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Main Event Results




The American Wolves def Truth and Xavier - C


Kofi Kingston def Titus 'O Neil -C+


Rybaxel def Justin Gabriel and TJ Perkins - C-


Dolph Ziggler def Tyson Kidd - C

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Official RAW!




Kane vs Adam Rose


Titus O' Neil vs R-Truth


Main Card

The Big Show vs Luke Harper


Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston


Londrick vs Gold and Star


AJ Styles vs Dolph Ziggler


Chris Jericho vs Chris Hero

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Just an update , I think to make it easier for me and for you guys , I will save the long match write-ups for PPVS ,and do short ones on RAW and SmackDown. As it makes it easier for me to write and gives me more time to tell a story, plus you guys don't have to read a wall of text. Check out FrootLoops 2009 Undisputed write-ups to see what I mean. He keeps it nice and short ( but it still gets to the point of the match) and saves the long write-ups for PPV's. So this RAW will be the last one with long match write-ups ( as I have already written it).
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Official RAW!




Kane vs Adam Rose


Titus O' Neil vs R-Truth


Main Card

The Big Show vs Luke Harper


Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston


Londrick vs Gold and Star


AJ Styles vs Dolph Ziggler


Chris Jericho vs Chris Hero


Damn, reading this i'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes!

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The announcers welcome us back to Monday Night Raw! , they also remind us that BattleGround is this Sunday with multiple matches already announced!


Monday Week 3 , July 2014

Location: PA Liacouras Center ( Tri State)

Attendance: 10,109






http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Kane_Suit_zpsih6ugypn.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Adam_Rose_zpsa1z8zdsv.jpg

Kane vs Adam Rose


It was pretty evident that Kane was pissed that he lost to Daniel Bryan last week. So this week AJ granted him a “day off” by giving him a match with the party animal Adam Rose. You would be surprised at the fight Rose put up , throwing punches and lariats , but Rose tried to bounce off the ropes to hit another lariat , but Kane caught him by the throat and chokeslammed him straight to hell! Kane then signaled for the tombstone , picked Rose up by the hair and hit a devastating Tombstone Piledriver for the 1-2-3.

Rating- C+




Booker T - I think we can all agree Kane is at his best when he is angry



JBL - He sure is , and me and you would know from first-hand experience.


Michael Cole - *Grumbles*






Before his match Truth is getting hyped up by his protege Xavier Woods , before Truth stepped through the curtain , Xavier asks if he took his pills. Truth answers back with “ You mean the viagra? I ain’t that old” Xavier chuckles before they head out for his match.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Ron_Killings_zps2badbang.jpgw http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Xavier_Woods%203_zps8uwwsisg.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Titus_ONeil_zpsie5c3utc.jpg

R-truth w Xavier Woods vs Titus O’ Neil



The match starts off with R-Truth going HAM with punches on Titus , eventually Titus threw Truth off the ropes ,but Truth came back with a dropkick. To get Titus even more annoyed Truth shook his hips at Titus , Titus growled and charged at Truth , but was put down with lariat from Truth. Truth then shouted” WUSSUP” as they crowd shouted “WUSSUP” back. Truth almost hits Titus with the Lil Jimmy but Titus held onto the ropes and threw Truth off him. He then picked Truth up and delivered a big boot. Titus then barked “HURU HURU HURU” and sent Truth off the ropes and hit a Clash of the Titus for the victory.

Rating - C-



The announcers discuss the effort put in by R-Truth as we head to our Main Show.




