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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Warzone[/B][/SIZE] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, July 2007[/I] Held at the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to the Lowe Ballroom, but their initial comments were cut off... 1) Eric Eisen strode out to the ring with his father at his side. The two Eisens were greeted with an avalanche of jeers and boos. Eric let the audience go for a little while before telling them to zip it. He said that he knew he was back in Wanda Fish's hometown, and that people were probably hoping that his supposed half-sister would show up tonight, but that people shouldn't hold their breath. Richard had given instructions to the box office to refuse Wanda Fish entry even if she had a ticket. He said that Wanda Fish was old news.... And that's when the SWF World Heavyweight Champ showed up. The crowd popped in a big way as Tim made his way to the ring. He slipped between the ropes and stared down the Eisens before finally informed Eric that he should be ashamed of himself, reveling in the misfortune of another person, especially his half-sister. Although, Tim went on to say, he had his doubts that Richard was really Wanda's dad. After all, Wanda is an intelligent, charming, good-looking young lady, qualities she obviously didn't inherit from her father. Eric got in Tim's face and told him to back off, that this wasn't his concern. Tim disagreed, saying that he was speaking for the fans when he said he wanted to knock Eric's teeth down his throat. So he had a proposition for Eric: they would have a match tonight. No titles would be on the line and no rules would be observed. That's right, Tim challenged Eric to a street fight! Richard shook his head vehemently, saying his son wasn't about to do that.... only to have Eric contradict him by agreeing! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the taunting and the challenge 2) Duane Fry said that later tonight, we'd also see newly crowned SWF North American Champ Cliff Wilson take on BLZ Bubb for his title! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Bart Biggz came out to the ring and said that he wasn't impressed with Mainstream's win earlier this week. He said that anybody could beat Andre Jones, so big deal. He then said he'd prove he's the better competitor by winning his next non-title match against American Elemental. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. BART BIGGZ[/B] Whoops. I forgot that these two have bad chemistry together. That dragged down the match a bit. Bart dominated most of the match, acting very over-confident and sure of himself. That quickly died as the countdown passed the five minute mark and it was obvious that Elemental wasn't going down easily. Bart did his best to put away Elemental, but he just couldn't get him pinned. Peter Michaels commented that Bart was in trouble as the match passed the 2:49 mark, saying that Mainstream put away Andre Jones in less time. As the countdown passed the one minute mark, Bart finally seemed to get things under control. He stunned Elemental and started to set him up for a Biggz Up, but Rip Chord pointed out that he was show-boating too much. Sure enough, Elemental slipped out of the move and managed to hit a DDT, which he turned into a small package and a win with one second on the clock. WINNER: [B] American Elemental [/B]in 9:59 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Bart wasn't happy with the results and took it out on Elemental by beating him from pillar to post. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 6) The camera cut backstage to the set of "Ask Dan!" Dan sat there with a ****y grin on his face. He said that tonight's question came from ... himself. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"See, I've been asking myself a question lately, folks. How do I deal with the fact that I don't get any respect around here? I'm a good worker, a great wrestler, and I have phenomenal looks. I do my best, but that just doesn't seem to be enough. So I thought about it and I've come up with an answer. Stay tuned, folks, you're going to see a different Dan, that's for sure!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR] 7) Flashback was walking backstage when they were jumped by Sexual Aggression, who beat them severely. Once they were done, Joe patted Angry on the back and said that's how you get stuff done in the SWF, and that their title shot against Flashback later tonight was in the bag. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. BLZ BUBB [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] As Cliff and Bubb made their way to the ring, Peter Michaels said that Cliff had his work cut out for him making his first title defense against Bubb. Rip agreed, stating that the size difference alone would make this difficult, but that Bubb's recent erratic behavior made things worse since the big guy would be unpredictable. And for most of the match, Rip proved correct. Bubb dominated Cliff, tossing the smaller man around the ring like he weighed nothing. He also giggled uncontrollably for most of the match, apparently deriving pleasure from the few times Cliff managed to hit him. But in the end, Cliff outsmarted him. As Bubb was getting ready to finish him off, Cliff held up a hand and pretended to answer a cell phone made of his fingers. He then held it out to Bubb, saying it was for him. Bubb, oddly enough, not only "took" the phone, but actually carried out a conversation with whoever it was. Cliff used the distraction to get the big man off his feet so he could hit the Descent Into Hell. WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]in 9:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Bubb hopped to his feet and screamed at Cliff about how he made him lose that phone call. He then laid into Cliff, knocking the smaller man to the mat and stomping on his chest. That's when Shawn Gonzalez hit the ring and attacked Bubb. Bubb, oddly enough, seemed scared of Shawn and retreated. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) The camera cut backstage to the former SWF World Heavyweight Champ, Joel Kovach. Joel said that he understood that Ricky Dale Johnson wanted to face him in a match on [I]Invasion![/I] next week. He said his initial reaction to that news was pity. RDJ just isn't in the same league as he is, Joel explained. If he faced Joel, he would wind up in the hospital again. But the way Joel figured it, RDJ would continue to breathe down his neck, which would be a distraction. So Joel said that he would destroy Ricky next Tuesday and then go on to recapture his SWF World Heavyweight Championship at "Welcome to the Jungle". RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B] FLASHBACK (c) vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] The champs were still feeling the effects of the beatdown they received from Sexual Aggression. They were still with it enough to avoid early pinfall attempts, but Rip pointed out that they were fading fast. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"If Joe and Angry can keep this match going long enough, the titles are theirs."[/COLOR] As Joe fought with Robbie Retro, they ran into the ref and knocked him cold. Joe saw that and signalled to Angry, who tossed him a steel chair. Joe used the chair to first knock Johnny Martin off the ring apron and then clocked Robbie with it as well. As Angry worked to revive the ref from outside the ring, Joe pinned Robbie. That's when Darryl Devine jumped onto the security railing, delivering a flying forearm shot to Angry that took him down. Darryl then got into the ring, ducked a punch from Joe, and then hit him with the Devine Dream Drop. He then took Robbie and pulled him on top of Joe as the ref came to. Darryl hopped out of the ring and laughed all the way up the ramp as the ref counted. WINNERS: [B]Flashback [/B]in 4:48 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) Troy Tornado burst into Richard Eisen's office, fuming about what happened to him last week. He said he knew that Sam Keith was the one who attacked him. Richard asked if he had any proof. Troy said that he didn't, but he was sure it was Sam because whoever attacked him stole his contract for a title shot against Eric. Richard said that was a good circumstantial case, but that it really wasn't enough. Troy glared at Richard for a little while, then stormed off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. ERIC EISEN [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight[/COLOR] These two covered for their lack of chemistry nicely. The crowd really didn't seem to care as this match spilled out of the ring, through the crowd, into the back, and into the ring again. Weapons were used, both men wound up bleeding pretty badly, and the crowd was extremely excited. At one point, when Tim was getting the upper hand on Eric, Ricky Dale Johnson interjected himself, helping Eric work over the champ. Eric thanked Ricky by beaning him with a steel chair. The same happened when Sam Keith came to the rescue of Tim, only it was Troy Tornado who took out Sam. In the end, the brawling pair wound up back in the ring, and Tim managed to first block a Silver Spoon Shock attempt, only to turn it into an Unstoppable Force for the win. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B]in 20:49 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] A good show; not much more to say. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]American Elemental defeated Bart Biggz [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson (c) defeated BLZ Bubb to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Flashback (c) defeated Sexual Aggression to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook defeated Eric Eisen in [COLOR="Purple"]a street fight [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, August 2007[/I] Held at the Missouri State Armoury in the Mid West Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of "Invasion!", reminding us.... 1) ... that tonight's main event would be Joel Kovach vs. Ricky Dale Johnson. Marv reminded the audience that if Ricky beats Joel, he's sewn up a title shot against Tim Westybrook at "Welcome to the Jungle". RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Speaking of RDJ, he came out to the ring to talk about the main event. He said that a lot of people have been leaving him nasty e-mails about what he did to Eddie Peak last week. He said he didn't care what people thought of him, that he was just paying Eddie back for what Eddie did to him. He said that as far as Joel Kovach was concerned, well, they had never locked horns before so really, RDJ didn't have any reason to hurt Joel ... but that wouldn't stop him from doing so anyway. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. GROUCHO BLING[/B] Once again, this match was held under the 10-Minute rule. That didn't seem to bother Mainstream at all, who put away Groucho in less than that. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 6:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) Delirious Dan came out to the ring with the mic. He said that step one of his plan to lose his losing ways was to issue a challenge to Antonio. He said that if Antonio had any guts, he'd meet him in the ring at the next edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. Antonio then came out and said that he had plenty of guts, so he'll see him then. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) [B]FLASHBACK (c) vs. FLEX & PEX [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Emma was of the opinion that Robbie and Johnny were in trouble here. Jerry said that was ridiculous, that Flashback were the champs for a reason. Emma pointed out that while that was true, they might as well have been in a 4-on-2 handicap match with Texas Pete and Lady Melissa at ringside. The champs did an admirable job of fighting back, but things fell apart when Texas Pete attacked Johnny Martin while Lady Melissa distracted the ref. Worse, Joe Sexy hit the ring at the same time, taking out Robbie to allow Pex to pick up the win. As the ref counted, Jerry Eisen screamed, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Not like this! Not like this!"[/COLOR] WINNERS: [B]Flex & Pex [/B]in 11:50 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) As Flex and Pex celebrated their win, Angry Gilmore joined Joe Sexy in the ring. The two of them threw Robbie Retro over the top rope and then worked over Johnny Martin to the point that Jerry Eisen predicted that Johnny was injured and would need some medical attention. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) BLZ Bubb was backstage, chortling over who knows what. He then started another conversation with himself about Shawn Gonzalez, about how Shawn doesn't seem to know to leave well enough alone. He predicted that if Shawn didn't butt out soon, Shawn would get hurt badly. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Elmo Benson came out to the ring. He said that he's heard that Troy Tornado lost his contract for his match against Eric Eisen. Elmo said that's too bad, but it does give him an idea: since Eric won't be busy for a while, why don't they have a match? RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Flex and Pex were walking backstage with Lady Melissa and Texas Pete, talking about how they were going to go out and celebrate their new titles. As the new champs ranged ahead, Melissa and Tex were snatched out from behind them, hands covering their mouths to keep them from screaming. Flex and Pex didn't notice that they were alone until they rounded a corner. Pex said something to Tex, and when Tex didn't answer, they turned to see why ... only to discover the United States of Annihilation standing behind them. Joey and Nevada launched themselves at Flex and Pex, beating the tar out of them. Once the new champs were down and groaning, Joey spit at them and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Congratulations, losers."