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WWE 2006 : The BreakThrough


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About the prediction prizes, the way I do them is simple. I count the points per match like you did for each show (or just PPVs) and the person with the most points each month gets a prize, like ''Name a Midcard title contender'', ''Give this wrestler a nickname'', ''Give that wrestler a storyline'', ''Name this tag team'', ''Make a tag team''...There are many possibilities. If there is a Draw, you can either give both people prizes or just postpone the winner to the next month, either counting or not counting that month's points in the results of the next month. I hope that this helped you.


Chavo and Shelton vs Johnny and Nicky

Comments: Eh, The Spirit Squad can't really move up from the Midcard, so Chavo and Shelts take this one.


Edge vs The Big Show

Comments: WWE 101: Thou shall job your Mr. Money in the Bank when he is close to cashing in.


Show wins by DQ or CO.


Womens Championship

Trish Stratus © vs Victoria

Comments: Mickie gets involved and attacks Trish after the match, wanting the belt to stay with her.


Intercontinental Championship

Triple H vs Ric Flair ©

Comments: Yup, can't see Hunter as the Intercontinental Champion.


WWE Championship

Elimination Chamber Match

John Cena © vs Kurt Angle vs Kane vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Masters vs Carlito

Comments: Cena ''defies the odds'' but opportunity strikes.

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I'll probably post the show later than usual to give you guys more time to predict ( since it is a PPV).
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Jim Ross: Welcome Everyone to New Years Revolution! You are looking at 23,422 spectacular people in the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan! What a night we have in store for you ladies and gentlemen , THREE title matches and 2 grudge matches for you to enjoy!


Jerry Lawler: I totally agree JR and lets not waste our time flapping our lips we got some Tag Team action to kick us off here tonight , with Chavo and Shelton taking On Spirit Squad members Nicky and Johnny!



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Chavo%20Guererro%20Jr._zpsfwovmuev.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Shelton%20Benjamin%20102_zpswqtjq6j5.jpg vs http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Nicky_zps0uvm43vo.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Johnny_zpstnlkljjf.jpg


Chavo and Shelton vs Nicky and Johnny

Before the match even started the announcers brought up the fact that Spirit Squad member Kenny was banned from ringside. Then the match started off with Shelton and Nicky in the ring and since both have an amateur wrestling background they grappled each other for a bit until Nicky took advantage and trapped Benjamin in his corner and tagged out to Johnny causing a double team on Benjamin with both men teaming up to hit a double suplex on him.

JR: Gotta say the Spirit Squad are working very well together!


the double suplex only got Johnny a two but he went straight back to work on Benjamin , delivering lefts and rights while holding him in a chokehold in the center of the ring. The fans started to clap their hands to get Benjamin fired up and the claps did exactly that with Benjamin unloading with punches until Johnny released him then hitting a spinning wheel kick to take him out the ring!


With Johnny on the outside ,Chavo started banging the steel steps in his corner to get Benjamin to tag him in. Benjamin crawled and crawled and was so close until Johnny came back in and knocked Chavo off the apron. He got Shelton back to his feet but got hit with a Superkick from Shelton! Shelton then made it to his corner but Chavo wasn’t available from the attack by Johnny a little earlier. Johnny tagged in Nicky and Nicky came running at Benjamin in the corner but Benjamin got his feet up , knocking Nicky to the ground!


Chavo finally resumed his spot on the apron and Shelton tagged him in. Chavo then came in with a house of fire delivering a clothesline to Nicky and a dropkick to Johnny to take him off the apron! He ducked a clothesline attempt from Nicky and hit the Three Amigos! Shelton got back into the ring and springboarded his way onto Johnny on the outside , leaving Chavo and Johnny to their lonesome. But this just allowed Johnny to roll up Chavo and try to steal one!


Jerry Lawler: Is he gonna get him!?






Broken up by Shelton!


Shelton got back into the ring and hit a PayDirt on Johnny! Allowing Chavo to go up top and hit a Frog Splash for a three count and the victory for Chavo and Shelton!



Jim Ross : Great victory for Shelton and Chavo in the opening of New Years Revolution!


Chavo and Shelton were celebrating but they were stopped short by

Kenny , the other Spirit Squad member came running over the barricade with a steel chair in hand! Once Chavo and Shelton turned around they were busted over the head with a sickening chair shot by Kenny! Kenny then called Nicky and Johnny into the ring and they both positioned themselves on individual turnbuckles and Johnny hit a Frog Splash on Shelton while Nicky did the same to Chavo!

The trio left the ring to boos while Chavo and Shelton rolled around the ring in agony!


Rating- B


Notes: Great opener for the show!

<hr><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/f_v60IElqgQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Jim Ross: WWE would like to thank Jaden Smith for the official theme song of WWE New Years Revolution!


Jerry Lawler: Yes , what a great young man. Once again Thank you Jaden Smith for that song.


Notes: Yes, I actually like Jaden Smith’s music. Give it a listen.






