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<p>That's true but I got the idea because Vince was being a dick backstage in-game. SO why not make him a dick in-storyline.</p><p> </p><p>

P.S- SmackDown should be up tomorrow , Raw I dunno , because July 4th is right around the corner.</p><p> </p><p>

Just means more time for you to predict!</p>

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Tuesday Week 1, August 2014

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The Pyro goes off and the announcers welcome us to SmackDown! and run down our announced card , starting with the Pre-show we see the disgruntled Miz take on Santino Marella and Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns get their hands on their Summerslam opponents! And “The Pretty Boy” Adam Cole takes on Zack Ryder!




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/The_Miz%206_zpsfugme6x1.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Santino_Marella_zpsk9lowfq5.jpg

The Miz vs Santino Marella


The Miz was desperate here as he was trying to legitimize himself as a viable contender for the WWE or at least InterContinental title. But Santino wasn’t all games and Miz got caught with Santino Stunners, suplexes and finally Santino tried to lock in the Figure-Four but Miz kicked him into the post in the corner. Pulled him out and hit a Skull-Crushing Finale to seal his fate for the win!


<hr>Backstage Sami Zayn was doing an interview about how NXT got him to where he is until Kevin Owens interrupted and told Sami that HE was the reason Sami got to where he is;

he carried him on the indies , won all the tag matches by himself, and to top it off every time they met in the ring HE beat Sami. Sami obviously wasn’t too pleased with the comments and asked Owens why he sold out , Owens cut him off and said that his family is most important, and if that includes killing Sami he will do so. Sami couldn’t take anymore and speared Owens through the the set, and the fight went all the way to the catering area where they were broken up but Owens got the last laugh when he spit on Zayn while being held back.


Rating - B-

Notes: Good stuff from Owens and Zayn, but for whatever reason Zayn always comes out looking “underwhelming” , I guess Owens is overshadowing him.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Damien_Sandow%203_zpsecms3khf.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Layla_zpsv1edao18.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Rob_Van_Dam%207_zpsmsqtwatd.jpg

<hr align="center">

Damien Sandow w Layla vs Rob Van Dam


The match had some pretty exciting spots with RVD trying to make quick work of Sandow and hitting a Frog Splash in the early going, but Layla distracting the referee allowed Sandow to take advantage and hit a Terminus! Despite this RVD kicked out at 2 to keep his hope alive. Sandow then tried for a second Terminus but RVD connected with a spinning wheel kick to Sandow to gain control. RVD then tried to hit a Rolling Thunder but Sandow moved out the way at the last second allowing him to throw RVD shoulder -first into the post and roll RVD up with the tights grabbed for the victory!

Rating- B-


We go backstage where we see Cesaro and Paul Heyman with the camera and Paul starts to talk while Cesaro holds the IC title on his shoulder. Heyman started the promo with saying that Big E is a former IC champion himself , and that he should be grateful someone like Cesaro is included in the list of IC champions with him.Big E juts into the frame and Heyman and Cesaro scurry off to the ring before E can do any harm.


Rating - B

Notes: Starting to like Big E’s Entertainment skills a lot. I hope he keeps it up.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Claudio%20Castagnoli_zps56rgvcyj.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Paul_Heyman%203_zpsmjwncb49.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Mark_Henry_zpsiyaq4ond.jpg


Cesaro w Paul Heyman vs Mark Henry

Henry was fired up at the fact he had a chance to torture someone and was extremely pleased it was Cesaro. Henry dominated with his strength and hit some big powerslams and got the crowd behind him with a Splash that almost put Cesaro through the mat. Henry tried to hit his World Strongest Slam , but Cesaro managed to rake Henry’s eyes and use his Superman Strength to lift Henry up and hit a Neutralizer on Henry for an impressive win for the IC Champ.

Rating - C+



After the match

theme hit and he came rushing down to the ring with Cesaro in it , Cesaro decided to stand his ground but after a MASSIVE Clothesline from Big E, Cesaro decided against it and rolled out the ring with his belt in hand. He and Heyman went to the back as Big E gained the advantage over Cesaro 2 weeks in a row!



Next, we headed to the back where Josh Matthews stood with the arrogant Ted Dibiase Jr.

Josh asked Ted why he decided to come back to the WWE at the tender age of 31.



