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Jimmy Uso vs. Bo Dallas




[uS Title Rematch]

Rusev vs. Randy Orton


The Wolves vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Breeze


[DIVAS Title Match]

Awesome Kong vs. ??? Charlotte?!

[+1 point for correct guess of opponent here too]


R-Truth vs. Kane


Roman Reigns vs. John Cena


[WWE Tag Team Title Rematch]

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz


[WWE World HeavyWeight Title Rematch]

Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins



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Jimmy Uso vs. Bo Dallas

# Bo to moon




[uS Title Rematch]

Rusev vs. Randy Orton


The Wolves vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Breeze


[DIVAS Title Match]

Awesome Kong vs. ???

[+1 point for correct guess of opponent here too]


R-Truth vs. Kane


Roman Reigns vs. John Cena


[WWE Tag Team Title Rematch]

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz


[WWE World HeavyWeight Title Rematch]

Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

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Jimmy Uso vs. Bo Dallas




[uS Title Rematch]

Rusev vs. Randy Orton


The Wolves vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Breeze


[DIVAS Title Match]

Awesome Kong vs. ???

[+1 point for correct guess of opponent here too]

Cheerleader Melissa? :D


R-Truth vs. Kane



Roman Reigns vs. John Cena

Double blech.


[WWE Tag Team Title Rematch]

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz


[WWE World HeavyWeight Title Rematch]

Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

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Just catching up, and this is pretty great so far! Digging the title belts and roster graphics as well. Always nice to see someone make their own graphics!


[uS Title Rematch]

Rusev vs. Randy Orton


The Wolves vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Breeze


[DIVAS Title Match]

Awesome Kong vs. Candice Larae?

[+1 point for correct guess of opponent here too]


R-Truth vs. Kane


Roman Reigns vs. John Cena


[WWE Tag Team Title Rematch]

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz


[WWE World HeavyWeight Title Rematch]

Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins

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Jimmy Uso and Bo Dallas fought well in this one and the action was solid. Both picked up some good improvements in performance on this one over the 8 minutes it was allowed to go. It ended with a failed Bo-dog into a Flyin' Uso Splash from the top and Jimmy picking up a good win.


Victor : Jimmy Uso









Cole: Good evening and welcome to WWE Raw, Live on the WWE Network for only $9.99. Coming to you live from God knows where!


Booker T: Yes Cole, It doesn't matter where we are, After last night's Wrestlemania, we have the fallout right here, live. And aww jeesh, it's about to go down!

The Show opens with Brock Lesnars music hitting to a loud pop from the fans. The Advocate, Paul Heyman heads to the ring with Brock, holding the WWE title draped over his shoulder whilst Brock just smirks from the corner of his mouth.


http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/Workers/Brock_Lesnar%207_zpssku6vqto.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/Workers/Paul%20Heyman_alt10_zpszqjvgwer.jpg

Heyman : "Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman and I am the ....."


At this Heyman is interrupted by a new set of music.



Samoa Joe steps out, Not dressed to compete. : "Brock, Brock, Brock. You was a down and out man, a defeated man, an almost former and a lost champion until I came to delay the inevitable. You see, I have no qualms with you, I have no qualms with Seth, heck I have no qualms with Bryan, I just want that title. You hold it, you are a marked man and whoever it may be, I'm coming for it. You won't just be a 'down man', or a wreck of a man. I am calling this my 3 months warning. I am coming for that title whoever holds it and Joe is gunna kill ya, who ever it may be!"

Calmly and just as abruptly as he arrived, Joe drops the mic. and walks off in silence.


Heyman : "Security - Se-cu-ruty! Get me that man,I want that man right now, he has a one way ticket you see. To the one place that no man can return and neither Bryan nor Seth Rollins managed to return from it last night."


Another set of music hits.




Mr Mcmahon : "I tell you what, Mr Heyman. Tonight I am here, relishing in a fantastic event last night. And well done Mr Brock btw too. But I feel like we need to see some A-class action and not chasing some new blood just because you want to. Brock, you will go 1 on 1 in a partial rematch of the main event last night, Seth Rollins gets his rematch with the title of the line tonight!"




Before we are able to let the dust settle we cut to a short recap of last nights US Title match and Rusev forcing Angle to tap. The camera fades in just as Ortons music hits and we are back in the arena with our first contest.


