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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[I][B][SIZE=3]INTRODUCTION[/SIZE][/B][/I] The phone jolted me out of my deep sleep. Rolling out of bed, I shambled over and answered it. "Hello?" "Hey, kid! This is Tommy! How ya doin'?" Even in my sleep-deprived state, I could easily recognize the voice of Tommy Cornell, the owner of TCW and my boss. I glanced at the clock. "Mr Cornell, it's three in the morning!" I grumbled, then realized that, given our recent problems, respect might work better. I sighed. "What can I do for you?" "Hey, I just wanted to call and wish you good luck!" I frowned. Good luck for what? Before I could ask him any questions, he continued. "... Because you're fired." I closed my eyes. I should have seen this coming. I was a referee in Hollyweird Grappling Company when Cornell took it over. I was one of the few staff members that he kept on, although I suspect he regretted that decision. I was perhaps a bit too outspoken about how I thought he should run the promotion, especially when Cornell made himself TCW World Heavyweight Champion. My being let go was inevitable, I guess. "But don't worry, you already got a new job." "I do?" I asked. "Yeah, you're gonna go to work for Richard Eisen. You're his new head booker." My head swam. I had to be dreaming! Everyone in the business knew that Eisen was looking for a new head booker for SWF, but why would he hire a lowly, outspoken referee? It didn't make sense! "He's expectin' you to be there in a week, buddy. Maybe you can take your high-falutin' ideas and see if they work!" With a laugh, Tommy hung up, leaving me to stare at the receiver in absolute bewilderment. The week flew by quickly. To add insult to injury, Tommy had me barred from TCW headquarters, making it impossible for me to collect what few belongings I had there. To make matters worse, most of my friends wouldn't talk to me for fear of reprisals from the head office. Thankfully, Robert Oxford, a really stand-up vet at TCW, filled me in on what happened. Apparently Tommy and Richard Eisen wound up playing poker against each other at some big media party. Both of them were pretty trashed, and at one point, after the other players had folded, Tommy suggested that they make a personal bet. If Tommy won the hand, Eisen would be forced to take me on as his head booker. I don't know what Eisen's stipulations were, but it really doesn't matter. Turns out Tommy had a royal flush and Eisen had been bluffing. Hence the 3:00 phone call, hence my new, baffling career. In hindsight, it makes sense. Tommy and Eisen hate each other. I suppose that's what happens when you own the "Big Two" wrestling promotions. Tommy saw this as a way to get rid of a thorn in his side (me) and use it to bring down his worst enemy's company. At the end of the week, I met with Richard Eisen. My first impression of him was that most of the rumors were true. He seemed like a pompous jerk, but apparently he was going to stand by the bet. How could he not when it was witnessed by all those people? "Kid, welcome to SWF," he said, shaking my hand with a fake smile. "Over the next couple of days, I'll be giving you some business goals I want you to meet. Take a day or two to familiarize yourself with our product, but keep in mind, the first TV show you're going to book is coming up in two days." I swallowed hard but nodded. "Good. Oh, and one other thing. This is just between you and me, and if you breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll deny it. But one of your 'unofficial goals' is to make sure we beat TCW at everything we do. What do you say? Want to stick it to Tommy Cornell?" A feral grin tugged at the corners of my lips. "Sir, it would be a pleasure."
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[I][B][SIZE=3]Getting to Know You[/SIZE][/B][/I] After my meeting with Mr. Eisen, he took me down to the training facility to introduce me to the workers. He did his best to hype me, downplaying my very limited experience and saying how Tommy Cornell insisted that I was a man with "big ideas." Unfortunately, I could tell by the looks that most of the roster gave me that they didn't buy it. I introduced myself to each of the workers. They were all polite. Well, everyone except Calamari Kid, Jumbo Shrimp, and Lobster Warrior. They had apparently heard about why I was there and grumbled about how SWF had to take in a "reject from a second-rate company." I took it in stride, but realized that they might cause problems later. Thankfully, Mr. Eisen was very helpful that first day. He helped me organize the roster, making a list of our workers and highlighting the faces in green and the heels in red: [U]MAIN EVENTERS:[/U] [COLOR=Lime]Christian Faith Enygma Eric Eisen[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Runaway Train [/COLOR] <-- Current Heavyweight Champion [COLOR=Lime]Skull DeBones Steve Frehley[/COLOR] [U]UPPER MIDCARD[/U] [COLOR=Lime]Elmo Benson [/COLOR] <--- One half of the Tag Champs [COLOR=Red]Enforcer Roberts[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Joe Sexy [/COLOR] <--- North American Champ [COLOR=Red]Remo Rich Money Sam Keith Squeeky McClean Texas Pete[/COLOR] [U]MIDCARD[/U] [COLOR=Red]Angry Gilmore Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Jumbo Shrimp Lobster Warrior[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Warlord Agony Warlord Pain[/COLOR] [U]LOWER MIDCARD[/U] [COLOR=Lime]Brett Biggz Freddie Datsun Groucho Bling [/COLOR] <-- Other Half of Tag Champs [COLOR=Lime]Robbie Retro[/COLOR] [U]OPENERS[/U] [COLOR=Lime]Calamari Kid [/COLOR] <-- Shooting Star Champion [COLOR=Red]Flex Pecs[/COLOR] [U]ENHANCEMENT TALENT[/U] [COLOR=Red]Andre Jones[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Bart Biggz[/COLOR] After looking this over, I started planning out my first storyline. It would be a little tight, but it would be a tournament to determine the Number One Contender for the Heavyweight Title. It's not that Runaway Train was a bad guy or a bad champ. He's great in the ring. He's just dull as a brick when he's on the mic. I also put Richard Eisen on the booking committee and made Chief Two Eagles our sole road agent. Eisen wanted to be a road agent as well, but I made him our Authority Figure. When he asked me why, I pointed out that the smarks in the audience knew he owned the company anyway. We might as well take advantage of that.
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[I][B][SIZE=3]Finding More Workers[/SIZE][/B][/I] One of the problems I inherited was that SWF's roster was too small. While we had enough announcers, color commentators, and refs, we needed more people to fill in the gaps in the roster. I started sending out negotiation requests to everyone I could think of. I would have liked to gone after some of the wrestlers at TCW, but unfortunately, they all had written contracts and so weren't going anywhere. Thankfully, while I was debating who to call, Joe Sexy popped into my office. "Hey, I hear you're trying to find some new workers. I've got a few suggestions. Have you heard of the Survivors?" I frowned and shook my head. "They're a group of six workers. Been through a bunch of indie shows, made appearances in a bunch of bigger promotions. A few years ago, some of them tried to start their own promotion, but it went belly up. These six are the only ones who made it out with a penny to their name, hence their group name. You might want to look them up." I grabbed a pencil and paper and asked for their names. Joe gave them to me: Archangel, Chris Gordon, the Rev, Joel Kovach, Sabbath, and Devorah Triton. I thanked him and said that they would all be at the top of my list of people to call. [[SIDE NOTE: These six are characters that I created, so I figured I'd better explain where they came from]]
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First TV Show [B][SIZE=3]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Week One, December 2005[/I] Held in the Medium New England venue [U]Dark Matches[/U] 1) FLEX & PECS vs. THE BIGGZ BOYS Notes: Thankfully, the hot crowd helped the boys out here. Chief Two Eagles did a good job scripting the match. WINNER: Flex and Pecs in 7:36 RATING: B- 2) ANGRY GILMORE vs. ROBBIE RETRO Notes: Angry and Robbie put in a stellar effort. The crowd was surprised to see this good of a match before the show went live. WINNER: Angry Gilmore in 7:36 RATING: B+ [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show started with Richard Eisen coming out to the ring. He addressed the crowd and informed them that SWF was entering a new era (that comment made me a little nervous), and in keeping with that new start, he was announcing a tournament to determine the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Title. RATING: A* (and he wonders why I want him as an Authority Figure!) 