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RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 102) [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 102) Taped on Friday, March 10, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, March 11, 2006 Held at the Bob Carpenter Center in Newark, Delaware Attendance: 2,775 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]DARK MATCH NON-TITLE MATCH [U]AUSTIN ARIES/RODERICK STRONG c. vs. JACK EVANS/“THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN[/U][/color][/B] As the technical team backstage made their final preparations, the RevPro Tag Team Champions faced an onslaught from their former ally Jack Evans and his partner for the night, Chris Sabin. Aries was able to pin Evans by putting his feet on the ropes, and the champs escaped the ring before their opponents could react. [B][color=#892331]Winners: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong at 8:57, C+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]DARK[/color][/B] – [B][color=#892331]Giant Bernard[/color][/B] walked out to the ring before his match, and requested a microphone, using his time to gloat over how he’d cost Jushin Thunder Lyger his match last week. [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] Televised Revolution begins [B][color=#892331]MATCH 1 [U]“THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD vs. “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE[/U][/color][/B] Two of the biggest competitors in RevPro squared off here to kick off the show, and shook the ring with back and forth power moves. Joe looked to have the advantage when he put Bernard on the ropes, but Bernard mule kicked Joe downstairs to draw an intentional disqualification. Joe went down to one knee, doubled over in pain, and Bernard exited, proud of himself. [B][color=#892331]Winner by Disqualification: Samoa Joe at 14:32, C[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Don Cyrus[/color][/B] made his way to the ring and immediately summoned the ROH World Heavyweight Champion [B][color=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/color][/B]. After a pause, Dragon came out with his belt to a big pop. Cyrus said that he promised he was going to congratulate Danielson, and damnit, he’s going to follow through on his promise. “After all, you did beat AJ Styles right in the middle of this ring last week, and I dislike Styles almost as much as I dislike you.” Cyrus extended his hand. “Shake my hand, Bryan.” Danielson barely thinks about it before shaking his head. Cyrus doesn’t seem fazed. “That’s alright, champ. You know, maybe I’ll [I]save[/I] my congratulations, because you’ll be taking on a mystery opponent later, and that title will hang in the balance. If you somehow leave here with that belt, then you’ll [I]truly[/I] be worthy of congratulations. Good luck.” [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 2 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP [U]NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. THE BOBBY[/U][/color][/B] McGuinness had to import his opponent for this match, and it was “the Bobby”, a masked wrestler who was decked out like a stereotypical British police officer. Prazak commented that he hasn’t been able to dig up any info on McGuinness’ opponent at all. Nigel completely dominated the match and won with a modified wrist lock. ([I]Smokes: Wherever Nigel found his opponent, he needs to send him back![/I]) Nigel raised his opponent’s hand after the match reverentially, despite having barely broken a sweat. [B][color=#892331]Winner, and Still Champion: Nigel McGuinness at 6:01, C[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Jack Evans[/color][/B] came to the ring and called out [B][color=#892331]Austin Aries[/color][/B] and [B][color=#892331]Roderick Strong[/color][/B]. The tag champs walked midway down the aisle, stroking their belts. Evans challenged them to a match for the tag titles at Double or Nothing, which they quickly nodded their approval of. Evans said, “That’s great news, yo. But talk’s cheap, know what I mean? And I already got my partner lined up. So why don’t you jokes turn yourselves around and meet him, because I think you might already know this… [I]man[/I].” Aries and Strong look at each other and slowly turn around only to be clotheslined down by [B][color=#892331]Samoa Joe[/color][/B]. ([I]Prazak: It’s Joe! Jack’s going to make a run at the belts with an unlikely partner—the Samoan Submission Machine![/I]) Evans hops out of the ring and slaps hands with Joe over top of the leveled champs. [B][color=#892331]C[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 3 [U]THE ALTERNATIVE (SHANNON/XILE/MORLEY DEPRAVED) vs. JIMMY JACOBS/DUNN/MARCOS[/U][/color][/B] Shannon played the role of ring general, instructing his stablemates Xile and Depraved as they dismantled the opposition with high-flying tactics. The end came when Shannon knocked the Ring Crew Express from the apron and Xile hit a shooting star press on Jacobs for three. [B][color=#892331]Winners: The Alternative at 7:51, C+[/color][/B] The Alternative had no time to celebrate their win as [B][color=#892331]Chris Sabin[/color][/B] charged down the aisle and slid into the ring. Depraved got decked and his partners made their escape, hopping the barrier and running away. [B][color=#892331]C-[/color][/B] Backstage, John Laurinaitis tracked down Bryan Danielson as he prepared for his mystery opponent. Danielson said no matter who Cyrus has lined up, they’ll go down. The ROH champion said he was determined to go to Double or Nothing and face Abyss, and that he won’t be stopped. [B][color=#892331]B-[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 4 [U]TONY MAMALUKE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/U][/color][/B] Daniels didn’t have a whole lot of trouble here, controlling the action and nailing Mamaluke with an Angel’s Wings. Daniels wasn’t finished, hitting the Best Moonsault Ever to finally register the pinfall. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 14:53, C+[/color][/B] The Fallen Angel got on the mic and looked to the entranceway. “Don Cyrus… week after week, I have come out here and laid waste to whoever was put in front of me. I’m this industry’s fastest growing star, and I want—I demand—some real competition. I want an answer from you next week, and if I don’t get it, there will be hell to pay.” [B][color=#892331]B+[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]MAIN EVENT FOR THE RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP [U]“AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. ???[/U][/color][/B] Danielson stood in the ring and waited to see who he would be facing. “And his opponent… from the Other Side… [B][color=#892331]VAMPIRO![/color][/B]” He walked through the entrance as the crowd begins to buzz. Vampiro had the element of surprise on his side, and hit a leg lariat from the top rope for a near fall. Vampiro signaled for the end and hit Danielson with the Nail in the Coffin. ([I]Prazak: That has to be it![/I]) Vampiro covered, but only got two. Frustrated, he got in the referee’s face before bringing Danielson to his feet. Vampiro scooped him up for another one, but Danielson slid down his back and applied a full nelson. Dragon suplex! One, two, three! [B][color=#892331]Winner, and Still Champion: Bryan Danielson at 15:03, B-[/color][/B] With Vampiro down and out, Bryan Danielson took his title belt from the referee and stood on the second turnbuckles. He kissed his ROH Title before holding up two fingers to the fans, showing that there are only two weeks until he faces Abyss. [B][color=#892331]B[/color][/B] [B][color=#892331]Televised Revolution Overall Rating: C+[/color][/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - [B][color=#892331]Vampiro[/color][/B] debuted in the main event, and is expected to remain with the company as a regular member of the roster. - The match between [B][color=#892331]Samoa Joe[/color][/B] and [B][color=#892331]Giant Bernard[/color][/B] was considered a disappointment, as the two couldn’t find a way to make it work. - [B][color=#892331]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/color][/B] was noticeably absent from the show. With both Lyger and New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Simon Inoki expressing their disappointment in the legend being booked to lose to [B][color=#892331]Jimmy Rave[/color][/B], Lyger has made himself unavailable to RevPro until the Pay Per View. - The viewership for Televised Revolution rose this week, surpassing 23,000 viewers on Bravo. [QUOTE]Confirmed for [I]Double or Nothing[/I]: Champion vs. Champion: Bryan Danielson vs. Abyss Giant Bernard vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger RevPro Tag Team Championship: Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe/Jack Evans [/QUOTE]
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RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 103) [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 103) Taped on Friday, March 17, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, March 18, 2006 Held at the Wings Stadium in Kalamazoo, Michigan Attendance: 2,563 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes DARK MATCH [U]SHANNON (w/ Xile) vs. JIMMY YANG[/B][/color][/U] The leader of the Alternative and Yang busted out a great match right out of the gates. Yang had Shannon pinned after a springboard heel kick, but Xile nailed an SSP on him while he was making the cover for the blatant disqualification. [B][color=#892331]Winner by Disqualification: Jimmy Yang at 10:58, B-[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]Lacey[/B][/color], sporting a new look with some dark eyeshadow and a short black skirt, was out to fire some T-shirts. [B][color=#892331]B-[/B][/color] Televised Revolution begins [B][color=#892331]MATCH 1 [U]“THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE vs. RODERICK STRONG[/U][/B][/color] Strong put up a valiant effort as Prazak reminded us that Double or Nothing is only six days away, but Joe was too much and took it home with a Musclebuster and Triangle Choke. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 10:35, C+[/B][/color] After Joe left, [B][color=#892331]AJ Styles[/B][/color] surprisingly jumped out of the crowd and slid into the ring with a chair. As Strong pulled himself to his feet, Styles crushed him with a huge chairshot. “CYRUS!,” Styles screamed into a microphone before nailing the prone Strong with another chairshot across the legs. “Cyrus, I want you out here now!” Styles continued to hammer Strong with the chair. Don Cyrus walked through the curtain in a hurry. Styles turned his attention to the aisle. “Listen to me, Cyrus. Since you became Commissioner, you’ve done nothing but make me hate my job and cost me matches. Well, the tables just turned. If you don’t give me Abyss in THIS ring for HIS title, I’m going to make your Army one man smaller.” Cyrus looked unwilling so Styles nailed Strong with another shot straight to the head. “I’ll end him, Cyrus! Give me my match!” [B][color=#892331]Don Cyrus[/B][/color], without a mic, finally nodded frantically and put his arms up for the violence to stop. A grin came to Styles’ face as he dropped the chair and microphone, and left through the crowd. [B][color=#892331]B-[/B][/color] A video played highlighting Jushin Thunder Lyger’s problems with Giant Bernard. [B][color=#892331]B-[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 2 [U]JAY LETHAL vs. VAMPIRO[/U][/B][/color] Lethal got some good offense in on Vampiro, but the newest addition to RevPro took the advantage with a low blow, and hit the Nail in the Coffin for three. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Vampiro at 9:35, C+[/B][/color] After the break, [B][color=#892331]“Mr. 2006” [/B][/color]was in the ring. He was bragging about his recent victory over Lyger, and took off his jacket to reveal a T-shirt that read, “I BEAT LYGER”. As Rave talked about how great it felt to win, [B][color=#892331]Scott Colton[/B][/color] made his entrance and had a microphone. “Rave, you talk too much. You, me, Double or Nothing. Meet you there.” Rave agreed to this, and said that Colton would soon have his own T-shirt in Rave’s closet. [B][color=#892331]C[/B][/color] Backstage, [B][color=#892331]Christopher Daniels[/B][/color] was in Don Cyrus’ office for his requested meeting. The Fallen Angel said that Cyrus has given him no respect since he took power, but Cyrus seemed preoccupied with paperwork on his desk. Daniels grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him out of his chair, drawing cheers from the live audience. The Fallen Angel shook him and said that if Cyrus he thinks he’s another wrestler whose head he can screw with, he’s dead wrong. “I should crush you right here,” said Daniels, but Cyrus apologized and said he’d booked him a worthy opponent for the Pay Per View. Daniels released him and asked who he’s going to face, but Cyrus backed away without saying anything. Daniels looked puzzled, but his question was answered when [B][color=#892331]Vampiro[/B][/color] burst through the door and attacked from behind. Vampiro smashed Daniels’ head into the desk before whipping him into the wall. He spit on the Fallen Angel before leaving, and Cyrus also beat a hasty retreat. [B][color=#892331]B+[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 3 [U]“THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. MORLEY DEPRAVED (w/ Shannon and Xile)[/U][/B][/color] Prazak and Smokes announced that Sabin would be facing the Alternative at Double or Nothing in a 3-on-3 match, but said his partners had yet to be determined. Shannon and Xile kept their distance as Sabin took out his frustrations on Morley Depraved, who could do little to slow his opponent down, and won with a Cradle Shock. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Chris Sabin at 5:33, C+[/B][/color] As soon as the three had been registered, Shannon and Xile slid in and attacked Chris Sabin. The three of them had him cornered and were laying on a beatdown when the crowd cheered… down the aisle came [B][color=#892331]Jimmy Yang[/B][/color] and [B][color=#892331]Jay Lethal[/B][/color]! Shannon slid out before they got in, but Lethal and Yang fought off Xile and Morley to save Sabin. (Prazak: I guess Chris Sabin has found some partners!) [B][color=#892331]C-[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 4 [U]SCOTT COLTON vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/U][/B][/color] Colton was in another groove and nailed Shelley with a missile dropkick for what could have been three, but Jimmy Rave interrupted the count, causing the DQ. [B][color=#892331]Winner by Disqualification: Scott Colton at 9:49, C+[/B][/color] Rave quickly pulled Colton up and planted him with a Raveolution before he knew what was going on. Rave played to the crowd and pointed at the decimated Colton. [B][color=#892331]C[/B][/color] Backstage, John Laurinaitis and a camera crew entered the trainer’s room where the Fallen Angel was being stitched up after being busted open. Laurinaitis asked Daniels for a comment, but the Fallen Angel only said that Vampiro had made a huge mistake before shoving them back out into the hall. [B][color=#892331]B[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]MAIN EVENT FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP [U]“THE MONSTER” ABYSS (w/ Lacey) c. vs. “THE PHENOMENAL” AJ STYLES[/U][/B][/color] Lacey led Abyss to the ring and had a devilish grin on her face. Styles still had his fire from earlier on but Abyss slowed him down with power move after power move. Abyss crushed Styles in the corner, but [B][color=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/B][/color]’s music hit and Abyss looked to the entranceway. After no one appeared, Abyss turned his attention back to AJ who nailed him with a spinning heel kick. Styles headed to the top rope presumably for a Spiral Tap, but Lacey got up on the apron and latched onto his ankle! AJ couldn’t move, and barely managed to kick her away. Abyss was then up on his feet and used AJ’s height to nail him with a massive Black Hole Slam! One, two, three. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Abyss at 19:20, B-[/B][/color] Don Cyrus marched out to the ring after the decision, looking all around in a paranoid manner. He entered the ring where Styles was struggling to get to his knees in the corner. “Styles, this isn’t your night. I’ve got too many goddamn problems, so tonight, I’m eliminating one of them. You had your chance, and you blew it. Say goodbye, AJ--you’re ****ing fired!” ([I]Smokes: No way! AJ’s gone?[/I]) Styles shot Cyrus a look of contempt as the Commissioner confidently guided Abyss out of the ring. The fans began a “We Will Miss You” chant as the announcers couldn’t believe that Styles had been fired. [B][color=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/color] [U]Post-Show Notes[/U]: - Viewership rose slightly again to about 23,200 in the United States and Canada. - Many are noting that Jimmy Rave is making strides in his promo work, and it has been tied to working with Scott Colton recently. - There are now six matches on the card for Double or Nothing, which will take place on Friday. The taping for Televised Revolution will take place on a five-hour delay on Saturday. [QUOTE]Confirmed for [I]Double or Nothing[/I]: Champion vs. Champion: Bryan Danielson vs. Abyss Giant Bernard vs. Jushin Thunder Lyger RevPro Tag Team Championship: Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs. Samoa Joe/Jack Evans *Added* Chris Sabin/Jay Lethal/Jimmy Yang vs. The Alternative *Added* Vampiro vs. Christopher Daniels *Added* Scott Colton vs. "Mr. 2006" Jimmy Rave (As an perk for anyone who wants to make predictions, the person who gets closest to perfect will recieve a personalized congratulations message from the Alternative! FEEL the incentive.) [/QUOTE] [U]Next[/U]: RevPro Double or Nothing!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sea change Styles was history, and it wasn’t a storyline. Well, clearly, it was--but in reality, RevPro and AJ had parted ways as well. After the Friday taping, we shook hands and I thanked him for his service. Rather than being angry, Styles seemed relieved. He had booked himself into a corner and was on the roster of over six seperate promotions. Over the weekend, the shockwaves of this release could be felt among the wrestling community, with most expressing surprise that we had willingly let perhaps our most athletically-gifted performer go. However, it went well towards my goal of differentiating ourselves from TNA. The man who the fans once voted “Mr. TNA” was gone, and Double or Nothing could benefit by the buzz caused by his quick departure. After that same Michigan taping, as I was set to leave, John Laurinaitis caught me at the door. “Jim, can I have a second? There’s someone you should meet, he could help our play-by-play situation.” John was one of those who I’d confided in about our lead announcer, Dave Prazak. His work was below-standard, harming the big matches he called, and even worse was iconic with ROH. “What’s up, John?” “Do you know the name Rob Rave?” I thought I recognized the name, but I couldn’t place it. “Rave’s a Canadian announcer who’s done a lot of stuff on this side of the border too,” John revealed. “Is he good?” “He’s definitely… entertaining. He’s more like an MC than anything, but he gets the fans into the match. He's caused riots and won an audience of his own from his announcing.” The situation was dire. Prazak wasn’t happy and I wasn’t either. “Okay, let’s schedule a meeting.” “Uh… he’s out by your car with a bunch of tapes.” I smiled. I could tell this guy was something special. Now to find a way to get him into the fold... [U]Next[/U]: RevPro Double or Nothing!
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Final Preview – RevPro Double or Nothing [I]From RevPro.com[/I][QUOTE][CENTER][B][color=#f60e2f]Final Preview – RevPro Double or Nothing Thursday, March 23, 2006 Champion vs. Champion For the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship and ROH Heavyweight Championship “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Monster” Abyss[/B][/color] Ever since Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s first Pay Per View, we have had two world champions. After the second, there will be only one. While the American Dragon has solidified himself as a world-class competitor through months of exhausting title defenses, Abyss was handpicked by Commissioner and Personnel Manager Don Cyrus, and won his belt in a four-way match that was more like a three-on-one. Both belts will be on the line on Friday, and when the dust has settled, RevPro will be led by a double champion. Abyss has an obvious edge with all those aligned with Don Cyrus on his side, and new manager Lacey at ringside. Can Danielson beat the odds and win in the main event? [B][color=#f60e2f]Tag Team Title Match Samoa Joe and Jack Evans (Challengers) vs. Austin Aries and Roderick Strong (Champions)[/B][/color] Aries and Strong had no more use for Jack Evans when they were handed championship belts, and proved that by laying him out when he refused to help them. But Evans has returned for revenge and brought a partner—Samoa Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine, loyal to ROH’s memory, has been itching to take his frustrations out on Aries and Strong, and he’ll get a chance to do so on Friday. Can the champions continue their streak of impressive defenses by beating one of the most unlikely teams in recent memory? [B][color=#f60e2f]Jushin Thunder Lyger vs. “The Force To Be Reckoned With” Giant Bernard[/B][/color] Lyger bolstered RevPro’s ranks when he debuted in January, but Bernard nearly erased the Japanese legend from competition after a series of brutal attacks. Bernard has said that he feels Lyger avoided him by returning to North American wrestling, but neither man will be able to avoid their opponent at Double or Nothing. [B][color=#f60e2f]Scott Colton vs. “Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/B][/color] Mr. 2006 has had a chip on his shoulder ever since a questionable victory over Jushin Lyger, and Colton has grown tired of his boasting. Colton believes that action speaks louder than words, and he will test this belief on Friday. [B][color=#f60e2f]The Alternative (Shannon, Xile and Morley Depraved) vs. Chris Sabin, Jimmy Yang and Jay Lethal[/B][/color] Shannon and his group of misfits have exercised their power in numbers in recent weeks, but Yang and Lethal ran to Sabin’s aid on last week’s Televised Revolution. Chris extended an offer of teaming up at Double or Nothing which they accepted, and now with the sides squared, the Alternative will face their greatest challenge. [B][color=#f60e2f]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. Vampiro[/B][/color] Christopher Daniels demanded competition from Don Cyrus, and received it in the form of a bloody assault by Vampiro and a match for Friday. The Fallen Angel will be looking for revenge when two of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s darkest performers meet in the middle of the ring. [B][color=#f60e2f]“The Notorious 187” Homicide vs. Billy “The Kid” Gruner[/B][/color] In a match just signed, Homicide will end his short hiatus from RevPro competition by taking on former WWE and WCW mainstay Billy “the Kid” Gruner! It only takes one shooting star press for Gruner to get the pin, so Homicide will have to be on his toes. In a phone interview with RevPro.com, Homicide commented that the time for him to “roll solo” is over, and that he’s “bringing a crew on Friday”. What does this mean for Gruner’s debut?[/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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RevPro Double or Nothing [CENTER][B][color=#f60e2f]RevPro Double or Nothing – Friday, March 24, 2006 Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View Held at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, New York Attendance: 5,140 Announcers: Dave Prazak and Julius Smokes[/B][/color][/CENTER] [B]DARK MATCH [U]TONY MAMALUKE vs. CHAD COLLYER vs. RODNEY REDD[/U][/B] With Mamaluke laid out, Collyer slapped his Texas Cloverleaf onto Redd for the submission victory. [B]Winner: Chad Collyer at 9:39, B-[/B] [B]DARK[/B] – Vampiro appeared on the arena screen and told Christopher Daniels that he would lose tonight, because the Fallen Angel has no idea what true evil is. [B]B[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/4/10517095287.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][color=#f60e2f]MATCH 1 [U]THE ALTERNATIVE (SHANNON, XILE and MORLEY DEPRAVED) vs. CHRIS SABIN/JIMMY YANG/JAY LETHAL[/U][/B][/color] The action was fast and furious, with the Alternative attempting to isolate Jimmy Yang from his partners. He eventually tagged out and Yang and Sabin dove out onto Xile and Shannon from the ring in a big moment. Morley Depraved was left alone with Jay Lethal, who laid him out with a Lethal Injection for the victory. [B][color=#f60e2f]Winners: Jay Lethal, Jimmy Yang and Chris Sabin at 12:04, C+[/B][/color] John Laurinaitis caught up with Commissioner and Personnel Manager [B][color=#f60e2f]Don Cyrus[/B][/color], who had a wide grin on his face. Cyrus said this would be a great night for those who have chosen to “embrace the revolution”. He said that he was making the title vs. title main event a no disqualification match. [B][color=#f60e2f]B MATCH 2 [U]“THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. VAMPIRO[/U][/B][/color] Daniels was all over Vampiro to begin the match but Vampiro retook the advantage with some dirty tricks. Vampiro brought out some brass knuckles but the ref quickly confiscated them. As the ref handed them to the timekeeper, Vampiro pulled out a handful of powder and threw it in Daniels’ face. With the Fallen Angel stunned and wobbling around, Vampiro planted him with the Nail in the Coffin for three. He high-tailed it after the bell. [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner: Vampiro at 15:38, B-[/B][/color] [B][color=#f60e2f]MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP [U]NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. “GENTLEMAN” THATCHER CHURCHILL[/U][/B][/color] In an unannounced match, Nigel McGuinness brought out his latest London-based opponent, who was decked out in a lucha mask and tights plastered with Union Jacks. The champion absolutely pummeled the challenger, ending it with a Tower of London. Nigel helped Churchill to his feet after the match. (Smokes: [I]Nigel killed that guy![/I] Prazak: [I]Either Britain isn’t pumping out great wrestlers like it used to, or something fishy’s going on with these challengers.[/I]) [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 5:41, C[/B][/color] [B][color=#f60e2f]Lacey[/B][/color] was doing her eyeshadow in a mirror backstage. We heard a cellphone ring and she pulled one out of her pocket. “Hello?” Lacey listened but soon closed the phone. She looked at the phone and shrugged before putting it away and continuing her make-up job. [B][color=#f60e2f]B MATCH 4 [U]“THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE[/U][/B][/color] Rave had some success in the early-going, but Colton took control as the match wore on. Colton went up top for what seemed like it was going to be a missile dropkick, but instead nailed Rave with a huge clothesline. (Prazak: He calls it the Pro Line!) Colton bundled Rave up and got the three. [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner: Scott Colton at 12:39, B-[/B][/color] Laurinaitis was backstage with the Tag Team Champions, [B][color=#f60e2f]Austin Aries[/B][/color] and [B][color=#f60e2f]Roderick Strong[/B][/color]. They were in a jovial mood, with Aries calling Joe and Evans “Farley and Spade 2006”. Strong noted that they’d take Jack out first, and then climb up the beanstalk to knock the giant down to earth. [B][color=#f60e2f]C- MATCH 5 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP [U]AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG c. vs. SAMOA JOE and JACK EVANS[/U][/B][/color] The champs did as they promised, beating on Jack Evans and ducking out of the ring whenever Samoa Joe was tagged in. When the referee got bumped, Strong grabbed the title belt and tried to nail Joe, but Evans pulled him out of the ring before he could do so. From behind, Aries brought in the other belt and smoked Joe in the back of the head with it. Joe rolled to ringside and Aries reveled in his attack, but Evans springboarded into the ring and bulldogged Aries down onto the belt. Evans headed back up top and nailed the 630 splash as the referee came to. Three, new champs! [B][color=#f60e2f]Winners, and new champions: Jack Evans and Samoa Joe at 14:41, B-[/B][/color] Joe slid back in as he and Joe were given their belts. They hugged and held up the tag titles as Evans taunted the downed Aries. [B][color=#f60e2f]C-[/B][/color] John Laurinaitis entered the ROH World Champion [B][color=#f60e2f]Bryan Danielson[/B][/color]’s dressing room as he was taping up his wrists. John asked why Bryan would want to face Abyss, and Danielson said it’s all about respect. Cyrus has given him none, and he has given ROH’s legions of fans none. So when he tried to take the belt that summed up everything that Ring of Honor stood for, Danielson had to stop him. American Dragon said he’d die for this title, and that he just might tonight. He said he’d take the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Championship just because it meant so much to Cyrus, and left the locker room. [B][color=#f60e2f]B-[/B][/color] [B][color=#f60e2f]Jimmy Rave[/B][/color] entered his dressing room looking pissed off after his loss and kicked the lockers. A female voice said, “You’ve got talent, you know.” Rave turned around and saw [B][color=#f60e2f]Melina Perez[/B][/color]. “You didn’t look like much out there tonight, but this could still be your year. That is, if you have the right… representation.” Perez slid a finger down Rave’s chest. “With me, I guarantee you’ll hold the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship by December 31st. But if you don’t want to become my client, I guess you’ll be… lost to time.” Perez turns her back. “It’s up to you, Jimmy.” Melina leaves and Rave considers the situation before hustling to follow her out. (Smokes: [I]Is that who I think it is?[/I]) [B][color=#f60e2f]C- MATCH 6 [U]“THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD vs. JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER[/U][/B][/color] Bernard had the size advantage, but Lyger ducked and dove away from his grasp, nailing him with speedy kicks and second-rope offense. Bernard wore down Lyger enough to hit the Dead Reckoning choke bomb but Lyger managed to get his foot on the ropes. Bernard got in the referee’s face, allowing Lyger to pull himself together. Lyger tried to hit a rolling Koppou kick but Bernard grabbed the foot and whipped the legend around, sending him into referee Jim Korderas. Bernard lost it and went for his tire iron in the corner. He grabbed it but Lyger ran and splashed into him in the corner. Bernard was dazed and Lyger went for a second splash, but Bernard waylaid him with the tire iron, sending him down hard. Bernard threw the weapon away and covered as the referee made the slow count… one… two… three. [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner: Giant Bernard[/B][/color] Hold on a sec! As Bernard raised his arm in the air, the referee spotted the tire iron on the outside! He scooped it up and waved it in Bernard’s face who tried to protest. The referee pointed to the timekeeper and yelled an instruction. He’s reversing the decision! [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner by disqualification: Jushin Thunder Lyger at 16:45, C+[/B][/color] Giant Bernard flipped out and started kicking the hell out of the turnbuckles. He went to ringside and began dismantling the announce position. [B][color=#f60e2f]Julius Smokes[/B][/color] wisely got out of the way but [B][color=#f60e2f]Dave Prazak[/B][/color] wasn’t quick enough. Bernard grabbed him by the collar and started to toy with him like a cat with a mouse. Suddenly, Bernard became enraged and put him in a double choke. Dead Reckoning on the floor, Prazak has been crushed! Officials poured down to ringside to get Bernard away from Prazak, who was severely injured. [B][color=#f60e2f]D MATCH 7 [U]BILLY “THE KID” GRUNER vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE (w/ ???)