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PROGRESS : Race for British Supremacy

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This. Is. Progress.


2016 is the year many around the world are tipping for British Wrestling to break out and receive the worldwide recognition it deserves. At the forefront of this are the four biggest promotions. In Scotland taking its place as the leader in not only the local area but the entire UK is Insane Championship Wrestling led by Mark Dallas, their links to famous concert organisers is a huge part of their success. Below the border in the north of England is Preston City Wrestling, the first company in the world to release a show in 3D. Further south is Andy Quildan’s Revolution Pro Wrestling, with their links to New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring of Honor they are on the brink of success surely? Then based out of the Capitol is the primary focus of our story, PROGRESS Wrestling. The baby of Jim Smallman, Jon Briley and later on Glen Joseph. Their punk rock strong style wrestling is expanding out of the South into Manchester with more locations expected to be visited soon.

The race is on, as of now there is no full out war but there is no denying that there is some hostile tension in the air. The race for supremacy is on…

Quick Note : I know I started a diary on here in the past that I just kinda abandoned but this save is the most fun I’ve ever had currently 2 years in and would love to share the crazy stories. Thank you for reading and hope you follow on further.

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PROGRESS Championship


Marty Scurll – 1st Reign


24th January 2016 -> Current



PROGRESS Tag Team Titles


The Origin – 2nd Reign


November 29th 2015 -> Current

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Jack Gallagher vs Timothy Thatcher


Will Ospreay vs Bubblegum


Paul Robinson vs Noam Dar


FSU (Mark Andrews & Eddie Dennis) vs The GZRS (Tom Irvin & Sebastian) vs Big Damo and Joe Coffey vs The Origin (Mastiff & Gibson)


Tommy End vs James Davis *Winner chooses stipulation for SDS vs London Riots next show*


Zack Sabre Jr vs Tyler Bate


Rampage Brown vs Mikey Whiplash


PROGRESS Championship Match

Marty Scurll © vs Mark Haskins

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Jack Gallagher vs Timothy Thatcher


Will Ospreay vs Bubblegum


Paul Robinson vs Noam Dar


FSU vs The GZRS vs Big Damo and Joe Coffey vs The Origin (Mastiff & Gibson)


Tommy End vs James Davis *Winner chooses stipulation for SDS vs London Riots next show*


Zack Sabre Jr vs Tyler Bate


Rampage Brown vs Mikey Whiplash


PROGRESS Championship Match

Marty Scurll © vs Mark Haskins

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Jack Gallagher vs Timothy Thatcher


Will Ospreay vs Bubblegum


Paul Robinson vs Noam Dar


FSU vs The GZRS vs Big Damo and Joe Coffey vs The Origin (Mastiff & Gibson)


Tommy End vs James Davis *Winner chooses stipulation for SDS vs London Riots next show*


Zack Sabre Jr vs Tyler Bate


Rampage Brown vs Mikey Whiplash


PROGRESS Championship Match

Marty Scurll © vs Mark Haskins

I'm such a big #villain mark

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I will be following this as I love PROGRESS, the only thing I would maybe say is give a little introduction to the workers for those unfamiliar with them, or even just say who is in the tag teams as people may not know who FSU are for instance.




Jack Gallagher vs Timothy Thatcher

Would be a massive boost for Jack and unless Thatcher is going to be become a regular it would be a good way to go.


Will Ospreay vs Bubblegum

I do enjoy Bubblegum's schtick however it is not really fair fight as Ospreay is arguably one of the hottest properties in the world at the moment.


Paul Robinson vs Noam Dar

I remember watching Noam when he first breaking in at places like 101..has came on leaps and bounds and deserves a push.


FSU vs The GZRS vs Big Damo and Joe Coffey vs The Origin (Mastiff & Gibson)

Get some momentum to go for the belts, plus I am a big Dennis mark


Tommy End vs James Davis *Winner chooses stipulation for SDS vs London Riots next show*


Zack Sabre Jr vs Tyler Bate

Much in the same way as Ospreay earlier, Sabre is way too good although I am a Bate fan he is still very much learning.