2) A video montage played showing Runaway Train, the current holder of the heavyweight title. The man is a monster in the ring. Thankfully, the video didn't include any footage of him talking! RATING: A* 3) ERIC EISEN vs. SAM KEITH (Tourney match #1) Notes: What is wrong with these two? There were a few times when both of them no-sold each others offense! That ain't good! On the plus side, the crowd was into the action. WINNER: Sam Keith (by cheating) in 7:57 RATING: B+ 4) ANDRE JONES & THE LORDS OF WAR vs. THE UNDERWATER UNION Notes: The Union looked horrible out there, just as I hoped. They got buried! WINNER: Andre and the Lords in 7:49 RATING: C 5) STEVE FREHLEY vs. SQUEEKY McCLEAN (Tourney Match #2) Notes: Another good match! Steve and Squeeky really did some phenomenal work, and the crowd got behind them the whole way. WINNER: Steve Frehley at 10:11. RATING: B+ 6) Joe Sexy is taking his North American Title belt for a walk, flirting with the girls backstage, when he bumps into Freddie Datsun. Freddie mumbles something under his breath about Joe. Joe takes exception. Soon, the two of them start arguing. Freddie challenges Joe to a match to settle their differences. Joe agrees, but refuses to wrestle in New England. He insists they do it next week. RATING: B 7) JACK BRUCE vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS (Tourney Match #3) Notes: As planned, the two went after each other and wouldn't listen to the ref. Things got so bad, the ref had to call the match. Unfortunately, these two don't have any chemistry. I'll have to keep that in mind. WINNER: Nobody at 10:40 RATING: B 8) Groucho Bling, Elmo Benson, and Jessie (their manager) appear in a movie parody skit. It was thrown together at the last second, mostly because I didn't have time for them to have a tag match, but the crowd seemed to be into it. RATING: B 9) Rich Money is backstage with his tag partner, Remo. He encourages him in his next match, saying that if Remo can beat Skull DeBones, they're going out on the town, and that he'll pick up the check. Remo likes that idea! And so did the crowd. RATING: B+ 10) SKULL DeBONES vs. REMO (Tourney Match #4) Notes: Skull came out of this looking very dangerous. He dominated Remo the entire time. Unfortunately, some of the fans took that as no-selling moves, but for the most part, the crowd loved it. WINNER: Skull DeBones at 5:54 RATING: B+ 11) Runaway Train comes out to the ring and takes the mic. He says he doesn't care who wins the tourney. He doesn't want to wait until Christmas Clash (the next PPV) for a match. He'll take on anybody from the locker room right now! RATING: A* (Huh. Maybe the boy isn't as bad on the mic as I thought) 12) Enygma came out and rambled a bit about tradition and values. It didn't make a lick of sense, and the crowd didn't like it. Train, just by standing in the ring, looked better. Thankfully, Enygma came to the point and accepted the challenge. RATING: A* 13) RUNAWAY TRAIN vs. ENYGMA for the World Heavyweight Title While they didn't sell each other's moves well enough, they really put on a spectacular match. The only downside was that the announcers didn't do a good enough job. Thankfully, the crowd in the arena didn't care. WINNER: Runaway Train at 6:56 RATING: A 14) Train celebrates his win, hoping up on the ropes and showing the crowd his belt. Then Skull DeBones rushes in and attacks him from behind! The two wind up brawling for a few moments, but Train eventually rolls out of the ring and retreats to the back. Skull must really want that title bad! RATING: A* [U]FINAL NOTES[/U] I was able to sneak into the crowd and listen to the fans as they left the building. Much to my surprise, they were slightly upset! They wanted more storylines! SHOW RATING: B [I]THE AFTERMATH....[/I] After the show was over, the Underwater Union members came to me, absolutely livid about how they were buried by their opponents. I couldn't help but smirk as I informed them that they were all fired, saying, "Maybe I am a reject from a second-rate company, but now you're all rejects from a first-rate one. What does that say?" Richard Eisen was a little concerned, but I explained to him that their "underwater" gimmick felt more suited to USPW than SWF. I'm not sure if he agreed, but he said he'd let me make that call.
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[I][SIZE=3]FILLING IN THE HOLES[/SIZE][/I] In the aftermath of the show, I found out that TCW had a B+ rated show the same night as us. Not good. During the week, I did my best to plug the holes in our roster. I tried to hire unemployed workers as much as possible, but if I stumbled across any that were employed elsewhere but were good workers, I offered them a written contract and stole them away from their promotions. So now, we've added the following: [U]UPPER MIDCARD[/U] [COLOR=Lime]Archangel Joel Kovach[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Sabbath[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]The Rev[/COLOR] [U]LOWER MIDCARD[/U] [COLOR=Red]Nevada Nuclear[/COLOR] [U]OPENER[/U] [COLOR=Red]Aristocrat[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Chris Gordon Mainstream Hernandez[/COLOR] [U]ENHANCEMENT TALENT[/U] [COLOR=Red]American Elemental Darryl Devine Derek Frost[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Melody Cuthill[/COLOR] Since we needed a few more managers as well, I hired [COLOR=Red]Nicole Kiss[/COLOR] and [COLOR=Lime]Emma Chase [/COLOR] (stole them, actually). Hopefully they'll help give our company a boost. I also hired Curt O'Malley and Devorah Triton to be road managers, and hired Chloe Dean and Willow to be backstage workers. With that done, I started planning out more storylines. Melody Cuthill will feature prominently in one. So will Emma Chase.
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Check out the CornellVerse site (linked from the Grey Dog mainpage) and you can find updated TEW2005 files. SWF has an entire batch of 10 new workers that you might find pretty dang useful. 4 tag teams, 1 manager and the future legend that is Marc DuBois. There are also some other newcomers to the game spread out, but I won't tell you about them all. :) And there's updated pictures for some workers too. Derek B EDIT of DOOM: I'll keep reading this methinks, to see how you ruin my favourite CornellVerse promotion :p
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Oh, okay. I downloaded the updated data, but I'll admit, I'm hesitant to use it for two reasons: 1) If I install it, will it screw up my game? I kind of suspect it won't, but I'm still pretty inexperienced in using this. 2) If I install it and it adds the new players to my roster automatically, I'll have "too many" workers. Even though I fired Underwater Union, I was able to replace them all with new hires. Any thoughts? Oh, and as for ruining TCW, that's perhaps a bit of unfounded boasting. Don't know if I can pull it off, but I'm sure gonna try!
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Continuing the Story Before the next televised show, Richard Eisen called me into his office. "Just thought I'd let you know, we may have some new wrestlers coming in." I blinked, surprised. I mentally ran through the roster as it now stood. True, it was a little bottom heavy and a little top heavy, but I figured things would even out over time. "Um, okay," I said. Really, what could I say? Eisen was the owner. If he wanted to bring in more talent, he could. But on with the show..... [B][SIZE=3]SWF Supreme TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Week Two, December 2005[/I] Held in the Medium Mid-Atlantic Venue (the go-home show for Christmas Clash) [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. ANDRE JONES & AMERICAN ELEMENTAL Notes: If Brett Biggz keeps performing like that, he'll never get over. He seemed to have his head in the clouds. Thankfully, the excited crowd covered for it. WINNER: The Biggz Boys at 7:43 RATING: C+ 2) CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. SABBATH Notes: I had to see if Sabbath could perform as well as I had heard. He's supposed to be a good Rumbler, so I threw him into a dark match with Christian to see if it was true. Was it ever! Even though Christian and Sabbath didn't click, they still put on a match that brought the crowd to its feet! Not only that, but I paired Sabbath with the Guru, and that seems to work pretty well! WINNER: Christian Faith at 7:34 RATING: A [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) Richard Eisen starts the show once again, coming out to pat himself on the back. He points out what a genius he is as a wrestling promotion owner, stating that with just two days left until our next Pay-Per-View, Christmas Clash, he had the brilliant idea to create a tournament for the Number One Contender. He reminded the audience of the action we saw last week, and reminded everyone that tonight, we'd see the semi-final match, that being Steve Frehley vs. Sam Keith. The crowd was eating out of his hand the whole time. RATING: A 2) ERIC EISEN vs. REMO It was a short match (only 6:28). Eric seemed a little off throughout the whole thing, so much so that both wrestlers started no-showing. Eventually, Eric got control of the match and was about to finish Remo off. That's when Remo's partner, Rich Money, charged into the ring and tried to attack Eric with a chair. Eric managed to wrest the chair from him, but the ref saw him with a weapon and called for the bell. WINNER: Remo by DQ RATING: B+ 3) After Rich Money and Remo cleared out of the ring (mostly to avoid getting hit by a livid Eric Eisen who still had the chair), Eric grabbed a mic and challenged them to a match at Christmas Clash. Not a handicap match, though. He would have a partner, only he wasn't saying who. RATING: B 4) STEVE FREHLEY vs. SAM KEITH (#1 Contender Tourney Semi-Finals) Again, we're having a problem with the selling! But in spite of that, Sam and Steve put on a killer match, so much so I was worried that the rest of the night wouldn't go okay. The crowd was on fire by the end when Steve pinned Sam with his patented Frehley's Comet. WINNER: Steve Frehley in 11:28 RATING: A 5) Backstage, Skull DeBones was watching the match. He said that it was a good match and Steve should be proud of how well he did. But he also pointed out that because of the draw last week, he doesn't have a semi-final match to compete in. He'll be going into the finals later tonight fresh while Steve will probably be pretty tired. It's not fair, Skull comments, but then, neither is life sometimes. He's positive he'll be the Number One Contender at the end of the night, and he's going on to win the title from Train at Christmas Clash. RATING: A* 6) ENYGMA vs. ANGRY GILMORE Unfortunately, my announcers have been absolutely horrendous for the past three matches! I'm thinking I'll have to replace them, but one of them is Jerry Eisen, Richar'd son! Yikes! But another superb match, one that got the crowd roaring at times. WINNER: Enygma by submission at 9:24 RATING: A 7) Angry Gilmore is living up to his name! He looks pissed as the ref raises Enygma's hand in triumph. Finally, when he can't take it anymore, he jumps Enygma and beats him down. RATING: B+ 8) The Guru leads his tag team, the Lords of War, to the ring. He throws a few choice insults at the crowd, then turns his attention to High Concept, the tag team champs. He says that Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling are silly little boys