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The one in which I have a beard


A Much-Needed Kick Up The Ass


"Jesus Ruben, you look like a god-damn rapist!" Rachel shouted, with a stunned look on her face as I opened the door. Not exactly the greeting I was expecting. Clearly my new bearded, insomniac, hungover look wasn't a keeper. She barged past me into my apartment without waiting for an invite. She saw right away the curtains were still drawn, there were empty food cartons all over the floor, and empty beer bottles all over the place. It smelled like a quarterback's armpit too, bad enough to burn the eyes like pepper spray. Rachel looked at me like a mother looks at a naughty child.


"Do you always live like this? Or is this just a special occasion?" Rachel asked sarcastically, though clearly angry I'd let myself get into this state. "My God Rubie, this isn't like you. You're a man, not a pig. Living among all your shit like this is for animals, not humans. Get your shit together, you've got a meeting to go to." She was clearly in full-on Drill Sargent mode. There was no point arguing with her. Life has taught me there's no sense quarreling with a irate woman. Plus she could easily kick my skinny little ass any time she wanted to.



Maybe the place did need a bit of a spring clean...



She marched me out the building to her car like I was under arrest. The afternoon light burned my eyes, which shouldn't have surprised me, as I hadn't left in days. "Your sponsor rang me, all worried. He said you hadn't turned up to your 12 Step meeting, first one you ever missed. Was worried you were using again. Is that true?" She looked at me with accusing eyes, though beneath the anger in her voice I could hear genuine concern. My answer was short and to the point: "Rachel, look at me. I can't afford underwear, let alone coke. Besides, I'm past all that crap." She didn't seem convinced. "Are you though?! You're not even supposed to be drinking alcohol, yet there were empty beers all over that shitty little apartment of yours." Rachel said, staring at me with unblinking eyes.


I sighed. "I've just been real depressed this last week or so. Things were flying high with the company, we'd had our best show ever. Then we sell more than 30 tickets, which made me all excited. Suddenly some drunken asshole cracks his head open and I've got all the fallout from that. Then it turns out the biggest superstar we ever hired is a prick - you saw all the problems he caused. The show was a disappointment, which hurt my confidence, I gotta admit. The whole thing was like a massive kick to the dick for me. Like climbing a mountain only to be kicked off the side so close to the top." I heard those words coming out my mouth and was appalled. That sounded like the old me, the junkie me, the loser me talking. 2015 was supposed to be the year I became stronger, not... whatever this was.




Everybody needs a wake up call sometimes.



We got in Rachel's new car she'd borrowed off her boyfriend Rickey Shane Page. The drive over was silent and intense. She was too pissed off at me to talk. And I was busy avoiding her eye contact. Half an hour later we arrived. I was just getting out when he grabbed me by the arm. "Look Rubie, I'm only mad at you because I'm worried. Lots of people are. I know you're down right now but you can't let that drag you back to addiction. You're better than that. Life is full of people who crumbled when things got tough, but there's not so many winners. There's not many people who can get back up when life knocks them down and carry on fighting - but those people are the ones who make it to the top. That could be you, Ruben. You're sitting on a powder keg with this RTG wrestling company of yours. It could be huge - the making of you. But you've got to fight for it, no matter what happens!"


She let go of me. I tired to ignore the dead arm she'd given me, and flashed her a smile. She really seemed to believe in me. I couldn't remember the last time someone'd had my back like this. But I liked it. Who knows, maybe there was even some truth in what she'd said? "Now get your skinny ass in there, you don't wanna be late" she shouted, before slamming the car door and speeding off into the distance. I stood there with a big goofy grin on my face. Perhaps she was right? Perhaps it was time to bounce back? It's amazing what momentum a few kind words can give you...



Results coming soon. If you haven't voted in our poll to decide who will face Ty Hagen for the Invitational Title, there's still time. Thanks to those who've posted predictions so far. Still a little time left for anyone else who fancies having a go...
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the one with a 30 Minute Ultimate Submission match and a guy takes things WAY too far


RTG: Eat, Sleep, Maim, Repeat - Results.


Held once again at the strangely humid Mickey D's Scrap Yard, our show broke all records with a dizzying attendance of 37! One of these fans gave enough of a crap to even bring a sign! Granted, the sign said "Garrison Sux" on it in big, red letters, but I'm still taking it as a good omen. Despite setbacks at our last show, the mood in the locker-room was buoyant, with everyone determined to bounce back. There was a bit of a buzz about the place, especially when our Invitational Title mystery opponent arrived. It's amazing the difference a month can make.




Before we could even start things off, cocky upstart Jerrelle Clark seized the ring and got on the mic. Despite not being booked to appear until much later in the show, he said he couldn't wait to kick ass, and demanded the #1 contender's match happen right now! Our man of God, the man in charge Father Milo Augustini came out, saying he was impressed with Clark's fighting spirit, agreeing the match could happen right away! Angle rating: 40





Benjamin Bray vs Jerrelle Clark

#1 Contenders Match


That crafty, devious bastard Clark had cleverly gotten the upper hand by bringing the fight forward without warning, with his opponent Benjamin Bray clearly surprised and unprepared. You could tell by the way Bray's hair wasn't quite perfect, with at least two strands out of place, indicating he was still getting ready when the call came. Clark capitalized by keeping his opponent off balance, varying his offense and being as unpredictable as possible. He'd start with aerial offense, then just as Bray got wise to that, switch to strikes to the legs. Once Bray began countering those, he switched game plan again, leaving the ring for a couple of seconds whenever Bray tried to get any offensive moves in. A cunning strategy which had him in control for a lot of the match, until Bray swatted him with a smooth Suicide Dive through the ropes. Bray brawled Clark around the ringside area, throwing him into ring steps and guard-rails with gusto, before rolling him back into the ring just in time to avoid a double count out. The fans appreciated seeing Bray add a little street fighting to his high-flying style. As the ref warned Bray, however, Clark hit a devilish low blow which the referee conveniently didn't see. Bray lay prone, holding his crotch as Jerrelle ascended the turnbuckles, hitting his finisher for a somewhat controversial win, becoming the next #1 contender.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jerrelle Clark defeated Benjamin Bray in 12:17 by pinfall with a 630 Splash. Match rating: 45.




Speaking of #1 contenders, fan favorite Aaron Draven hit the ring to hype his main event World Trophy match-up later tonight. Draven celebrated early with the crowd, pulling a free keg of beer from under the ring thanks to our sponsor Mickey D's brewery. The noise level grew substantially as he shared it with the crowd. He then got on the mic and issued a boozy open challenge, hollering "who's gonna help me drink this extra-strong piss-water?!" Father Milo come out, more than happy to accept the offer. The two downed amusingly massive beers before spraying the crowd with brew. One fan was so happy at the prospect of free beer he burst into tears. Angle rating: 40.




Draven then called out the champ (me), and I came out to the ring still in my street clothes, with my arm in a sling. With as little conviction as I could possibly muster, I informed my over-enthusiastic challenger that I couldn't wrestle due to a "freak training injury". He would have to find some other asshole to fight until I was recovered enough to face him. Draven was pissed, calling bullshit, but Father Milo stopped his angry rant, saying everyone deserves to be taken at their word. Draven was furious, dropkicking me clean out the ring to rowdy cheers from our record crowd. Father Milo was not pleased however that Draven had put a beating on a "wounded and defenseless" man. Jesus would not have done that, he said. Father Milo said Draven must participate in a non-title fight tonight as punishment! However, in the interest of fairness, he would sweeten the deal. If Draven wins he gets to choose the stipulation for our epic showdown next month! Milo then made an open challenge to establish Aaron's opponent for tonight, which rising star Derek Frazier accepted with the excitement of a hyperactive kid in a candy store. Frazier bragged that he was born for the main event, that he wants to show Father Milo he should be in the championship picture. Angle rating: 39.





Nooie Lee vs Stallyn Smith vs Javi Air


Nooie Lee got a much-deserved win last time around so was the favorite coming into this one. Facing him however were two hungry up-and-comers desparate for a win. This made them very dangerous as they were both willing to do anything to boost their standing here at RTG. Having identified Lee as a threat, Javi and Smith double teamed him, working well in tandem with many well rehearsed maneuvers. You'd think they'd been teaming for years, the way they gelled. However as soon as Lee was down for the count, an eye-catching aerial battle errupted between the two. Lee rolled to the apron, recovering there as the other two wowed the crowd. Waiting until the fight between Javi and Smith was nearly through, Lee then picked his moment to strike against his weakened opponents, gaining the upper hand with brutal kicks for the win. A fun match that served its purpose in popping the crowd with many spectacular (albeit admittedly ridiculous) moves. A match where all the combatants looked good, including the much-improved Stallyn Smith.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Nooie Lee defeated Javi-Air and Stallyn Smith in 10:22 when Nooie Lee defeated Stallyn Smith by pinfall with a Dragon Bomb. Match rating: 37




A nervous-looking Dixie came to the ring, followed by the bitter, vindictive veteran Chad Collyer. Our more sober fans were confused by this odd pairing, but Collyer got on the mic and quickly cleared things up. Collyer announced he'd spent all month coaching Dixie... specifically on how to hurt his upcoming opponent Tommy Kim. He said it was nothing personal on Dixie's part, the young wrestler is just so keen to win, to get the fans to like him, and improve as a wrestler, he'll take guidance from anyone. Unlike Kim, said Collyer, Dixie knows how to respect a veteran. He said the fans should respect Dixie, "even if he is a white trash piece of garbage." Collyer then took a ringside seat to watch the next painful chapter in Kim's gauntlet. Angle rating: 31





"Funky" Tommy Kim vs Dixie


Despite being in noticeable pain, his legs suffering, Tommy played his new "funky" moniker well, strutting some fabulous dance moves on his way to the ring. He got to the ring apron and started doing his own variation on The Macarena, which the fans loved, joining in with the fun. Suddenly - under Collyer's orders - Dixie sprung with a hurtful Baseball Slide, knocking the wounded legs from under Kim, making him fall badly to the concrete floor. For most of the match Dixie was on top, as he followed Collyer's instructions and wore down Kim's weakened legs like a pro. He combined his usual high flying moves with some newly learned technical assaults, at times having "The Funky One" yelling out in pain. He seemed to have the match won with a Figure Four Leglock on tight. The fans rallied behind Kim however, and he turned the noise into energy in true 1980's WWE style. Shaking like Hogan, he rose to his feet, hitting literally every Knife Edge Chop variant ever invented (and a few more besides). Then a Fame Asser. Then an Unprettier. Then a Pimp Drop. And a couple more Attitude Era WWE finishers for good measure. Despite being in obvious pain below the waist, he managed to perform his Twist Of Funk finisher on his over-matched opponent for the win. His legs took a real pounding though, much to Collyer's amusement. To be brutally honest, this match sucked. I still can't work out why though. Both men are talented and tried hard, the story they told in the ring was solid, their chemistry together was decent. But it sucked. Sometimes matches just suck for no apparent reason, like this one did. All you can do is move on.

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Tommy Kim defeated Dixie in 8:31 by pinfall with a Twist of Funk. Kim was off his game. Dixie was off his game. Basically the match just sucked, and it ran short because the fans just didn't really dig it, despite Kim's heroics. Match rating: 27. Knife Edge Chops: 22. Dance Moves Stolen Directly From John Travolta: 5.




