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The Best Wrestling on the Planet (ROH & PWG)

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Although I love Dalton Castle, just not as much as Lethal!


Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara

Comments: Although Ferrara is talented, just not as talented as Cole!


The Decade vs. Love Gun

Comments: Hate Whitmer, love Page!


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH

Comments: Love ACH, dislike Elgin!


Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins

Comments: Love them both... But not as much as KIJAR LOVES TJP


Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon

Comments: Prefer reDRagon, but I think the Trilogy need to keep winning!


Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

I'm all outta love! :D

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Dalton should win, but he wont


Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Dalton to the moon, please


Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


Nice show buddy. Surprised to see Lethal walking out with both.

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins


Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


Fun Fan Signs:

Thoughts of Previous Show:

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Glad to see I haven't missed the show :D


Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Lethal's basically unstoppable right now


Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara

Comments: No question, right?


The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins

Comments: Tough choice but with Truth Martini in Alexander's corner, I think that can be the tipping point


Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Seems pretty obvious.


Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara

Comments: As does this match.


The Decade vs. Love Gun

Comments: My boys! :D


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH

Comments: I'm probably gonna regret this pick...


Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins

Comments: Alexander gets some outside help to set up a feud with TJ.


Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon

Comments: Let us keep reDRagon away from the tag titles for a while. :rolleyes:


Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

Comments: I think this is just so Roddy can bounce back.

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Thank you guys for being ever so patient.


This post is to let you know I finally have Internet in my new apartment (moved out of my parents' house, whoop whoop)! So, this diary lives on! I ran into a snag because of admin mode problems, but there was no way I would let this diary die! So, here we are.


I'll have the show up some time soon, I'm busy with a few adult things but I have it nearly written, so no worries. Thanks again for the support.


Lastly, I'm extremely humbled by the poll for the DOTM Awards for July. I cannot actually put my true feelings to words. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara



The Decade vs. Love Gun



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH



Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins



Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon



Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong

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Commentary Team: Kevin Kelly & Steve Corino


Kevin Kelly: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome! I'm Kevin Kelly, alongside King Steve Corino, and we're just four days removed from Death Before Dishonor XIII!

Steve Corino: What a show that was, we had Jay Lethal come out on top in two seperate title defenses! Neither Chris Sabin nor Roderick Strong could get a belt from the Undisputed Champion!

Kelly: Off the heels of that, we'll be hearing from our champion!

Corino: Additionally, the Addiction put away War Machine to keep their gold, the Kingdom pulled one over on the Briscoes, TJP pinned Michael Elgin..

Kelly: ACH finally got the big win, and the Trilogy claimed victory over the Bullet Club!

Corino: Where do we go from here!? Let's take it to the ring!



To open the show, we received a terrific promo from the ROH World and World Television Champion. He put himself over, put the House of Truth over, and said he's ready to beat this freak Dalton Castle.

Segment Rating: 61


Match One

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Jay%20Lethal_alt%202_zpswkgoiqil.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Dalton%20Castle_zpshokmizoi.jpg

Jay Lethal w/Truth Martini vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle


Transitioning into the match, where we see young Dalton Castle in probably the biggest match of his career. His mannerisms were top notch here, leading to this opener between the champ and a relatively unknown being the match of the night! Castle took it to Lethal and put on a show, but that didn't stop Jay Lethal from hitting the Flying Elbow before the 6 minute mark. That was a good one.


Jay Lethal def. Dalton Castle in 5:43 by pinfall with a Flying Elbow Drop.

Rating: 64


Match Two

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Cole_alt2_zpsakd1pgi2.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Will%20Ferrara_zpstqaywqte.jpg

Adam Cole w/Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Will Ferrara


A very standard bout here, highlighted by Scarlett Bordeaux and her booty being at ringside. She cheered on Adam Cole as he and Will Ferrara fought back and forth for awhile. Ferrara was impressive in the early goings, but Cole took advantage about halfway through, and Ferrara didn't manage much of a comeback. We see a Flying Cross Body from Cole and then the one, two, three.


Adam Cole defeated Will Ferrara in 5:55 by pinfall with a Flying Cross Body.

Rating: 44







Backstage, we see a very arrogant Kingdom. They are bragging, going on and on, about their victory over multi-time ROH World Tag Team Champions the Briscoes at Death Before Dishonor.