who don't understand the harsh reality of life, but that his clients would be happy to teach them at the Christmas Clash. RATING: B 9) JOE SEXY vs. FREDDIE DATSUN for the [COLOR=Red]SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] It was a good match. No spectacular, but then, Freddie needs a little more work to make him better. But Joe came out looking okay, and that's what counts. WINNER: Joe Sexy at 8:26 RATING: B 10) Angry Gilmore is walking backstage, laughing about beating down Enygma when he runs into Chris Gordon (one of our new hires). Chris, wearing his yellow Spiderman mask, looks rather odd, but he berates Angry for his cheapshots on Enygma. Angry tells him to mind his own business and Chris doesn't get a word in edgewise after that, making him look rather bad. Richard Eisen comes along and suggests that if they have a problem, they should solve it in the ring. Maybe at Christmas Clash? RATING: B 11) Ana Garcia is interviewing High Concept and asks them what they think of the challenge made by Lords of War. Elmo and Groucho start ripping on Warlords Agony and Pain, but for some reason, the crowd just doesn't seem to care. They accept the challenge, though, and will defend their titles at Christmas Clash. RATING: B- 12) A video package plays, showing highlights from the Number One Contender Tournament. It ends, hyping the showdown between Steve and Skull DeBones. RATING: A* 13) STEVE FREHLEY vs. SKULL DeBONES to determine the Number One Contender for the [COLOR=Red]SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] More poor selling from the workers, and the announcers are still having trouble! But they both put in a great effort! WINNER: Steve Frehley at 9:49 RATING: A 14) Steve Frehley can't believe that his hand is raised in triumph, but he runs from post to post, leaping onto the top rope while the crowd cheers. Skull rolls out of the ring, looking absolutely stunned. RATING: A* 15) Steve continues to celebrate but then, out of nowhere, Runaway Train charges the ring and attacks him from behind. Steve can't even defend himself as Train beats him to the mat, then stands over him, holding his title high. RATING: A* At the end of the show, the announcers hyped the matches we'll see in two days' time at the Christmas Clash Pay-Per-View: A) Melody Cuthill will make an appearance. This announcement bombed, as I expected. People were asking each other "Melody who?" But if all goes as planned, they'll know who Melody is soon! (F) B) We'll also see Angry Gilmore take on Chris Gordon. Again, the crowd really didn't care. They got a little quiet at this point (C-) C) We'll also see Almighty Dollar take on Eric Eisen and a mystery partner. That got the crowd popping again! (A) D) ... only to crash. They don't seem to care about High Concept taking on the Lords of War! (C+) E) But then, they want to see Steve Frehley take on Runaway Train for the title. Biggest pop of the night! (A*) [U]POST SHOW[/U] Once again, I snuck into the crowd to see what people thought. There was a mixed reaction. People still didn't think that we had any hot storylines to follow and I admit, these first two shows didn't have much. But once the half-dozen workers that I"ve hired get free from their contracts, we'll be ready to hit the raod running! OVERALL SHOW SCORE: B
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If you download the data, it will go into a data folder and not your game folder. The two are completely seperate. Only any games you start in future will be affected by the new stuff from the download. Assuming you haven't done much more that you've already written for the diary, it might be good to check out the new guys you get. There are a lot of new workers who graduated from the SWF training camp, all of which I'm sure you could work wonders with. You could just import them into your game, but it wouldn't be the same as starting a game with them. For one thing, there wouldn't be any relationships between the workers you import and the tag experience and other factors would never exist (unless you put them together). Whatever you do, I'll still be reading.
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First Pay-Per-View As I was entering the arena, butterflies were fighting each other in my stomach. My first Pay-Per-View. The criticism of the fans from the previous two Supreme TV shows were ringing in my ears when Eric Eisen flagged me down. "Have you heard the news?" he asked. "What news?" "TCW's last show only rated a C+. We did better than them in the ratings and we had a better show! Congrats!" With that, Eric disappeared to get ready for his match. I smiled. Things were getting more interesting. [B][SIZE=3]SWF CHRISTMAS CLASH[/SIZE][/B] Week Two, December 2005 Held in the Very Big Great Lakes Venue [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. FLEX AND PECS What can I say, these guys do good work in the dark. I'll maybe have to bring them onto the show, but for now, they did okay. Well, everyone except Brett. His head just wasn't in it. Maybe the fact that we had a crowd of 24,800 in attendance distracted him. WINNER: Biggz Boys in 7:01 RATING: B- 2) FREDDIE DATSUN vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS A good match that helped boost the crowd before the PPV officially started. They didn't even mind the fact that Enforcer blatantly cheated at the end. WINNER: Enforcer Roberts at 7:44 RATING: B+ [U]THE PAY-PER-VIEW[/U] 1) We started the show with a video hyping the Main Event. Steve looked like the underdog I want him to. Train looked dangerous, demolishing his opponents. The crowd popped in a big way for this! RATING: A* 2) Richard Eisen comes to the ring entrance and talks about how he has a major announcement to make. SWF has signed Melody Cuthill to an exclusive contract, and she's going to make her first appearance tonight in a fatal four way house-of-fun match for the Shooting Star Title. Melody came out and tried to play up to the crowd, but since they didn't know who she was, it kind of fell flat. That seemed to throw her off, but she made her way to the ring. RATING: C 3) MELODY CUTHILL vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. THE ARISTOCRAT vs. DARRYL DEVINE for the [COLOR=Red]SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] As I watched the monitor, one of the backstage workers asked me what Melody was doing out there. "You know that the Shooting Star Title can only be held by men, right?" I paled at the news. I didn't know that. But the match itself was okay. I suppose the problem was that there was little build up and these were all lower card workers. The crowd enjoyed the high flying action, but they also weren't too happy. Chants of "Where is CK?" started up almost immediately. I knew I had forgot something! In my rush to get rid of Underwater Union, I forgot to have Calamari Kid drop the title to someone. Oops. All in all, a passable match. Hopefully the rest of the night will go smoother! WINNER: Darryl Devine at 9:33 to win the title RATING: C- 4) Robbie Retro is walking through the backstage area, flirting with girls who think his gimmick (that of a 70s Disco Dancer) is funny. Out of nowhere, he's blindsided by Nevada Nuclear, who beats him down and then disappears again. RATING: C- 5) ANGRY GILMORE vs. CHRIS GORDON The crowd was getting restless. Thankfully, Chris Gordon, while maybe not the most well known wrestler, is a good all-arounder, one who can have a good match with just about anyone. He and Angry turned in a decent match. Angry dominated for most of it, punishing Chris pretty badly. Then Enygma ran in and tripped up Angry from the ring apron, allowing Chris to gain the upper hand long enough to make Angry submit to the Web. WINNER: Chris Gordon at 7:19 RATING: B+ 6) After the Almighty Dollar came out to the ring for their match, Eric Eisen came out and revealed that his partner for the evening was none other than the Archangel! RATING: B 7) ERIC EISEN & THE ARCHANGEL vs. ALMIGHTY DOLLAR This got the crowd's attention again! A great match. WINNER: Eric and the Archangel at 12:36 RATING: A 8) Warlords Pain and Agony are backstage with maniacal grins on their faces. They taunt High Concept, saying that Elmo and Groucho are going to learn a lesson in pain. They just spoke with Richard Eisen, and the boss has agreed to make their upcoming title match a ladder match! RATING: B 9) Speaking of the boss, he's on his cell phone, bragging to someone about what a great show they put together. The door to the office bangs open and Skull DeBones rushes in. Skull is livid about what happened on Tuesday night. He claims that he's a better wrestler than Steve Frehley and that Steve can't possibly survive his match with Runaway Train. Skull demands that Richard give him the title shot instead of Steve. Richard refuses, pointing out how Steve overcame great odds to win, such as beating both Sam Keith and Skull on the same night. But if Skull is so anxious to wrestler, he can take on Christian Faith later tonight. Skull, clearly angered, storms out of the office. RATING: A* 10) And speaking of the champ, he has the mic. He holds aloft the title belt and boldly predicts that it's going nowhere. He warns Steve to not even leave the locker room tonight since nobody survives a collision with a Runaway Train! RATING: A* 11) Joe Sexy, the North American Champ, is in the ring. He strikes a few sexy poses that gets some of the female fans screaming with delight. He even offers to show some of the prettier ladies at ringside a good time after the show. But first, down to business. He's such a good wrestler, he says, he's willing to take on anybody. He'll even put the title on the line. RATING: A 12) Joel Kovach, a brawler who incorporates martial arts in his repertoire, comes to the ring. He says that he just signed a contract with SWF and figures that the best way to start his career is by taking the title away from Joe. Joe, who's jaw dropped when he saw who his opponent was, freaks out and tries to explain to Ric Young, the ref, that he was just kidding. Ric Young calls for the bell. RATING: A 13) JOEL KOVACH vs. JOE SEXY for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] Much