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Week 1 July , 2014


Attendance - 19,028 ( SELLOUT)

Show Rating- B

Location - MA TD GARDEN








John Layfield - Welcome to the newly improved Smackdown!


Jerry Lawler - Tonight is gonna be one hell of a night.


Michael Cole- For Seth Rollins? I heard Dean Ambrose has a “surprise” for Seth.











http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sami_Zayn_zpswydjmv1m.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Heath_Slater_3MB_zpslynrvl5m.jpg

Sami Zayn Heath Slater



After an impressive showing by both men on this week’s Main Event both men needed a win , Zayn showed the same fire he did against Del Rio and was able to put Slater away with a Helluva kick.


Winner - Sami Zayn

Rating - C





Kevin Owens! theme hits and the crowd goes wild , Owens comes down to congratulate Sami











Owens DESTROYS Zayn with a powerbomb. The crowd boos Owens out the building as he smirks and we go to the next PreShow match.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Damien_Sandow%203_zpsecms3khf.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Layla_zpsv1edao18.jpg VShttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Mark_Henry_zpsiyaq4ond.jpg

Damien Sandow w Layla Mark Henry



Sandow gets right in the face of Henry and starts giving Henry some words of “enlightenment” , Henry laughs and hits a World’s Strongest Slam on Sandow!



Layla screams and pulls Damien out the ring before Henry can pin Sandow ,Henry goes outside the ring to try and flirt with Layla as the crowd cheers , which gives Sandow the opportunity to kick the steps into Henry’s legs and head back into the ring where he wins by countout!



Winner - Damien Sandow ( by way of CO)


Rating - C





Main Show




Once again the announcers welcome us to the newly improved Smackdown! , as the camera pans to the ring for our next match.



Before the match Heyman is backstage saying he will let Cesaro dominate on is own and show why he is the next IC Champion!


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Antonio_Cesaro3_zpsygltivam.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Zack_Ryder%209_zpsbbpwrr6x.jpg

Cesaro Zack Ryder


The match starts off with Ryder on the offense getting in a few punches before the “Swiss Superman” takes control and Ryder’s momentum goes to nothing, Cesaro then launches Ryder into the air for a European Uppercut and the win.


Winner - Cesaro

Rating -C+


Heyman comes out and they celebrate as they mock Zack Ryder.


Heyman grabs a mic and tells the WWE Universe about Cesaro’s match at Battleground in a few weeks.




Heyman- At Battleground Cesaro will take on RVD for the vacant IC title approved by GM Stephanie Mcmahon , the funny thing is the only reason RVD even reached success is because of ME “ HE WOULD HAVE NEVER WON THE WWE TITLE WITHOUT ME”


Heyman and Cesaro smirk despite the boos by the fans.



Jerry Lawler - Well that’s a match for BattleGround.


JBL - Heyman is right , RVD would have been a failure without him!


Michael Cole- Well ladies and gents we will be back with our next match Fandango vs Roman Reigns after the commercial break , stay tuned!


“ The Truth Reigns” hits to a HUGE pop from the WWE Universe as Roman Reigns make his way down to the ring for his match against a returning Fandango.


Before the Match even begins Fandango makes his way down the ramp and gets a mic



Fandango - "I was supposed to have Eva Marie by my side for this match but since she decided to be stupid and attack Stephanie Mcmahon , so she was fired , but that doesn’t change the fact that I will beat Roman Reigns with these incredible dance moves”


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Fandango_zpsz9oi1svw.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Roman_Reigns%203_zpsgkqxjjd8.jpg

Fandango Roman Reigns


The match is kicked off with Fandango showing the WWE universe some of his dance moves to which Roman Reigns punches him right in the mouth and takes control , Fandango poked him in the eye though to take control ,after targeting Reigns eye for a solid 5 minutes Fandango hits his Falcon arrow and climbs to the top. He looked to hit his “Last Dance” finisher BUT as he lands Reigns moves out of the way , Reigns then builds up to a huge Superman Punch into a spear for the victory!


Winner - Roman Reigns


Rating - C-


“The Truth Reigns” is interrupted by “ I hear Voices” where Triple H and Randy Orton slowly enter the ring where Randy starts to beat down on Reigns , the segment ends with HHH holding Reigns up for Orton to hit Reigns with an RKO. The segment ends with the fans booing Orton and H as they pose.



Jerry Lawler - what a classless act by the Authority .




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Randy_Orton_Viper_zpsinq3ykd7.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Big_E_Langston%203_zps7tduophi.jpg

Randy Orton Big E


The camera pans back to the ring as Big E charges Orton and hits a HUGE clothesline to which Orton responds with a uppercut ,the action goes back and forth until Big E hits Orton with a second clothesline which floors him , E runs the ropes and hits a huge SPLASH! Big E pulls the straps down and has Orton on his shoulders , Orton sees a oppurtunity and rakes the eyes of Big E which allows him to hit a RKO for the victory .