Rampage Brown vs Mikey Whiplash


PROGRESS Championship Match

Marty Scurll © vs Mark Haskins

Scurll is not losing the belt any time soon and should have some great matches with people like Sabre, Gibson, Rampage and of course a rematch with Ospreay down the line.


Looking forward to your first show.

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Very interested in this. I don't know much about the modern British scene, (which is a bit of a crime with me being a Brit,) so won't do predictions yet - but will definitely look forward to the results. Keen on reading this, as it may well stir my interest in the real-life Progress. Nice layout too.
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Chapter 26: Unknown Pleasures

The Ritz Manchester

Attendance 1,500 SELLOUT

Commentary Team

Glen Joseph & RJ Singh



The show starts with Jim Smallman coming out to the ring to the familiar tune of For Whom The Bell Tolls by Metallica as the fifteen hundred in attendance clap along. He welcomes the fans to the show thanking them for coming out on what is a miserable day outside with typical Manchester rain. “There is only one rule here at PROGRESS, you can chant what you want, drink what you want but please remember the golden rule… DON’T BE A DICK. Let’s get on with the show”


Rating: 41


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Jack%20Gallagher_zpsns9bpnv3.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Timothy%20Thatcher_zpsvqyobk0u.jpg

In a match that left fans extremely disappointed Jack Gallagher defeated the debuting Timothy Thatcher in just under 9 minutes. For what was expected to be a technical masterpiece ended up being a mess with a botched finish. Not the best way to start the show.


Rating: 25


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Bubblegum_zpstfjzzqf7.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Will%20Ospreay_zpshfue63gm.jpg

Hometown Bubblegum came out first donning the sky blue of Manchester City to a mixed reaction. The whole crowd chanted “You’re just a rent boy” whether they agreed with it or not. Out next was the popular Will Ospreay making his first appearance since losing the title to The Villain at Chapter 25.

The crowd were into the match the whole time with Will Ospreay reverting to more of a brawling style than his usual high flying flips. After 13 minutes Ospreay hit the Essex Destroyer for the pin in a hard fought contest with Bubblegum putting up a good fight.


Rating: 44


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Paul%20Robinson_zpsv8ymxjyd.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Noam%20Dar_zpsn0bde0rq.jpg

In a match that was better than all expectations Paul Robinson defeated Noam Dar in 12 minutes with an armbar. It took a few minutes for the match to get going but the last 5 minutes had several great sequences.


Rating: 51


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Mark%20Andrews_zpsk74pfhar.jpghttp://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Eddie%20Dennis_zpslujhyyra.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Sebastian_zps160nbtiz.jpghttp://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Tom%20Irvin_zpsmatkwezz.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Big%20Damo_zpshoabrd8d.jpghttp://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Joe%20Coffey_zpsxwsht1ke.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Dave%20Mastiff_zpsu98jt0gh.jpghttp://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Zack%20Gibson_zpsj6ghzb1m.jpg

In a very forgettable match FSU got the victory in 12 minutes when Eddie Dennis got the rollup from behind on Sebastian when the GZRS were setting up the Slip n Slide. This was certainly not one that will be up for MOTY contention.


Rating: 29


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Tommy%20End_zpszyj895qc.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/James%20Davis_zpsuwjhkjbs.jpg

In a short but sweet match Tommy End beat James Davis after 9 minutes with an Owari Death Footstomp. Post-match Tommy End promised the fans that he and Michael Dante will unleash hell upon the London Riots at the next show.

Rating: 35


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Zack%20Sabre%20Jr._zpsonbdldr1.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Tyler%20Bate_zpszzk82mhh.jpg

In what seemed like a one sided affair on paper Tyler Bate put up a good fight holding his own with Zack Sabre Jr but was unable to gain the victory as Tyler tapped out to an armbar after 11.56. After the match was over Zack Sabre Jr offered his hand to Tyler as a sign of respect.

Rating: 42


http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Rampage%20Brown_zps8twgupl8.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Mikey%20Whiplash_zpsmollc8ew.jpg

In the co-main event of the evening Rampage Brown defeated Mikey Whiplash after he hit a piledriver 14 minutes in to a back and forth match where both guys looked great with a mixture of brawling on the outside and in ring technical work. During parts of the match however the crowd drifted and seemed a little uninterested with them wanting the main event to come out.


