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Storylines in TEW 2010

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Hello all,


Aside from the pure enjoyment of putting together storylines it is my understanding that, game mechanic wise, storylines add momentum to the people who are featured in them. I concluded a storyline and nothing happened. Here is the basic information:


Mimic, momentum: 57.

Jamie Atherton, momentum: 61

Storyline Heat at the end: 37.


When I officially ended the storyline neither wrestler's momentum changed. I even advanced a day to see if it needed time for that to happen.


My first reaction is that until the storyline heat is above either wrestler's momentum that it will not have a positive effect. However it didn't have a negative effect either.


I am playing ACPW with "The Grand Avatar". My initial roster is... weak.


First Round of Questions:


1) I am assuming that storyline heat is based off of the averaged segment ratings of the story, not total time / segments invested. Is that true?


2) I am assuming that the momentum boost from the storyline is a one time thing that happens upon the story's conclusion. Is that true?


3) I am assuming that storyline heat must be above the wrestlers momentum to give them a boost. Is that correct?


4) There is no point of doing storylines with characters that cannot put together a match rating that will be above their current momentum. Is that true?


Thanks in advance. Any other advice will be greatly appreciated.

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1) I am assuming that storyline heat is based off of the averaged segment ratings of the story, not total time / segments invested. Is that true?


No. It's created based on the first segment's rating then modified by each further segment. It isn't an average.


2) I am assuming that the momentum boost from the storyline is a one time thing that happens upon the story's conclusion. Is that true?


No. There is no special momentum boost. The storyline's heat impacts each segment that the storyline is valid for and the workers get the benefits \ negatives from that; i.e. being in a hot storyline makes all their segments better and therefore benefits them because they're getting over quicker due to the increased rating. There is no special boost to their overness or momentum just from being in a storyline, only what they get from their natural booking within it.


3) I am assuming that storyline heat must be above the wrestlers momentum to give them a boost. Is that correct?


See above.


4) There is no point of doing storylines with characters that cannot put together a match rating that will be above their current momentum. Is that true?.


No it isn't.

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Thanks again Adam for the quick, clear answers. It seems I had momentum completely wrong. I am going to assume that momentum works differently in TEW 2013 because I read an article about momentum for 2013 and everything you just told me blows that article completely out of the water. Or maybe those guys didn't know either... here it is.




So, general question. How does momentum work (for TEW 2010)? I cannot find a pattern to it.

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Final Question on the topic:


When I have a Minor Angle in my show it DOES NOT count towards the overall show rating. (Right?) So...


Do Minor angles involving two characters in a storyline affect storyline heat?


I have been using 1 minute minor angles in between matches to try for that perfect show theory. Their ratings are usually a 10 or less which is why I make them minor angles. I just noticed that they count as steps in the wrestlers unchained storylines. Are those low rated segments affecting my storyline heat?

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