Winner - Randy Orton

Rating - B



“ We head to another commercial break where the words “Young Bucks” quickly flashes across the screen”


The announcers remind us we have a big title match up next where the Uso’s defend against Rybaxel






http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jey_Uso_zps9w6ihvjx.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jimmy_Uso_zpsz6soghpr.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Ryback_zpsbfxyh4dc.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Curtis_Axel%203_zps5pixebx6.jpg

Uso’s vs Rybaxel


Jey Uso starts off the match against Curtis Axel where Axel takes control keeping Jey grounded , but Jey manages ato hit a superkick to the gut of Axel to gain some momentum , he hits another Superkick this time to the face of Axel and climbs the top rope to hit a splash but Ryback distracts him long enough for Axel to pull the rope down. Axel tags out to Ryback and Jey is greeted by a MeatHook clothesline , the crowd boos as Ryback picks Jey up and marches around looking for a ShellShock but Jey slipped out back and hits a SuperKick to the face of Ryback , he tags out to Jimmy and Jimmy hit another Superkick to Ryback this time making Ryback fall to the ground , Jey SuperKicks Axel off the apron and Jimmy climbed to the top and hit a big splash for the win!


Winners and Still TAG TEAM CHAMPS THE USO’s

Rating - C


the celebration is interrupted by Star and Goldust , where they beat down the champs and hold the Tag belts up to a mixed reaction from the crowd!


We go to another break and come back to see the entrance of Sin Cara , Rollins then comes out to a mostly boos ,before the match is underway:


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Seth_Rollins%206_zpssgkuo3tp.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sin_Cara_2013_zpshqmrdn5s.jpg

Seth Rollins Sin Cara


This was a technical contest from the beginning as both hit each other with a variety of holds and suplexes until Sin Cara hits Rollins with a Huge Pele kick but Rollins rebounds off the ropes and hits a clothesline ! he laughs as the crowd knows he is mocking his rival Dean Ambrose, he lifts Cara up and hits a buckle Bomb, runs off the ropes and connects with a Curb Stomp to a downed Sin Cara for the 1 2 3.


Winner - Seth Rollins


Rating - B-



“Retaliation” hits and the crowd goes wild for Ambrose , Ambrose runs to the ring but Rollins has escaped to the outside , but Ambrose hits a suicide dive on an escaping Rollins , Ambrose throws Rollins across the announcer desk , this gives Rollins the chance to run through the crowd and escape the “Lunatic Fringe” Dean Ambrose!


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Dean_Ambrose_2014_zpsaq5jksx0.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Bo_Dallas%203_zpsavugczvv.jpg

Dean Ambrose Bo Dallas


Bo comes to the ring and asks Ambrose why he is so mad , he said Maybe one day he can be better than Rollins if he just Bolie- Ambrose cuts Dallas off and slaps the mic out of Dallas’ hand , hits a Dirty Deeds and pins Dallas for the win!

Winner - Dean Ambrose


Rating - C+


The announcers hype up a possible match between Ambrose and Rollins at BattleGround!



It’s time for our Main Event!

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/John_Cena2%204_zpst5sfgm33.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/The_Miz%206_zpsfugme6x1.jpg

John Cena The Miz


The match starts off with Miz getting some strikes in and dodging Cena’s offence , Cena eventually gets some strikes on Miz until Miz hits Cena with a big boot for a 2 count. The match goes Miz’s way until Cena hits the 5 moves out of nowhere and attempts the AA which Miz rolls through and rolls Cena up which gets a 2 and a half , The Miz tries to hit Cena with a Skull Crushing Finale but Cena knows Miz too well and reverses it into a AA for the 3 count.


Winner - John Cena


Rating - B-



Cena holds the WWE title up high but before SmackDown ends , the titantron reads the words “RUN” and “Follow the Buzzards”. Cena looks somewhat puzzled as Smackdown ends.

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  • Replies 119
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I think the next show I do I might try a new format. Anyhow here are the prediction results.


Kijar 8/9

K-nection 8/9

Teflon Billy - 9/9


I would also just like to mention Eva Marie actually attacked Steph backstage in-game. SO I had to fire her LOL. Oh and it also seems the names got messed up when I pasted to the forums , definitely will try to fix that next show.

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Quick Results .







Backstage Segment with Emma , Paige and Dusty Rhodes ( RIP) got a C+



Emma and Tamina defeated Bayley and Naomi - D+


Konnor defeated Adrian Neville - D+


Viktor and Colin Cassady defeated Aiden English and Tyler Breeze.- D


Oh AI.

