let the mere inconvenience of his being registered blind stop him from competing). Kallam is guest commentator, saying how these two brilliant young men are shining examples for the rest of the industry to follow. Suddenly Marx turns up and sours events by sliding a chair into the ring, offering it to Grays as a weapon. Gentleman Grays refuses to cheat, but while he's distracted Mason rolls him up for the pin and a quick victory! Kallam is outraged, but Marx escapes before he can get his comeuppance!

  • Outraged at both the interference in his bout, and the slander on his character, Grays and Kallam come to the ring and challenge Marx to a match. Marx refuses, claiming it would be too risky to share the ring with a known criminal. "He could be a God-damned murderer! Who knows what devious things this sinister criminal would do?. Hell, he could have an axe in his pocket for all I know! Did you even have him searched for weapons?!" Marx storms off, leaving both men furious.


Let's keep this going people! Post your segments below - like I say, you can take this in any direction you like, as weird or as wonderful as you want. I like the idea of a storyline that multiple people have had a hand in writing, adds a whole new element to things.

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