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 10) [B]STEVE FREHLEY & REMO vs. SKULL DeBONES & JACK BRUCE[/B] Just a fun match that I slipped in here. In the end, Jack Bruce hit Steve with the New York Minute. WINNERS: [B]Skull DeBones & Jack Bruce [/B]in 11:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Sam Keith was walking backstage when he ran into Troy Tornado. Sam laughed at Troy, so Troy got into his face, demanding to know what's so funny. Sam said he just knew a good joke when he saw one. Troy then accused Sam of stealing his title shot contract. Sam said he did no such thing. Troy then suggested that Sam was a coward and was afraid to earn a title shot. Sam said that wasn't the case, so Troy challenged him to a match at the next [I]Warzone[/I]. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] These two didn't click, but that's all right. They still put on a great match. Ricky seemed to have Joel's number. Every time Joel went for a big move, Ricky knew exactly what to do to counter it. Not only that, but Ricky managed to keep Joel on the defensive for most of the match. Finally, Ricky hit Joel with a Southern Justice. But instead of covering him, Ricky got a mic and called for Tim Westybrook to come out. While he waited, Ricky kicked Joel in the head to keep him down. When Tim appeared at the ring entrance, Ricky told him to pay attention, because this is what would happen at "Welcome to the Jungle". Ricky then picked Joel up and set him up for another Southern Justice. Joel blocked the attempt. Ricky tried again, only to get blocked again. Then Joel powered out of it and hit Ricky with the Old School Drop. He then rolled Ricky up and pinned him, using the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 16:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) After Joel got up, he retrieved the mic and said to Tim, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I don't want to wait two weeks. Come here and give me my title back right now, junior!"[/COLOR] Tim tossed down the belt and charged the ring. The two of them traded blows before the locker room cleared out to hold the two apart. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Good show that most likely increased our popularity. And we cracked 300,000 viewers in Mexico tonight! Yes! FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Groucho Bling [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Flex & Pex defeated Flashback to win [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Skull DeBones & Jack Bruce defeated Steve Frehley & Remo [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Ricky Dale Johnson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, August 2007[/I] Held at the Laurent Ballroom in the New England Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [I]Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to Warzone.[/I] 1) Eric Eisen limped out to the ring wearing a neck brace, an air cast on his leg, and his arm in a sling. He gingerly got into the ring, helped by his father, and got a mic. It appeared that even the act of breathing caused him immense pain. He gingerly started talking, addressing himself to Elmo Benson. He said that he couldn't wrestle tonight because, regrettably, he was injured last week in his match against Tim Westybrook. He said that he didn't have medical clearance, so therefore, there would be no match. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) As Richard was helping Eric back to his locker room, he was stopped by Sexual Aggression. Joe and Angry said that they wanted a shot at Flex & Pex for the Tag Team Titles. Richard said that he's a little hesitant to help them, especially given what they did to Johnny Martin earlier this week. He finally said that he'd think about it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) Antonio was seen walking backstage, but he got attacked by Delirious Dan, who smashed his head in with a steel chair before grabbing him and dragging him towards the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]E[/COLOR] 4) [B]ANTONIO vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Antonio never stood a chance. He looked groggy the whole match, never once landing a punch or making a move against Dan. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]in 6:04 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 5) Having picked up the win for the first time ever, Dan celebrated in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 6) We cut to a hospital room where Johnny Martin was laid in a bed with a number of tubes snaking in and out of him. Robbie Retro came into the room and sat down next to him. He tearfully told him that he was sorry for what happened earlier this week. He should have been there to stop Sexual Aggression from injuring him. So he's going to make Joe and Angry pay if it's the last thing he does! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) Eric Eisen limped into a locker room. He took a look around, then chuckled to himself, pulling off the neck brace, the air cast, the sling, everything, revealing that aside from a band-aid on his forehead, he's fine. He checked himself out in the mirror, making sure his hair was in place. He then snapped and pointed at his reflection and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Ladies, look out, Eric Eisen is home!"[/COLOR] He then turned to leave ... only to find himself face to face with Sam Keith. Sam looked him over and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Speedy recovery."[/COLOR] Before Eric could run, he snared him by the hair and dragged him out of the room. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) A few seconds later, we saw Elmo Benson waiting in the ring. He was talking to the ref, and we could barely hear him say something about how Sam had told him to come out to the ring in his gear. We soon saw why. Sam Keith dragged Eric out of the back. Eric flailed and tried to latch on to anything to stop him, but Sam pulled him up to the ring and tossed Eric in. He then motioned at the timekeeper, who rang the bell. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) [B]ELMO BENSON vs. ERIC EISEN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Eric tried to play up the fact that he was injured, but Elmo didn't seem to care. Soon, Eric stopped pretending when it became clear that neither Elmo nor the ref were buying it. The match suffered a little from a lack of psychology, but otherwise, it was a fun match with both men flying high. In the end, Eric managed to pull a pair of brass knuckles from his pocket, using them to level Elmo and pick up the win. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen [/B]in 11:55 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) Rated X hit the ring, declaring that they were the best thing that the SWF had going for them, especially now that Flex & Pex were the tag champions. Flex and Pex really shone; Lady Melissa did not. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 11) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. JACK BRUCE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Cliff seemed off his game tonight, but Jack and he were able to cover anyway. It was simply a great match, with Jack spening most of his time trying to ground Cliff. Finally, Cliff hit the Descent into Hell and picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]in 11:42 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Richard Eisen looked plenty upset in his office. He looked even angrier when Shawn Gonzalez came in. Shawn tried to speak to Richard about BLZ Bubb's behavior, but Richard informed Shawn that he wasn't interested in listening to his petty gripes. He told Shawn that if he didn't like it, he should do something about it! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 13) [B]SAM KEITH vs. TROY TORNADO[/B] Duane Fry reminded the audience that Sam was entering this match with a slight disadvantage since the Proton Lock was still an illegal move in the SWF. Troy seemed to remember that as well, swaggering to the ring. Sam proved that while losing his patented submission hold might be a hinderance, it wasn't an insurmountable one. While Troy was able to mount an offense every now and then, Sam simply could not be beat. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith [/B]in 16:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) As Sam celebrated his victory, Eric Eisen appeared on the top turnbuckle seemingly out of nowhere. He launched himself off the top rope and took Sam down with a missile drop kick. He then stalked Sam around the ring and finished him off with a Silver Spoon Shock. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sadly, tonight didn't have many hot storylines for the crowd to follow. At least, that's what the fans seemed to think. I know we took a hit with Dan's angles and match, but it had to be done. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Antonio [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen defeated Elmo Benson to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson defeated Jack Bruce to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Troy Tornado [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, August 2007[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Welcome to the Jungle"[/COLOR]) Held at the Shakeshaft Auditorium in the Great Lakes Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] [I]Marv Earnest, Emma Chase, and Jerry Eisen welcomed us to another edition of "Invasion!"[/I] 1) Richard Eisen was shown walking backstage when he was approached by the United States of Annihilation. When Richard asked what they wanted, Joey said they just wanted to introduce themselves. They were [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"the #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles."[/COLOR] When Richard appeared ready to object, Joey cut him off, saying that the U.S.A. were still the dominant tag team in the SWF. How could they not be with Nevada Nuclear, the Wrestler of Mass Destruction? How could Richard refuse Joey Minnesota, a man as cold as his name? Richard said that he couldn't give them the match, but that they should pay attention to find out why. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Mainstream Hernandez came out to the ring and hyped up his up-coming match against Bart Biggz. He said that he's proven over the past couple of weeks that he has what it takes to be the SWF 10-Minute Champion and this Thursday, he would prove it by taking the title away from Bart. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN vs. ENFORCER ROBERTS[/B] Jerry said that it was good to see Freddie back after the beating he took from BLZ Bubb so many weeks ago. And Freddie did pretty good in the match, keeping Enforcer on his toes. But before the match could really get started, BLZ Bubb came out to the ring looking peeved. He got into the ring and stalked over to Freddie. The ref was immediately on him, ordering him out. BLZ Bubb shoved the ref away with a massive hand. He then attacked Freddie, beating him senseless before slamming him into the mat with a Hades Bomb. The ref called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Freddie Datsun [/B](by DQ) in 5:05 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Bubb glared at Enforcer, who beat a hasty retreat out of the ring. Bubb then got a mic and turned to the camera. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Shawn Gonzalez! You may be the fastest rodent in the world, but you've met your match in me! You may have lured that stupid black duck out into a minefield so you could capture his fort, but you won't do the same to me. I know what you like."[/COLOR] Bubb then reached into his trunks and pulled out a hunk of cheese. He sniffed it and dangled it at the camera. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"At Welcome to the Jungle, I want you to come and get me, little mousey."[/COLOR] With that, he ate the cheese, much to the disgust of the announcers. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Why on earth would he think Shawn Gonzalez is Speedy Gonzalez?" [/COLOR]Marv Earnest wondered. [COLOR="darkgreen"] "I think a better question is why would he eat that nasty cheese?"[/COLOR] Emma put in. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Remo was shown walking backstage when he bumped into Skull DeBones. The two of them got into an argument, and Skull suggested that they meet in the ring at "Welcome to the Jungle" to resolve their differences. Remo agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. TROY TORNADO[/B] A fun match. Both men flew high and really got the crowd jumping. WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz[/B] in 10:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) Richard Eisen came out to the ring with a mic. He said that the SWF Board of Directors had received a complaint about how Flashback lost their tag titles to Flex & Pex. He said after reviewing the tape, the board of directors decided to exercise their authority and are thereby stripping Flex & Pex of the titles. Richard then went on to explain that there are several good contenders out there for the tag championship and that all of them will meet in one ring on Thursday. It will be Flashback vs. Sexual Aggression vs. Flex & Pex vs. the United States of Annihilation in a ladder match! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]ROBBIE RETRO vs. JOE SEXY[/B] As Richard cleared the ring and Robbie and Joe made their entrances, Jerry wondered how Robbie was going to participate in the ladder match. Johnny Martin was still injured and wouldn't be in any shape to wrestle. Emma pointed ou throughout the match that Robbie seemed to be holding his own okay against Joe Sexy. He was, but Marv Earnest observed that this was a one-on-one situation. In a ladder match, Robbie would need a partner to watch his back. In the end Robbie picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Robbie Retro [/B]in 10:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) Robbie didn't have time to celebrate. Flex and Pex, without their title belts, hit the ring and attacked him. The whole time they screamed accusations that it was Robbie who complained to the board. By the time they were done, Robbie was in no shape to answer any questions. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 10) As Flex and Pex left the ring, they were met by Texas Pete, who congratulated them on teaching that whiner a lesson. They thanked him and kept going. That's when Tex found himself face to face with Steve Frehley. Steve asked Tex what he was so happy about. It wasn't like he had been part of the tag champs. He said that they were in the same silly group, but that Tex hadn't done a thing since joining forces with Flex & Pex. He said Tex was pathetic, that he's trying to ride the coat-tails of Flex & Pex. Tex denied that and said that he had what it took to be any type of champ. Steve scoffed at that, pointing out that at least he had been SWF World Heavyweight Champ. whereas Tex had never held a title ever. Tex got an idea at that point. He said that he may not have ever held a title, but if he beat Steve in the ring, that would be close enough for jazz. Tex then challenged Steve to a match at "Welcome to the Jungle", one that Steve accepted. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 11) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] Ricky did not look happy going out to the ring, and Emma said she couldn't blame him given the fact that he lost his title shot chance to Joel Kovach last week. She said she's hate to be in Steve Frehley's shoes tonight. It turned out that she didn't need to worry. Steve was able to go toe-to-toe with Ricky for most of the match. There were the usual momentum swings, but nobody seemed to have a clear advantage. At least, not until the end. Then Steve Frehley managed to stagger RDJ and went up for a Frehley's Comet from the top rope. That's when Texas Pete appeared next to the ring and shoved Steve off the ropes .... right into RDJ's waiting arms. RDJ whipped Steve around into a Southern Justice and picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Ricky Dale Johnson[/B] in 13:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) The ring was quickly transformed. A table was set up in the middle with two chairs. Richard Eisen came out with a contract in hand and said it was time for Tim Westybrook and Joel Kovach to sign their contract for "Welcome to the Jungle." Both men came to the ring and took their seats. Richard said that, as challenger, Joel had the right to speak and sign first. Joel refused, insisting, "Losers first." Tim took the mic and said that Joel was pathetic. He was clinging to the past. Think about the moves he used. "The Old School Drop"? The Figure Four? He said that Joel hadn't changed with the times, that he preferred to live in the past. That's why he kept referring to the SWF World Heavyweight Title as his even though Tim's name is on it. Tim then picked up the pen and signed the contract, punctuating it by saying, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"And that's what's going to stay on it."[/COLOR] Joel then took the mic, but before he could say anything, Ricky Dale Johnson hit the ring. He attacked Joel and then tossed him out of the ring. Tim leapt to his feet and launched himself at Ricky, but Ricky was too quick for him. He dodged Tim's first attack and then managed to hit Tim with the Southern Justice, driving Tim through the table. Ricky looked around at the carnage and laughed. He then casually picked up the contract, leafed through it, and signed his name instead. He tossed the clipboard onto Tim's chest, bent in close, and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"See you on Thursday!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] As the show went off the air, the announcers ran down the card for "Welcome to the Jungle": [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. BART BIGGZ (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] ([COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR]) [B]FLASHBACK vs. FLEX & PEX vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION vs. THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ vs. BLZ BUBB [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]REMO vs. SKULL DeBONES [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK (c) vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/B] ([COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Fans left tired of seeing Richard Eisen. I suppose he was a little overused on this show, but hey, what can you do? FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Freddie Datsun defeated Enforcer Roberts by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Troy Tornado [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro defeated Joe Sexy [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Steve Frehley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR][/QUOTE] As always, predictions, etc., always welcome.
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From SWF.com - [QUOTE][CENTER]Be sure to order [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Welcome to the Jungle"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] this Thursday, exclusively on Pay-Per View![/CENTER] [I]Featuring the following matches....[/I] [B][I]Mainstream Hernandez vs. Bart Biggz for the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/I][/B]-- Mainstream has proven over the past couple of weeks that he has what it takes to beat a competitor in less than ten minutes while the champ has been having some difficulty. Will Mainstream continue his winning ways? Or can Bart focus long enough to keep Mainstream at bay? [B][I]Steve Frehley vs. Texas Pete[/I] [/B]-- Steve Frehley seems to think that Texas Pete hasn't contributed much of anything to Rated X. Texas Pete didn't appreciate his opinion. Will Texas prove that he is a valuable member of his stable? Or will Steve Frehley prove his point? [B][I]Flashback vs. Flex & Pex vs. Sexual Aggression vs. The United States Of Annihilation in a ladder match for the SWF Tag Team Championship[/I] [/B]-- The SWF's tag team division has come unglued in recent weeks. The feud between the U.S.A. and Rated X has spilled over and merged with the war that had been brewing between Sexual Aggression and Flashback. Will the U.S.A. prove that they are the most dominant tag team in the SWF? Will Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore show some of their old fire by claiming the gold? Can Flex & Pex continue their hot streak that has rocketed them up the roster? What will Robbie Retro do with Johnny Martin injured? [B][I]Shawn Gonzalez vs. BLZ Bubb[/I] [/B]-- Some find BLZ Bubb's recent antics humorous. Others find them disturbing. Shawn Gonzalez has found them to be a cause for alarm. Bubb has already taken out Freddie Datsun not once, but twice and, if he isn't stopped, could continue on a rampage that would injure more people. Will Shawn be able to shut down BLZ Bubb? Or will Bubb's insanity carry him through the match? [B][I]Remo vs. Skull DeBones[/I] [/B]-- These two veteran competitors have decided to settle their differences in the ring. It doesn't matter who wins this match; when Skull and Remo step into the squared circle, the true winners are the fans! [B][I]Tim Westybrook vs. Ricky Dale Johnson for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/I] [/B]-- The Iron Man, Tim Westybrook, has shot to the top of the SWF roster and deservedly so, but lately, Ricky Dale Johnson has been breathing down his neck. He's torn through the top contenders for the heavyweight gold; he even didn't let defeat at the hands of former World Heavyweight Champ Joel Kovach stop him. Now Tim faces perhaps his greatest challenge in RDJ, the master of Southern Justice. And what about Joel Kovach? This was supposed to be his match. Will he sit idly on the sidelines? Or will he become a force to be reckoned with? [CENTER]Be sure to order [COLOR="darkred"][B]"Welcome to the Jungle"[/B][/COLOR] this Thursday to find out![/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Bart Biggz for the SWF 10-Minute Championship [I]I'm an MAW mark...[/I] [B]Steve Frehley[/B] vs. Texas Pete [I]he'll win by cheating or so[/I] Flashback vs. Flex & Pex vs. Sexual Aggression vs. [B]The United States Of Annihilation[/B] in a ladder match for the SWF Tag Team Championship [I]nice match...[/I] Shawn Gonzalez vs. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] [I]Go Bubb![/I] [B]Remo[/B] vs. Skull DeBones [I]not an easy one to pick the winner[/I] Tim Westybrook vs. [B]Ricky Dale Johnson [/B]for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [I]not really a westybrook fan[/I]
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[B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] vs. Bart Biggz for the SWF 10-Minute Championship Same as above, as well as anyone that gets arrested, doesn't deserve a title. [B]Steve Frehley[/B] vs. Texas Pete Rated X rule, but you haven't really pushed Texas yet, so Steve Frehley to win. Flashback vs. Flex & Pex vs. [B]Sexual Aggression [/B]vs. The United States Of Annihilation in a ladder match for the SWF Tag Team Championship Just a guess. Shawn Gonzalez vs. [B]BLZ Bubb [/B] BLZ Bubb because he's funny. [B]Remo[/B] vs. Skull DeBones Skull has seriously dropped out the picture. So unless you got plans for Skull, a Remo win. [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] vs. Ricky Dale Johnson for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship You usually have longish reigns, so a retain. If Joel had the match I may have thought otherwise.
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[CENTER][I]SWF presents...[/I] [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Welcome to the Jungle"[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [I]Thursday of Week 2, August 2007[/I] Held at the Utah Park Reservation in the South West Territory 14,250 in attendance; 353,369 buyrate[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Emma Chase, and Jerry Eisen welcomed the Pay-Per-View audience to the show, remind them.... 1) ... that tonight's main event is Ricky Dale Johnson taking on Tim Westybrook in hopes of capturing the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) But apparently, someone was not happy with that particular match. Joel Kovach was raging backstage, searching high and low until he found Richard Eisen. He informed Richard that he was "this close" to suing him for breach of contract. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"That title shot was mine, Richard! You know it was!"[/COLOR] Richard countered by pointing out that there was no breach of contract because there was no contract. While Ricky Dale Johnson's interference was regrettable, it still led to a great main event. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"And if you think for a moment your threat of a lawsuit scares me, let me tell you, Joel, the SWF has the best lawyers around. They will eat your for breakfast before you even come within a hundred miles of a courthouse."[/COLOR] Joel didn't back down. He insisted that he be given what was rightfully his. Richard said there was nothing he could do, since if he did give Ricky's contracted title shot to Joel, Ricky would have a case against him. But Richard didn't want Joel to go away mad, so he offered him a consolation prize. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"How about tonight, you go up against Cliff Wilson for his North American Championship? Best I can do, sport."[/COLOR] Joel mouthed several incomprehensible things, then swallowed and growled, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Fine. He just better have his life insurance paid up."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) Johnny Martin's music started playing and he limped his way down to the ring, supporting his weight with a cane. He climbed into the ring and got a mic. Tears filled his eyes as he explained that he wasn't able to get medical clearance for the ladder match tonight. He did his best, pushed himself hard in physical therapy, but the doctors just wouldn't go for it. He apologized to the fans for disappointing them, but he was most apologetic to his partner, Robbie Retro. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I don't know what you're going to do, Rob, but I can't help you tonight."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 4) A video played, highlighting the feud between Mainstream Hernandez and Bart Biggz. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) [B] MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ vs. BART BIGGZ (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] A really good match from these two. Their lack of popularity held the match back a bit, but these two high-fliers were able to really keep the crowd jumping. Bart's strategy impressed Emma Chase. She pointed out that Bart was trying to drag things out, to blunt Mainstream's bursts of offense without taking any huge risks of his own. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"If Bart can hold on until the match timer runs out, he keeps his title."[/COLOR] Peter Michaels countered that while that was true, it was a coward's way out. But then, much to everyone's surprise, as the counter made it to twenty seconds, Mainstream managed to catch Bart with a DDT and slapped him in an STF. Bart struggled to pull himself to the ropes, but Mainstream had him in the middle of the ring. Bart held on as the counter made it to ten .... but then tapped when teh counter hit one second. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] in 9:59 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Bart Biggz stormed into the backstage area, only to run right into his brother, Brett. Brett tried to stop Bart, but Bart shoved past him. Brett then shouted something about Bart always being so stuck on himself. Bart turned and the two brothers got into an argument. Bart capped it off by challenged Brett to a match next Tuesday on [I]Invasion![/I] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Ricky Dale Johnson was on the mic. He said that he knew Joel Kovach was upset with him for what he did, but Ricky said that his actions earlier this week proved that he deserved the title more than anyone else on the roster. He said that beating Remo proved he had the strength. Putting Eddie Peak in the hospital proved he had the savage ferocity. Getting the contract even after Joel won it showed he had the brains. Now he was going to take the title away from that musclehead, Tim Westybrook, because he deserved it more. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) Robbie Retro is moping backstage when his cell phone rings. Robbie answered it, then seemed surprised about whoever was on the other end. He asked if the person was sure he wanted to do this, and then said that he'd see him out in the ring. Robbie hung up and smiled broadly. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) Flex and Pex were walking backstage, discussing how great it was going to be to reclaim their tag titles, when they heard the sound of breaking furniture coming from inside BLZ Bubb's locker room. They stopped and listened for a second or two, then went inside. The room was a wreck with Bubb tossing things everywhere. He whirled on Flex and Pex and ordered them to shut the door. They did, then turned to watch as Bubb yelled, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Where are you?"[/COLOR] and continued to tear up the room. Flex and Pex exchanged a glance. Pex shrugged, so Flex asked Bubb who he was looking for. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Shifty McDougal, the dyslexic leprechaun. He said he'd be coming for me soon! I have to caputre him first!"[/COLOR] Once again, Flex and Pex exchanged a look. Then Pex spoke up, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Uh, maybe we can help. What does he look like?" "How should I know? He's invisible!"[/COLOR] Needless to say, Flex and Pex quietly left the room. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) A video played, hyping the upcoming ladder match between Flex & Pex, Sexual Aggression, the U.S.A., and Robbie Retro and whoever his mystery partner is. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Three of the teams entered and we waited for Robbie and his partner to make their entrance. Out came Robbie ... followed by Darryl Devine, Joe Sexy's former partner![/I] 11) [B]FLEX & PEX vs. THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION vs. ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE[/B] in [COLOR="Purple"]a ladder match[/COLOR] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] Not surprisingly, there were a lot of people wiped out by this match. Flex, Pex, Joe, Robbie, and Nevada looked the worse for wear at the end. It was a pretty decent match. Lots of innovative offense from all four teams and Robbie and Darryl seemed to work okay together (no chemistry notes, but sometimes, no news is good news). Finally, Angry Gilmore made it to the top of the ladder and pulled down the titles. WINNERS: [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] in 16:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Angry and Joe celebrated their win in the ring afterwards. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 13) Shawn Gonzalez came out to the ring with a mic. He said he came out to apologize, specifically to BLZ Bubb. He wanted to apologize in advance for what he was about to do to him. He said it was nothing personal. He just had to stop him before anyone else got hurt. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 14) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] Steve looked on fire out there, mopping the mat with Tex for most of the match. He spent a lot of time taunting Tex, especially after hitting the other man with a Frehley's Comet. Peter Michaels said it normally isn't wise to act so ****y, but since Steve had everything sewn up so well, he could probably be forgiven for it. But then, as Steve was getting ready to pin Tex, Lady Melissa hopped up on the ring apron. She got his attention and then ... well, showed him her high beams. Steve stared for a moment, then winced and looked away, acting as if they were the most disgusting thing he had ever seen (and given the fact that Melissa has apparently let herself go since quitting "the business", it wasn't that pleasant for anyone). Tex capitalized on the distracting, rolling Steve up into a small package. Before Steve knew what was happening, it was all over. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete[/B] in 11:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 15) Steve looked stunned as he staggered back up the ramp. He bumped into BLZ Bubb, who was coming out for his match. Bubb decided to toss a few surprisingly lucid insults at Steve, who took exception and, before you knew it, they were brawling. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 16) [B]SHAWN GONZALEZ vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] A really good match. Shawn did his best to bring th bigger man down, but it was no use. Bubb proved to be simply too much. Shawn finally wound up the recipient of a Hades Bomb. WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb [/B]in 16:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 17) Bubb looked ready to leave the ring, but then he looked at Shawn closely. He got into the fallen man's face and demanded, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Have you seen Shifty McDougal?"[/COLOR] The fact that Shawn was in no condition to answer him apparently never occurred to Bubb. Angered by Shawn's lack of response, Bubb proceeded to beat the tar out of him until a swarm of refs and officials pulled him off of him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 18) [B]REMO vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] Superb match. Remo and Skull really left it all out in the ring. Remo finished off Skull with Jerry Eisen screaming, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"THE DESTROYER!"[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 14:09 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 19) [B]CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Joel's mood had not improved by the time that he got to the ring. When Cliff entered, Joel looked like he was hoping he could cause the smaller man's head to implode simply by glaring at him. Since that didn't work, the match commenced. Another great match with Joel in control for most of it. Cliff put on some spectacular aerial moves that got the crowd cheering, but Joel was able to counter any advantages that Cliff won. As a matter of fact, Joel began to show some definite signs of overconfidence. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Apparently Joel wasn't paying attention to what happened to Steve Frehley earlier,"[/COLOR] Peter Michaels observed. He proved correct. While Joel was showboating, Cliff had enough time to recover and catch Joel with a surprise Descent Into Hell. WINNER: [B]Cliff Wilson [/B]in 14:42 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 20) Joel came up out of the pin and kicked Cliff in the head, stunning the smaller man. Joel then dragged him out of the ring, over to the announce table, and then power-bombed Cliff right through it, almost into the lap of Emma Chase. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 21) Tim Westybrook was shown walking to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 22) A video played, hyping the match between Tim and Ricky, showing how we got to this point. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 23) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK (c) vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Whoa. Tim and Ricky tore it up out there and really got the crowd stoked. Lots of action and momentum shifts. Ricky managed to block and dodge two different Unstoppable Forces before nailing Tim with a Southern Justice not once, not twice, but three separate times, only to have the champ kick out each time. Finally, though, Tim managed to hit Ricky with an Unstoppable Force and kept him down. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 21:41 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Apparently Darryl and Nevada were overused on this Pay-Per-View, but it was a good show anyway. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Welcome to the Jungle"[/COLOR][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Bart Biggz (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Sexual Aggression defeated Flex & Pex, The United States of Annihilation, and Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete defeated Steve Frehley [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb defeated Shawn Gonzalez [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Skull DeBones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson (c) defeated Joel Kovach to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook (c) defeated Ricky Dale Johnson to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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From PWTorch.com - [QUOTE][B][I]Fade Out, Fade In[/I][/B] - According to rumors, Freddie Datsun is on his way out of the SWF. From what we've been able to gather, Freddie has been furious for some time about the push that he's been given and has finally had enough. Insider reports say that while Freddie leaving in a month is a disappointment, apparently another TCW star has made the jump to the SWF. No one is quite willing to say who, though.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed on Wednesday of Week 2, August 2007 [/I](Airs on Friday) Held at the McGaw Arena in the Tri State Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to the show. 1) Sam Keith found Richard Eisen backstage. He said that he was ready to take on Eric Eisen for the Warmaster Title. Richard laughed at him. He said that Eric may have beaten Troy Tornado, but they both knew that Sam was the one who stole Troy’s contract in the first place. Sam shouldn’t even be in this position right now, so Richard wasn’t going to give him the match. Not yet, at least. Instead, Richard wants to put together a match that will up the ratings a little. At least get them up to ... say, an X rating. That’s why he booked Sam in a handicap match against Flex & Pex for later tonight. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the match refusal and the match announcement 2) The announcers, reeling from that announcement, said that tonight already had Remo scheduled to take on Joel Kovach! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) The camera cut to the backstage area to show Chris Gordon walking around. He got jumped by Delirious Dan, who beat Chris down before dragging him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 4) [B]CHRIS GORDON vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Dan was once again off his game. That, plus the fact that Dan and Chris don’t click, made for a not-so-good match. Thankfully, it was short since Chris couldn’t rally after the beating he got. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan [/B]6:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) Sexual Aggression came out to the ring and talked about how good they are as a tag team. The audience didn’t seem to believe them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) [B]REMO vs. JOEL KOVACH[/B] A pretty good match all around. Remo seemed on fire for the most part and looked about ready to put Joel away for good when Skull DeBones charged the ring and took Remo out while Joel had the ref distracted. Joel quickly capitalized and picked up the win. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 10:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Sam Keith was shown warming up backstage. He looked up, surprised to find Tim Westybrook standing before him. The champ said that he hoped Sam knew what he was doing. Sam said he had it in the bag. Tim then told him he wished him luck because he would need it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) [B]SAM KEITH vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] Sam had his hands full with this one. Peter Michaels complained more than once that this wasn’t a “Texas Tornado” match when Flex and Pex worked together to beat down Sam. He really didn’t like it when Troy Tornado hit the ring and took a few shots at Sam as well. It really looked like Sam was going to lose this one. But appearances can be deceiving. About fifteen minutes into the match, Sam was in a full nelson courtesy of Pex and Flex was getting ready to super-kick him. Sam managed to slip out at the last second and Flex wound up taking out his partner. Then Sam worked over Flex and got him down and pinned him. WINNER: [B]Sam Keith[/B] in 17:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Texas Pete and Pex jumped back into the ring and, joining Flex, worked on beating the tar out of Sam Keith. That’s when Tim Westybrook charged the ring and chased off the members of Rated X. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Speaking of the champ, a video was played, highlighting his career. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Emma Chase made a special guest appearance to host a bikini contest between Farrah Hesketh, Blonde Bombshell, and Jessie. After the ladies strutted their stuff, Jessie was picked as the winner based on audience approval. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. ERIC EISEN (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Oh, ouch! These two did not click in the ring and it really, really hurt us. The less said about this match, the better. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen [/B]in 11:04 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] And the post-PPV curse is back! FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Chris Gordon [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Remo [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Sam Keith defeated Flex & Pex [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen (c) defeated Steve Frehley to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, August 2007[/I] Held at the Huntsville Fairgrounds in the South East Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) Richard Eisen started the show off in the ring with a mic. The crowd booed him, but he stood there and took it. When things had settled down a little, he surprised everyone by saying, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I deserved that."[/COLOR] He went on to say that he had been doing some thinking recently, and he came to the conclusion that he had gotten away from what really mattered. The SWF doesn't exist for the Eisens; no, it exists for the fans. The fans are the ones who make the SWF what it is today. For that reason, Richard was announcing something rather special for the next Pay-Per-View. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"It's called 'Under Control', which I normally associated with myself," Richard explained. "Not this year. No, this year, the 'Under Control' refers to the fans. Aspects of the entire card will be determined by you, the SWF viewers. You will pick opponents, stipulations, match types. The potential card will be posted on our website very soon for voting to begin. "To get ready for this historic event, we are also going to relinquish control of the [I]Invasion![/I] and [I]Warzone[/I] main events. Starting with next week's [I]Invasion![/I], the main event of every show leading up to 'Under Control' will be put together by an SWF fan. "I just wanted to take this time to thank you all for your continued support of the SWF. If it weren't for all of you, none of this would be possible."