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Monday Night RAW



Titus ' O Neil vs Diego ( Fernando is out injured)


Main Show


Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger


Rey Mysterio vs Tyson Kidd


Bad News Barrett vs Adam Rose


Stardust vs Jey Uso


Rusev vs Justin Gabriel


Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper


Sheamus' Open Challenge


Daniel Bryan vs Kane


Chris Jericho vs Eddie Edwards


Bonus Questions (Not sure if I am gonna do something extra for getting them right)


Who will answer Sheamus' Open Challenge?


Who was Bad News Barrett talking about on Main Event?

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Titus ' O Neil vs Diego ( Fernando is out injured)


Main Show


Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger


Rey Mysterio vs Tyson Kidd


Bad News Barrett vs Adam Rose


Stardust vs Jey Uso


Rusev vs Justin Gabriel


Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper


Sheamus' Open Challenge


Daniel Bryan vs Kane


Chris Jericho vs Eddie Edwards


Bonus Questions (Not sure if I am gonna do something extra for getting them right)


Who will answer Sheamus' Open Challenge? Rusev maybe.


Who was Bad News Barrett talking about on Main Event? The Big Show

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Titus ' O Neil vs Diego ( Fernando is out injured)


Main Show


Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger


Rey Mysterio vs Tyson Kidd


Bad News Barrett vs Adam Rose


Stardust vs Jey Uso


Rusev vs Justin Gabriel


Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper


Sheamus' Open Challenge


Daniel Bryan vs Kane


Chris Jericho vs Eddie Edwards


Bonus Questions (Not sure if I am gonna do something extra for getting them right)


Who will answer Sheamus' Open Challenge?


Who was Bad News Barrett talking about on Main Event? Big Show

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Titus ' O Neil vs Diego ( Fernando is out injured)


Main Show


Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger


Rey Mysterio vs Tyson Kidd


Bad News Barrett vs Adam Rose


Stardust vs Jey Uso


Rusev vs Justin Gabriel


Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper


Sheamus' Open Challenge


Daniel Bryan vs Kane


Chris Jericho vs Eddie Edwards

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The Announcers welcome us to the first Monday Night Raw , which is Live on the USA network and The expanding WWE Network .They also remind us that we are 1 week away from WWE BattleGround!



Monday , Week 2 , July 2014

Location: TX American Bank Center (Mid South)

Attendance: 9,919


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Titus_ONeil_zpsie5c3utc.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Diego_zpsp8gtvzdm.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/El_Torito_zpsfimwxzl4.jpg


Titus O Neil vs Diego w El Torito ( ½ of the Los Matadores)


To irritate the fans ,Titus barks like a dog before getting into the action with Diego, Titus starts off by hitting Diego with body and power slams , midway through the match Diego starts getting fired up by the crowd's chants and hits Titus with some dropkicks and flying headbutts , he almost hits his signature BackBreaker but Titus throws him off before he can , Titus then picks up Diego , and throws him HALFWAY across the ring , Diego slowly gets up and when he does Titus throws him off the ropes and hits a Clash of the Titus for the pinfall victory.


Rating - C-


Booker T : Amazing strength and power shown by the Big Man Titus.


JBL - I think Titus has some bright things in his future here on RAW.


Before we head to the Main Show , R-Truth is seen talking to his protege Xavier Woods , Truth asks Xavier about his match tonight. To which Xavier responds by asking Truth if he forgot to take his meds. The camera heads back to the announcers as they discuss tonight's action.





JBL- I think that BullHammer knocked R-Truth silly on Main Event.

The announcers laugh as we head to our Main Show.



We are sent backstage to see GM of RAW AJ LEE telling us a few announcements.




AJ- Tonight we have TWO #1 contender matches for the vacant World Heavyweight title , One between “The Yes Man” Daniel Bryan and “The “Demon” Kane” . The other between new talent Eddie Edwards and The best in the world at what he does Chris Jericho. AJ then tells us that the winners of the two matches will meet at BattleGround!



Booker T - AJ knows a thing or two about titles , but those are two exciting matches guys.


JBL - Excellent matches indeed but a big question is , does Kane still have it in him to beat Daniel Bryan?



We head back to the ring for our first match here on Monday Night RAW!





Before the match Swagger comes out much to the excitement of the WWE Universe as he and Colter even gave one young fan a high - five!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jack_Swagger%203_zps2okbkpzg.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Zeb_Colter_zps5kwhksqg.jpg vs http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alberto_Del_Rio_zpssjpui4iu.jpg

Jack Swagger w Zeb Colter vs Alberto Del Rio



The match kicks off with both men locking up and Del Rio going straight for Swagger’s arm ,as Del Rio wrenches away on the arm , Swagger manages to wriggle free of ADR’s grip with a few punches to the face and a DEADLY lariat that shows shades of announcer himself JBL but only gets a 2 count off it. Swagger was really giving it his all to the point where he hit a suicide dive on Del Rio on the outside . The match ended when Del Rio hit an enziguri on Swagger in the corner , and dragged his lifeless body to the center of the ring where he locked in the Cross Arm Breaker , even though Swagger fought it in the end he eventually had to tap out to Del Rio.

