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SWF -- This Means War! (diary)

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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, January 2009[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of Invasion! Jerry was very somber, saying that something happened after the Pay-Per-View ended, something rather disturbing... 1) The video was a bit shaky, but it showed Archangel coming out of the ring after his win at “When Hell Freezes Over”. He got about half-way up the ramp when he turned and looked at Wanda, who still lay unconscious in the ring. He then dropped the title belt and went back into the ring. He shoved the paramedics away and dragged her out of the ring. He tore away the safety mat and then, much to the horror of the crowd, set Wanda up for a piledriver on the bare cement. Even as the crowd screamed in protest, Archangel delivered the piledriver. He then dropped her, smirked, and walked up the ramp. RATING:[COLOR="Blue"] A[/COLOR] 2) Back live, Archangel came out to a crowd ready to murder him. He cried crocodile tears for injuring Wanda, saying that she had it coming. He said she had overreached and had paid the price for it. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“That’s what you get when you play with the boys, Wanda.”[/COLOR] But before Archangel could say too much more, Kid Toma came out to the ring. He said he was incensed by what Archangel did, as was most of the locker room. Kid made some disparaging remarks about how the rest of the workers may be too scared to stand up to Archangel, but he wasn’t. He challenged Archangel for the title, saying that a monster like him didn’t deserve it. Archangel smirked and finally shrugged, saying that he had nothing better to do. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the taunting; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge 3) Jerry Eisen went on to explain that Wanda had serious injuries after her match with Archangel, including torn ligaments in her shoulder and a severe concussion from the piledriver. He then introduced a video segment, one with soft playing music with footage of Wanda smiling and having fun. It ended with a wish for Wanda to get better soon. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Wolf Hawkins was backstage with his title. He looked pretty upset by the video, but he really didn’t have time to grieve. He was confronted instead by Darryl Devine. Wolf said he was glad to see Darryl back and healthy. Darryl told him to stuff it. Darryl went on to say that Wolf was so clever that he almost got away with it. Confused, Wolf asked Darryl to explain. Darryl accused him of being in bed with Apocalypse. Wolf was stunned and asked Darryl what he was talking about. Darryl said that after he announced his intentions to take on Wolf for the title, Dark Angel just happened to take him out. And then, a few weeks ago, when Wolf fought Randy, who came to Wolf’s rescue? Dark Angel again. Darryl said it was a good scam, but he wasn’t fooled anymore. Wolf said that Darryl was nuts. He was looking forward to facing Darryl at “When Hell Freezes Over” and had nothing to do with Dark Angel’s actions. He then offered to fight Darryl tonight to prove it. Darryl readily agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Rich Money was in the ring and he taunted Rick Law a little, saying that he had proven that he was the better man. He said that his meteoric rise through the ranks of the SWF wouldn’t be hindered by him anymore. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 6) [B]CHANCE FORTUNE vs. RICH MONEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] It was another really good match. Chance seemed on fire [COLOR="DarkGreen"](“Which only makes sense, seeing as he lost to Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic earlier this week,”[/COLOR] Emma observed). But he got a little too overconfident. He started showboating a little. While he was showing off, Rich tripped him up and quickly pinned him, using his tights for leverage. WINNER: [B]Rich Money [/B]in 7:33 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Chance was furious and took out his frustration on Rich, beating him pretty soundly. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic were backstage, laughing at the way Chance lost again. Dan suddenly became very bashful and started reminiscing with Katharina about their matches together. Katharina seemed flustered and finally told Dan to spit it out. Dan did; he asked her out on a date and Katharina agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Much to the surprise of the announcers, Joey Beauchamp came out to the ring and kicked Ana Garcia out of her chair to do color commentary for the next match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 10) [B]LIBERTY vs. STEVE FREHLEY[/B] It was an okay match. Probably the most entertaining part was the argument that Jerry Eisen got into with Joey Beauchamp about whether or not his impression of Tommy Cornell was believable or not. Jason Azaria didn’t help matters any by saying that he had been completely fooled. Jerry also noted that Zimmy Bumfhole didn’t ask to be part of this match. Joey claimed it was because Zimmy knew better than to challenge him. At any rate, after a pretty average match, Liberty put Steve Frehley away with the Liberation Slam. He celebrated his win, but then stared down Joey Beauchamp. WINNER: [B]Liberty[/B] in 7:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) Marc DuBois came out to the ring next and said that he knew it was a mistake for Wanda to take on Archangel. Now she’s lying in a hospital room. He said he was angry and he had to take out his frustration on somebody. And that somebody was going to be Yoshimi Mushashibo. Apparently Marc was upset at how Yoshimi took them both out of the running for the Warmaster Title last week. He demanded that Yoshimi face him in a match right here, right now. Sarah Eisen came out. She told Marc that she was just as upset about what happened to Wanda as he was, but that fighting Yoshimi wouldn’t solve anything. She reminded Marc of how Yoshimi beat up Sam Keith this past Saturday in spite of the beating he took in the ladder match. She said that the match simply would not happen for Marc’s own good. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the response 12) Armageddon came out to the ring next and hyped themselves up. They said that they showed the Outcasts why they were the rightful tag team champs and said that they would stay that way for a good long time. But then the Fabulous Bumfhole’s music hit. They said that they still owed Armageddon or whatever they wanted to call themselves for the Cage Wars match from a month ago. They said that they could think of no better revenge than taking the titles away from Armageddon. They said they already talked to Richard; the match is on for the next Warzone. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the self-hype and the challenge 13) [B]WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] This was a spectacular match. Darryl and Wolf really put it all on the line. Jerry wondered if this was the match we would have seen this past Saturday. Jason asked if he was dissatisfied with the match that Dark Angel and Wolf gave us. Jerry said no; both matches were good. Wolf made a fatal mistake, though. He went for the Full Moon Rising and Darryl was able to duck it. Wolf wound up landing on the top rope, straddling it. Darryl then pulled Wolf free and started working him over. He then set Wolf up for the Devine Dream Drop. And that’s when Dark Angel hit the ring and attacked Darryl, beating him savagely and driving him away from Wolf. The ref immediately ended the match. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]by DQ in 10:41 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) A video played, showing highlights of the match between Wanda Fish and Archangel. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]KID TOMA vs. ARCHANGEL (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Even though there was a lack of psychology in the match, it was still very good. It looked like Kid was on fire at first, but Jason Azaria finally (and rightly) pointed out that Archangel was only toying with Kid. Archangel took over, beating on Kid for a while until Kid managed to fight back. He surprised Archangel with a flurry of offense that actually took Archangel off his feet and kept him down. Kid then took an inordinate amount of time getting to the top turnbuckle for the Long Range Headbutt. Jason said that was a stupid rookie mistake, especially when facing Archangel. Jason was correct again. Kid finally launched himself, only to have Archangel roll out of the way. Kid crashed into the mat face-first and Archangel was on him immediately, tying him up in the Wing Clip. Kid struggled to get free but finally tapped out. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 11:39 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. Chance’s fortunes seem to have dropped a bit. The crowd thought he was overused tonight. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Rich Money (c) defeated Chance Fortune to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Liberty defeated Steve Frehley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Darryl Devine defeated Wolf Hawkins (c) by DQ, so Wolf retains [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel (c) defeated Kid Toma to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Warzone[/B][/SIZE] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 3, January 2009[/I] Held at the Louisiana Auditorium in the South East Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of Warzone. 1) The Bumfholes appeared on screen. They reintroduced themselves, reminding the audience that they were part of Karma and as such held the tag titles for a good long time. They said that they were also committed to fighting Apocalypse, and that was why tonight, they weren’t going to show any pity to Christian Faith and Tim Westybrook. They were going to raze them as a team and take back the tag team championship. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Chance Fortune and Missy Masterson were in the ring together. They were both furious with how Rich Money cheated at the end of the match earlier this week. They called him out, demanding that he face them again. Instead, Bruce the Giant lumbered out to the ring. He said he bore a message from Rich Money. Rich said that Chance should count his blessings that Rich won’t face him in a match again. Bruce went on to say that instead, he was to teach them a lesson by having a match. Chance jumped the gun and said that he wasn’t afraid of Bruce. Bruce said that was good, but he wasn’t sent out here to have a match with Chance. Instead, he pointed to Missy. Before Chance could react, Bruce shoved him over the top rope by his face and started after Missy. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]MISSY MASTERSON vs. BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] Missy did her best to keep away from Bruce. She even mounted a little bit of defense, trying to use her small size to her advantage by darting in and out of Bruce’s reach. But eventually, Bruce caught her and beat on her for a while before ending things with a Giant Choke Slam. WINNER: [B]Bruce the Giant [/B]in 8:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 4) Bruce didn’t appear done with Missy yet. He started after her, but Rick Law charged in, chasing Bruce away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Darryl Devine found Dark Angel backstage. He demanded to know why Dark Angel attacked him earlier this week. Dark Angel refused to answer and tried to play things coy, but Darryl kept after him. Dark said he couldn’t say, because “he” would be upset. Darryl asked who “he” was. Dark laughed at him, saying that he couldn’t trick him into saying that “he” was Wolf Hawkins that way. Dark looked mortified and quickly escaped. Darryl looked pissed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Yoshimi Mushashibo was walking backstage, chatting on a cell phone in a gruff, monosyllabic manner, when Marc DuBois attacked him, beating him savagely. He then picked up the phone and informed whoever it was that Yoshimi would have to get back to them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 7) A video aired of Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic out on a date. Emma seemed particularly disgusted, saying that she didn’t know what they saw in each other, but was glad that they only saw it in each other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) Zimmy Bumfhole was stretching out backstage when he turned around and found Joey Beauchamp watching. Joey started laughing. Zimmy demanded to know what was so funny. Joey said that he knew that Zimmy was a coward; the fact that Zimmy conveniently forgot about how he challenged Joey to a match at “When Hell Freezes Over” proves it. Zimmy corrected Joey, saying that he and his brother had bigger fish to fry. Zimmy said there would be plenty of time to take Joey down later. Joey seemed cowed a little and started to walk away while Zimmy went back to his stretching. Of course, once Zimmy’s back was turned, Joey attacked him. He beat on him for a few minutes before Randy showed up and chased him off. Randy checked his brother over and asked if he could still fight. Zimmy seemed a little woozy but said he could. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the argument and the attack 9) [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. ARMAGEDDON (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] This was a spectacular match, much better than I thought it would be. Randy and Zimmy proved to be a little more than Armageddon could handle. Duane Fry commented that it seemed like they had oiled themselves up; Tim and Christian couldn’t seem to hold on to them for very long. But eventually, the beating from Joey Beauchamp seemed to take its toll on Zimmy. He managed to get Tim down and clambered up the ropes for the Bumfhole in One, but wobbled a little, as if he was still dizzy. Tim managed to charge the corner and crotched Zimmy off the top. The match continued with Christian and Tim isolating Zimmy for a few minutes. Then Zimmy tagged Randy into the ring. Randy cleaned house and was getting ready to set Christian Faith up for the Bumfhole Buster. That’s when Archangel charged the ring. While Tim distracted the ref, Archangel took Randy down with a Fall From Grace and then got out of there. Christian then made the cover. WINNERS: [B]Armageddon[/B] in 13:13 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 10) Wolf Hawkins was walking backstage when, much to the announcer’s surprise, Darryl Devine attacked him, beating him savagely, screaming about how he was on to Wolf’s treachery and would make sure he paid. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) [B]LIBERTY vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP (c)[/B] for the SWF Warmaster Title Joey and Liberty put on a great match together. Joey played the role of slippery weasel well, always managing to pop out of any pin or getting a foot on a nearby rope. Liberty kept after him, though, making Duane Fry predict that Joey’s reign as Warmaster might be very brief. But then Joey got Liberty down and in a figure four. While the ref checked on Liberty, Joey snared the bottom ropes to increase the pressure, forcing Liberty to tap out quickly. WINNER: [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]in 12:18 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) The announcers then gave some breaking news: Yoshimi Mushashibo had demanded a match with Marc DuBois and Richard Eisen has given it to him. It’ll take place at the next Invasion! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) Archangel came out to a chorus of boos. He got a mic and said that he had so much fun earlier this week defending his newly won title, he wanted to do it again tonight. And, he said, he had such fun beating up Kid Toma, he wanted to do the same thing to his brother. He called Akima out, informing him that it was his lucky day. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]AKIMA BRAVE vs. ARCHANGEL (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Holy cow. I did not see this one coming. I don’t think Archangel did either. Akima surprised him by taking the fight to him right away. Before Archangel knew what was happening, Akima had him down and pinned. The ref actually made it to two before Archangel kicked out and got away from Akima, who smiled wickedly at Archangel. Archangel laughed it off and then went after him. The rest of the match was pretty spectacular. Both men scored near falls. In the end, Akima managed to get Archangel down and went to the top turnbuckle for the Suicide Headbutt. Emma observed that Akima had obviously learned from his brother’s mistake; he was wasting no time. But it didn’t help. Archangel recovered and caught Akima out of the air. He then used Akima’s momentum to carry them into a ring-shaking Fall From Grace. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 10:13 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 15) Archangel looked kind of winded, but he didn’t have a chance to recover. Instead, Randy Bumfhole charged the ring and attacked him, actually dropping him to the mat. The show ended with Apocalypse streaming out to the ring to tend to their fallen leader while Randy escaped. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Another good show. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Bruce the Giant defeated Missy Masterson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Armageddon (c) defeated the Fabulous Bumfholes to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Joey Beauchamp (c) defeated Liberty to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel (c) defeated Akima Brave to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, January 2009[/I] Held at the Theatre of Dreams in the North West Territory 9,826 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of Invasion! 1) They started by hyping up the fact that tonight, Marc DuBois was going to take on Yoshimi Mushashibo. Jason Azaria really ripped on Marc, saying that he must have a death wish of something. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] 2) Robert Oxford was out in the ring. He said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I know I don’t get that much air time, but I did some horse trading backstage because I had to come out here and talk about something that’s been going on. Darryl Devine has been spreading some really bad rumors about Wolf Hawkins backstage recently. Now, I’ve known Wolf since he was a pup...”[/COLOR] He laughed at his own joke. No one joined him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“... and I can say that he would never, ever ally himself with Dark Angel and Apocalypse like Darryl is saying. Wolf is a straight shooter and I won’t stand for those rumors to be spread anymore. To put it bluntly, Darryl, either shut your mouth or I’ll shut it for you!”