[/COLOR] Richard left to applause, although some fans didn't seem convinced that Richard's change of heart was genuine. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) The announcers seemed stunned by what Richard just said. They stammered a little as they announced that the main event for tonight was a triple-threat match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship between Ricky Dale Johnson, Joel Kovach, and Tim Westybrook. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) Delirious Dan came out. He announced that after the win he got over Chris Gordon last week, he was feeling a bit confident. He issued a challenge against Freddie Datsun! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Mainstream was on fire tonight and quickly put Black Hat away with an Apparition #14. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 4:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Out to the ring came Farrah Hesketh and her client, Cliff Wilson. Farrah said that she now knows she was wrong to have masqueraded Cliff as the "Anonymous Avenger" a few months ago, but she said that you can't argue with results. She said that since he's come to the SWF, Cliff has shot up the ranks to become the SWF North American Championship. She even pointed out how he continues to embarrass former World Heavyweight Champion Joel Kovach, first by tricking Joel into believing that he was really Archangel, then last week at "Welcome to the Jungle".... Joel had apparently heard enough. The former champ charged the ring and knocked Farrah out of the way. He lit into Cliff and although Cliff tried to fight back, Joel proved to be too much for him. He finally power-bombed him into the mat and kicked him in the head a few times before storming out of the ring, leaving Farrah to tend her fallen client. RATING: [COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] for the promo; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the attack 6) The new tag-team champs, Sexual Aggression, came out to the ring. They said that it was an honor to face off against such tough competitors as Flex & Pex and the United States of Annihilation. But then they taunted Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine, saying that their performance was simply pathetic. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 7) [B]BRETT BIGGZ vs. BART BIGGZ[/B] Brett and Bart put on a pretty good match here. Brett played the role of an older brother trying to beat some sense into a younger one, but Bart put up a valiant fight. In the end, though, Brett beat his brother down. WINNER: [B]Brett Biggz [/B]in 8:16 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) After the match, Bart sulked over to Brett and shook his hand. The two brothers embraced in the ring. The crowd didn't like it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 9) Joel Kovach was getting ready for the match when he looked up to find himself face to face with Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ pointed out that the two of them had a match later tonight, that they'd both be facing off for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Joel's response was a snide, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"No kidding."[/COLOR] Ricky went on to point out that neither of them had had any luck defeating Tim in the past. Joel lost the title to Tim; Ricky wasn't able to win it last week. But [COLOR="darkgreen"]"the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Why don't we team up for tonight only? We make sure that Tim doesn't leave the ring with the title. Then we can fight over it later. What do you say, partner?"[/COLOR] Ricky stuck out his hand. Joel looked at it for a moment or two, then shook it. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Skull DeBones came out to the ring and said that he knew the fans hadn't seen him for a while, but he said that he had been proving over the past couple of shows that he was still a force to be reckoned with in the SWF. To prove it, he was willing to take on anybody in the back right now! Some unfamiliar entrance music started, something with a definite military air. That's when Christian Faith came out, dressed in camo pants with a very Rambo-like bandana. He said it would be his privilege to show America what a real Army of One can do! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the open challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 11) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. SKULL DeBONES[/B] The match went back and forth while it lasted. Jerry Eisen commented that wherever Christian Faith had been, he hadn't developed any ring rust at all. Even still, at the end of the match, Skull managed to gain the upper hand with a low-blow. But just as Skull looked ready to put Christian away, Remo charged the ring and attacked him. The ref saw and called the match as Remo and Skull brawled in the ring. WINNER: [B]Skull DeBones[/B] (by DQ) in 10:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Richard Eisen is on the phone, confirming the details for the fan-planned events. He looked up and found Sam Keith smiling at him. Sam said that he was really impressed with what Richard said at the beginning of the show, but he was curious if he was ready to the right thing. Sam said he wanted his shot at Eric's Warmaster Title that he earned by beating Troy Tornado and then Flex and Pex. Richard said that Sam did earn it and said to turn in the contract he stole from Troy with his name on it and that would be good enough. Sam laughed and said that he really didn't have that contract, that he didn't know who did. Richard seemed surprised, but said that was okay, that he would send Sam's people a new one. Sam said that'd be good enough. He left Richard looking sort of confused. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Joel and Ricky's plan developed nicely. Jerry Eisen complained that this wasn't a handicap match, yet that's what it turned into as Ricky and Joel blatantly double-teamed Tim, saving each other the few times Tim managed to pin one of them. Emma Chase predicted that one of them was going to leave as the champ. But then the alliance broke down as Tim simply wore out. Joel pinned Tim for a two count, only to have Ricky pull him off before the ref could get to three. The same thing happened with Joel pulling Ricky off. They got into a little shoving match, but when Tim tried to rally, that got them on the same page again. Finally Ricky motioned for Joel to go ahead and finish Tim off. That's when Cliff Wilson appeared on the top turnbuckle and did a flying drop kick into Joel, then leapt up and fought with Joel, taking him over the top rope. Ricky watched in shock as Joel and Cliff brawled outside the ring, then turned around just in time to get clobbered by Tim, who somehow managed to hit Ricky with an Unstoppable Force. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] in 22:46 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] We're back on track. Hopefully "Under Control" will work out okay. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez (c) defeated Black Hat Bailey to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Brett Biggz defeated Bart Biggz [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Skull DeBones defeated Christian Faith by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook (c) defeated Joel Kovach and Ricky Dale Johnson to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 3, August 2007[/I] Held at Irvine Hall in the Mid South Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Sam Keith kicked things off by cutting a promo about his title match against Eric Eisen tonight. He said that he's been a patient man through all of this, he's put up with a lot of garbage, but that tonight, his patience will finally pay off. He will emerge the winner of the SWF Warmaster Title! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 2) Freddie Datsun was walking backstage tonight, grumbling about how humiliating it was that he had to wrestle Delirious Dan tonight. That's when Dan appeared out of nowhere and beat Freddie down, smashing him over the head with a chair for good measure before grabbing him by the back of his shirt and dragging him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 3) [B]FREDDIE DATSUN vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Freddie got buried out there, just as he should be. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan[/B] in 7:38 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) Dan celebrated his win like he had just won the World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) Tim Westybrook came out to the ring and scared Dan out of it. He then hyped himself, saying that he was and always will be The Iron Man. He can go the distance, he can overcome any obstacle. That's why he, unlike the others in the locker room, aren't worried about this fan-chosen main events or Pay-Per-View at all. He knew that he would come out just fine, no matter what challenges the fans might throw his way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) BLZ Bubb was wandering backstage, calling, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Shifty? Shifty McDougal? You come out this instant!"[/COLOR] Instead of finding his leprechaun, Bubb instead ran into Steve Frehley. Steve mocked Bubb a little, angering the bigger man, who said that if Steve knew where Shifty was, he should say something. Steve jokingly said that he heard that Shifty didn't want to see Bubb anymore, so Bubb got angry and challenged Steve to a match later tonight. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Joey Minnesota was walking backstage when he ran into Jack Bruce. Jack said something snide about Joey, and the two wound up arguing. Jack said that they should get in the ring to settle their differences, and Joey agreed, saying that they'll do so at the next [I]Invasion![/I] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]MODERN DAY HEROES vs. SEXUAL AGGRESSION (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] A pretty good match all told. The champs had their hands full with the high-flying duo of Chris Gordon and American Elemental, but in the end, Joe picked up the win by nailing Chris Gordon with a One Night Stand. WINNERS: [B]Sexual Aggression[/B] in 9:09 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Christian Faith turned in a promo. He said that fans may have wondered where he's been the past couple of weeks. He said he was absent because he wanted to serve his country. That's right, Christian Faith tried to join the army! But the army wouldn't have him. They said he was too old. So he was out to prove to them that he could be an Army of One regardless of his age. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Bubb tore Steve apart, the whole time yelling about how he wanted to know where Shifty McDougal was. After Bubb nailed Steve with a Hades Bomb, Rip Chord observed, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You just shouldn't come between a man and his leprechaun."[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb [/B]in 10:54 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Emma Chase was standing backstage with Joel Kovach. She asked him what he thought of the whole fan-written main events and the theme for "Under Control". Joel informed Emma that he thought it was the dumbest thing he had ever heard. He said that the fans were simpletons who simply didn't know what was best for the company. He said if it was left up to the fans, they'd leave the title on Tim Westybrook, a block-headed slab of stupid that didn't know the difference between a title strap and a jock strap. He said that if it was up to the fans, Archangel would be back in the SWF, something that both he and Emma knew wasn't good for the company. Joel was summing up his thoughts when suddenly, Cliff Wilson attacked him from behind. Emma shrieked and got out of there while Cliff worked Joel over pretty badly, then scampered away laughing. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]SAM KEITH vs. ERIC EISEN (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Eric went out to the ring surprisingly ****y. Peter Michaels commented that he should probably take Sam seriously. True, Sam still didn't have use of the infamous Proton Lock, but he had proven over the past couple of weeks that he really didn't need that to win. Even as Sam worked Eric over pretty hard, Eric didn't seem too concerned. We then found out why: Troy Tornado rushed the ring and attacked Sam while Eric distracted the ref. From that point on, the momentum shifted until the inevitable conclusion of Eric nailing Sam with a Silver Spoon Shock. WINNER: [B]Eric Eisen[/B] in 21:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Eric then got a mic and taunted Sam, saying that Sam was such a huge idiot, he could hardly believe it. He revealed that Sam wasn't the one who stole Troy Tornado's contract. Instead, it was Eric who did so, precisely for this reason. The Warmaster Title was his and would remain that way for the immediate future. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Pretty good show, I thought. Starting next week, we'll have the fan determined main events, so that should be fun. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Freddie Datsun [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Sexual Aggression (c) defeated Modern Day Heroes to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb defeated Steve Frehley [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Eric Eisen defeated Sam Keith to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, August 2007[/I] Held at the Centerpiece Bridge in the Mid Atlantic Territory 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed the audience to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) The show started with Richard Eisen in his office next to a large lottery bin. He explained that inside were the suggestions for main events that the SWF had gleaned from its many fans. At this time, he was going to give the bin a twirl and select one fan's suggestion at random, and that that would be the main event for tonight. He did so, and announced that tonight's main event came to us from [B]Trypio[/B], and that it would be Cliff Wilson defending his SWF North American Title against none other than Eddie Peak! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Mainstream Hernandez was in the ring. He said that he really liked the idea behind "Under Control". He went on to say that he wanted to prove to the Board of Directors and to Richard Eisen that as the 10-Minute Champ, he was ready and willing to face any opponent. That's why he was issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. BLACK HAT BAILEY [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] A really good match that proved Mainstream's point. He dispatched Black Hat pretty handily. WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez [/B]in 6:28 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Flex and Pex came out to the ring and issued a challenge to Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine. They said that Robbie and Darryl were probably thinking that they were the #1 Contenders for Sexual Aggression's tag titles, but Flex and Pex wanted to dissuade them of that notion by beating them on the next edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Ricky Dale Johnson came out to the ring amidst boos and catcalls. He got into the ring and said that he knew the fans didn't like him that well, but they also couldn't argue with results. He pointed out that his title match against Tim Westybrook at "Welcome to the Jungle" blew the roof off the house. He said the Board of Directors knew it and so did the fans. That's why he's confident that when the card for "Under Control" is announced, that's why the Board will include him as a possible opponent for Tim Westybrook. And that's why, he went on to say, the fans should vote for him when the time comes, because they'd be idiots not to. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) [B]NEVADA NUCLEAR vs. TROY TORNADO[/B] The Wrestler of Mass Destruction tried his best to overcome Troy's on-slaught, but in the end, Nevada got pinned. Well, the fact that Troy had a handful of tights didn't hurt either. WINNER: [B]Troy Tornado[/B] in 8:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Nevada tried to explain to the ref that the reason he was pinned was because Troy cheated, but the ref didn't seem to care. Nevada got into Troy's face and shoved him. Troy shoved back and the two started fighting ... and that's when Joey Minnesota charged the ring and chased Troy off. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Eddie Peak came out to the ring. He grabbed a mic and first of all addressed Ricky Dale Johnson. He said that RDJ tried to end his career and that he hasn't forgotten. Ricky's day will come ... just as Cliff's day has come tonight when Eddie takes the North American Championship from him. But then Eddie went on to say that Cliff was small potatoes, and after capturing one belt, he'd be ready to move on to Tim Westybrook. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B] Steve continued the destruction of Freddie Datsun tonight by slaughtering him in the ring. The crowd really couldn't get behind it. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B]in 13:24 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 10) Eric Eisen got in the ring with the Warmaster Title and held it up for all to see. He said that Sam Keith may be the cagey old ... emphasis on "old" ... veteran, but he can't out-wrestle Eric, and he certainly can't out-smart Eric. He said that there was no way that Sam would ever come close to this belt ever again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Cliff Wilson was getting ready for his match when he looked up and found himself face to face with Tim Westybrook. Tim shook Cliff's hand and told him to watch his back out in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B] CLIFF WILSON (c) vs. EDDIE PEAK [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] It was a good contrast of styles with Eddie relying on mostly raw power and Cliff sticking to the skies. Cliff managed to stagger the larger man in the early going, but Eddie was able to recover and shut down Cliff's offense pretty quickly. Eddie then tossed Cliff around the ring pretty much as much as he wanted, but for some reason, he just couldn't put Cliff away. Cliff kept getting a shoulder up. Finally, Eddie grew frustrated enough that he went out to the ring and got the bell, using it to knock Cliff senseless. He then rolled out of the ring and stomped up the ramp tot he back as the ref declared a DQ. WINNER: [B] Cliff Wilson [/B]by DQ in 16:20 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) The ref was signalling for help to come out from the back when Joel Kovach appeared in the ring. He tossed the ref aside and slapped Cliff in the Kovach Krippler, shouting all sorts of angry insults at the unconscious man. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Crap. I forgot to check my advanced bookings. Apparently I had scheduled Jack Bruce to take on Joey Minnesota. The crowd, however, didn't forget. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez defeated Black Hat Bailey to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Troy Tornado defeated Nevada Nuclear [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Freddie Datsun [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]Cliff Wilson defeated Eddie Peak by DQ and so retained [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, August 2007[/I] Held at the President's Hall in Puerto Rico 5,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to sunny Puerto Rico for another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Once again, Richard Eisen started the show by the lottery bin. He gives it a twirl after explaining that suggestions for the main event made by the fans were inside. He reached in and announced that tonight's main event is going to be the team of Remo and Tim Westybrook taking on Skull DeBones and BLZ Bubb as suggested by [B]Apupunchau[/B]. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) Delirious Dan attacks American Elemental backstage and beats him pretty severely before taking him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]D[/COLOR] 3) [B]AMERICAN ELEMENTAL vs. DELIRIOUS DAN[/B] Dan destroyed Elemental, who never was able to mount any sort of a defense. Rip Chord said that was understandable since he had his bell rung pretty hard backstage by Dan. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan[/B] in 6:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) After the match was over, Dan got the mic and addressed Skull DeBones. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Okay, Skull, I know you think you're hot stuff since some loser booked you in the main event, but don't forget, we have a score to settle and after the way things have been going for me lately, you'd better watch your back!"[/COLOR] The camera cut backstage to show Skull watching on the monitor. He rolled his eyes and shook his head sadly. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"So young ... and so stupid."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the taunting; [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] for the watching. 5) Troy Tornado is in the ring with a mic. He calls out Nevada Nuclear and says that they never really got to finish what they started last week because Joey Minnesota interfered. He suggested that Nevada was a coward who needed a big, strong man to protect him. That's right, Troy called Nevada a girly girl. Nevada came out with a full head of steam, looking ready to kill Troy, when Jack Bruce jumped him from behind and beat him down. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What's going on? Are Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado working together now?"[/COLOR] Peter Michaels cried. It appeared so as Troy joined Jack in beating up Nevada. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] Robbie and Darryl were no match for Flex and Pex. They didn't seem to be able to communicate well enough, and besides, Flex and Pex worked too seamlessly as a tag team. Before Robbie and Darryl knew what was happening, Robbie got nailed by a Pose Down from Pex. WINNER: [B]Flex & Pex[/B] in 9:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Skull DeBones was walking backstage when he came across BLZ Bubb. Bubb was making kissy sounds with a dog bone in one hand and a big plastic bag in the other. Skull watched him for a few minutes and then asked what he was doing. Bubb explained that he heard that a doggy had booked the main event tonight, a doggy with gastro-intestinal problems. Skull looked at him blankly and finally asked him who he thought booked the match. Bubb explained that he heard it was "a pooping Chow", so he wanted to find the poor puppy and get him to the vet to see if he could treat the poor unfortunate animal's problems. And afterwards, maybe the Chow puppy could help him track down Shifty McDougal. Skull tried to explain that the match was booked by Apupunchau, who was named after the Incan sun god ... then realized that he was wasting his time. He knocked the bag and bone out of Bubb's hands and told him to focus on the main event. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Don't you realize what a golden opportunity the two of us have tonight? We're wrestling two of the most dominant men in our company! We have the opportunity to destroy them ... and if we do, that would open up a myriad opportunities for us to make it to the top!"[/COLOR] Bubb still didn't get it, so Skull sighed and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Fine. Tell you what. You help me destroy Remo and Tim Westybrook, and then I'll help you find the puppy and Shift McDougal."[/COLOR] Bubb smiled and said that he'd go get ready. He then handed the bone and bag to Skull and scampered off. Skull growled something under his breath, tossed the bag and bone over his shoulder, and followed him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Christian Faith came out to the ring with the mic and once again informed the audience that they could rest assured, they were safe, becaue the Army of One was there to watch over them. He said that he wouldn't rest until he became the poster child for the United State's Armed Forces. His comments were cut off when, much to the announcer's surprise, Rich Money came out. He said that he had heard enough nonsense out of Christian Faith and that it was time for Rich to shut him up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the promo and the challenge 9) [B]CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. RICH MONEY[/B] Christian did his best to destroy Rich right away, but Rich was able to block just about every move and counter with a great offense of his own. As a matter of fact, Rich was able to pick up the win after getting Christian pinned and using the ropes for leverage. WINNER: [B]Rich Money[/B] in 13:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Remo was getting ready for the main event when he found himself face to face with the champ, Tim Westybrook. Tim said that he knew they had had their differences in the past, but that he was willing to set all that aside so they could beat Skull and BLZ Bubb into the ground. Remo countered by saying that he had nothing against Tim personally. He just wanted what Tim has and that Tim should watch his back. After all this fan-controlled business was over, Remo would be coming for him. He then shoved past Tim and headed for the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK & REMO vs. SKULL DeBONES & BLZ BUBB[/B] Apupunchau, thank you. It was a great match. Skull had to yell at Bubb from the sidelines often to keep the big man focused, but Bubb for the most part was willing to fight both Tim and Remo. Skull and Bubb turned out to be an acceptable tag team, working well together (no notes on chemistry, though). They worked mostly on Remo, isolating him from Tim and keeping him away from their corner. Remo tried to lunge for the tag a few times, but Skull and Bubb were able to keep him locked up. They double teamed him when they could and Rip Chord pointed out it was smart strategy so long as they could keep Remo away from Tim. It turned out they couldn't. In a desperation move, Remo managed to knock Skull for a loop and knock Bubb off their corner. He then dove for the opposite corner and tagged in Tim, who came in a cleaned house, knocking Skull around and then Bubb when Skull tagged him in. Tim was getting ready to put Bubb away with the Unstoppable Force when Remo leaned in and blind tagged himself back into the match! He got into the ring and nailed Bubb with the Destroyer and made the pin while Tim looked on, flabbergasted. WINNER: [B]Remo & Tim Westybrook [/B]in 21:39 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) As Remo celebrated, Tim got into his face and demanded to know what he was doing. Things escalated when Remo shoved Tim away and Tim shoved back. The two of them tried to brawl, but half the locker room cleared out to keep the two of them apart. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I'm getting a bit frustrated with some of my workers. Take Christian Faith and Rich Money, for example. Christian was getting extremely stale in his old role, so I kept him off screen for a few months to switch him to the Armed Forces gimmick. I did the same with Rich Money. I was told, first of all, that Rich's change was too soon after his last one. I was also told tonight that Christian has already gotten stale in his new gimmick too! Geez! But overall, it was a good show. Apupunchau, thank you again, and nothing personal with the BLZ Bubb business. Just having some fun. ;) [B]FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan defeated American Elemental [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Flex & Pex defeated Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]Rich Money defeated Christian Faith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Remo & Tim Westybrook defeated Skull DeBones & BLZ Bubb[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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If the gimmick turn took long enough and you still got the stale comment that quickly after then Faith is in desperate need of a turn. I tihk you can even leve him as the armed forces gimiick and just make him a heel. As for th Rich Money thing turn to soon I'ave had that happen as well evne with keeping guys off screen for 3 months. As for Bubb thing it was pretty funny I don't mind poking alittle fun at myself especially when the guy doing it as as big as Bubb.