US Title Rematch

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Orton took the fight to Rusev from the off and was all over him, blow after blow. DDT on the ropes, you got it. Snap Suplex, you got it and then the numerous taunts. Rusev managed to get in some offence when getting to his feet, using those skilled feet and chops. As Orton was down for a pin and Rusev got the 2 count, Lana was spotted by the referee sliding the belt into Rusev and before he could even turn to grab it the referee took it from him. As the referee turned, Orton snatched it and laid out Rusev himself getting disqualified in the process. Orton continued to beat into Rusev until the backroom staff emptied and shepherded him away.


Victor : Rusev via DQ



JBL : That man is something else, I would have ran myself. Rusev must now be thinking his days are numbered after that!


Cole : We will give you an update on Rusev's condition later or you can catch regular news as it happens on second screen live on the WWE Network.


We head backstage to a scene of Triple H in the backstage area furiously shouting at runners and production staff!


HHH : " Where is he?! He can't just turn up and book my show! He is the man with the money, not the man with the brains anymore! This is my show, my brand, It wil be all mine when he is gone!"


Vince walks past in the back of the shot smirking and then proceeeds to just push over a filing cabinet into the room, making a humongous noise and making everyone jump.



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A fiery contest was next, featuring 2 talents not really utilised in a big way but striving to prove they can mix it with people in the upper echeleons of the card. Tyler Breeze had so great showings after coming in off the hot tag but it was Eddie Edwards that put this one away, following a double team manouvure to put away Curt for the win.


Victors : The Wolves



After the bout, Davey Richards grabbed a mic. and put out a challenge for next week

"Beat us if you dare!"




A small video plays, hyping tonights main event, featuring Brock defending his WWE Title for the first time on Raw in Months, versus Seth Rollins!


Kong's music hits and she trudges to the ring, Belt held in her hand, not dissimilar to a lass on the town does with her Michael Korrs handbag!


She stands in the ring and just watches the ramp, simply shouting "Come on!"

http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/Amazing_Kong_diva_title_zpseeztoshx.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_raw_vs_zpscevlojjn.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/Workers/AJ%20Lee_alt10_zpsbriuuzxg.jpg


AJ Lee answered the call. After winning a battle royal for her number 1 contendership a couple of months back, She went on a hiatus (Kayfabe - was burnt out and asked for a leave of absence) and has slotted straight back into the title picture. she sprinted into the ring and took the fight straight to Kong in a way that only Paige wished she could have! Rights and lefts, chops and her educated feet were put to work. Even forcing a 10 punch count in the corner before it all went pear shaped. AJ turned her back to taunt, as she does when she goes to set up the black widow but as she turned she walked straight into a thunderous clothesline that turned her inside out. She wobbly got to her feet before Kong whipped her into the corner, followed by a turnbuckle splash and then picked up with ease into a Choke-hold Power-(Awesome) Bomb. 1,2,3. Picking up a fantastic rating. My joint 3rd best one from the Divas so far!


Victor:Awesome Kong




Booker T : "That girl has got class, she is fantastic and I tell you what, on a better day, that was a new champion right there."


Cole: "Unfortunately 'T', class doesn't do over brute force every day of the week!"




We are now shown a small video recapping your next match and how it came about. R-Truth walked into Kane within the changing room, still in his pants after the ARMBAR last night, and with a mouthful of Milk tried to apologise but instead simply Spat it at him and then laughed as it looked like... erm.. well.. erm... Kane was furious and tried to run at him but tripped over his Trousers still around his ankles, hitting his head and ending the scene.



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Vintage Kane in this one, from the moment the inferno from the turnbuckles subsided until 8 minutes in he was in complete control and all we could hear was Truth saying `sorry` and `man` until Kane missed a clothesline from the top rope due to being distracted by Vince McMahon casually walking out mid match to sit by the announcers desk. As he got to his feet Truth slid in and rolled him up for a quick 3 count and a surprise upset victory.


Victor : R-Truth



McMahon : "Oh was that because of me?"


JBL : "Erm Mr McMahon, why are you out here, it may well have been!?"


Booker T : "Ye Mr M, you come out to congratulate us or somefin?"


McMahon : "Oh well you see, I'm here to look at the NXT Generation of up and coming stars that Hunter has made for me. Last night was a blast but now I gotta be HERE, In thee Action!"