[/COLOR] Darryl came out and dared Robert to try. The match was on! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the challenge 3) [B]ROBERT OXFORD vs. DARRYL DEVINE[/B] Robert was able to shut Darryl’s mouth in the early going by knocking him around the ring a little. But then Darryl recovered and fought back. Robert simply was overwhelmed by the younger man’s offense and eventually got dropped by the Devine Dream Drop. WINNER: [B]Darryl Devine [/B]in 7:46 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Darryl looked like he was thinking of punishing Robert some more, but then Wolf Hawkins hit the ring and attacked him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law was backstage when there was a knock at the door. He looked up to see Missy Masterson smiling shyly at him. She let herself in and said that she wanted to thank him for rescuing her last week from Bruce the Giant. Rick blew off her thanks and said it was nothing. She insisted that it wasn’t nothing, that Chance didn’t even lift a finger to help her. She cooed at Rick about how big and strong he was, how fearless, and how she had him to thank for saving her. Before Rick knew what was happening, Missy was in his lap, kissing him passionately. Then someone cleared his throat from the door. They looked up, finding Chance staring at them, quaking with fury. He demanded that Rick meet him in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Armageddon came out to the ring and hyped themselves up again as tag champs, pointing out how they were able to fight off the “fearsome Bumfholes”. Then the Outcasts came out to the ring. They mocked Armageddon, saying that the only reason why they won was because Archangel interfered in the match. They said that on their own, they would be weak. They challenged them to a rematch at “Nothing to Lose.” Armageddon accepted, pointing out that they beat the Outcasts once. They’ll easily be able to do it again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the acceptance 7) Once again, we were treated to footage of Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic on a date, this time at the Space Needle. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) [B]RICK LAW vs. CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] Chance was out of control, flailing blows down on Rick the minute the bell rang. Rick had to weather the onslaught for a few moments before he found an opening in Chance’s flighty defenses. He then fired back, staggering Chance before finishing him off with the Squad Car Slam. WINNER:[B] Rick Law [/B]in 11:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 9) Randy Bumfhole came out to the ring with a mic. He lit into Archangel, going off on how Double-A attacked him during his match with Armageddon last week. He said that what he did to Archangel after the latter’s match with Akima Brave was only a taste of what was in store for the Heavyweight Champ. Randy said that Archangel had a lot to answer for, and he was the one to make him do so. He challenged Archangel to a match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Archangel came out to the ring to a chorus of boos (“People from Wanda’s hometown obviously don’t appreciate what he did to her,” Ana observed). He told Randy to keep dreaming, that he was nowhere near ready enough to face the leader of Apocalypse. For Randy’s protection, Archangel refused the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge and the response 10) [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD vs. DARK ANGEL[/B] The announcers commented that if Dark Angel was upset by the stress he was causing between Darryl Devine and Wolf Hawkins, he didn’t seem aware of it. Good thing, too. Chris and Dark put on a spectacular match that kept the fans screaming for more. Dark Angel finally took Chris down with a Descent Into Hell. WINNER: [B]Dark Angel [/B]in 9:52 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) Marc DuBois was getting ready for his match when Sarah Eisen approached him. Sarah told him that she always liked him, maybe more than she should have. But she knows how much Marc loves Wanda and how much Wanda loves him. Sarah begged Marc not to get in the ring with Yoshimi. She said that while she is Yoshimi’s manager, once he gets in the ring, he’s next to impossible to control. She said that she couldn’t guarantee his safety. Marc slammed the locker door shut, turned on her, and said that he didn’t care. He then shoved past her to leave the room. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]MARC DuBOIS vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Great match. Marc really went after Yoshimi from the get go and actually overwhelmed him with a series of attacks. Yoshimi managed to dodge a few of them, but Marc hit the Marc of Excellence and went for the pin. Yoshimi quickly kicked out. The match continued with Marc getting in most of the offense and Yoshimi taking it. At one point, Marc even got Yoshimi into his own submission hold, the Model Solution, but Yoshimi was able to drag both of them to the bottom rope so he’d break it. Finally, Yoshimi seemed to have enough. He batted Marc aside and went on the offense, finally putting Marc away with the Yoshimi Lock. WINNER: [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]in 12:38 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) But Yoshimi didn’t release the Lock. If anything, he tightened it up even further, screaming something at Marc, who eventually passed out. The refs finally got Yoshimi to break it and he strutted out of the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Chance was slightly overused again. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Darryl Devine defeated Robert Oxford [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law defeated Chance Fortune [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Dark Angel defeated Chris Caulfield [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Marc DuBois [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, January 2009[/I] Held at the Friedman Building in the Mid South Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of Warzone. 1) Archangel started the show off in a creepy, darkened room. He started his usual spiel of how he would destroy the SWF when suddenly, the lights switched on, revealing he was in an ordinary boiler room. He turned to see what was going on and found Randy Bumfhole in the door, his hand still on the light switch. Randy smiled at him. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Sorry. You using this room?”[/COLOR] Before Archangel could answer, Randy leapt forward and attacked him, beating him savagely. He then turned to the camera. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I know that most of you consider me a clown. So I guess I’ll just have to prove that I’m not. Yoshimi Mushashibo, you seem to be racking up an impressive body count. I still feel sore from the last time we locked up. But tonight, I’m feeling lucky. What do you say? You and me? Or do I have to do to you what I did to Archangel here?”[/COLOR] Randy walked out of the room, passing by Delirious Dan as he did. Dan peeked into the room and burst out laughing. But he then looked down the hall and fled. We soon realized why: Armageddon came into the room and helped Archangel up. They asked if they should go punish Randy for what he did. Archangel said no. Instead, he wanted them to punish Dan, and he knew how to do it. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] for the hype and the attack; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Dan laughing; [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for Archangel’s sinister plot 2) Rick Law was in the ring and he too had a challenge, only his was for Bruce the Giant. He said he was going to teach Bruce a lesson for beating up Missy Masterson. Bruce came out and said that he didn’t want to fight Rick ... oh, wait, on second thought, he did. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) [B]RICK LAW vs. BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] Bruce overwhelmed Rick at first. Rick could only really curl into a ball and weather out the initial onslaught. But try as Bruce did, he couldn’t pin Rick. Finally, as Bruce began to tire out, Rick struck, dropping him with a Long Arm of the Law. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 9:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) The cameras cut backstage to reveal a limo pulling up to the arena. Peter Michaels wondered aloud who it could be but then gasped in shock as Eric Eisen got out of the back. Eric looked over the arena and smiled craftily. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Wolf Hawkins found Darryl Devine backstage and once again demanded to know what his problem was. Darryl said he had exposed Wolf’s dirty little secret. Wolf called him stupid and said that he didn’t have a clue. Wolf insisted he wasn’t allied with Apocalypse and he didn’t know why Dark Angel helped him the way he did. He suggested Darryl go and ask Dark instead of bothering him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Katharina Stevanovic was in her locker room [COLOR="DarkGreen"](“Normally, fans would be excited to be in the woman’s locker room when one of the women are changing, but not if that woman is Katharina,”[/COLOR] Emma observed). She found a note tucked in her locker, one that she read aloud: [I]“I have something important to ask you, something life changing. Meet me in the ring soon. Dan.” [/I]She squealed with excitement and dashed out of the room. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 7) Sarah Eisen appeared with her client. She said she didn’t understand why her former Karma colleagues were so intent on throwing their careers away by fighting Yoshimi, but she said it was Randy’s funeral. Yoshimi would be there; Sarah suggested that Randy not be. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) Katharina was in the ring with a mic. She called for Dan to join her, saying she was ready to answer whatever question he had. Instead of Dan, Armageddon and Dark Angel came out of the back. Katharina’s eyes went wide as they charged to the ring and backed her into a corner. But then Delirious Dan charged to the rescue. He flung himself at Apocalypse and yelled for Katharina to run. She did and Apocalypse destroyed Dan. But then Remo’s music started. He came out and started for the ring, murder burning in his eyes. Tim told Christian and Dark Angel to get Dan out of the ring. He’d handle Remo. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the trap; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for Remo’s entrance 9) [B]REMO vs. TIM WESTYBROOK[/B] The match got started before Remo could even set foot in the ring. Tim slid out from under the bottom rope and brawled with Remo before finally dragging him into the ring so things could officially start. The match was an epic clash. The two exchanged blows that nearly knocked each other out of their boots. Finally, though, Remo surprised Tim by catching him in the Destroyer and picking up the pin. WINNER: [B]Remo[/B] in 10:44 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Before Remo could celebrate too much, Christian Faith came charging back out to the ring. He attacked Remo and beat him down, finally hitting him with the Leap of Faith. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) After things got cleaned up, Joey Beauchamp came out to the ring with a mic. He revealed the truth: he was the one who pointed out to Richard the fact that Tim Westybrook hadn’t defended the Warmaster Title. He did that so he could have a shot at the Title itself, and he said that his plan worked perfectly. He then went on to say that he wasn’t going to make the same stupid mistake as Tim. He was willing to defend his title right now to anyone who came out. Out came Steve Frehley. He said he’d love to take the belt away from Joey, so Joey urged him to come to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the open challenge and the response 12) [B]STEVE FREHLEY vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Steve walked down to the ring and got in. The bell rang. And Joey then bashed Steve over the head with the microphone, knocking him cold. The ref was stunned. So were the announcers. Joey looked at the camera and shrugged. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The rules only say I have to defend it. They don’t say how.” [/COLOR]He then stepped over Steve’s body and left the ring. WINNER: [B]Steve Frehley [/B]by DQ in 1:44 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Darryl Devine found Dark Angel backstage. Dark was just shoving Dan’s limp body out a door. Darryl said that he was on to Dark Angel and that he knew that he was lying about Wolf working with him. Dark swore it was true. When Darryl obviously didn’t believe him, Dark offered to get him proof. Darryl considered it and agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Randy was more intense than usual. He kept his eyes locked on Yoshimi as he made his way to the ring. Yoshimi roared at him as he got in, but Randy didn’t even blink. The two circled each other warily and, when the bell rang, they leapt at each other and began to grapple. The match raged for what felt like an eternity. It was simply phenomenal. Yoshimi tried to get Randy into the Yoshimi Lock a few times, but Randy was able to duck every attempt. Frustration began to build in Yoshimi’s face. Finally, though, Yoshimi managed to get Randy in the Full Nelson. He kicked at Randy’s legs a few times, but Randy was able to swing around in the hold. Then Randy did something amazing. He swung his body back and forth in the hold and, much to the surprise of the announcers, flipped himself and Yoshimi around. By the time he hit the mat, Yoshimi had dropped him. Randy looked a little pained for the move, but Yoshimi was on him again. Only Yoshimi couldn’t get Randy into the Full Nelson again. Finally, Yoshimi tore the padding from a turnbuckle and threw Randy into it face-first. The ref immediately called for the bell. WINNER: [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]by DQ in 13:56 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 15) Yoshimi looked ready to kill Randy. But before he could lay a hand on him again, Eric Eisen charged into the ring and interposed himself between Yoshimi and Randy. He ordered Yoshimi to back down. Yoshimi finally did, looking somewhat confused. Eric then took Yoshimi by the elbow and led him out of the ring. The announcers wondered what Eric was up to as the show ended, the camera focused on Randy’s unconscious form in the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I think that last match pushed us over the top. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Rick Law defeated Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Remo defeated Tim Westybrook [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Steve Frehley defeated Joey Beauchamp (c) by DQ, so Joey retains [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Randy Bumfhole defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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I think the Armageddon stuff that's happening may well be my favourite thing of anything going on the site at the moment. It has a nWo meets Ministry thing to it, but it's still original and uses more credible performers than the Ministry did. I love this idea that they're out to destroy the company they work for, and they'll stop at nothing to do it (destroying Wanda, intimidating Katharina, beating down on Dan etc). It also shows how much depth there is to your roster that it doesn't take over the other feuds. Yoshimi can be doing his unstoppable machine routine and it's not over shadowed by my favourite storyline/gimmick on these boards. Brilliant. Aside from that, everything else is so well written and so well worked that it's just an excellent diary. I've been reading it for ages and yet I've still not got bored with it. That's why it was my choice for best c-verse diary. Great job.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, February 2009[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 9,721 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of Invasion! 1) Randy Bumfhole came out to the ring. He was limping a little, but he had a massive grin plastered on his face. He got the mic and said that he had done what few could brag about. He said that he frustrated Yoshimi so much that he lost control and lost the match. He said that he may be sore, he may be stiff, but he’s still standing. He said if anything, this proved that he deserved a shot against Archangel. Archangel came out to the ring entrance and informed Randy that it still wasn’t going to happen. Instead, tonight Archangel was feeling generous. He was going to give Liberty a shot at the title. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the hype; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the match choice 2) The camera revealed three Eisens seated in Richard’s office. Eric stood by a monitor, Sarah and Richard on a couch. Eric thanked them for meeting with him. He said that while he was medically cleared to wrestle, he said that he realized that he couldn’t take Apocalypse down. He said that Archangel had proven that all too well. At the same time, though, Eric proudly stated that he had figured out who could: his mother’s client, Yoshimi Muashshibo. Eric suggested that he be given the opportunity to work with Yoshimi. Then Richard could book a match at “Nothing to Lose”: Archangel vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. Richard loved the idea. Sarah said she’d ask Yoshimi what he thought. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) [B]RICK LAW vs. EDDIE PEAK[/B] The announcers commented on how Rick seemed to be on a roll since he severed his ties with Rich Money. Jason Azaria especially liked the fact that Rick had caught the attention of Missy Masterson, but Jerry Eisen said that might be a mixed blessing. At any rate, Eddie put up a good fight, but Rick took him down eventually with the Long Arm of the Law. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 8:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 4) Backstage, Missy Masterson was staring at a picture of Rick Law dreamily. The door to the room opened and she quickly slammed the locker shut. Chance Fortune walked in and regarded her suspiciously. He demanded to know what she was doing. She insisted she wasn’t doing anything. He shoved her aside and opened the locker. He growled with disgust when he saw the picture of Rick. He glared at her and then stormed out of the room. Missy didn’t seem too upset by his departure. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Backstage, we found another couple, only this one was doing much better. Delirious Dan found Katharina Stevanovic. Dan still looked pretty badly beat up from his encounter with Apocalypse. He gave Katharina a big bunch of flowers and Katharina gave him a kiss in exchange. Jason said he was going to throw up. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) [B]SKULL DeBONES vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH[/B] Christian was on fire in the ring. Skull did his best to stop him, but in the end, Christian easily overwhelmed him and nailed the Leap of Faith. WINNER: [B]Christian Faith [/B]in 15:04 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) After the match, Tim Westybrook came out to celebrate with his tag partner. Truth be told, Tim didn’t look too happy. Then his mood grew worse. Out came Joey Beauchamp with the Warmaster Title. Joey mocked Tim, pointing out that Tim lost to Remo last week. Joey asked Tim how it felt; losing the Warmaster Title, losing his match, seeing his tag partner beat Skull like nothing. He laughed at Tim’s obvious fury and then strutted out of the arena. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) Much to everyone’s surprise, Wolf Hawkins and Dark Angel stumbled into the arena. They both appeared a little drunk. Wolf told Dark that he had been a little suspicious when Dark asked him to go get a beer, but he was glad they got a chance to clear the air. Dark steered the topic to Darryl Devine. Wolf laughed and said that he had nothing against the guy, but he can be such a weenie at times. Dark laughed uproariously at that and the two slapped each other on the backs before Wolf staggered away. Dark Angel’s demeanor changed immediately. Any trace of intoxication disappeared and he straightened up, opening up his shirt to reveal that he was wearing a wire. He carefully pulled it from his chest and turned to walk away ... .... only to find Ricky Dale Johnson watching him. Ricky got in Dark’s face, accusing him of being a freak and all that. RDJ then challenged Dark to get into the ring with him right now. Dark pointed out that he wasn’t dressed for a match. RDJ said that didn’t matter, he wasn’t picky. He then decked Dark and dragged him out to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the drunken talk; [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] for RDJ’s challenge 9) [B]RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. DARK ANGEL[/B] RDJ was able to exploit Dark Angel’s attire problems by pulling his half-open shirt up over his head. That allowed RDJ to beat on him for a little while. Eventually, though, Dark was able to shed his shirt and went after RDJ. In spite of the fact that he was in his street clothes from the waist down, Dark quickly took control of the match. After battering RDJ around the ring, he nailed the Descent Into Hell. WINNER: [B]Dark Angel [/B]in 10:57 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Backstage, Yoshimi Mushashibo was staring ahead with a scowl on his face. Sarah Eisen hovered around him, explaining that he had a golden opportunity here. He could be the SWF World Heavyweight Champion in a matter of weeks. She said that no one in the SWF had ever won that title so quickly after debuting. She said it would prove his superiority as a wrestler. Would he do it? Yoshimi’s head snapped around so he could stare at her. He finally nodded once and walked away. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) [B]LIBERTY vs. ARCHANGEL (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] This turned out to be a great match. It was clear that Archangel thought that Liberty was going to be a pushover. Jason said that he was justified in believing that, seeing as just last month, both Sam Keith and Yoshimi Mushashibo treated Liberty like some kind of chew toy. But Liberty did not roll over. He fought back, much to the surprise of Archangel and the delight of the crowd. He even appeared poised to win it on more than one occasion, scoring a few near falls that kept the crowd leaping to their feet. Toward the end of the match, the ref was knocked out. Archangel saw this as a great opportunity. He dropped Liberty and then went to ringside, tossing in a chair. When he got back in the ring, though, Liberty was up and had the chair in his hands. He took a few swings at Archangel, who quickly dove out of the ring. Liberty chased him out and around, taking a wild swing with the chair ... just as Archangel swung with a new chair he had retrieved. Both men connected with their blows and knocked the other out. And the ref had just woken up and saw the whole thing. He disqualified both of them. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 13:57 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Again, I think those last two segments really helped us. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Rick Law defeated Eddie Peak [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Christian Faith defeated Skull DeBones [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Dark Angel defeated Ricky Dale Johnson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel ( c) drew with Liberty and so retains [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 1, February 2009[/I] Held at the Minnesota Colisseum in the Mid West Territory 9,393 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of [I]Warzone[/I]. 1) Archangel and Armageddon appeared on screen and taunted Randy Bumfhole. Archangel said he had heard that Randy had been making a lot of noise about how he deserved a title shot. Archangel informed him it was never going to happen. He said that was because he had the SWF running scared, mostly because of his colleagues in Apocalypse. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Well, I ain’t running scared!”[/COLOR] Apocalypse turned around in time to see Randy Bumfhole charge in with a kendo stick. He used the weapon to his advantage, taking down Archangel and Christian Faith quickly. Tim Westybrook caught it before Randy could hit him with it and laughed. Randy did to, then took Tim out with a rapid-fire Enzuigiri. Randy laughed at them and took off running. Archangel recovered and shoved Tim and Christian out the door, screaming for them to catch and destroy Randy. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the taunting; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the attack 2) Richard Eisen was looking over some paperwork when he looked up and saw Dark Angel standing over him. He demanded to know what he wanted. Dark said he wanted to exercise his rematch clause for the North American Championship. He wanted to face Wolf at “Nothing to Lose.” Richard grumbled that it was fine with him, that he’d draw up the contracts and send them over to Dark as soon as he had. Dark Angel leaned in close and demanded to Richard draw up the contracts right now. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]TROY TORNADO vs. RICH MONEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] A pretty good match from these two. Troy put on a dazzling offense that probably would have dropped a lesser man. But Rich was able to weather the storm and then dropped Troy with a well-timed Bank Roll. WINNER: [B]Rich Money [/B]in 6:17 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Rich Money then got a mic and said that he doubted that Rick Law would be in any position to cause him grief, given his recent problems with Chance Fortune. So he said he’d be willing to defend his title against anyone who wanted to fight him at “Nothing to Lose.” Joey Minnesota shortly came out and accepted the open challenge. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the response 5) Speaking of Chance and Rick, the camera found them backstage. Chance Fortune dragged Missy Masterson up to Rick and demanded that he leave his girl alone. Rick asked Missy if he’d been bothering her. Missy dreamily said he hadn’t. Chance didn’t like that at all. He told Rick to back off or he would have to hurt him. Rick laughed that off and said that he’d be willing to meet Chance at “Nothing to Lose” if he wanted. Chance said he’d be there. He then stormed away, dragging Missy away by the arm. Missy kept looking over her shoulder at Rick, stars in her eyes. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) The camera cut to another part of the backstage area. Randy Bumfhole jogged by, turning around to egg Armageddon on. Christian and Tim were in hot pursuit, which only caused Randy to laugh harder. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Dark Angel came out of Richard Eisen’s office with a satisfied grin on his face. He was about to walk away when he bumped into Darryl Devine. Dark said he was glad to find him. He said he had the proof that Darryl wanted. He produced a miniature tape recorder and played a conversation between Dark Angel and Darryl. In an obviously doctored recording, Wolf Hawkins trash-talked Darryl pretty severely (including the “weenie” comment) and it sounded like he really was in cahoots with Apocalypse. Darryl was furious and stormed off, leaving Dark Angel with a satisfied smirk. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. ANGRY GILMORE[/B] This was a pretty fun match. Both men put a lot of effort into it, which I really appreciated. Sadly, it was over before it could really get started as Randy Bumfhole scrambled into the ring, disrupting the match. WINNER: [B]No one (Draw)[/B] in 5:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Randy cowered in the ring as Armageddon came out to get him. Once they were in the ring, though, Randy started laughing. When Christian and Tim demanded to know why, Randy pointed behind them. Zimmy Bumfhole had appeared out of nowhere with two kendo sticks. He tossed one to his brother and the two Bumfholes took down Armageddon. The Bumfholes then got a mic and mocked Archangel, saying that if Apocalypse wanted to fight one Bumfhole, they’d have to fight both. Then Randy said he was going to be a thorn in Archangel’s side for a good long while. Or, at least, until he agrees to the title match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the trap; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the taunting 10) Wolf Hawkins came out to the ring. He said he was itching for a match and he had the perfect opponent in mind. He said he had been really impressed with the way Kid Toma handled himself in the ring against Archangel. He said that while it was true that Kid lost that match, Wolf said he wanted to find out what happened when Kid faced off against him. He called Kid out, saying that he was giving him a shot at the North American Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) [B]WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. KID TOMA [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Great match. Really phenomenal. Both men really kicked it up a notch and had the crowd gasping for most of the match. The match see-sawed back and forth between the two. Finally, Wolf was down and seemingly out. Kid went for the Long-Range Headbutt, only to have Wolf roll out of the way. Kid slammed into the mat and, as soon as he got to his feet, Wolf took him down with the Full Moon Rising. WINNER: [B]Wolf Hawkins [/B]in 11:28 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Wolf Hawkins got his title belt and went to the four corners to show it off to the crowd. That’s when Darryl Devine hit the ring and attacked him. The two exchanged blows until the ref managed to separate them with the help of security. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) The announcers then introduced a video of Eric Eisen and Yoshimi Mushashibo in training. It featured lots of weight lifting, jogging, and some sparring between the two. It even had a little comedy as Yoshimi was bench pressing. Eric kept arguing with Yoshimi to take it easy. Yoshimi refused. So Eric eventually had to take the bar away from him. Yoshimi then caught Eric and bench pressed him. The segment even ended with a shot of Eric reading a magazine while Yoshimi continued to bench press him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) The camera cut to Richard Eisen’s office where he and Sarah watched the video. Sarah and Richard were excited about Yoshimi’s progress and Richard confidently predicted that Yoshimi would tear Archangel to pieces. Sarah giggled in delight, saying that she got all flustered when Richard predicted the demise of Apocalypse. Richard did it again, this time staring at his wife with desire. Sarah whispered huskily for him to do it again. He did, and then leapt on her. Thankfully, the camera cut at that point. RATING:[COLOR="blue"] A*[/COLOR] 15) Joey Beauchamp came out to the ring. He mocked Tim Westybrook once again, saying that he was an idiot for not realizing that Randy Bumfhole was setting him up. He confidently predicted that if he had been chasing Randy, he wouldn’t have been suckered so easily. And then Tim Westybrook came out, murder burning in his eyes. He said he was sick of Joey taunting him. He went on to say that he figured he owed Joey for stealing his Warmaster Title. He said that he had learned his lesson from what Joey did to Steve Frehley a few weeks ago. That’s why he was coming down there to tear Joey apart in a no-holds-barred match! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the taunting and the challenge 16) [B]JOEY BEAUCHAMP (c) vs. TIM WESTYBROOK [/B]in a [COLOR="Purple"]No-Holds Barred match[/COLOR] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] Tim had to chase Joey this time as the Warmaster dodged past the ref, through the ropes, back into the ring again, round and round until Tim caught him and started wailing on him. He tried to get a pin early but found that he couldn’t. Joey’s shoulder kept popping off the mat. Finally, in frustration, he signaled for help. Christian Faith came out and helped Tim double-team Joey for a while. Tim finally told Christian to leave, that he had it covered. Tim tried to pin Joey again, but still, Joey wouldn’t stay down. Frustration began to build in Tim and he tried to set Joey up for the Unstoppable Force. Joey slipped out of it and started to fight back, actually staggering Tim for a brief moment. But then a well-timed kick to the gut shut Joey’s offense down again. Tim started to set Joey up for the Unstoppable Force again, and then the crowd went wild as Remo hit the ring. He pulled Joey free and hit Tim with the Destroyer. Joey quickly dropped on Tim for the pin. WINNER: [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]in 16:36 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 17) After the match, Joey celebrated like he won it himself. He did stop to pat Remo on the shoulder. That proved to be a mistake. Remo caught him in the Destroyer and then left the ring with both Tim and Joey out cold. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Huh. Guess the women managers aren’t too happy with me anymore. Long-time SWF fixture Jessie (the wife of Angry Gilmore) has refused to enter negotiations with me for her contract, saying that she’s angry with me for the way I’ve handled her career. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Rich Money (c) defeated Troy Tornado to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Jack Bruce drew with Angry Gilmore [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Wolf Hawkins (c) defeated Kid Toma to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Joey Beauchamp (c) defeated Tim Westybrook in [COLOR="Purple"]a No-Holds Barred match [/COLOR]for [COLOR="red"]the SWF Warmaster Title [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 2, February 2009[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) Richard Eisen came out to the ring. He said that he had endured Apocalypse long enough. Now, thanks to the genius of his son, Eric, he had a way to deal with them once and for all. He said that he was booking a match for “Nothing to Lose”, the main event, and it would be Archangel defending his World Heavyweight Championship against none other than Yoshimi Mushashibo! The crowd didn’t like the fact that they had to wait and they let Richard know it. Richard told them to calm down, he hadn’t forgotten them. He said that was a prelude to this match, he was booking a tag team match tonight as well. It would be the team of Eric Eisen and Yoshimi Mushashibo versus Archangel and whatever Apocalypse loser wasn’t busy chasing Bumfholes tonight. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] for the first match announcement; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the second 2) Joey Minnesota came out to the ring. He said that he was sorry to have deprived the fans of his good looks and talent for so long but promised that would change. He said that he had asked Richard Eisen for a warm-up match tonight under 10-Minute rules. He wondered who it would be... He got his answer: Bruce the Giant. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 3) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] Joey had his work cut out for him. Most of his punches and moves didn’t even affect Bruce as the larger man tossed him around. But then, after Bruce tried to pin Joey, things turned around. Joey fought back and, much to the surprise of the announcers, actually picked Bruce up for an Empire Spiral! WINNER: [B]Joey Minnesota [/B]in 7:47 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Delirious Dan came out to the ring and called Katharina Stevanovic out to join him. He then gushed about how happy he was to have met her and how wonderful the past several weeks had been. He then dropped to one knee and proposed, suggesting that they get married at “Nothing to Lose.” Katharina was delighted and immediately agreed. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Rick Law was backstage taping up his hands for a match when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and found himself face to face with Missy Masterson. Missy asked if he heard what just happened out in the ring. He said he hadn’t, so Missy filled him in on the details. Much to everyone’s surprise, Missy said she wished Katharina and Dan well. She sighed and said that being in love is wonderful. That made Rick a little uncomfortable. It got worse. Missy presented Rick with a gift, insisting that he open it. He did, discovering that Missy had bought him a hideous bracelet. She insisted he try it on. Rick did. It was hideous. But he put on a brave face and thanked her. She beamed and left. He quickly shed the gift, complaining that its weight would throw him off in the match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) [B]RICK LAW vs. JOE SEXY[/B] Rick and Joe put together a pretty good battle. Then Missy came out to cheer on her man. Rick tried to ignore her, but it was obvious she was distraction. And she cost him the match too. At one point, she hopped up on the ring to protest what she thought was a slow count from the ref. While the ref was distracted, Joe low-blowed Rick and then hit him with a One Night Stand for the pin and the win. WINNER: [B]Joe Sexy [/B]in 8:44 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Archangel appeared on screen and said that most people might quake in their boots at the thought of facing Eric Eisen and Yoshimi Mushashibo in the ring, but not him. He said that he and whoever he found would destroy them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 8) Wolf Hawkins came out to the ring at a full boil, furious with Darryl Devine. He said he was sick of the accusations and the attacks. He said that if Darryl wanted a fight so badly, he’d be more than happy to oblige at “Nothing to Lose”, and he’d even put the North American Title up for grabs. Darryl came out and said that was fine by him, but rather than wait for “Nothing to Lose”, he’d be willing to fight right then and there. He started for the ring... ... only to have Richard Eisen’s music interrupt them. Richard came out and informed them that their match, while a good idea, couldn’t happen since Dark Angel had already signed a contract to face Wolf Hawkins at “Nothing to Lose” for the North American Championship. But, he said, he would talk to Dark Angel and see what they could work out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the response and Richard’s explanation 9) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. THE SAMOAN WILD BOYZ[/B] It was a pretty spectacular match. Both teams put it all on the line and really delivered a solid match. The momentum swung back and forth wildly until finally, Remo dropped Kid Toma with the Destroyer. WINNERS: [B]The Outcasts [/B]in 17:42 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) The Outcasts celebrated their hard fought victory, only to have it cut short as Armageddon attacked them and beat them down. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 11) A video played, showing highlights of how Randy Bumfhole has made Archangel’s life miserable. Jerry Eisen commented that it was too bad his dad booked Yoshimi in that match. He said he would have liked to see Randy and Archangel take each other on. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Eric Eisen and Yoshimi Mushashibo made their way to the ring for the main event. They were followed by Archangel, who came out alone. Eric teased him a little, asking if no one from Apocalypse had the stones to face Yoshimi. Archangel said that he had found a tag team partner ... Yoshimi Mushashibo. Eric stared at him blankly, only to be run over from behind by Yoshimi. Archangel said his partner was the newest member of Apocalypse, the Beast himself. Archangel bullied the ref into starting what was now a handicap match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. ARCHANGEL & YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO [/B] It wasn’t really much of a match. Eric did his best, but Archangel and Yoshimi basically took turns beating the tar out of him. Finally, Yoshimi put Eric in the Yoshimi Lock and cinched it up tight enough that Eric tapped almost immediately. WINNERS: [B]Archangel & Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]in 5:48 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) As Yoshimi kept Eric in the Lock, Archangel had some fun kicking him over the head repeatedly while screaming abuse at him. Then Sarah Eisen charged the ring. She danced around Yoshimi, ordering him to release her son. Archangel laughed at her, so she slapped him. Big mistake. She realized it too and tried to get away, but Archangel caught her by her hair, hefted her up, and slammed her to the mat with a Fall From Grace. While she rolled on the mat moaning, Yoshimi released the hold and then joined Archangel to laugh at the fallen Eisens. Yoshimi punctuated the show by spitting on his manager. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Joey Minnesota and Akima Brave were overused, but the audience left buzzed about what Yoshimi did. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Joey Minnesota defeated Bruce the Giant [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Joe Sexy defeated Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]The Outcasts defeated the Samoan Wild Boyz [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel & Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Eric Eisen [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]SWF Warzone[/B][/SIZE] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 2, February 2009[/I] (The Go-Home Show for [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nothing to Lose”[/COLOR]) Held at Virginia Park Fields in the Mid Atlantic Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of Warzone. Peter wondered what the fallout was going to be after the dramatic ending to Invasion! 1) In a video shot earlier today, Richard Eisen stumbled into his office, looking tired and haggard. He looked over at one corner of the room and demanded, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What do you want?”[/COLOR] Randy Bumfhole stepped forward and said, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“That can wait. How’s Sarah? How is Eric?”[/COLOR] Richard groaned and said that Sarah was still in the hospital pending some more tests. He said that Eric was fine and would actually be at the arena tonight. He collapsed in his chair and shook his head. Randy stepped closer. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Give me the match, Richard. Give me the main event against Archangel.”[/COLOR] Richard laughed and said that it was too late, he had already signed the contracts for Yoshimi Mushashibo to face Archangel for the World Heavyweight Championship. Randy said that was stupid. He said that Archangel would likely have Yoshimi just roll over; it’d be a short match and the fans would riot. He reminded Richard that he was still Chairman of the Board for the SWF; that meant he could void the contract. Richard asked if that wouldn’t cause Yoshimi's manager to complain. Randy smiled. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I think Sarah will forgive you this once.”[/COLOR] Richard blinked, then laughed. He stuck out his hand. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“The match is yours, Randy. Just make sure you stick it to Archangel.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) This was followed by footage from [I]Invasion![/I], showing the attack on Sarah and Eric at the hands of Archangel and Yoshimi. The Fall From Grace looked positively deadly in slow-motion. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 3) Eric Eisen was in the ring. He looked furious. He asked the crowd if they had seen enough. He said that he did. He knows that he can’t face Archangel; he said that he hopes Randy Bumfhole tears Archangel to pieces. But he can face Yoshimi Mushashibo. He demanded that Yoshimi face him in a match so he can pay for what he’s done. Yoshimi came out to the ring entrance with Archangel in tow. Archangel looked just as angry as Eric. He said that it was so convenient that Eric would make this challenge tonight, seeing as his father just terminated the match between Archangel and Yoshimi for “Nothing to Lose”. He said that Yoshimi accepted the challenge, and warned Eric that if he thought he’d seen a monster before, that was nothing compared to what Yoshimi would do to him on Saturday. Archangel then looked into the camera. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And Randy Bumfhole, I’ve had enough of you. You think it’s funny to always be under foot? You think that you’ve got me angry and that will make me easy prey? Let me tell you something, Randy. I may get angry, but when I do, I don’t make mistakes. It makes me meaner. It makes me nastier. It makes me that much harder to beat. And I’ll prove it to you on Saturday ... and tonight. You remember how you said that if Apocalypse fought one Bumfhole, we fought both? Well, put your money where your mouth is. Round up Zimmy and meet Yoshimi and me in the ring tonight!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] for Yoshimi’s acceptance; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for Archangel’s challenge 4) Rich Money and Bruce the Giant came out to the ring for a tag match. Peter explained that Richard Eisen had booked them in a match against Joey Minnesota and any partner Joey could find. Joey came out and said that it was times like these that he missed being in the United States of Annihilation. But, he said, he found the next best thing. He called out his tag partner for the evening ... Rick Law! Needless to say, Rich was not happy about that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 5) [B]RICK LAW & JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICH MONEY & BRUCE THE GIANT[/B] An okay match. Rich did most of the fighting for his team, especially since Bruce is ... well, large enough that overcoming gravity is something of a challenge for him. Bruce was a difference maker a few times, coming in to shut down any offense that Rick or Joey got started. But then Rick Law really took control of the match. It looked like he was going to take Rich Money down for good when Chance Fortune hit the ring. Bruce quickly distracted the ref. Chance knocked Joey Minnesota off his perch and then nailed Rick with the Stroke of Luck. He quickly escaped, which allowed Rich to follow up with the Dollars From Heaven for the pin and the win. WINNERS: [B]Rich Money & Bruce the Giant [/B]in 11:19 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Armageddon appeared on screen. Christian Faith enthusiastically hyped Apocalypse, pointing out how strong they’ve become. Tim Westybrook agreed with him, but you could tell that something was bothering him. At any rate, they boldly predicted that they would still retain the SWF Tag Team Championship at the end of the night at “Nothing to Lose”. And then the Outcasts showed up and beat them silly. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+ [/COLOR]for the hype and the attack 7) Zimmy Bumfhole was jogging around the backstage area a little, obviously stretching out for the main event. He ran into Joey Beauchamp, who started mocking him. Joey said that Zimmy was an idiot for allowing Randy to drag him around by the nose everywhere. Joey predicted that by the end of the week, Randy would be in a hospital bed next to Wanda Fish, Marc DuBois, and Sarah Eisen. Zimmy got in Joey’s face and told him to shut his mouth. He said that Joey talks smack but everyone in the backstage area knows that he can’t back it up. Zimmy said that Joey’s Warmaster Title was a fluke born out of a technicality. He said the only reason he still had it was because Tim Westybrook had been stupid enough to have a no-holds-barred match. Zimmy suggested that when push came to shove, Joey couldn’t win in a fair fight. Joey scoffed at this, so Zimmy pushed more. He suggested that the two of them fight on Saturday. When Joey hesitated, Zimmy reminded him that he couldn’t lose his beloved Warmaster Title, so really, he should take the match because he’s got “Nothing to Lose.” Joey waited for a moment and then burst out with obviously fake laughter, telling Zimmy he was a funny, funny guy. He then said he’d be there on Saturday. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Missy Masterson was in the ring. She said that she had just heard the news that Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic were tying the knot this Saturday. She said it was incredible, such a wonderful whirlwind romance. Then she wondered aloud what kind of wedding gift she should get Katharina. She looked at the camera and said she knew: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Katharina, here’s my present to you: one last match with me. That way you have a chance to make me pay for all the mean things I’ve done since you’ve got here.”[/COLOR] Katharina came out, a suspicious look on her face. She agreed to the match, but you could tell she was looking for a catch the whole way to the ring. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) [B]KATHARINA STEVANOVIC vs. MISSY MASTERSON[/B] It was a slightly above average match. Nothing special. What made it truly entertaining was listening to Emma Chase saying that she was sure that broadcasting Dan and Katharina’s marriage had to violate some sort of FCC policy at least. She also referred to it as a crime against humanity that someone as gorgeous as Dan would marry someone as ugly as Katharina. Almost made fans forget that there was a match to watch. After an okay amount of time, Katharina took Missy down and pinned her. WINNER: [B]Katharina Stevanovic [/B]in 9:18 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 10) After the match was over, Missy went over to Katharina and offered her hand by way of apology. Katharina still looked suspicious but finally shook it. This reconciliation was met by an overwhelming wave of apathy from the crowd. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C[/COLOR] 11) Richard Eisen found Dark Angel backstage. Dark immediately asked him how his wife was. Richard did not look happy but insisted that Dark be serious for a moment. He said that Darryl Devine and Wolf Hawkins were chomping at the bit to fight each other. Richard would like to make the title match a three-way dance, but since it’s Dark’s rematch, he would need his permission. Dark sighed and reluctantly agreed. Richard snapped his thanks and stormed away. Dark then smiled wickedly and started laughing. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]THE FABULOUS BUMFHOLES vs. ARCHANGEL & YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Emma Chase predicted a quick win for Apocalypse. That proved to be too optimistic. This match eventually left the announcers gasping for breath. The Bumfholes simply overwhelmed Archangel and Yoshimi with an aerial offense that relied on speed and agility. It took a while for Apocalypse to recover but when they did, they quickly shut the Bumfholes down. Things dragged out longer than Emma expected, neither side having a clear advantage as Randy managed to slip out of Yoshimi’s grasp before he could get him in the lock and as Zimmy blocked a few Fall From Grace attempts. In the end, though, Archangel was able to take Zimmy down. He very ****ily refused to make the pin, instead dragging Zimmy up for a Fall From Grace. Zimmy came to life and fought his way free, dashing to the corner to knock Yoshimi off the ring corner. He then hit a few quick clotheslines to drop Archangel to the mat. He leapt to the top of the turnbuckle and hit the Bumfhole in One. Before Yoshimi could break the pin, Randy charged in and took him over the top rope. The crowd went wild. WINNERS: [B]The Fabulous Bumfholes [/B]in 16:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Yoshimi was knocked silly when he and Randy spilled out of the ring. But Archangel wasn’t out of the running yet. He tossed Zimmy away and looked ready to kill him. But then Randy got into the ring. The two stared at each other and then charged, exchanging heavy blows. Peter was excited, crying that they wouldn’t have to wait until Saturday. The backstage emptied as refs, officials, and other workers poured into the ring to separate the brawling wrestlers. The show ended with Archangel and Randy isolated in two different corners, screaming abuse at each other while Peter Michaels called for them to fight right now. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] As the show went off the air, the announcers ran down the card for “Nothing to Lose”: [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICH MONEY (c) for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR]) [B]RICK LAW vs. CHANCE FORTUNE [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. ARMAGEDDON (c) for [COLOR="red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]THE WEDDING OF DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP [/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO [/B]([COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR]) [B]WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE vs. DARK ANGEL for [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR]) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. ARCHANGEL (c) for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/B]([COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR]) [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Katharina was overused on this show, but otherwise, not too bad. I think I got lucky. I thought I booked more matches than I did. That last match saved my bacon! FINAL RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Rich Money & Bruce the Giant defeated Rick Law & Joey Minnesota [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] [I]Katharina Stevanovic defeated Missy Masterson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] [I]The Fabulous Bumfholes defeated Archangel & Yoshimi Mushashibo [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] As always, predictions, comments, complaints, it’s all good. Well, maybe not the complaints....
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JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICH MONEY (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) Winner: Rich Money! Joey Minnesota might be the more talented wrestler but Rich Money is a huge Cornellverse name. RICK LAW vs. CHANCE FORTUNE (B) Winner: Rick Law! Rick Law is just a much bigger name than Chance. THE OUTCASTS vs. ARMAGEDDON (c) for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) Winner: Draw! With both Remo and Tim Westybrook turning on their tag team partners! Then forming a tag team with each other. THE WEDDING OF DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC (A) Outcome: Catherine Quine runs in and claims to be married to Delirious Dan. Hell Monkey comes in and claims to be married to Katharina. Champagne Lover arrives to profess his love to Katharina and that he wants her to marry him. Samoan Machine comes in and cleans house. ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP (A) Winner: Joey Beauchamp is on a roll! He's got the Big Mo'. ERIC EISEN vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO (B) Winner: Yoshimi Mushashibo! Unless there's a run in by say Eisako Hoshino, Nobuatso Tatsuko, Onji Taka****a, Kozue Kawashima, or Tadiyukki Kikkawa(Nudge, Nudge, Hint Hint) starting a fued between Yoshimi and another japanese star. WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE vs. DARK ANGEL for the SWF North American Championship (B+) Winner: Anybody but Dark Angel. RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. ARCHANGEL (c) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) Winner: Randy Bumfhole! The man is one of the potential heirs to Cornell's throne. 2007 will it be the Bumfholeverse????
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[B]JOEY MINNESOTA[/B] vs. RICH MONEY (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship ( RICK LAW vs. [B]CHANCE FORTUNE [/B] THE OUTCASTS vs. [B]ARMAGEDDON (c)[/B] for the SWF Tag Team Championship THE WEDDING OF DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC- oh how sweet hope it dosnt end like the archangel one it still brings a tear to my eye ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. [B]JOEY BEAUCHAMP [/B] ERIC EISEN vs. [B]YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE vs. [B]DARK ANGEL[/B] for the SWF North American Championship RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. [B]ARCHANGEL (c)[/B] for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship - who else?