Segment Rating: 38


Match Three

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/BJ%20Whitmer_zpsrjgtwsak.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Adam%20Page_zps4basm47a.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Chris%20Sabin_alt2_zpsydcnpjsy.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Matt%20Sydal_zps8otg5d5c.jpg

The Decade vs. Love Gun


This one was pretty good, but it was clear BJ Whitmer was off his game here. Chris Sabin and Matt Sydal brought something we haven't seen from them quite yet, as far as tag dynamic goes, and it was great to see. They fought with Page and Whitmer for ten minutes, and this one could've gone either way. Sydal helped Sabin bounce back from his loss on Saturday, but jumping out of the ring with a Springboard Shooting Sydal Press to Whitmer. That left Adam Page alone with Chris Sabin, and Page's luck continues to be bad as he eats the Cradle Shock and you could've counted to ten! That's a victory for Love Gun!


Love Gun defeated The Decade in 10:02 when Chris Sabin defeated Adam Page by pinfall with a Cradle Shock.

Rating: 50






Match Four

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Michael%20Elgin_alt2_zpsxku668es.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/ACH_alt3_zpstdfhsayg.jpg

"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. ACH


When we return from our break, Elgin and ACH start things off with a lockup. The larger Elgin gets control early, and tosses ACH around a bit. ACH quickens the pace as he starts to fight out, and we get clear signs of great chemistry between these two. As the match dwindled down, ACH comes off the top with the Best 450 Ever but Elgin put his knees up! He grabs ACH, ELGIN BOMB! ONE!







NOPE! ACH gets the shoulder up and the crowd goes crazy! He pulls himself up with the ropes, watch out Elgin! Ready or Not Here I Come! ACH makes the cover and gets three!


ACH defeated Michael Elgin in 7:09 by pinfall with a Ready Or Not Here I Come.

Rating: 46


Match Five

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Cedric%20Alexander_alt_zps48tcjgc5.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/TJ%20Perkins_zpsmscc0f9u.jpg

Cedric Alexander w/Truth Martini vs. "Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon


More good singles action as the newest House of Truth member takes on red hot TJ Perkins. Truth was a deciding factor as this one got underway, constantly coaching Cedric and taunting TJP. This was up until Mandy Leon got in his face and told him to shut up! The crowd started up chants for Mandy, which helped fuel TJP to escape the Kick to Kill and lock in the Figure Four Deathlock! Nowhere to go for Cedric, and he has to tap out!


TJ Perkins defeated Cedric Alexander in 6:58 by submission with a Figure Four Deathlock.

Rating: 48



A quick hype segment for Austin Aries, Eddie Edwards, and Low-Ki of the Trilogy.

Segment Rating: 44






Pre-Main Event

Tag Team Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Eddie%20Edwards_zps3kod6bzr.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Low-Ki_alt_zpsl7bpm0id.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Kyle%20OReilly_zpsbtqe97hj.jpghttp://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Bobby%20Fish_alt3_zps8n74wvxx.jpg

Eddie Edwards & Low-Ki w/Austin Aries vs. reDRagon


Our Pre-Main Event was a good one, with the great tandem of Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish trying to slow the momentum of the Trilogy by taking on Edwards and Low-Ki. While it's clear that reDRagon work well together, we saw a good dynamic between Edwards & Low-Ki that seemed to catch the former ROH Tag champs off guard. With Austin Aries at ringside, it was almost inevitably that Fish and O'Reilly would get caught up by the numbers game. Surprisingly, the two members of the Trilogy went over cleanly due to Bobby Fish submitting to the Achilles Lock from Edwards. Can anyone stop this trio?


Eddie Edwards and Low-Ki defeated reDRagon in 13:18 when Eddie Edwards defeated Bobby Fish by submission with an Achilles Lock.