Cole : "Okay Mr McMahon, Well .. um' welcome aboard Monday Night Raw, Live on the WWE Netwo..."


McMahon : "Cole Shut Up! No one wants to keep hearing those plugs, people will think it's me and not Stephanie if you keep it up!"




Kane was visibily annoyed and shook his fist at Vince, where Vince just wave back not a care in the world. Truth used his iniative and slid himself up the ramp to the back and we faded to black and to a commercial



Up next straight from the return and Cena's music hits, he heads to the ring and then we get Reigns entrance. McMahon is on his feet cheering and hollering. "Go Gett'em kiddo!"


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A Cracking bout that could well have been a main event, but without any context other than one top of the world Baby Face vs. the new Face of the Future. Vince was in awe of the big power moves and was loving every minute. Cena had the upper hand with flying arms and dropping an early U C'nt C Me. Reigns hit a couple of nice Suplexes and a great snapmere over the ropes into the barrier. Reigns went for the Spear into the steps but missed and got a near 10 count-out was had. He got up, went for a Clothesline, Cena ducked it and turned it into an








Cole : "The near fall!"


Reigns got himself back into the match and managed to reverse a DDt, whipping Cena into the turnbuckle chest first, as he sprang back, Reigns off the ropes.....









JBL : "This match is so close Maggle!"

Cena, still wobbling after the last hit goes for a spring board stunner and doesn't connect, he turns and McMahon Laughs out loud!

McMahon : "Ha!"


Cena distracted turns around sharply and BANG

Superman PUNCH!







Victor : Roman Reigns



Cole : "Mr McMahon, what was all of this in aid of?"


McMahon : "Just checking on my talent. Thank you Cole, And you Layfield, and you Shelton"


And just like that, as abruptly as McMahon arrived, he left. Waltzing off, waving to the crowd, Strutting his stuff, beaming like a cheshire cat that got milk ...




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In a rematch from the final 2 last night, it was straight into the action and boy do these guys work as teams?! Shelley and Sabin showed why they have been feared for so long from their tenure across Japan and TNA and they gave it their all here. The Dudleys hit "Wassup" and the Shoulder Clothesline whilst dominating and keeping Sabin isolated for long periods and were sensing they may have the pinfall soon. That was until the hot tag came and Shelley cleared house. For the finish Shelley whipped D-Von into the ropes and Sabin grabbed his boot, forcing him to turn. As he turned back to shelley, he was hit by a shellshock for the guns to retain the titles.


Victors : M.C.M.G



As M.C.M.G go to leave the ring they get hit by Bully and a double clothesline, D-von rolls out the ring and grabs a table. 3D to Sabin in the ring and Bully whips Shelley into the turnbuckle. D-Von rolls sabin on to the table and Bully shops Shelley til he flopsto the floor. Bully climbs the turnbuckle, with D-von lifting Shelley to his shoulders. Bully then sit-down powerbombs Shelley onto Sabin forcing all 3 through the tables and he just sits there with his eyes all glazed over as D-von shouts "Welcome to Dudley Ville, Ohhhhh ma Brothers. ... Test-a-FY!!!!





WE cut to a recap of earlier tonight and then going further back to last night where Brock retained his title. The video ends with Brock smirking into the camera as we come back to the arena to that crazy guitar riff dropping to signal the last contest of the night


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Our Main Event tonight sees The Beast incarnate vs. The Powers That Be's Prince Lackey and surprisingly Seth took as god as he gave in this bout. Trading kicks and swift DDT's for a visit to Suplex city mid-match. Seth was on the top rope, and hit a swift flying kick to Brocks chest when things start to head towards a finish. Brock staggered and hit the ropes, steadying himself as Seth strode across the mat, evil glint in his eye, Except he didn't go for a move `per'se to Brock, just tying up his arm within the top and middle rope before sliding out and chasing Heyman. Brock was yelling and trying to break free as Seth caught Heyman and roughed him up before driving him through the Ann table with a Pedigree. Seth then grabbed the belt and walked off up the Ramp with it draped over his shoulder, giving Brock the count out victory. Raw ended with Brock's Face all over the Titantron simply Gazing with menace back up the ramp as Seth Laughed menaically all the while with Medics tending to Heyman in the rubble.




Victor : Brock Lesnar





Raw Fallout : Results.