Dibiase : “I came back here because I was always overshadowed by my Legacy partners Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes , but I promise you that stops now and next when I defeat Sin Cara , I will show why I should have been the one to hold all the gold in that trio”


Joey Styles: Confident words here by Ted Dibiase JR


Michael Cole: Well I wouldn’t be surprised if the young man is all talk and no action!


Jerry Lawler: Well let’s find out next here on SmackDown!




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Ted_DiBiase_Jr_zpssih0jqb9.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Sin_Cara_2013_zpshqmrdn5s.jpg


Ted Dibiase Jr vs Sin Cara

Ted was in total control in this match , proving that he does back-up what he says , at-least for now. Cara hit a springboard crossbody that issued him a 2 count. But from there Dibiase tried to hit a Dream Street but Cara reversed it into a backdrop and went to the top rope and looked to hit his senton , but Dibiase moved out the way at the last second and Cara thumped his head on the mat. Dibiase took advantage by pulling Cara up and hitting a “Dream Street” for the win!

Rating - C+


music hit to a huge pop and came down to the ring and his promo started off with him saying that Rollins can still only attack him from behind and not face him face-to -face , but that he has no problem with that and that come SummerSlam no matter what match they have he is going to defeat Seth Rollins! Ambrose is interrupted by Randy Orton’s theme and Orton had a mic in hand as well and said that Rollins DOES want to face him head on and beside Orton came Rollins. They slowly started to make their way to the ring and Ambrose was ready for a fight , but as they got in the ring
theme hit and he came out to even the odds! The 4 men started brawling and Reigns and Ambrose cleared house and Rollins and Orton scurried backstage! But before they could Stephanie Mcmahon appeared on the stage and confirmed the Main Event for tonight Seth and Randy vs Dean and Roman!

Rating -B


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Davey_Richards_zpsvidwoxlu.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Eddie_Edwards_zpshvwnliie.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Ryback_zpsbfxyh4dc.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Curtis_Axel%203_zps5pixebx6.jpg

The American Wolves vs Rybaxel


The match was pretty evenly matched out with both tag teams getting equal offence in on each other and the match was almost over when Davey had Axel in the 14:59 but before Axel could tap Ryback broke it up. Axel tagged out to Ryback and Ryback controlled Davet most of the match until Eddie tagged himself in and Ryback was unaware of that and hit a ShellShock on Davey and tried to pin him , but Eddie came in and threw Ryback into the midsection of Curtis Axel which knocked Axel off the apron and then rolled up Ryback for the win!

Rating- C+





We went to the back where Bray Wyatt was in a dark room with his WWE Championship, laughing. Bray started his promo off by saying he has defeated the “unbeatable” John Cena. And he went on to say that he also broke Cena mentally as well. And even though Cena is cashing in his rematch clause at SummerSlam , it just means he gets to torture him one ……. more………...time…… “HAHAHA”


Rating - A*

Notes:Promo God


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Adam_Cole_zpspz616nq4.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Zack_Ryder%209_zpsbbpwrr6x.jpg


Adam Cole vs Zack Ryder

Adam Cole wanted to prove that he was going to be a diamond here on SmackDown and he did exactly that as he controlled the entire match with Zack having burst of energy but they were all halted by Cole. The end came when Ryder tried for a Broski Boot but Cole just reversed it into a Gutbuster! Cole then picked up Ryder and hit his “Panama Sunrise” finisher for a dominant victory!

Rating - B-



Colt Cabana was being interviewed by Renee Young and when he was asked about his match against Bray Wyatt next he responded with “ you know I can’t wait to bea- “ But before he could finish his sentence he was struck from behind with the WWE World Heavyweight title by Bray Wyatt! Wyatt then picked up Colt and hit a “Sister Abigail “ Onto the concrete! Officials and medics came rushing to Colt’s aid and Wyatt just laughed maniacally while we move onto our Main Event!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Randy_Orton_Viper_zpsinq3ykd7.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Seth_Rollins%206_zpssgkuo3tp.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Dean_Ambrose_2014_zpsaq5jksx0.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Roman_Reigns%203_zpsgkqxjjd8.jpg