Despite being in obvious pain, Kim got to his feet, holding himself up using the ropes. On the mic he told Dixie to keep trying, that he could go far in this business, that he has a bright future. He then said the best way to the top is to be yourself and fight your own fight, not to take advice from "manipulative assholes" like Collyer. Dixie looked pissed at Collyer, clearly upset at being used as a pawn in his sick game. Kim then stared right into the eyes of Collyer, saying:


"You think you can break me?! You think that by taking away my legs I won't be able to hurt you?! You think that by lining up goons to damage me, that you'll be able to teach us all some twisted, messed up lesson? You think that by being a sadistic prick, you're somehow going to earn my respect? Chad Collyer, if it's the last thing I ever do, I'm going to pin you clean in front of the whole world. I'm going to show everyone you're nothing but an old, bitter, jaded bully. I will have my revenge. I will show you that spirit, drive, determination and heart beat manipulation and cowardice any time. You won't beat me! You won't break me down! You won't win - because I'm still here you bastard!" He then threw the microphone at Collyer, who easily dodged it with a sick smirk on his face. A strong angle, which unfortunately suffered from the poor match before it. Angle rating: 28.





Johnny Riggs vs Josh Daniels


Two classic babyfaces squared off in a match that got the fans quickly back on board. Johnny Riggs particularly got a big pop for wearing facepaint like 1980s era Sting, in tribute to his hero. "Sting's your Daddy! Sting's your Daddy" chanted the fans in good humor. He's a good kid with bags of potential, and it showed in this back and forth match - his modern style of daredevil, high flying wrestling blending nicely with the old-school approach of Josh Daniels. Riggs was respectful and seemed to learn a lot from his very experienced opponent. Riggs had a Scoprion Deathlock on which got a big pop, which got even louder when Daniels somehow spun out of it, turning it into an Ankle Lock in one impossibly sublime move. Suddenly Daniels' enemy Derek Frazier slid into the ring, breaking the hold before Riggs could submit. Frazier has been furious about the humiliation he received from Daniels last month, when Daniels mockingly took a selfie with him while he was out cold. He laid into Daniels like a man possessed, going much further in his attempts to hurt and destroy than ever previously. His hatred had clearly reached a whole new level as he scooped up Daniels for not one, not two, but three massive Powerbombs. Daniels was left writhing in pain in the ring as Frazier disappeared. Both combatants slowly got to their feet at the same time, both having taken a good beating. They swung exhausted punches at each other, with neither man having anything left in the tank, but neither willing to back down. The crowd applauded one final exchange before a knockout Double Arm DDT decided the winner.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Josh Daniels defeated Johnny Riggs in 11:45 by pinfall. During the match we also had Derek Frazier distract Johnny Riggs. Riggs and Daniels have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match. Match rating: 37.




Next up, the unusual pairing of ZZ Hook & Matt Stryker took the ring, taunting Stryker's opponent tonight Chad Collyer. Hook did most of the talking, demonstrating his superb promo skills. He's more or less unknown in these parts, but has the vocal skills to go far. Stryker proved he's pretty good on the mic too. Our announcers Swedish Dave and Benny D speculated as to why they're working together, given their totally different backgrounds, styles, outlooks, etc. They have seemingly nothing in common, other than some unknown, hidden agenda. Only time will tell what has brought them together, or what they hope to gain, but for now Collyer was clearly their target. Angle rating: 29.





Chad Collyer vs Matt Stryker (w/ ZZ Hook)

30 Minute Ultimate Submission Match


I can't even begin to describe all that happened in this wonderfully intricate match. It was a technical masterpiece. A thing of beauty. A submission exhibition that deserved a much bigger audience than our tiny little fed can give it. It belonged in a museum, not some shoddy ring in a scrap yard in the town that time forgot. Collyer and Stryker have plied their trade all over the world and gained huge respect for their talents. And here tonight they gained our fans' respect with their skill. Even Collyer, detested by all for his heel antics, got lots of applause. The match started slowly, with each man feeling the other out, turning this into a chess match, rather than the high octane yet meaningless battles so many fans crave these days. It was all about execution, not spots. Clinical, not crazy. Psychology, not prat-falls. Stryker got the first submission after a Torture Rack was followed by an STF perfectly in the middle of the ring, too far from the ropes for Collyer to escape. ZZ Hook's distractions were key in the build up to that submission. Collyer evened the score after he managed to Gorilla Press Slam Hook out of the ring, focussing on destroying Stryker's lower back with precision moves, strikes and submission holds. A submission finally came after a Crossface nearly snapped Stryker's spine in half. One submission a piece. Then Collyer's sworn enemy Tommy Kim made his presence felt, distracting Collyer on the apron, allowing Stryker to gain the upper hand. It was nearly enough to gain the win, with Stryker utilizing a perfectly executed Figure Four Leglock. But Collyer was just too good, turning it over, putting all the pressure and pain onto his opponent. Pain shot through Stryker's legs, up to his weakened back. He had no choice but to tap. Tommy Kim screamed in frustration as the bell sounded soon after, witnessing his hated rival securing an excellent win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chad Collyer defeated Matt Stryker in a 1 vs 1 - 30 Min Ultimate Submission match in 30:00 by two falls to one. During the match we also saw ZZ Hook run in and attack Chad Collyer, and Tommy Kim also distract Chad Collyer. Match rating: 46.




Father Milo Augustini then called out Invitational Champion Ty Hagen. Our alcoholic fans stopped vomiting just long enough to show their excitement, as Milo announced the mystery opponent for tonight... both of our lights went out, the venue filled with a giddy silence... then came a familiar lyric...





Everyone likes Kid Kash. It's a scientifically proven fact.


As 'Bawtidaba' by Kid Rock blared through our shitty sound system at a volume that literally woke the whole town, the one and only Kid Kash came strutting to the ring. In a homage to his old ECW days he was using his most famous entrance music, dancing with all 37 of our fans, and looking more like a 24 year old, not the 44 year old of today. "Kash is in tha houuuuuuse!" Kid hollered through our mic. He grabbed a beer and cut a promo. I can't remember what he said, I was too excited to listen. Angle rating: 31.





Kid F'N Kash vs Ty Hagen ©

For The RTG Invitational Title


Sure, the years have not been kind to Kid Kash. In his mid-40's and sporting a haircut more suited to an accountant than a wrestler, the glory days of TNA and ECW are long gone. But none of that mattered tonight. He lit up our tiny little company, every move getting a cheer from our fans. Even our champ Ty Hagen was a little star-struck, openly smiling at times despite being on the end of some damaging aerial moves. Kash kept the pace quick, with big kicks and DDTs combining with effortless top rope moves. Ty Hagen would then seize control, bringing the game to the mat using his sound fundamentals. Hagen knew his aerial game would be put in the shade by his opponent's, so instead focused on a mat wrestling move-set he rarely has chance to demonstrate. Unfortunately this paled in comparison to the submission extravaganza held a few minutes prior, meaning Hagen's portions of the match fell flat. Kash's moves were so exciting and over-the-top that Hagen's moves - albeit well performed and solid - seemed dull in comparison. It was a decent match, sure, and one Hagen will cherish in his memories forever. But Hagen was punished for the crime of not being as flashy as Kid Kash, and some idiot fans even booed when he got the eventual win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ty Hagen defeated Kid Kash in 12:32 by pinfall. Ty Hagen makes defence number 2 of his RTG Invitational title. Match rating: 35




Aaron Draven was back in the ring, and even more furious than before that he wouldn't be fighting for the RTG World Trophy tonight. He cut a promo calling me every name under the sun, claiming that I was too scared, too cowardly, too yellow to face him. He claimed I knew my time as champion was up, that my 'freak injury' was merely delaying my inevitable defeat. Our shitfaced fans agreed. They've really taken a shine to him. Draven thanked our inebriated fans for their support, saying he would reward them by letting them choose the stipulation for his World Trophy shot next month, should he win tonight. He's putting a poll on his official website, and fans can pick any match type, any stipulation they like! The most interesting suggestions will be brought to life in next month's main event! Knowing how deranged our fans are, I dread to think what they'll dream up. Anything could happen - it's like handing the keys to the asylum over to the inmates. The very thought makes me shudder. Angle rating: 39.





Aaron Draven vs Derek Frazier ©


Draven's impromptu challenger Derek Frazier seems like a man possessed. Ever since he was embarrassed by Josh Daniels last time out, he's been filled with almost superhuman energy and drive. He was so determined to regain his pride tonight he seemed impervious to pain, and took huge risks in the ring, performing dangerous maneuvers with aplomb. He was happy to put his body on the line to hurt Draven, taking his frustrations and anger out on the self-proclaimed 'Omega'. After a few minutes in control of the match, he tried for his 630 Splash finisher, but Draven got his legs up, making Frazier roll on the canvas in pain. Draven leaped to his feet, in all the excitement forgetting to sell the damage he'd taken in the match so far. He hit punches and kicks with ninja-like speed, before throwing Frazier to the outside. The two began a wild brawl through our empty stands, throwing each other into rows of steel chairs, and using the chairs as weapons on each other. Referee Bill Clark was about to count both men out, but Father Milo stopped him, insisting he let the fight continue.


They made their way back to the ring, where Draven was infuriated to find me in a ringside seat, one arm still in a sling, the other holding a huge bag of popcorn. I watched the two go at it like it was a movie, stuffing my mouth with the salty snack, and throwing at Draven whenever he was near. I booed him, yelled abuse at him and distracted the hell out of him. This gave Frazier the upper hand, allowing him more frenzied attacks. He hit a DDT which literally shook the ring, leaving The Omega out cold. Frazier ascended the top rope with feline grace, ready to finish with his 630 Splash, the match seemingly won. Suddenly Josh Daniels appeared from nowhere, punching Frazier hard in the nuts, then straggling him crotch-first on the top rope. Frazier collapsed to the canvas, holding his balls in agony, once again humiliated at the hands of his enemy. It was impossible to say which hurt most - his balls or his pride. His face was crimson with anger. The referee seemed powerless to stop any of this, a feat unique to the bizarre sport of pro wrestling. Draven got to his feet, yelled a few insults at me, before capitalizing on Frazier's predicament with a sweet Michinoku Driver, which Frazier was in too much pain to kick out of. A very good match - both these men have big futures in Road To Glory Wrestling.


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Aaron Draven defeated Derek Frazier in 15:12 by pinfall with an OmegaWave. During the match we also saw Ruben T Garrison distract Aaron Draven, and Josh Daniels also distract Derek Frazier. Match rating: 44.




The ring slowly cleared, leaving just Derek Frazier and Josh Daniels, who stood face to face, neither backing down. Daniels was happy with his night's work, having again gotten the upper hand in embarrassing his rival. Frazier's eyes were crazy. He looked rabid. He snapped, grabbing Daniels by the throat, strangling the life out of him. Referee Bill Clark jumped back in the ring to pry them apart, but was brushed aside. Nobody could've stopped Frazier. As Daniels' body went limp, Frazier let him collapse to the canvas like a rag doll. Running to the ringside, he snatched a steel chair and brought it to the ring with harmful intent. He positioned the folded chair near a corner, then dragged Daniels to the top rope. The fans were cheering in excitement. Frazier was an accidental face up to this point - no matter how dickish his actions, the fans digged it and got behind him. But not tonight. Tonight the line was crossed, and the fans definitely turned against him. Consumed by a homicidal rage, Frazier inflicted a brutal Piledriver on Daniels from the top rope. Daniels' head and neck crashed against the steel hard, with a sickening thud which silenced our fans. Everyone was in shock. Frazier, realizing the massive damage he'd done, suddenly looked afraid. His face went white and he ran off quickly to the back. The silence continued while an un-moving and badly hurt Daniels was stretchered off to the back, as our show drew to a dramatic close. Angle rating: 37.




Overall rating: 42.



Will Josh Daniels ever recover from his injury? And how serious will the injury turn out to be? Is his neck broken as some online fans speculate? If so, what will the consequences be for Derek Frazier? What painful torture does Chad Collyer have in store for Tommy Kim? Who will the next mystery opponent be to face Ty Hagen for the Invitational Title? And will Draven fulfill his dream of becoming RTG World Champion? What weird and wicked stipulations can our fans conjure up for his much-anticipated encounter with champion Garrison? Stay tuned to find out!