[uS Title Rematch]

Rusev vs. Randy Orton


The Wolves vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Breeze


[DIVAS Title Match]

Awesome Kong vs. ???

[+1 point for correct guessing AJ Lee]


R-Truth vs. Kane


Roman Reigns vs. John Cena


[WWE Tag Team Title Rematch]

Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Dudley Boyz


[WWE World HeavyWeight Title Rematch]

Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins


Editors note: So there is my first Raw posted in full. Is the format okay? I want to keep it crisp but also not too content heavy for the weekly shows but still make the monthly PPV's special.


Thanks for all the predictions so far, I am humbled that people are actually reading this and take pride in the fact that if even for 2 minutes of you skimming or 10 minutes of your time to read that you bothered to visit my Dynasty. Hopefully with help and guidance I can make it even better and more user friendly too. :)

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The format of the show is excellent. I'd improve the pictures so they all have the same border around them if I were you. Most noticeable in the Wolves vs Breeze/Hawkins match but it's only a minor thing, really.


Loved the Main Event! I scrolled down a little and saw Seth holding the Belt and thought he'd won it!!! :D Ahhh!!! :D

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The first show was great Key! Loved the RAW and the ending, a lot of interesting story lines coming I see. Keep it up the format is great.


I like the format a lot


I really like how you bolded the big impact moves... **SPEAR**!! etc, it's a nice touch


The format of the show is excellent. I'd improve the pictures so they all have the same border around them if I were you. Most noticeable in the Wolves vs Breeze/Hawkins match but it's only a minor thing, really.


Loved the Main Event! I scrolled down a little and saw Seth holding the Belt and thought he'd won it!!! :D Ahhh!!! :D


Thanks for the kind words, means a lot considering how good all your writings have been! Hopefully I can keep up the fun and excitement factor.


I'll work on the pictures now too. Thanks for the spot.






Magnus vs. Luke Harper




The Hunters vs. Cosmic Duo


Jay Lethal vs. Darren Young


Paige vs. AJ Lee


Bray Wyatt vs. Kurt Angle


[iC Title Match]

BNB vs. Dolph Ziggler


Daniel Bryan & Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus & Big Show

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Magnus vs. Luke Harper




The Hunters vs. Cosmic Duo


Jay Lethal vs. Darren Young


Paige vs. AJ Lee


Bray Wyatt vs. Kurt Angle


[iC Title Match]

BNB vs. Dolph Ziggler


Daniel Bryan & Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus & Big Show

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Magnus vs. Luke Harper




The Hunters vs. Cosmic Duo


Jay Lethal vs. Darren Young


Paige vs. AJ Lee


Bray Wyatt vs. Kurt Angle


[iC Title Match]

BNB vs. Dolph Ziggler


Daniel Bryan & Dean Ambrose vs. Sheamus & Big Show

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A Nice outing for these 2 guys on the cusp of hitting the Upper parts of the midcard to help warm up the crowd tonight. Both just need a series of wins to propel them up the card and it was Aldiss who benefitted here, courtesy of a Power-bomb to get the 3 count after 8 minutes.


Victor : Nick Aldiss






JR : “Good evening and Welcome Smackdown, Now coming to you across the globe live on a Friday Night.”



Byron : “Yes JR, it’s great to be able to call this show now to the masses on the WWE network into your TV live.”



Phillips : “And we start tonight with these 2 men looking hungry to prove themselves after last weekend’s Wrestlemania and falling at the final hurdle”…

The camera pans to the Titantron just as the Hunters Music hits and Relliks Face flashes up to start their entrance and the show.


http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/kassius_ohno_alt10.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Adam%20Rose_alt10.jpg w/http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Rellik.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Stardust_alt10.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Goldust_alt10%202.jpg


The duo in this one were more than a match for the 2 up and coming big hitters, matching them in every department when it came to isolating and double team manoeuvres. The match was close, even, some would say a good fit to open the show. Goldust taunted Ohno and isolated Kruger enough to shatter his dreams before Kruger exited the ring to recover. With the ref distracted Rellik lifted Goldust and threw him into he steps and turnbuckle when he rolled out to follow Kruger. Kruger rolled dust back into the ring and elbow smashed Stardust before tagging in Ohno and let Ohno hit his finisher for the 3.


Victor : The Hunters



Phillips : “Somebody needs to sort that bully . He nearly gained the titles for the Hunters in their last outing but tonight he was the game changer.”