[/U][/B][/color] As Gruner, better known as Billy Kidman, made his entrance, Smokes retook his headset and an unfamiliar voice joined him. (Rave: [I]Rob Rave joining Julius Smokes at ringside, just inches from the stain on the floor that was once Dave Prazak.[/I]) Homicide entered towing a strange, shifty-eyed man with him. (Smokes: [I]That guy looks like a serial killer or something.[/I]) Homicide held his own with Gruner until he was able to toss the Kid over the top rope and distract the referee by feigning an elbow injury. Homicide’s strange friend absolutely destroyed Gruner with everything there was at ringside, nailing him in the head with a chair and the ring bell before ramming him skull-first into the pole. (Rave: [I]Gruner’s getting murdered right in front of us![/I]) He rolled a knocked-out Gruner into the ring where a confused Todd Sinclair counted the three. [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner: Homicide at 9:05, B[/B][/color] Backstage, Don Cyrus had security with him and was confronting the new tag champs Jack Evans and Samoa Joe, as well as Christopher Daniels. He kicked them out of the arena, saying that no one was going to ruin the main event’s outcome. [B][color=#f60e2f]B- MAIN EVENT FOR THE RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP AND FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP NO DISQUALIFICATION [U]“AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE MONSTER” ABYSS c. (w/ Lacey)[/U][/B][/color] With Abyss already in the ring, Danielson made his entrance only to be attacked from behind by Roderick Strong and Austin Aries. As the crowd booed, they tossed him into the barrier and laid into him with right hands. They rolled Dragon in to Abyss before leaving, and the Monster began beating him down. Abyss pummeled Danielson but Dragon hit a flying clothesline to even the match again. As Abyss recovered, Lacey slid him the RevPro Championship belt. Abyss got up looking to clock Danielson with it, but he ducked the shot, took the belt for himself and nailed Abyss. He made the cover, one, two, but the referee was pulled out by… Vampiro. Vampiro slid into the ring with a garbage can and nailed Danielson in the head with it. He dropped the garbage can and hit American Dragon with a Nail in the Coffin. Vampiro slid out as Abyss covered Danielson and Lacey tried to push the hurt referee back into the ring. Finally, he began to count… one, two, only two! Abyss got up and crushed Danielson with another shot from the garbage can, but got two again. Abyss threw the can aside and took Dragon up for what looked like a Shock Treatment but Danielson battled out and swung off of Abyss with a DDT! He covered but Abyss got out of it. Danielson didn’t waste any time in hitting a belly-to-back suplex and holding for the bridge. He had Abyss pinned, but the referee was distracted by Lacey who was up on the apron. Danielson got up to protest, and Abyss nailed him with the title belt as he turned around, putting him down hard. Abyss signaled for Lacey to get down from the apron, but as this happened, someone dressed in a hoodie and ballcap jumped the barrier with a steel chair and went to the top turnbuckle. (Rave: [I]Who the hell is that?[/I]) Abyss turned to face him and the person jumped off and dropkicked the chair into his face. Abyss crumpled to the mat as the person got up and pulled their hood off… (Rave: [I]That’s Cloudy! He just knocked Abyss’ head off![/I]) Cloudy turned to Lacey who was paralyzed in fear and screamed at her. He slid out of the ring to go after her but she ran. As Cloudy gave chase, Danielson applied the Cattle Mutilation to Abyss. He summoned the strength to get up to his feet, suspending Danielson upside-down. Dragon hooked his legs around Abyss’ head to pull himself onto his shoulders and then rolled down, taking Abyss with him. (Rave: [I]Sunset flip! One, two, that’s three! Three! Danielson wins![/I]) [B][color=#f60e2f]Winner, and new RevPro World Heavyweight Champion: Bryan Danielson at 22:34, B-[/B][/color] As Abyss left the ring in a rage after Lacey and Cloudy, Danielson slipped a belt over each shoulder and played to the crowd as the show went off the air. [B][color=#f60e2f]B Double or Nothing Overall Rating: B-[/B][/color] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - Double or Nothing drew 5,638 buys, over 600 more than Breakout one month ago. This will help our finances greatly. - We will have to lay off the Tri State for a bit. The attendance of 5,140 was almost two thousand less than that for Breakout. Even though it's our hottest area by far, we have to give these fans a chance to miss us a bit. - Former Combat Zone Wrestling and Xtreme Pro Wrestling star the Messiah made his debut tonight as Homicide’s friend. [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution – the fallout! [QUOTE] Quick Results: Sabin/Lethal/Yang def. the Alternative Vampiro def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels Nigel McGuinness def. "Gentleman" Thatcher Churchill Scott Colton def. Jimmy Rave Joe/Evans def. Aries/Strong for the RevPro Tag Team Championship Jushin Thunder Lyger def. Giant Bernard by DQ Homicide def. Billy Gruner Bryan Danielson def. Abyss for the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship [/QUOTE]
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Thanks for the positive comments, Remianen. Help yourself to my bolds and underlines. Just don't steal my idea of a power-tripping authority figure persecuting a babyface champ, cause I came up with that. Hit me back with your expanded injury pack when you finish it, from what you said it sounded incredi-awesome.
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RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 104) [B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 104) Aired on Eight-hour Tape Delay on Saturday, March 25, 2006 Held at the Shrine Mosque in Springfield, Missouri Attendance: 1,271 Announcers: Rob “No Relation to Jimmy” Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/color] [B]DARK MATCH [U]HOMICIDE/??? vs. JIMMY JACOBS/EL GENERICO[/U][/B] The Notorious 187 teamed with the same man who laid a brutal beating on Billy Gruner for him at Double or Nothing. This was a complete squash, with Homicide’s friend knocking Generico out with a reverse Death Valley Driver for the pin. [B]Winners: Homicide and ??? at 7:52, C+ DARK MATCH [U]MATT SYDAL vs. JAY LETHAL[/U][/B] Lethal hit the Lethal Injection after an air assault of a match, and Sydal raised Jay’s arm afterwards in a show of respect. [B]Winner: Jay Lethal at 7:38, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The first image of the televised broadcast was [B][color=#892331]Don Cyrus[/B][/color] standing in the ring with a microphone. “Welcome to Televised Revolution, everyone. My name is Don Cyrus and I have something to admit. It doesn’t happen too often, but I was wrong. For the last couple of months, I’ve been unfairly punishing the Ring of Honor Heavyweight Champion, Bryan Danielson, who is now the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion as well.” The crowd cheers but Cyrus doesn’t seem to notice. “Bryan is someone with a lot of talent, and a lot of guts. He’s a born champion. And I shouldn’t be punishing a champion. Champions are something to be celebrated. And tonight, here in Springfield, RevPro is going to be celebrating its champions.” “Every single title holder in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling will be putting their title on the line this evening. The new RevPro Tag Team Champions, Samoa Joe and Jack Evans, will be defending their belts against Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, who have enacted their rematch clause. Nigel McGuinness will face another competitor for his Greater London Championship. And in a double main event, the ROH Champion and the RevPro Champion will be defending their belts against worthy opponents.” (Rave: [I]What’s he talking about? It’s the same person, it’s Bryan Danielson![/I]) “The Ring of Honor Championship will be challenged for by someone who came to me earlier today and said he had something to prove, and that person is Shannon. And the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling title will be contested by a man who showed he is a top tier performer in this industry by pinning Christopher Daniels 1-2-3 last night, Vampiro!” “Ladies and gentleman, this is your Night of Champions! Let the celebration begin!” Cyrus finally shows a slight smirk on his face as he leaves. (Rave: [I]Celebration my ass. This is an excuse for Cyrus to put Bryan Danielson in two matches on one night![/I]) [B][color=#892331]B MATCH 1 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP [U]SAMOA JOE and JACK EVANS c. vs. AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG[/U][/B][/color] Both teams were taken down a note after their barnburner match the night previous, but Aries and Strong were desperate to reclaim their belts. Austin had a chance to nail a 450 Splash on Joe when it devolved into a tornado match, but Evans crotched him by whipping Strong into the ropes and Joe recovered to hit Aries with a Musclebuster for the win and the successful defense. [B][color=#892331]Winners, and still champions: Samoa Joe and Jack Evans at 14:38, C+ Shannon[/B][/color] was in the interview position beside John Laurinaitis. John asked where the rest of the Alternative is, and Shannon said that they were at home as punishment for failing him last night. Shannon said he’d hit Danielson with the You Don’t Know The Way I Feel and take the belt to show them what they should be doing in the ring. [B][color=#892331]B- MATCH 2 FOR THE RING OF HONOR WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP [U]“AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. SHANNON[/U][/B][/color] A hot, evenly paced matchup got the crowd loud. Shannon stunned Danielson and went to the second rope for his flipping neckbreaker finisher when Xile and Morley Depraved walked down the aisle. They looked to be pleading with Shannon for his forgiveness. He waved them away, but Danielson took the opportunity to join Shannon on the second rope and nailed him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Danielson covered for the pin and the defense. Afterwards, Shannon was furious with Xile and Depraved. [B][color=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Bryan Danielson at 15:10, B[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]Homicide[/B][/color] came out to the ring with his friend and took a mic. He explained that Revolutionary Pro Wrestling is no place for a man to “roll alone” and that you always need someone to have your back. He said that the person standing with him was a little crazy, but that with him at ringside, he’d always have the advantage. “His name? It don’t matter a thing. Just think of him as my accomplice.” [B][color=#892331]C MATCH 3 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP [U]NIGEL MCGUINNESS c. vs. UNION JACK THISTLEBY[/U][/B][/color] Thistleby, a small masked wrestler who entered waving a British flag, was swiftly pounded by Nigel and tapped out to a crossface submission. (Smokes: [I]That was quick.[/I] Rave: [I]Are we supposed to believe that Nigel’s been going to London and these are the best challengers he can find?[/I]) [B][color=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 3:35, C-[/B][/color] Nigel took a microphone after the match. “Jack Thistleby, everyone. Ladies and gentleman, over the last few weeks I’ve presented you with the finest wrestling the city of London has to offer, but I fear the well’s run dry. Next week, with Mr. Cyrus’s approval, I will be retiring the Greater London Championship so that I will forever be known as the champion of London.” [B][color=#892331]C- MATCH 4 [U]“THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/U][/B][/color] Before Shelley could show off his easel, Daniels was out and kickstarted the match. Shelley did his best to slow Daniels down and hit some moves of his own, but there wasn’t any stopping the pissed-off Fallen Angel. Daniels hit one BME and then darted over to the other corner and hit a second, seemingly to make a point, for the pin. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 10:01, C+[/B][/color] The Fallen Angel took a microphone and looked to the entrance. “Vampiro, you said that I didn’t know what true evil was. Well, last night, you unleashed it. Watch your back, because I want you to see me coming when I come to take you out.” Daniels threw the mic down and walked quickly to the back. [B][color=#892331]B+ MATCH 5 [U]CLOUDY vs. RODNEY REDD[/U][/B][/color] Cloudy made his in-ring return for this one as Rave and Smokes noted that Abyss had been banned from the building in fear that he might do something criminal. Redd pounded him down early but Cloudy fought back and hit a flying clothesline to fell the much-larger Redd. Cloudy went up top and flipped backwards with a moonsault, landing behind Redd, and dropped him with a reverse neckbreaker. Three count, it’s over! (Rave: [I]You’re kidding me! Cloudy just took out a guy who’s got a hundred pounds on him![/I]) [B][color=#892331]Winner: Cloudy at 5:02, C[/B][/color] After the break, John Laurinaitis caught up with Cloudy. He asked him to clarify what he did last night to Abyss. Cloudy, looking very confident, said he was standing up for his woman, and told John that he was going to “beat the **** out of Abyss” before walking off. (Rave: [I]Okay, he’s nuts.[/I]) [B][color=#892331]C- MAIN EVENT FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP [U]“AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. VAMPIRO[/U][/B][/color] Vampiro was fresh and had the advantage from the bell. Danielson tried to wear him down with inventive submissions but Vampiro powered out of most of them. After Danielson hit a superplex that laid both men out, Christopher Daniels rushed down the aisle and began attacking the prone Vampiro for the disqualification. [B][color=#892331]Winner by disqualification: Vampiro at 7:34, B[/B][/color] The Fallen Angel was really nailing Vampiro who was struggling hard to get away. (Rave: [I]Daniels’ got fire in his eyes![/I]) Many lower-card wrestlers poured down the entranceway and into the ring to try and pull Daniels away from Vampiro. The Fallen Angel threw them aside one by one as Vampiro rolled out and scrambled to get away. Daniels shouted at Vampiro as the wrestlers struggled to hold him back. [B][color=#892331]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/color] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Attendance was a big issue. Those 1,200 people did not look good on television. We knew we didn’t have a foothold in Missouri but we thought we could at least fill the 2,000 seater. - Despite the bad turnout, our ratings were way up. We had 38,000 viewers which is almost double our last total of 23,000. I guess it can be chalked up to post-PPV buzz. - Shannon and Bryan Danielson were given the time to put on a show and they did. Dragon’s two matches were the only things that buoyed us to a B- rating. There were a couple of bomb matches that were necessary to keep storylines moving. - A few employees were let go after this event. El Generico, Rodney Redd and former lead announcer Dave Prazak were all released. Generico and Prazak simply couldn’t fit on the payroll and Redd had grown none too happy from his losing streak. - I was informed over the weekend that Rob Rave has a sprained wrist. I have no interest in hearing how that happened, but I’m sure Rob will let me know in great detail. - The financials rolled in on Monday, and we ended March $64,000 in the hole. Clearly, TV and PPV, while getting us known nationwide, aren’t going to turn a profit on their own. We’ll have to go back to doing some live shows which will be cheap and hopefully boost our revenue. I hope to run at least two in the next month.