Rating: 53






Main Event

Singles Match

http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Christopher%20Daniels_2_zpsb5miryeb.jpg VS. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m237/VinceKage/ROH%20Dynasty/Roderick%20Strong_alt2_zpsr1urwpkx.jpg

Christopher Daniels w/Frankie Kazarian vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong


These two are such great competitors that you couldn't help but applaud them here. Despite not clicking too much as opponents, show stealer Christopher Daniels and wrestling machine Roderick Strong fought back and forth for over fifteen minutes. At one point, Kazarian tried to get involved but Strong landed a powerful kick to the side of his head. That showed Kazarian what's up, and Strong looked to bounce back from his loss to the Undisputed Champion. It helped to get a victory over another champion, which is exactly what went down. Daniels misses the Best Moonsault Ever, but landed the Last Rites. We see a kickout from Roderick Strong, who floats over and locks in the Strong Hold! Roddy's still got it! DANIELS TAPS!


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Roderick Strong defeated Christopher Daniels in 15:11 by submission with a Strong Hold.

Rating: 62


Overall Show Rating: 58

This show increased our popularity in 10 regions.


Prediction Results:

TheLloyd: 7 (perfect score!)

Satyr24: 7 (perfect score!)

Uncrewed: 6

crackerjack: 6

daulten6: 6 (you changed one of your answers because you predicted twice! :p )

The_CoC: 6

The Whole Shebang: 6

michgcs: 4

Mootinie: 5

Wolfman84: 5

This show was pretty easy to predict, so that puts everyone on the same page early on here!

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-The PWG Battle of Los Angeles was held over the weekend, with ROH & NJPW talents Roderick Strong, ACH, Rocky Romero, and Berreta participating. Chris Hero came out the victory.


-Former ROH talent Rhino recently defeated Colin Cassady to win the vacant NXT Championship.

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On the next edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling...

Everyone is looking for contention in Ring of Honor, and the Trilogy continues to run over the roster! How will this all play out on the next edition of Ring of Honor Wrestling!?


House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine


Thoughts of Previous Show:

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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose

Comments: I think it'll be Lethal and Cedric right?


Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards

Comments: I'm a Coleman fan, but Low-Ki gets the win here


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: This is more hope than anything. Kagahhh!!! (peacock noise)


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini

Comments: Otherwise it'd be too good a night for 'the house'


ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards

Again, big ACH fan, but Aries is better and bigger!


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine


Thoughts of Previous Show: YES! Dalton Castle in the Match of the Night!!! Awesome!!! :D

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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine


Thoughts of Previous Show:

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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine

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Yeh jeez mich, bit insensitive don't you think? :p Can't wait for the next show!!


This joke is pretty funny because I've had insomnia for two and a half years. :p


LOL I'm funny without even trying. Too bad Lloydie doesn't have a sense of humor :rolleyes:


(whew, i sure got out of a potentially awkward situation. good job, michgcs!)


This show was pretty easy to predict, so that puts everyone on the same page early on here!


Gee, I wonder if that's true...


Prediction Results:

michgcs: 4




House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards

Comments: I wonder who wins...


"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Do peacocks go "kagah?" I've never heard one up close but I agree that Dal-Ton Ca-stle is awesome from the few gifs I've seen


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards




#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine



Thoughts of Previous Show:

Damn, I bombed the last show... BUT THAT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!

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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle



"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini



ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine

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"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle

Comments: Do peacocks go "kagah?" I've never heard one up close but I agree that Dal-Ton Ca-stle is awesome from the few gifs I've seen

I'm glad you brought this up, among other things... I don't know... However, he seems to go 'Kagah!!' a lot in promos and what not... and his 'boys' make all kinds of noises during his matches... If you're looking for the full Dalton Castle experience, I recommend his match with Adam Cole at Death Before Dishonour of this year... It showcases him brilliantly I feel! He also hit his 'Dead Lift German Suplex' on Moose on ROH TV last week!!! :D


(and here to Donovan Dijak, who is a BIG man!!)



Basically, he's awesome... KAGAHH!!!

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House of Truth (??? & ???) vs. "Mr. ROH" Roderick Strong & Moose



Caprice Coleman vs. Low-Ki w/Austin Aries & Eddie Edwards



"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin vs. "Pro Wrestling's Peacock" Dalton Castle


"Technical Lightning" TJ Perkins w/Mandy Leon vs. J. Diesel w/Truth Martini

Comments: He is technically lightning


ACH vs. Austin Aries w/Low-Ki & Eddie Edwards


#1 Contendership Tag Team Match

The Kingdom vs. Love Gun vs. War Machine

Tough one to call. It's either them or the Kingdom


Thoughts of Previous Show:

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