Byron : “He was the sole reason for that victory there. Somebody needs to put him in his place!”


JR : “Well Gentlemen lets look back on that event and see how we came to tonight, here with the aftermath of Wrestlemania 31..”



We are played a video showing ReDragon still holding the gold after defeating the Hunters, BNB overcoming 3 other competitors and then the Main Event with the finale of Samoa Joe taking out HHH and then equalising DB, leading to Brock picking up the win and retaining the WWE Heavyweight gold. It transitions into a commercial break.




The Rock is seen in his office smiling into a mirror and practising lines for what can only be assumed is his next Hollywood blockbuster. The door knocks and Rocks answers, calling them to enter. Big Show enters and is angry and annoyed that he was and never is taken seriously anymore.



Big Show : “I am the Giant, I am the biggest athlete to ever grace this company and I am just a pawn for anyone in power.”


Rock : “You can earn your his stripes tonight and prove your worth by going to town on the next set of main eventers here on the brand if you feel up to it. Only then will anyone see you as anything other than a washed up novelty act. Tonight you and the forgotten Celt, Sheamus can team up and go 2 v 2 vs. Dean Ambrose and Mr. Smackdown, Daniel Bryan who will no doubt want to prove himself after Wrestlemania and you want to too. Let us see who wants to be the head chef of my brand. If you smelllll what the Rock is cooking….”




We head of to a commercial before coming back into the arena and as soon as the camera pans the P.T.P’s music hits and the duo head out to the Stage to schedule the next bout is about to begin.


http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Jay%20Lethal_alt13_1.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/darren_young_2.jpg w/ http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Titus%20O%20Neal_alt10.jpg


Jay Lethal, fresh off his fantastic upset victory last night came out to a rapturous applause and lapped it up. Darren Young was in the ring already and as soon as Lethal slid in the fight was on. Lots of nice technical wrestling on show her, capped with some great chain wrestling on the mat, with Darren getting the upper hand. Titus was playing up the crowd and having lots of fun, too much some might say as he didn’t spot the spinning spine-buster into a lethal injection into the 3 count for Lethal to get the win here.


Victor : Jay Lethal





http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/paige_alt10.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/AJ%20Lee_alt10.jpg


Paige in her first public outing since being woman-handled at Wrestlemania looked shaky and broken in this bout between the 2 ladies that could not topple the monster. AJ held the upper in most of the early exchanges and kept it up right to the bell, locking in the Black Widow forcing Paige to tap after 9 minutes.


Victor : AJ Lee





http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Bray%20Wyatt_alt11.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Kurt%20Angle_alt10.jpg


Angle was still sporting bruises from his last outing, and was very much a slower competitor tonight. On the flip side Wyatt was in good condition due to being rested and he was smooth as you like and controlled all the corners in this one. Angle got in some good offence with a triple German Suplex chain and started to get on-top with Wyatt sliding out the ring and simply sitting on a chair smirking whilst catching his breath. Angle was getting frustrated and started taunting him in anger, showing way more emotion than was usual and was getting continuously riled. Angle came out of the ring and Wyatt slid into the center egging him on to join him. As he came back in Wyatt simply crawled to a corner and went prone. Angle looked puzzled and gazed at him before going for a clothesline that Wyatt ducked, kick to the gut, flipped him and Sister Abigail for the 3.


Victor : Bray Wyatt



Wyatt lain over Angles body and held him wiping his brow, looking gingerly like he was caring for him. The Hunters and Rellik strolled down to the ring together and took the liberty to dominate his body. The beatdown ended with all 4 hunters in the middle of the ring over his corpse as the [hut] sound and it carried us off into a commercial.




Bad News headed out to the ring accompanied by all 3 member of the Kingdom by his side and gave a short promo to head up his pride after Wrestlemania. Barrett stated that no one could withstand the trial of the monarchy. Dolph's music hits and he comes out and states that he is the only person to yet show up and kick his arse and sprints to the ring. After ring security pull them apart and get order. With 10 guys holding back the 3 Kingdom members alone The Rocks music hits.


Rock : “I tell you what, settle it tonight, I’m all for it, the crowd is too. Barrett vs. Ziggler 1 on 1 for that Belt now.”