to my horror, it became clear very quickly that Joel and Joe don't work well together. Their styles just didn't match up. Thankfully, the announcers were able to cover the miscues and the crowd was so into the action, they didn't really mind. Joe was able to use enough underhanded tactics to beat Joel. WINNER: Joe Sexy at 13:52 RATING: B+ 14) HIGH CONCEPT vs. LORDS OF WAR in a [COLOR=Navy]LADDER MATCH[/COLOR] for the [COLOR=Red]SWF Tag Team Title[/COLOR] The boys did well, but you could tell it took a lot out of them. The Lords of War were especially exhausted and could barely move. I suspect they were happy when Elmo and Groucho climbed the ladder and pulled down the tag belts in the end. WINNER: High Concept at 17:12 RATING: B+ 15) Steve Frehley visits Christian Faith in the locker room. He says that he heard that Christian is in a match with Skull. Christian agrees. Steve pats his friend on the back and says that he knows Christian will do a great job. He even drops a hint that he'd be willing to name Christian the Number One Contender after Steve wins the title tonight. Christian laughs and thanks his friend for the offer, but says that he'll want to earn that honor. RATING: A* 16) CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. SKULL DeBONES Skull stormed out to the ring, clearly unhappy that he was in this match. He put on some good offense, which Christian quickly countered. The tide turned quickly again and Skull got a little ****y. He paid for it, though. WINNER: Christian Faith at 7:01 RATING: A* 17) Skull stares at Christian in disbelief. He can't believe that he lost so quickly! Christian shrugs at him, then walks over and offers his hand to shake, saying, "You put up a good fight, Skull!" Skull doesn't shake hands with Christian. Instead, he rolls out of the ring and storms to the back. RATING: A* 18) STEVE FREHLEY vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN for the [COLOR=Red]SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Train dominated the match in the early going, pounding Steve into the ground. There were a few moments when Steve got in some good offense, staggering the larger man, but every time, Train turned it around. Train finally set Steve up for his finisher, but Steve reversed it and the momentum shifted. Train couldn't stop Steve and finally, Steve had the big man down. He quickly covered for the pin. Ric Young started the count, but before his hand could come down the third time, Skull DeBones rushed into the ring and kicked Steve in the back of the head! The cover was broken and Ric Young called for the bell. WINNER: Steve Frehley by DQ at 23:32 RATING: A* 19) Runaway Train recovers, seeing Skull DeBones attacking Steve Frehley. He doesn't seem to know what's going on, but he joins in the attack right away. The two men beat down Steve for a few minutes, but then Christian Faith rushes to the ring with a chair. The minute he slides under the bottom ropes, Skull and Train bail. Christian yells at them as they retreat back to the entrance, then helps Steve up. RATING: A* [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Thankfully, no one recognizes me. I stood by the main entrance to the arena and listened in as the crowd filed out. A lot of them were complaining about how few storylines there were. A few complained about Melody and Darryl Devine. But overall, everyone seemed pleased. Several people said that they would be sure to come to a show when the SWF came back to the Great Lakes region. FINAL RATING: B+
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[I][SIZE=3]FIXING THE ANNOUNCERS[/SIZE][/I] The day after Christmas Clash, I was seated in my office, looking over the figures for my first two weeks of being SWF's head booker. All in all, it wasn't so bad. At least, I didn't think so. Especially with a pay-per-view with an attendance of 24,800 fans and a buyrate of 352,455 and two A* matches to boot! There was a knock at my office door. I glanced up and saw Devorah Triton standing in the doorway, a timid smile on her face. I couldn't help but smile as well. Devorah was a steal as far as I was concerned. She couldn't wrestle and she was only 17, but she had an innate gift when it came to backstage work. She was a natural when it came to booking and she understood putting together a match well enough to be the youngest road agent in the business. "Hey, boss, I hate to interrupt...." "No problem, Dev, what's up?" "I think I may have found a solution to your announcer problem." I winced. Over the past three events, I was plagued by poor announcing. Jerry Eisen, Duane Fry, and Queen Emily did an okay job for most matches, but when a high caliber match went on, things just broke down. Devorah held up a video tape. "This is from a pay-per-view that took place a year ago." I slipped it into the VCR and hit play. I winced when I saw Calamari Kid duking it out with some cruiserweight I didn't recognize. Devorah chuckled at my reaction. "Pay attention to the commentary." I closed my eyes and listened. I recognized Jerry Eisen's voice ... but the other two, a man and a woman, weren't that familiar to me. I looked at Devorah with a frown. "That's Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia. They're still on the roster. You just didn't assign them as an announcer or color commentator." I blushed. This would hopefully solve that problem.
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[B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Week Three, December 2005[/I] Held at the Medium Mid South Venue [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ I wanted to see how these two openers would work against each other. That, and I wanted to see how Mainstream would do. I know he was hot in MAW, but could he hang with the big boys? The crowd didn't think so. Even though Mainstream lost, there were a few calls of "Boring!" WINNER: American Elemental in 7:52 RATING: C- 2) THE REV vs. SABBATH This got the crowd's attention. The Rev is an old veteran and actually trained Sabbath, and you could tell that they were used to working together. The crowd was at the edge of their seat the whole time as Sabbath and the Rev tossed each other around. They even jumped out of their seats when Rev hit Sabbath with the Crucifix Slam. WINNER: The Rev at 7:56 RATING: A [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) The show started off with a video package of highlights from Christmas Clash. The video featured action by Archangel, Joel Kovach, Joe Sexy, Eric Eisen, Skull DeBones, Christian Faith, Steve Frehley, and Runaway Train. RATING: A 2) We start the match with newcomer Melody Cuthill in the back. She thanked Richard Eisen for bringing her into the SWF and said that she intends to make a splash, starting with Black Hat Bailey. She ripped into BHB, making fun of his accent and the fact that he hadn't had a match in who knows how long. RATING: C 3) DARRYL DEVINE vs. CHRIS GORDON for the [COLOR=Red]SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] Maybe Chris got hurt in his match with Angry Gilmore a week ago. Maybe he thought he was going futher up the card. Whatever the reason, he missed a few obvious spots tonight. Thankfully, the hot crowd and good announcing covered for it. WINNER: Darryl Devine in 8:55 RATING: C+ 4) Joe Sexy is walking his title again, doing his schtick with hitting on the ladies when suddenly, Nevada Nuclear comes out of nowhere and runs him down. Sadly, you could tell that Nevada didn't hit Joe that hard. Joe did his best to sell the weak attack, but by the time Nevada scampered away, laughing maniacally, the crowd had lost interest. RATING: C 5) The Biggz Boys approach Richard Eisen backstage. They ask him if they could possibly have a match against Flex and Pecs so they can show what they're capable of. Eisen makes a big show of looking thoughtful, then agrees with their request. He says that it won't happen tonight, but he'll book it for the next show. RATING: C+ 6) Before Richard can get back to whatever it was CEOs do when they're backstage at a wrestling show, Steve Frehley runs up to him. Steve complains about what happened at Christmas Clash. He had Runaway Train pinned and would have won the title if Skull hadn't interfered. Speaking of the Devil, Skull joins the conversation and mocks Steve Frehley's cry-baby attitude, saying that he had his shot and that meant Skull should get a crack at the title since he truly deserves it. Then Christian Faith interjects himself into the argument, pointing out that he actually beat Skull at the Clash, so wouldn't that make him the Number One Contender? The three wrestlers break into an argument before Richard Eisen cuts through the noise with a piercing whistle. He says that the best way to figure this out would be in a triangle match later tonight. Steve and Christian seem okay with this, but Skull clearly doesn't like the idea. RATING: A* 7) Angry Gilmore is in the ring with a microphone. He calls out Enygma, clearly upset over the latter's interference in his match against Chris Gordon at the Clash. When Enygma comes out, Texas Pete jumps him from behind. While Enygma is tied up with him, Angry joins the fray and beats on him until Enygma manages to escape. I thought it was a good segment, but the crowd wasn't as into it as I had hoped. RATING: B 8) ERIC EISEN vs. RICH MONEY The announcers reminded the audience of how Eric and Rich had a tag match at Christmas Clash. They also explain that Eric requested another chance to prove himself, so here's his chance. It was a straightforward match that got the crowd excited again. WINNER: Eric Eisen at 9:47 RATING: B+ 9) Archangel comes out and thanks the fans for accepting him last week at the Clash. He says that he's excited to be a part of SWF, and he's even more excited to reveal his new manager ... Emma Chase! Emma comes out and waves to the crowd, but she didn't look too well. Maybe it was indigestion. Emma was a big name in three different promotions, after all. I hope it's not stage fright! RATING: A 10) ANGRY GILMORE & TEXAS PETE vs. ENYGMA & JOEL KOVACH The announcers had to fill in the gaps, explaining that Richard Eisen made this match after