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USPW: Setting Law And Order

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''Yeah, I think i'll go through with this Tommy.....No, I don't want any compensation I land in about a hour or so, so don't worry about me.''


''Yeah, hopefully I'll see you round the time when we can both at the top of America and maybe the world, see you bud.''


Monday Week 1, January 2014

Diary Entry #1


Just touched base with Tommy on the mutual termination from TCW, he wanted to offer me money, but I refused another of those Nice guy moments by your's truly. Hoping USPW will be different, it is my home, the promotion that gave my start, but will I achieve the same amount of success there that I had so many years ago with Paul? Probably not, but a man can dream right, hoping Sam will not be the same Sam I heard of, but Tommy told me that if the guy had another head, Sam would probably want to pin it clean, 1....2.....3. Another thing I'll miss in TCW, sure there were some real pieces of work(looking at you Minnesota), but that promotion was like my home for a time and Tommy really guided me like he would his own Protege, so hopefully I can have a similar relationship with Sam, but what happens if the guy is a complete Egomaniac?
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Tuesday Week 1, January 2014

Diary Entry #2


Got back from the meeting Sam, dude is like full of this awe-inspiring energy as if he knows just what to say. His handshake was firm and his grip tight, but the way he looked at me, I thought for a second I saw some pride in his eyes for me, but I hope I can live up to his expectations and not make this another failed wrestler becomes booker stories again. Another thing is that his daughter Alicia doesn't see to like me, maybe she wanted someone else to have the book, but she glared daggers at me the whole meeting. My analysis of the roster is pretty simple, OLD and very few talented guys, had to be honest with Sam about our chances compared to TCW and SWF, he just told me that is why we have me, but hopefully he doesn't expect to make this company a global Icon, I need a year or two in order to even grow this baby into something causal and internet fans will grow to like.
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Wednesday, Week 1, Janaury 2014

Diary entry #3


Just met the ace of the company, Nicky Champion, kid has some good in-ring skills and a real old school babyface can do no wrong thing going on, really going to be doing something big for him, looking up and the down the roster everyone who needs to be fired are all Sam strong guys, so toss that idea out the window, but my second idea for Sam is for us to create a Developmental Company using the plethora of Indie Talent out there to get something going for those internet fans that bash us and also to find the next stars of USPW, maybe redo the whole Family Fun aura, but that is probably pushing it, first show is tonight with me in charge, I'm Thinking these matches to happen:

http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/331fbca4-364d-426b-a10d-92368e732f62_zpstfs9eoss.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/9bd01f4a-4356-45c4-88d5-e05a38fe179a_zpsmolaidnr.jpg

Cherry Bomb VS. Raven Robinson


http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/53341901-cd0e-44bf-96e8-a2a86df32a99_zpse4xarycu.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/173157a2-762c-47e9-9827-a167e99d6538_zps0t2cjcme.jpg

Andre Jones VS. Enygma


http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/3cc2d418-8267-4d38-b3ce-f3594a442134_zps2dlfzsoo.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/24992ea6-2462-48b3-8b70-af3f4d0921c1_zpsa7rod43e.jpg

Nicky Champion VS. Jumbo Jackson

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USPW American Westling

Wednesday, Week 1, January 2014

Location: South East(The Dust Bowl

Attendance: 12,976

Show Rating:



Nicky Champion: Blaine, we have been doing this song and dance for a time, but this isn't just something I have rehearsed, no this my heart and the ehart of everyone of those USPW fans who have been terrorized when you come into the arena I am not here for anything other than defeating you and regaining that the Wold Heavyweight Championship and it starts when I beat Shane Sneer's goon. Nicky leaves Brock Cornish speechless.

Grade: 78(B)


http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/331fbca4-364d-426b-a10d-92368e732f62_zpstfs9eoss.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/9bd01f4a-4356-45c4-88d5-e05a38fe179a_zpsmolaidnr.jpg

Cherry Bomb VS. Raven Robinson

In a less than impressive match, Cherry Bomb defeats Raven Robinson in Women's action. This match really sowed the dominance of Cherry Bomb as she threw Raven around like a rag doll with suplex after suplex and with vicious clothesline, but credit where credit is due, Raven Robinson tried her hardest and landed a couple of impact moves including a cross body off the top rope and a top rope dropkick.

Winner: Cherry Bomb when Cherry Bomb defeated Raven Robinson in 14:05 with a Cherry Bomb.

Grade: 44(D)



We transition backstage to see T-Rex and Enygma battling it out, T-Rex shoves Enygma into a nearby catering table, but Enygma landed legs first on top of the catering table and lands a cross body on T-Rex who catches n mid-air and slams him into the catering table. Getting up, T-Rex leaves, his work is done and Enygma is down for the count.