Rating - B-



After the match Del Rio grabs a chair and sits down next to the announcers to watch our next match.




The announce team welcomes Del Rio, but Del Rio doesn’t reply.


Tyson Kidd w Natalya vs Rey Mysterio


Mysterio comes out to a huge pop from the universe his eyes glaring at Del Rio , Tyson didn’t even bother to make an entrance and attacked Mysterio before the match and threw Mysterio’s body against the steps and the barricade as Del rio watched this he smirked . Tyson threw a battered Mysterio in the ring as the match began. Even with Tyson’s beatdown before the match Mysterio was able to hold his own in the early goings of the match but Tyson eventually put a stop

to it with a big Fisherman’s suplex to Mysterio which only garnered a 2 count. Kidd tried for his signature elbow drop , but missed which gave Mysterio the opportunity to hit a 619 and a Frog Splash for the win!



As the match ended Natalya made her way into the ring and congratulated Mysterio on his win ,but it didn’t take long before she would kick Mysterio below the belt and leave with her husband. As Mysterio writhed in pain , Del Rio saw his moment , he ran in the ring and locked in his Cross Arm Breaker which he refused to release until officials had to run down to break up the assault.


Rating - C



Booker T - Jeez I sure do hope Mysterio is ok.


Michael Cole - WWE doctors are now checking on Mysterio’s arm which could potentially be broken.


JBL- And that’s why they call ADR “Mexico’s Greatest Export”


( We head to a break before we go onto our next match)








Barrett comes out to boos and gets a mic teasing who he may be talking about , before saying that Adam Rose is gonna have a real “ party” after he hits him with a BullHammer!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Bad_News_Barrett_zpsg19gsnmm.jpg vs http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Adam_Rose_zpsa1z8zdsv.jpg

Bad News Barrett vs Adam Rose


Rose starts the match off by immediately chasing Barrett outside the ring and throwing him against the barricade and the announcer table. showing a vicious side most fans weren’t expecting. At a 6 count he throws Barrett back in the ring and climbs to the top rope where he hits a flying clothesline which gets a 2 count. Barrett tries to escape by rolling out the ring , but Rose catches him on the apron, Barrett takes advantage though and rakes the eyes! Barrett comes back in and completely removes his elbow pad which reveals his bare Elbow and hits A BullHammer that slightly busts open Adam Rose for the pinfall victory.

Rating - C



After the match Barrett laughs ( as the doctors check on Adam’s wound), and grabs a mic and says that he was talking about that big b*stard Big Show on Main Event , and tells Show that he needs to retire and calls him out , Show doesn’t appear though, and Barrett calls him a coward and heads to the back.







JBl - Big Show is scared , plain and simple.


Booker and Michael both agree that they don’t think a 8 foot giant is scared of Barrett.


The camera flashes to the back as Show stands right in-front of Barrett’s locker room. Barrett thinks twice about it before backing down and running off before Show could catch him.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Stardust_zpswrrvgjb6.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Goldust_2013_zpskpwglaln.jpg vs http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jey_Uso_zps9w6ihvjx.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jimmy_Uso_zpsz6soghpr.jpg

Stardust w Goldust vs Jey Uso w Jimmy Uso


The match takes off with both men throwing strikes at each other before StarDust gains control with a knee lift to the gut of Jey . Stardust throws Jey off the ropes but Jey comes back with a huge jumping clothesline, meanwhile Goldust shouts some advice to his brother, StarDust eventually regains control and hits a disaster kick to Jey which gets a 2 and a half. He sets Jey up for an “Exploding Planet” but Jey reverses it into a powerful superkick which floors StarDust , Jey goes to the top and attempts to hit a splash but Stardust moves out of the way and tries to go for a Cross Rhodes but once again Jey reverses it this time pushing him off into the ropes to deliver a second Superkick , Goldust climbs up on the apron to distract Jey ,but gets pulled of by Jimmy , Stardust takes advantage though and rolls up Jey for the victory !


Rating- C





The announcers talk about how Gold and Star have gotten themselves a Tag title match at BattleGround against the Usos!






http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alexander_Rusev_zps5thkb7eb.jpgw http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/Lana2_zps9qfncavi.jpg vs http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Justin_Gabriel2_zpspmfo8nd3.jpg

Rusev w Lana vs Justin Gabriel






Gabriel ran at Rusev and ate a kick to the face for his troubles . Rusev locked Gabriel in the Accolade that made Gabriel tap out for another quick Rusev win!