Randy Orton and Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns

This was an amazing tag match from start to finish with the match starting when Seth and Dean were the legal men but Seth tagged out to Orton to avoid contact with Dean. Randy controlled Dean for the most part until the crazy side started to show and Dean went on a frenzy with clotheslines and punches to Orton. Orton finally reversed with a dropkick but Ambrose rebounded off the ropes with his vintage clothesline for a 2 count! Ambrose then set up for a “Dirty Deeds” but Orton reversed it into his signature powerslam for a 2 count as well. Orton then put Dean between the ropes and hit his Rope Hung DDT! With Ambrose laid out Randy set up for an RKO but Ambrose pushed him off towards the ropes and hit a nasty looking clothesline and both men tagged out to their partners. Reigns came in with a house of fire unloading with punches on his former Shield partner Seth Rollins; Rollins tried to reverse it with a buckle bomb but got grounded with a Samoan Drop! Roman went to the corner and set up for his “Superman Punch” but Orton came in to only get knocked out by Ambrose! Roman ran and hit his Superman Punch on Rollins ,Ambrose got back in the ring and held Rollins up by his hair so Roman could hit a Spear but all of a sudden


Roman was struck with a chair from behind by…... ADAM COLE! The ref knew he couldn’t call for the bell or he would be fired and so let the match continue. The crowd was in shock at what happened and Ambrose tried to hit Cole but only got hit with an RKO from Randy Orton! Rollins then ran off the ropes and hit his Curb Stomp on Reigns and covered him for the win!



Cole got in the ring and Randy and Seth confronted him , but Triple H’s theme hit and he got in the ring and he looked at Cole and shook his hand and Seth, Randy and Cole put their fists together like The Shield would do as SmackDown! ended!

Rating- Match (B+) Swerve (B)

Notes: Amazing stuff by Cole, didn’t expect that did ya?


Joey Styles - What a sell out!


Jerry Lawler- He’s a smart man Adam Cole is


Michael Cole- What a Night tune into SmackDown! next week!


Overall grade- A

<hr>Prediction Results:


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<p><span>http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/raw_zpsqd570o57.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="39805" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">WWE RAW!</span></span></span></span></span></span><p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></span></span></span></span></span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#8B0000;"><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Monday , Week 2, August 2014</span></span></span></p></div><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>As we are closing in on one of the biggest WWE PPV's of the year, SummerSlam, WWE is looking to put on some of the best shows possible.With AJ Styles getting a shot at the World HeavyWeight title in our Main Event! and Daniel Bryan is also scheduled to confront Jericho after his match.</p></div><p> </p><p> Also on the Pre-show The Young Bucks will be in action along with The Party Animal Adam Rose.</p><p> In other action Darren Young will be making his return and more of your favorite RAW Superstars will be in action including Luke Harper, Dolph Ziggler, KENTA, Sheamus and much more!</p><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>Card:</p><p> Pre-show</p><p> </p><p> Young Bucks vs Justin Gabriel and Xavier Woods</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Tyson Kidd vs Adam Rose</p><p> </p><p> Main Show</p><p> </p><p> Rey Mysterio vs Titus' O Neil</p><p> </p><p> Darren Young vs Luke Harper</p><p> </p><p> Alberto Del Rio vs Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p> Sheamus vs KENTA</p><p> </p><p> Paul London vs StarDust</p><p> </p><p> R-Truth vs Rusev</p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">World Heavyweight Championship!</span></span></strong></p><p> AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Were you guys surprised by Adam Cole's swerve? hate it or love it?</p>
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Pre-show</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Young Bucks</strong> vs Justin Gabriel and Xavier Woods</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tyson Kidd</strong> vs Adam Rose</p><p> </p><p>

Main Show</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rey Mysterio</strong> vs Titus' O Neil</p><p> </p><p>

Darren Young vs <strong>Luke Harper</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alberto Del Rio </strong>vs Dolph Ziggler</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sheamus</strong> vs KENTA</p><p> </p><p>

Paul London vs <strong>StarDust</strong></p><p> </p><p>

R-Truth vs <strong>Rusev</strong></p><p> </p><p>

World Heavyweight Championship!</p><p>

AJ Styles vs <strong>Chris Jericho</strong></p>

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Update: Found out we're going to an amusement park today or somthing like that. But I'm writing RAW now so it MIGHT be up tonight or tomorrow.
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I already put it in the diary preview section but how would you guys feel about a WWE 2006 diary?
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Young Bucks


Tyson Kidd


Main Show


Titus' O Neil


Darren Young


Alberto Del Rio




Paul London




World Heavyweight Championship!

Chris Jericho


I loved the swerve and not going to lie i actually had a the same idea with Cole, linking him with Rollins that is. I wouldn't mind a 2006 diary but i am loving your current diary.