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From RevPro.com: [QUOTE][B]Televised Revolution Preview for April 2, 2006[/B] Last week, an enraged [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] had to be restrained by other members of the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling roster when he attempted to tear [B]Vampiro[/B] apart! In an attempt to settle the situation, Daniels and Vampiro will face off this week, but in tag action—Vampiro will be joined by [B]Abyss[/B] while the Fallen Angel will rely upon the champion of RevPro and ROH, [B]Bryan Danielson[/B]. Who will triumph in deadly tag warfare? [B]“The Professional” Scott Colton[/B] has plowed through opponent after opponent on his recent rise to the top but he will have a gigantic challenge this Saturday: the legendary [B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B]! The crowd will certainly be divided when the bell rings for this one. [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] stated during last week’s episode that he plans to retire the Greater London Championship since there are no challengers remaining. Will McGuinness be immortalized in the middle of the ring as he hopes? The only way to find out is to tune in! [/QUOTE]
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[B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 105) Taped on Friday, April 1, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, April 2, 2006 Held at the Burlington Memorial Auditorium in Burlington, Vermont Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/color] [B]DARK MATCH MATT SYDAL vs. “THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD[/B] Bernard ran through the speedster, winning with a Dead Reckoning. [B]Winner: Giant Bernard at 5:59, C[/B] [B]DARK[/B] – Lacey came out to the ring and was rather egotistical in promoting her new photo shoot on RevPro.com. She gave out some posters featuring the photography. [B]B-[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 1 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP SAMOA JOE and JACK EVANS c. vs. THE ALTERNATIVE (XILE and MORLEY DEPRAVED)[/B][/color] The belts were on the line to kick off the show, and Rave and Smokes mentioned that Shannon petitioned Don Cyrus for the title opportunity for Xile and Depraved, so they could “prove themselves”. But they couldn’t prove much, as Joe was too strong and Jack was too quick. After some slick tandem moves, Joe locked Xile in the Triangle Choke for the submission and defense. [B][color=#892331]Winners, and still champions: Samoa Joe and Jack Evans at 9:31, C+[/B][/color] Backstage, [B][color=#892331]the Fallen Angel[/B][/color] entered [B][color=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/B][/color]’s dressing room. Daniels said that he had Dragon’s back for the tag team match and Danielson replied in the same way. Angel went to leave but Danielson stopped him, and said that last week, the Fallen Angel entered his match and got it thrown out. “Don’t do that again.” There was a tense silence before the Fallen Angel left without replying. [B][color=#892331]B[/B][/color] In the ring, [B][color=#892331]Nigel McGuinness[/B][/color] was wearing a nice suit and had the Greater London title over his shoulder. He began to talk about his six extraordinary defenses, and that there were no more challengers left in London or the world for him to face. And with that, he said he was retiring the title to remain in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling history forever. McGuinness went to hand the title to referee Jim Korderas, but an electric version of God Save the Queen began to play and he stopped. [B][color=#892331]Dave Taylor[/B][/color] walked through the entrance to a decent pop. (Rave: [I]Hold on, that’s “Squire” Dave Taylor! One of the proudest British wrestlers ever![/I]) Taylor pulled out a microphone. “You’ve got a lot of damn nerve, you know that? You come out here and throw a bunch of jokers around the ring, and pass that off as British wrestling. Hear me now, you dumb ****, British wrestling is the hardest-hitting, most competitive style on Earth, and I’m gonna give you a crash course in it. Referee, you can check these out—“ Taylor pulls out some citizenship papers. “—but in the mean time, I’m takin’ that belt home to the United Kingdom!” Taylor walked to the ring briskly as McGuinness started freaking out. (Rave: [I]Nigel’s going to get a real challenge here from a British legend![/I]) [B][color=#892331]C- MATCH 2 FOR THE REVPRO GREATER LONDON CHAMPIONSHIP NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. DAVE TAYLOR[/B][/color] The much-older Squire laid a rough beatdown on McGuinness with Nigel only slipping in moves intermittently. Taylor seemed to have the element of surprise on his side but Nigel hit a low blow when the referee was occupied and hit an improvised Tower of London cutter for the three. [B][color=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Nigel McGuinness at 8:53, C+[/B][/color] Backstage, [B][color=#892331]Lacey[/B][/color] stood in front of [B][color=#892331]Abyss[/B][/color] and [B][color=#892331]Vampiro[/B][/color] with John Laurinaitis. He asked her about Cloudy’s comments that he would beat up Abyss this week. She said, “If that loser wants at my three-hundred pound monster, he can meet him in the middle of the ring.” She said that once Abyss was done with Cloudy, he and Vampiro would tear apart the “golden boy” Bryan Danielson and “the overrated” Christopher Daniels. [B][color=#892331]C[/B][/color] The camera caught [B][color=#892331]Melina Perez[/B][/color] doing makeup in a mirror. She smacked her lips and walked out of frame. (Rave: [I]Melina is here once again.[/I] Smokes: [I]Think she’s coming to the ring?[/I]) [B][color=#892331]B+ MATCH 3 CHAD COLLYER vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE[/B][/color] Rave walked through the entrance and waited, and was soon joined by Melina who showed him off to the crowd. Collyer tied Rave in knots with various submissions, but Rave fought back and reversed a Texas Cloverleaf attempt to kick Collyer to ringside. Melina walked over to Collyer as he was down and seemed to put her hand in his trunks. (Smokes: [I]Melina’s digging for gold![/I]) She pushed Collyer back in, and Rave waited for Collyer to get to his feet before pointing at Collyer and yelling to the ref. (Rave: [I]I think Jimmy’s telling Jim Korderas to check Chad Collyer’s tights.[/I]) The referee indulged him and found a pair of brass knuckles in Collyer’s trunks. (Smokes: [I]It’s a pair of knucks![/I] Rave: [I]Melina planted those while Chad was down![/I]) Collyer protested but Korderas called for the bell and DQ’d Collyer, who was beside himself. (Rave: [I]Melina Perez is having an immediate effect on Mr. 2006.[/I]) [B][color=#892331]Winner, by disqualification: Jimmy Rave at 8:51, C+ “The Professional” Scott Colton[/B][/color] was in the interview position, and was asked about his match with Jushin Thunder Lyger up next. Colton said that Lyger is a legend, but he’s also beatable. Colton said he is the best performer Revolutionary Pro Wrestling has to offer, and that Lyger’s “X-Division gold means nothing here.” [B][color=#892331]B+ MATCH 4 JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/B][/color] This match was filled with respect and solid chain wrestling. The crowd was split down the middle with Lyger maybe garnering a little more support. Colton tried to hit the Pro Line from the top rope and Lyger smartly dropkicked him on the way down, but sent him right into the referee. Colton rolled around in pain holding his knee, and as Lyger tried to revive the ref, Giant Bernard came in behind him with his tire iron and nailed him. Bernard exited laughing as Lyger was put down cold. As the referee came to, Colton recovered enough to crawl over and score the pin. Afterwards, the limping Colton was very confused as Korderas raised his arm. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 17:33, B-[/B][/color] After a commercial break, [B][color=#892331]Cloudy[/B][/color] was in the ring, pacing around. (Smokes: [I]Cloudy’s either super-confident or crazy, probably both.[/I]) Cloudy looked to the entrance for Abyss, but Vampiro came out instead and started taunting Cloudy. As Cloudy yelled at him, Abyss entered from the crowd and clubbed Cloudy down from behind. (Rave: [I]For Christ’s sake! Abyss has a hundred and fifty pounds on him, and still has to sneak up![/I]) Vampiro came in to begin a brutal beatdown that culminated in a Black Hole Slam onto Vampiro’s bent knee. (Smokes: [I]They just broke his back![/I]) As Abyss and Vampiro continued stomping Cloudy, the Fallen Angel and Bryan Danielson ran in and started trading punches. The match is on! [B][color=#892331]C MAIN EVENT ABYSS and VAMPIRO vs. CHRISTOPHER DANIELS and BRYAN DANIELSON[/B][/color] Cloudy was stretchered out as the match began. Vampiro avoided Daniels at all costs and tagged out whenever the Fallen Angel entered. Eventually, Abyss and Danielson began brawling around ringside as the illegal men, and Vampiro was stuck with Daniels. The Fallen Angel began nailing him with right hands but Lacey held him in place long enough for Vampiro to take the advantage. Danielson pulled Vampiro out as Abyss came back in and nailed the Fallen Angel with a Shock Treatment. (Rave: [I]One, two, no![/I]) Abyss pulled Daniels up and sent him to the ropes, but the Fallen Angel hit a second-rope quebrada. Instead of going for the pin, Daniels got back up and ran to the corner to nail a BME. Having stunned the giant, he hooked the leg as Danielson held Vampiro at bay. One, two, three! [B][color=#892331]Winners: Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson at 15:39, B-[/B][/color] Danielson slid back in as the referee raised his and the Fallen Angel’s arms. They both looked happy and embraced. (Rave: [I]What a team! Cyrus threw his best men at them and the Fallen Angel and American Dragon took them out in style.[/I]) [B][color=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/B][/color] [U] Post-show Notes:[/U] - The rating fell back to the 23,000 level. Not sure why this was, but our popularity continues to rise all around North America. - Jushin Thunder Lyger was defeated by Scott Colton, who is putting together quite the streak of wins, but didn’t have the same issue with this loss as he had with the defeat to Jimmy Rave. - Dave Taylor’s appearance was a one-night deal, and he isn't expected to return to RevPro programming any time soon.