<hr>We cut backstage where Edge and Lita are in a spa room , with Lita giving Edge a “massage” particularly around his genitals but anyways they had a radio playing some music and a tub with some bubbles in it. Lita started to take off her towel saying that she wants to “prepare” Edge for his match up next , but before they can get intimate , Big Show busts through the spa door and sees the visual!




Lita scrambles to put back on her clothes while Edge gets up to confront Show , but before Edge can do anything Show asks Edge if he’s into “manajas” , Edge shuts the door and covers up Lita before heading to his locker room to get ready for his match! The camera zooms to the outside where we see Big Show laughing his ass off at what just happened.


Rating - B+


Notes: Lol ,just a little fun.



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Big%20Show%20WT2_zps2obkinn8.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Edge%2006_zpsusvnoyic.jpg


The Big Show vs “Mr Money in The Bank” Edge w Lita


With Edge pissed off and Big Show just having some fun the match was definitely a great one.

Jerry Lawler: How can you blame Edge for being pissed off? He ruined his “preparation”, plus I know me and Show didn’t mind but Edge is probably also pissed 20k plus got to see a full frontal nude of his girlfriend!


JR: I do agree with you King , but remember NEVER piss off a giant!


At the start of the match Edge walked right up to Show and spit in his face. Obviously not hearing what JR just said Show grabbed Edge by his throat and threw him halfway across the ring! Edge rolled out and tried to walk out the building but Show followed chase and threw Edge into the steel steps and back into the ring.


Once both men were back in the ring , Edge outsmarted Show and took out his legs with chop block after chop block and when Show was down on his knees , Edge booted him right in the face to send him to the mat . He tried to cover Show but Show tossed Edge off before the ref could even count. With Edge in shock he went back to work on the legs of Show and tried to lock in a Sharpshooter but Show grabbed him by his throat and hit a ChokeSlam!


Show then covered Edge for a
















Edge is still alive! but with the damage done to Show’s legs it took Show a while to get back to his feet allowing Edge to run off the ropes and hit a “Spear”! but Show didn’t fall and Edge ran off the ropes again and hit a “Spear” this time only making Show stumble , but after a quick distraction by Lita , Edge was able to hit a third “Spear” , flooring Show! Edge quickly went into the cover for a

















Edge couldn’t believe it and started to slam his head into the mat out of frustration! Lita got up on the apron and kissed Edge to calm him down but when Edge turned around- ChokeSlam! Show once again hooked the leg







Lita places Edge’s foot on the ropes!



Show got up and grabbed Lita by her hair and dragged her up onto the apron , which the ref tried to break up , allowing Edge to hit a low-blow! into a roll-up from Edge!














Show kicked out and when he got back to his feet he pushed Edge into the corner which knocked out the ref Mike Chioda in the process. Show tried to revive the ref while Lita slid a chair in the ring and and Edge picked it up , ready to hit Show when he turned around

JR: Of Course Edge has to cheat to win Goddamit!


Jerry Lawler: Edge is the “Ultimate Opportunist”, he’’ll take any and every opportunity to win!



Show must have seen Edge out the corner of his eye because when he turned around he hit a KO punch into the chair Edge was holding making it hit Edge in the face! Edge dropped to the ground while Lita screamed and another referee ran down to the ring! Show covered Edge for a





Two ,





Rating - B


Notes: None


JR: What a win for the Big Show here tonight , King! I guess this wasn’t the “opportune” time for the “Ultimate Opportunist”


Jerry Lawler: You might be right JR, but in that briefcase Edge holds another “opportunity”!


After the match , Lita ran into the ring and checked on Edge , helping him up.The camera showed them as they were leaving . But Edge grabbed his Money In The Bank Briefcase and smiled as he limped his way up the ramp!


<hr>Jerry Lawler: Next up we have some DIVAS action which means I get to see more PUPPIES tonight JR!


JR: *laughs* , yes you do King and let’s not forget the Women’s Championship is on the line as well!



Women’s Championship


http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/CHAMPS/Trish_Stratus3_zpsegvolfm8.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Victoria%208_zpse8mcoplb.jpg



Trish Stratus © vs Victoria

Trish was her usual confident , sexy self in this match after beating Victoria and Lita with the help of Mickie James on RAW , but Victoria wasn’t going to let the opportunity to win her third Women's Championship slip by and she dominated much of the contest with her strength. At one point Victoria almost hit her “Widow’s Peak” but Trish slipped out back and managed to pull off a German Suplex and toss Victoria across the ring!

JR: Bah Gawd King! Some abnormal strength shown by the Women's Champion Trish Stratus!

Jerry Lawler: That had to hurt!

After the sickening suplex Trish pulled Victoria to her feet and set her up for the “Trish Kick” , but Victoria ducked and pulled Trish’s hair so she landed head -first on the mat! She then picked up Trish and put her in a Powerbomb position and as she was about to slam her , Trish rolled through into a rollup!