Just realised I forgot to add the sponsorship when I posted the results.

Mickey D would be pissed lol.



Note: To clear up any confusion, as it may seem both Jerrelle Clark and Aaron Draven hold the position of #1 contender. Draven (hopefully) gets his shot at RTG next show. Clark is then the mandatory first challenger for whoever his champion.

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The one in which we foolishly give you control again




YOU Decide The Match Type And / Or Stipulation For Next Show's Main Event!


Ruben T Garrison and Aaron Draven will face each other in the main event of our next show RTG: Hostile Intent. You, the readers, get to choose any stipulation or match type you like. The most interesting / amusing will be picked and used.


Simply click here to make your choice!


Voting is now open. Looking forward to seeing what imaginative things you people can come up with! VOTE NOW!!!



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The one where we secretly worry about foolishly giving you control again




RTG: Hostile Intent - Official Card






Jerrelle Clark vs Stallyn Smith


With his position as #1 contender safe for now, and a shot at the RTG World Trophy likely for next month, Clark has agreed to take this 'warm up match' against a young athlete with everything to prove. This could be a dangerous match for Clark, and potentially a big risk before next month's big show. Clark needs to keep his eye on the prize and provide a statement performance.






Johnny Riggs vs Javi Air


Make no bones about it, both these men desperately need a win here. Both have big potential and bigger ambitions, but both have been unlucky in their results so far here in RTG. Advancement looms for the winner, and an uncertain future beckons for the loser. High stakes, and a real chance to show talent and ability to watchful eyes everywhere.






Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs 'Funky' Tommy Kim & Nooie Lee


The reason behind their alliance is a mystery, as is their agenda here in RTG. Two men who would perhaps normally be enemies - Matt Stryker and ZZ Hook - both polar opposites, have teamed up and are turning heads by taking on all comers. Perhaps some questions will be answered as they take on two of RTG's hardest hitting fighters in Tommy Kim and Nooie Lee. With the specter of the vindictive Chad Collyer looming over Kim, anything could happen here.






Derek Frazier vs Benjamin Bray


Derek Frazier is a marked man. Last show he attacked his rival Josh Daniels in a move that could have crippled him. Daniels is still out injured, the severity of his wounds still unknown. Since that infamous night, Frazier has become the most hated man in RTG's short history. Will his barbaric actions come back to haunt him? He faces up-and-comer Benjamin Bray, who is seething after losing out in his #1 Contender's Match against Jerrelle Clark last time - he's determined to settle the score. A potential show-stealing match.






Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Riding a wave of momentum after hard fought wins over superstars Charlie Haas and Kid Kash, the determined Ty Hagen takes on another mystery challenger. With the wounds from his previous two battles still not fully healed, and no chance to prepare for his unknown opponent, will the Invitational Champ Hagen be able to pull another victory out the bag? And who will his opponent be this time?






Aaron Draven vs Ruben T Garrison ©

Fans Choose The Stipulation / Match Type

For The RTG World Trophy


One of the most highly anticipated matches in our short history, this is the one the fans have been waiting to see. Draven has been frustrated for months, but has finally got the chance to deliver an often-promised ass-kicking to the increasingly evasive champ Garrison. Their last two encounters ended in draws. There is nothing to split these two in terms of form, drive or ambition. Both will do anything to win. Add in the wild card of the stipulation for the match being under the fan's control, and we're in for what everyone hopes will be one of the most exciting main events we've ever delivered.


Stay tuned, results coming soon! Please post your predictions below, and if you haven't yet voted on the match type for the main event above, now's your chance! See previous post for details. Thanks for reading!


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<p>The one where we kick ourselves for foolishly giving you control again</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><wbr>RTG: Hostile Intent - Pre-Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://twistededge.org/RTG/Divider.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#483D8B;">"I gotta say I'm pretty disappointed"</span> said Swedish Dave, shaking his head. His blonde hair covered his eyes as he did so. He badly needed a haircut - he was starting to look like Lassie. He hammered away at the laptop keyboard like a man deranged, his eyes unblinking, his tongue stuck out in a look of intense concentration. With an exasperated sigh he spoke again. <span style="color:#483D8B;">"I always pictured our fans to be twisted geniuses. I thought they'd come up with some really crazy shit for our main event. I thought those sick bastards would come up with some really weird and wonderful ways of torturing you guys."</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">"What were you expecting? We're a tiny little fed with not enough fans to fill a school bus. We fight out of a smelly little scrap yard in the backwoods of Delaware. I'm amazed we got any responses at all."</span> My words were sad but true. We'd thrown together a shoddy online poll to let our fans select the stipulation of our World Trophy match. The handful of responses we'd got were far from spectacular, but very encouraging given our germ-like status in the world of professional wrestling. Having read through the replies we'd gotten though, it did make me wonder just <em>who</em> was out there watching us. My opponent for the night Aaron Draven was looking at the screen, totally bewildered. He read out some of the fan's ideas in terrified disbelief...</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>These images pretty much sum up our reaction.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#556B2F;">

"3 Stages of Hell - Stage One - Regular One on One Match - Stage Two - Cage Match - Stage Three - Inferno Match"</span> read Draven. He seemed impressed with the idea, but I had to dish out a cold dose of reality. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"Dream on. We can't afford a cage. Or an inferno for that matter. Let's be realistic here, we couldn't even afford this laptop, Benny D had to steal it for us"</span> I said sadly.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">"<wbr>Japanese Deathmatch with exploding C4 panels, nail guns, razor wire boards, cattle prods and preferably some sort of flamethrower. Ambulance on standby"</span> he read, scratching his head and beginning to worry about the mental state of his own fans. I laughed in a frightened sort of way. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"We can't afford any of that stuff anyway"</span> I said dismissively, stroking my chin like a professor.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">"Match where the loser has to spend the week handcuffed to a sheep." </span>Draven rubbed his eyes, as if this was just some weird hallucination. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"We can't afford a sheep. Or handcuffs for that matter"</span> I said, sensibly. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">"<wbr>Ladder Match"</span> read Draven. He looked at me for approval. <span style="color:#556B2F;">"We can at least afford a ladder, right?" </span>Aaron asked, half-jokingly with a laugh. I shrugged. Draven stopped laughing. <span style="color:#483D8B;">"Well, it's cheaper than a sheep I guess"</span> said Swedish Dave. He was entertained by all this, but you could tell the ladder match suggestion was his favorite so far. Like me he's a huge HBK mark, and that's the match type that made ol' Michaels famous.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#556B2F;">"Fans Bring The Weapon"</span> was the next fan suggestion that Draven read out. This one had us all concerned. Our fans are rabid creatures. Drunken, maniacal and unpredictable. Our shows resemble a zoo full of crazed animals once Mickey D's super-strength beer kicks in. It brings out the beast in people, to say the least, not to mention all the foul smells and vomit. Whipping up this crowd to a state of hysteria, then asking them to arm themselves seemed dangerously unwise. Crazy. Stupid. And yet strangely appealing. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"Maybe we should combine a bunch of these ideas, and maybe throw in one or two of our own?"</span> I suggested, with agreement from the others.</p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#556B2F;">

"Loser has to work for TNA or WWE as punishment"</span> was the final suggestion Draven read out. We all burst out laughing. Of all the twisted ideas thrown at us, this was truly the most barbaric. Swedish slammed the laptop shut with a triumphant thud. Clearly this insight into the minds of our fans had entertained him. <span style="color:#556B2F;">"This is what happens when you're too God-damned lazy to pick your own matches"</span> laughed Draven. We all burst out laughing. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"The inmates have taken over the madhouse"</span> I said, agreeing with him. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>We were still no closer to deciding the stipulation for RTG: Hostile Intent's main event. But one thing was clear - with fans like this, it sure wasn't going to be dull.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://twistededge.org/RTG/Divider.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#A0522D;"><wbr>Results coming soon! Keep 'em peeled!</span></span></strong></p><p>


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<p><strong>Jerrelle Clark </strong>vs Stallyn Smith</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Riggs vs<strong> Javi Air</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook</strong> vs 'Funky' Tommy Kim & Nooie Lee</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Derek Frazier</strong> vs Benjamin Bray</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ty Hagen ©</strong> vs ???</p><p>

For The RTG Invitational Title</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Draven vs <strong>Ruben T Garrison ©</strong></p><p>

Fans Choose The Stipulation / Match Type <strong>Ladder Match</strong></p><p>

For The RTG World Trophy</p>

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<p><strong>Jerrelle Clark </strong>vs Stallyn Smith</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Riggs vs <strong>Javi Air</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook</strong> vs 'Funky' Tommy Kim & Nooie Lee</p><p> </p><p>

Derek Frazier vs <strong>Benjamin Bray</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ty Hagen ©</strong> vs ???</p><p>

For The RTG Invitational Title</p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Draven vs<strong> Ruben T Garrison ©</strong></p><p>

Fans Choose The Stipulation / Match Type Ladder Match</p><p>

For The RTG World Trophy</p>

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Jerrelle Clark vs Stallyn Smith


Johnny Riggs vs Javi Air


Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs 'Funky' Tommy Kim & Nooie Lee


Derek Frazier vs Benjamin Bray


Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Aaron Draven vs Ruben T Garrison ©

Fans Choose The Stipulation / Match Type - Ladder Match

For The RTG World Trophy

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Jerrelle Clark vs Stallyn Smith


Johnny Riggs vs Javi Air


Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs 'Funky' Tommy Kim & Nooie Lee


Derek Frazier vs Benjamin Bray


Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Aaron Draven vs Ruben T Garrison ©

Fans Choose The Stipulation / Match Type - Ladder Match

For The RTG World Trophy


I'm gonna be in the minority here but i thinks its time for Draven to win the title and this reaks of a blow off match

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the one where the fans pick the stipulation of the main event, and we make headlines


RTG: Hostile Intent - Results


Our crappy little town is experiencing a heatwave right now, which has left everyone hot and foul tempered. Our 37 fans were more than in the mood for an evening of chaotic violence and mayhem. We were in the mood to deliver. The heat was making people crazy though, and Mickey D had sold as much beer as the previous two shows combined, before the first match even began. The venue was like a powder keg waiting to blow. Despite many bad omens, nobody could have expected the carnage and chaos which took place outside the ring, in a night that would give Road To Glory Wrestling an infamous reputation for years to come.




Everyone hates Derek Frazier since he tried to cripple his rival Josh Daniels last month. He's gone from being a bad-guy face to being the most despised man in the company. He's had so much hate on social media that he's begun deleting the Twitter accounts he so proudly used to taunt his foes. The crowd were throwing stuff at him before he was even in the ring. Frazier looked pale and terrified. He got on the mic and issued the most half-assed apology in wrestling history, claiming the whole thing was just an accident. The crowd went ballistic. Father Milo Augustini came out to calm things down. He admonished Frazier for his actions, calling him a coward and a thug, and declaring that God Almighty would strike him down in holy retribution. Frazier seemed to regret his actions, but it's too little too late - he nearly broke a man's neck. Suddenly Josh Daniels' music hit and the injured warrior came out slowly to great applause, wearing a neck brace, back harness and walking with a cane. Daniels said he was lucky not to be in a wheelchair for life, that he could be out of action for months, and that he would never stop until he had his revenge on the man who nearly ruined his career. Angle Rating: 39.