Rating - C+


Lana eventually tells Rusev to release the hold to which he does and they leave the ring to boos and more USA chants.




Michael Cole - Even I have to admit Rusev is impressive!


JBL - Maybe Rusev will answer Sheamus’ open challenge.


Booker T - That would be a hell of a challenge for Sheamus and maybe even a win for Rusev.



We once again return from a break as Luke Harper who said he was angry that he was split from his “brothers” and he looks to take out that anger on fan favorite Dolph Ziggler!




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Luke_Harper%202_zpso5qkustk.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Dolph_Ziggler_zpsn1zd5jez.jpg

“ The Insane” Luke Harper vs “The Showoff” Dolph Ziggler





The match starts off with Luke Harper hitting a Boot straight to the face of Ziggler which only gets Luke a 2 , which he isn’t too happy about , he throws Dolph to the outside where he lifts the padding off the floor and tries to hit a powerbomb on Ziggler but Ziggler reverses it into a DDT on THE CONCRETE!

Ziggler crawls back into the ring at 7 , but the DDT doesn’t seem to have affected Luke as he gets back up as if nothing was done and hits an uppercut to Ziggler, Ziggler fights back though as he hits Harper with left and rights but Harper pushes him off and hits a superkick! which gets him a 2 and ¾ but Ziggler still manages to stay in it. Harper sets Ziggler up for a Discuss Clothesline but Ziggler reverses it into a Superkick and somehow manages to roll Harper up for a 3 and quickly escapes the ring , much to the rage of Harper and to the delight of the fans!


Rating - C






The announcers discuss the amazing match we just witnessed and talk about Sheamus’ US Open Challenge Next and who might accept it.







We once again return from a break as US Champion Sheamus comes out to a huge pop as he screams FELLA!!!

Sheamus enters the ring , grabs a mic, and starts talking about his open challenge.





Sheamus- As you know I told everyone about my open challenge I was issuing on Main Event , so let’s get down to business , who wants to get their head kicked off by a Brogue Kick?










“SOS” hits and Kofi Kingston comes out to a huge pop and runs down to the ring to begin the match for the US title.








http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/WWE_US_Sheamus_zpsqcjrx6qa.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Kofi_Kingston_zpsbu4biqxk.jpg

Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston





Kofi starts off on the attack hitting all kinds of high-flying moves , at one point Sheamus had enough and rolled out the ring but Kofi jumped on him! Sheamus rolled back inside and finally got some momentum going whipping Kofi hard into each turnbuckle until he whipped Kofi into the 4th one and Kofi jumped on the top turnbuckle and hit a moonsault for a 2 count! eventually Kofi built up to a Boom Drop which he hit and set up for a “Trouble In Paradise”, Kofi almost hit it until Sheamus catches him and hits a White Noise. Sheamus then set up for a Brogue Kick but Kofi rolled through and rolled up Sheamus but Sheamus kicked out at literally the last millisecond , Kofi then tried again running at Sheamus but this time got hit with a Brogue Kick and got the win and title retain over Kofi.


Rating- B




After the match Sheamus was handed his US belt , Sheamus was about to leave the ring until he got back in stood Kofi up and shook his hand for a great effort






Sheamus continued to beat on Kofi and had him set up for a powerbomb until GM AJ LEE appeared on the titantron and told Sheamus to say hello to his opponent at BattleGround which is Dolph Ziggler! Ziggler runs down and gets in a punch on Sheamus before Sheamus escapes the ring and leaves with his title. Ziggler then checked on Kofi as the crowd cheered Ziggler.







Michael Cole- What a night we have had already and next up we have TWO #1 contender matches.



We once again return from commercial break to see DBry chanting YES! in the ring along with the whole WWE Universe , Kane starts getting annoyed but Dbry grabs a mic and tells Kane if he remembers when he was actually somewhat scary , and said now Kane is just a big red b*tch.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Kane_Suit_zpsih6ugypn.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Daniel_Bryan_zps0lndksmk.jpg

Kane vs Daniel Bryan



This obviously upsets Kane who starts off with a big punch to the jaw of Daniel Bryan ,and starts throwing Daniel around like a rag doll, eventually Daniel hit back with multiple kicks to the chest of Kane ,on the final kick Kane caught Bryan’s leg and grabbed Daniel by the throat , Daniel took advantage though and pulled Kane down to the ground and locked in his Yes Lock! Kane refused to tap and picked Daniel up with one arm and slammed him on his neck! Kane then set up for a Chokeslam which he successfully hit and crossed his throat which meant he was signaling for a tombstone , Kane tries to hit it but Daniel reverses it by slipping behind Kane and hitting his Running Knee to the face of Kane for the pinfall victory.


Rating - B-




JBL - Amazing match!


