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NXT Breaks Away

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Earlier today in a short statement on NXT.com it was confirmed after many months of speculation that Paul Levesque has purchased NXT and all of it's interllectual property from World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. including the transfer of all developmental contracts despite a public statement from Vince McMahon that he was not going to give up the rights to stars such as Finn Balor and Sami Zayn without a fight. All TV deals (minus WWE Network) will be retained and business will continue as normal.


The feud between McMahon and Levesque started 17 months ago after the sex tape of Levesque and Linda McMahon, the now ex-wife of Vince, was leaked on PornHub when neither side gave in to the demand of 9.99 million dollars after threats from an anonymous person on the site 4chan. It was played out both off and on screen and resulted in some of the best and worst moments in WWE history including the infamous sausage and bacon shoot promo from Vince McMahon.


Paul Levesque had the following to say in a short tweet

I am extremely excited to have gained 100% control of NXT, the future of wrestling is exciting and I hope you take the journey with us. We are looking forward to expanding on what is the most talented roster in the world to truly become the world leader in wrestling.

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Current Champions


NXT Heavyweight Championship


Finn Balor


Week 1 July 2015 -


NXT Tag Team Championship


The Mechanics


Week 1 November 2015 -


NXT Womens Championship




Week 4 August 2015 -


Commentary Team











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Week 1 December 2015

Full Sail University

Attendance 1,000



Ladies and Gentleman welcome to NXT, today is the start of a new era and we have a great show for you. Your main event tonight is for the NXT Title in a match between champion Finn Balor and Rhyno. Next week we will start the number one contenders tournament to decide who the challenger for the title will be at Takeover 1, live on PPV on December 28th.

Rating : 75


http://i.imgur.com/l10pYNK.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/l10pYNK.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/9kcR2ud.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/WV3m0rU.jpg


In an awful match that the crowd hated The Sumerian Death Squad made their debut in NXT destroying Elias Samson and Dylan Miley in just under 5 minutes. Bryan Alvarez tweeted out during the match that he thought it was impossible for the SDS to have a bad match but he has been proven wrong yet again.

Rating : 7


http://i.imgur.com/ZfdIJ9U.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/dPoOEOS.jpg


In a poor match there was another debut in NXT as Nikki Storm defeated the much loved Blue Pants. The Full Sail crowd were more interested in chanting about how the match was better than anything Eva Marie has ever done and it took away from the in ring action.

Rating : 21




DF: Ladies and Gentleman I’m here today with my guest Finn Balor.

FB : Hey there Dasha, let me keep this short and sweet. This may be spoilers but there is no way tonight I’m going to lose this title or next week or takeover or ever. This is just the start of the Balor Club era.

Rating : 38


http://i.imgur.com/vSsVV2S.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/m8gAoCk.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/YaIvb9n.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/0b447oN.jpg


In a short and poor match Enzo and Big Cass defeated Sawyer Fulton and Angelo Dawkins in a quick squash match. Not much to say about this forgettable match.

Rating : 26



GIVE ME A MIC shouts Baron Corbin as he makes his way down to the ring. I DON’T CARE WHO IT IS JUST GET ME AN OPPONENT OUT HERE NOW I WANT TO KILL SOMEONE




Mark Andrews runs through the crowd and jumps the barricade attacking Corbin with a missile dropkick from the top rope. You’re on big boy

Rating : 35


http://i.imgur.com/Mv05nAt.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/4dRjlNw.jpg


In a match that the crowd were into moderately but featuring some sloppy in ring work Baron Corbin defeated Mark Andrews with a springboard attack reversed into the End of Days in 8 minutes. A good introduction with a small sample of what Mark Andrews can bring to the table.

Rating : 33


http://i.imgur.com/leDVPrq.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/LX3Kqr6.jpg


In a bout with a great crowd who loved the finish and solid in ring action Finn Balor beat Rhyno through DQ when Samoa Joe attacked Finn Balor when he was ready to hit the Coup De Grace after 10 minutes.

Rating : 52




Post match Samoa Joe and Finn Balor brawled and despite attempts from referees and other wrestlers they won’t stop and continue to brawl to the back as the show ends.