Victoria kicked out but as she got back to her feet Trish knocked her back down with a “Trish Kick”! She went for the cover but
















JR: What in the hell is Mickie James doing here!?

Mickie James! Mickie came skipping down to the ring and climbed onto the apron. Trish confronted her and told her that she appreciates the support from Mickie but that she needs to focus on her match right now and beat Victoria ,but their conversation was cut short when Victoria pushed Trish into Mickie causing Mickie to tumble off the apron causing Trish to look in disbelief but this also allowed Victoria to roll up a shocked Trish Stratus!



Three! We have a NEW Women’s Champion!

Jerry Lawler: Wow! we have a new champion JR! Victoria is a three time Womens’ Champion!







Victoria was handed the Women's title while Trish just looked shocked that she lost her title to Victoria. Victoria left the ring celebrating with the title and Mickie came back into the ring and started to apologize for distracting Trish. Trish got back to her feet and almost looked like she was going to snap on Mickie but eventually told her it was fine and that she has a rematch clause anyways. Trish went through the ropes to leave the ring

BUT Mickie pulled her back in and hit a “Mick Kick” to Trish! Mickie then picked up Trish’s body and threw it to the outside. While dealing out punishment she had a sick look on her face, obviously pleased with her assault on Trish. She picked Trish up and held her by her hair while screaming “You knew it was coming!” in her face. She then threw Trish into the barricade multiple times until Trish wasn’t moving thus officials had to run down and stop the madness!

The fans booed loudly while Mickie was forced up the ramp by security quite obviously pleased with what she has done to her former friend.

JR: I’m in shock King , I think Trish might be unconscious or even worse injured!

Jerry Lawler : Either way let’s not forget that Victoria is our new Women’s Champion!

Rating- B(Match) , B-(Angle)

Notes: Mickie James Overness was A* after her heel turn. Holy Jesus!


We cut backstage to see Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair standing by with DSW announcer Joey Styles. Styles asks Flair about Triple H’s recent actions on RAW this past week and Flair said Triple H was always a selfish , insensitive bastard even back in their Evolution days. He then went on to apologize to the WWE Universe for not listening to them when he should have , but that NEXT he is going to make Triple H pay , and even if he loses tonight , he ain’t going down without a fight!

Rating - A*

Notes: Fun Fact: If Triple H wins , he will become a 6 time Intercontinental Champion!



Intercontinental Championship



http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Triple%20H%20AAF_zpsocwebmhm.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Ric%20Flair%20AAF%202_zpsfbktdbak.jpg


Triple H vs Ric Flair ©


These two went at it with each man trying to kill the other , so it was less about the belt and more about who could beat the hell out of the other more.

The match kicked off with Triple H mocking Flair by giving him a crotch chop but this only caused Flair to walk right up to Triple H and punch him into the corner, Flair wouldn’t stop there and continued to hammer away at Triple H with chops and punches to his chest and face. Triple H pushed him off though and ran at Flair with a running high knee to the face!

It seemed that one of Triple H’s goals was to make Flair bleed and he did that after punching Flair multiple times in the head and delivering more knees to Flair’s head. Flair’s own blood just seemed to get him even more fired up and he made a comeback hitting a clothesline then a chop , then a punch , then a chop and finally taking Triple H down with a chop block and locking in the Figure 4 on Triple H!

Triple H seemed as if he were going to tap out and Flair just increased the pressure by leaning up and injuring the legs of Triple H. Triple H managed to turn the pressure around on Flair by turning over and getting Flair to release the hold. Both men then groggily got back to their already unstable feet but Triple H took advantage by hitting a SpineBuster!

Triple H was ready to end it by hitting the Pedigree but when he set up for it Flair launched H over his back sending Triple H crashing to the mat! Flair then held Triple H’s legs in place for another Figure Four but Triple H kicked him off and Flair went shoulder-first into the steel post!

Triple H pulled Flair out the corner and hit a Pedigree! The fans booed loudly as Triple H turned Flair over and threw his arm over him!



Flair throws his arm up!

Triple H looks up at the ref in disbelief that the “old man” still had fight left in him , and Triple H got back to his feet and tore the turnbuckle pad off the turnbuckle to distract the referee

JR: Oh Come on is Triple H really gonna stoop to this level?

Jerry Lawler: Oh yes he is JR and you know it!

With the ref distracted trying to fix the turnbuckle, Triple H dropped down and hit a low-blow to Flair! He then hit another Pedigree! And at this point Flair was not even moving , so Triple H turned the referee around and hooked Flair’s leg for a



Three! Triple H is a 6 time Intercontinental Champion!

JR : Triple H CHEATED to win but what a match! but what a showing by these two men!

Jerry Lawler: But it won’t say he “cheated” in the record books , it’ll just say “Triple H defeated Ric Flair for the Intercontinental Championship”!

Triple H was handed the IC title and he raised it high in the air , even going as far as to kiss the title! He then turned his attention to the unmoving Flair and picked him up , to offer a handshake! Flair knew Triple H better than that so he dropped down to his knees and low blowed Triple H!