Booker T - This means Daniel will face either Chris Jericho or Eddie Edwards at BattleGround for the World Heavyweight title.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/Eddie_Edwards_zpser4hdags.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Chris_Jericho_zpszrdgiysu.jpg

Eddie Edwards vs Chris Jericho





We return with both men in the ring as they tie up and Jericho pulls Eddie's legs out and immediately tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho but Eddie throws Jericho off , Eddie then fires off a series of slaps and punches to the face of Jericho and hits a Burning Hammer for a 2 count! Eddie then tries to lock Jericho in a Boston Crab but Jericho pulls the legs for a small package but only gets a 2 , Eddie gets up and runs straight into a CodeBreaker which he kicks out of, Jericho is stunned and sets Eddie up for a next one , which he fails to hit and Eddie locks him in the Walls of Jericho , Jericho was close to tapping out to his own move but eventually got to the ropes. Eddie tried to lock in his signature Achilles Lock but Jericho pushes him off and hit another CodeBreaker for the win.


Rating - B-




The announcers, announce the official match for the vacant World heavyweight title at BattleGround , Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan!

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It was a good thing and a bad thing they took AJ out of that role in RL. She was easily the most over female on the roster at the time so sticking the Diva's championship made too much sense not to do but at the same time her promos were outshining a lot of the main event talent and it was amazing to watch...AJ Lee you will be missed!
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Russelrules44 - 8/11

TeflonBilly-10/10( Same as K-nection)


K-Nection- 10/10 ( since you didn’t predict for the open challenge)

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It was a good thing and a bad thing they took AJ out of that role in RL. She was easily the most over female on the roster at the time so sticking the Diva's championship made too much sense not to do but at the same time her promos were outshining a lot of the main event talent and it was amazing to watch...AJ Lee you will be missed!


Basically how I felt!

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By far.


Looks great and it looks like your starting to find your voice on here I'm really liking what I'm seeing!



Thanks guys, I really am enjoying writing the shows. It motivates me even more when I see you guys enjoying improvements.


So speaking of improvements I wanted to know if I should shorten the match write-ups and save long ones for PPVS or are the match write-ups fine?

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Thanks guys, I really am enjoying writing the shows. It motivates me even more when I see you guys enjoying improvements.


So speaking of improvements I wanted to know if I should shorten the match write-ups and save long ones for PPVS or are the match write-ups fine?


I think that one is up to you really. You could take the old school WWE approach and don't give away Epic matches on free TV. But IMO I like what your doing.


I say if it's not broke then don't fix it! Try not to burn yourself out though...Just because WWE performs almost every day of the week does not mean you have to as well. Burnout is a big diary killer! Just go at a pace you are comfortable with. ATM I'm trying to take Lloyd's approach and build a couple of shows ahead so I'm not as pressured to write when I really don't have time. It's kind of odd to me not posting shows immediately when I get them written up but it gives me the chance to fine tune them as well.

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Yeah , you're right , I won't burn out because as bad as it sounds if I get bored of something I move onto something else really quickly. But as I said I'm really enjoying this one . I do feel like I should write up a couple shows maybe 2 or 3 tomorrow or something so I can book a show in-game and take like a day off without posting a show. Thanks for the feedback!
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(gonna write up some shows today , so I stay ahead )


Official Smackdown Card


RVD vs Heath Slater


Damien Sandow vs Sami Zayn


Randy Orton vs Zack Ryder


The Miz vs Sin Cara


Star and Gold vs The American Wolves


Bray Wyatt vs Big E


Seth Rollins vs TJ Perkins


"The New and Improved" Fandango vs John Cena

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Superstars Week 2 , July 2014.




Quick Results:


The Miz def Justin Gabriel -C+


Rybaxel def TJ Perkins and Diego- C-


Eddie Edwards def Heath Slater - C-


Damien Sandow def Zack Ryder - C+


Bray Wyatt insults fans -B+


Note: Bray is a god on the mic.

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Official Smackdown Card


RVD vs Heath Slater


Damien Sandow vs Sami Zayn

Randy Orton vs Zack Ryder


The Miz vs Sin Cara

Star and Gold vs The American Wolves


Bray Wyatt vs Big E

Seth Rollins vs TJ Perkins


"The New and Improved" Fandango vs John Cena

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Michael Cole , Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles all welcome us to a brand new episode of Smackdown! The announcers run down the action tonight , and also make a disparaging comment to the competing brand RAW! Before we moved onto action , the camera showed one sign that said: “The ratings don’t prove it”!




Tuesday Week 2 , July 2014

Location: NC Cumberland Crown Coliseum (Mid Atlantic)

Attendance: 8,500 (Sellout)



We open up the show with Cesaro and Paul Heyman in the backstage area , chilling on a couch , talking about what they could do with the money they get from Cesaro’s title win at BattleGround. When suddenly RVD interrupts to a big pop and tells Cesaro to not get too excited because at BattleGround , all Cesaro is gonna get is an ass-whooping. RVD then tells Heyman and Cesaro to watch his match next as he walks out.