Rating : 50


Final Rating : 52

Popularity Increased in 40 Regions

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Good show! Am liking the simple presentation but it's lacking Sexy Lexi Blissy (dem rhymes doe) :D


Thanks! Don't worry she'll definitely be featured lots when I figure out what I'm going to do with Blake and Murphy


Love ur background can u post




Love the way you present the shows and your commentary on the matches. I'm excited to see if you can keep this up. If you can, this has the potential to get really good! :-)


Thank you! I've been really enjoying playing this so hopefully it can continue

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The feud between McMahon and Levesque started 17 months ago after the sex tape of Levesque and Linda McMahon, the now ex-wife of Vince, was leaked on PornHub when neither side gave in to the demand of 9.99 million dollars after threats from an anonymous person on the site 4chan. It was played out both off and on screen and resulted in some of the best and worst moments in WWE history including the infamous sausage and bacon shoot promo from Vince McMahon.



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Week 2 December 2015

Full Sail University

Attendance 1,000




*Earlier today in the entrance to Full Sail*

MB : err…hello there… excuse me Mr Regal could I talk to you for a second please?

WR: Can I help you mate?

MB : My name is Mike Bailey, I met you at a PWG show in the summer and you mentioned that you would get me a tryout match at NXT but then I never heard anything back from you. I apologise if this is rude or anything but I just really want to prove myself to you that I am the future of NXT.

WR : Ah, now I remember you son. You’re Speedball! I’ll tell you what, we need someone to fill a gap in the opening match tonight of the number 1 contender’s tournament. If you win you have my word that we will sign you to a guaranteed contract. Good luck now go and get ready.

Rating : 42


http://i.imgur.com/rCzTyso.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/X8wrpDz.jpg

In a match with a good crowd with positive chants for both wrestlers and excellent in ring action James Storm defeated Speedball Mike Bailey in 7 minutes to progress to the semi-finals of the number 1 contenders tournament. Speedball Mike Bailey looked great in the match.

Rating : 41


Once the match had finished James Storm walked over to the visibly tired Speedball slumped in the corner and offered his hand out as a sign of respect. Speedball accepted and Storm raised his hand to the crowds applause.

Rating : 28



A car is shown live pulling into the car park, out steps a man but you can't quite tell who it is despite the commentary team freaking out asking questions as to why he is here in NXT.

Rating : 39


http://i.imgur.com/xee1Mh6.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/spuC5T9.jpg

In a match with an average crowd and average wrestling, Apollo Crews defeated Tommaso Ciampa in 8 minutes to advance to the semi-finals of the number 1 contenders tournament. This was a pretty forgettable match but definitely not terrible by any means.

Rating : 36


http://i.imgur.com/iMsItPQ.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/kmquIEy.jpg

In a poor match Kay Lee Ray defeated Eva Marie in a battle of the red hair in 3 minutes. During the match Eva Marie struggled to get much offense in and looked pretty terrible being destroyed by a relative unknown on her debut.

Rating : 22


Post match Kay Lee Ray grabbed Corey Graves headset.

KLR : We’re coming, prepare your army America.

Rating : 20




Tye Dillinger was making his way to the ring for scheduled match when a tall, hooded man attacked him from behind. He stood on top of Tye’s limp body at the top of the entrance ramp and removed his hood to reveal Drew Galloway.

DG : Those days are past now and in the past they must remain.

Rating : 44



SJ : Oi Regal, I want a shot at Finn’s title tonight and I’m not leaving until you grant me my wish.

WR : You really think I’m going to just going to do as you say after you ruined my main event last week? You will have your quarter final match next week and if you want your title shot so badly then you will win it. However…. If you can get two partners for a match in about 5 minutes then you have a 6 man tag match against Finn and some of his old friends.

Samoa Joe turns round and sees that Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson are stood there, they all nod their heads.

Rating : 62


http://i.imgur.com/a7k6ybI.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/3N5Fxub.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/t3vO2Ep.jpg vs http://i.imgur.com/LX3Kqr6.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/B2KmO7v.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/jaL3vMW.jpg


In a match with a hot crowd and good in ring action Bullet Club defeated Samoa Joe and The Mechanics in 12 minutes with Karl Anderson pinned Dash Wilder after a Gun Stun. The debut of Gallows and Anderson went down great with the fans when the majority were aware of who they were.

Rating : 52




KA : Do you know who we are? We’re the damn Bullet Club and if you think for one second that we aren’t here to Takeover NXT then you have another thing coming.

FB : Samoa Joe do you still think you can take me on? There is no chance in hell that we are going to let you come near this title.

The three of them too sweet each other in the middle of the ring as the show fades to black.

Rating : 39



Final Rating : 50

Popularity Increased in 40 Regions

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NXT have released the following wrestlers from their contracts and wish them the best in the future.


Angelo Dawkins

Billie Kay

Bull Dempsey

Marcus Louis

Mojo Rawley

Nia Jax

Sawyer Fulton

Sylvester Lefort

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