Jerrelle Clark vs Stallyn Smith


The last time these two were in the ring together was in the RTG Invitational Classic battle royal. Jerrelle Clark famously bitch-slapped Stallyn Smith clean out of the ring. It was hilarious, and footage of it trended, with people as far away as Zimbabwe enjoying it. The crowd were eager to re-live that epic moment, chanting "bitch slap! Bitch slap" constantly throughout the match. It made for a fun, carnival atmosphere but detracted from the match as a whole - our drunken fans were too busy chanting, singing and laughing to focus on the match. A shame really, because it was a good one. Smith took control right away, fighting like a man possessed to try and get a much-needed win. He never stopped moving, using running dropkicks, DDTs and somersaults to keep Clark grounded. He then used decent high flying assaults to punish his opponent. Clark got the upper hand eventually, countering an attempted Crucifix Pin into a Samoan Drop. A Running, Leaping Powerbomb folded Smith like an accordion. The crowd's chant of "bitch slap! Bitch slap" again echoed through our near-empty venue. Clark, being a natural entertainer, was keen to oblige. He waited for Smith to get back up, raised his arm in the air to rapturous applause, before hitting a slap so hard it spun Smith 720 degrees. Smith was a great sport, selling it like he'd been hit by Triple H's sledgehammer, laying face-down on the canvas like a broken boxer. The pin followed, and a new trend was born, as Jerrelle 'Bitch Slap' Clark got the victory. He looked good ahead of a probable RTG World Trophy shot next month.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jerrelle Clark defeated Stallyn Smith in 9:40 by pinfall with a 630 Splash. Clark & Smith have pretty good chemistry and it lifted the match. Match Rating: 39.




Next it was Ruben T Garrison (me), Aaron Draven and Father Milo in the ring. We explained how the fans had been allowed to choose the stipulation for tonight's main event. I mocked the fans by calling their ideas "retarded" and saying that half the suggestions had been written in crayon. Father Milo said there were so many good ideas, he'd decided to combine some of them. Tonight's main event will be a... Fans Bring The Weapons, Ladder Match! I smiled and pulled a taser out of my jacket pocket, threatening to use it on Draven later. Milo interjected, saying only we were only allowed to maim each other with ladders and whatever barbaric instruments the fans brought. "For safety reasons" he said, adding "this is a wrestling company, not a Mexican prison. Put that thing away before you accidentally zap yourself and end up in a coma." Draven wanted to add his own stipulation, that if he becomes champ tonight, I'm not allowed to have a title shot ever again. I agreed to this, with my own stipulation that if I remain champ, I get to pick his opponents for the rest of the year. Father Milo agreed to all this, and made it official. Everyone's looking forward to this one, especially the fans. Angle rating: 37.





Johnny Riggs vs Javi Air


Javi Air did a shoot interview yesterday for www.Wrestling-Edge.com saying how pissed off he is with his lack of wins in RTG. He said he was willing to do anything to get back on track - victory at any cost. He went straight at his opponent Johnny Riggs like a rabid dog, brutalizing him with many stiff acrobatic moves including a nice Leaping, Swinging Reverse DDT. He used the ring itself as a weapon, Hot Shotting Riggs on the ropes, Powerbombing him into turnbuckles, doing a Guillotine Neckbreaker onto the middle rope, and more. He even did a good version of Taijiri's Tarantula which drew a mild pop from our drunken, hostile crowd. Riggs took control by Dropkicking Javi while he was still in mid-air, before showing off his own flashy moves. Riggs has a more compact style than Javi, using various traditional maneuvers alongside the usual daredevil stuff. The result is less spectacular but fundamentally solid, as Javi found out when Riggs countered Javi's Flying Headscissors into a Crippler Crossface. Javi got to the ropes to break the hold, but by then was weakened enough for Riggs to hit his secondary finisher, the Independent Star.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Johnny Riggs defeated Javi-Air in 10:15 by pinfall with an Independent Star. Match rating: 34.




After the pinfall, Javi went ballistic, screaming obscenities in a vile display of temper. He pushed referee Bill Clark to the floor and swung at Riggs, who leaped to the ring apron to escape. Javi rolled out the ring, got one of the empty chairs from ringside, and threw it at Riggs, just missing his face. Javi then screamed "enough is enough!" He stormed out, red with rage. Angle rating: 30.




Next up, the unlikely duo of Matt Stryker and ZZ Hook spent some time taunting their opponents for tonight, Tommy Kim and Nooie Lee. Clearly Hook has shaken off all those mysterious 'injuries' which kept him from competing recently. He's actually fighting tonight, rather than just acting as Stryker's 'advisor'. It was a solid promo. Stryker has decent entertainment skills and decent overness for a fed of our size. The fans teased by chanting "ZZ Hook! ZZ Hook! Who the f**k is ZZ Hook?!" Despite his lack of overness, however, Hook is the best promo guy in the company. It's still a big mystery as to why they're working together. What is their goal here? What's their game? Clearly they're planning something big, and they hinted at it in this promo. But as to what tricks they have up their sleeves, we'll have to wait and see. Angle rating: 36.





Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs Nooie Lee & 'Funky' Tommy Kim


Stryker is riding high after an excellent 30 Minute Ultimate Submission bout with Chad Collyer last month. He was on form again tonight, using many crisp submissions that only our smart-ass announcer Swedish Dave could name. He tagged cleverly and often with Hook, and their double team antics disguised Hook's comparatively weak in-ring skills. Nooie Lee bore the brunt of this, as Hook / Stryker expertly kept the referee distracted and kept Lee well away from his corner, working him over brilliantly. It's subtle things like this which are falling by the wayside in wrestling, as fans become ever more obsessed with flashy bullshit over solid strategy. Naturally, Lee eventually got the hot tag to his partner Tommy Kim who somehow impossibly combined an ass-kicking with an Elvis-esque dance routine. He looked like a mix of Colt Cobana, Ric Flair and Lionel Richie in there, and the fans ate it up as he pounded Hook with the best knife edge chops I've ever seen. And more chops. And then some more chops. Followed by some more. Hook could take no more, and Stryker illegally ran in and started fighting, without being tagged. A pissed off Nooie did the same. Suddenly the match was in chaos as all four men started wildly brawling in and out of the ring. Lee and Stryker brawled all the way down the isle to the merch stand. Meanwhile the vindictive veteran Chad Collyer injected himself into these chaotic scenes, distracting Kim enough for Hook to deliver a brutal Running Dropkick to both of Kim's legs, making him scream out in pain. Hook was literally jumping up and down on Kim's weakened limbs, each time resulting in a nightmarish scream from Kim. Collyer laughed, vicariously rejoicing in his enemy's pain. Furiously, Kim crudely pushed Hook over. Tommy Kim then nearly decapitated the referee with a Spinning Heel Kick which was aimed at Collyer. The ref had seen enough, calling for the bell, as the match descended into carnage.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Matt Stryker and ZZ Hook drew with Tommy Kim and Nooie Lee in 13:29 when the match descended into chaos. During the match we also had Chad Collyer distract Tommy Kim. Match rating: 45.




As the dust settled, Tommy Kim and Chad Collyer came back to the ring. Kim was hardly able to stand after his legs took another beating. As he hobbled about, using the ring ropes for support, Chad grabbed a mic and mocked him. He promised Kim a world of pain, that he would be broken down and tortured without even touching him. Like a sinister mastermind, Collyer reveled at his evil scheme. He said this was only the beginning, saying that as punishment for disrespecting him, he'd ensure Kim endured so much suffering he'd never want to wrestle again. He was laughing right in his face. Off-balance and hurt, Kim threw a punch at Collyer, who dodged it with a smile, before rolling casually out of the ring. Angle rating: 40.





Derek Frazier vs Benjamin Bray


Derek Frazier looked terrified. He was clearly rattled by the extremely negative reaction from the fans. He looked scared of his own shadow. This was the worst possible situation for him to be in, going up against a hot and hungry contender in Benjamin Bray. Bray was frustrated at coming so close to winning his #1 Contenders Match against Jerrelle Clark, only to have his dreams dashed again. He went at it tonight with a true hunger A man on a mission. Previously he's been hurt by his moves being so soft it was ridiculous, as if he was afraid to hurt anybody. That wasn't the case tonight, as his attacks looked crisp and convincing, albeit hardly stiff or brutal. A Shining Wizard got the crowd going. A Fame Asser hit the spot. A Finn Balor style Top Rope Double Stomp had Frazier in trouble. A pretty sweet Moonsault looked like it spelled the end, with Frazier only just getting a shoulder up. Sensing he was in danger of losing the match, Frazier snapped out of his daze and fought back with multiple clotheslines, and many over the top moves including the first Standing 450 Splash I've seen this year. The taunts soon started flooding back too, and for a while it was if the arrogant Frazier of old was in the ring. That changed instantly however when the walking wounded Josh Daniels appeared at ringside, making a show of positioning himself in a ringside seat. The vision of his near-crippled foe ringside was a huge distraction to Frazier, who mentally fell apart. Bray keenly capitalized, hitting a good Vertical Enziguri, followed by some big Japanese style jumping kick thing. You could see a proud smile on Bray's face as he performed a La Magistral pin for the 3 count. A vital win for Bray, but would he have won had Frazier not been so distracted?


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Benjamin Bray defeated Derek Frazier in 12:52 by pinfall. During the match we also had Josh Daniels distract Derek Frazier. Frazier was really off his game tonight. Match rating: 38.




Our drunken fans put their beers down long enough to applaud the courageous Josh Daniels as he got slowly into the ring, needing the referee to help him climb in because of his weakened condition. His whiplash collar, back brace and cane let everyone know things were serious. Although why the hell he needed the cane for a neck injury is beyond me, I think he just liked it as a prop. The ref held a microphone for Daniels, who was pissed that he won't get chance to deliver a revenge ass-whupping for months while he recovers. He said he wanted to see Frazier suffer for his actions, however, so introduced a new entrant into RTG... his old ally Reckless Youth! Announcer Swedish Dave nearly had a heart attack. He's a huge mark for Reckless, especially for his work in ROH. He practically busted a nut. The fans rushed towards Reckless, giving him high fives. I don't think many of them knew who the hell he was, I think the alcohol just made them giddy. Daniels announced that until the doctors say he can wrestle again, Youth will be wrestling in his place. Father Milo came out, shook Youth's hand, then made Frazier vs Youth for next month's show! Frazier looked like he'd seen a ghost. Angle rating: 43.



Reckless Youth, pictured here with pretty much all of our fans.




Father Milo then called RTG Invitational Champion Ty Hagen to the ring. Hagen might not be the most gifted wrestler in the world, but he's connecting well with fans and getting over. His performances are spirited if unspectacular, and it's working for him. Augustini then announced Hagen's mystery opponent for tonight is...


Drumroll please...


Tiger Raj Singh! The fans cheered as the man known formerly in WWE as Jinder Mahal made his way out to the catchy tunes of 'Mundian To Bach Ke' by Panjabi MC. Singh is one of many good athletes ruined by WWE's ironically labelled 'creative team'. He has a great look, brilliant physique and many of the tools to make it big. But because he's Asian and a little bit different to the usual bilge they pump out at Titan Towers, McMahon and co seriously dropped the ball. The whole Jinder Mahal thing was a travesty. The fans shitted all over it. And this left Singh without a job, trying to rebuild his reputation and credibility any way he could - even if that meant plying his trade in a dirty scrap yard, in a shithole town, in the smallest and least reputable wrestling fed in all of America. Angle rating: 41.



He looks a hell of a lot better without that crappy beard they made him grow too.