the attack on Enygma. It was a great match overall, one that the fans really enjoyed. I know that Enygma wasn't too pleased with the results, but I tried to explain to him backstage that he had to trust me on this. WINNER: Angry and Tex at 7:48 RATING: A 11) Runaway Train goes to the ring and takes the mic. He holds up the title belt and says that he promised that he was going to remain Heavyweight Champion, and what he said came true. He then went on to talk about how everyone wanted his title, alluding to the upcoming triangle match. He said he didn't care who won the match, because he'd destroy whoever it was. He then called for a challenger to come out and face him. He didn't want to wait to defend his title. RATING: A 12) RUNAWAY TRAIN vs. JACK BRUCE for the [COLOR=Red]SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Train dominated the match, eventually tossing Jack out of the ring and then driving him through the announce table. Jack was out. Train gloated over his fallen form as the ref counted to 10. WINNER: Train at 8:09 RATING: B 13) After Train's exit, officials helped Jack to his feet and led him back to the entrance. As they did, Skull DeBones came out for his match. Skull taunted Jack for losing, saying that when he (Skull) faces Train for the title, he wouldn't look so pathetic. RATING: A 14) STEVE FREHLEY vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. SKULL DeBONES to determine [COLOR=Red]the Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] These three put it all on the line for me, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Before the match started, Richard Eisen came out and said that he was imposing a 15:00 time limit on this match. If they couldn't get it done in that time, they didn't deserve a title shot. Lots of near falls, lots of impressive spots, but nobody pinned anyone in the time limit. RESULTS: Draw RATING: A* [U]POST SHOW[/U] The fans left the arena buzzing about what they saw. It was easily an A rated show, and many of those who were on the fence said that they would keep an eye on SWF in the future. Even better news was the fact that TCW's "Total Wrestling" did nowhere near as well as us. It only rated B-. Yes! I know that that won't drive TCW out of business or ruin them, but if we keep putting on better shows, that has to hurt Tommy in the end.
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[SIZE=3][B]SWF SUPREME TV[/B][/SIZE] [I]Week 4, December 2005[/I] Held at the Medium South East Venue [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]DARRYL DEVINE & DEREK FROST vs. CHRIS GORDON & MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/B] It was a good opening match, but the crowd wasn't settled in and so didn't really respond that much. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez & Chris Gordon[/B] in 7:37 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] This got the crowd on their feet. I mostly wanted to test this and see how it would work so I can give High Concept something to do next week. Tex and Sam might be a good team for them to face off against. WINNER: [B]High Concept[/B] in 7:38 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) A graphic appears on screen announcing the main event: Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley. The Announcers explain that given last week's draw, Richard Eisen has created a mini-tournament. Whoever has the most wins by the next Pay-Per-View will face Runaway Train for the title. The crowd went nuts at this announcement. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 2) Enygma comes to the ring. He's livid over how he lost last week to Angry Gilmore, and he wants Angry in the ring tonight! The crowd's excitement disappears. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 3) Angry Gilmore comes out with a box of kleenex. He dabs away imaginary tears, then throws the box at the ring. His response is short and to the point: "If you want to cry, call Dr. Phil. If you want an ass-kicking, I'll be more than happy to oblige!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 4) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. FLEX AND PECS[/B] Brett seems to have lost his jitters from the past couple of weeks. While it wasn't a stellar match, it certainly wasn't the train wreck I expected. A good solid match by my mid- to low-card. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 5) Flex and Pecs, angry about their loss, jump the Biggz Boys and beat them to the mat. The crowd didn't care to see this. There were a lot of loud boos, and not the kind of heel heat that F&P should be generating. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 6) Emma Chase is backstage, primping before a mirror. Joe Sexy comes up behind her and taps her on the shoulder. When she turns around, Joe sidles up WAY too close and introduces himself as a phenomenal wrestler, a legendary lover, and the SWF North American Champion. Emma tries to escape, but Joe doesn't let her. He points to his belt, saying it looks good around his waist, but he'd rather see her legs there instead. Emma is shocked and gags, then comments that she just threw up in her mouth a little. She runs away, leaving Joe looking quite bewildered. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 7) Rich Money is in the ring with a briefcase. He and his manager, Nicole Kiss, talk about how their life has been turned into a living hell by Eric Eisen. Not only has Eric beaten him twice, Rich claims, but because he is the boss's son, he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Rich says that Eric has been leaving harassing phone calls on his voicemail, and he's scared for his life ("Nonsense!" Jerry, Eric's brother, insists. "You can tell that Rich is lying!") Rich opens the briefcase to reveal a lot of money. He offers it to whomever can take out Eric Eisen for him. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 8) Queen Emily, demoted from her color commentary post, interviews Black Hat Bailey backstage. She asks Black Hat about what Melody Cuthill had to say last week. BHB blows off the question, saying that Melody is a "silly little girl who is beneath his notice." He instead talks about his upcoming match with Robbie Retro. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] (maybe it's the accent?) 9) [B]BLACK HAT BAILEY vs. ROBBIE RETRO[/B] BHB went on the offensive early and kept control of Robbie for most of the match. He looked like he had things sewn up when a desperation move by Robbie knocked BHB into the ref, knocking the ref out. That's when Melody Cuthill jumped over the security railing from the crowd, dove under the ropes, and hit BHB with a vicious DDT. She rolled out again. Robbie recovered, surprised to see BHB unconscious on the mat. He shrugged and slapped BHB into a submission move. The ref woke up in time to see BHB tap. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro[/B] at 7:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 10) Duane Fry (also demoted from the announcing table) is interviewing Archangel in the backstage area. Archangel takes control of the interview and talks about Joe Sexy's inappropriate behavior earlier. He says that Joe doesn't deserve the title, so if Joe's a man, he'll face Double-A later tonight and put the title on the line! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) Enygma is walking through the backstage area, heading towards the ring, when Angry Gilmore appears out of nowhere and lays into him, smashing him into the brick wall, tossing him into piles of equipment, nearly tearing off Enygma's mask before grabbing him by the head and dragging him towards the ring. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]ENYGMA vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] Enygma was able to recover from the beating enough to put up a half-hearted defense, but Angry proved to be too much for the mysterious masked wrestler. WINNER: [B]Angry Gilmore[/B] at 10:16 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 13) As Enygma lies on the mat, unconscious, Angry Gilmore celebrates his supposed "victory." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 14) Melody Cuthill appears on screen, smiling ear to ear, and asks Black Hat Bailey if she's worth noticing now. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR] 15) [B]JOE SEXY vs. ARCHANGEL[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] This match should have been much better, but it was just too straight-forward. Archangel and Joe could have told a story, especially with Emma Chase at ringside, but they just fought each other for seemingly no reason. In the end, Joe pinned Archangel with a handful of tights. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] at 7:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] (I suppose I can't complain too much) 16) Steve Frehley is shown walking to the ring for the Main Event. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 17) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. STEVE FREHLEY[/B] Another phenomenal match between these two. There was a lack of selling, but it didn't hurt anything. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] at 11:40 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]AFTERMATH[/U] As the crowd left, buzzing about the show they had seen, I felt pretty good. At least, I did until Skull approached me. "Wasn't I supposed to taunt Steve at some point tonight? According to the storyline you gave me, I was. Isn't that going to hold up the rest of the storyline?" Ice rushed through my veins. He was right! I would have to do something to fix that! [[OOC NOTE: Unfortunately, like an idiot, I did just that. I forgot to have a Taunt angle, so now I have to come up with a way to fix things so I don't hold up the next PPV]]
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That's a nice idea, but it won't work. The PPV is two weeks away, and the Hype (not taunt, my bad) angle that I missed is #2 of 9, and the last segment is the PPV match. It's a good suggestion, and I've done stuff like that before, but it just won't work in this case. I think I have an idea, though, so read on....