Rating: 43




http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Scurll%20Title_zpst6vcnrux.jpg VS http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah120/joemurphyx/PROGRESS/Mark%20Haskins_zpsvr7e8gmh.jpg

In the main event for the PROGRESS Championship out first is the challenger Mark Haskins to cheers from the Mancunian crowd however he gives them little attention simply walking straight to the ring and standing there waiting for The Villain. Out comes Marty Scurll next who stands there on the stage admiring his lovers who all stick their middle fingers up into the air with their backs turned to Scurll.



As soon as Scurll runs under the bottom rope into the ring Haskins jumps onto him and the match is underway with brawling both inside and outside the ring for the first 10 minutes. Once both men had calmed down they both reverted to a heavy hitting Japanese strong style both running on pure adrenaline. After 22 minutes Marty Scurll managed to lock in the Crossface Chickenwing forcing a reluctant Mark Haskins to break down into tears and tap out after a gruelling war.

Rating: 58


As Mark Haskins walked back through the curtain Marty Scurll stood alone in the ring with the PROGRESS Championship over his shoulder when the lights go out to pitch black.




Jimmy runs at Scurll and drops him with an Acid Rainmaker to a huge cheer from the PROGRESS crowd. He picks up the belt that he introduced to the company stares at it for a few seconds before dropping it back down and placing it over The Villain’s chest then exited the building through the crowd.

Jimmy F’n Havoc is back.


Rating: 51


Show Rating: 53

Popularity Increased In 1 Region

Uncrewed: 6/8

Kijar: 4/8

forlan: 6/8

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never seen Progress but I am familiar with most of these guys. May as well give this a shot.


Sabre Jr. - The man demands a push.

SDS - Gotta back Tommy End here.

Mastiff - He's a natural in this environment.

Whiplash - Is Doug Williams over the hill or?

Havoc - TNA Superstar goes over. :p

The Origin - OLE OLE OLE

Scurll - I passed up on going to the Rev Pro show where these two tore the house down. I'm a bloody idiot. Anyway, love me some Ospreay (saw him in person on Friday!) but Scurll has a date with Jimmy F'N Havoc in the near future.

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BIG Progress fan here so I'm going to be super critical of everything. :p


Kidding on but I do know all of the names on the card. BritWres is the best indy scene in the world right now.


Haskins - Sabre & Ciampa aren't at every show (well they might be now we're in TEW time :p), Noam lost to Paul Robinson last show and I think he falls to Haskins' far superior armbar here.

London Riots - I actually prefer the Riots a little more than I do the SDS. I like Tommy End and I like Michael Dante but as a team, there is just something lacking for me. The Riots were THE team when I got into Progress. Long live The London Riots.

Joe Coffey - FOR HE'S A WRESTLER. A MIGHTY WRESTLER. [bonus fact: I was at the ICW show where that chant first started and it was weird. Started off quiet and by the end of the match, the whole Garage was chanting along to it]

Whiplash - Because Doug Williams is a relic of a bygone era in British wrestling.

Paul Robinson - Going out on a limb here. He got the win over Havoc last time and I think he'll steal the win here to set up Scurll/Robinson and give Havoc something more interesting than just "champion comes back for title".

FSU - Not the biggest fan of The Origin (despite heel Ligero being an absolute joy). FSU are both ATTACK lads and given that ATTACK is my #1 UK promotion, I'm backing them to the death.

Scurll - CHICKEN WINGS FOR EVERYONE. Ospreay's just lost the title, would be very dumb to just hand it back to him over the more interesting (in Progress) Marty Scurll.

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Progress is my favourite company so I'm glad that somebody is doing a dynasty for them!


Sabre Jr- he's one of the best in the world and eventually you need to build to Scrull/Sabre

SDS - I prefer SDS and Tommy End is going to be a star

Dave Mastiff - Mastiff is so far up the card I doubt he will take the loss to Coffey willingly

Mikey Whiplash - Whiplash needs the win


The Origin - not FSUs time.. yet

Scrull - he ain't losing that title yet

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Chapter 27



Chapter 27: The Lost Art of Suffering

7th March 2016

The Ritz Manchester, Northern England

Attendance 1500 SOLD OUT!