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[COLOR=Green][B]RevPro.com Newsline for Friday, April 8, 2006[/B][/COLOR] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling has set a date for its third Pay Per View event. [COLOR=Green][B]RevPro Angels and Devils[/B][/COLOR] will air live on April 24 to UrbanXtra subscribers. No matches have been signed yet, but RevPro.com has been promised that a main event will be announced this Saturday! This Saturday’s edition of Televised Revolution will be taped later this evening. Several matches have been confirmed for Asheville, North Carolina. - [COLOR=Green][U][B]Christopher Daniels vs. Giant Bernard[/B][/COLOR][/U]. Bernard has seemingly been given carte blanche by [B][COLOR=Green]Don Cyrus[/COLOR][/B] to do whatever he pleases as evidenced by his unpunished attack on [COLOR=Green][B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B][/COLOR], and the Fallen Angel, Cyrus’ newest target, will have his hands full with the monstrous Force to Be Reckoned With. - [COLOR=Green][U][B]Bryan Danielson vs. Billy Gruner[/B][/COLOR][/U]. By order of Cyrus, the well-traveled “Kid” will step into the ring with the ROH and RevPro Champion. The gold won’t be up for grabs, but you know that Gruner will treat this match like it’s all on the line. - We have also learned that [COLOR=Green][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR]’s new ally, known only as [B][COLOR=Green]Accomplice[/COLOR][/B], will be making his wrestling debut against [B][COLOR=Green]Jimmy Jacobs[/COLOR][/B]. As well, the number-one contendership for [B][COLOR=Green]Samoa Joe [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]and[/COLOR][/COLOR][B][COLOR=Green] Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B]’ tag team titles will be decided. The team of [B][COLOR=Green]Jay Lethal [/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Black]and[/COLOR][B][COLOR=Green] Jimmy Yang[/COLOR][/B], who most recently came to the aid of [B][COLOR=Green]Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] against [B][COLOR=Green]the Alternative[/COLOR][/B], will be on one side, but who will they face? Last night at the Garland Center, Revolutionary Pro Wrestling presented “[B][COLOR=Green]The Revolution Project[/COLOR][/B]”, a live event. It was RevPro’s first ever event in Texas. The show was a thousand-seat sellout. Here are the results: [COLOR=Green][B]Chris Sabin[/B][/COLOR] def. Tony Mamaluke with the Cradle Shock at 19:13 [COLOR=Green][B] Matt Sydal[/B][/COLOR] def. Xile with the Double Helix at 10:47 [B][COLOR=Green] Roderick Strong[/COLOR][/B] def. Jimmy Jacobs with the CX Section at 13:52 [COLOR=Green][B] “The Notorious 187” Homicide[/B][/COLOR] def. Jimmy Yang at 22:53 Injury Update: After [COLOR=Green][B]Abyss [/B][/COLOR]and [COLOR=Green][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR]’s brutal attack on [B][COLOR=Green]Cloudy[/COLOR][/B], the high-flyer will be out of action indefinitely with a severely-damaged back. No suspensions are expected from RevPro head offices. [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[B][color=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 106) Taped on Friday, April 8, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, April 9, 2006 Held at the Gary Ross Auditorium in Asheville, North Carolina Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/color] [B]DARK MATCH “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. AUSTIN ARIES vs. MATT SYDAL[/B] Aries rolled Shelley up after a see-saw match that saw Sydal take a spill to ringside and held the tights for the cheap win. [B]Winner: Austin Aries at 8:33, C+ DARK – Bryan Danielson[/B] came out to a great response with the ROH and RevPro Heavyweight Championships. He told the crowd that he’d take whatever Cyrus continued to throw at him and come back fighting. He promised that none of Cyrus’ hired men would take the gold from him. [B]B+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#892331]MATCH 1 “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON vs. BILLY “THE KID” GRUNER[/B][/color] Rave and Smokes played up the fact that Don Cyrus had booked this match as “an audition” and speculated that it might mean that Billy Gruner would get a match for the titles if he came out on top. Gruner gave the double champion a hard match, trying small packages and rollups at every turn to get several close two counts. During the match, Don Cyrus emerged from the backstage area with his hands in his pockets to observe. Gruner slammed Danielson down long enough to perch himself on the top turnbuckles and come off with a Shooting Star Press attempt, but American Dragon got the knees up. He immediately followed that with a Cattle Mutilation which Gruner quickly submitted to. Cyrus clapped for the decision, which Smokes noted was “weird as hell”. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Bryan Danielson at 15:47, B[/B][/color] After the commercial break, Don Cyrus was backstage, and [B][color=#892331]Austin Aries[/B][/color] and [B][color=#892331]Roderick Strong[/B][/color] walked up to him. They said they’d heard that the number-one contendership to the Tag Titles was being decided in a match tonight, and that they wanted to face Jay Lethal and Jimmy Yang for the right to wrestle for the belts at Angels and Devils. Cyrus said he was sorry, but that the opponents had already been decided. They protested, but he said that they’d had two chances to beat Samoa Joe and Jack Evans, and they’d lost both times. He said that he wanted the belts in his control, and that “drastic times call for drastic measures”. He walked away and they looked perplexed. [B][color=#892331]B- MATCH 2 FOR THE NUMBER-ONE CONTENDERSHIP TO THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP JAY LETHAL and JIMMY YANG vs. ???[/B][/color] As Lethal and Yang warmed up in the ring, Vampiro’s music hit and he and Abyss walked through the entrance. (Rave: [I]Cyrus is sending his top guns out tonight![/I]) They got into the ring and started brawling with Lethal and Yang. Jimmy came off the top rope with a hurricanrana attempt but Abyss caught and drove him with a powerbomb. He scraped Yang off the mat and hit a Black Hole Slam for the quick victory. [B][color=#892331]Winners, and number-one contenders: Abyss and Vampiro at 7:17, C+[/B][/color] Afterwards, Vampiro came into the ring and they stomped Yang down, seemingly for fun. Lethal tried to save his partner, but was quickly tossed out. Abyss and Vampiro hit Yang with the Black Hole Slam onto a knee combo that injured Cloudy last week before leaving while laughing. [B][color=#892331]C-[/B][/color] [B][color=#892331]Shannon[/B][/color] came to the ring and said he is facing Scott Colton in a few minutes. Shannon said that his fellow Alternative members Xile and Depraved have been doing poorly recently, and since “even the disenfranchised need guidance”, he’s going to make this match an example of what to do in the ring. [B][color=#892331]B MATCH 3 SHANNON vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/B][/color] Shannon did his best to take down Colton, but the Professional kept slipping the shoulder up. Getting frustrated, Shannon tried to hit his flipping neckbreaker from the second rope but Colton turned it into a powerslam. Colton took his turn in the corner and hit the Pro Line to get three. (Rave: [I]It’s over! Colton just racked up another win![/I]) [B][color=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 15:14, B[/B][/color] Scott Colton took a microphone. “Now that that’s over with… the other day, I had the chance to watch some tape of my match with Jushin Thunder Lyger. It wasn’t to critique my performance, but to figure out what the hell happened. It turns out that Giant Bernard came into my ring during my match and hit Lyger with a tire iron. That means we have an issue, Bernard. I sure as hell don’t need any help winning my matches, and you’re going to find that out at the Angels and Devils Pay Per View when we meet in the ring and I take you down for the one-two-three.” [B][color=#892331]A MATCH 4 ACCOMPLICE vs. JIMMY JACOBS[/B][/color] Homicide’s right hand man unleashed on Jacobs, at one point nailing him with ten straight knees to the gut. He finished off a hapless Jacobs with a reverse Death Valley Driver that Rave called the Flattener. [B][color=#892331]Winner: Accomplice at 4:58, C-[/B][/color] Backstage, [B][color=#892331]Christopher Daniels[/B][/color] was in the interview position. He said that even though Giant Bernard has been given a free pass to do whatever he wants, “it won’t make a damn difference.” He called himself unstoppable, and said that after tonight’s victory he wanted a match with Cyrus himself! [B][color=#892331]B+ MAIN EVENT “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD[/B][/color] Rave mentioned that Cyrus booked this match as an “audition” as well. Despite Bernard’s size advantage, the Fallen Angel had him reeling with right hands. Daniels kicked him in the gut and tried to hook him up for the Angel’s Wings. (Smokes: [I]Bernard is huge! No way he’s going up![/I]) Bernard indeed broke out of it and shoved Daniels into the referee seemingly out of desperation. With Daniels struggling to his feet, Bernard picked up his tire iron and measured the Fallen Angel. (Rave: [I]Giant Bernard’s getting ready to mug Christopher Daniels here![/I]) Bryan Danielson bolted down the entranceway and slid in behind Bernard. He grabbed the tire iron away and slipped back out to ringside. As Bernard yelled at him, the Fallen Angel got up from behind and dropkicked Bernard from behind. Daniels schoolboyed him as the referee got back up. (Rave: [I]One, two, three! Ring it up, the Fallen Angel wins it![/I]) [B][color=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 18:40, B-[/B][/color] Bryan Danielson slid back into the ring and helped Daniels to his feet. The Fallen Angel seemed to be thanking him for his help but Don Cyrus came out from backstage and pulled out a microphone. “Well wasn’t that nice! You guys are good friends. Good for you, that’s important these days. Daniels, I heard that you want me in a match. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. But keep listening, because I’m making another match instead.” “Both of your matches tonight were auditions. I realize that’s a strange term but really I wanted to make sure you were both right for the main event at our next Pay Per View, Angels and Devils. Let me tell you this—you both passed with flying colors. You see, every week you come out and beat the hell out of whoever I throw at you. So at the Pay Per View, I’m going to let you guys do the beating for me, because you’ll be beating on each other. You, Christopher Daniels, are going to face Bryan Danielson for the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship and the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship.” (Smokes: [I]That’s huge![/I]) “But it’s not just going to be a normal singles match. It’s going to be a Heavy Damage match! Just so I make sure that you guys thoroughly beat the tar out of each other, the referee won’t be allowed in the ring to make a count until a special Enforcer referee deems that enough damage has been done. This enforcer is going to be someone that’s well-known, trustworthy and truly cares about the health of the wrestlers involved. And there’s only one person I know that fits the bill: myself.” “Gentlemen, I’ll see you in two weeks. Until then, watch your backs, because there could be an enemy behind you, or maybe even… a friend.” Cyrus lowered his microphone and smiled. Danielson and Daniels talked and eyed each other warily in the middle of the ring as the screen went to black. [B][color=#892331]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: C+[/B][/color] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Scott Colton’s fiery challenge to Giant Bernard netted us our first A-rated segment. - The Accomplice/Jimmy Jacobs match didn’t click and dragged the night’s rating down quite a bit, but it was necessary to his character to show some violent domination. Hopefully, his unique style, that of a “psychopath”, will blend with some of our other workers. [QUOTE][I]Confirmed for Angels and Devils[/I]: Christopher Daniels vs. Bryan Danielson for the ROH and RevPro Heavyweight Championships, Special Enforcer: Don Cyrus Abyss/Vampiro vs. Samoa Joe/Jack Evans for the RevPro Tag Team Championship “The Professional” Scott Colton vs. “The Force To Be Reckoned With” Giant Bernard[/QUOTE]
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From IndieHearsay.com [SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][COLOR=Blue]HOMEWARD BOUND: Lyger, others gone from Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Tuesday, April 12, 2006[/COLOR] [/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR=Blue][B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B][/COLOR] might be looking to grow, but it looks like they will have to do so without their biggest international star. According to sources close to RevPro, the company has severed its ties with [COLOR=Blue][B]Jushin Thunder Lyger[/B][/COLOR], who is also active in New Japan Pro Wrestling and Total Nonstop Action where he holds the X-Division Championship. The issue is reported to be financial in nature, with Lyger’s appearance fee being the highest of any active performer in the company. When reached for comment, RevPro’s Jim Jehovah said, “[I]It’s dollars and cents. Lyger’s the type of guy who, if he’s with you, he wants to be on a lot of shows. We couldn’t do that, we couldn’t afford it.[/I]” Continued Jehovah, “[I]If we get bigger, maybe he’ll be back. But right now, it doesn’t make sense to have him.[/I]” Also gone is [COLOR=Blue][B]Billy Kidman[/B][/COLOR], who wrestled only two matches. His asking price was also high, and the company had no intention of pushing. This was an easy payday for Kidman who works a light independent schedule. It’s speculated that the next ones on the chopping block will be undercard workers like [COLOR=Blue][B]Dunn[/B][/COLOR], [B][COLOR=Blue]Marcos[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=Blue]Jimmy Jacobs[/COLOR][/B], who haven’t really been utilized by management. With Revolutionary Pro Wrestling so willing to part ways with a talented superstar like Lyger, there cannot be much doubt that the company is facing some serious financial straits.