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Poom , Pooom POW (I’ll never type that again) the

fireworks go off in the sold out arena , TN Dunn Center, and 9,000 WWE Fans are in attendance for this exciting episode of Monday Night RAW!


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ktmp8gC2Lws" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Booker T:

Aw Shuggy Ducky Quack Quack , We got one hell of a show for you tonight .



John LayField: Yes Indeed Booker, this is gonna be a hell of a show , especially the Main Event!


Michael Cole: That Main Event is one hell of a treat for Free! but now starting on the WWE Network you can watch all the Raws! so sign up for just 9.99!




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Nick_Jackson_zpsqs33t4ox.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Matt_Jackson_zpsnctjdggn.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Xavier_Woods%203_zps8uwwsisg.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Justin_Gabriel2_zpspmfo8nd3.jpg



The Young Bucks vs Xavier Woods and Justin Gabriel


The match was an exciting one with each man holding their own and giving it their all. The end came though when Justin Gabriel was the legal man and had Nick grounded and was ready to hit his 450 splash, Matt came in and knocked Justin off the top which led to Xavier clotheslining him over the top rope and to the floor, this just gave Nick the chance to get to his feet and Superkick Xavier and Gabriel! Matt then got back in and they set Gabriel up and hit the IndyTaker that basically killed Gabriel! http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/7-05-2015/xJRaZg.gif

Nick dropped into the cover for the 1-2-3!

Rating -B

Notes: Really impressed by all 4 men , thinking of giving Gabriel and Xavier a push because of it.


We go to the backstage area where Adam Rose and his rosebuds are , Rose then hypes up his rosebuds and has a mean look on his face and tells them he’s gonna put a beating on Tyson Kidd next!


But Tyson Kidd and Natalya come into view and Tyson laughs at Rose’s threat and tells him that Rose couldn’t even hurt one of his stupid -looking “Rosebuds” . Rose gets in Tyson’s face and tells him that he has now become the hunted of the “Hunter” and walks off.


Michael Cole: Is Adam Rose trying to tell us something?


Booker T: I think so Cole!


JBL: Well whatever it is he needs to show it in order to beat Tyson Kidd next!


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Tyson_Kidd%202_zpsilqnzc4q.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Natalya_zpspg6w5xrg.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Adam_Rose_zpsa1z8zdsv.jpg


Tyson Kidd w Natalya vs Adam Rose


Tyson and Rose put on a clinic in this one. Specifically Adam Rose , Rose came out the corner with a clothesline that turned Kidd inside out and then just started to pound on Kidd with punches.Kidd tried to come back with a kick but Rose simply booted him in the face! Rose then went to the corner and delivered a brutal clothesline to Kidd in the corner!


And hit a Party Foul! he then covered Kidd for a 1-2-3!

Rating - C+

Notes: The “Trophy Hunter” needs a new trophy……..




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Rey_Mysterio%206_zpsg8ptyzu1.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Titus_ONeil_zpsie5c3utc.jpg


Rey Mysterio vs Titus’O Neil


Before the match began BNB’s music hit but no -one came out. This obviously distracted Rey which led to Titus attacking him from behind and dominating him most of the match. Rey came back with a skilled attack to the legs of Titus and almost hit a 619 but Titus reversed it into a Clash of The Titus! Titus then covered Rey for a









(Foot on the ropes!


Titus was livid , thinking that he almost had the former world champ beat , but as Titus got Rey back up Rey kicked out Titus’s knee and he fell onto the ropes! Rey then ran the ropes and hit a 619 into a Splash for a 1-2-3!

Rating- C+

Notes: Good stuff




After the match Rey celebrated as Titus was sent to the back but before Rey could get into it he was attacked by Bad News Barrett! Barrett threw Rey to the outside and started throwing him repeatedly into the barricade. He then threw him back in and when Rey got up BNB hit a BullHammer! Bad News then got a mic and said “I’ve got some Bad News! Rey here might not be conscious but he wants a match , well he got it! and I can’t wait to knock him out again at SummerSlam”!


BNB left the ring to deafening boos as we headed to the back where Darren Young was


Renee Young and Darren Young were conducting an interview and she asked Darren how it felt being back here.




It feels amazing and I can’t wait to show the WWE universe the energy I got , So tonight when I beat Luke Harper get ready for Darren Young to take over Baybay!”