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[I][SIZE=3]THE YEAR IN REVIEW[/SIZE][/I] "Get in here and sit down!" Richard Eisen thundered as I cowered in his office door. He looked mad. Earlier today, he had demanded my presence to review my performance thus far. I was nervous but confused. I didn't think I had done anything worth yelling about. While there had been some mistakes made, most of them had been dealt with. And we were doing better than TCW, both in terms of ratings and show results. I had just read that their "Psycho Circus" Pay-Per-View had only been rated a B, while "Christmas Clash" was a B+. I know, big deal, but we were better. I took a seat and watched as he paced back and forth in front of me. Finally, he turned and waved some papers at me. "Do you know what these are?" he asked. I shook my head, not wanting to say anything to set him off. "This is an industry newsletter, and at the end of every year, they rate promotions and workers. The results are in ...." His eyes flared, then softened as a big grin broke out on his face. "And we're mentioned three times!" "Wh... what?" I asked. Eisen pulled out a pair of reading glasses and looked over the sheets. "They didn't pick a promotion of the year or put out a list of the top 100 wrestlers. Said nobody qualified for either. But they named .... Steve Frehley as Best Young Wrestler of 2005. I quote, 'Frehley always had a mark of greatness about him, but the push he's been given has allowed him to shine. We predict great things for him in 2006.' That match Steve and Skull wrestled just last week? That's the Match of the Year! And that SWF Supreme TV episode is the show of the year as well! TCW wasn't even mentioned once!" I breathed a sigh of relief. Eisen laughed. "Sorry about all that bluster earlier. I was just yankin' your chain. Now, on to the financial side of things." Any relief I felt vanished. This had been something that I worried about. It's not that I was being wild with my spending. But the negotiations with the Survivors had dragged out and the final salaries they agreed to were a bit high in my opinion. Not only that, but I had ordered the production department to use minor licensed music for ring entrances and to up the quality on our DVD releases and merchandise. It made sense to me; if we were supposedly the top promotion, everything about us should look like it. But I was worried that our finances would take a hit. "When you started here, SWF had $20,000,000 to its name. As of today, we have ..." Eisen consulted another sheet. "... $32 million and some change." I found it humorous that Richard Eisen would consider enough money to buy a nice house "some change", but I let that go. "You're doing okay, kid. Our popularity is going up in the places where we visited, and we're beating TCW. But how are you going to fix that little problem with Skull not taunting Steve?" I smiled. "Simple. 'SWF Fan Appreciation Day.'" Eisen frowned. "What?"
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From PWTorch.com: [QUOTE]In an unprecedented move, the Supreme Wrestling Federation held what it called a "Fan Appreciation Day", an even held at their corporate headquarters in New England. The "biggest SWF fans", as identified by the promotion, were invited to tour the offices and training facilities, eat lunch with the wrestlers and other workers, and then were treated to an hour long exhibition, one that featured a four way tag team elimination match, a bikini contest, a singles match, and a repeat of the 2005 Match of the Year, Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley. 5000 fans took advantage of this free event and most felt that it was a top of the line show.[/QUOTE] [[OOC: I had typed up a summary of the action, but the browser locked up and deleted my post. Hope you don't mind the little blurb. I included the missed angle and match, so the storyline that I screwed up is now back on track]]
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[B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Week One, January 2006[/I] Held at the Small Midwest Venue [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) [B]ANDRE JONES vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ[/B] Right now, I think these two need to stay in the dark. They can't seem to rise above a C match, which is okay for two openers, I guess. I just hope they don't get frustrated. WINNER: [B]Andre Jones[/B] at 8:28 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. SABBATH[/B] Hmmmmm. I think I may have done this before. I'd better start keeping better notes! Jack and Sabbath just didn't click at all, and it showed in the match. WINNER: [B]Jack Bruce[/B] RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [U]LIVE MATCHES[/U] 1) We begin our show with Enygma standing in the ring. He issues a challenge to Angry Gilmore, demanding that he get in the ring with him tonight. He says that they're not done yet, not by a long shot. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 2) Angry comes out to the entrance. He asks Enygma if his mask is on too tight. Why would he ever get into the ring with him again? He's beaten him already. Several times, as a matter of fact. He won't be wasting any more time on a washed up old has-been like Enygma. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 3) Black Hat Bailey is walking backstage when Melody Cuthill leaps out of the shadows and attacks him. Black Hat tries to fend her off, but she's too quick for him. When Melody retreats, Black Hat is left down and out. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 4) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. CHRIS GORDON [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] A good cruiserweight match. Not much else can be said about it. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] at 9:37 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 5) Eric Eisen walks past Black Hat Bailley, who is still recovering from Melody's attack. Eric enjoys a good laugh over the older wrestler's predicament, only to find himself in a similar one. Remo and Enforcer Roberts blindside him, savagely beating him until he lies in a heap on the floor. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 6) Emma is chatting with one of the backstage workers when Squeeky McClean approaches her. He apologizes for Joe Sexy's rude behavior the week before. He says that Joe is unhygenic, rude, and just plain dirty. He, one the other hand, is just what his name says. If she's looking for some good, clean fun, he's her man. Emma humors him, then politely turns him down. He's crushed. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 7) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B] Well, so much for this storyline. I had grand visions of these two engaging in a best of seven match-up, facing each other in cages, last man standing matches, all sorts of wonderful fights that would help elevate them. That ain't gonna happen. They don't work well together. No chemistry at all. I'd say I should go to plan B, but I don't have one for these two yet. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun[/B] at 7:47 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 8) After the match, Robbie goes over and shakes Freddie's hand. I, on the other hand, am standing by the ring entrance, hoping that they won't drag this out, especially since their program is over before it even started. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 9) Remo and Enforcer Roberts find Rich Money backstage. Rich is hiding with Nicole Kiss, overplaying their supposed nervousness. Enforcer reports that the job is done, that Eric should have gotten the message. Rich is pleased. He hands over the briefcase of money to them and encourages them to split it up any way they see fit. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 10) Enygma is also backstage. He bursts into Richard Eisen's office and demands to speak with him. He reminds Eisen of his long history with the company. He said he never complained, never asked for any favors or special treatment, but now, he wants Angry Gilmore in a match, and he wants him now! Richard Eisen waits a moment, then rips into Enygma, pointing out that he doesn't demand anything. He's not the boss around here, and to remind him of that, Eisen refuses his match request. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] For a match that had no build up and no reason to exist other than to give High Concept a paycheck, this wasn't so bad. The crowd was into the antics of High Concept, Jessie helped them out at ring side, and that's pretty good. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] at 11:19 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) Skull DeBones has something to say! He reminds the audience of how good he is, how he tore apart Steve Frehley last week in a match that will go down in the history books as one of the best ever. But now, Frehley is the one who is history. He needs to focus on Christian Faith. He glares into the camera and informs Christian that no amount of faith will save him now. Skull is going to turn his dreams of someday holding the title a nightmare. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 13) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] Skull took an early lead, but you could tell he was brimming with overconfidence. That only grew as he was able to counter any offense that Christian mounted. Finally, Skull had Christian down long enough that he could have pinned him. Instead, he leaned over and trash talked Christian, mocking him. Christian recovered and managed to mount a serious offense, one that knocked Skull back. Then, out of nowhere, Christian hit Skull with his patented finisher, the Leap of Faith. He rolled Skull up quickly and won! WINNER: [B]Christian Faith[/B] at 11:51 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 14) [B]ARCHANGEL & JOEL KOVACH vs. RUNAWAY TRAIN & JOE SEXY[/B] The announcers explained that Richard Eisen made this match at Train's request. He wanted an extra challenge tonight. And boy, did he get one. He was able to dominate most of the match, but then Double-A and Joel were able to turn the tide. Archangel mostly concentrated on Joe, perhaps because of his actions towards Emma the week before. That left Train to Joel, who finally managed to get a Figure Four on the champ. WINNERS: [B]Joel Kovach and Archangel [/B] in 10:15 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) Joe and Train consult each other as the ref raises Joel and Angel's hands in victory, then rush back into the ring to beat the winners down. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [U]AFTERMATH[/U] The show was well received by the fans. For some reason, the fans of the Midwest didn't come out in droves. We only had 5000 fans when normally, a Supreme TV show draws closer to twice that. But this show will help us in the future. It increased our popularity and was A rated.