Tiger Raj Singh vs Ty Hagen ©

For The RTG Invitational Title


Swedish Dave explained to our online viewers that "we asked WWE if we could call him Jinder Mahal. They immediately issued a Cease And Desist citation and threatened to sue us into bankruptcy. So for tonight, fans, he's called Singh. Even though it's really Jinder Mahal out there. In Jinder Mahal's tights. Doing Jinder Mahal's moves. Infront of Jinder Mahal's fans. That's not Jinder Mahal. It's Raj Singh, because we hate lawyers." Color commentator Benny D put it quite nicely, saying "Vincent Kennedy McMahon, wherever you are, you're are a dick." Raj Singh did indeed to many of Jinder Mahal's moves. All of them infact. While a solid wrestler, Singh isn't the most electrifying. He worked Hagen's neck in a fundamentally very solid but unspectacular match, utilizing various Neckbreakers, Vertical Suplexes and Snapmares, followed by holds like the Camel Clutch and the Crossface. It was sound. It was logical. It was decent. But it wasn't spectacular. Hagen got in some strong offense of his own, including his trademark Vertical Enziguiri which swung the fight in his favor. Hagen would look to be fighting his way back into the match until Singh would again target the neck, putting him back in control. Finally Raj missed a spear, crashing hard into the corner post. Hagen capitalized, flooring his opponent with a Side Russian Legsweep, then locking on his Veri-Tap finisher.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ty Hagen defeated Tiger Raj Singh in 13:16 by submission. Ty Hagen makes defence number 3 of his RTG Invitational Title. Match rating: 35.




It was nearly time for the main event. Draven and I were back in the ring, ready to trade insults one last time before what would potentially be our final battle. We reminded each other (i.e. reminded the fans) of the stipulations we'd made - whereby if Draven leaves as champ, I can never fight for the RTG Trophy again - if I leave as champ, I get to hand-pick his opponents for the rest of the year. Draven then said the fans deserved a real champion, not some washed up former junkie who's too greedy to let go of the title. I said the fans deserved a real champion, not some sore midget with a Napoleon complex. I then told Draven the only way he'd get the RTG Trophy off me would be to rip it from my cold, dead hands. He seemed happy to do that. I couldn't help but notice during the promo, however, some serious unrest in the fans. Venue owner Mickey D and road agent Rachel Summerlyn were trying to calm the fans down. Commentator Benny D has abandoned his broadcast position to try and keep the fans in check. Something was wrong. Angle rating: 45.





Aaron Draven vs Ruben T Garrison ©

For The RTG World Trophy


In a spectacularly dumb move, Draven decided the best way to get the fans back under control was to ask them to give him weapons. This was a Fans Bring Weapons match after all. This stipulation had been 'accidentally leaked' via social media 2 days ago, giving the fans plenty of time to gather up all kinds of weird and wonderful shit for us to bash each other with. Highlights included an old Super Nintendo gaming system, a golf club (7 iron), a giant pink foam finger, an 18th Century porcelain statuette of Julius Caesar, a bowling ball, a toy plastic guitar and a frying pan. I had the upper hand for a lot of this, until Draven kicked things up a notch by getting a ladder from under the ring and throwing it at my head like a javelin. I was dizzy for a whole minute after that, and the bloody wound on my head was genuine. Draven and I had watched all the classic ladder matches in preparation for tonight, and we 'paid homage' to (i.e ripped off) many great wrestling moments. That infamous spot from ECW Barely Legal where Terry Funk puts the ladder on his shoulders, spinning round and knocking everyone out? We did that. That ECW one with the Dreamer Driver on Justin Credible from the top of two ladders to the canvas? We did that? Razor Ramone vs Shawn Michaels' ladder match at Wrestlemania X? We stole from that wholesale, although our match had much less nudity. We even copied that spot from WWE's TLC matches where both guys are on top of the ladder, it tips over, sending both crashing through the announcer's table. That last one was a real Crazy Bump. Draven came off fine, though sold it like he'd been shot. I nearly shited out my own spine from the impact. We brawled around the ring a bit more, until a fan passed Draven a pair of handcuffs. We got in the ring, fighting over these handcuffs like kids fighting over the last piece of candy. Long story short, I ended up handcuffed to the ropes while the fan favorite climbed a ladder to glory.


He came SO close to winning, actually touching the RTG World Trophy as it hung so agonizingly close overhead. He was SO close to his dreams coming true, to being crowned champion... until I kicked the referee into the ladder, which bent the metal, collapsing under Draven's weight. He fell from a great height, landing ribs-first on the ladder, bouncing like a rag doll. He rolled on the canvas, trying in vein to get air back into his tortured torso. Fortunately for me these weren't police issue handcuffs, rather the cheap kinky sex type ones. With a great deal of brute force I was able to snap the chain and free myself. It was at this moment that my years of substance abuse suddenly caught up with me. All the damage those drugs had done to my body all of a sudden took their toll. A wave of total exhaustion washed over me instantly, draining me of all energy. I could hardly move. I could barely breathe. Getting out of those handcuffs had sapped my last reserve of strength. The ladder was bent beyond repair, so there was no way either of us were climbing it to retrieve our prize. As the final move of a desperate man, I reached into my pocket, producing the taser I'd threatened Draven with earlier. He screamed in twisted agony as I zapped him, as thousands of volts convulsed his body. The referee rang for the bell immediately. The fan's boos were truly deafening - no small feat given only 37 were in attendance. They began throwing empty beer cans and bottles in the ring. The situation was becoming dangerous. The referee ran for his life. To this day it's not clear whether the match ended in disqualification or if it was just stopped because I'd taken things too far. But the fans were incensed. Draven was furious. Father Milo was enraged. And I was still champ.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ruben T Garrison was a total cheating bastard, screwing over Aaron Draven in a 1 vs 1 - Ladder match in 17:59. Ruben T Garrison makes defence number 6 of his RTG World Trophy. Match rating: 48.



As my music began to play, a jittery, bloody and devastated Draven recovered enough to realize what had happened. He was filled with rage when he saw that all his hopes and dreams had been so cruelly snatched away. The RTG World Trophy was slowly lowered down far enough for me to grab it, as I walked exhaustedly around the ring, holding my coveted prize high for all to see. Draven could watch no more of this. He tackled me to the ground in fury, snatched the trophy from me, and smashed me in the face with it, turning my bloody head wound into a full crimson mask. He hit me so hard one of the arms came flying off the trophy, never to be found. He rolled out the ring a tired and dejected man, with me motionless and bloody on the canvas. Angle rating: 37.


As the ring began to fill with broken glass, beer cans and trash, the fans began pushing and shoving each other in the stands. Someone threw a chair. A tiny old woman spat on the biggest guy she could find in the crowd and began screaming in his face. Rachel, Mickey and Benny were doing their best to hold things together, but without professional security there was only so much they could do. Suddenly the fans were throwing chairs at each other. Fists flew. Furniture was upturned. Mickey D's Scrap Yard became a scene of utter violence. There was blood. There were screams. There was carnage. At first I thought this chaos was caused by our match, but it wasn't just that. I later discovered that our booze-fuelled fans had drunk triple their usual amount of ultra-strength beer, until there was none left to sell. That, plus the ridiculously hot weather, plus the antics in the ring, equaled a full-on riot. I can't even begin to tell you how crazy shit got. There were riot police. There were K9 units. There were helicopters. And then there was a massive fire, as if this whole scene wasn't hellish enough. We were front page news for days, in what would become an infamous chapter in RTG's short history.



The day began with optimism. It ended with a full-scale riot.



Overall rating: 40.




Note: Dixie was unable to compete on tonight's show as he's working at his family's farm, helping to gather in the harvest. Our lovable underdog will be back in action next month. That is, if there even IS a show next month...

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<p>Predictions league to be posted in a few days, sorry. Am away from my computer / Photoshop until the end of next week. It's the Easter break here in the UK and my work is closed, all my RTG stuff is stored there. I've uploaded the results from my mobile phone. Hostile Intent aftermath pt.1 will be posted today / tomorrow.</p><p> </p><p>

Then I'm off on Honeymoon with my lovely little wife. See you guys later, and thanks again for reading! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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The one where I say "Yes it's a double post. Kiss my ass lol"




Our local newspaper outsourced all their writing staff to Azerbaijan back in 2011.

Despite English clearly not being their first language, the quality was vastly improved.

Circulation grew as people made finding spelling mistakes and grammatical errors into a kind of weird sport.

The hilariously bad journalism and lack of actual news became almost legendary, and has sprouted the tabloid numerous cult online followings.

This was the first truly newsworthy event to happen here since the local fire department accidentally burned down their own headquarters back in 1987.

Just a shame this infamous story had to be about us. Even worse, we received this two days later...




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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>The one where we subtly infer that all Mayors are perverts</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>RTG: Hostile Intent - Aftermath</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">"You vile, degenerate, villainous bastards!"</span> Father Milo screamed in a fit of anger, ready to lash out at anyone foolish enough to come near. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"This is an outrage! A travesty! Heads will roll for this you mindless, Godless bastards!" </span>He was like a rabid dog. The gallons of red wine he'd drunk earlier in the night had worn off, and the effects of sobriety were unpleasant to say the least. It was a classic Mexican Stand Off kinda situation. On one side of the room was the cornered and furious Father Augustini, ready to strike and bursting with fury. On the other side - a safe distance away - were Mayor James Todrick, five heavily armed police, a particularly butch-looking female prison guard, and two of Todrick's suits. The mayor in particular looked terrified, cowering behind his goons, trying his hardest not to crap his pants. Todrick and Augustini go way back. Each knows all too well what the other is capable of. </p><p> </p><p>

The situation came about after a full-scale riot broke out after our Road To Glory Wrestling show ran out of beer. This, plus freakish heat, plus a rather unpopular finish to the show, had resulted in a full-on brawl between our fans and the cops. Bottles were thrown. Bricks were launched. Tear gas was used. A car was toppled over. Blood was spilled. Arrests were made, including Augustini, me, our road agent Rachel, and venue owner Mickey D. Things had calmed down after that, until they tried putting Father Milo in a cell, and that's when the shit hit the fan. </p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong>Forget Wrestlemania. </strong></span></p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;"><strong> Mayor James Todrick vs Father Milo Augustini is the grudge match we'd all happily pay to see.</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#483D8B;">"Calm down Milo. You'll only make matters worse. Think about this, before you wind up doing something you'll seriously regret."</span> Mayor Todrick was trying to reason with the crazed priest, trembling as he spoke. But everyone knew it'd do about as much good as politely asking an incoming tornado not to destroy your house. 5 years ago the council tried shutting down Augustini's church. Augustini took the news badly, found out the name of the councilman who planned the closure... and drove a bulldozer through the front of the guy's house. The church stayed open. Todrick was clearly afraid of similar ramifications. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"Todrick you spineless bastard! Let me go! Let us all go!"</span> Father Milo howled. Todrick defiantly shook his head. <span style="color:#483D8B;">"You're all over the newspapers. You and this group of piss-poor freaks you call a wrestling company. The local news is running footage of the riot on the hour, every hour. The commissioner is wanting closure on this. The whole situation's a disaster. I've got so many people clamoring for justice, some kind of punishment. I have to give them something or there'll be another riot. There'll be chaos if discipline isn't restored"</span> pleaded Todrick.</p><p> </p><p>

Father Milo seemed to calm down, his face going from a flaming red, back to a more human skin-tone. Then all of a sudden he got a devious sparkle in his eye. You can always tell when Milo's up to something - he gets this sinister smile on his face. And there it was, as RTG's Man Of The Cloth showed why he's the most revered man in town. <span style="color:#A0522D;">"Todrick, you spineless little snake. You're mad if you think I'll let you lay one finger on me, or any of these fine people at the wrestling company. This town has suffocated and crushed its residents for years. It sucks the very life from people. Yet for the first time in our miserable town's little history, there's a beacon of hope. This weird little wrestling company gives people a much-needed distraction from the disharmony and dissatisfaction of their lives. It gives them hope, entertainment, an escape. Once a month, these people have something to look forward to. RTG is something these people can feel like they're a part of. It's about the only damned good thing this place has going for it."</span> Father Milo adjusted his priestly collar for a moment, pausing to let his words sink in, before continuing.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">"Besides, I know all your dirty little secrets, Todrick. I've heard you in confession. I know all your sick little misdeeds. Yes, the local newspaper has reported the disruption after the show. But it also reported the latest 'Birthday Cake Hooker Scandal' you've gotten yourself involved in. If only they knew the truth as to what a twisted, perverted, weird little man you are, they'd have a field day. The chaos that took place after our show would be nothing compared to the scandal that would break out if people knew who their mayor really was. So I suggest you let us go. Not just for our sake, but for the sake of your career as well. Your soul may be beyond redemption, but at least your secrets will remain hidden from mortal eyes."</span> </p><p> </p><p>

You could see the look of panic on Todrick's face as the Father spoke. We never did find out what dark secrets Augustini was speaking about. Perhaps it's best we don't know - some secrets are best left buried. But what I do know is we were all out of jail less than an hour later. All charges dropped. The whole thing was swept under the carpet. While this whole ugly incident unquestionably damaged RTG's reputation for years, it could have been a lot worse. Were it not for Father Milo, we'd all have been facing real prison time, which would've meant the company would've been dead in the water. And for that we all owe him, big time.</p><p>


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The one where I realised that Reckless Youth looks WAY too pink in his photo


RTG: Riot Act - Official Card


The mayor's office have allowed Road To Glory Wrestling's next event to take place so long as everyone is on their best behavior. Mayor James Todrick will be in attendance, along with many of his hired suits, who will close down proceedings should things get out of hand. Venue owner Mickey D and his son Benny have been working around the clock to ensure there's enough beer for our crazed fans. The local police have been stocking up on tear gas and rubber bullets should the beer run out.






Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs Javi Air & Dixie vs Nooie Lee & Stallyn Smith

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


Some of RTG's best fighters (and ZZ Hook) will square off in a high stakes match - the prize being an unlikely shot at glory for the winner, via a #1 Contenders Match next show. Most of the names here have found victory hard to come by so far, so a win here could catapult them into the limelight and potentially transform their whole careers. Plus, will we finally get to find out the mysterious reasons behind Stryker & Hook's alliance? What are those two up to?





'Omega' Aaron Draven & 'Funky' Tommy Kim vs Johnny Riggs & Benjamin Bray

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


As above, whoever wins this one will get a shot at becoming #1 Contender next show. In a match featuring some of the bigger names here in RTG, this one really could go either way. Aaron Draven is furious at losing out on the RTG Trophy yet again after champion Garrison blatantly cheated to retain the gold. He'll want to return to winning ways here. Tommy Kim is still being stalked by his vindictive nemesis Chad Collyer, and was barely able to walk after last show's proceedings. How will he hold up physically against the team of Riggs and Bray, who are both ambitious young talents with everything to prove.





Derek Frazier vs Reckless Youth (w/ Josh Daniels)


A genuine grudge match. Frazier became the most hated man in RTG when he nearly broke Josh Daniels' neck. With Daniels out injured indefinitely, he has called up his old ally Reckless Youth to fight in his place. Youth has promised revenge for his fallen friend. Frazier has said he won't let anybody stand in his way of glory, and has threatened to injure Youth just as badly should he get in his way. Will Daniels have a measure of revenge? Or will he see his friend share the same fate as him?





Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Hagen has defied all the odds so far, having beaten superstar opponents Charlie Haas, Kid Kash and Tiger Ali Singh (aka Jinder Mahal). Despite being the underdog in all 3 of his defenses, he's somehow gotten the win. But will his luck finally run out against another mystery opponent? And who will this unknown competitor turn out to be?




Ruben T Garrison vs Jerrelle Clark

For The RTG World Trophy

Special Stipulation: If Garrison Gets DQ'd He Gets Fired




RTG's authority figure Father Milo Augustini has been very vocal via social media and our official YouTube channel. Furious after Garrison used a taser to cheat his way to glory last show, Father Milo has made a special stipulation for our main event. If Garrison gets disqualified, he gets fired! This stacks the odds firmly in Clark's favor - he knows every trick in the book and will use this situation to his advantage. Also keen to be a factor in this match will be Aaron Draven, who was the victim of the taser and has sworn revenge.

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"Your soul may be beyond redemption, but at least your secrets will remain hidden from mortal eyes."


That's some Shakespeare shit right here. I'm loving the backstory on this dynasty, it gives another layer to the events.




Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs Javi Air & Dixie vs Nooie Lee & Stallyn Smith

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


'Omega' Aaron Draven & 'Funky' Tommy Kim vs Johnny Riggs & Benjamin Bray

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


Derek Frazier vs Reckless Youth (w/ Josh Daniels)


Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Ruben T Garrison vs Jerrelle Clark

For The RTG World Trophy

Special Stipulation: If Garrison Gets DQ'd He Gets Fired

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Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook vs Javi Air & Dixie vs Nooie Lee & Stallyn Smith

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


'Omega' Aaron Draven & 'Funky' Tommy Kim vs Johnny Riggs & Benjamin Bray

Whoever Gets The Win Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match Next Show


Derek Frazier vs Reckless Youth (w/ Josh Daniels)


Ty Hagen © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Ruben T Garrison vs Jerrelle Clark

For The RTG World Trophy

Special Stipulation: If Garrison Gets DQ'd He Gets Fired

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The one where one man's farts are another's inspiration


That's some Shakespeare shit right here. I'm loving the backstory on this dynasty, it gives another layer to the events.


Thanks! :) Glad you're liking this so far! I'm having lots of fun writing this, and it's great to see it being enjoyed.




RTG Riot Act - Pre-Show


"Let's face it, we got lucky" I said to Swedish and Rachel. They both wore frowns. Thanks to the sharp wits of Father Milo Augustini, we'd escaped jail time. But the riot, violence and destruction we'd caused would scar Road To Glory Wrestling for years. We were already by far the least prestigious federation in the world. This set us even further back. The mood backstage was a mixture of relief and dread. Christ only knew how the fans would react. Would they bother to show up again after the last show ended with tear gas and night-sticks? "The violence after the show really screwed us. Our biggest star by far - Tiger Ali Singh - resigned and won't answer my calls. I had to practically beg half a dozen of the other stars not to quit. People think RTG Wrestling is tainted, they think we're bad news."


It was the morning before our next show, which we'd named "Riot Act" in a vague hope of cashing in on any controversy and negative publicity this scandal had generated. But we were pissing in the wind. Nobody could predict what impact these events would have. Would the infamy be a catalyst or a nail in the coffin? As we sat in Rachel's apartment, studying her iPad for the latest headlines and emails, there was a knock at the door. A person I'd not seen since the early days of the company's short but colorful history came casually sauntering in.


Rickey Shane Page was last seen in RTG Powerbombing a guy onto a car. His short time with the company had been memorable to say the least. I'd offered him a role with the company, but we were simply too small for him. I thought we'd never see him again, until word got out he was dating our road agent Rachel. They'd met backstage at our show. After a sweaty and closely contested impromptu arm-wrestling tournament, sparks flew. An unlikely love story blossomed. And now here he was, scars, piercings and all. His words were exactly what we needed to hear...


"I overheard what you guys were saying. The answer is simple. You just have to say 'f**k it' and move on. There'll always be people wanting to shoot you down. There'll always be problems you can't foresee. It's part of this f**king business. The higher you climb the mountain, the further the fall. It's like Dr. Dre said - no matter how hard you work for success, there'll always be someone out there working twice as hard to take it off you. F**k the haters. Brush those motherf**kers off and move on in your own unique way." After dropping those profane yet surprisingly wise words he collapsed onto the sofa, farted loudly, burped, and began violently scratching his balls. Wisdom comes from strange places I guess. He was right though.




The 'creative team' behind tonight's show. Sharing ideas. Solving problems. Breathing RSP's farts.



"So we've got the show pretty much sorted. This will be the show that either makes or breaks Jerrelle Clark, but I've got faith in him. He's been screaming for a chance like this. And the people will love what Stryker and Hook have planned" said Swedish Dave, adding a worried tone as he continued. "But we're desperately short on time for finding an opponent for Ty Hagen's Invitational Title. We could be in deep shit here. The show's tonight and nobody's booked!" I hadn't seen strain on his face this bad since back in his porno days. RSP's words had inspired me though, and my mind was working overtime on a solution. Suddenly I had one of those 'Eureka' moments of inspiration. I thought of an old friend I hadn't spoken to in years. Pulling my $20 cellphone from my pocket, I dialled him, praying he hadn't changed his number in all these years. I was in luck.


"¿Hola? Ruben? ¿Qué quieren, capullo?" Came the voice. "Cut it out, I know you speak perfectly good English. Remember when we both worked that WWE undercard? I did the dark match against Shawn Michaels, you stretched Val Venis? I helped you get fake papers to work that night. You said if there was anything you could do to repay me, all I had to do was ask? I'm calling it in." It was a long shot. Most people in this wretched, cold business would have hung up. But I knew him well - he's one of the good guys. "Tonto bien. Texto yo los detalles. ¿Me debes una cerveza." Problem solved.


"Well?" Swedish asked, having heard the broken Spanish over the phone, but not having understood a word of it. "Who've we got?" I laughed and smiled at him. "That's my surprise. Just you wait and see." He kicked me. Swedish Dave does not like surprises. I changed the subject before his little tantrum grew into a full-on pissy fit. "I didn't realise it'd be so hard to book talent" I said, shaking my head and sighing. "Last month we had 5 names to choose from as challengers to Hagen's title. All pretty famous superstars. We had our pick of the best unemployed talent out there. But after the riot, suddenly nobody wants to know. Apart from my friend, I've just had one random guy Tweeting me. Look." I showed them all my phone. This is the first everyone saw of the next potential new name in RTG...




3 things:


1.) Does anyone know who the legendary Al Magz is / was? I'll be very happy if someone does.


2.) Does the Spanish in this post make sense? Is it correct? I don't speak the lingo. What's posted above is the very best that Google Translate could puke out.


3.) Please keep your predictions coming. Results to be posted soon!

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1.) Does anyone know who the legendary Al Magz is / was? I'll be very happy if someone does.

From PW. :p:p:p:p


We have a winner! :)


I got into Promotion Wars before I knew about the Ryland sims. It was a lot of fun but extremely limited - it would be crushed by the likes of TEW now. Al Magz, however, was the ultimate mascot for the PW series. And it seems like his son is vying for a place on the RTG roster...

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The one where cheaters can't prosper, and where the referee repeatedly loses control


<wbr><wbr>RTG: Riot Act - Results


Things were understandably tense for this show, given the full-scale riot that'd broken out at our last one. The police had insisted on putting metal detectors on the entrance to scan for weapons. Coats and bags were checked for hidden implements. Sniffer dogs were deployed early on, until one of our drunken fans tried feeding beer to one of them. After having to clean up a few pints of canine vomit, most of the cops decided to go home instead. Despite the tongue-in-cheek naming of the show, there were no riots, no destruction, no mayhem this time. We decided to play it safe and put on an actual wrestling show for once. Mayor James Todrick was still uneasy though, and had various hired goons in suits posted throughout, just in case things got a little too rowdy. Our fans didn't seem to care about the heightened security - they just wanted to get their booze on and watch some guys hurt each other. We were happy to oblige, and were just happy our 37 fans had all turned out again - in retrospect, they probably thought last month's riot was just part of the show.



Todrick's Suits, pictured earlier in the day leaving city hall.

We made the most of it. Mickey D made a fortune selling these guys beer during the show.