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, September 2007[/I] Held at The Theatre of Dreams in the North West Territory 7,247 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Marv Earnest, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) At the lottery bin once again was Richard Eisen. He explained that once again, a fan would book tonight's main event. He also said that today, the ballot for "Under Control" would be posted on the SWF's website and that fans could begin voting now if they so wished. At any rate, Richard gave the bin a twirl and pulled out the slip of paper. He read it over and said that SWF fan [B]JohnnyV1[/B] has booked Tim Westybrook to defend his SWF World Heavyweight Championship against Joey Minnesota! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) The camera cut to the ring where, much to the announcers' surprise, Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado came out to the ring together. They posed for the crowds before Jack got the mic. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"I know what you're thinking: what on earth is Jack Bruce doing with Troy Tornado? I mean, Troy here tried to mess me up pretty badly when he came into the SWF a few months ago. Why would I want to hang out with him? "Well, the answer is simple. I realized what a cool guy Troy really is. He's a great competitor, an all-around good guy, and he belongs to the same exclusive club that I do: lead singers of one of the best bands ever. Unfortunately, I can't say the name of that band because our legal twerps say that a certain British hack might sue us for copyright infringement. Yeah, I'm talking about you, Tommy! "Besides, I realized that Troy was right. He has been held back. He was held back when he was the lead singer of the Band That Shall Remain Nameless. He's been held back since jumping to the SWF ... the same way that I've been held back. I mean, look at me! I caused major waves when I came to work in the SWF, but have I ever been given a shot at the title? No! I can feel Troy's pain..."[/COLOR] That's when Troy took the mic. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"That's why the two of us have teamed up. We're going to wreck this joint, starting with those upstarts, the United States of Annihilation. They think they're so hot, so dominant? We're going to dissuade them of that notion. And I guarantee you, that procedure will be ... painful."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]ANTONIO vs. FREDDIE DATSUN[/B] Freddie came out to the ring looking pretty confident about his chances against Antonio. Jerry said that he shouldn't count his chickens yet, especially since his opponent was trained by the legendary Rip Chord. Jerry's advice proved prophetic. Before Freddie knew what was happening, Antonio had him down in a Boston Crab and locked it in so tightly that Freddie had no choice but to tap out. WINNER: [B]Antonio[/B] in 7:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 4) Ricky Dale Johnson came out to the ring and, even though I was pretty sure I told him to mock Tim Westybrook, he mocked Eddie Peak instead. Weird. I need to be careful with my notes. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 5) Flex and Pex came out to the ring and hyped up how good they both are. They said that beating Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine last week proved it. They said that the Board of Directors would have no choice but to give them the match against Sexual Aggression at the Pay-Per-View. That's when High Concept came out to the ring. Elmo and Groucho allowed that Flex and Pex may be good, but that their title reign was cut short because of how they won the belts. Groucho pointed out that whenever High Concept became the tag champs, they always won cleanly and lost them cleanly. Flex and Pex aren't as good as they think they are, and HIgh Concept is willing to prove it right now! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the challenge 6) [B]HIGH CONCEPT vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] Flex and Pex had their hands full with the former champs. It turns out that while Flex and Pex might be coordinated, Elmo and Groucho can practically read each other's minds. Before Flex or Pex knew what was happening, Groucho hit Pex with a Bling Thing for the win. WINNERS: [B]High Concept [/B]in 14:08 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Once again, BLZ Bubb is wandering the halls looking for Shifty McDougal. Instead, he found himself face to face with Remo. Remo tried to walk away, but Bubb got in his face, saying that it's Remo's fault that he can't find his leprechaun since Skull refused to help him after Remo beat them last week. Remo commented that Bubb should maybe look for his marbles instead of leprechauns. Bubb didn't like that at all, and insisted that he and Remo get in the ring together tonight. Remo got in Bubb's face and informed him it would be his pleasure. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) Christian Faith came out to the ring looking absolutely crushed. He held up a letter, which he said was from the Joint Chief of Staffs. He said they rejected his application. He grew angry, vowing to prove to the Army that he truly is an Army of One. Much to my surprise, Christian handled his turn to heel quite well. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) [B]REMO vs. BLZ BUBB[/B] Both men tried to destroy the other out there. The problem was, they both wanted to look so tough that they no-sold each others offense a bit too much. Not that it really mattered. Neither man could establish clear momentum for himself, and during one burst of brawling, referee Ric Young got knocked out. That's when Skull DeBones hit the ring. He attacked Remo from behind and nailed him with a Skull Krusher, knocking Remo out. Bubb laughed and clapped like a little boy, but before he could capitalize, Shawn Gonzalez hit the ring as well with a steel chair. He nailed Bubb over the head with it, knocking Bubb out. Skull then charged Shawn and chased him into the back. Ric Young recovered and looked at the two fallen men. He then shrugged and counted them both out. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw) [/B]in 8:31 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Richard Eisen was once again chatting on his cell phone when Joel Kovach burst into the office. He got in Richard's face, informing him that he thought this fan-booked and fan-controlled business was ridiculous. He said that the fans were too stupid to book the matches the way they should be, namely, with him taking on Tim Westybrook for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Joel said that if Richard knew what was good for his company ... actually, for him personally, he would jettison this fan nonsense and book the main event at "Under Control" the way it should be. Richard calmly informed Joel that if he knew what was good for him, he'd turn around. Joel did, just in time to catch a superkick to the jaw from Cliff Wilson. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK (c) vs. JOEY MINNESOTA [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Tim was a little off his game tonight for some reason, but it didn't hamper the match at all. Joey and Tim shook hands before the match started. Both men put on a superb show. While Tim looked dangerous, Joey looked almost as if not just as. He even managed to nail Tim with a few successive Empire Spirals. In the end, though, Tim managed to kick out of those and nailed Joey with an Unstoppable Force. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B]in 17:53 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Tim and Joey shook hands again after the match, but their celebration was cut short when Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado came out of the crowd and attacked both men, beating them thoroughly. Jack Bruce took out Tim with a New York Minute while Troy put Joey away with the Star Maker. The two men then stood over their fallen victims and raised their hands in triumph as the crowd booed them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I would have thought that I used Antonio too much, but instead, the crowd didn't like seeing Groucho Bling so much. Weird. It'll be interesting to see how my little venue experiment worked. This is the first time we've held [I]Invasion![/I] in a Medium Venue. We didn't sell out, but we didn't seem to lose any money either. We'll have to keep running this experiment this month and see how we do. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Antonio defeated Freddie Datsun [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] [I]High Concept defeated Flex & Pex [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb drew with Remo [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook (c) defeated Joey Minnesota to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] (which was held in the Lowe Ballroom in the North West Territory)[/QUOTE]
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From SWF.com - [QUOTE][B][SIZE="5"][CENTER]Now's your chance to tell the SWF what to do![/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] Here is the official ballot for SWF [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Under Control"[/COLOR]. You can vote between now and when "Under Control" comes out for the following matches: 1) [B]THE MAIN EVENT FOR [COLOR="Red"]THE SWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR]:[/B] Who should Tim Westybrook defend his championship against: A) Eddie Peak B) Ricky Dale Johnson C) BLZ Bubb D) Remo What type of match should this be: a) Held in a Cage b) A 30-Minute Iron Man Match (the wrestler with the most falls wins) c) An "I Quit" match 2) [B]FOR [COLOR="Red"]THE SWF NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR]:[/B] Who should Cliff Wilson defend his title against: A) Joel Kovach B) Texas Pete C) Steve Frehley What type of match should this be: a) Cage Escape b) Ladder Match c) A Fatal Fourway (if you choose this option, all three opponents will be in the match) 3) [B]FOR [COLOR="red"]THE SWF TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR]:[/B] Who should Sexual Aggression defend their titles against: A) Flex & Pex B) Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine C) High Concept 4) [B]TO DETERMINE THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS FOR THE TAG CHAMPIONSHIP:[/B] [I]The two teams who don't face Sexual Aggression will square off against each other to determine the #1 Contender.[/I] 5) [B]FOR [COLOR="red"]THE SWF 10-MINUTE CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR]:[/B] Who should Mainstream Hernandez defend his title against: A) Andre Jones B) Enforcer Roberts C) American Elemental 6) [B]THE UNITED STATES OF ANNIHILATION WILL TAKE ON JACK BRUCE & TROY TORNADO:[/B] What kind of match should it be: A) A Texas Tornado match B) A Street Fight C) A Battle of the Bands 7) [B]ERIC EISEN WILL TAKE ON SAM KEITH[/B] What kind of match should it be: A) A No-Holds Barred Match B) A Championship Defense (Eric would have to defend his Warmaster Title) C) A Cage Match Please vote once. Results will be revealed at [COLOR="DarkRed"]"Under Control"[/COLOR].[/QUOTE] Note: [I]The way you can vote is by sending me a private message or via the e-mail link in my profile. That way, this diary won't get cluttered with votes and the results will be a surprise. Like it says, please vote once, but you can change your vote if you so wish.[/I]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, September 2007[/I] Held at the Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes Territory 7,374 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Rip Chord welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Richard Eisen greeted the fans next to the lottery bin. He gave it a twirl and pulled out the slip of paper. He said he was impressed. Tonight's main event is being booked by a fan all the way from Scotland. [B]Derek_B[/B] has requested a Texas Tornado match with Remo, Tim Westybrook, and Cliff Wilson on one side and Ricky Dale Johnson, Joel Kovach, and Eric Eisen on the other! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Robbie Retro and Darryl Devine came out to the ring. They said that they were sick of people making fun of them. They know they were beaten by Flex and Pex last week, but they pointed out that High Concept beat Flex and Pex on [I]Invasion![/I] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"So it stands to reason that if we can beat High Concept tonight, that means we're better than Flex and Pex and even ourselves!" [/COLOR]Robbie said, then looked confused for a moment. Darryl piped in, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You get the idea. Elmo, Groucho, nothing personal, but we want to take you on in the ring."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Texas Pete delivered an "aw shucks" kind of promo, saying that he was honored to be included on the "Under Control" ballot as a possible contender for the SWF North American Championship. He said, though, that he knew people had their doubts about him. That's why he was going to prove himself by destroying Sam Keith tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN vs. MEAN JEAN CATTLEY[/B] Dan actually won one clean. The announcers could barely believe it. Rip even commented that Mean Jean is a great competitor, so Dan should be proud of himself for what he did. The crowd, however, couldn't care less, it seemed. WINNER: [B]Delirious Dan[/B] in 5:58 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] 5) As Dan was celebrating, though, out walked Skull DeBones. He applauded Dan but you could see the sarcasm pouring off of him as he did. He got a mic and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Come now, Daniel, we all know how you picked up this win. You jumped poor Jean backstage, didn't you? I mean, that's how you've managed to stumble into this little winning streak of yours, isn't it?"