Before we head to the ring RAW GM AJ LEE comes down to the ring and tells us that after Big Show’s match , he and Bad News will have an official contract signing! Overseen by HER! AJ leaves the ring as the crowd pops as she skips backstage.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Big_Show_zpskf6sqzbn.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Luke_Harper%202_zpso5qkustk.jpg

The Big Show vs “The Insane” Luke Harper



The match starts with Luke Harper unloading with multiple punches on Show ,but not before long Show strikes back with a slap to the chest and a punch to the gut, Harper doesn’t flinch and takes control by chop blocking Show’s legs . As Harper works on Show’s legs , he manages to also lug Show’s giant carcass outside the ring and smash Show against the barricade. As a repeat of last week Harper strips a part of the floor of its padding and picks Show’s knee up and slams it against the concrete! As Show cries in agony officials get the padding back on the floor as Harper throws Show back into the ring. Harper waits as Show gets back to his feet and hits a huge lariat that doesn’t floor Show, instead Show fires back with a KO punch , but once again Harper shakes it off , Show sees this and hits a chokeslam on Harper but only gets a 2 count. Harper gets back to his feet but gets rocked and this time dropped by a second KO Punch from Show . Show drops down and hooks the leg for a 3.

Rating -C+

Contract signing w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/AJ_Lee_GM_zps1kwkodea.jpg


After Show recovers , officials bring in tables , chairs and contracts. AJ comes out to a big pop. AJ then gets a mic and tells Barrett to come out , to which he does and as he enters the ring he audibly calls Show an “idiot”.AJ tells the two to get down to business and sign the contracts . After a few seconds of a staredown Show and Barrett sign the contract , but Show throws the table out the ring . AJ tells them to save it for the PPV , but Show walks right up to Barrett and hits a KO punch. Show waves to a visibly upset AJ as he leaves the ring to a big pop.


Before the next match Rey Mysterio came out to observe his opponent on Sunday.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alberto_Del_Rio_zpssjpui4iu.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Kofi_Kingston_zpsbu4biqxk.jpg

Alberto Del Rio vs Kofi Kingston


This match started off with Del Rio glaring at Mysterio which gave Kofi the chance to jump on Del Rio and hit a monkey flip. Kofi goes on the offence some more as he goes in the corner and gives Del Rio 10 punches , as the crowd counted along.Del Rio regained control when Kingston attempted to run at him in the corner again but Del Rio moved out the way causing Kingston to go shoulder first into the steel post. Del Rio took advantage and started stomping on Kofi’s arm. Kofi made his comeback when Del Rio threw him into the corner , and ran at him allowing Kofi to move and hit a pendulum kick in the corner , Kofi then went to to the top rope and hit a crossbody on Del Rio for a 2 count. Kofi went to the corner to set up for his “Trouble in Paradise” he runs at Del Rio but both men are down when Kofi hit Del Rio with the Trouble in Paradise and Del Rio hit Kofi with an enziguri at the same time. Both men eventually got to their feet but Del Rio kicked Kofi in the face and locked him in the Cross Arm Breaker for a submission victory.

Rating - C+


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alberto_Del_Rio_zpssjpui4iu.jpg and http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Rey_Mysterio%206_zpsg8ptyzu1.jpg

After the match Del Rio grabs a mic and tells Mysterio to get in the ring, Mysterio does and they start brawling , in the end Del Rio tried to lock in the Cross Arm Breaker but Mysterio slipped out back and dropkicked Del Rio into the ropes , but before Mysterio could hit a 619 , Del Rio rolled out the ring to a chorus of boos.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Stardust_zpswrrvgjb6.jpg and http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Goldust_2013_zpskpwglaln.jpg annoy http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/AJ_Lee_GM_zps1kwkodea.jpg

We go backstage where AJ sees Gold and StarDust arguing about which star in the galaxy is the brightest. AJ interrupts them and tells them they have a match scheduled next against Londrick!

Stardust hisses at AJ before asking her if she knows which star is the brightest. AJ sighs and says she doesn’t know, Stardust hisses once again and says that the brightest stars are the WWE Tag Team Championships! Gold and Star hiss at AJ once again before AJ moans and leaves.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Paul_London_zpsqvpenc73.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Brian_Kendrick_zpswfvkx6j4.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Stardust_zpswrrvgjb6.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Goldust_2013_zpskpwglaln.jpg