The announcers quickly put over the fact that RVD has won the Intercontinental title 6 times already! and that he looks to do it a 7th time at BattleGround!

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Rob_Van_Dam%207_zpsmsqtwatd.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Heath_Slater_3MB_zpslynrvl5m.jpg

Rob Van Dam vs “The One Man Band” Heath Slater


As the match got started Heath felt he had something to prove to the higher-ups so he immediately starts pounding away on RVD. Keeping him grounded with holds , suplexes and kicks. RVD eventually gets some momentum going and hits a springboard heel kick to Heath! He then goes for the Rolling Thunder but Heath got the knees up, Heath took advantage and hit his Implant DDT finisher! He quickly pinned the now Mr Tuesday Night , but RVD stayed in it. After trying to go for a next DDT , RVD kicks Heath right in the mush , hits the Rolling Thunder and a Five Star Frog Splash for the win!


Rating - C+


After the match Cesaro quickly runs down to the ring and looks like he is getting in the ring to fight with RVD. At the last moment though Cesaro drops from the apron and leaves to a chorus of boos. All Heyman and Cesaro do is smile as RVD looks furious he couldn’t get his hands on Cesaro.


The announcers talk about how Cesaro might be playing mind games with RVD to get an easy win come BattleGround!


We return to the ring for our next match.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Damien_Sandow%203_zpsecms3khf.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Layla_zpsv1edao18.jpgversus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sami_Zayn_zpswydjmv1m.jpg

Damien Sandow w Layla vs Sami Zayn


As per usual Damien once again starts his match off by trying to spread some “intellect” to Sami Zayn, but Zayn stops listening when Sandow tells him he has no class. And starts working on Sandow. In the early going Zayn was hitting flips , hurricanrana’s and Frankentein’s . Sandow still tried to spit abuse at Zayn which made Zayn even angrier and started unloading with punches to the face of Sandow taking out his frustration because of the actions of his former best friend Kevin Owens. Zayn hits a Tornado DDT and sets Sandow up in the corner , where he hit a Helluva kick , but then he hears a very familiar song play



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tw5nVVMeHIo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>





Kevin Owens comes out on the stage , and Sami is about to leave the ring to brawl with Owens , but Sandow sees an opportunity and rolls up a confused Zayn for the win.

Rating - B-

Zayn is furious and tells Owens to come down to the ring and fight. Owens has no problem doing so and walks up to the ring , but turns back , grabs a mic and says “these peasants don’t deserve to see me kill you” and walks off to a barrage of boos and a angry Zayn.



The announcers talk about our next match , Randy Orton vs Zack Ryder



We go backstage as Stephanie and Triple H talk to Orton about Reigns , when in walks Seth Rollins and he asks the Authority where the hell Ambrose is. “I can’t be having that freak show invade my match!” Stephanie confirms to Rollins that Ambrose is not inside the building. We go back to the ring where Zack Ryder is.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Randy_Orton_Viper_zpsinq3ykd7.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Zack_Ryder%209_zpsbbpwrr6x.jpg

Randy Orton vs Zack Ryder


From the get go Orton was dominating this one , hitting Ryder with punches , kicks and slaps . Zack fights back by putting his knees up when Orton runs at him in the corner , and hits a dropkick from the second rope which gets him a two. Orton crawls to the corner where Zack hits a forearm smash to the face of Orton and goes to the other corner where he and the crowd chant “Woo” “Woo” “Woo” , but Orton gets up at the last second and throws Ryder under the second rope and hits a rope hung DDT. He then sets up for an RKO , Ryder throws him off and towards the ropes and almost hits a Rough Ryder but Orton catches him in a PowerBomb position , throws him up and hits a STUNNING RKO TO PERFECTION! http://i.imgur.com/a87ehgG.gif

He hooks Ryder’s leg and 1-2-3 for the win for the Viper.

Rating -B-



After the match “The Truth Reigns” hits and Reigns makes a bee-line straight for Orton , as he gets in the ring he delivers a huge punch to Orton, the pair brawl outside but the segment ends when Reigns pushes Orton off from an RKO and hits a Spear! through the barricade!



As the ring clears out , we head to our next match. Sin Cara vs The Miz.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sin_Cara_2013_zpshqmrdn5s.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/The_Miz%206_zpsfugme6x1.jpg

Sin Cara vs The Miz


The match starts off with Miz putting the boots to Cara ,but eventually Cara found his way around The Miz and picked up the pace by performing dives and a springboard crossbody , which gets him a 2. The miz runs at Cara, and Cara rolls him up, PICKS him up and does a Powerbomb to the Miz. Cara climbs to the top and looked to his Senton but The Miz moved out the way and hit a Skull Crushing Finale for the victory.

