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trouble changing budget between seasons

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I received my financial constraints mail for week 1 job offers - and I can go to the budget screen and adjust the amount spent in all areas (scouting, positions, etc) , BUT I cannot save them. Pressing SAVE or SUGGEST does nothing.


If I proceed to week 2 to hire/fire coaches I cannot change the items on the budget screen. Although I can fire/hire coaches...


I am not sure if this is the normal behavior as I am new to the game.


Any help is apprecaited!

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I would still appreciate confirmation but it appears that the budget can only be changed at training camp well after receiving the budget constraints message at seasons end. So plan ahead and don't spend it all if you want to have more available when it is time to hire coaches...
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So we SHOULD be able to change the budget at this stage....maybe it's just me that cannot (in any of the 3 leagues I have tried...)


I have been traveling and running this on my laptop - so maybe it is something there - I am not going to worry about it until I return home next week and install it on my normal system. I will report back if I have the trouble there as well.


BTW - the game is great!

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Thanks! Here's the response I left in Steam on this question:


You can change your budget in training camp. In the offseason, you just hire coaches and see what transfers/recruits you get. All that data on scouting is from the budget yet set in camp the prior year. After recruiting is when you can set the budget for the next year (which then impacts the information you see on that recruting class in the fall).


Here's an image that shows the stages:




You set your budget in the training camp stage, go into the season and see recruits stat performance (in addition to playing your college seasons). After the postseason, you go into the offseason. In this stage, you look at job offers, hire/fire coaches, gather transfers from other schools, recruit and set player offseason training. Then, you advance to camp where you can set the budget for the upcoming year. The game stages start with camp, go to season/postseason, then finish in the offseason.

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