Before our first match, the unlikely duo of Matt Stryker and ZZ Hook were on the mic. The fans sang their usual song of "ZZ Hook, ZZ Hook, Who The f**k Is ZZ Hook" which I still think is pretty awesome. There's been speculation for months now as to what these two guys are planning, and why they've been teaming together despite being polar opposites and having no prior connection. Tonight we finally got our answer. Dressed head to toe in black, complete with trench coats, gloves and black t-shirts with the letters 'F.U' spray-painted on the front, they looked a force to be reckoned with. Taking turns on the mic, they announced they were starting up a 'Fighter's Union'. Both said they were tired of seeing good, hard-working wrestlers being ground into the dirt by the wrestling industry. 'F.U' is their way of fighting back. Like the labor unions of old, they intend to use collective muscle to achieve their goals. Anyone is free to join - and they indicated a couple of the RTG roster already have. Basically they wanna use strength in numbers to ensure talented workers get a fair shake. Opinion is divided as to whether this new group is good for the company, or a potential poison. Announcer Swedish Dave, for example, likes the idea of underdog workers getting over. Color commentator Benny D, on the other hand, called it "pinko, hippie, commie bullshit." Either way, we'll have to wait and see what plans these guys have, and what impact they'll have on RTG. Angle rating: 37.




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Fighter's Union (F.U) vs Javi Air & Dixie vs Nooie Lee & Stallyn Smith

Winner Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match At The Next Show


A fast paced match to start things off. All the athletes here were keen to perform, putting on an entertaining show to warm up our booze-fueled crowd. Even the ageing ZZ Hook pulled some impressive moves out of the bag. Yes, it was a total spot-fest with little or no psychology. Yes Lou Thesz, Killer Kowalski and their ilk would be turning in their graves at matches like this. So what? It did what it was meant to, it got people excited, and it was fun. This is a junk yard full of degenerates in the middle of nowhere, not Madison Square Garden - not every bout is going to be a classic. This one gave all involved a nice chance to show off their skills, before the unexpected happened... Suddenly out of nowhere Javi Air turned on his partner Dixie, laying him out with a brutal-looking Double Arm DDT! Things quickly descended into chaos as a wild brawl ensued. After a minute or so of carnage, two sides began to emerge, with F.U and Javi fighting the rest. The referee had seen enough and called the match off. The brawl continued as the bell rang - only Father Milo Augustini's presence calming things down.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Matt Stryker and ZZ Hook drew with Javi-Air and Dixie and Nooie Lee and Stallyn Smith in 9:55 when the match descended into chaos. Match rating: 36.




Before Father Milo could sort things out, Stryker and Hook shook hands with Javi, passing him a Fighter's Union uniform of his own, which he put on with pride. With a huge smile, Javi high-fived his new allies. Hook & Stryker cut a promo saying how Javi had hardly been given a proper shot here at RTG despite his best efforts. As part of Fighter's Union, that will change, they claim. They declared Javi as the first of many future signings, and proclaimed big changes to come. They even unveiled a catch-phrase: "if you don't like it, F U!" The fans ate it up, though I personally think it's a bit too much like dumb Sports Entertainment bullshit.



And just like that, RTG's first ever Stable was born.


<wbr>Father Milo seemed unconvinced - like many of us, he'll be keeping a close eye on this new movement. He then criticized the 3 men for ruining the opening match. He said the crowd had paid to see a proper fight, not these shenanigans. He reminded everyone that the aim of the match was to determine the first entrant in a #1 Contender's Match next show. He then re-started proceedings, this time as a 3vs3 match! Angle rating: 35.





Fighter's Union (F.U) vs Dixie & Nooie Lee & Stallyn Smith

Same Stipulation As Before, Regardless Of F.U's Antics


Unlike the previous match which was a spot-fest, this one had more cohesion. The team of Hook, Stryker and Javi worked extremely well together, to the extent that it was impossible they hadn't worked together before, behind the scenes. As the match wore on it became obvious they'd been training together for weeks. Our commentary team speculated who else had been recruited into this mysterious new 'union' - a debate which continued on the forums long after the event had finished. Smith, Lee and Dixie all had their moments, and showed true heart - especially Lee who was on great form tonight and looked good out there. F.U's cohesion proved too much, however, and was the deciding factor in Javi getting a rare pinfall win.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, F.U (Matt Stryker, ZZ Hook and Javi-Air) defeated Dixie, Nooie Lee and Stallyn Smith in 9:31 when Javi-Air defeated Stallyn Smith by pinfall with a Clothline Killer. Match rating: 39.




F.U celebrated and reiterated that membership is open to all - they will reveal new faces in future, nothing can stop them, etc etc. They celebrated their #1 Contender match win as a unit, with Javi looking particularly shocked and delighted at his first win in ages. Father Augustini brought them down to earth however, stating that only the winner of the match would fight for the #1 Contender spot, and that was Javi. Hook and Stryker looked a bit disheartened but seemed genuinely happy for their new ally. Angle rating: 31.




<wbr>The crowd made some pretty decent noise as the competitors for the next match came out to their (illegally downloaded) entrance music. Tommy Kim, Aaron Draven and Benjamin Bray are well-established names now here in RTG. Johnny Riggs, while still comparatively new, is making good progress here. They looked ready to go when suddenly the music of Chad Collyer hit, along with a chorus of boos. Laughing like some sinister Bond Villain, he strode to ringside, making a show of sitting in one of our (empty) ringside seats. It seems his mission of hounding his enemy Tommy Kim is to continue. Kim took exception to this, bursting into an angry temper, trying to leap out the ring at Collyer. The other 3 held him back, stopping him from getting himself disqualified before the match had even begun. As they restrained him he fell backwards, badly twisting his already damaged leg. Agony painted itself across Kim's normally smiling features. Despite the obvious risks and pain, he insisted on continuing as didn't want to show weakness in front of Collyer. It was plainly obvious though that Collyer's schemes are having serious effects on Kim's physical well-being. Angle rating: 33.





'Omega' Aaron Draven & 'Funky' Tommy Kim vs Johnny Riggs & Benjamin Bray

Winner Gets To Be In A #1 Contenders Match At The Next Show


On paper, Draven and Lee would be favorites to win. But Kim was hardly able to walk before the match even began. Draven was clearly not quite 100% after being assaulted with a taser after a grueling bout last time. The fresh and ambitious Riggs & Bray took full advantage, keeping Kim in the ring and away from the corner so he couldn't tag out. His weakened legs were a natural target for them, so all their flashy assaults were focused there. It wasn't anything personal against Kim, but these tactics were the obvious way of controlling the match - when an opportunity is spoon-fed to you like this, you take it - especially when the #1 Contender's spot is on the line. Ringside, Chad Collyer was enjoying every moment of Kim's pain. Eventually Kim got a hot tag after Riggs missed a Jericho-esque 2nd Rope Moonsault. Draven came in guns blazing, knocking both Riggs and Bray down with running Dropkicks before throwing Riggs out the ring. Draven had the upper hand with his aerial offense scoring "oohs" and "aahs" from our fans. This was a prime moment for me to appear and do evil bad guy things, like taking an empty steel chair from ringside and throwing it at Draven's head. He didn't like that, abandoning his attacks on Bray, squashing me with a Suicide Dive between the ropes to the outside instead. We brawled wildly at ringside, with Swedish Dave taking delight in the moment that Draven dropped me balls-first on the guardrail. Meanwhile Kim had recovered just enough to deliver his Twist Of Funk finisher on Riggs, laying him out cold. Kim collapsed in pain shortly after, leaving just Draven and Bray standing. A tidy sequence of holds and reversals followed, which finished by Draven countering a Suplex into a Small Package Pin for the win.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Aaron Draven and Tommy Kim defeated Johnny Riggs and Benjamin Bray in 14:37 when Aaron Draven defeated Johnny Riggs by pinfall. During the match we also saw Chad Collyer distract Tommy Kim, and Ruben T Garrison also attack Aaron Draven. Match rating: 41.




My balls hurt a lot after Draven dropped me on the guardrail. This made me very angry. Before Draven even had chance to celebrate, I grabbed the mic and started yelling. I told him his win was worthless. He'd agreed at our last show that he'd never challenge for the RTG Trophy again this year if he didn't become champ. Draven threw some insults at me that The Rock would've been proud of, until Father Milo stepped in. Much to Draven's surprise, Augustini agreed with me on this, warning Aaron not to go back on his word, as doing so would be un-Christian. Augustini put Tommy Kim in the #1 Contender's match instead as he was at least on winning team. Father Milo then called me "a cowardly snake", declaring that my taser attack on Draven was the work of "a rat bastard, spineless little Judas". Draven laughed at this, but I reminded him that as per our agreement from last month, I also get to choose his opponents. Including tonight. Like some villainous mastermind, I used this new power to pit him against Chad Collyer, who was still ringside. Collyer was too busy watching the wounded Tommy Kim being carried backstage to care. Augustini made it official. Draven was furious. Milo countered Draven's protests, saying a man's character is measured by his ability to follow up on his promises. Angle rating: 36.





Chad Collyer vs 'Omega' Aaron Draven

Because The Champ Says So.


Chad Collyer has become so obsessed in orchestrating the downfall of Tommy Kim that he's often given little thought to matches, such as the time he deliberately threw the Invitational Classic Battle Royal. There have been times, however, when he's used matches to send a message to Kim, such as his excellent 30 minute technical battle with Stryker. Unfortunately for Draven, Collyer was in a mood to hurt people tonight - and with Draven having already fought just minutes earlier, Collyer was the much fresher man. Chad controlled much of the match, pounding Draven to the mat and applying agonizing submission after agonizing submission. He used a myriad of moves, from Octopus Holds to Sharpshooters to Chickenwings to STFs and even a Rolling Leg Lock. He didn't care what part of his opponent's body he attacked, he just enjoyed hurting the often defenseless 'Omega'. It was only when Collyer stopped to yell at the referee for a questionable decision that Draven got his share of the action, hitting Collyer from behind with a Diamond Cutter, followed by a Fisherman's Buster. Collyer was pissed by this, stopped Draven's next attack, and threw him out the ring. I was waiting there for him, and returned the favor from earlier, planting him balls-first on the guardrail. We brawled ECW-style all around the ring after that. Collyer enjoyed watching us beating each other up, so much he didn't see Kim limping into the ring with a steel chair. The sound of metal bouncing off Collyer's skull was the last straw for referee Bill Clark, who rang the bell, disqualifying everyone - even me and Kim who weren't even in the damn match.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Aaron Draven drew with Chad Collyer in 13:05 when the match descended into chaos after Ruben T Garrison and Tommy Kim became involved. Match rating: 39.




Milo was angered by another match descending into chaos. The final bell was still echoing when he got in the ring and grabbed the mic. He said he hates the carnage that the feuds between these fighters are causing, and will give them all a chance to settle the score. Kim is already set for his #1 contender's match next week, and could barely walk, so he was out of the equation. Everyone else has bad blood and a score to settle. Augustini made a 2vs2 match for next week, with Garrison (me) and Collyer on one side versus Aaron Draven and a partner of his choice... unless I would up getting fired in tonight's main event, that is. It was a good angle, but the fans were pissed at the ending of the match, and it hurt how this segment was received. Angle rating: 26.



http://twistededge.org/RTG/Derek_Frazier.jpg http://twistededge.org/RTG/VS.jpghttp://twistededge.org/RTG/Reckless_Youth.jpghttp://twistededge.org/RTG/Josh_Daniels.jpg


Derek Frazier vs Reckless Youth (w/ Josh Daniels)


No fancy stipulations. No gimmicks. No titles. This was a good, old fashioned grudge match. Josh Daniels, ringside with a whiplash collar and back harness still on, was after revenge on Derek Frazier for nearly breaking his neck, and nearly putting him in a wheelchair for life. Into the frame stepped Reckless Youth, a long-time ally of Daniels, to extract some measure of vengeance on his friend's behalf. Frazier wasn't keen on letting that happen though, using his agility and speed to run circles around Youth, using lightning quick dropkicks and clotheslines to stun his prey. He then followed this up with quick but effective aerial strikes, shelving his usual bravado for a more painful and effective strategy. Quick pins and ceaseless momentum from Frazier were designed to ensure Youth had no time to breathe. It worked well for a while, until Daniels screamed insults at Frazier from ringside. Frazier was only distracted for a split-second, but that was enough for Youth to roll him up for a brutal Japanese Armbar. From then on it was a fine display of old school chain wrestling from Youth. He literally didn't let his opponent go for over five minutes, linking beautiful Suplexes with punishing mat-based submissions. It took a blatant low blow, which our ref somehow missed, for Derek to get back into this contest. From then it was anyone's match, until finally another Daniels action proved decisive - he pushed Frazier off the top turnbuckle, crotching him on the top rope. Youth then delivered the biggest Brainbuster I've seen this year - 39 seconds of hang-time, for a statement win.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Reckless Youth defeated Derek Frazier in 15:17 by pinfall. During the match we also had Josh Daniels distract Derek Frazier. Match rating: 44.