Londrick vs Star and Gold



Brian and Stardust start off by grappling each other , in the exchange StarDust gains the advantage and starts wearing down Brian , Star and Gold make frequent tags to keep fresh giving Brian suplexes and double teaming him. StarDust has Brian in a chokehold but the crowd is able to fire up Kendrick , enough for him to hit 2 dropkicks and slingblade to StarDust only despite only getting a 2 count off his offence . Kendrick tries to go for a “Sliced Bread”, but StarDust reverses it into a disaster kick and tags out to Goldust. Goldust picks up the lifeless body of Kendrick places him into the corner, spreads his legs , and kicks him right in the nuts. The referee warns Goldust that if he does it again he will be disqualified. Goldust tries to go for the Final Cut , but Kendrick has a bit left in the tank and hits a DDT on Goldust. On the outside though Stardust looks as if he is putting something on his knuckles which the announcers reveal as Brass Knuckles. Stardust slides into the ring BUT


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qgOb8u8zh0s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



The Tag Champs The Uso’s show up and corner Stardust to prevent him from cheating. Kendrick takes advantage by hitting a Sliced Bread , and finally tagging out to Paul London who hit a “450 Splash” for the win!

Rating- B



After the match The Uso’s wait until Gold and Star stand up and hit two Superkicks on them . Each Uso individually climbs a turnbuckle and they hit a splash on Star and Gold!


They celebrate with fans as we go to our next match.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/AJ_Styles_2013_zpsr3qskmvk.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Dolph_Ziggler_zpsn1zd5jez.jpg

AJ Styles vs Dolph Ziggler


This undoubtedly is probably a dream match for many happening right here on Monday Night RAW! The match kicked off with AJ Styles showing an aggressive attitude by beating the hell out of Ziggler , this included headbutts, slaps , kicks to the face . Ziggler fights back by throwing rights to AJ’s head , AJ pushes Ziggler off the ropes to which Ziggler tries to hit a famouser but AJ catches him and slams him down with a powerbomb , which gets him a 2 . The crowd start switching between the chants“Lets go Ziggler” and “Lets go AJ” , the two continue to battle it out until Ziggler gets hit with a pele kick and a Michinoku driver which gets AJ a 2 and a half. Ziggler comes back with 2 jumping clotheslines to AJ , and drives his face into the ground with a famouser which AJ kicks out of at 2. Dolph wasted some time by taunting to the crowd which they loved but AJ took advantage by rolling Ziggler up , Ziggler kicks out and AJ kicks him in the gut and tries for a Styles Clash , Dolph slips behind AJ , turns him around and he hits a superkick into a Zig Zag , but before Dolph can pin AJ. Sheamus comes out to distract Dolph , AJ sees this and takes advantage by German Suplexing Dolph across the ring , picking him up and hitting a Styles Clash for the win!


Rating - B-



After the match Sheamus laughs and shouts “FELLA” as the crowd boos him. AJ grabs a mic though.


AJ Styles- “There is 1 bad thing and 1 good thing about being here in the WWE.

The good thing is I get to kick ass and wrestle

The bad thing is I have to wrestle in front of you peasants who should be paying millions to see someone of my caliber wrestle”


The crowd boo AJ as he leaves and we go to our Main Event.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Zeb_Colter_zps5kwhksqg.jpg and http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/Lana2_zps9qfncavi.jpg

Before we get to the Main Event the Camera shows Zeb Colter and Lana talking backstage , with Zeb challenging the Bulgarian Brute Rusev to fight the All American American Jack Swagger at BattleGround. Lana accepts and says in her thick accent “Rusev Crush”. Rusev comes out of nowhere and kicks Zeb right in the face. Swagger comes running down the hallway but Rusev and Lana leave before Swagger can attack them. Swagger looks concerned as he calls medics over to check on Zeb.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Chris_Jericho_zpszrdgiysu.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Chris_Hero_zpsk2kkzaha.jpg