Jerry Lawler: Oh Come on! What a sore loser Flair is.

JR: That son of a bitch deserved it! a taste of his own medicine.

Flair stood over Triple H and mocked him by doing the chop block and chanting WOOO with the crowd before leaving the ring groggy and bloody but to a standing ovation and cheers!

Rating- B- (Match) , A ( angle)

Notes: None.



WWE Championship



Elimination Chamber


John Cena © vs Kurt Angle vs Kane vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Masters vs Carlito

http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/CHAMPS/John%20Cena%202_zps0mxbeksv.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Kurt%20Angle%203_zpsguhkvkqh.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Kane%20WT_zpshoxyb8fa.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Shawn%20Michaels%20AAF%206_zps3wldtkci.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Chris%20Masters6_zpsr8yvveq9.jpgVS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Carlito_zps1ynmvhbz.jpg

The fans were hyped for our Main Event and all the men made it to the Chamber with 4 of them locking themselves in their respective pods. But the two legal men to start the match were the WWE Champion himself, John Cena and Kurt Angle!

The match kicked off with Kurt Angle going outside the ring and walking up to Kane’s pod , taunting him with gestures until Cena struck from behind throwing Angle face -first into the steel walls of the Chamber! Cena got Angle back into the ring and hit a Fisherman’s suplex for a 2 count ,he then wrestled Angle to the ground with a headlock. But Angle eventually overpowered Cena and threw him to the outside with a belly to belly suplex on the steel! Cena writhed in pain as Angle recovered in the ring and a new competitor was about to emerge!












Kane came out his pod going straight after Angle, delivering lefts and rights to Angle until Cena flew off the top rope but got caught by the throat by Kane! Angle tried to attack Kane but Kane caught him too. Kane then hit a Double ChokeSlam on Angle and Cena! He was about to decide who he should pin but it was time for a next competitor to come out,









Carlito came into the ring and delivered a beautiful crossbody to Kane , then hit a Backstabber! Cena got to his feet and got caught with a Backstabber as well! Carlito was about to try the same with Angle but Angle reversed it into a German suplex that folded Carlito in half! but Angle wasn’t done there and locked in the Angle Lock on Carlito! Carlito had no where to go and he couldn’t use the ropes because of the No DA rules it ,but Cena got back to his feet and locked in a Crossface on Carlito! Carlito had 2 submission holds on him and Masters was banging the glass of his pod so he could be let out! Carlito was about to tap but Masters used his whole body weight to bust through the glass and attack Angle and Cena!

He cleaned house then helped up his Tag Team partner and they double teamed Kane on the outside throwing him through and breaking one of the empty pods!




http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Shawn%20Michaels%20AAF%206_zps3wldtkci.jpgThe Final man to emerge was Shawn Michaels!

Michaels came out his pod with a house of fire hitting a Superkick to Carlito and then to Masters! he entered the ring and dodged a suplex attempt by Angle and hit a Superkick laying him out! Cena then stood behind Michaels and lifted him up and hit an AA onto the steel outside! Shawn screamed in pain as Cena went to the outside and lifted Kane up and carried him into the ring and onto the top rope but then to the top of the pod!


Cena hit an AA on Kane from the top of the pod to the mat! The crowd started to chant “Holy Shit” and Cena crawled his way over to Kane but Masters booted him to the outside and pinned Kane for a One , Two ,Three!

First Elimination: Kane ( Masters)

Still Alive: Cena, Masters, Carlito, Angle, Michaels

Jerry Lawler : Masters stole Cena’s elimination! what a smart move by Masters!

JR: More like stealing Cena’s thunder, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from those two.

Angle made his way back into the ring and belly to belly suplexed both Masters and Carlito! Angle then picked up Carlito and hit an Angle Slam onto him , while Michaels got back into the ring and laid Masters out with a Superkick! Both Angle and Michaels went into the cover on both men and the ref counted One, Two , Three!

Eliminations: Carlito( Angle) , Masters( Michaels)

Still Alive: Angle , Michaels , Cena

Angle and Michaels looked at each other and tied up in the center of the ring with Angle winning and Belly to Belly’ing Michaels repeatedly until he tried to suplex him to the outside but Michaels landed on his feet and hit a SuperKick to Angle!

He then slowly climbed to the top of one of the pods!

JR: NO MICHAELS THINK ABOUT YOUR FAMILY GODDAMMIT!Michaels then came down with his signature elbow drop off the top of the pod! Causing the crowd to burst into another “Holy Shit” chant. He threw his arm over Angle and the ref counted One,Two ,Three!

Elimination: Angle ( Michaels)

Still Alive: Cena , Michaels

Cena was watching this go down and he stood behind Michaels and when Michaels turned around Cena hit an AA! He covered Michaels for a




Cena looked in disbelief as he then locked Michaels in the STF but Michaels rolled over and out of the hold! Once Cena got to his feet Michaels hit a Sweet Chin Music! He fell into the cover for a




Michaels started to get frustrated and when he got back to his feet he lifted Cena up and looked to hit an AA on Cena! but Cena wiggled out of his own move and hit a Turtle Bomb into a 5 Knuckle Shuffle! He then stood behind Michaels and hit another AA! Cena covered Michaels




JR: Cena retains! What a match. Thank you for watching New Years Revolution!