[iC Title Match]

http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/WWE_IC_Wade_Barrett%202.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Dolph%20Ziggler_alt13.jpg


Ziggler took it to BNB, knowing that he has a point to prove to the GM of Smackdown. He never seems to look comfortable in control regardless of how much momentum he is holding. It was 6 minutes in when BNB bounced off the ropes and ducked a Ziggler clothesline and then went to duck a second but Ziggler scouted it and hit a beautiful Fame Asser.







A second flurry with a desperation attempted Bull-hammer missed and Dolph hit the Zig-Zag.






Kickout. The look on Dolph’s face says it all, he has tried everything:



JR : “This man wants this title, he needs this title, he breathes this title”


Phillips : “I have not seen this level of resourcefulness in quite some time. Barrett must have nothing left.”


Ziggler gets to his knee and is joined face to face by Barrett, they exchange rights and lefts until Ziggler lifts him to his feet and throws him to the corner. He goes for his signature splash but Barrett moves,

Bang ‘Winds of Change’…and both men are down,









Both men are stirring.






Ziggler is crawling up the ropes whilst Barrett is in a prone position









Barrett and Ziggler are up and are shooting daggers at each other. Ziggler extends his hand in a gesture of a handshake, Barrett looks to the crowd and they agree. He goes in for it but Ziggler flinches and shows a split second double thought, Barrett sees this and simply pulls Ziggler in,


Bam Bullhammer.







Barrett wins!


Victor : Bad News Barrett



We see Barrett lying on the floor and the Kingdom come and lift him to his feet, carrying him to the back between them. The camera cuts to the Titantron, showing last weeks WM IC, USA and Main event finales. Then earlier tonight with Wyatt and Angle going at it and then simply showing a graphic for the main event coming up next.




http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Daniel%20Bryan_alt11.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Dean_Ambrose%204.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/wwe_smackdown_vs_zps7aph1bnd.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Sheamus_alt10.jpg http://i1057.photobucket.com/albums/t382/kieran_george1/WWE_Diary/Diary_workers_150/Big%20Show_alt11_1.jpg


Huge Main event tonight, made all the more serious with the added weight of competitors trying to prove themselves to the higher ups. Show & Sheamus started in the ring and Ambrose waited for Bryans music to hit before walking down the ramp with him. No sooner had they got half way down the ramp had they been jumped by both of the heels here. The fight continued for quite some time with Ambrose being thrown into the crowd and then trying to get back over only to run into a Brogue Kick and then when trying to get the jump on show from the barricade he took a Knock Out punch for his troubles too. Bryan felt the full force of a 2 on 1 attack until being rolled into the ring. He had been thrown into the ring post and steps on his way.


Show started inside the ring with the downed Bryan and manhandled him about. Show looked almost 20 years younger with the way he was moving and with his varied offence. Bryan was military pressed for 10 seconds and slammed to the deck, after which Show went to the top rope and hit a 450 Pound Dropkick!


JR : “That was an unreal showing of skill, Big Show is an Athlete of un-paralleled equal.”


Phillips : “You do realise Brock Lesnar could be in that same breath.”


Saxton : “He isn’t here now, he is the head of the food –chain. I would say this is soon to be Show’s Playground”


Show tagged in Sheamus and he attempted to hit the White Noise, Bryan reversed into a running Knee and they were both down. As Sheamus was crawling to the corner Ambrose appeared and pulled Big Shows legs down from the apron, as soon as he dropped he started chasing Ambrose and he high tailed it around the outside. Sheamus got to his knee Distracted and looked towards Bryan just in time to take a second running Knee and then Bryan rolled it into a Yes Lock and Sheamus tapped!


Victors: Daniel Bryan & Dean Ambrose



Saxton : “Sheamus tapped! Bryan and Ambrose have done it. Bryan’s resourcefulness and Ambrose’s never say die attitude have done it!”


Phillips : “Holy cow I don’t believe it, Show looked like a monster there…. How does that even happen!”

Show waltzed up the ramp furious and put his foot through the barrier on his way injuring a fan on the way. As he got the top he turned and yelled at the top of his voice “Arggghhhhhhh”. At the peak of his roar he was collared from behind, and as he fell crumpling on top of his knees Samoa Joe was just stood there glaring at the ring and at Bryan on the turnbuckle still performing the `Yes` chant! Ambrose and Bryan didn’t notice, but Joe did ………..




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