Rating - C+





We once again return to the back where The Uso’s are doing a sitdown interview with Renee Young for WWE.com , Gold and Star interrupt by attacking the Uso’s and throwing them across desks , hitting them against lockers until The American Wolves showed up to put a stop to it as Gold and Star ran off.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Goldust_2013_zpskpwglaln.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Stardust_zpswrrvgjb6.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/Eddie_Edwards_zpser4hdags.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Davey_Richards_zpsvidwoxlu.jpg

Gold and Star vs The American Wolves ( Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards)



The match kicks off with Davey and Stardust in the ring which StarDust takes control by isolating Davey and keeping him away from Eddie. Davey finally hits StarDust with a big enziguri kick and tags out to Eddie . Eddie comes out with fire taking Stardust down and hitting a big running Shining Wizard . Stardust eventually tags out and Eddie and Goldust wrestle each other with neither gaining a clear advantage , until Stardust attacks Davey on the apron , but Eddie throws Stardust out which gives Goldust the chance to poke Eddie in the eye and hit a Final Cut for a big win for the Dust Brothers.

Rating- C+



All is well for Star and Gold until The Uso’s come out and hit a Superkick on both Star and Gold and , they stand tall by holding the tag titles above their heads.





We prepare for our next match , Big E vs Bray Wyatt.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Big_E_Langston%203_zps7tduophi.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Bray_Wyatt%204_zps7c4qi98a.jpg

Big E vs Bray Wyatt


The match started off with the two big men throwing punches at each other until Big E finally gains advantage by lifting Bray up for a big suplex. Big E continues to work on Bray as he rams his shoulders into the gut of Bray in the corner. Bray takes advantage when E bounces off the ropes and Bray hits a Nasty looking clothesline. Bray then goes to the corner and spiderwalks towards E and lifts him up , delivers the kiss but Big E pushes Bray off into the ropes and delivers a nasty clothesline of his own. He pulls down the straps for a pop and lifts Bray onto his shoulders , but Bray slips behind and hits a huge lariat to the back of Big E’s head , he picks E up yet again and delivers the kiss and a “Sister Abigail” for the 1-2-3.

Rating - B-


After the match , the lights go off and when they come back on Bray is gone , with a battered Big E left in the middle of the ring.


TJ Perkins comes down to the ring , to a huge reaction as the fans know he is .


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Seth_Rollins%206_zpssgkuo3tp.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/TJ_Perkins_zpsj7uknukx.jpg

Seth Rollins vs TJ Perkins


Rollins looked in a hurry to get out of the arena , as he knew Ambrose could show up anytime he wanted , this obviously affected Rollins performance as he walked straight into a superkick from Perkins. Perkins climbed to the top rope and hit a twisting 450 splash on Rollins , for a 1 - 2 -3 NO! , Rollins kicked out at the last second and escaped the ring to regroup. Perkins also went outside and delivered a moonsault to Rollins on the outside and threw Rollins back in, but as Perkins got back into the ring Rollins hit him with a Superkick , picked him up and hit a PEDIGREE for the 1-2-3.

Rating -B-




After the match Rollins looked around almost as if he was looking for Ambrose. He looked up and on the titantron Dean Ambrose had an action figure of Rollins in hand in an undisclosed location . Ambrose picked up some alcohol poured it all over the figure and lit it on fire , he simply laughed as Rollins left the ring and ran to the back.



We once again return with WWE Champion John Cena and Fandango in the ring, Fandango picked up a mic and talked about how he is the next WWE champion , and how he deserves a shot regardless if he beats Cena or not. Cena snatches the mic out Fandango’s hand but before Cena could even begin his sentence Fandango socked him in the mouth and the match started.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Fandango_zpsz9oi1svw.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/John_Cena2%204_zpst5sfgm33.jpg

Fandango vs John Cena

As the match started Fandango nailed Cena with some pretty hard kicks and punches , and even hit him with his signature Falcon’s Arrow for a 2 and a half. Fandango started to get frustrated and hit a spinning wheel kick to the face of Cena for another 2 . Fandango started to scream and started punching the hell out of Cena , to the point where the ref had to yank Fandango off Cena . Cena crawled to the corner only to receive more punches , but this time Cena hit back with a big clothesline and hit Fandango with a backdrop. Cena hit the shoulder drops and the turtle bomb , but Fandango was playing possum and when Cena was about to hit a Five Knuckle shuffle , Fandango kicked him in the head and planted him again with a Falcon’s Arrow , he climbed to the top and almost hit his leg drop , but Cena got up caught him in midair and hit an AA for the win.

Rating -B




After the match the lights went off again and this time when they came back on Wyatt stood above Cena and held the WWE title high, as Smackdown went off the air.

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