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ECW 2000: Changing Wrestling History

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Hello and welcome to my newest project! I will be following into Mr. Paul Heymans footsteps and joining ECW as a younger teen like Heyman did in his career. I will attempt to change history and keep ECW in business without cheating and while slowly changing the product overtime. But without further adieu I give you my ECW dynasty!!





A young upstart teenager is seen sitting in the front row of an ECW show. He looks very intrigued in the product of wrestling and the entire style. He is seen taking notes. This goes on for several shows the kid is seen taking notes all show. ECW owned Paul Heyman starts to notice as do some other wrestlers. After the final show in 1999 this young kid is approached by Paul Heyman and offered to come backstage and meet everyone. After making his rounds and meeting numerous ECW stars Heyman takes this young kid into his office with it only being Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, and this young kid.






Dreamer: So whats your name kid?


Kid: My name is Rob Winland.


Heyman: Myself and some of the guys have noticed you here at every show with a notebook. What is it for?


Winland: I love wrestling. I know you started around 14 so I want to become the next big part of wrestling and figured I could learn from you guys and maybe start my own wrestling company in the future.


Heyman: Maybe we can help you get started with that dream. What would you say if I offered you a job to help book shows for us? If you wanted to be on the show and learn to wrestle we can also train you. But you obviously wouldnt be on TV yet. You would need to learn some things. Plus this crowd is unforgiving. They dont like people too easy. But if you want to learn we will give you the chance.


Winland: Yes! Please, that would be amazing!! When can I start?


Dreamer: Why not give let him start next week? Its gonna be the start of our new month anyway. Sure the other guys wont like it at the start but maybe in time they will grow to like him? I will personally make sure he doesnt take any bullshit.


Heyman: Sounds good. See ya next week kid. Be here Saturday morning around 10am. Go ahead and get home though. You are gonna need to get yourself ready.





ECW Roster:



Main Event:



Upper Midcard:






Lower Midcard:






Enhancement Talent:




Hope you guys like this. Havent really had a hit and this seems like different dynasty. Predictions will be welcome! Ill finish the roster later. Its 1am and I gotta be up in 7 hours.

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