Chris Jericho vs Chris Hero


In the Main Event “The Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero takes on Y2J. As we get into the match Hero starts off by going to work with strikes and kicks to Jericho. Jericho eventually gains control when he kicks Hero’s legs from underneath him. Jericho starts to work on the arms and legs of Hero and even tries to lock in the LionTamer , but fails , Hero gets up and launches Jericho outside the ring. From there Hero runs towards the ropes and hits a suicide dive on Jericho. As Jericho gets back into the ring he almost gets hit with “The Death Blow” but slaps the arm of Hero away , this gives Jericho a chance to lock in the Walls of Jericho but Hero gets to the ropes. After some back and forth action Jericho tries to hit the CodeBreaker but Hero slams into the mat. Hero waits for Jericho to get up and hits him with a “Death Blow”! Jericho looks dazed , but he doesn’t fall and bounces off the ropes , Hero tries for the “Death Blow” again but this time Jericho came back with a “CodeBreaker”. Both men fall to the ground and Jericho barely puts his arms over Hero’s chest and gets the win!

Rating - C



After the match Jericho slowly gets to his feet , but a Daniel Bryan jumps the barricade and gets into the ring behind Jericho. Daniel Bryan hits a Running knee to Jericho as he and the WWE Universe chant YES! YES! YES! to end RAW!









Prediction Results.

Russelrules44 - 6/7

Kijar- 5/7

K-Nection- 6/7

KPnutz- 5/7

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Superstars Results




Kevin Owens def Justin Gabriel - C+


Adam Cole def Santino Marella - C+


Davey Richards def Heath Slater - D+


Sin Cara def Tyson Kidd and Zack Ryder - C-

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Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater



Fandango vs TJ Perkins



Main Show


Kevin Owens issues an open challenge. Who answers it?



Cesaro vs Colt Cabana



Roman Reigns vs The Miz




Adam Cole vs Sin Cara




The Uso's vs The Young Bucks - Tag Titles




Seth Rollins vs Big E



John Cena vs Ted Dibiase Jr


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Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater

Comments:Whoo Whoo Whoo You know it!


Fandango vs TJ Perkins

Comments: I don't know who TJ really is?


Main Show


Kevin Owens issues an open challenge. Who answers it?

Comments: Samoa Joe!!


Cesaro vs Colt Cabana

Comments: He used to beat him when they were in ROH together.


Roman Reigns vs The Miz

Comments: You know I've always liked Roman! I didn't hate on him for winning the rumble because he should have won it the year before instead of Batista



Adam Cole vs Sin Cara

Comments: Adam Cole is going to be the man someday!



The Uso's vs The Young Bucks - Tag Titles

Comments:I'm probably going to get some hate but I'm not a Young Bucks guy



Seth Rollins vs Big E

Comments:I'm loving how Big E's mic skills are developing in RL but Seth is the obvious bet


John Cena vs Ted Dibiase Jr

Comments: Always liked Ted and its a shame WWE let him go

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WWE.COM Officially announced the release of long-time WWE employee Scott Standford. The reason is supposedly that Scott complained about not being on a show and was released shortly after.


WWE.COM also announced a new signee from TNA after he left abruptly.

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Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater


Fandango vs TJ Perkins


Main Show

Kevin Owens issues an open challenge. Who answers it? Sami Zayn


Cesaro vs Colt Cabana


Roman Reigns vs The Miz


Adam Cole vs Sin Cara


The Uso's vs The Young Bucks - Tag Titles


Seth Rollins vs Big E


John Cena vs Ted Dibiase Jr


Okay maybe the last one is wishful thinking but a man can hope

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As the camera pans over 8,626 excited people here at Budweiser Gardens in Ontario!



Tuesday Week 3 , July 2014




<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3hBIpb2RliA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Jerry Lawler:

Welcome to SmackDown!


Michael Cole:

Yes indeed we are only a couple days away from WWE BattleGround

Joey Styles:

I just realized you guys were right. BattleGround is going to be amazing!


Finally the announcers run down tonights show and talk about how Dean Ambrose is hiking his way to the arena!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Zack_Ryder%209_zpsbbpwrr6x.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Heath_Slater_3MB_zpslynrvl5m.jpg

Zack Ryder vs Heath Slater


Both men have struggled within recent weeks , and either wanted a victory. So after a domination by Heath most of the match , in the end ,Ryder came back with a Broski Boot and hit a Rough Ryder for the win.