Jerry Lawler: What a night JR! 2 new champions and Cena retains! make sure to tune in for Monday Night Raw tomorrow night!

Cena struggled to his feet and accepted his title as the crowd cheered for his gutsy performance tonight!
















JR: OH , Lord, Edge is Cashing in!

The Chamber walls lifted and Edge and Lita sprinted into the ring and Edge smashed Cena in the head with the briefcase! He then handed the briefcase to the ref and the Lilian Garcia announced he was cashing in to a huge pop! The ref rang the bell and the match was underway! Edge went to the corner to set up for a “Spear” but as he ran at Cena , he was lifted into the air for an AA! Cena covered Edge




Lita exhaled hard on the outside worrying that Edge might lose to Cena. Edge and Cena got back to their feet and Cena lifted him up for another AA but Edge elbowed out of it and hit a German Suplex on Cena!








JR: EGDE HAS DONE IT!Jerry Lawler: Yes he has JR!

The ref picked up the WWE Title and handed it to


JR: I don’t even like Edge but what the hell!

Jerry Lawler: Explanation please!

Edge backed the ref into the corner and demanded the title and said that he is getting screwed but the ref calmed Edge down and replayed the footage which showed Edge and John Cena’s shoulders both down on the mat, THEREFORE it’s a draw and Cena retains!

Edge is livid and he attacks the referee and then knocks Cena out with the WWE Championship! Holding it in the air to send us off the air!

Rating- B( Chamber Match) , B+ ( Cash in angle) , B ( Cena vs Edge)

Notes: Swerve!



Prediction Results: Overall scores. Oh and speaking of the prizes , I’ll probably start doing it as I get more predictions!

Smasher1311- 13


TeflonBilly- 6

thecoolestjedi12- 5

A-Marc9-8 - 1


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Lemme just say this , this is the last show where the text will be messed up. I found out why it kept doing it.Really pissed off about the forums f*cking up my text. Really good show turned bad because the forums couldn't identify the font. No worries though as the Monday Night Raw (preview) and the actual show will be up soon ( without f*cked up text).
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Nicky and Kenny vs Chavo and Shelton



Eugene vs Rob Conway



World Tag Team Titles

Kane and Show vs Murdoch and Cade



Royal Rumble Preview Match ( both men are in the Rumble)

Shawn Michaels vs Gregory Helms



Triple H vs Val Venis



Mickie James vs Ashley



Kurt Angle vs Scotty 2 Hotty



Edge vs John Cena





Once again I apologize for the horrible PPV.

Vote Away!

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Also to explain the Rumble Preview match both men are in the Rumble , so essentially it is just a normal match.
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Nicky and Kenny vs Chavo and Shelton

Comments: Since it's the rematch...


Eugene vs Rob Conway

Comments: Conway's got more upside.


World Tag Team Titles

Kane and Show vs Murdoch and Cade

Comments: I guess that they will go to Mania with the gold.


Royal Rumble Preview Match ( both men are in the Rumble)

Shawn Michaels vs Gregory Helms

Comments: I love Helms at this time, but it's Shawn Michaels we are talking about, so no chance.


Triple H vs Val Venis

Comments: Val is a JTTS.


Mickie James vs Ashley

Comments: Mickie has got a storyline.


Kurt Angle vs Scotty 2 Hotty

Comments: Good lord.


Edge vs John Cena

Comments: By Count-out after Edge bails, or by DQ after Lita hits Cena or something.


Pretty stacked card. While predictable, the PPV was pretty good, there is nothing to be ashamed of, and it advanced the storylines greatly. Keep up the good work, Tom.

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Hey, just caught up with this diary, nice start so far. I'm so on-board with this, as this is about the last era of wrestling I watched and enjoyed. Good luck!


Nicky and Kenny vs Chavo and Shelton


Eugene vs Rob Conway


World Tag Team Titles

Kane and Show vs Murdoch and Cade


Royal Rumble Preview Match ( both men are in the Rumble)

Shawn Michaels vs Gregory Helms


Triple H vs Val Venis


Mickie James vs Ashley


Kurt Angle vs Scotty 2 Hotty


Edge vs John Cena

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Monday,Week 2, January 2006.

Beard-Eves Coliseum , Auburn,Alabama!

10,048 people in attendance!

Our hosts Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the fall out edition of Monday Night Raw as we are barely 24 hours removed from last night’s New Years Revolution! They recap Triple H winning the Intercontinental Championship to John Cena retaining and Edge cashing in but the match ending in a draw because both their shoulders were down when Edge pinned Cena! They also tell us that Edge will be getting a rematch tonight against John Cena! Ross says you can imagine a win will get him back in the WWE Championship picture!