Grade: C+



Tyson Baine is shown confronting James Justice, no words can be heard, but both men begin to push each other, Baine begins to leave, but turns around quickly and lands a big boot on Justice. Tyson picks up Justice and power bombs him into the wooden lockers of James Justice's locker room. Justice howls in pain and Baine begins to put his boot to the torso of James Justice.

Grade: 78(B)


http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/53341901-cd0e-44bf-96e8-a2a86df32a99_zpse4xarycu.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/173157a2-762c-47e9-9827-a167e99d6538_zps0t2cjcme.jpg

Andre Jones VS. Enygma

This match is highlighted by the injury to Enygma inflicted by T-Rex earlier on tonight and Andre Jones took full advantage o that, by working over the torso of Enygma with multiple variations of the suplex, Boston crab, and even a flying elbow drop. In he end, Enygma has too much experience for Andre Jones and ended the match with a vicious Brain Buster.



http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/3cc2d418-8267-4d38-b3ce-f3594a442134_zps2dlfzsoo.jpg VS. http://i1341.photobucket.com/albums/o752/cyborgpanda529thecoolestjedi/24992ea6-2462-48b3-8b70-af3f4d0921c1_zpsa7rod43e.jpg

Nicky Champion VS. Jumbo Jackson

This was a surprisly good match, in none of my other USPW save ahs Nickyplus Jumbo pulled higher than a C+, but the announcing ulity was a big part of that. This match was highlighted with Nicky Champion using his speed advantage to take down the bigger Jumbo, Nicky Champion puled many moves from his trick bag, including a swinging neckbreaker, a frog splash, and a sharpshooter, but in the end it was Nicky with the win with a Hawkeye Hammer.

Winner: Nicky Champion in 14:40 by pinfall with a Hawkeye Hammer.

Grade: 73(B-)



Tyson Baine is shown looking into the darkness of a figure's hood and chanting something in a unrecognizable language as a small chant starts in the background, Baine looks behind him and a darkness completely envelops him fully.

Grade: 80(B)

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Thursday, Week 1, janaury 2014

Diary Entry: #3


First show was a disappointment with the fans, Sam not so happy, but understands the difficulty, trying to find a way to touch base with him on my development idea, but he seems to be pretty occupied with other things, so hopefully I can bring it up at a more appropriate time. After the show, took Nicky out for drinks, guy refused some advances from some pretty ladies, i think this guy may be the cleanest guy of all time, but I think I will have to keep an eye on Baine. Sneer called me after I hung out with Nicky and wanted to know my plans for him and the Sneer Corporation, I didn't want to tell him that i plan to fire them all, but I told him that I'm pushing Muscles VS. Champion later and Jackson will probably do something in the mid card with Enygma after the T-Rex program. After that I let sleep do what it does best.

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Friday, Week 1, January 2014

Diary Entry #4



Finally Brought the Idea up to Sam, he was a little surprised by my idea seeing as how he was in the middle of telling me another of those Sam famous stories, but in all honesty I get that he is a legend, but he is one arrogant guy. Aside from that he asked me my idea for the territory, so i told him my plan of signing the Indie talent and new talent that pops up and signing them to deals with our Development company and having them go out with no supervision of our own except sending retired guys with the skills to train them, then bring them up t the main roster. So Sam proceeded to ask who I have in Mind, so I told him, the entirety of MAW,CZCW,NYCW,etc. and he agreed as long as he saw some improvement. This was all going according to plan, but on my way back to the hotel got a call from Baine and all I heard was stabbed.

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I guess I should really actually give this diary a proper introduction, well here I go. Basically I wanted to start a USPW save with a character who I would develop through stories and diary entries, so I picked Rick Law, who seems cool to me and I'm hoping this diary will help me get more into the C-Verse, so if any of those reading know a lot about the C-Verse in terms of history and the finishers used and their similarity to real life or even the characters of the workers in the C-Verse to real life people, that would be a great help. Thanks for reading and peace.
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Saturday, week 1, January 2014


Stood in the E.R. for an hour before Baine came lumbering out, he was in some pain as he flinched on every other step or so, but I looked him straight in the eye to get an explanation of what the hell happened. He passed it off as some old friendly bar brawl gone wrong, but once again I have my doubts about that. In other news, News Worthy Wrestling Federation as officially been founded and will serve as the Development territory for USPW, they are set to Tour and take breaks during the Summer and December. I'm hoping this new change can bring in a large cascade of new changes seeing as I had to break the buy out every good Indie wrestler and will have such an inflated roster in 4 to 6 months, which is the timetable I have given him until he sees improvement from us. Man I really hope I can keep this job, otherwise it is out on the streets with me.

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