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GloryVerse, we appreciate help!

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You may have seen the mod "GloryVerse" created by Cro Cop in the mods section on this forum. The main goal with the mod (which was sat up by Cro Cop) is that Cro Cop would take submissions from users, and use them in the mod. An idea which I thought was great! And ever since the thread was created in August of last year, a lot of different people have submitted wrestlers, managers and promotions! But lately there have not been as much activity as before, some of it because the author, Cro Cop, has had some personal problems as of late, and hasn't been able to make updates about the mod as frequently.


Through this there have been three people who have been making submissions regurlary, Kitarzu, LastQuincyDCE and me. And we would all appreciate, as well as Cro Cop, if we got som help with submissions or feedback. I created this thread for feedback on improvents to grammar, characters etc. Or feedback on what you think this mod could need. If you have your own submission, it would be great if you could submit it in the original GloryVerse post, in the mods section.


Note that it is important to keep in mind the previous workers that have been submitted when you submit yours, we dont want any inconsistencies. Remember that most of the main people have been created already, that said, we still appreciate any submissions!


Thanks for all the help:D

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