We cut backstage to see Shelton Benjamin warming up for his match next. But as he is putting on his wrist tape , Nicky and Kenny burst through the door and start beating down on Benjamin! Benjamin tries to fight back but the numbers game became too much for him. They continued the assault by slamming Benjamin against lockers and into equipment, finishing the attack by lifting him into the air and letting him fall flat on his back on the concrete! http://giant.gfycat.com/RegalCoolHorse.gif

They continued to cheapshot him with kicks until Chavo Guerrero appeared and chased them off. He then checked on Benjamin while angrily calling over medical team who seemed to pronounce Benjamin as unconscious. Chavo was livid as he knew this meant that his match against Nicky and Kenny is now a 2 on 1 match!

Rating: B-

Notes: Feud is ending soon because it almost has no point other than someone attacking someone else.


<hr>http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Chavo%20Guererro%20Jr._zpsfwovmuev.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Kenny_zps3jyh6mwd.jpghttp://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Nicky_zps0uvm43vo.jpg

Chavo Guerrero vs Kenny and Nicky w Johnny

Chavo was extra careful in this one , making sure to stay out of Kenny and Nicky’s corner throughout the whole match and trying to keep one of the members in the middle of the ring so he could wear them down. Chavo used his 11 year experience to his advantage and managed to isolate Kenny for the most part until he was about to hit the Frog Splash but Johnny distracted the ref allowing Nicky to push Chavo off the top rope and tag himself in. From there he hit his new finishing move he calls the“Zig Zag” on Chavo ,


http://cdn.makeagif.com/media/7-22-2015/0bI8XA.gifThen tagging in Kenny who hit his “SkyHigh Legdrop” to pick up a win for the Spirit Squad!

The announcers then spoke about the match with JR saying it was an unfair advantage for Chavo but King cut him off and said a win is a win!

Rating - B

Notes: None.


<hr>http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Eugene5_zpsq5eb0dr0.jpg VS http://i300.photobucket.com/albums/nn7/TomTEWFAN/2006/RAW/Rob%20Conway_zpsflg4sdpf.jpg


Eugene vs Rob Conway

The man known as Rob Conway made his return to the WWE with a new hairstyle and some more muscle on him. But despite a new look and being a 3 time Tag Team Champion he underestimated the skill and ability of Eugene who was slapped in the face by Conway at the start of the match! this only led to Eugene licking his face! Conway was livid and he booted Eugene in the face and punished him with some more kicks and punches , until he set Eugene up for the “Ego Trip” but Eugene rolled up Conway for the three count!


Eugene rolled out the ring to escape an attack while Conway argued with the ref that someone of his caliber lost to someone like Eugene!

The announcers expressed their curiosity for Eugene’s weirdness and Lawler asked why Eugene decided to lick Conway’s face , but before he could expand on his question we were sent to the back where Jonathan Coachman was speaking to one of his assistants.

Rating: B ( Match)

Notes: None.



Jonathan Coachman was demanding a cup of coffee from his assistant before turning to the camera and telling the fans that he was announced as the interim GM by Vince Mcmahon for tonight’s RAW as Vince’s assistant bookers Shane and Stephanie Mcmahon couldn’t be here tonight. But before he could talk more about his job for the night he was interrupted by Tag Team Champions Kane and Big Show! Kane told Coachman that since he is GM for tonight he wants a match against Carlito and Show requested a match against Chris Masters. Coachman thought about it for a moment before telling Show and Kane that they have those titles for a reason and that they will defend them NEXT against Murdoch and Cade. Kane and Show’s frowns were turned upside down as they found out who their opponents were , even laughing at the challenge , and they headed out Coachman’s office not happy but content with their match .

Rating: B

Notes: Doesn’t that “assistant” look familiar to you? No? Ok.


World Tag Team Titles






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Kane and Show vs Murdoch and Cade

While Murdoch was beaten by Show on last week’s RAW he had his partner , Lance Cade, with him, and because of their chemistry Cade and Murdoch got in a lot of offense on the legal man Kane who was still injured from the Chamber last night , specifically focusing on his legs to keep him from tagging Show in. At one point the pair seemed as if they were going to win the titles off the two behemoths but Kane and Show proved why they were Tag Champs when Kane made a comeback when he hit Murdoch with a Chokeslam! Kane then knocked Cade off the apron and tagged Show in , but both men stayed in the ring and grabbed Murdoch by the throat and hit a Double Chokeslam to Murdoch to successfully retain their titles!

After the match Kane and Show celebrated with their Tag belts but it wasn’t long until these two showed up









Masters and Carlito hit the ring with steel pipes in hand and attacked Kane and Show , bashing them with the pipes specifically in the midsection and even some shots to the face. Once Kane and Show were downed Carlito went to the outside and grabbed 2 steel chairs and threw one to Masters. And once the champs got back to their feet they were bashed over the skull with the chairs!

And with Kane and Show out , this left Masters and Carlito in the ring to their lonesome as they posed with the Tag belts before dropping them on the mat and leaving to boos.