As Darren was about to get up Titus O’ Neil walked into the frame and simply glared at Darren and left.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Darren_Young%202_zpsrxi2zyr3.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Luke_Harper%202_zpso5qkustk.jpg


Darren Young vs Luke Harper


Darren lived up to his promise of being energetic for sure as he took down Harper with clotheslines and forearms to get him started but his energy rush was stopped with a boot to the face by Luke Harper! Harper then stayed in control by grounding Darren with slams and punches but Darren came back with a explosive belly to belly suplex and hit a Northern Light Suplex for a 2 count. Darren then propped Luke on his shoulders and was ready to hit his Gut Check but Harper raked his eye and hit a devastating Discus Clothesline! Young was out and Harper pinned him for a 1-2-3!


Rating: C+



Michael Cole: Impressive win for Harper here!


Booker T: Yes indeed but you gotta hand it to Darren for putting up that fight!


JBl: Even I have to hand it to Darren for that effort , but the better man won!


Backstage Dolph was warming up by doing pushups and situps when in walked KENTA to a big pop , Dolph greeted KENTA and they exchanged compliments before Dolph told KENTA to turn Sheamus’ pale ass red! KENTA smiled and also told Dolph that if Sheamus and Del Rio try anything he has some “Hero Backup” KENTA winked at Dolph before leaving the room!


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Dolph_Ziggler_zpsn1zd5jez.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alberto_Del_Rio_zpssjpui4iu.jpg



Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio

This match was a classic as per usual whenever these two square off . The match started when Del Rio viciously attacked Ziggler’s head with kicks and punches and hit an enziguri to score a 2 count! Del Rio then started attacking Ziggler’s head again and almost hit his signature kick but Ziggler countered it into a Spike DDT for a 2 count. With both men grounded Del Rio got to his feet a little faster and caught Ziggler with his signature kick which seemed to knock Ziggler out. Del Rio then pulled Ziggler to the center of the ring and almost locked in his Cross Arm Breaker but it was countered into a SchoolBoy for a 1-2-3!

Rating- B-

Notes: Chemistry like crazy!

After the match Ziggler rolled out the ring and headed to the top of the ramp where KENTA was, Del Rio rolled out and joined the US Champ Sheamus at ringside.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/WWE_US_Sheamus_zpsqcjrx6qa.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alberto_Del_Rio_zpssjpui4iu.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/KENTA%202_zpsm4uyedpd.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Dolph_Ziggler_zpsn1zd5jez.jpg



Sheamus w Alberto Del Rio vs KENTA w Dolph Ziggler



These two brawlers decimated each other with punches and kicks. The match “kicked” off with KENTA making his promise to Dolph by repeatedly kicking Sheamus’ chest until it turned a bright red ,but Sheamus dished out some of his own punishment by kneeing KENTA’s midsection. The match came to an end when Sheamus tried to hit his Brogue Kick but Kenta blocked and hit his Running Kick that he now calls the “Blowout” but before he could pin Sheamus Del Rio attacked Ziggler from behind on the outside. KENTA attempted to save Ziggler but ate a Brogue Kick off the distraction and Sheamus pinned him 1-2-3!

Rating: B

Notes: “The Blowout” Lol


After the match Sheamus beat down on KENTA and Del Rio joined in on the attack , Ziggler was still down on the outside so it was a 2 on 1 until Chris Hero came out and hit a “Death Blow” to Del Rio which knocked him out the ring. Sheamus tried to hit a Brogue Kick but received a “Death Blow” for his attempt as well! Hero helped up Ziggler and KENTA and they celebrated as we went to a break.


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Paul_London_zpsqvpenc73.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Stardust_zpswrrvgjb6.jpg


Paul London vs StarDust

We came back from a break with some action as both men have had their partners banned from ringside 2 weeks in a row but that didn’t stop them from putting on a great match. London almost ended the match when he reversed a Cross Rhodes into a massive enziguri kick which got him a 2 count. Stardust took advantage when London tried for the 450 but Star crotched London , pulled him down and hit a Cross Rhodes for a 1-2-3!


Rating - B


After the match Stardust started to beat down on London until Kendrick and Goldust came down and started a massive brawl up the stage. The chaos ended when Goldust pushed London into Kendrick which caused them to fall off the stage and into tables below! Star and Gold made their way to the back as medics and refs checked on Londrick!