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[B][SIZE=3]SWF SUPREME TV[/SIZE][/B] [I]Week Two, January 2006[/I] Held at the Small North West Venue (The go-home show for "When Hell Freezes Over") [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) Melody Cuthill cut a promo with the help of Jessie, her manager, talking about what a splash she's made in the SWF already and that all the fans in the arena should stay tuned. The crowd didn't seem to care. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 2) [B]DEREK FROST & ANDRE JONES vs. JOEL KOVACH & ARCHANGEL[/B] The two young stars were standing in the ring, laughing and high fiving each other. At one point, Derek beckoned for whoever their opponents were to get down to the ring. When Joel's music hit, they both froze in fear. That fear turned to near panic when Archangel joined his partner. The two young stars were tired out after a match with the veterans. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach & Archangel[/B] in 11:25 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 3) Flex and Pecs come to the ring and challenge the Biggz Boys to a rematch. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 4) The Biggz Boys come out and accept the challenge. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) [B]DERRYL DEVINE vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. THE ARISTOCRAT vs. MELODY CUTHILL vs. CHRIS GORDON vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ [/B] for the [COLOR=Red]SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] With all these high fliers, it was naturally going to be a spot fest. If the performers were more over, the crowd might have cared more. As it is, it was a decent opening match. WINNER: [B]Derryl Devine[/B] at 9:55 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 2) Melody is shown going into the backstage area, slightly disappointed with herself, when Black Hat Bailey jumps out of the shadows and tries to attack her. Melody's quick reflexes, however, allow her to dodge out of the way. Before BHB can rally, she plants a superkick to his chin, knocking him out. Melody stares at his fallen form, then quickly escapes. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 3) Emma Chase is talking on her cell phone when she pauses and turns around and looks up ... and up ... and up at the leering face of Sabbath. The Guru steps in and does the talking for his client. He says that he hears that Emma has been looking for a boyfriend. Before Emma can correct him, the Guru says that perhaps she is like most women and is attracted to power. Just look at Sabbath! He is raw power incarnate. Sabbath flexes and growls and poses, the Guru egging him on. When the Guru turns to see what Emma thinks, she's gone. While a funny spot, the crowd didn't care. They were grumbling and not too happy. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 4) The Biggz Boys are heading to the ring for their match when Flex and Pecs blindside them, beating them to the ground, effectively losing the momentum we got from the previous segment. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 5) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. FLEX & PECS[/B] Because of the sneak attack, the Biggzes were in no condition to fight back. They managed to mount a weak offense about mid-way through the match, but it didn't matter. It was over quickly. WINNERS: [B]Flex & Pecs [/B] at 5:49 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] [I]At this point, Richard Eisen tracked me down backstage and demanded to know what I was doing. "You call this a go home show? The crowd's likely to walk out any minute!" I smiled reassuringly. "Trust me, sir. They're not going anywhere."[/I] 6) Angry Gilmore comes to the ring. He looks over the crowd and says, "I know you guys are antsy. You haven't seen me yet! Now sit down and shut up. I've got something to say!" He then rips into Enygma, talking about what a pathetic, washed up old has-been he is. "He probably wears a mask to hide his wrinkles and his gray hair!" Angry Gilmore, on the other hand, is the wave of the future, a tsunami that will destroy anything that gets in his path! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]"See?" I said to Eisen. "Told you."[/I] 7) But then Black Hat Bailey came out with a mic, livid over his failed attack on Melody. He screams into the mic a series of incomprehensible sentences, his accent sliding into a ****ney gibberish. Finally, he gets to the point: he always said that he'd only fight a women if hell froze over. Well, at "When Hell Freezes Over", that's exactly what he wants to do! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 8) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. PROBLEM SOLVERS [/B] (Black Hat Bailey & Enforcer Roberts) for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Enforcer Roberts joined his partner in the ring, sporting a thick gold chain and some very flashy new sunglasses. He shows them off to the crowd, then fans out some of the money he got last week from collecting the bounty on Eric Eisen. The crowd thoroughly booed him for this. High Concept then hit the ring and the match was on. For a while there, it looked like the Problem Solvers would win the titles, but then Jessie distracted BHB from ring side by making flirty eyes at him, long enough for Groucho to his BHB with the Bling Thing. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] at 7:27 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 9) As High Concept celebrate their victory, the Lords of War, Sam Keith, and Texas Pete charge the ring. The four villains beat down the champs and work them over. Outnumbered 2 to 1, High Concept does their best to weather the storm. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 10) Enforcer Roberts and Black Hat Bailey have rolled out of the ring, looking absolutely stunned by this development. Enforcer then smacks BHB in the chest and laughs, saying, "Better them than us." That's when he's struck from behind with a metal chair, one wielded by Eric Eisen. BHB runs for his life and Eric pounds Enforcer over and over. Eric then picks up the bounty money which fell loose during the attack, and throws it in Enforcer's face. He looks at the camera and yells, "Remo, you're next!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 11) Backstage, Enygma is standing with a mic. He stares at the camera and talks about the honor and tradition of being a masked wrestler. He looks at his career with pride and counts his time in the ring as the most precious moments of his life. Yet he's so enraged by Angry's antics, he's willing to put it all on the line. He wants to face Angry Gilmore so badly, he's challenging Angry to a career match. If he loses, he leaves. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 12) Angry Gilmore appears behind Enygma and golf claps. He says, "You're on!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]JOE SEXY vs. ROBBIE RETRO [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] Robbie took the lead early, surprising Joe with a flurry of offense that left the champ staggered. Before Robbie could capitalize, though, Joe fought back and within minutes, it was over. After the match, Joe showboated for the crowd. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] at 6:34 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 14) The camera pulls back to reveal Jack Bruce watching a monitor with Richard Eisen. Jack turns to the boss and says that Joe is getting too ****y for his own good. He needs a real challenge and Jack is more than happy to oblige. Eisen thinks about it, then nods. The match is on! RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] to determine [COLOR=Red]the Number One Contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Steve and Christian shook hands after the bell sounded. The match was back and forth the whole time with neither man getting an advantage over the other. Finally, though, Steve took advantage of the situation and hit Christian with the Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] at 11:50 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 16) Richard Eisen comes out to the ring entrance as Steve and Christian pick themselves up from the mat. Eisen is furious. He says that they held this mini tournament to determine who would face Runaway Train for the SWF Heavyweight Title at "When Hell Freezes Over", but these good-for-nothing jerks didn't help him! As far as he could tell, Skull beat Steve, but Christian beat Skull, and now Steve beat Christian. There was no clear winner, so he would have to do something against his better judgment. At "When Hell Freezes Over", Runaway Train would face .... all three of them in a fatal fourway match! The crowd popped. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] At the end of the show, the announcers ran through the announced matches for "When Hell Freezes Over": 1) Black Hat Bailey vs. Melody Cuthill ([COLOR=Blue]D[/COLOR]) 2) Jack Bruce vs. Joe Sexy for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) 3) Enygma vs. Angry Gilmore in a [COLOR=Indigo]career match [/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) 4) Runaway Train vs. Christian Faith vs. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley in a [COLOR=Indigo]Fatal Fourway [/COLOR] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR]) [U]AFTERMATH[/U] The fans leaving the arena were a little miffed at how much Melody Cuthill showed up. Their thoughts were that she was overused. They also grumbled about Mainstream and Derek Frost, but all in all, it was a success. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] [CENTER] [SIZE=2][U]THE FINAL CARD FOR "WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER"[/U][/CENTER][/SIZE] The Biggz Boys vs. Flex & Pecs Melody Cuthill vs. Black Hat Bailey High Concept vs. the Lords of War vs. Sam Keith & Texas Pete for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Tag Team Titles[/COLOR] Jack Bruce vs. Joe Sexy for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] Enygma vs. Angry Gilmore in a [COLOR=Indigo]career match[/COLOR] Runaway Train vs. Skull DeBones vs. Steve Frehley vs. Christian Faith in a [COLOR=Indigo]Fatal Fourway [/COLOR] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] Any predictions, or are the winners too obvious?