Rating: B ( Match) , B( Angle)

Notes: Really impressed with whatever Carlito and Masters do, I feel like WWE really dropped the ball with the team in 2006 in real life as they didn’t need to g break up , especially Masters who was still really green at the time.



The cameras cut to backstage where Joey Styles stood with Gregory Helms, Styles asked Helms where he was at New Years Revolution last night and Helms said that there is a conspiracy against Helms in the WWE as he was placed on the PRESHOW of NYR where he of , course won ( he beat Eugene) but that he should’ve been in the Main Event where he would have won the WWE Title. He then said that he is confirmed for the Rumble, where he will win , but as for now he gets to take out his anger on the “old man” Shawn Michaels. Styles shot back with asking Helms where all his respect went and that the “Hurricane” was never so disrespectful. Helms grabbed Styles by his collar and told him that he doesn’t even know who that loser is , and that if Styles mentions that name again he will be “Hurri Gone”.He released Styles before angrily walking off for his match next.

Rating: B

Notes: What else can I say , Helms is amazing.


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Gregory Helms vs Shawn Michaels

Helms continued his disrespect when he pushed Michaels at the start of the contest , getting in Shawn’s face and asking him if he “knows who he is”. Michaels simply replied with a chop that floored Helms and continued to work Helms over in the corner. While Michaels worked Helms over , Helms raked Michaels eye and hit Shawn with a neckbreaker , despite only getting a 2 count off it. Helms continued to put the hurting on the veteran until the fans got Shawn back into it , and Shawn made his comeback by hitting 2 flying forearms to the face of Helms and kipping up! He then hit an inverted atomic drop into a scoop slam and went to the top rope. Michaels was about to hit his signature Diving elbow drop on Helms but Helms rolled to the outside to avoid the move but only got caught with a moonsault from the top rope to the outside by Michaels! Michaels then threw Helms back into the ring and Helms took advantage by poking him in the eye again and rolling him up






Helms got back to his feet and floored Michaels with a DDT while arrogantly going to the corner and started mocked Michaels by tuning up the band , looking to hit Michaels with his own finisher! But when he charged at Shawn, Michaels turned around and smashed Helms in the face with a Sweet Chin Music! He then fell into the cover for a One,Two ,Three!

Michaels Wins! Michaels wins! The announcers both agreed that it was a great match but Lawler said that Helms outshone Michaels! to which JR responded and told Lawler no one can outshine the HeartBreak Kid!

Shawn made his way to his feet by using the ropes and pulled Helms up to thank him for a great match , he held out his hand for a shake and Helms surprisingly shaked it!


LowBlow! Lowblow! Michaels was left in pain as JR screamed at Helms for his lack of respect, all while Helms walked up the ramp grinning as the fans booed him.

Rating:B ( Match) , A( angle)

Notes: Good stuff between these two.


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Val Venis vs Triple H

The newly crowned Intercontinental Champion, Triple H, was pretty cocky in this match taking Venis as a day off and not a threat , but H seemed to have forgotten that Venis himself is a former IC Champion ,and Venis took the fight to Triple H to the point where Triple H had to exit the ring to regroup. Once back in the ring Triple H tried to hit a Pedigree but Venis reversed it into a backdrop and headed to the top rope to hit a “Money Shot” , but as Venis came off the top rope ,Triple H moved out the way and hit a Pedigree onto Venis for the One,Two , Three!


After the match Triple H ‘s theme hit and he grabbed the Intercontinental title and raised it high in the air until Ric Flair’s theme hit and Triple H looked down the ramp for Flair , but Flair slid into the ring behind Triple H and unloaded with punches on H! Triple H hit a knee lift to the gut of Flair and set him up for the Pedigree but Flair pushed him off the ropes and tackled him to the ground delivering more and more punches to the dome of Triple H! Flair then got up and tried to lock in the figure four but Triple H pushed him off and rolled out the ring with his title! Flair was livid and signaled for a mic and said “ That “old man” you were talking about just whooped your ass!” , this got Triple H visibly upset and he seemed to consider getting back into the ring to brawl but eventually backed down and headed to the back.


Rating - B (Match) , A( segment)

Notes: WOOO!


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Mickie James vs Ashley

In this match Mickie put the punk rock diva , Ashley, skills to the test and while she got in some kicks on James , she was put away fairly quickly with a Mick -Kick by the furious James!


After the match Mickie grabbed a microphone and told the crowd that they fell for the trap yet again , saying that she always knew she was better than Trish and that even though she let Victoria win the Women’s title she is just keeping it warm for when she is ready to come and get it , she continued to diss Trish some more until

to a huge pop and she ran directly into the ring and clotheslined Mickie , jumping onto her and delivering multiple punches until James turned it around and did the same. The two divas rolled around the ring with both holding each other’s hair and delivering shots, this continued until female and male wrestlers came down and broke up the fight then carrying each diva to opposite sides of the arena!

