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To edit or not edit...

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...that is the question.


In my SWF game (2013 data, currently in April 2015), I really only have two guys that have the (performance) stats to match their high popularity: Angry Gilmore and Joey Minnesota. Minnesota is a recent addition to the company and is just starting to hit his stride while Gilmore is involved in all of my top 11 matches (all 95+) and has been my champ for 14 months.


I have another group that has high popularity but not the stats to be relied upon for company growth: Jack Bruce, Scythe (90 pop cap), Valiant (90), Marat Khoklov (90), Remo (90), Joe Lust (88), Captain Atomic (88), plus others. Mostly what I'm talking about here are guys that get the "match was penalized for a lack of psychology" and take a match that could/should be high 80s/low 90s and turn it into a low 80s/high 70s one.


Then I have guys with great performance stats but a lower pop cap: Wolf Hawkins (82), Matthew Keith (60), Ernest Youngman (60s-haven't hit it yet), Mainstream Hernandez (75), Mikey James (78), Primus Allen (68) and KC Glenn (23!!!!!). Most of these guys, particularly Keith and Glenn, are routinely NBTs for a lot of players but will be never-weres for me.


All this leads up to my question: what are everybody's thoughts on editing some the midcard-for-life guys (Keith, Glenn, Youngman, Allen) and making them possible franchise players? I'm not asking to be convinced one way or the other -- I realize it's my game and if I want to do it, the only thing holding me back is, well, me -- I just want to get others thoughts on what they would do, if they've considered it or if they've done it.


I'm playing as SWF, and with little competition from TCW or USPW at this point, I'm mostly playing to keep myself entertained, not to crush my enemies. It frustrates me to look at other people's saves and see a full list of NBTs (I've only had two and they're a long way off) or my favorites as superstars, while I'm stuck with a wrestling world containing a small amount of great performers.


I've considered a lottery-type deal where I randomly assign popularity ranges to a limited group of guys (maybe Glenn only goes up to 'dark horse' while Keith gets bumped up to a 'break-out star') so that they all don't have ceilings of 100. Part of me also says to suck it up and stick with the hand that I've been dealt.


Long post, I know, but I wanted to give some background on my game and thought process, and see what everybody else thought. Thanks.

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A couple of options:


1. Do a 'trade' of sorts - edit some guys but release some as well. Say you set up KC Glenn as a franchise player. Then release a current franchise player or next big thing. Or a big name who might be useful to someone else.


2. Look through the list of hidden gems and sign those guys. Then release some of the guys that are not up to your standards.


I would even go as far as taking control of another fed (or two) to make sure these guys don't just sit around unemployed. Once they are signed, go back to just SWF.


Some guys that would just be UMC or MC for you could be useful to another fed.


Someone posted in the screenshots thread how they jobbed out and released Luger from WCW, then WWE signed him and made him King of the Ring.


3. Take it as a lean period in terms of talent (or overness) and work around it.


4. If you have a specific story you are looking to tell that can only be told with one of these guys, go ahead.

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