[/COLOR] Dan tried to deny it, but Skull wouldn't let him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"If you think you're doing so well, Dan, why don't you try taking me on. We'll face each other next week on [I]Warzone[/I]. And feel free to try to attack me beforehand. I guarantee you, it'll only make things worse."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Eric Eisen found his father backstage and complained about the "Under Control" ballot. He didn't think it was fair that Sam Keith got a match against him then. He said that the choices were stacked in Sam's favor. If the fans voted for a No Holds Barred match, Sam could once again use the infamous Proton Lock, and that could put Eric in the hospital. If they decided on a Title Match, he could lose the Warmaster belt. If it was a cage match, just about anything could happen on the inside. Richard told Eric to stop complaining. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"You're acting like a spoiled brat. Knock it off, Eric. You're an Eisen. Stop complaining and deal with it!"[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Sexual Aggression appeared on screen and said that it didn't matter if the fans voted for Darryl Devine and Robbie Retro, Flex & Pex, or High Concept. At "Under Control", they would be the ones in the driver's seat and they would be the ones to walk out with the gold. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE vs. HIGH CONCEPT[/B] Robbie and Darryl tried to shake hands with Elmo and Groucho, but High Concept didn't seem interested. Not only that, but Robbie and Darryl seemed to hold back a little. They didn't press their advantages the way they could, but that changed when Groucho nearly leveled Darryl with a vicious knife-edge chop. Robbie and Darryl pulled out all the stops at that point. The match itself was good but left Robbie pretty tired. In the end, Darryl hit Groucho Bling with the Devine Dream Drop. WINNERS: [B]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine[/B] in 11:55 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Joey Minnesota and Nevada Nuclear appeared on screen. They said they were so glad the Board of Directors decided to put them in a match against Jack Bruce and Troy Tornado. They said that it really didn't matter what the fans voted for, they promised annihilation. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Make it a Texas Tornado match, and we'll show what we can do! A street fight? We'll wind up putting Jack and Troy in the hospital! A Battle of the Bands? We'll show those two for the no-talent hacks that they are...." [/COLOR]Joey looked at Nevada as his partner tapped him on the shoulder. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"What?"[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]"I can't play the guitar. Can you?"[/COLOR] Joey thought about it and then said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Uh oh."[/COLOR] He looked back at the camera. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Not to worry. We're quick studies."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Remo and Tim Westybrook are in their locker room glaring at each other menacingly. Cliff Wilson comes inside and notices. He tried to hype up his partners, telling them that they needed to put their differences aside for right now. They had a match to win and fans to entertain. Besides, if the fans voted for Remo, the two of them could destroy each other at "Under Control". Tim finally sighed and stuck his hand out. Remo shook it. Cliff beamed and turned to leave. Remo then tugged Cliff in close. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Just watch your back, champ."[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) [B]SAM KEITH vs. TEXAS PETE[/B] Not as good of a match as I thought it would be, but still, entertaining nonetheless. Sam dominated most of the match, tossing Tex from pillar to post and back again. Just when it looked like he had Tex done, Lady Melissa hopped up on the ring apron. The ref went over to order her down. That's when Eric Eisen hit the ring. He delivered a Silver Spoon Shock to Sam and then bailed out, allowing Tex to make the pin. WINNER: [B]Texas Pete[/B] in 12:13 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 12) Ricky Dale Johnson and Joel Kovach were walking to the ring when they were met by Eric. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]"Are you ready?"[/COLOR] RDJ asked Eric. [COLOR="darkgreen"]"Let's go do this,"[/COLOR] was Eric's reply. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK, REMO, & CLIFF WILSON vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON, JOEL KOVACH, & ERIC EISEN [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a Texas Tornado match[/COLOR] Holy cow. I'm speechless. Sadly, so were Duane Fry and Rip Chord for most of this match. Peter Michaels had to do most of the work, and he had his hands full trying to keep up with all the action as all six men basically went ballistic on each other. It was an awesome blend of brawling with Cliff and Eric providing some breathtaking high spots. At one point, Tim and Joel were brawling outside the ring. Cliff went up for a move that should have been delivered on RDJ who was in the ring, but for some reason, he chose to take out Tim and Joel instead. Finally, Joel managed to nail Remo and pinned him. By the way, Derek, you rock! WINNERS: [B]Joel Kovach, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Eric Eisen [/B]in 23:17 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Darryl Devine was used "far too much". I think Derek's match saved the night from being a "B" show. Don't forget to vote! FINAL RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Delirious Dan defeated Mean Jean Cattley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C-[/COLOR] [I]Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine defeated High Concept [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Texas Pete defeated Sam Keith [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Eric Eisen defeated Remo, Tim Westybrook, and Cliff Wilson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Invasion![/B][/SIZE] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, September 2007[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 6,808 in attendance[/CENTER] NOTE: [I]My usual method of running these shows backfired on me today. I normally run the game and type in the play-by-play as we go along. Unfortunately, while I was doing that for this show, I accidentally closed out the browser window. I did this while typing up the information about the main event. Most of what I wrote was lost and I don't have the time to reconstruct it. [/I] 1) Richard Eisen drew a slip from the lottery bin, only to discover that it was submitted by Joel Kovach! Joel wanted to face Tim Westybrook in a cage escape match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) [B]MAINSTREAM HERNANDEZ (c) vs. ANTONIO [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Mainstream Hernandez[/B] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) Steve Frehley asked fans to vote for him. He said Tex didn't deserve the title shot and Joel obviously didn't want it. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Jessie tried to psyche up High Concept for their non-title match against Sexual Aggression, Robbie & Darryl, and Flex & Pex. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) [B]SEXUAL AGGRESSION vs. HIGH CONCEPT vs. ROBBIE RETRO & DARRYL DEVINE vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] WINNERS: Flex & Pex RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 6) The United States of Annihilation assured fans that even if they voted for the battle of the bands option, they'd still beat Jack and Troy. They'd been using subliminal hypnosis learn-to-play-guitar tapes, but when they tried to demonstrate how well they worked, Nevada wound up clucking like a chicken. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) Before his match started, BLZ Bubb chased a child through the stands, thinking the child was Shifty McDougal. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) [B]REMO vs. BLZ BUBB vs. EDDIE PEAK vs. RICKY DALE JOHNSON[/B] A great match. Remo nearly had it won but then wound up fighting with Skull DeBones, eliminating himself. Bubb picked up the win by taking out Eddie. WINNER: [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 9) Jack Bruce & Troy Tornado mocked the U.S.A.'s musical abilities. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 10) Sam Keith congratulated Eric Eisen on setting him up with Troy Tornado in the past and then attacking him when he fought Texas Pete, but he said that all the tricks in the world wouldn't save him this time. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) Tim Westybrook discovered that Joel had stuffed the lottery bin. All that was in there was Joel's suggested match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK (c) vs. JOEL KOVACH [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage escape [/COLOR]match for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] The announcers got left behind by the action once again. Both men got busted open in the early going and neither was able to mount an escape without the other intercepting him. Finally, though, Joel managed to incapacitate Tim long enough to scale the walls of the cage. That's when Cliff Wilson ran out to the ring and climbed up on the outside. The two men brawled at the top of the cage, and since Cliff was the fresher man, he managed to stagger Joel pretty well. He then shimmied over the top of the cage and, much to the horror of the announcers, delivered an incredible hurricanrana, dropping both men to the mat. Tim managed to rouse himself, crawled to the entrance, and escaped. WINNER: [B]Tim Westybrook [/B]in 23:55 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Richard Eisen appeared on camera and told fans that there was still time to vote for "Under Control"! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Sorry about the terse nature of the results. Hopefully that will never happen again. And just so you know, Joel Kovach really did book the main event tonight. At least, the real Joel Kovach did. ;) FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Mainstream Hernandez (c) defeated Antonio to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Flex & Pex defeated Sexual Aggression, High Concept, and Robbie Retro & Darryl Devine [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]BLZ Bubb defeated Remo, Eddie Peak, and Ricky Dale Johnson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Tim Westybrook (c) defeated Joel Kovach in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage escape match [/COLOR]to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/I] - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE] FINAL NOTE: [I]My plan is to actually do "Under Control" this Friday or Saturday, so you have about 48 hours to get your votes in to me. If you plan to vote, do so soon! We actually have some ties I'm not sure what to do with![/I]
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From Kovach-Krippler.com (Joel Kovach's website) - [QUOTE][SIZE="4"][CENTER][B][U]Why I Hate "Under Control"[/U][/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] That's right, I despise the up-coming Pay-Per-View. The ring hasn't been set up yet, the fans aren't lining up to get inside and won't for at least a day or two, not one punch has been thrown, not one winner declared, and already, I hate this stupid show. Why? Because the title doesn't describe the show at all. This Pay-Per-View isn't "under control". Instead, it's out of control! It's chaos, pure and simple, to leave the booking of matches up to a group of people who don't have a clue what they're doing. That's right, I'm talking about the fans. Richard Eisen is an idiot for leaving things up to them. Sure, it's a cute gimmick, but Richard let things get too out of control. He should have just let the fans decide what color trunks that freak-job BLZ Bubb was going to wear or whether Eddie Peak and Remo would use a sledge hammer or a kendo stick to bash each others' heads in. But to let them choose opponents and stipulations? Sheer stupidity! What really burns me is the fact that the fans, given this golden opportunity to take control of the SWF, squandered it miserably. They cast their votes for Eddie Peak, Ricky Dale Johnson, BLZ Bubb, or Remo, ignoring what they should have done with their power: demand that I be given the title shot! They could have flooded SWF Headquarters with e-mails demanding this travesty of justice be corrected. Did they? Of course not. Why do you think I did what I did on the last [I]Invasion![/I]? I don't know what I did to tick Mr. Eisen off, but for some reason, he insists on shoving me down into some mid-card purgatory with a loser who had to impersonate another loser to get into the company in the first place. Richard Eisen has made a bone-headed mistake in the way he's handled the past couple of shows. A lot of the other workers think so; I'm just the only one brave enough to say it and then do something about it. Sure, what I did could be called dishonest, sneaky, or down-right rotten, but believe it or not, I had your best interests in mind. You remember that great movie [I]A Few Good Men[/I]? You know, the one with Jack Nicholson before he became nothing more than a professional basketball fan and with Tom Cruise and Demi Moore before they both decided to rob the cradle? I've been thinking about the trial scene, after Jack delivers his infamous line, "You can't handle the truth!" He goes on to inform Cruise's character that whether he realizes it or not, whether he's comfortable with it or not, he wants Jack, the rough, tough Marine, to be on the wall, protecting him from the harsh realities of life. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm in the same boat as Jack. You may not like it, but you want me to have the World Heavyweight Championship. You need me to have that belt. And trust me, I'm not going to let anything stand in my way until I get what's rightfully mine.[/QUOTE] EDIT: Voting is now closed for "Under Control".
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