Rating- C ( match), B- ( angle)

Notes: I sent Ashley to developmental. But otherwise the feud is hot!


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Kurt Angle vs Scotty 2 Hotty

This match was another fairly quick one with the dancing babyface garnering enough support from the crowd to make Angle pissed off and let’s not forget about Angle’s loss last night, he simply Belly to Belly suplexed Scotty multiple times until Scotty tried to fight back , which clearly only made Angle even more pissed and he hit a thunderous “Angle Slam” to Scotty! He then grabbed Scotty and locked in the Angle Lock to which Scotty immediately tapped out to , but Angle kept the hold applied until the referee pulled him off!

Rating- B+

Notes: None.


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John Cena vs Edge w Lita

The match kicked off with Edge spitting in Cena’s face to get him riled up, to which Cena threw Edge into the corner and unloaded with punches almost getting himself DQ’ed which Edge didn’t seem to mind happening. Cena then went back to work on Edge by hitting a backdrop and a legdrop to the face of Edge but only getting the ref to count to two before Edge managed to kick out. Lita climbed onto the apron to distract Cena for a bit so Edge took advantage by turning Cena around and hitting an Edge - a Cution! Edge hooked the leg for a









No! The WWE Champion stays in it and Edge immediately went to the corner to set up for a Spear and Cena used the ropes to pull himself to his feet but as he turned around he dodged the Spear and Edge went shoulder-first into the post! Cena then ran off the ropes and hit two shoulder blocks to Edge , blocking a punch and hitting a turtle bomb! He put his hand in the air to signal for a 5 Knuckle Shuffle garnering a big cheer from the crowd , but as he put his head down Edge tried to kick him in the forehead but Cena caught his foot and locked him in the STF! Edge raised his hand over the mat , seeming as if he was going to tap , but he crawled his way to the bottom rope , but Cena pulled him back to the Center! He once again raised his hand over the mat and











But Lita climbed onto the apron and distracted the ref as Edge was tapping! Cena released the hold and told the ref to pay attention , but as he turned around- Spear!


But before Edge could pin Cena , Cena rolled to the outside. Eventually getting to his feet at a count of 5 but when he climbed onto the apron Edge booted him right back off! The referee’s count reached 8 and Cena climbed onto the apron









Lita pulls Cena’s leg!







Rating - B( Match)

Notes: The “Ultimate Opportunist” wins!.

I don’t know if you guys thought I was gonna bury Edge , so even though he lost his briefcase , he never lost the MATCH last night! plus he just beat the Champion!



Edge wins! Cena was in shock that Lita pulled his leg and got him counted out! Edge rolled out the ring and celebrated as he hugged Lita , they just defeated the champion! JR and Lawler thanked us for watching this stacked 2 hours of RAW and sent us off the air!




Confirmed for Royal Rumble:

Matt Hardy , Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, JBL, Shawn Michaels, Gregory Helms.



SmackDown card will be up soon.

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Official Smackdown Card.


Jamie Noble vs Tatanka



Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki vs Kid Kash ©




Bobby Lashley vs Paul Burchill




Londrick vs The Dicks





Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton and JBL




Mark Henry and MNM vs Batista and Rey Mysterio




Prediction results for RAW ( at the end of July, I’ll be giving a prize to whoever has the most overall points)


Smasher1311- 19


The Nickman- 6

TeflonBilly- 6

thecoolestjedi12- 5

A-Marc9-8 - 1

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Jamie Noble vs Tatanka



Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki vs Kid Kash ©




Bobby Lashley vs Paul Burchill



Londrick vs The Dicks





Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton and JBL




Mark Henry and MNM vs Batista and Rey Mysterio


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Jamie Noble vs Tatanka

Comments: Jamie Noble stinks


Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki vs Kid Kash ©

Comments: Funaki STINKS


Bobby Lashley vs Paul Burchill

Comments: Paul Burchill STINKS!


Londrick vs The Dicks

Comments: What a pair of Stinky Dicks!!!


Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton and JBL

Comments: This is a good matchup, however I expect Orton and JBL to get this one, Hardy to take the fall.


Mark Henry and MNM vs Batista and Rey Mysterio

Comments: Is this a handicap match?? Batista and Rey to dominate despite the odds!

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Jamie Noble vs Tatanka

Comments: Jamie has more upside.


Cruiserweight Championship

Funaki vs Kid Kash ©

Comments: Kash keeps the gold for a feud with Juventud or someone else.


Bobby Lashley vs Paul Burchill

Comments: Boom.


Londrick vs The Dicks

Comments: You should probably make a team named The Clits to feud with The Dicks.


Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton and JBL

Comments: Hardy takes the fall.


Mark Henry and MNM vs Batista and Rey Mysterio

Comments: By DQ most probably.

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My bad guys. Forgot to write up the show,as I've been trying to start up other diaries. But tomorrow I'll write up this show and I think I'll be running it alongside a second diary( coming soon ). Oh and Nickman the main event is a 3 on 2 handicap match.
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