Rating - B ( they have really good chemistry)

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Damien_Sandow%203_zpsecms3khf.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Layla_zpsv1edao18.jpg


After the match before Ryder could even celebrate his win, Damien Sandow made his entrance to the ring with his beautiful manager Layla. Before Sandow could get a word out his mouth the crowd in Canada started to boo him , Sandow responded with “SILENCE” , which just made the crowd boo more .Sandow asked why he wasn’t booked but an unwashed mass who couldn’t win a match to save his life like Zack Ryder was. He entered the ring and asked Ryder if he remembered when he was relevant. Ryder responded with a slap to Sandow and Sandow responded to that by knocking Ryder out with his microphone. Sandow spread some intellect to Ontario before leaving with Layla to more boos.





The announcers talk about how if Sandow keeps up his win streak going he could eventually get himself a title shot!

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Fandango_zpsz9oi1svw.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/TJ_Perkins_zpsj7uknukx.jpg

Fandango vs TJ Perkins


Fandango was obviously pissed about his recent misfortunes , AND the fact that he was on the Preshow calling it a “waste of dance” , despite this TJ wasn’t going to let Fandango manhandle him , and hit a superkick to the face of Fandango which seemed to knock some of his teeth out, in the end TJ tried for a piledriver but Fandango reversed it into a spinning wheel kick , went to the top rope and hit his “Last Dance” finisher for the win.


Rating- C



The announcers thank us for watching the preshow and to stay tuned for the action that’s set for the main card!




Main Card.


Before our first match Kevin Owens came out to a mixed reaction in his hometown of Canada. He grabbed a mic and declared he didn’t have a scheduled match tonight and says GM Triple H has allowed him to issue an open challenge here , and Sunday on the BattleGround PPV.

Owens tries to continue to talk but he is cut off by


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/u6_FTekkYUk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>






Sami Zayn comes out a to a huge pop in his hometown of Canada , and walks down to the ring , grabs a mic and tells Owens that he accepts his challenge. Owens ignores Zayn and tries to leave the ring , but Zayn grabs him and starts beating the crap out of him. The ref pulls Zayn off and rings the bell , and the match is underway.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sami_Zayn_zpswydjmv1m.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Kevin%20Steen_zpsd0lbwtfp.jpg

Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens


Much to the displeasure of Owens the match starts and Sami goes right back to beating the crap out of him, he gains momentum by doing springboards , hitting dives on Owens and throwing him outside. On the outside Owens tries to escape but Zayn dives through the ring post BUT Owens catches Zayn









Joey Styles: OH MY GOD


Owens rolls Zayn back in and while the ref tries to stop the assault Owens picks Zayn up , bounces him off the ropes and hits a POP - UP Powerbomb.





Owens harshly puts his foot on Sami’s chest and the ref has no choice but to count 1-2-3.

Rating - C


As medics run down to the ring and check on Sami , Owens just leaves and goes backstage.


The announcers discuss the possibility of Zayn being injured , after that brutal match.


We move onto our next match with the crowd still shocked at what happened.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Claudio%20Castagnoli_zps56rgvcyj.jpgwhttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Paul_Heyman%203_zpsmjwncb49.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Colt_Cabana_zpslbxa3uuh.jpg

Cesaro vs Colt Cabana


Before the match started RVD came out to do some commentary to scout his opponent on Sunday. RVD chats up the announcers , but meanwhile in the ring Cesaro is controlling Colt . This includes uppercuts , and punches. Colt finally comes back and seems like he is gonna hit a “Colt 45” , but Cesaro boots him in the face. Heyman comes over to RVD and starts to argue, which distracts Cesaro , Colt tries to roll him up but Cesaro rolls through uppercuts Colt and hits him with a “Neutralizer” for the win.

Rating - C



After the match Cesaro lifts up his old buddy Colt Cabana and pats him on the back for a good performance , but tells Colt to leave as he has some business to deal with. Cesaro then calls RVD into the ring. RVD gets up straight away , gets into the ring and unloads with a house of fire on Cesaro , eventually ending with RVD clotheslining Cesaro out the ring, then chanting with the fans in Ontario ,ROB- VAN-DAM.