<hr>http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Alexander_Rusev_zps5thkb7eb.jpg w http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Smackdown/Misc/Lana2_zps9qfncavi.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/Ron_Killings_zps2badbang.jpg



Rusev w Lana vs R-Truth


R-Truth came out with his usual rapping stick and Rusev and Lana came out waving the Russian flag at the crowd. Truth then went on the attack with some strikes that stunned Rusev! and the match was underway.


Truth continued with his strikes but Rusev pushed him off and hit a huge dropkick that looked like it killed Truth. Rusev then worked on Truth’s midsection with stomps and finally a Falloway Slam! Rusev then stomped on Truth’s back multiple times and locked in his signature Accolade, which didn’t take to long to make Truth tap out.




After the match Lana grabbed a mic and called USA a stupid place filled with overweight, ignorant, weak individuals which of , course garnered loud boos and USA chants. Rusev grabbed the mic and called America the “anus” of the world. Rusev continued to insult America until Big Shows’ theme hit and he came out and instead if saying anything he went right up to Rusev and knocked him out! Lana was left screaming and Show walked back up the ramp to cheers!


We went backstage where Jericho was with a couple of women showing off his muscles and his World Heavyweight title. AJ Lee walked into the frame and stopped Jericho, and before she could get a word out her mouth Jericho asked if she wanted to feel his muscles too. AJ frowned and told Jericho that he heard out AJ Styles and that she is gonna give him a big opportunity against HIM! Jericho groaned and as AJ walked out she added that it’s also for his title and that’s next!




World Heavyweight Championship

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/WWE_WHT_Chris_Jericho_zpssi19j9yy.jpg versus http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/AJ_Styles_2013_zpsr3qskmvk.jpg


Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles

AJ took advantage of his opportunity given by starting off with kicks and chops to Jericho and eventually hitting a Falcons Arrow for a 2. Jericho tried to get into it but AJ grounded him with suplexes and strikes. Jericho eventually came back when AJ missed a moonsault and Jericho hit a bulldog into his signature LionSault for a 2 count. Jericho tried to lock in his LionTamer but AJ wiggled out of it and turned it into a small package! for a









Jericho reversed it into his own small package! and before the ref could make the pin Jericho turned it into a LionTamer but AJ was next to the ropes and Jericho had to release it. Jericho waited for AJ to get to his feet and tried to hit a CodeBreaker but Aj held him and slammed him into the mat! AJ got him back up and hit a Styles Clash! for a















AJ grabbed the ref and insisted that it was a 3 count but the ref told him his hand didn’t come down for a 3 before Jericho kicked out. This argument led to AJ turning around into a CodeBreaker! for a








(3 Jericho Retains!


Rating : B+

Notes; Good stuff


After the match Jericho celebrated with his belt but Daniel Bryan’s music hit and he came down to the ring , grabbed a mic and told Jericho that no matter who wins next Sunday he respects the hell out of Jericho , Jericho smirked a bit and Bryan offered a handshake. Jericho took a minute but accepted it and the two even hugged.








Bryan pulled Jericho down and locked in the YES Lock! Jericho tapped repeatedly but Bryan refused to release the hold until officials came and tried to haul him off but Bryan punched them all out and locked it back in. Jericho seemed as if he had passed out to the pain and about 60 officials came down and finally got Bryan off Jericho! Bryan then grabbed the WHT and raised it into the air and chanted YES! YES! YES! with the WWE Universe as Cole closed off RAW!


Overall Grade- B+


Prediction Results:


Russelrules44- 7/9

Kijar- 5/9



Overall Grade- B+

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SmackDown! Card





(MIZ TV with Fandango , Sandow and Dibiase)


Bo Dallas vs Zack Ryder


Main Show


Kevin Owens vs Sin Cara



Big E vs Fandango( If Big E wins he gets a match for the IC title with Cesaro at SummerSlam)



Londrick vs Truth and Woods



Colt and RVD vs RYbaxel



Randy Orton vs Mark Henry



Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns



Adam Cole vs Dean Ambrose

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(MIZ TV with Fandango , Sandow and Dibiase)


Bo Dallas vs Zack Ryder


Main Show


Kevin Owens vs Sin Cara



Big E vs Fandango( If Big E wins he gets a match for the IC title with Cesaro at SummerSlam)



Londrick vs Truth and Woods



Colt and RVD vs RYbaxel



Randy Orton vs Mark Henry



Bray Wyatt vs Roman Reigns



Adam Cole vs Dean Ambrose


Wow I sucked it up last time lol. Great stuff I love following your diary!

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