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[quote][I]From the RevPro.com Preview: [/I]We're only a week out from [B][COLOR=Red]Angels and Devils[/COLOR][/B], but Televised Revolution will be a hotbed of activity this week, with some matches taking place that could have huge repercussions on Revolutionary Pro Wrestling's third Pay Per View extravaganza! [COLOR=Green][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] will be facing [COLOR=Green][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] for his ROH and RevPro World Heavyweight Championships in a Heavy Damage match presided over by [COLOR=Green][B]Don Cyrus[/B][/COLOR], who will act as an enforcer. But before that, the Fallen Angel has drawn [B][COLOR=Green]"The Notorious 187" Homicide[/COLOR] [/B]on Saturday! The strange [COLOR=Green][B]Accomplice[/B][/COLOR] will surely be at ringside. Will Daniels gain some steam before his golden opportunity, or better yet, will he even make it to the Pay Per View? [COLOR=Green] [B]Abyss[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] made themselves the top contenders to the tag belts when they destroyed[COLOR=Red] [COLOR=Green][B]Jimmy Yang[/B][/COLOR][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Green][B]Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR], and they'll face [COLOR=Green][B]Samoa Joe[/B] [/COLOR]and [COLOR=Green][B]Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR], who have filled each other's weaknesses and become a formidable team, at Angels and Devils. But[COLOR=Black] Joe[/COLOR] and Abyss will not have anyone to tag out to when they collide this Saturday in a battle of the behemoths! How much can these two take out of each other before the belts are up for grabs? Too, [COLOR=Green][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] will be in action against the Greater London Champion, [COLOR=Green][B]Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR]! Will he further his win streak in preparation for Giant Bernard, or can McGuinness surprise the Professional in a non-title encounter? Tune in to Bravo this Saturday to find out! [/quote] [B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 107) Taped on Friday, April 16, 2006 – Aired on Saturday, April 17, 2006 Held at the Warren Civic Arena in Warren, Michigan Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR] DARK MATCH DUNN vs. “THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD[/B] Bernard squashed him. [B]Winner: Giant Bernard at 3:50, C DARK [/B]– After Bernard had left, [B]Scott Colton[/B] came out and said that Nigel McGuinness was about to be his next victim. He told Giant Bernard to pay close attention for a preview of what’s going to happen at Angels and Devils. [B]B- [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON vs. NIGEL MCGUINNESS[/COLOR][/B] His Greater London title wasn’t on the line, but Nigel still brought it out and showed it off. Rob Rave mentioned that the belt’s status was “under review” by RevPro’s higher-ups now that there really weren’t any contenders left. Nigel took it to the surging Colton, but the Professional threw it all right back at him. Nigel tried to set up the Tower of London cutter but Colton grabbed on to the ropes to block it. McGuinness charged Colton but got dropped over the ropes to ringside. As Colton waited for Nigel to get back up, Bernard invaded the ring through the crowd to kick him in the back of the head from behind. Referee Jim Korderas threw the match out. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner by disqualification: Scott Colton at 11:09, B[/COLOR][/B] Bernard picked Colton up and crushed him with the Dead Reckoning. He gloated as Nigel grabbed his belt and took off. [B][COLOR=#892331]C+ MATCH 2 “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE (w/ Accomplice)[/COLOR][/B] Homicide started choking Daniels out on the ropes, and backed away allowing Accomplice to jack the Fallen Angel with a nasty punch to the face. Daniels recovered enough to set Homicide up for the Angel’s Wings, but Accomplice came in and broke it up for the blatant DQ only six minutes in. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner by disqualification: Christopher Daniels at 6:25, B-[/COLOR][/B] Accomplice held Daniels’ arms back so Homicide could taunt him and drive some cheap shots to his gut. The fans cheered as [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] stormed down the aisle, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. He lined Homicide down and both Homicide and Accomplice rolled out. (Rave: American Dragon just saved the Fallen Angel from Homicide and his thug!) Danielson started to help the Fallen Angel to his feet. Homicide got on the mic. “Champ! Don’t you got enough trouble with Cyrus? You don’t need to f*** with Homicide and his boy! In fact, why don’t you two come back out later so we can f*** you up so bad you won’t even make it to the Pay Per View!” American Dragon immediately nodded his approval as Daniels held his stomach in pain. ([I]Rave: They’ll be doing battle in six days, but tonight they’ll be a team once more![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] made his ring entrance looking ready for battle, but called for a microphone. “There’s one person who’s been getting on my nerves lately, and that’s Nigel McGuinness. I don’t care if your title’s on the line, but at Angels and Devils, I want you in the ring. I won’t be wearing a mask, or the British flag, and I’m definitely not from London. But I will take you to the limit!” [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 3 “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/COLOR][/B] An inspired Sabin quickly polished Mamaluke off with a Cradle Shock. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Chris Sabin at 6:37, C+[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B] was with John Laurinaitis. Joe, with his tag belt over one shoulder, said that he wished he could have both Vampiro and Abyss tonight, and that he didn’t want to wait until the Pay Per View, but that he’d have to settle for choking the life out of “the Monster” in a few minutes. [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] In a locker room, Bryan Danielson was suiting up for the tag team main event. Christopher Daniels entered the frame quickly, catching the double champion off guard. “It’s cool, it’s cool,” the Fallen Angel said. “I just wanted to thank you for the save earlier. I’m going to throttle those goddamn punks.” Daniels looked ready to leave, but turned back. “Oh, Bryan? It might be playing right into Cyrus’ hands, but I’m in RevPro to be the man, and I’m not going to hold anything back when the belts are on the line. You’d better forget about Cyrus and bring your best to the Pay Per View, because that’s what I’m doing.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 4 “THE SAMOAN SUBMISSION MACHINE” SAMOA JOE vs. “THE MONSTER” ABYSS[/COLOR][/B] Lacey tried to trip Joe up after he’d been Irish whipped but he pulled her up the apron by the hair. She slipped away just as Abyss avalanched him into the corner. He tried to bring Joe up for a Shock Treatment but the Samoan Submission Machine was just too big. Joe backed Abyss into the ropes, and rocketed off of the other side to hit a Cactus clothesline which put them both hard out to the floor. (Rave: [I]Good God! Did you hear all that meat smack together! [/I]Smokes: [I]I’m pretty sure Joe stunned himself from that one.[/I]) As the referee counted, both men failed to stir. Lacey tried to yank Abyss up to his feet but he wasn’t moving. Jim Korderas ran out of fingers and called for the bell. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Draw (double count-out) at 16:16, B MAIN EVENT HOMICIDE and ACCOMPLICE vs. BRYAN DANIELSON and CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Accomplice was out to prove himself against the big names, and took a big chunk out of both the Fallen Angel and Bryan Danielson, using wild brawling moves to batter them. However, a double suplex to ringside slowed him down considerably. As Homicide and the Fallen Angel, the legal men, went at it, Danielson and Accomplice re-entered the ring and were brawling as well. The referee lost control and had to rule it a no contest to the fans’ dismay. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: No Contest at 22:05, B-[/COLOR][/B] Accomplice slipped out to ringside and brought in a chair, but Daniels took it away from him and cracked him across the back with it. Homicide tried to jump him but took a shot to the head. (Rave: [I]The Fallen Angel is cleaning house![/I]) Bryan Danielson made the mistake of going behind him, and the Fallen Angel turned and clocked him as well. American Dragon went down hard, as Daniels dropped the chair and swore to himself. (Rave: [I]Christopher Daniels nailed the champion, thinking he was the enemy![/I] Smokes: [I]Or is he trying to get the advantage before Angels and Devils?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B- [/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - There were more than a few non-decisions this week, but whatever. The table was set a little more for the big show. - Scott Colton and Nigel McGuinness had great chemistry and pulled a gem match out of the limited time they had for the opener. Abyss also put on a good show against Joe despite tiring himself out as usual in the homestretch. - We also got some good feedback on Lacey’s work at ringside as Abyss’ valet. [quote][I]Confirmed for Angels and Devils:[/I] [COLOR=Red][B] Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR=Red][B]Bryan Danielson[/B][/COLOR] for the ROH and RevPro Heavyweight Championships, Special Enforcer: [COLOR=Red][B]Don Cyrus[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][B] Abyss/Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR=Red][B]Samoa Joe/Jack Evans[/B][/COLOR] for the RevPro Tag Team Championship [B][COLOR=Red] “The Professional” Scott Colton[/COLOR] [/B]vs. [COLOR=Red][B]“The Force To Be Reckoned With” Giant Bernard[/B][/COLOR] *Added!* [COLOR=Red][B]"The Future" Chris Sabin[/B] [/COLOR]vs. [COLOR=Red][B]Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] [/quote] Next: RevPro Angels and Devils!
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[I]From RevPro.com:[/I] [QUOTE][CENTER][B][color=#dc031c]Final Preview – RevPro Angels and Devils Thursday, March 22, 2006[/B][/color] [IMG]http://f5.putfile.com/5/13103260873.jpg[/IMG] [B][color=#dc031c]Heavy Damage Match, with Special Enforcer Don Cyrus For the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship and ROH Heavyweight Championship “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (Champion) vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels (Challenger)[/B][/color] Bryan Danielson turned back all his enemies, and so now he'll have to do the same against his closest ally. This match will only end when Don Cyrus says enough damage has been doled out, so both men will have to put forth a lot of punishment to take this one. Christopher Daniels has been explicit in saying that he won’t go easy on American Dragon, and that he wants his titles. It’s anyone’s guess as to who will take this one, and both World Titles, but we’ll see one hell of a battle in the process! [B][color=#dc031c]For the RevPro Tag Team Championships Samoa Joe and Jack Evans (Champions) vs. Abyss and Vampiro (Challengers)[/B][/color] Joe and Jack won the belts by defeating Austin Aries and Roderick Strong twice in a row, and have had no trouble holding on to their championships since Double or Nothing. However, some would argue they have yet to face a true challenge. Abyss and Vampiro don’t have much experience as a team, but they’ve shown they will go to any extreme to punish RevPro superstars. Who will come out on top? [B][color=#dc031c]“The Force To Be Reckoned With” Giant Bernard vs. “The Professional” Scott Colton[/B][/color] Colton took offense to Bernard injecting himself into his match with Jushin Thunder Lyger, and will put his winning streak on the line against the brutal “Force To Be Reckoned With”. Giant Bernard brings unmatched power to the table, and, of course, his tire iron. Will these factors be enough to derail the Professional? [U]Also[/U][B][color=#dc031c] Nigel McGuinness vs. “The Future” Chris Sabin[/B][/color] Sabin has apparently had enough of McGuinness’ Greater London title defenses, which he called phony. Nigel told RevPro.com that he won’t come alone to this match, because he has “all of London and Britain” behind him. He’ll keep his belt win lose or draw, but will Nigel leave with his pride intact? [B][color=#dc031c]Shannon vs. Jimmy Yang[/B][/color] Shannon hasn’t been having a good month. He had a shot to take one of Bryan Danielson’s championships but was distracted by his own faction, the Alternative. Then, when he tried to inspire them to improve by beating Scott Colton, he got pinned. Shannon has asked for mic time before his match against the high-flier Yang. What will he say, and can he end April on a high note? More matches to be added tomorrow night! [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR=#dc031c][CENTER]RevPro Angels and Devils – Friday, April 23, 2006 Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View Held at the Pharmasave Sporting Complex in Albany, New York Attendance: 6,562 / 10,000 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/CENTER] [/COLOR][/B] [B]DARK MATCH “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. CLOUDY[/B] Cloudy made his in-ring return after being attacked by Abyss and Vampiro. Cloudy dazed Rave and went up for his moonsault into a reverse DDT, but as the referee checked on Mr. 2006, Melina pushed him back into the ring. Jimmy hit a quick Raveolution for the pin. [B]Winner: Jimmy Rave at 6:52, C DARK [/B]– [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] hit the ring and told the crowd that he was going to win both world championships later in the Heavy Damage match. He said he wouldn’t do it to make Cyrus happy or to hurt Bryan Danielson, but only for himself. He promised a reign of dominance that would bring Don Cyrus to his knees. [B]B+[/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://f5.putfile.com/5/13103260873.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] After the pyro, [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Shannon[/COLOR][/B] came out looking broken down. He said that two weeks ago, he had promised to defeat Scott Colton for Xile and Morley Depraved, but he failed. He failed the Alternative and he failed himself. He said that he didn’t know if he was the role model Xile and Depraved needed, and said that if he couldn’t beat Jimmy Yang tonight, that he’d give them the chance to leave the Alternative. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]C MATCH 1 SHANNON vs. JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] Shannon seemed to have inspired himself after his speech, and was on fire in the earlygoing. But Yang battled back and hurricanrana’d Shannon to ringside in a big spot. Shannon whipped Yang into the barrier to regain control, but back inside the ring, Yang countered a You Don’t Know The Way I Feel attempt with a spinning heel kick and quickly pounced with a Yang Time for three. (Rave: [I]Yang wins it! Looks like Xile and Morley Depraved will get their freedom, if they want it.