We go to a break before coming back with Rollins and Reigns backstage arguing.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Roman_Reigns%203_zpsgkqxjjd8.jpgRoman Reigns : You know I can’t wait until I’m done kicking Randy’s ass , so I can kick yours.



Before Seth can speak a word , Randy Orton comes into the frame and tells Roman to get ready for BattleGround , because he is gonna get more than a beating.

Seth and Randy walk off , as Roman heads to the curtain to get ready for his match with The Miz , but not before Randy would attack Reigns from behind , culminating in a RKO on the concrete.


The announcers discuss the attack on Roman Reigns at the hands of Randy Orton.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/The_Miz%206_zpsfugme6x1.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Roman_Reigns%203_zpsgkqxjjd8.jpg

The Miz vs Roman Reigns


The Miz comes out to address the fans. He enters the ring and declares himself the winner since Roman cannot make it , he continues talking trash until Roman’s music hits ,and Roman groggily makes his way to the ring. During the match Miz took advantage of the damage already done and wore down Roman. Miz tried for a Skull Crushing Finale , but was punched straight in the face by Roman. Miz DEMANDED a doctor come done and check on his beautiful face , but before he could, Roman hit him with a Superman punch and a Spear for the victory.

Rating C-


The announcers discuss the effort shown by Roman Reigns in this match.


After the match Roman told Randy to get his “Punk ass” out here , Randy does and when he gets into the ring they start brawling.Roman takes the fight to Randy , but Orton was too much for Roman and ended up hitting another RKO on Roman. Randy was pleased with his work , but lifted Roman up for THIRD RKO.




We come back from another break where the announcers discuss the debut of the “Pretty Boy” Adam Cole, which is NEXT!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Adam_Cole_zpspz616nq4.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sin_Cara_2013_zpshqmrdn5s.jpg

Adam Cole vs Sin Cara


Adam wanted to make his presence known and did exactly that when he dominated Sin Cara for most of the match. Sin Cara eventually came back with some high-flying moves but it wasn’t enough in the end , when Adam hit Sin Cara with a devastating move he called the “Panama Sunrise” for the victory.




Rating - C


After the match Cole went outside where a young fan hugged him, but Adam pushed the child off him and walked to the back as the crowd booed him loudly.



We come back for a next debut , that we have been hyping up for weeks . The Young Bucks! Who get a Tag Title shot in their first match on SmackDown!






http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Nick_Jackson_zpsqs33t4ox.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Matt_Jackson_zpsnctjdggn.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jey_Uso_zps9w6ihvjx.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Jimmy_Uso_zpsz6soghpr.jpg


The Young Bucks vs The Usos


The match starts off by Nick and Matt isolating Jey from his partner. This happened for most of the match until Jey was able to hit an enziguri on Nick, allowing them both to tag out. Jimmy came in with a house of fire unloading on Matt with kicks , chops and slams, but it didn’t take long for both Jacksons to get in the ring and hit 4 Superkicks on each Uso! Matt grabbed Jey and Jimmy and positioned them both on the second rope and hit a “Double Rope Hung DDT” , Matt covered Jimmy and the ref counted 1-2 BUT StarDust and Goldust ran in and attacked the already downed Usos for a DQ victory. The Young Bucks were furious that they were robbed of their title shot and unloaded with SIX SUPERKICKS ON GOLD AND STAR INDIVIDUALLY. The segment ended with Nick and Matt holding the tag belts up as we went to commercial break!

Rating - B-



As we came back a game Big E and Seth Rollins were in the ring.

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Seth_Rollins%206_zpssgkuo3tp.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Big_E_Langston%203_zps7tduophi.jpg

Seth Rollins vs Big E


Before the match started , Seth left the ring and started looking for Dean, he couldn’t find him so he got back into the ring where Big E tossed Seth around using his power. This didn’t last long because Seth smashed E’s face against the bottom rope and followed up with a wicked Curb Stomp! for the victory.