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When Hell Freezes Over [COLOR=DarkRed][B][SIZE=3][CENTER]SWF Presents "When Hell Freezes Over"[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Week 2, January 2006[/I] Held at the Very Big Venue in Tri-State[/CENTER] [U]DARK MATCHES[/U] 1) Flex and Pecs appear on screen and taunt the Biggz Boys over their recent loss. They cross a few lines, making very degrading references to the Biggzes' mother. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 2) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. CHRIS GORDON[/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF Shooting Star Title[/COLOR] The four cruiserweights came out for a standard elimination match. The action wasn't top-of-the-line, but it wasn't that bad either. Chris was the first to be pinned, then Mainstream, and finally, American Elemental. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine[/B] at 7:43 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) Flex and Pecs are walking backstage, conversing quietly, when the Biggz Boys jump them from behind and beat them down. When Flex and Pecs are lying on the ground, groaning, Bart spits at them then laughs, "See you in the ring, boys!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 4) Emma Chase, looking absolutely ravishing in a tight outfit, is in the ring firing free "When Hell Freezes Over" T-shirts into the crowd. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] [U]LIVE SHOW[/U] 1) A video package runs hyping the Fatal Fourway to determine the Heavyweight Championship. All four competitors look absolutely hungry for the gold. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 2) Richard Eisen comes out and welcomes the crowd and viewers to "When Hell Freezes Over." He said that at one time, he would have said that a woman would take on a man in the SWF when hell freezes over. How appropriate, then, that tonight, we will see Melody Cuthill take on Black Hat Bailey! The crowd booed a little, prompting Eisen to snap, "Shut up!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 3) [B]THE BIGGZ BOYS vs. FLEX AND PECS[/B] The Biggzes were fired up for the match, but you could tell Flex and Pecs were still suffering from the effects of their beating backstage. The Biggz finished them off quickly. WINNER: [B]THE BIGGZ BOYS[/B] at 9:53 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 4) Remo is walking backstage, counting his bounty money from a few weeks ago. He takes a cup of coffee that's offered to him from a vendor who is wearing a large brimmed hat and sun glasses. Remo gives him a hundred dollar bill and tells him to keep the change. He turns to keep walking, only the coffee vendor picks up a pot of coffee and smashes it over the back of his head! Remo drops to the ground, screaming, and the vendor whips off the hat and glasses, revealing that it's Eric Eisen. He kicks Remo a few times, then looks in the camera, "Rich, it's just you and me now!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 5) Duane Fry is standing backstage with Jessie and her clients, High Concept. He asks Jessie what she thinks High Concept's chances are, given that they're in a triangle match with their titles on the line. Jessie blows off Fry's concerns, pointing out how good High Concept is. Lords of War? Try Lords of Snore! And as far as Sam Keith and Texas Pete are concerned, she doesn't think they could draw a triangle, much less win a triangle match. Her boys are going to get the job done, no question about it. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 6) A video package aired that highlighted Melody Cuthill's rise. The crowd didn't seem to care. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 7) [B]MELODY CUTHILL vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY[/B] Black Hat went to the ring with a very determined look on his face. Melody came out and tried to play up to the crowd, but they still seemed a bit lukewarm to her. I don't know if this storyline is working or not. We'll have to keep it going and see. At any rate, the announcers were stunned at how quickly Melody beat the veteran BHB. At least, they sold their astonishment very well. WINNER: [B]Melody Cuthill [/B] at 4:56 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C[/COLOR] 8) While Melody is celebrating her quick win, BHB rolls out of the ring, retrieves the ring bell, and then uses it to ring Melody's bell, laying her out in the middle of the ring. He sneers at her, then limps back to the entrance. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 9) Emma Chase goes into her lockerroom and discovers a very large boquet of red roses waiting for her. She frowns and pulls out the card and reads it out loud, "Good luck tonight on your first Pay-Per-View. Love, Your Secret Admirer." She frowns and looks around, as if expecting to see who it's from. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A*[/COLOR] 10) Queen Emily is backstage with Steve Frehley. She asks him how he thinks he'll do against his three competitors later. Steve responds by saying that while he respects Christian, he isn't going to let their friendship stand in the way of the gold. He has nothing good to say about Skull DeBones, and to Train he says, "Your time is up." RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B[/COLOR] 11) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. THE LORDS OF WAR vs. SAM KEITH & TEXAS PETE[/B] Perhaps Jessie was on to something. This was a great match, don't get me wrong. But even though Lords of War were eliminated from the match first, they were by far the most tired of the crew. But High Concept did a stellar job on title defense #5. WINNERS: [B]High Concept[/B] at 11:07 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 12) The camera catches sight of Runaway Train warming up for his match. He is scowling quite intensely. When Duane Fry approaches him with a mic, Train merely growls, sending Duane retreating quickly. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 13) The Guru comes out and announces that he's dug up a new monster to unleash upon the world. He chortles that "hell didn't freeze over quickly enough," eliciting groans from the audience. Perhaps we overused that joke. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C-[/COLOR] 14) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. RICH MONEY[/B] These two didn't sell each other's moves. Huh. But it was still a match that delighted the fans. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] at 13:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 15) Duane Fry, having recovered from his fright with Runaway Train, has found Christian Faith. He asks Christian what his strategy is for winning the Fatal Fourway. Christian says, "Winning any match is simple: you just gotta have Faith!" Unfortunately, Duane seemed a bit too stiff for his own good. I may have to start searching for someone else to fill his shoes. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] [I]As Christian walks away, laughing at his own silly joke, Jerry Eisen at the broadcast table wonders aloud, "Has anyone seen Skull DeBones? I wonder how he's preparing for tonight?"[/I] 16) Speaking of the devil, Skull has found and cornered Darren Smith. He tells Darren that he knows that Smith is scheduled to referee the Fatal Fourway later tonight. When Darren tries to deny it, Skull cuts him off. He leans in way too close and explains that he alone deserves to be Heavyweight Champion. He then orders Darren to "do the right thing and save yourself from a lot of unnecessary pain" and make sure that Skull left the arena with the title around his waist. Darren (who didn't appear at all frightened by any of this) swallowed and refused. Skull's eyes narrowed, then he lashed out, beating Darren to the floor. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]C+[/COLOR] 17) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. JOE SEXY [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF North American Title[/COLOR] Right from the get go, I could tell that Jack and Joe just don't click. That's three people on the roster that Jack can't work with. Maybe it's time that Jack found work elsewhere. Even though there were some obvious missed spots, the announcers covered it all smoothly, and the crowd didn't mind at all. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy[/B] at 12:20 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR] 18) Richard Eisen is sitting in his office when Ric Young (another ref) comes in and tells him about what Skull did to Darren Smith. Richard doesn't seem to care about Darren's welfare. He instead orders Ric to take over. Ric refuses, and says that none of the other refs will get in the ring for the main event. Richard snarls something, causing Ric to retreat quickly. He paces his office, muttering about how he has to find someone who can referee this match, someone who could be fair, and yet wouldn't be intimidated by Skull DeBones. Inspiration strikes. He pulls out his cell phone and starts dialing, saying, "I hope he's in town!" RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 19) [B]ENYGMA vs. ANGRY GILMORE [/B] in a [COLOR=Purple]career match[/COLOR] As Enygma walks to the ring, Peter Michaels opines about what must be going through the veteran's mind. He reminds the fans that if Enygma loses tonight, he will also lose his job. The match was intense. Angry seemed to dominate in the early going, scoring a number of near falls. But as Enygma kept kicking out, the frustration began to grow. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Enygma caught a second wind and was able to batter Angry back until he could put the younger wrestler in the Enygma Variation. Angry taps out. WINNER: [B]Enygma[/B] at 13:45 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 20) The ring announcer says that it's time for the main event. That's when some unfamiliar entrance music starts. Out walks the Rev in a striped shirt. Some of the crowd pops for this; others aren't sure who he is. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] 21) [B]RUNAWAY TRAIN vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. STEVE FREHLEY vs. SKULL DeBONES [/B] for [COLOR=Red]the SWF World Heavyweight Title[/COLOR] The match started out slowly with the competitors sizing each other up. There were a few times when the heels tried to bully the Rev. Skull even shoved him at one point after a two count. The Rev simply pushed back harder. After that, they went all out until finally, Steve managed to catch Christian in the Frehley's Comet. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley[/B] at 20:55 RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 22) Steve collapses to the mat, clutching the title belt to his chest in disbelief. He stands and looks out at the crowd, but then jumps over the top rope and leaps the barricade, hugging the fans and lifting up the title belt in victory. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]A[/COLOR] 23) After celebrating with the fans, Steve goes back into the ring and asks for a mic. Before he can say a word, though, Sabbath and the Lords of War hit the ring, attacking Steve. Skull, who had been down and out outside the ring, joins them. The last image we see is of Sabbath and the Lords of War raising their hands in victory with Skull DeBones. RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B-[/COLOR] [U]THE AFTERMATH[/U] Unfortunately, one of the sheets got a picture of me and plastered it all over the Internet. I'm not able to slip into the crowd to guage reactions anymore, so I spent the rest of the night on-line in chatrooms and wrestling forums, trying to see what people thought. All in all, people were satisfied with what happened. Nobody seemed to regret spending their money on getting this PPV. FINAL RATING: [COLOR=Blue]B+[/COLOR]
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Does anybody have any suggestions? Complaints? Constructive critiques? Or can anybody tell me how I can fix this "lack of selling" comment that I keep getting? How about Jack Bruce? Honest to goodness, the man can't seem to find chemistry with anyone. I'd even settle for neutral chemistry right now.
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