Frazier was furious, grabbing the referee by the collar and demanding he re-start the match. Father Milo intervened, saving our only ref from an ass-kicking. Frazier furiously demanded a rematch, his pride hurt and his anger blazing. Milo granted it as Daniels had interfered, inferring that he'd also enjoy seeing Frazier get beaten a second time. The rematch is on for next show. Our fans didn't pop to this like I expected though. By this point in the night the beer was taking over, and our crazed ticket-buyers were too hungry for action to care for words. Angle rating: 25.




Ty Hagen made his way to the ring, clutching his Invitational Title proudly. Father Milo raised the mic to his lips to speak, but before he could even announce the name of Hagen's mystery opponent, both our house lights went out, cloaking the whole venue in darkness. There was no music, just an eerie silence. Suddenly the lights turned back on, and in the ring stood... drumroll please...




Ty Hagen © vs Extreme Tiger (aka Tigre Uno)

For The RTG Invitational Title


I didn't even know you could watch TNA in this town, but it seems the fans were well aware of who Tigre Uno is. Known within RTG as Extreme Tiger, because we don't want to get our asses sued, ET made a big name for himself in America's 2nd Promotion. He's also a big deal in Mexico having collected more gold there than Sonic The Hedgehog. The two didn't stand on ceremony, getting straight into battle. RTG has some very good high flyers on the roster, but Tiger eclipses them all. He seemed to spend more time in the air than on the ground. The key difference is he used spectacular moves, but in a way that made sense to the story of the match. The wrestling industry is full of glorified gymnasts who can do all kind of tricks but have no idea how to string a proper match together. No such problem for Tiger though, who put on an enthralling display. It was 8 minutes before Hagen got an offensive move in, as he countered a Hurricanrana into a massive sit-out powerbomb. From then on he focused on grounding his Mexican opponent, kicking away his legs and using stiff strikes to take away his vertical base. He then capitalized with some good submission work to the legs, while sometimes coming off the top rope with huge impact moves also to the legs. The momentum behind Tiger was simply too much though, and despite being the smaller man, he managed to floor Hagen with a ninja-like foot-sweep, before hitting a ridiculously breathtaking Running Springboard Tiger Bomb. The fans loved it as he ascended the top rope, screamed "su cerveza huele a pis!" at the fans, before hitting a perfect 450 Splash for the finish. It was the best match Hagen has ever been in, with both men coming out of this looking great. And RTG has a new champion...


<wbr><wbr>In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Extreme Tiger defeated Ty Hagen in 13:06 by pinfall with a 450 Splash. Extreme Tiger wins the RTG Invitational Title title. Match rating: 45.




As Father Milo handed our new champion the RTG Invitational Title belt, Extreme Tiger raised it proudly above his head to the maximum amount of noise 37 fans can make. In a show of class, he then helped the fallen Hagen to his feet. Hagen looked emotional but proud, and was honest enough to acknowledge the better man won on the night. He shook Tiger's hand as a show of respect. Our fans, however, aren't big on respect it seems, and lost interest quickly, all disappearing from their seats in the quest for more beer. A shame really, they missed a nice moment. Angle rating: 25.




See that smile? That means he's up to something...


Jerrelle Clark is popular with the fans in a "loveable bastard" kinda way. He cheats and acts like a dick, but does so in such a way the fans like him more for it. He reminds me of a bald Eddie Guerrero, which is high praise. Tonight was his big chance - his shot at the big time and the RTG World Trophy. He had a big, shit-eating grin on his face as he came to the ring - meaning he had at least one trick up his sleeve. He and I traded insults before the match, which got the fans all excited again. Jerrelle told me he was already champion, I was just some skinny asshole who was carrying it about for him. I told him he had more chance of being Miss World champion than RTG champion. Father Milo came down to keep a close eye on proceedings, warning the referee to be extra vigilant. Sound advice, given the main event was between two absolute cheating bastards. Angle rating: 44.





Ruben T Garrison © vs Jerrelle 'Bitch Slap' Clark

For The RTG World Trophy

Special Stipulation: If Garrison Gets DQ'd, He Gets Fired

The fans remembered with excitement Clark's match from last show, where he bitch-slapped his opponent Stallyn Smith all the way to victory. They loved him for it, and started a "bitch slap! Bitch slap" chant right away. He aimed to please, slapping me with enough force to floor a heavyweight boxer. I fell like a rag doll. He went for the pin and nearly won what would've been the shortest match in RTG history. I kicked out though, because no way was I laying down for that silly shit. The match was evenly contested and a lot of fun - basically a competition to see who could be the most devious son of a bitch. Jerrelle would constantly taunt me and showboat. I'd constantly wait for his back to be turned before getting in cheap shots. Every time I even came close to breaking the rules, however, the referee was all over me. Ever since I'd tasered Draven last month, Father Milo has been waiting for an excuse to fire me. He'd got referee Bill Clark on high alert, with the warning that if I broke the rules, my time in RTG would be over for good.


Jerrelle seemed to get away with murder though, much to the crowd's (and announcer Swedish Dave's) enjoyment. He hit me in the nuts 22 times (I counted). He thumbed my eyes. He rubbed my face across the ropes. The ref was so focused on making sure I didn't step out of line, Jerrelle was given a free reign. His entire strategy was to get me DQ'd, including sliding weapons to me, hoping the ref would catch me with them. He was complaining of handfuls of tights at every pin attempt. He even complained of a hair-pull, which is pretty rich for a bald guy. At one point he hit himself with a steel chair while the ref wasn't looking, tossing the weapon at my feet as the ref turned back, making it look like I'd gone all Masato Tanaka on his ass. Fortunately the ref didn't buy it. While the ref was busy getting rid of the chair, however, a swerve happened. From out of nowhere Nooie Lee darted into the ring, attacking me. He and Clark worked me over pretty good. As soon as the ref turned back to face the action, Lee floored Clark with the world's softest Superkick, attempting to get me DQ'd for outside interference. No dice, the ref saw through it. Announcer Swedish Dave explained how Clark and Lee used to be a regular tag team years ago. It seems they're working together once again now, and I've got the bruises to prove it.


I threw Nooie out the ring, and the referee escorted him to the back to ensure he wouldn't interfere again. With the referee gone, my old foe Aaron Draven hit the ring, smashing me over the head with my RTG World Trophy, busting me open for the second time in as many months. Last time, one of the arms flew off the trophy. This time the head came off. I had the "crimson mask" as Jim Ross used to say. Our 37 fans seemed to get a real kick out of watching me bleed, chanting Draven's name. Draven then waited for the ref to return, and started stomping a mudhole in Jerrelle. The referee was wise to Draven's plot to get me DQ'd and fired though, and Father Milo dragged him out the ring. The sight of Augustini man-handling my worst enemy was a big distraction though, and allowed Jerrelle to sneak up behind me. He spun me round, hitting another immortal bitch slap, sending me a full 360 degrees. The impact was so loud I thought thunder and lightning had hit the ring. Gracefully he ascended the top rope, trying for his 630 Splash finisher. I got my knees up though, and he landed in a lot of pain. Ever the opportunist, I immediately hit a classic Backslide Pin for a quick 1,2,3. YouTube replays and fan footage would clearly show Clark's foot on the ropes, however, but the referee never saw it - not surprising given all the shenanigans he'd had to contend with tonight. Clark was furious. But screw him. I was still champ.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Ruben T Garrison defeated Jerrelle Clark in 14:33 by pinfall with a Hart Attack. During the match we also saw Nooie Lee distract RTG, and Aaron Draven also distract RTG. Ruben T Garrison makes defence number 7 of his RTG World Trophy title. Match rating: 47.




As I celebrated my win, an infuriated Clark bitch slapped me clean out the ring. It was spectacular, like I'd been hit flush with a wrecking ball. The fans loved it. I still had the RTG Trophy in my hand though, and he came to the outside, trying to pry it from my fingers. I kicked him off me and threw the trophy under the ring for safe keeping. Suddenly Nooie Lee was back and kicking my ass too, helping his long-time partner Jerrelle Clark hand out some rough justice. It wasn't long before Aaron Draven was handing me a beating too. Referee Bill Clark and Father Milo tried splitting up the carnage, but it was no good. As the show drew to a close I was out cold, alone, bloodied and beaten. But none of that mattered, the Trophy was still mine. Angle rating: 36.




Overall rating: 45.

Attendance: 37.

Riots: 0.



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The one where I wish I had a better picture of Derek Frazier


RTG: Sweet Revenge: Official Card




F.U. (Matt Stryker & ZZ Hook) vs Jerrelle Clark & Nooie Lee


Last time saw the birth of the first ever stable in RTG - the so-called "Fighters Union", formed by the unlikely partnership of Stryker and Hook. They claim to be here to ensure talented wrestlers get "fair treatment" and to provide "strength in numbers". Opinion is divided as to whether this new group is good or bad for RTG - only time will tell, and we're sure to learn more as they take on the new team of Clark & Lee. Having come close to becoming RTG Champion last time, Clark teams with his old friend Nooie Lee in an attempt to leap back up the rankings, back towards title contention.






Javi Air vs Tommy Kim

#1 Contender's Match


Javi is the newest member of the Fighter's Union, and within minutes of joining received his chance to become the next contender for the RTG World Trophy. To finish this unlikely leap to stardom, however, he must first get through the determined yet wounded Tommy Kim. Over the past few months, Kim's nemesis Chad Collyer has seen to it that Kim is slowly broken down physically and mentally. It has gotten so bad now that Kim had to beg RTG authority Father Milo Augustini to be allowed to compete, having not achieved medical clearance. Such is Kim's desire to be champion, however, that he is risking his health for a chance at title gold.





Derek Frazier vs Reckless Youth (w/ Josh Daniels)

The Rematch


We still don't know when (or even if) technical supremo Daniels will be able to return to action after having his neck nearly broken by the malicious Frazier. It seemed Daniels had achieved some measure of revenge last time when he brought in his old ally Reckless Youth to dish out justice on his behalf. That was until authority figure Father Milo Augustini made the rematch, stating that Daniels' interference in the bout had brought the result into question. It's all up for grabs once again, and as with last time, the match is too close to call.






Extreme Tiger © vs ???

For The RTG Invitational Title


Mexican superstar Extreme Tiger (known to many as Tigre Uno) made a huge statement by defeating champion Ty Hagen, doing what the likes of Charlie Haas, Kid Kash and Jinder Mahal could not. Now however the tables are turned, as he defends the gold against a mystery opponent - it could be any wrestler from anywhere in the world.






Ruben T Garrison & Chad Collyer vs Aaron Draven & His Choice Of Partner


Draven vs Garrison has been the biggest feud in RTG since day one. Things came to a head when Garrison cheated to defend his title against Draven, zapping him with a taser. As a result he can now choose who Draven fights against... but not who he fights with. The self-proclaimed 'Omega' gets to choose any wrestler in the world as his partner tonight, in a match designed to settle the score. One interested spectator will be Tommy Kim, who has been brought near to physical destruction by the vindictive Chad Collyer, who partners Garrison in this match. Will Tommy Kim get involved, and if so, will Collyer be ready for him?

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