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HYPE : Fictional Real World

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Hey again, it's Zai.


Fantasy booking is fun, especially with real world, so why don't we do something cool with real world, and fantasy booking! (other than dynasties)


So basically, I'll be importing stuff from Fleisch's May RWC chronicles, but no companies.


This is as the companies will be headed by you guys. And it would be great if you guys followed the order of the companies in RWC May 2014. (Amount of popularity, blah blah). This means not too much mainstream companies, but I can slightly push some companies up.


So this is gonna be named


The Real World : Your Style


Basically, I would like many other people to set up companies.

When you set up, name your size and style.

Also, write your first name on your roster.

Make it reasonable with your size. (Bryan Danielson in FIP is a no-no.)


Alright, good luck.

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Z-Wrestling Promotions




Z-Wrestling Promotions

Head Booker: Jim Ross

Size: National

Style: Modern Wrestling, Traditional, No Sports Entertainment (WWE - less promos)





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