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winner: Jimmy Yang at 14:50, B-[/COLOR][/B] Cameras cut quickly from Yang getting his arm raised to the backstage area, where [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Scott Colton [/COLOR][/B]was down on the concrete. He was holding the back of his head as blood flowed onto the floor. Officials were trying to pull [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Giant Bernard[/COLOR][/B] away as he held his tire iron and tried to continue his attack. He was finally taken away but began laughing and taunting the fallen Colton. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B- MATCH 2 RODERICK STRONG and AUSTIN ARIES vs. THE RING CREW EXPRESS[/COLOR][/B] Marcos and Dunn had fan support since we were in the Tri State area, but Aries and Strong ran through them in short order. Aries dove through the ropes and into Marcos as Strong hit a massive backbreaker in the ring for the convincing win. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winners: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong at 6:43, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Don Cyrus[/COLOR][/B] was shown backstage putting on his striped enforcer referee’s shirt. John Laurinaitis showed up and asked him why he looked so happy. Cyrus said, “This is going to be the best night since my honeymoon! American Dragon and the Fallen Angel are going to beat each other unconscious, and it’s only going to end when I’m satisfied.” [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B+ MATCH 3 “THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Colton came out with a bandage on the back of his head and seemed a little woozy. Rave told the viewers that Colton had refused a postponement of the match when he was offered it. Bernard had the advantage for a long while, punishing Colton with huge throws and finally a powerbomb, but Colton narrowly kicked out. Colton was brought up for the Dead Reckoning choke bomb, but Colton kicked his way out of it. He ignored the pain and fought back, hitting Bernard with several clotheslines and a superplex. With Bernard staggered, Colton went up top and hit the Pro Line. Bernard began to stir so Colton went to the opposite turnbuckle and waited, before hitting a second flying clothesline to the back of Bernard’s head. He covered… (Rave:[I] One, two, three! Scott Colton wins![/I]) Colton could barely get to his feet afterwards. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winner: Scott Colton at 15:52, B-[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Roderick Strong [/COLOR][/B]were around the water cooler, still in their ring gear. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B] approached them with his Tag Title draped over one shoulder. Aries and Strong put their fists up, preparing for a fight. “Whoa, hey. I ain’t here for a fight. I got one set up for later, and this gold’s gonna be on the line. I’m just here to tell you, if you stick your necks into our match … we’re ready. Maybe Cyrus told you that if y’all helped Abyss and Vampiro win the gold, he’d give you the first shot, but trust me… Cyrus ain’t care about you. He only give a s*** if his boys got the belts. So I might see y’all out there, but believe this: it ain’t worth it.” Evans walked away as Aries and Strong looked deep in thought. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]C MATCH 4 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN[/COLOR][/B] McGuinness came out to the ring waving a gigantic British flag. (Rave: [I]He is laying it on so thick. Do you think Nigel actually cares about Britain? He just loves to stroke his own ego.[/I]) Sabin was fired up and had McGuinness set up for the Cradle Shock but Nigel raked his eyes. Sabin stumbled backwards, and blindly tried to hit Nigel, but instead nailed the referee. (Smokes: [I]Ref’s down![/I]) As Sabin tried to recover, a small masked wrestler ran down the aisle. (Rave: [I]Is that… is that Union Jack Thistleby? He got beaten by Nigel weeks ago![/I]) Sabin was able to clothesline McGuinness down, but turned around into a flag shot from Thistleby. Union Jack roused the referee who counted the pin on Sabin. (Smokes: [I]I guess Londoners stick together! Rave: Something’s really screwed up about all of this.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 8:58, B MATCH 5 FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS SAMOA JOE and JACK EVANS c. vs. ABYSS and VAMPIRO[/COLOR][/B] Austin Aries and Roderick Strong, both holding steel chairs, drifted down to ringside a few minutes into the match. Evans tried to hit Abyss with a cross body but got caught. Joe jumped into the ring and dropkicked Evans to send Abyss down. The match broke down until only Vampiro and Jack were left in the ring. Evans slipped behind Vampiro and ran him into the ropes. Vampiro ducked his head down and Aries slammed the chair into Evans’ face from the floor. Evans staggered backwards and Vampiro quickly spiked him with the Nail in the Coffin. (Rave: [I]Vampiro covers, two, three! Thanks to Aries and Strong, we’ve got new champs![/I]) As Abyss and Vampiro held up the gold, Aries and Strong didn’t look too overjoyed. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winners, and new champions: Abyss and Vampiro at 16:42, B- Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] hit the ring with his big easel. “It’s been a while since I’ve done something, so I’ve got a new painting for all of you.” Shelley unveiled the easel, showing what was a quick sketch of himself sitting, and listening to an iPod. (Smokes: [I]What the hell is that?[/I]) “This is me sitting on the sidelines for the last month. Bring out Chad Collyer so I can beat him around.” [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B- MATCH 6 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. CHAD COLLYER[/COLOR][/B] Shelley was totally on, even demeaning Collyer with the Skull Love at one point. The match went to the outside where the Exhibitionist hit the Shellshock on Collyer and dumped his easel on top of him for good measure. Collyer couldn’t get out from under it in time and got counted out. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winner: Alex Shelley at 9:58, B- Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B], wearing the ROH and RevPro World Heavyweight Championships, was walking down the hallway. John Laurinaitis caught up to him and asked him for his thoughts on his match up next. Danielson said that he promised himself he would never cater to Don Cyrus, and that not even the main event of the biggest show to date would turn friend against friend. Danielson walked away. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B+[/COLOR][/B] A short video played highlighting Danielson’s trouble with Don Cyrus and how the Heavy Damage match came to be. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B+ MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) HEAVY DAMAGE MATCH SPECIAL ENFORCER REFEREE: DON CYRUS “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Rave reminded the viewers that there would be no disqualification, and that the referee could only enter the ring once Don Cyrus called for it. Danielson refused to hit Christopher Daniels at the beginning, even when Cyrus held up the belts up to him. Danielson leaned over the ropes to argue with him but the Fallen Angel used the opportunity to grab him around the waist and hit a massive German suplex. (Rave:[I] Daniels wasting no time![/I] Smokes: [I]He wants the belts, he don’t care![/I]) Daniels started laying in a beatdown, picking Danielson back up and nailing a big suplex. Cyrus had a big grin on his face as the Fallen Angel hoisted Danielson onto the top turnbuckle. (Rave: [I]The boss is eating this up![/I]) Daniels climbed up too but Bryan Danielson shoved him off. The Fallen Angel scrambled to his feet and American Dragon nailed him with a missile dropkick. (Rave: [I]The champ fires back![/I] Smokes: [I]It’s on now![/I]) Danielson and Daniels tore into each other, hitting numerous suplexes and DDTs. When the Fallen Angel had Danielson down, Cyrus slid him in a chair. (Rave: [I]Cyrus just raised the stakes![/I]) The Fallen Angel picked it up and hesitated, but blasted Bryan Danielson anyway. (Smokes: [I]What a shot![/I]) Danielson got up to his knees and Daniels looked ready to hit him again, but American Dragon rolled behind him and hit a big belly-to-back suplex. Cyrus grabbed the RevPro World Title and slid it in to American Dragon, motioning to hit Daniels over the head with it. Danielson stopped to think, but shook his head and kicked the belt back out. (Rave: [I]The champ says no! He’s going to do it himself![/I]) Danielson reached down to pick up the Fallen Angel, but Daniels hit him in the stomach and nailed an Angel’s Wings that flattened both men. (Smokes: [I]What a move! Danielson is hurt![/I]) The Fallen Angel slowly got to his feet and picked up the steel chair. As American Dragon got to his feet, Daniels charged and hit a charging high knee into the chair which was crushed into Danielson’s face. Danielson went down and appeared to have been busted open. The Fallen Angel looked to Don Cyrus in an appeal to send in the ref, but Cyrus shook his head and held up a finger, mouthing “one more time”. (Rave: [I]Cyrus won’t let Daniels get the pin until the ROH and RevPro champion has been decimated![/I]) Daniels went back to a corner, and hit another charging knee with the chair. Cyrus’ smile grew bigger and he motioned to the backstage area. Out charged referee Jim Korderas who slid into the ring. (Rave: [I]Pins are now gonna count in this one.[/I]) Daniels waited for American Dragon to get up. He ran forward with the chair but Danielson dropkicked it back into his face. (Smokes: [I]Where’d that come from?[/I]) Danielson, looking angry, picked up Daniels and put him up top. He hit a belly-to-belly suplex and covered. (Rave: [I]This could be all! One, two, no![/I]) Danielson went behind the Fallen Angel for a Dragon suplex, but Daniels broke it and hit a jawjacker to fell Danielson. Daniels quickly went up top and hit a BME. He covered, but Danielson narrowly kicked out. The Fallen Angel got up to his knees and cursed before heading to the same corner. He went up top but Danielson knocked out his right leg to reverse crotch him. American Dragon took Danielson’s head in a neckbreaker position and ran out of the corner, nailing a super neckbreaker. (Rave: [I]How can he kick out of that? The pin, two, no! Daniels got the shoulder up![/I]) Danielson concisely brought the Fallen Angel back up and hit a big Dragon suplex, giving it a bridge. (Rave: [I]Korderas makes the count, one, two, three! That’s three, it’s all over! Danielson has retained![/I]) An exhausted and bloody American Dragon released the pin and fell to his back as the referee raised his hand. [B][COLOR=#dc031c]Winner, and still champion: Bryan Danielson at 40:47, B+[/COLOR][/B] Don Cyrus made his way into the ring and was grinning from ear to ear. He clapped to Bryan Danielson and mocked the blood running down his face. Christopher Daniels got to his feet very slowly and took the steel chair with him. Cyrus noticed this and pointed to Danielson, but the Fallen Angel slammed the chair over Don Cyrus’ head, knocking him out. (Rave: [I]Ooh! Daniels nailed Cyrus![/I] Smokes: [I]There’s a fine![/I]) Daniels dropped the chair and extended a hand to Danielson, helping him to his feet. Daniels said something and pointed to Cyrus. He took Cyrus into a powerbomb position and hoisted him up. Danielson helped him drive Cyrus down to the mat. (Rave: [I]Powerbomb on Cyrus! Daniels and Danielson have laid him out![/I]) The Fallen Angel left the ring with his hands on his hips, not looking satisfied. Danielson went to ringside and held up both title belts to the front rows of fans. (Rave: [I]Cyrus smiled like the Cheshire cat for all forty minutes of that title match, but American Dragon had the last laugh![/I]) [B][COLOR=#dc031c]B+ Angels and Devils Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - It looks like staying away from the Tri State area and returning only for big shows will be a good strategy, because our attendance of 6,500 was up almost 1,500 from our last PPV, Double or Nothing. - Tomorrow’s Televised Revolution will run on a five-hour delay to fulfill Bravo’s deadline. - Cloudy was supposed to take a lengthy absence from action for storyline purposes but became unhappy not doing anything. Time will tell if he’ll stay with the company or not. [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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As the usually-bustling backstage atmosphere became even crazier with the event in the books and the wrestlers pumped full of adrenaline, Dean Malenko and I wove through the bodies to try and make our way to somewhere quieter. The head road agent was giving me notes on what he thought of the night’s performances: Nigel and Sabin made the most of their time, Cloudy and Rave couldn’t get much going and the main event might have been the best match we’d done to date. As Malenko continued, I spied Marshall Waters practically cowering as the athletes swept past him. “Marshall, thanks for coming! This is what your good money has bought you.” His eyes were fixed on Giant Bernard walking out the door with the four feet that were left of a party sub. “I’m so proud,” he said. I continued, “We had a good house, they’re telling me sixty-five hundred. If we pull a good buyrate, we might even finish in the black this month.” He raised his hands. “Hey, this is a long-term project, Jimmy Jim. You’ve got two years to make us profitable as a national entity. So just take it slowly and—” Waters’ cell-phone was buzzing incessantly, and he fished it out of his shirt pocket. “Just a sec, guys.” He answered it and immediately registered distaste. “Goddamnit, don’t phone me for something like this, Barry! It’s Friday night, I’m at my wrestling company.” He pauses only briefly. “Barry, we can do this on Monday. I’ll see you then, if you still have a job!” He snapped the phone shut. “Sorry about that. How about the last match there? Was the blood real? It looked real.” I guess having known Marshall since he a worm-eating twelve-year-old made me his only business partner who was spared his temperamental wrath. I was glad I’d been dealing with Diet Marshall Waters, but his other side could be useful. “Where did that come from, Marsh?” “That guy’s been running my auto division into the ground. I’m gonna put his nuts in a bag if we lose any more ground in Canada.” I didn’t think Marshall had acted since he was in the grade ten musical I directed, but all I’d have to get him to do was channel Barry and... “What are you doing tomorrow night, M?”
