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NOTBPW Taking Over America

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So i haven't played TEW in years and decided to download the freeware and play it for a while before purchasing the newest version. I remember enjoying NOTBPW as they have a great roster and are the biggest fed in Canada. It leaves the challenge of breaking the glass ceiling of America and that's what this story is about.


The Story:


Dan Stone, owner of NOTBPW, has sadly passed away due to an untimely heart attack. At first, the wrestling world were certain the Stone family would divide the company into equal parts and would run the company as a family but this was not the case.


After 2 newsless and months in the NOTBPW, the Stone family came out with a press conference. Due to the vast majority of the family wishing to focus on the wrestling aspect of the business (Not to mention the NOTBPW product was beginning to fail as different members of the family had conflicting ideas. Jeremy wishing for a traditional style whilst Dan Jr wanted to remain the same and Ed wanting a faster paced 'attitude' style), they have divided the company into 2 halves. One have of the company was 49.5% and the other half 50.5%. The family kept the smaller half as to stop arguments in the family and the other half would be bought by a business man who would also be in charge of creative.


Many men, some with wrestling experience and some without, tried to purchase the 50.5% half of the company but the family, who interviewed the contenders, couldn't agree on one man in particular. The family almost divided the 50.5% between themselves and to just hire a creative head, which in any other case would make sense but arguments would still ensue due to different ideas.


Out of nowhere, a man named Ally Nicol from Glasgow Scotland had won £39M in the EURO-MILLIONS lottery and had kept up-to-date on all that was going on in Canada. Ally Nicol had worked with small Scottish promotions behind the scenes but hadn't worked with a weekly show as wrestling was just a hobby. By trade, Ally owned his own designer clothing store that now had 23 stores up and down the country after only starting with a £25,000 loan.


Ally attended an interview with the Stone family. Nicol had the funds to run the company but didn't have any experience running a weekly show. Of course, his business plan worked but the whole reason the Stone family wanted an outside owner was for creative purposes. Nicol new this. He interrupted Jeremy Stone before Jeremy could tell Ally that he wasn't wanted due to his experience.


Ally:"I know what you're about to say, sir. So i prepared this. I want you to know... If i am responsible for this wrestling federation, not only will it thrive in Canada, but we will overtake SWF and TCW in America. That's a promise. I'll give you all some time to read this document and i'll

wait for a call. Thank you for your time."


Ally placed a thick booklet of paper on the table and walked out. In the document was 4 months of television for NOTBPW that catered to most of what each Stone wanted. It was a 'Crash' style. The tag division, the main event and future stars were all taken care of.


The stones were impressed and only took $2M for the 50.5% of the company as the Stones wanted Nicol to have most of his money to invest in the company.



What do you all think of the story? I'm going to start a tour game first to get back into how the game works and get to know the TEW world again and will probably start this game tomorrow. I'm going to tamper with the roster a tiny bit. Who would you recommend? Thanks for reading :D

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