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JOEY MINNESOTA vs. [b]RICH MONEY[/b] (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship (B-) [i]I like both of these guys but I have always been a big fan of heels and Rich is a man who's carried my SWF many times now. Shame he's so low down the card really.[/i] [b]RICK LAW[/b] vs. CHANCE FORTUNE (B) [i] The Lawman to pick up the victory and probably continue the fued with Rich Money for the 10 minute belt.[/i] THE OUTCASTS vs. ARMAGEDDON (c) for the SWF Tag Team Championship (A) [i]Another ridculously tough match to call, I'm going to call it a draw because I can't commit to one side. These two teams are just brutal. [/i] THE WEDDING OF DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC (A) [i]I smell trouble.... someone will be lucky to escape with Katharina by the end of this. [/i] [b]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/b] vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP (A) [i]Go on Zimmy!! You know you're far better than your brother even if PW Hits doesn't agree with me. Get one over on Joey and then see how far you can go after that. [/i] ERIC EISEN vs. [b]YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/b] (B) [i]There is no way on this planet Eric can win this without help. I just hope Yoshi wises up and realises that AA has screwed him out of his title match indefinitely. [/i] WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. [b]DARRYL DEVINE[/b] vs. DARK ANGEL for the SWF North American Championship (B+) [i]I'd be happy with anyone winning this match but want to see Devine get some significant singles gold sometime. Wolf also make sma happy though. [/i] RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. [b]ARCHANGEL[/b] (c) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship (A) [i]Man, I really WANT to say Randy would win this but I just can't see him getting the win here. Having said that, it was me that put Randy and Zimmy up against AA back in the run up to Under Control and now look at how good they are. :) [/i] This looks to be another top notch PPV event and I can't wait to see how things turn out. I just need to remember to vote with my brain more often than I vote with my heart sometimes cos my predictions always suck. :)
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From SWF.com... [QUOTE][CENTER]Be sure to order [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nothing to Lose”[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] this Saturday, exclusively on Pay-Per-View![/CENTER] Featuring the following matches... [B][I]Rich Money defends [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/COLOR]against Joey Minnesota [/I][/B]- Rich has been able to hold on to the title longer than some have expected. Will he be able to add Joey Minnesota to his list of defeats? Or will Joey become the new 10-Minute Champ? [B][I]Rick Law fights Chance Fortune [/I][/B]- Chance is furious over the way his girlfriend Missy Masterson has been behaving around Rick Law. Rick doesn’t seem to share Missy’s feelings, but the misunderstanding is enough to make Chance fighting mad. What will happen when these two get in the ring together? [B][I]The Outcasts try to capture [COLOR="red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship [/COLOR]from Armageddon [/I][/B]- This is the second time these colossal teams have collided in the ring. Will the end result be the same; another win for Apocalypse? Or has Christian Faith and Tim Westybrook’s luck run out? [B][I]Joey Beauchamp dukes it out with Zimmy Bumfhole [/I][/B]- An argument backstage has led to this: a match between two high fliers. Whether it’s Joey or Zimmy that comes up with the pin, the true winners will be the fans in what promises to be a spectacular match! [B][I]Eric Eisen clashes with Yoshimi Mushashibo [/I][/B]- Yoshimi has left a trail of bodies in his wake as he’s risen through the ranks of the SWF, the last being that of his manager, Sarah Eisen. Now Eric is bound and determined to make Yoshimi pay for what he’s done. But does Eric actually have what it takes to beat the newest member of Apocalypse? [B][I]Wolf Hawkins defends his [COLOR="red"]SWF North American Championship [/COLOR]against Darryl Devine and Dark Angel in a three-way match [/I][/B]- Wolf has his hands full. Between the accusations of being in league with Apocalypse and the fact that Dark Angel is added to his mix, his future with the North American Championship looks bleak. But this is the Wrestler of the Year we’re talking about. Will it be enough to save his title? [B][I]Randy Bumfhole takes on Archangel for [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I][/B]- There’s no denying it: Randy Bumfhole has made himself a major nuisance to the leader of Apocalypse. It seems like everywhere that Archangel has gone, Randy has been there to annoy and harass him. Randy’s strategy has worked: he has his title shot. But does Randy actually have what it takes to beat Archangel? Or will Apocalypse claim yet another victim? All this and the wedding of Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic... [CENTER][SIZE="4"]This Saturday on [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nothing to Lose!”[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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JOEY MINNESOTA vs. [B]RICH MONEY[/B] (c) for the SWF 10-Minute Championship [B]RICK LAW[/B] vs. CHANCE FORTUNE Did those two together, as they've got a feud to continue. THE OUTCASTS vs. [B]ARMAGEDDON[/B] (c) for the SWF Tag Team Championship Very hard call, and think it could really go the other way, with Tim then deciding to leave Apocalypse. But I'd rather see the story go another way, so I'll go for a retain. THE WEDDING OF DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC It all goes smoothly, without a hitch. Yeah right. Eddie Peak and Chris Caulfield (now reconciled with each other), destroy the set, demanding to know why their wrestling time is being wasted with this tosh. Maybe they've got a vallet as well. [B]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE[/B] vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP Non-title? Zimmy to win then! ERIC EISEN vs. [B]YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] I hope. I can see Eisen winning and then take down Archangel at the next PPV, causing you to walk out of SWF. But I hope not. WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE vs. [B]DARK ANGEL[/B] for the SWF North American Championship He loves it when a plan comes together, and it's looking like a god night for Apocalypse... [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE[/B] vs. ARCHANGEL (c) for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship ...until Archangel loses his title to Randy.
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[CENTER]SWF presents... [SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nothing to Lose”[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [I]Saturday of Week 2, February 2009[/I] Held at the H. Jones Building in the Great Lakes Territory 23,374 in attendance; Buy-Rate of 430,287[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Peter Michaels, and Emma Chase welcomed us to the show. 1) Things started off with a video hyping Apocalypse. It started with Archangel, interspersing images of him glaring at the camera with footage of him destroying opponents. Next came Yoshimi Mushashibo, showing footage of various workers tapping to the Yoshimi Lock. Next was Armageddon, showing them firing off high-powered finishers. Finally, Dark Angel graced the screen, showing his high flying prowess. The video finished with the five members of Apocalypse standing shoulder to shoulder, intensity burning in their eyes. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Eric Eisen was in the ring. He pointed to the big screen and said that the footage made Apocalypse look very frightening. He said that someone would have to be nuts to go up against them. But, he said he had to. He reminded folks of what happened when no one stood up to Karma; they wound up running roughshod over the SWF for months. Eric said that evil can only win when good people do nothing. So that’s why he’s going up against Yoshimi Mushashibo tonight. He has to. He has to for his father. He has to for his mother. He has to for his sister. He has to for the fans. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 3) [B]JOEY MINNESOTA vs. RICH MONEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] A pretty good match to kick off the start of the show. Joey was on fire tonight, tearing into Rich and scoring the first near fall. But Rich was able to fight back and finally took Joey down with a Bank Roll. WINNER: [B]Rich Money [/B]in 8:51 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) It’s time for the wedding! Dan came out in a tux, looking nervous and excited. Then Katharina made her entrance and even Emma had to admit that she didn’t look too bad. Things got under way. The priest went through the opening statements about how marriage is not to be entered into lightly, how it’s meant to be a life-long commitment, and how it is intended, if it is God’s will, for the procreation of children. At that point, Emma nearly gagged, asking, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Can you imagine what Katharina’s children would look like?”[/COLOR] Jerry told her to hush. Then the priest got to the part where he asked if anyone objected. A few of the audience members did, but not many. But then Blonde Bombshell’s music hit. Bombshell came out looking furious. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Dan, how can you do this to me?”[/COLOR] Dan looked utterly confused. That only made Bombshell start to cry. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“You mean you don’t remember? You don’t remember how a year ago, after an SWF house show in Vegas, you and I went out and got married? You swore that you would always love me and this is how you repay me?”[/COLOR] Jerry was shocked. Emma said she was relieved, saying that Bombshell would make a better wife for Dan anyway. Bombshell then revealed she had a present for Dan, something to help jog his memory. Flex and Pex hit the ring and attacked Dan, beating him down and finally dropping him through the wedding trellis. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] for the wedding and the attack 5) Randy Bumfhole appeared on screen. He was very somber. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You know, usually I’d crack a joke or throw an insult before a match. But not tonight. Instead, I want to tell you a story. “I was six years old and my parents surprised me by buying ‘The Supreme Challenge’ for my birthday party. I can remember gathering around the TV with my friends, excited about what we were going to see. Do you guys remember the main event for ‘The Supreme Challenge’ from 1991? I do. It was Rip Chord defending the SWF World Heavyweight Championship against Sam Strong. I remember sitting in awe as those two fought for what seemed like an eternity. I remember screaming with my friends as Sam Strong came close to winning the title, and booing when Rip Chord came out victorious. But I also remember that day because it was then, sitting in my living room watching the SWF, that I realized I wanted to be a wrestler someday. I wanted to be in the main event. I wanted to become the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. “And here I am. It may not be ‘The Supreme Challenge’, but I’ve made it. I’m about to go out and fight for the World Heavyweight Championship. It’s an honor. It’s a dream come true. And the fact that I get to stomp on Archangel in the process is just gravy. Archangel, shine up the belt for me. It’s not going to be yours for long.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) [B]RICK LAW vs. CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] Rick Law was accompanied to the ring by Missy Masterson, who took it upon herself to actually dress in a scandalous cheerleader’s outfit. The fans didn’t seem to mind too much, but Rick looked mortified. The match itself was very intense. Chance didn’t want to just beat Rick; he wanted to hurt him. Rick, though, managed to stay one step ahead of Chance the whole match. The one time Chance actually got a pin, Rick kicked out after a two count. But then Missy hopped up on the apron to cheer for Rick. The ref went over to tell her to get down. She didn’t, but Chance forced her two. He ran over and actually delivered a short-arm clothseline to Missy over the top rope. The ref was furious and started to lecture Chance on what he did. Rick stood in the middle of the ring, watching the argument. That’s when Bruce the Giant hit the ring. [COLOR="DarkGreen"] “What is he doing here?” [/COLOR]Peter Michaels cried? It soon became obvious. Bruce hefted up Rick and delivered a Giant Choke-Slam. Bruce then got out of there before the ref could turn around. Chance took advantage of the situation, standing Rick up so he could drop him with a Stroke of Luck. Chance made the pin while Jerry Eisen screamed, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Not like this! Not like this!”[/COLOR] WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 9:56 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Darryl Devine appeared on screen. He said that he had been a sucker for too long, just like all the fans. He said that he had always cheered on Wolf Hawkins and hoped that he would be a star. He said that he had been delighted when Wolf was named the Wrestler of the Year. But no more. He said that he was sick of Wolf’s lies and duplicity. He was going to go out there and destroy him and take the North American Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 8) The Outcasts were in the ring. They said it was interesting to note that most of the time, Apocalypse didn’t cut their promos in the ring. They said that they preferred to be in darkened rooms, usually boiler rooms for some odd reason. Skull had a theory as to why that was: they didn’t speak from the ring because they weren’t actually comfortable in the ring. It wasn’t their natural element, so they skulked around the backstage area and only came out to the ring when they had to. Remo took over and said that was a shame, since the Outcasts were comfortable in the ring. More than that. They were at home. He said that he and Skull yearned to feel the rope on their skin after an Irish whip. They loved the smell of the mat. The roar of the crowd coursed through their veins. That’s why tonight, they were going to destroy Armageddon and win their titles back. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. ARMAGEDDON (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] The fans were on their feet for most of this match. Lots of power moves, lots of nail-biting suspense. Both teams scored near falls, much to the frustration of the crowd. In the end, Armageddon was able to get the win with some rather underhanded tactics. Remo had dropped Christian Faith when Tim Westybrook charged in and broke up the pin. Skull came in to fight, but the ref forced him back into his corner, which only resulted in a lengthy argument. During the distraction, Christian recovered and low-blowed Remo, rolling him up. The ref turned and dropped to the mat, making the count, oblivious that Christian had a handful of Remo’s tights. WINNER: [B]Armageddon[/B] in 14:45 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 10) Christian and Tim bailed out of the ring and got the mic. Christian mocked Skull and Remo, saying that they may be at home in the ring, but obviously, Armageddon was still better than them. Tim, oddly, seemed upset about something. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Archangel appeared on screen. He glared at the camera. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“You know, Randy, I think it’s sweet that tonight is a dream come true for you. No, I do. I know what it’s like to have dreams, but in my case, I haven’t had many of them come true. “I dreamed of getting married to a beautiful woman. Instead, I was left at the altar by Emma Chase and told that I had been used to get her her job. “I dreamed of having a successful career in a major wrestling promotion. Instead, I wound up getting canned because I lost one match, and every time I tried to get back in, I was denied. And finally, when I did make it, I found out that I was only brought back to be Richard Eisen’s tool. “Here’s the harsh truth, Randy, and it’s high time you learned it: dreams die hard deaths in the real world. In some ways, I’m sorry that I’ll have to teach you this. But in others, I’m going to love turning your dreams into a nightmare.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) [B]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] These two put on a spectacular match. Truly top notch. It even had Emma grudgingly conceding that if Randy can do half as good of a job as Zimmy, Archangel was in serious trouble. Both men took to the air for some high spots that caused some of the fans to actually cover their eyes for fear that they were going to see one of them get injured. Joey performed a spectacular moonsault off the top turnbuckle to the outside of the ring at one point, taking down Zimmy and leaving them both groaning on the floor. But in the end, Zimmy wound up missing a Bumfhole in One. Joey rolled him over and slapped him in a Figure Four, using the ropes for additional leverage. WINNER: [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]in 15:34 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Jason Azaria was backstage with Wolf Hawkins. He asked him for his thoughts about his upcoming match against Darryl Devine and Dark Angel. Wolf said he didn’t have many thoughts about either of them. He said that he was sick of Darryl’s accusations and Dark Angel’s ... well, face (not a brilliant interview by any stretch of the imagination). RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 14) A video played, highlighting Yoshimi Mushashibo’s path of destruction through the SWF. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) [B]ERIC EISEN vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Eric had an intensity in his eyes that Jerry said he had never seen in his brother. Peter suggested that it was probably that he felt the weight of his mother and sister’s injuries and the expectations of his father on his shoulders. Emma wryly pointed out that much baggage would only hold him down. That proved incorrect. Eric kicked things up a notch and really impressed the fans with his intensity. In the early going of the match, Yoshimi didn’t seem able to touch Eric. Eric kept moving, kept striking from the ropes and the air until Yoshimi stopped him cold with a big boot. Things progressed from there, both men getting in offense. Finally, Eric put on one last burst of energy and nailed the Silver Spoon Shock. He rolled Yoshimi up and the ref started the count. At two and a half, Yoshimi kicked out. Well, that’s not entirely accurate. He snared Eric and the two rolled around the mat for a while. When they came to a halt, they were in the middle of the ring and Yoshimi had Eric in the Yoshimi Lock! Eric screamed in agony but refused to tap out. He tried to struggle out of it, but it was no good. He tried to inch to the ropes, but Yoshimi held him firmly in place. Eventually even Jerry was shouting for his brother to tap out. Eric refused. Instead, his eyes fluttered and his head drooped. The ref checked him and declared the match over. WINNER: [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]in 15:54 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) Paramedics had to come and get Eric out of the ring. Richard sprinted to his son’s side and followed the stretcher all the way back. He looked near tears as Eric was loaded in the back and the ambulance roared away. Richard stood there watching until a voice cut through the silence. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Are you happy now?”[/COLOR] He turned and found Sarah Eisen watching him. He tried to say something, but Sarah cut him off. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“How many times has an Eisen or one of our friends had to leave an arena in an ambulance in the past couple of months, Richard? How long are you going to let Archangel and his buddies stomp on us?” [/COLOR]Richard tried to answer, but Sarah wouldn’t listen. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No! This has gone on long enough! You know what you have to do.”[/COLOR] Richard paled. He shook his head. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No. Absolutely not. There’s no way in hell that I’m going to do that!”[/COLOR] Sarah took a step closer to him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Then it’s a good thing that I already have.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 17) [B]WOLF HAWKINS (c) vs. DARRYL DEVINE vs. DARK ANGEL[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Another spectacular match. The audience isn’t getting much of a chance to catch their breath, but I think they’ll be okay with that. Darryl and Wolf seemed perfectly content to tear each other apart. It often seemed like they were ignoring Dark Angel. Dark seemed okay with that, stepping in occasionally to break a pinning combination. Eventually, though, all three of them were fighting each other. Lots of high spots from Wolf and Dark. Lots of brilliant power moves by Darryl. Finally, Darryl managed to get Wolf tied up in the top and middle ropes. He turned to deal with Dark, only to get kicked in the gut. Then Dark hit the Descent into Hell for the pin and the win while Wolf screamed in frustration. WINNER: [B]Dark Angel [/B]in 19:01 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 18) A video played, highlighting the path that Randy Bumfhole and Archangel had taken to the main event tonight. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 19) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. ARCHANGEL (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] A perfect cap for what I think was an excellent show. The announcers attributed Randy’s newfound intensity to the culmination of his dreams. He really looked like a potential champion in the match, keeping the fight on Archangel the whole time. Archangel, though, looked extremely dangerous as well. Peter Michaels made a comment that he would probably be having nightmares of Archangel, especially after the latter’s forehead was busted open after Randy drove him into the ringpost while the two were fighting outside. Eventually, Randy was able to get Archangel up and dropped him into a Bumfhole Buster. Archangel lay still as Randy made the pin. The ref got to two when Archangel kicked out. Randy could hardly believe it. Archangel slowly got to his feet and tried to fight back. Randy kept after him and eventually nailed a second Bumfhole Buster. And this time, Archangel kick out at two and three-quarters. Randy stared at his opponent with wide eyes as Archangel slowly stood, laughing at Randy’s shock. Randy tried again, knocking Archangel around the ring. But this time, Archangel blocked the Bumfhole Buster and instead, whipped Randy around and into a devastating Fall From Grace. Archangel dropped on Randy. WINNER: [B]Archangel[/B] in 25:27 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 20) Archangel stumbled around the ring, clearly exhausted and maybe a little loopy from the blood loss. The announcers discussed the match a little: JERRY: [COLOR="DarkGreen"]It’s disappointing to see Randy lose like this.[/COLOR] PETER: [COLOR="darkgreen"]Well, he has nothing to be ashamed of. It was a hard fought victory and Randy should be proud of what he accomplished. Even though he didn’t actually win, he’ll be a champion in many fans’ eyes now.[/COLOR] EMMA: [COLOR="darkgreen"]That’s sweet, but you’re only a champ if you actually, you know, get a championship belt? Randy didn’t, and...[/COLOR] Something rattled the mic at that point and Emma gasped in shock. The crowd went wild. Joel Kovach had slid under the bottom rope. For a split second, time seemed to freeze as Archangel stared at Joel in shock. Then Joel leapt forward and started wailing on Archangel. The champ could only shrink back and try to cover himself as the blows rained down on him. Then Joel tripped him up and tried to get him in the Kovach Krippler. Archangel kicked himself free and got out of the ring. He retreated up the ramp, his eyes wide, as Joel stepped to the nearest rope and leaned on the top, grinning at Archangel. That’s the final image that the fans saw as the show ended. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] I was informed that once again, the fans didn’t think there were enough storylines to follow. I don’t think it hurt our final rating too badly, but I suspect that if this note hadn’t popped up, we’d have done just a touch better, given the ratings of the final matches. Oh well. Still a good show. But we did get some bad news on the competition front. The SWF is no longer the only global promotion. No, it wasn’t TCW. NOTBPW had a Pay-Per-View tonight as well. It rated a B+, but it was enough to kick them to Global. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from [I][COLOR="DarkRed"]“Nothing to Lose”[/COLOR][/I][/U] [I]Rich Money (c) defeated Joey Minnesota to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune defeated Rick Law [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Armageddon ( c) defeated the Outcasts to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF Tag Team Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Joey Beauchamp defeated Zimmy Bumfhole [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Eric Eisen [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Dark Angel defeated Darryl Devine and Wolf Hawkins (c) to capture [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Archangel (c) defeated Randy Bumfhole to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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At the beginning of the event, I'm holding up a Hell Monkey=Ratings sign I'm chanting "What a letdown" after Blonde Bombshell appeared at the wedding I'm booing Flex and Pecs after they appear I'm chanting dump the old Foggies at Remo and Tim Westybrook during their match referring to Faith and DeBones I'm holding up an Unbreakable Sleeper > Yoshimi Lock signs during Yoshimi's match I'm chanting Wanda Fish during Archangel's match
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 3, February 2009[/I] Held at the Connecticut Symphony Hall in the New England Territory 9,850 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of Invasion!, following what Jerry called a memorable Pay-Per-View, if not for the many quality matches, then for one reason.... 1) A video played, filled with action shots from Joel Kovach’s career. Intense moves, high energy promos, all of it building to Joel silhouetted in the ring from behind with the words, “He’s back” floating beneath him. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 2) The camera cut backstage to Apocalypse’s locker room. Christian Faith, Tim Westybrook, and Dark Angel are bickering among themselves while Yoshimi Mushashibo glared at them from a corner. Tim, for example, was upset that Yoshimi got second billing in the Apocalypse video that started the show on Saturday. He wanted to know why he wasn’t mentioned after Archangel. This set off a flurry of angry discussion that ended when Archangel stormed into the room. He snapped at them to stop fighting. He said that with Joel Kovach back in the SWF, they were going to have their hands full. He said he needed them focused and ready for anything. They glumly fell silent. Yoshimi snarled something and then stormed out of the room... ... coming face to face with Sarah Eisen. They stared at each other for a while before Sarah started speaking. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yoshimi, you made a costly mistake. I don’t take kindly to people spitting on me, figuratively and especially not literally. You may think you’re on the winning team, but let me tell you, you’re all going down. And I am going to dance on Apocalypse’s grave when it’s all over.”[/COLOR] She then walked away, leaving Yoshimi to glare after her. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the arguing; [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for the confrontation 3) Rich Money, Bruce the Giant, and Chance Fortune came out to the ring together. Rich said that he was proud to announce that his little crew had a new member, namely Chance Fortune. He said that Chance saw the benefit of having two friends like Rich and Bruce watch his back from here on out and took it. Rich then showed off the 10-Minute Championship belt, saying that he proved that he had what it took to be a champ. He said he’d prove it tonight, too, by defending it against any comers. Much to everyone’s surprise (especially Jason Azaria’s), strange entrance music started up. We soon learned whose it was: Eric Tyler, formerly of TCW, came out to take the challenge! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] for the alliance; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the open challenge 4) [B]ERIC TYLER vs. RICH MONEY (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] It was an intense match, especially since Chance and Bruce continued to circle the ring. Eric did a great job in his debut match with us, taking the fight to Rich so well that eventually, Rich dumped him out to ringside. Bruce and Chance leapt at the opportunity and attacked Eric, beating him pretty savagely. The ref was furious and ordered them to leave the ringside area. They argued with him, refusing to leave. That’s when Rick Law came out of the crowd. He dove into the ring and attacked Rich, taking him down with a Squad Car Slam. He then got out of there. The ref succeeded in getting rid of Bruce and Chance and turned around, surprised to find Rich down and out. Eric was just as surprised, but he shrugged and picked Rich up, putting him in the Tradition Lift. Rich offered no resistance and the ref ordered the match over. WINNER: [B]Eric Tyler [/B]in 8:58 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Jason Azaria caught up with Eric Tyler backstage and welcomed him to the SWF. He asked him what he was doing here. Eric said that he had been watching the SWF programming and was disgusted by what he saw. He said that the SWF was one of the oldest wrestling promotions in the United States, and yet he saw a distinct lack of respect for tradition, what with Karma and Apocalypse and Wanda Fish being champ and all. He said he had come to restore some of the good old traditions and make things the way they used to be. He said that he had a good start tonight, and that others should expect to see more traditions coming back soon. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) Wolf Hawkins was in the ring, steamed about losing the North American Championship to Dark Angel. He said that Dark obviously snowed him and he admits that it was his own fault at being fooled. But he went on to say that he was going to exercise his rematch clause. He wants a shot at his old title again! Dark came out and said that was only fair, but he warned Wolf not to expect to get the title back. Dark said it was fine just where it was. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the response 7) A video played, reminding folks of how Blonde Bombshell broke up Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic’s wedding, and how Flex and Pex punctuated it by attacking the should-have-been newlyweds. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 8) [B]DELIRIOUS DAN & KATHARINA STEVANOVIC vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] Blonde Bombshell escorted Flex & Pex out to the ring. It was an okay match overall. Both Dan and Katharina seemed determined to punish Flex and Pex for what they did. But in the end, Pex took down Dan with a handful of tights. WINNERS: [B]Flex & Pex [/B]in 7:33 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 9) Richard Eisen came out to the ring. He said that if anyone who missed the Pay-Per-View or the opening moments of Invasion! were wondering, it’s true: Joel Kovach has returned to the SWF. He said he wasn’t too sure if he was happy about that. But, he said, he was definitely going to take advantage of the situation. He was booking a match for “Awesome Impact”. It would be Joel Kovach vs. Archangel for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship in an “I Quit” Match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Chris Caulfield and Ricky Dale Johnson came out to the ring and said that they wanted to add to Apocalypse’s bad day. They challenged Armageddon to a match. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 11) [B]CHRIS CAULFIELD & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. ARMAGEDDON[/B] This was a great match. Armageddon looked hungry for another win, but Chris and Ricky proved difficult to deal with. In the end, RDJ took Tim down with a Southern Justice. WINNERS: [B]Chris Caulfield & Ricky Dale Jo[/B]hnson in 11:28 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) Backstage, Christian and Tim started arguing about whose fault it was that they lost. Christian pointed out that he should have known the Southern Justice was coming; Tim said that Christian should have broken up the pin. The argument ended with both of them glaring at each other. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 13) Randy Bumfhole came out to an enthusiastic ovation. He said he wasn’t sure he deserved it, but he thanked the crowd. He admitted to being a little disappointed with himself for letting the World Heavyweight Championship slip through his fingers. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“But the way I see it, I did okay. Sure, I didn’t win, but I put up a good fight. Besides, I’m only 24. I’ve got plenty of time to get that title. It will happen eventually. You can bank on it!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]RANDY BUMFHOLE vs. BOB CARLSON[/B] Sadly, Bob’s general lack of stamina dragged this match down a little. Bob put up a good fight, but in the end, Randy overwhelmed him and dropped him with a Bumfhole Buster. WINNER: [B]Randy Bumfhole [/B]in 13:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 15) Richard Eisen was watching the main event on his monitor when the door to his office was kicked in. Archangel stormed in. Richard tried to escape, but Archangel blocked him. Archangel demanded to know who Richard Eisen thought he was. He reminded Richard that he had brought him back into the SWF to get rid of Joel Kovach, and now he brought Joel back? And he booked a title defense for “Awesome Impact” already? Archangel said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t break you in half right now.”[/COLOR] Richard said he had one. He pointed over Archangel’s shoulder. Archangel turned around just in time to catch a boot to his jaw. Joel Kovach was all over him, kicking and punching until Archangel lay moaning on the floor. Joel stared down at him silently, his eyes blazing. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Not too bad. The Main Event kind of cost us a little, but that’s okay. Although I’m never comfortable tying with TCW for show ratings... FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Eric Tyler defeated Rich Money (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- A [I]Flex & Pex defeated Delirious Dan & Katharina Stevanovic [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]C+[/COLOR] [I]Chris Caulfield & Ricky Dale Johnson defeated Armageddon [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Randy Bumfhole defeated Bob Carlson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF War[/SIZE][/B]zone [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 3, February 2009[/I] Held at Louisiana Auditorium in the South East Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to another edition of Warzone. 1) Joey Beauchamp was in the ring looking furious. He reminded the audience that he was the SWF Warmaster, that this past Saturday, he had a brutal, unforgettable match against Zimmy Bumfhole, one that’s sure to be mentioned prominently in the history books, but what is everyone talking about? The return of Joel Kovach! Joey complained bitterly about how Joel was a nobody, that the only reason he made a name for himself at all was because Joey wasn’t around to stop him. He finally called Joel to come out and prove why he was so good. Surprisingly, Joel made his way to the ring with a ref following. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Joey trash-talked Joel for about half a minute. Then Joel slapped him and slammed him to the mat with an Old School Drop. He covered a stunned Joey and the ref made the three count. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 0:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) Joel started to leave the ring, but Joey was on his feet, complaining that he wasn’t ready and that it wasn’t fair. He said that if he was ready, Joel wouldn’t be able to do that again. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP[/B] Joey took a swing at Joel. Joel ducked it, grabbed Joey, tripped him, and then had him in the Kovach Krippler. Joey tapped out almost immediately. As short as these two matches are, it was clear that these two didn’t have good chemistry together. Pity. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach [/B]in 1:45 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) As Joel left the ring, the announcers set up a video that showed Joel Kovach attacking Archangel in Richard Eisen’s office. The announcers said that Archangel claimed he had to see a doctor to make sure Joel didn’t injure him, so he wouldn’t be in the arena tonight. Duane Fry speculated he was just a coward. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 6) Joey Beauchamp stormed into the backstage area, snapping at the workers who got in his way. He stomped down a hall and then stopped when he heard someone laughing at him. He turned and found Zimmy Bumfhole almost doubled over in laughter. Joey demanded to know what was so funny. Zimmy said that he didn’t know if their match at “Nothing to Lose” would set any records, but he was sure that Joey’s two matches had: fastest loss. Joey exploded, screaming at Zimmy that it wasn’t funny and reminding him that he beat him at “Nothing to Lose”. And he’d be more than willing to do it again. Zimmy smiled lazily and agreed, suggesting that they meet next week. He patted Joey’s Warmaster belt and said to make sure to bring that along. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) The Outcasts came out to the ring. They mocked Armageddon for the way they lost to Chris Caulfield and Ricky Dale Johnson earlier this week. They also reminded them of how they had to cheat to win their match at “Nothing to Lose”. Remo suggested that they have one last match. The Outcasts promised that if they didn’t win the titles this time, they would leave Armageddon alone forever. Armageddon came out and accepted the match, predicting that they would hand Remo and Skull their third loss. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] for the challenge; [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] for the response 8) [B]RICK LAW vs. RICH MONEY[/B] The announcers said that Rich Money was still sore from losing his 10-Minute Championship and wanted to take it out on Rick Law. They put on a spectacular show, but it ended with Rick dropping Rich with a Squad Car Slam. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 10:37 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) Before Rick could get out of the ring, Bruce the Giant and Chance Fortune charged in and attacked him. Rich joined the beatdown and the announcers began to worry that they would seriously hurt him. Then Missy Masterson came screaming down to the ring. She dove under the bottom rope and threw herself over Rick’s fallen body. She begged and pleaded with them to leave him alone. Rich and Bruce found this very funny and left the ring. Chance glared at Missy but followed them out. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) Backstage, Delirious Dan chased Katharina Stevanovic down. Katharina was crying bitterly. Dan said he was sorry that they lost the match against Flex & Pex earlier this week. Katharina yelled at him, calling him a few names in languages I don’t understand (hopefully when the episode plays in Europe, we won’t get nasty mail). She told him she was upset because he was married to Blonde Bombshell. Dan insisted that he didn’t realize he was. He said that a bunch of the wrestlers went out drinking after that house show. He admitted to getting completely slammed. He said that he woke up the next day and couldn’t remember a thing from the night before. He told Katharina not to worry, that he loved only her. She calmed down, but she still looked pretty upset. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 11) Sarah Eisen came out to the ring and addressed Yoshimi Mushashibo. She reminded him of the old proverb that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She said that Yoshimi did worse than that to her, and now he was going to pay. She had convinced Richard to book him in a handicap match against the two men who humiliated Armageddon earlier this week, Chris Caulfield and Ricky Dale Johnson. She begged them to do the same to her former client. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 12) [B]CHRIS CAULFIEND & RICKY DALE JOHNSON vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Chris and Ricky didn’t waste any time, both of them jumping Yoshimi the minute he stepped into the ring. Emma scoffed at such cowardly behavior, but Peter Michaels said that when facing Yoshimi, sometimes the rules had to be bent a little. The ref quickly broke up the fight and got Chris Caulfield out of the ring. Ricky didn’t let up on Yoshimi at all. He kept after him, tagging in Chris after a few minutes to allow his partner to work Yoshimi over a little. They continued to tag in and out, doing their best to keep Yoshimi off balance and it looked to be working, so much so that Duane Fry predicted that we might actually see Yoshimi’s first clean loss in the SWF. That wasn’t to be. Yoshimi had a sudden burst of energy while fighting Chris Caulfield. He fought back and knocked Ricky from his perch, where he fell and slammed into Jennifer Heat. The two collapsed into a heap on the floor. Yoshimi then worked over Chris, who tried to hit a Danger Drop out of desperation. Yoshimi blocked the attempt and dropped Chris to the mat with the Yoshimi Lock. WINNER: [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo [/B]in 11:50 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) A video played, hyping the main event, Dark Angel vs. Wolf Hawkins for the North American Championship. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]WOLF HAWKINS vs. DARK ANGEL (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Spectacular match, but not surprising with these two in the ring. The crowd was on their feet for most of the match, screaming for more at every turn. Wolf started things off in control, his anger fueling his intensity. Dark had a hard time keeping up with Wolf and paid an early price for it. He had foolishly gone up to the top turnbuckle after stunning Wolf for a moment for some sort of high-flying move. We never found out what it was; Wolf shoved one of his feet, causing him to fall and hit the turnbuckle ... well, groin-first. Wolf then leapt up and super rana-ed him off the top rope. Wolf dove onto Dark but only got a two count for his efforts. Dark slowly recovered and soon took the fight to Wolf. The battle raged through the ring until finally, Dark managed to shut down Wolf’s offense and put him away with a Descent into Hell. WINNER: [B]Dark Angel [/B]in 16:58 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 15) Dark Angel tried to savor his victory, but couldn’t. Darryl Devine came out and told him that he shouldn’t relax, because Richard Eisen had agreed to give him a shot at the North American Championship for next week on Invasion! Dark looked disgusted at the news. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Interesting show for two reasons: I was shocked that Katharina and Dan actually had an A-rated segment! I think that might be the first time for either of them! I’m a little disappointed that Joey and Joel have bad chemistry together. I thought this could lead to a feud in the future, but I guess not. Oh well. Plenty of stuff for both men to do in the meantime. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Joey Beauchamp (twice!)[/I] - [COLOR="blue"]B+ & B[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law defeated Rich Money [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Chris Caulfield & Ricky Dale Johnson [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Dark Angel (c) defeated Wolf Hawkins to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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From ProWrestlingHits.com - [QUOTE][B][I]Title change in TCW [/I][/B]- Insiders speculate that NOTBPW’s rise to global status has shaken up Tommy Cornell a bit too much. At the last episode of TCW TV at the Evanovich Riverside, Tommy defeated Squeaky McClean for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship.[/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 4, February 2009[/I] Held at Evanovich Riverside in the Tri State Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) Archangel came out to the ring to a chorus of boos, catcalls, and people calling him a coward. He said that the doctors said he was just fine, thank you very much. But, he said, he realized something. Here he had been nervous about Joel Kovach’s return when he really didn’t need to be. He said seeing Joel in the ring and feeling his blows jarred him, but once he settled down, he realized that he really didn’t have anything to fear from Joel. Why? Because of one of the members of Apocalypse. Yoshimi Mushashibo joined Archangel in the ring. Archangel introduced Yoshimi to Joel, saying that Yoshimi was unlike anyone that Joel had ever wrestled before. He described the Yoshimi Lock as being the most devastating submission hold ever invented, much worse than Joel’s pitiful Krippler. Archangel pointed out the number of people the Yoshimi Lock has put in the hospital, then said that there was one more name they could add to the list, because Yoshimi wanted Joel in the ring tonight! Archangel warned Joel to be there for the main event, because if he wasn’t, Yoshimi would hunt him down backstage and then things would be worse. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) Eric Tyler came out to the ring and talked about the Good Old Days, about how wrestling was better then. He said that workers knew their place, that fans were more respectful, and that traditional values reigned supreme, like honesty and fair play. He said that was why he was so grateful to be the SWF 10-Minute Champ. He said it would give him an opportunity to teach [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“these young punks”[/COLOR] who spit all over tradition some respect. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 3) [B]ROBERT OXFORD vs. ERIC TYLER (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Jerry Eisen found it odd that the first “young punk” Eric was going to teach a lesson to was Robert Oxford. Jerry pointed out that Robert was a veteran worker who might actually agree with everything that Eric said. Jason Azaria told Jerry to be quiet, saying that he needed to learn some respect as well. It was a very good match. For someone who promotes fair play and honesty, Eric really cheated a lot. Thumbs to the eye, rolling out of the ring to slow things down, even a temper tantrum after a two count. Finally, though, while the ref was checking on Robert, Eric managed to pull the padding off a turnbuckle. He then whipped Robert back-first into the exposed steel and then put him in the Tradition Lift. Robert quickly tapped out. WINNER: [B]Eric Tyler [/B]in 6:52 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) The camera cut backstage where we saw Sam Keith watching the previous match on a monitor. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 5) Darryl Devine was backstage. He said that he had finally watched the tapes from the past month and realized how badly Dark Angel had played him. He said he felt stupid, but at least he was going to get the opportunity to make Dark play for what he did. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 6) Blonde Bombshell appeared on screen. Tearfully, she said that she wished she didn’t have to do this. She said she had videotape proof that she and Dan were married, saying that the wedding chapel they went to had a video camera installed and that it had recorded everything. The camera cut to grainy footage of a clapboard chapel with drooping paper streamers and, predictably, Elvis as the minister. Dan and Bombshell stumbled into the chapel. While Bombshell looked pleasantly buzzed, Dan was fall-down drunk. He brazenly sang the wedding march theme to the on-lookers and then said that he didn’t want to get married by Elvis. He said that it was beneath him as a wrestler. He asked if the minister had any different get-ups. The minister came back a few moments later, dressed up as Sam Strong. Dan said that was perfect. The minister even did a half-decent Sam Strong impersonation., calling marriage a [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“holy headlock”[/COLOR]. About halfway through the ceremony, Dan interrupted, saying that he wrote his own vows. He stumbled and slurred through them, but in them, he promised to always be faithful to Blonde Bombshell and her [COLOR="darkgreen"]“slammin’ bod”[/COLOR]. He then laid a sloppy kiss on her. We cut back to Bombshell, whose mascara had run down her cheeks. She told Dan that he may not have taken those promises seriously, but she had. That was why she wasn’t going to rest until she had him back. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) [B]JACK BRUCE vs. CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] Chance seemed very confident going out to the ring. He didn’t seem at all concerned, even as it looked like Jack Bruce was going to score a pretty easy win. But then Bruce the Giant lumbered out to ringside. That threw Jack off for a split second, allowing Chance to regain control. Bruce never got involved; but his continued presence obviously intimidated Jack to the point that Chance hit the Stroke of Luck and made the pin. WINNER: [B]Chance Fortune [/B]in 7:40 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 8) Rick Law was standing outside Missy Masterson’s locker room. He breathed deeply and knocked. Missy called for him to come in. Rick did. We could hear a shower running in the background. Rick asked if it was okay. Missy said it was fine, to have a seat, and that she would be out in a second. Rick did. He sighed deeply and started talking, telling Missy that he was grateful for her help last week. As he talked, the water cut off and Missy came out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her. Rick faltered for a second but kept going. He said that while he appreciated her interest, he just wasn’t sure if... He looked up to realize that Missy was toweling herself off. In other words, she was stark naked in front of him (with the camera placed strategically behind her so the audience couldn’t see much of anything except a bare back). His words trailed off. He swallowed hard and then asked, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Why, exactly, am I resisting this?”[/COLOR] Missy shrugged and said she had no idea, and then with a giggle, hopped into his lap and kissed him passionately. Rick returned the kiss and the camera quickly cut away. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 9) A video played, hyping the match between the Outcasts and Armageddon that’s scheduled for “Awesome Impact”. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 10) We cut to Armageddon backstage, where Tim was furious once again. Apparently he felt that the video didn’t portray him kindly (it showed him losing to Remo at one point) while it made Christian look really, really good. Tim accused Christian of making him look bad. Christian said that was silly and told him to calm down. Tim did, but you could tell that resentment was still simmering behind his eyes. RATING:[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] 11) Dark Angel came out to the ring with the North American Championship belt. He taunted Darryl Devine a little, pretending to cry crocodile tears for tricking him. Dark then told Darryl to grow up. He said that it wasn’t his fault if Darryl got fooled so easily. He pointed out that Darryl would do anything for the title. Dark simply said that he did do everything and it worked. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 12) [B]DARRYL DEVINE vs. DARK ANGEL (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] Ana Garcia got left in the dust, poor thing. Dark and Darryl put on a spectacular match, one that really set the fans on the edge of their seats. Dark scored the first pinfall, only to have Darryl kick out almost immediately. The battle continued with both men scoring near falls. Finally, Darryl seemed to have Dark on the ropes. He hit the Devine Intervention on a rebound and then picked Dark up for the Devine Dream Drop. But Dark shoved Darryl away, pushing him into the ropes. Darryl rebounded for what looked like another Devine Intervention, but Dark kicked him in the back, dropping him. Dark then picked Darryl up and slammed him into the mat with the Descent Into Hell. WINNER: [B]Dark Angel [/B]in 11:31 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 13) Zimmy Bumfhole was backstage looking a little nervous. Randy Bumfhole found him and asked what was wrong. Zimmy admitted that he was nervous about his match against Joey Beauchamp later this week. Randy told him that he was silly, that he would destroy Joey and become the Warmaster. Zimmy said he was still scared. He sheepishly asked if Randy would do “it.” Randy glanced at the camera, a sheepish grin on his face, and whispered to Zimmy that he hadn’t done that since they were kids. Zimmy said he knew but said that it always cheered him up and he wondered if Randy could do it again, just this once. Randy sighed, and then launched into a pretty terrible imitation of Rip Chord. It was very over the top, promising death and destruction to everyone in the SWF, and encouraging Zimmy to go out there and rip it up with Joey Beauchamp. By the end of it, Zimmy looked much better. He thanked Randy. Randy told him he owed him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 14) A video played, once again highlighting the number of people that Yoshimi Mushashibo has injured with his Yoshimi Lock. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 15) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Joel and Yoshimi warily circled each other in the opening minutes of the bout. They finally locked up, only to have Yoshimi try to drop Joel to the mat. He succeeded in getting Joel down but couldn’t get him in the Lock. Instead, Joel managed to wiggle free and surprised everyone by going for the Kovach Krippler right away. Yoshimi then broke free. They glared at each other, but Ana said you could see a glimmer of respect in their eyes. The match continued with each man viciously attacking the other. Lots of very powerful moves but also some very innovative holds. Jason Azaria called this match a “technician’s clinic”, and even he had some trouble keeping track of all the holds that were used. Finally, Yoshimi seemed to take control. He managed to stagger Joel and this time, he tried to put him in the Full Nelson first. Joel came back to life and broke free. He spun and tripped up Yoshimi, slamming him into the mat with a Russian Leg Sweep. He then fought to get Yoshimi into the Krippler ... and succeeded. Yoshimi clawed his way toward the bottom rope, but Joel dragged him back to the middle and tightened his hold. Yoshimi clawed at Joel’s hands and Jerry Eisen observed that he had never seen anyone stay in the Krippler this long without tapping. But then Archangel hit the ring and stomped Joel over the head. Joel dropped the hold and Yoshimi collapsed to the mat. Archangel was on Joel immediately, pounding him on the head. WINNER: [B]Joel Kovach[/B] by DQ in 16:36 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 16) Richard Eisen came out and told Archangel to stop attacking Joel. He said that if he wanted a fight, Richard would give him one. He was booking Archangel and Joel into a non-title ... cage match on Warzone! RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Fun show. Richard Eisen pulled me aside and said that he had been looking over some contracts and he realized that Delirious Dan’s was about to expire. He said that he had heard that Canadian Golden Combat and USPW had put out feelers for Dan. He suggested that I simply let Dan’s contract expire so he could go elsewhere. After Richard walked away, I thought about and went to go find Dan. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Eric Tyler (c) defeated Robert Oxford to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Chance Fortune defeated Jack Bruce [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Dark Angel (c) defeated Darryl Devine to retain [COLOR="red"]the SWF North American Championship[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Joel Kovach defeated Yoshimi Mushashibo by DQ [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] [B]TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Warzone[/SIZE][/B] [I]Filmed Wednesday of Week 4, February 2009[/I] Held at the Friedman Building in the Mid South Territory 10,000 in attendance[/CENTER] Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Emma Chase welcomed us to the show, pointing out that a steel cage hung ominously over the ring for tonight’s main event. 1) Archangel glared at the camera backstage. He told Joel that he was in for a fight tonight. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I know you think I’m a push over, seeing as you’ve beaten me a number of times. But that was the old Archangel. This is the new Archangel. I am powerful beyond words and stronger than you can possibly imagine. You may think you’ll beat me tonight, Joel, but you are sadly mistaken!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 2) Rick Law made his way down to the ring. Actually, it was more like skipped his way to the ring. He had a cheesy grin plastered on his face. He got in, retrieved the mic, and said that tonight, he was dedicating his match to a wonderful woman: Missy Masterson. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 3) [B]RICK LAW vs. REMMY SKYE[/B] Not too bad of a match. Better than what Remmy usually produces for us. Rick seemed to laugh off Remmy’s offense and finally put him away with a Long Arm of the Law. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 8:08 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 4) Rick then helped Remmy up to his feet and shook his hand for being such a great sport. But that wasn’t enough. With a joyful laugh, Rick kissed Remmy on both cheeks before practically dancing out of the ring again, leaving Remmy to watch him in stunned silence. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]C+[/COLOR] 5) Delirious Dan was backstage in a locker room, trying to call Katharina. She apparently isn’t answer her phone. Dan looks particularly distraught, but then notices a bunch of business cards sticking out of each locker. He plucks one down and reads it out loud: “Problem solver”. He brightens a bit and goes out to find whoever this problem solver is. He asks around and is directed to an elderly gentleman who is hyping up his services with a long drawl. Dan interrupts his commercial and explains the situation to him. The man says that’s a sticky situation, but he’ll be more than happy to help in whatever way he can. Dan thanked him enthusiastically and started to leave. He then stopped and asked the man his name. The man smiled and said, [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“The name’s Mycroft Nero. My friends call me the Professor.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 6) [B]THE OUTCASTS vs. RICH MONEY & CHANCE FORTUNE[/B] Chance looked a little sour going out to the ring. Emma speculated it was because of Rick’s bizarre performance earlier. He had plenty to be sour about after this match. Remo and Skull destroyed them, Skull punctuating things with a Skull Krusher to Rich Money. WINNERS: [B]The Outcasts [/B]in 9:39 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 7) Wolf Hawkins came out to the ring and demanded that Dark Angel give him another shot at the North American Championship. Then Darryl Devine came out and demanded the same thing. They got into a small shoving match and it almost came to blows when Dark Angel came out and made his pronouncement: Neither of them would get another title shot. Dark said he was bored with both of them. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] for Wolf’s challenge, Darryl’s challenge, and Dark Angel’s response. 8) [B]ZIMMY BUMFHOLE vs. JOEY BEAUCHAMP (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] A really great match. Apparently Randy’s weird Rip Chord impression had its desired effect. Zimmy kicked things off with a great series of moves that nearly took Joey out of his boots. He dropped the Warmaster to the mat and got a two and a half count right off the bat. Joey didn’t look too pleased, but he glowered at Zimmy and beckoned him to come at him again. They soon launched themselves at each other and put on a great match. Lots of aerial acrobatics from Joey, matched almost move for move by Zimmy. In the end, though, Joey hit a moonsault and got the pin. WINNER: [B]Joey Beauchamp [/B]in 12:45 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) Joel Kovach was shown walking to the ring backstage. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 10) A video played, hyping the long feud between Joel Kovach and Archangel. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] 11) [B]JOEL KOVACH vs. ARCHANGEL [/B]in [COLOR="Purple"]a steel cage match[/COLOR] Peter Michaels explained that the match tonight was going to be held under “classic cage” rules. That meant that escaping the cage wasn’t an option. You had to pin your opponent or make him tap. Even though Archangel was clearly off his game tonight, it didn’t matter one whit. The crowd was thirsty for blood and they got it in this match. Both men wound up bleeding as they got slammed into the cage walls. Joel came close a few times to getting a pin. So did Archangel. In the end, Joel managed to drop Archangel to the mat and tried to get him into the Kovach Krippler. But much to everyone’s surprise, Archangel actually snared him, stood up, lifting Joel up off the mat on his shoulders, and then slammed him into the mat again with a Fall From Grace. The move seemed to knock both men out, but Archangel managed to roll over and drape an arm across Joel’s chest. WINNER: [B]Archangel [/B]in 18:21 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 12) Archangel celebrated, stumbling around the ring in pure exhaustion. Emma speculated that the blood loss probably wasn’t helping. But Archangel’s music was interrupted by Richard Eisen’s. Richard came out and said that the cage could be raised. He then congratulated Archangel on his hard-fought victory. He said Archangel deserved to win. But, he said, he shouldn’t rest on his laurels just yet. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Let me refresh your memory. About four months ago, leading up to ‘Under Control’, one of our fans, JonnyV1, booked a special match. Whoever won that six person elimination match would be given a guaranteed title shot sometime in the next year. If you’ll recall, Marc DuBois won that match. “Well, taking the advice of Joel Kovach, Marc DuBois has asked to have that title match ... right now!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) [B]MARC DuBOIS vs. ARCHANGEL (c) [/B]for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR] Archangel looked stunned. Then he looked to be in pain as Marc DuBois attacked him from behind. Archangel tried to fight back but simply couldn’t muster any strength. Before he knew what was happening, Marc had slammed him to the mat with the Marc of Excellence and had him pinned. Oddly, the road agents said there was a lack of psychology in this match. Funny, I don’t think the fans had time to notice. Or cared that much, either. WINNER: [B]Marc DuBois [/B]in 1:47 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] 14) Marc celebrated his win, shouting that he did it for Wanda. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Show of the year? Maybe. Certainly was fun, though. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Warzone[/I][/U] [I]Rick Law defeated Remmy Skye [/I]-[COLOR="blue"] B[/COLOR] [I]The Outcasts defeated Rich Money & Chance Fortune [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Joey Beauchamp (c) defeated Zimmy Bumfhole to retain [COLOR="Red"]the SWF Warmaster Title[/COLOR] [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Archangel defeated Joel Kovach in [COLOR="Purple"]a cage match [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [I]Marc DuBois defeated Archangel (c) to capture [COLOR="Red"]the SWF World Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/I]- [COLOR="Blue"]A*[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A*[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] Edge? Who's Edge? ;)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE="3"]SWF Invasion![/SIZE][/B] [I]Tuesday of Week 1, March 2009[/I] Held at the V. Thompson Arena in the South West Territory 9,514 in attendance[/CENTER] Jerry Eisen, Jason Azaria, and Ana Garcia welcomed us to another edition of [I]Invasion![/I] 1) A video played, reminding folks of how Marc DuBois beat Archangel in a very fast match and became the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, the youngest ever at the age of 21! RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 2) The door to Richard Eisen’s office exploded inward, kicked by Archangel. He stormed in and got in Richard’s face. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I don’t know what kind of[/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"][censored by the network][/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]you’re trying to pull here, Eisen, but you and I both know that fancy tricks like that aren’t legal!” [/COLOR]he screamed. Richard smiled calmly at him. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“No trick, Archangel. Marc’s open-ended contract said he could redeem it at any point for a year after winning it. It’s not my fault he chose to redeem it last week.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Uh huh. Well, I demand a rematch against him at ‘Awesome Impact’!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Oh, sorry, can’t do that either. You’re already booked in that ‘I Quit’ match against Joel Kovach. I’d be willing to bet that Joel would be furious with me if I canceled that deal. Off hand, I’d say you’re out of luck.” [/COLOR]Richard’s face darkened. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“Now get out of my office before I have security throw you out of the building!”[/COLOR] Archangel growled several incomprehensible things and then, with a frustrated scream, stomped out of the room. Richard watched him go, his face steely, but then he nearly collapsed into his chair. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“I think I may have wet myself a little.”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 3) [B]AFKAP vs. FLEX & PEX[/B] With Blonde Bombshell in their corner, Flex & Pex seemed unstoppable. They were completely on fire throughout the match, tearing through Jack and Troy like nothing else. Flex finished off Jack with a Romeo is Bleeding. WINNER: [B]Flex & Pex [/B]in 9:53 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] 4) Professor Nero paced in front of Delirious Dan and Katharina Stevanovic, not saying a word. Katharina whispered that she wasn’t entirely comfortable with this and asked Dan where he found Nero again. Dan said that he found him handing out his business cards last week and that he said he could help them. Nero whirled and told them to keep quiet. He said he understood the problem all too well. Dan was still technically married to Bombshell. That was simple enough to fix: seeing as Dan was so drunk, it would be easy enough to get an annulment. Katharina thanked him for his obvious contribution and asked if that was all he could do. Nero told her to be quiet, saying that the annulment wasn’t enough. Bombshell had used Flex and Pex as weapons to hurt them. He said this suggested a devious intellect. Katharina scoffed at that idea and once again, Nero snapped at her to keep silent. He said that engaging an opponent like Blonde Bombshell would take finesse, a light touch, and strategy. He told them not to fear, he would help them solve their problem. Dan was relieved; Katharina, not so much. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 5) Missy Masterson found Chance Fortune backstage. Chance was not happy to see her. Missy said she wouldn’t bother him for long, but said she had to do this. She dumped him right then and there, saying that she had found someone who was better than him in every way. She smiled sadly at him and then walked away, leaving Chance to quake with fury. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 6) [B]EDDIE PEAK vs. ERIC TYLER (c)[/B] for [COLOR="Red"]the SWF 10-Minute Championship[/COLOR] Once again, Eric used every short cut and every dirty trick in the book to take Eddie down and pin him. This led to Jerry Eisen wondering exactly what tradition Eric claims to represent. WINNER: [B]Eric Tyler [/B]in 6:52 RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]B+[/COLOR] 7) Eric wasn’t done with Eddie yet. As Eddie left the ring, he taunted him, saying that this was further proof that the old ways were better. Eddie wanted to go back and really hurt Eric, but the officials wouldn’t let him. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B[/COLOR] 8) The camera’s cut backstage where Archangel was rampaging through a number of workers, stomping them, kicking them, hurting them, basically just destroying anyone stupid enough to get in his way. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 9) [B]RICK LAW vs. STEVE FREHLEY[/B] Once again, Rick seemed to float out to the ring. Jerry wondered what his secret was. Jason responded by asking if he had ever kissed a girl. The match itself was pretty sweet. Rick and Steve had great chemistry together and it really helped things along. They kind of played it for comedy, Steve trying to take Rick down while Rick kind of danced out of the way. In the end, Rick dropped him with a Squad Car Slam and made the pin. WINNER: [B]Rick Law [/B]in 9:35 RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 10) Rick Law was ready to leave the ring, but Bruce the Giant came out and attacked him, finally driving him into the mat with a Giant Choke Slam. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 11) Backstage, Chance Fortune was fuming. Rich Money told him to settle down. Chance demanded to know why he wasn’t allowed to go out and attack Rick. Rich said it was better to let Bruce handle the situation. Chance clearly didn’t buy that. RATING: [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR] 12) Joey Beauchamp came out and took a few moments to taunt Zimmy Bumfhole, reminding him that there’s a reason why he’s the Warmaster. He said that he would remain the Warmaster for a good long time to come, for he is Joey Beauchamp. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I am cool; I am the Breeze!”[/COLOR] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] 13) Back in Apocalypse’s locker room, Christian Faith, Tim Westybrook, Dark Angel, and Yoshimi Mushashibo are glaring at each other. Tim finally broke the silence by asking the question, [COLOR="darkgreen"]“So now what? If Richard Eisen isn’t going to give the title shot to Archangel, which one of us gets it?”[/COLOR] Dark Angel said that the answer was obvious: it should be him. He pointed out that Christian and Tim had a title defense against the Outcasts already. He reminded them that he’s been the Warmaster and the World Heavyweight Champion before. Tim said he didn’t buy that, reminding Tim that he had been Warmaster and the World Heavyweight Champ as well. Christian shot them both down and reminded them that he had been the World Heavyweight Champion before either of them even joined the company. The argument nearly came to blows before Yoshimi Mushashibo stomped into the middle of the argument. He glared them all down and then waved his hands over his waist. Tim started to protest, but then Yoshimi pointed at each of them, himself, and then out the door ... toward the ring. Lightbulbs went off over each of their heads. They nodded in agreement and started for the door. That’s when Archangel showed up. He demanded to know where they were going. Dark explained that they were going to figure out who would get the title shot against Marc DuBois by fighting it out. Archangel didn’t like that idea. He tried to stop them, but he soon found all four of them glaring at him. Christian dared him to stand in their way. [COLOR="darkgreen"]“We’re doing this, whether we have to step over your broken body or not.”[/COLOR] Archangel backed down, warning them that if they did this, Apocalypse could shatter. Yoshimi punctuated the argument by slamming Archangel into a wall, growling something at him, and then stalking down the corridor. RATING: [COLOR="Blue"]A[/COLOR] 14) [B]TIM WESTYBROOK vs. CHRISTIAN FAITH vs. DARK ANGEL vs. YOSHIMI MUSHASHIBO[/B] Great match. It was easy to forget that these four were supposedly on the same team, they simply did not seem to care. Well, for a little while, Tim and Christian worked together, but that changed when Tim tripped up Christian and tried to pin him. Then all bets were off. Lots of power moves punctuated by aerial strikes by Dark Angel. But in the end, Yoshimi took down both Tim and Christian, then caught Dark out of the air and dropped him in the Yoshimi Lock. WINNER: [B]Yoshimi Mushashibo[/B] RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B][U]THE AFTERMATH[/U][/B] Nothing to say here. FINAL RATING: [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] FROM SWF.COM - [QUOTE][U]Quick results from the last [I]Invasion![/I][/U] [I]Flex & Pex defeated AFKAP [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Eric Tyler (c) defeated Eddie Peak to retain the SWF 10-Minute Championship [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]B+[/COLOR] [I]Rick Law defeated Steve Frehley [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [I]Yoshimi Mushashibo defeated Tim Westybrook, Christian Faith, and Dark Angel [/I]- [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING - [COLOR="blue"]A[/COLOR][/B] TCW Show Rating - [COLOR="blue"]B-[/COLOR][/QUOTE]
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I pop when I see Professor Nero debut but then I chant "Still a letdown" regarding the wedding storyline I hold up a sign that states "Get your head out of the SWF/TCW sand and sign some worldwide guys" during the rest of the show I also hold up a sign that says "Old Fogies Stable? Eric Tyler, Skull DeBones, Christian Faith!" Than I also hold up a sign that says "Emerald Angel&Sensational Dragon> Flex & Pecs"
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