Commentary Team:






In a good opening match that the crowd loved Zack Sabre Jr forced Tommaso Ciampa to tap out an armbar. Prior to him tapping out Mark Haskins had an armbar of his own locked onto Ciampa however Sabre Jr who was outside the ring at the time realised that Ciampa was ready to give up and hit Noam Dar with a Project Ciampa outside the ring before running in to throw Haskins out of the ring and steal the victory. Post-match Mark Haskins stared down Zack Sabre Jr while the fans did the Daniel Bryan ‘YES’ chant.


Rating: 45





In a brutal brawl the Sumerian Death Squad defeated the London Riots in 15:51 when Michael Dante climbed the ladder and retrieved the crate of Budweiser. With the victory the SDS put themselves in the prime position as the number one contenders for either The Origin or FSU Tag Titles with them facing off later tonight while the London Riots cannot challenge for the titles for 6 months.


Rating: 43



Post-match while the Sumerian Death Squad are celebrating Nathan Cruz and El Ligero run down to the ring while Dave Mastiff walks behind them. They begin to beat down Michael Dante and Tommy End and pose with their belts in the centre of the ring.


Rating: 26





Following the beat down after London Riots and Sumerian Death Squad help each other drag their bodies to the back, out comes the Ironman Joe Coffey to make his PROGRESS singles debut and the Bastard Dave Mastiff. Coffey is sporting a white and blue war paint. Joe Coffey slides under the bottom rope and runs into Mastiff and the two start exchanges stiff punches. Eventually after 11 minutes Mastiff picked up the pinfall victory after Ligero distracted the referee and Mastiff took full advantage striking Coffey with a chair shot.


Rating: 39





In the match of the night Mikey Whiplash defeated Doug Williams in a technical masterclass. For the match Whiplash donned a Hayabusa tribute paint as a mark of respect for the recently deceased hero. The match just short of 15 minutes and kept the fans on the edge of their seat for the entire duration with Doug Williams out to prove to the smarks in the IWC that he isn’t a relic of a bygone era in British wrestling. Whiplash eventually forced Williams to tap out to a Kimura.


Rating: 59





In a highly anticipated rematch from Chapter 21 Jimmy Havoc made short work of Paul Robinson in 8 minutes. Robinson started the match making the mistake of trying to wrestle with Havoc earning him several nasty chairshots to Robinson’s right knee. From then on it was pretty easy for Jimmy dominating and destroying his limping opponent.


Rating: 37






In the co-main event of the night The Origin successfully defended the Tag “Titles” against FSU after El Ligero rolled up Eddie Dennis in 12:46 with a handful of the tights. A good but forgettable match with no real notable big spots or bumps. It is rumoured that Eddie Dennis had a minor wrist injury hence why Mark Andrews was in the match for the majority until the finish where Dennis was essentially tagged in to take the pin.


Rating: 38






In the main event for the PROGRESS Title Marty Scurll successfully retained the title against Will Ospreay with a crossface chickenwing. The match was great however many are saying that it is not as great as their previous encounter at Chapter 25. During the match Ospreay had Scurll down outside the ring and teased cutting off Scurll’s top knot to the crowds delight however referee Chris Roberts warned him that it would result in a DQ leading him to a dilemma of which is more important; embarrassing Scurll or the PROGRESS title, perhaps in retrospect he may look back in regret.

Rating: 55



Post-match we see a familiar figure as Jimmy Havoc once again runs into the ring and takes out Marty Scurll this time with the title. He screams at Jim Smallman who is stood at ringside for a mic who reluctantly agrees.

“You really thought I was just gonna come back for these cr*ppy deathmatches with people that don’t deserve to lace up my boots nevermind get in this ring with me? Listen very closely Jim, you’re going to give me a match with this c*nt next show so I can kill him aren’t you? AREN’T YOU? See you next month. C*nt.”



Rating: 63


Larrikn : 7/7

Mootinie : 7/7

dstephe4 : 6/7

smurphy1014 : 6/7

Uncrewed : 6/7

Kijar : 6/7

MHero : 3/7



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So... went on to play on the save this morning and I keep getting this, seems like the save is dead. If I can find a way to get it back then I'll carry this on but I have no idea how to fix it :(



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