Rating - C+



After the match Seth left the ring and was headed backstage until , Dean came from under the ring and unloaded on Seth , he threw Seth into the steps , and backdropped him on the steel ramp. Triple H and Stephanie ordered officials to take Dean out the building which eventually did happen , but Dean sure did get his hands on Seth Rollins!




The announcers hype up Dean and Seth’s match at BattleGround before we go to our Main Event.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/John_Cena2%204_zpst5sfgm33.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Ted_DiBiase_Jr_zpssih0jqb9.jpg

John Cena vs Ted Dibiase Jr.


Another debut came tonight as Ted Dibiase jr looked to dethrone the WWE Champion. Which he almost did by giving Cena his all , which included hitting a Dream Street on Cena but Cena kicked out. Ted started to get frustrated which allowed John to turn him around into an AA for the win.












Once again the lights went off on us before Bray showed up on the titantron, he called Cena a figment of our imaginations and that he was no superhero. Bray lastly took out a contract and told John that he got a special someone to sign a contract which got him a WWE Title match at BattleGround . And to end the segment the camera zoomed out to show Nikki Bella all tied up with her signature on the contract. Bray laughed and said FIND ME! to end SmackDown!








Prediction Results

K-Nection - 7/9

KPnutz - 5/9

Kijar - 7/9



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Main Event results:


Big E def Tyson Kidd - C+


StarDust def Fandango- C


Ryback def Justin Gabriel - C


Jack Swagger def Heath Slater - C

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BattleGround is one of the biggest PPV's for the year for the WWE in 2014 as we will crown 2 new champions , an Intercontinental Champion and a World Heavyweight Champion. We also will see the debut of world -traveled superstar KENTA. Other questions remain , will Dean Ambrose get revenge? will John Cena beat Bray Wyatt and find his girlfriend? and most importantly will the WWE earn money from this PPV?





KENTA vs Fandango



Main Show


Rusev vs Jack Swagger




Bad News Barrett vs The Big Show




Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio




Kevin Owens vs Kofi Kingston




Star and Gold vs The Usos - Tag Titles




Cesaro vs RVD - Intercontinental Championship




Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler - United States Championship




Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose




Bray Wyatt vs John Cena - WWE World Heavyweight Championship




Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Championship


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Not sure when BattleGround will be going up . Probably tomorrow or Sunday ,because I'm traveling on Saturday. The good thing is it gives people more time to predict PLUS the fact I haven't written it up completely yet. Get HYPE tho.
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KENTA vs Fandango



Main Show


Rusev vs Jack Swagger




Bad News Barrett vs The Big Show




Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio




Kevin Owens vs Kofi Kingston




Star and Gold vs The Usos - Tag Titles




Cesaro vs RVD - Intercontinental Championship




Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler - United States Championship




Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose




Bray Wyatt vs John Cena - WWE World Heavyweight Championship




Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Championship


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I've been thinking about 2 new ideas that I need your feedback on:


Would you guys like to the history of the belts?


Would you guys like to see the W-D-L record of workers?

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Fandango vs TJ Perkins

Comments: I don't know who TJ really is?


He is Manik in TNA, and arguably the most underrated wrestler alive, I'd say. :D


I've been thinking about 2 new ideas that I need your feedback on:


Would you guys like to the history of the belts?


Would you guys like to see the W-D-L record of workers?


Both of these things would be cool additions, but we couldn't be too angry if you didn't go through the trouble to put all that up. I mean, it would be time consuming.

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KENTA vs Fandango



Main Show


Rusev vs Jack Swagger




Bad News Barrett vs The Big Show




Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio



Kevin Owens vs Kofi Kingston




Star and Gold vs The Usos - Tag Titles




Cesaro vs RVD - Intercontinental Championship




Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler - United States Championship




Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose




Bray Wyatt vs John Cena - WWE World Heavyweight Championship




Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan - World Heavyweight Championship

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Once again I want to say thank you to Kijar , K-Nection and KpNutz for following consistently and predicting ( most of the times) on my shows!


There is still time to predict by the way!

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