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 108) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, April 24, 2006 Held at the Clearwater Center in Clearwater, Florida Attendance: 1,848 / 2,000 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] DARK MATCH “THE FUTURE” CHRIS SABIN vs. ACCOMPLICE[/B] Accomplice got himself disqualified when he flipped out, brought the ring bell in and crushed Sabin with it. [B] Winner by disqualification: Chris Sabin at 10:54, C+[/B] [B] DARK[/B] – [B]Scott Colton[/B] came out to a nice ovation and basically played up his victory against Giant Bernard at Angels and Devils. [B]B+[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The first image is an angry [B][COLOR=#892331]Don Cyrus[/COLOR][/B] standing in the interview position on his own. He looks over the camera to a producer. “Is it on? Is it—alright. Last night, I put on the referee’s shirt so I could assure the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling fans a great main event match-up. And they got it. The Fallen Angel and American Dragon beat the bejesus out of each other, and we popped the most buys for a Pay Per View yet. I did my job. But getting [I]smashed[/I] with a [I]chair[/I], and—and [I]powerbombed[/I], is not part of my job.” “Bryan Danielson. Christopher Daniels. I’ve tried being Vince. I’ve tried being Machiavelli. I’ve tried being Stalin. But none of that has worked so tonight, I’m just going to be a prick. You two will team up against the new RevPro Tag Team Champions, Abyss and Vampiro… and their partners, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong. It’s math, boys—if two against one is fair, then four versus two must be as well. Tonight, you will be crushed once and for all. I might take some heat from ownership, but it’ll be worth it to put you both out of commission for a long time.” “Thank you, fans, and enjoy the rest of the show.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 1 THE RING CREW EXPRESS vs. THE ALTERNATIVE (XILE and DEPRAVED) [/COLOR][/B]These two hungry teams kicked off the show, but it was the Alternative that took control. Xile hit a shooting star press for the convincing win. Rob Rave mentioned that Shannon said he’d release them from the Alternative and speculated that they didn’t even seem to need him anymore. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: Xile and Morley Depraved at 8:32, C[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B] cut a promo in the ring. Flanked by Accomplice, he said that he was ready to become the most dominating force in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. He said that his new goal was the World Championship. [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 2 HOMICIDE (w/ Accomplice) vs. JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] Yang put up a good fight, but Accomplice’s constant distractions were too much. Homicide hit a Yakuza kick to knock Yang down, and Accomplice held his legs down for the pinfall. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Homicide at 13:32, B-[/COLOR][/B] Accomplice entered the ring and proceeded to stomp and beat Yang as Homicide watched and egged him on. Accomplice scooped Yang up and hit his reverse Death Valley Driver directly onto the turnbuckle. ([I]Rave: God, someone get him out of there! He’s trying to maim Jimmy Yang![/I])[B][COLOR=#892331] C Don Cyrus[/COLOR][/B] was entering his office when [B][COLOR=#892331]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Roderick Strong[/COLOR][/B] stopped him. Aries said that he and Strong had done their job at the PPV, making sure that Abyss and Vampiro won the Tag Team Titles, and they wanted to be made the number one contenders. Cyrus blew them off and said to ask him again next week. He went again to enter his office, but Aries grabbed him by the arm. “Next week isn’t good enough, Don. We did what you asked, now give us an answer.” “Fine: no. No shot. I’ve got bigger problems on my hands. Danielson and the Fallen Angel are ruining my federation, and I think I have a goddamn concussion. Abyss and Vampiro, they get the job done. They get wins. They dominate. They’re up here,” Cyrus said, indicating a high level with his hand, “and you two are down here,” indicating a lower level. “So just go out there and kill the Dragon and Daniels. Then we’ll talk.” Cyrus finally made it into his office, leaving an unsatisfied Aries and Strong behind him. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 3 TONY MAMALUKE vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] Colton still sported a bandage on his head from the previous night’s assault, but had the match in his control. He dominated Mamaluke and hit the Pro Line for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 8:57, B- Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] came out to the ring. He took a mic and said that before Angels and Devils, he just wanted to shut Nigel McGuinness up. “But now, Nigel, I want to take your belt! I don’t care if I have to move to London just to be eligible, but I promise, the belt is mine.” Sabin said he’d take down McGuinness and all his cronies.[B][COLOR=#892331] B-[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, John Laurinaitis had [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B] in the interview. Laurinaitis started by saying Shelley was perhaps the best athlete RevPro had on the roster, but Shelley stopped him. “Ace, what I do in the ring isn’t athletics, it’s art. I’ve got to be an artist, otherwise why else would this show be on the Film and Arts Network? If I weren’t around, this show’d get axed in about ten seconds. But like all great artists, I am misunderstood. I’ve been told that most fans ‘don’t get’ me. Well just to spite them, I won’t sit on the sidelines and be misused anymore. I’m going to stand up and be heard! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to make Jimmy Jacobs’ face into a Picasso.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 4 “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. JIMMY JACOBS[/COLOR][/B] Shelley wasn’t far off, as it didn’t take long for him to hit the Shellshock and beat Jacobs convincingly. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Alex Shelley at 7:16, C+[/COLOR][/B] Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels walked down a hallway, looking tense. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOUR-ON-TWO HANDICAP MATCH ABYSS/VAMPIRO/AUSTIN ARIES/RODERICK STRONG vs. BRYAN DANIELSON and CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Aries started off against Danielson, but Vampiro immediately tagged himself in. Vampiro and Abyss beat down the champion, and refused to tag in Aries or Strong. ([I]Rave: Austin and Roderick can’t get a tag! Smokes: They’re getting locked out, Abyss and Vampiro won’t give ‘em the time of day.[/I]) The Fallen Angel eventually made it into the ring and was a house of fire, double-clotheslining Abyss and Vampiro to ringside. Austin Aries jumped into the ring to square off against Daniels, but stopped. ([I]Rave: What’s Aries doing?[/I]) Aries paused, and then bounced off of the far ropes. He dove through the ropes and nailed both Abyss and Vampiro with a suicide dive for a huge pop. ([I]Rave: Aries just took out the tag champs! Smokes: Ain’t no way that was an accident![/I]) Aries and Strong started beating down Abyss and Vampiro as the Fallen Angel watched and the referee counted. He finally got to ten, ending the match. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners by count-out: Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson at 16:45, B-[/COLOR][/B] Abyss and Vampiro and Aries and Strong continued to brawl as Don Cyrus ran through the curtain with a microphone. “Stop it! For God’s sakes, stop it! You’re ruining everything!” They continued to fight until some strange music hit. Surprisingly, they stopped. ([I]Rave: What now?[/I]) A clean-cut man in a suit (Marshall Waters) walked from backstage and stopped at the curtain. Cyrus looked at him incredulously. The music stopped. “From the looks of things, Don recognizes me, while everyone else has no idea who I am. I’m a representative from the group that bought Ring of Honor and turned it into Revolutionary Pro Wrestling three months ago.” “Generally, any large company undergoes quarterly evaluations. And we are now three months in. So, Don, we’re going to be evaluating… you.” ([I]Rave: Uh oh![/I]) “On the plus side, under your term, you got RevPro a Pay Per View television deal, which brought in a lot of much needed revenue and will one day let us play with the big boys. You also got Revolutionary Pro Wrestling a national network television contract, meaning that every Saturday night, more and more fans catch on to our product.” Cyrus sprouted a smile. “However, you also ran one of our most popular performers, AJ Styles, out of the promotion because you didn’t like him. As well, you booked your own employees in matches like “Heavy Damage”, where you not only encourage but mandate that the workers injure each other. You’ve set the example that if a wrestler doesn’t agree with you, then he is public enemy number one.” The representative began to get angry. “A professional wrestling company is a huge investment, and you jeopardized it! You jeopardized it for your ego, and because all the power rushed straight to your head!” “Don, you started the revolution. And for that, you deserve to be commended. But with you in control, the future of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling is bleak. Thank you for your service, but effective immediately, you have been stripped of your power.” The crowd erupts and Cyrus drops his microphone. ([I]Rave: Cyrus is history![/I]) The representative continued, “Obviously, a replacement is needed. Luckily, my group has found someone who will fit your role of Commissioner quite nicely. He was one of the first professional wrestlers that was larger than life—and he still is. He was a WWF Champion. He gave the term “Superstar” a whole new meaning!” The crowd began to buzz. ([I]Rave: Is he talking about…[/I]) “Ladies and gentlemen, your new Commissioner… Superstar Billy Graham!” Don Cyrus looked shocked as Graham walked through the curtain and raised one huge arm to the crowd. ([I]Rave: Billy Graham! Superstar Billy Graham is in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling![/I]) The show ended with Graham shaking hands with the rep and a shot of Don Cyrus falling to his knees. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - The rating jumped back up to the 38,000 range. It’s clear that this is due to being taped on the day it aired; no Friday night spoilers means more people are likely to watch. We’ll tape again on the Saturday next week and see what happens. If it’s cost effective, it might be a permanent change. The only problem is that Giant Bernard works for AJPW who also tape on Saturdays. This would mean saying goodbye to him.
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From IndieHearsay.com [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]RevPro roundup: Graham, Callis, Sabin, Televised Revolution and more[/B][/COLOR] The biggest news from the [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B][/COLOR] camp was the Saturday night unveiling of [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]“Superstar” Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] as an on-screen character. He is set to take [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Don Callis[/COLOR][/B]’ role as the authority figure for RevPro. It has been reported that Graham has indeed been under contract for months now, figuring in backstage as a part-time road agent. It is not known what RevPro plans for Callis, if anything, now that his Cyrus character appears to be done. Indie Hearsay can now report that [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Chris Sabin[/B][/COLOR] has resigned with RevPro. There was some doubt as to whether the sides would come to terms, as at one point Sabin wanted more than the company was prepared to offer. The turning point in the negotiations was Sabin’s excellent Pay Per View match with [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Nigel McGuinness [/B][/COLOR]which called for a continuation of the program. The contract extension comes after Sabin recently re-upped with TNA. Sources have indicated that RevPro’s ownership group shopped the company’s television show, [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]Televised Revolution[/B][/COLOR], around to many mid-sized networks, but were turned away. The company is anxious to grow, and hasn’t been happy with the limited viewership the Bravo network provides. They still have a second three-month season left with the Film and Arts Network, and Bravo can’t be happy that Revolutionary Pro Wrestling is searching for a new dance partner. ---------- [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [U][B]Current Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Roster[/B][/U] [B]“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]“The Professional” Scott Colton[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]Vampiro[/B] (Main Eventer) [B]Giant Bernard[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Abyss[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Austin Aries[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Jimmy Yang[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]“The Future” Chris Sabin[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]“The Notorious 187” Homicide[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]“The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Shannon[/B] (Upper Midcarder) [B]Nigel McGuinness [/B](Midcarder) [B]Jack Evans[/B] (Midcarder) [B]Roderick Strong[/B] (Midcarder) [B]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave [/B](Midcarder) [B]Accomplice [/B](Midcarder) [B]Chad Collyer[/B] (Midcarder) [B]Tony Mamaluke[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B]Xile[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B]Morley Depraved[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B]Jay Lethal[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] (Lower Midcarder) [B]Marcos [/B](Opener) [B]Dunn [/B](Opener) [B]Matt Sydal[/B] (Opener) [B]Cloudy[/B] (Enhancement Talent) [B]Melina Perez[/B] (Manager) [B]Lacey[/B] (Manager) [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion[/B]: Bryan Danielson [B]Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion[/B]: Bryan Danielson [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Greater London Champion[/B]: Nigel McGuinness [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Tag Team Champions[/B]: Abyss and Vampiro [U][B]Competitional Analysis[/B][/U] United States Economy: B (Falling) United States Wrestling Industry: C+ (Falling) [B][COLOR=Black]WWE [/COLOR][/B]is still at the top of the mountain and is prepping for the industry to get even weaker. It recently let the contracts of Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels expire, and they haven’t been picked up by anyone else. The main event mainstays have been joined by the emerging pack of youngsters at the top of the card, including Orlando Jordan and Sylvain Grenier, who are main eventers. Man, am I glad I don’t have to be watching that. [B]TNA[/B] has grown to International level, but suffered from having its B show, Explosion, cancelled. Double J’s still the King of the Mountain as NWA Champ, and Lyger’s enjoying a lengthy reign dominating the X Division. Their most interesting roster move of late was signing Roddy Piper and making him lead announcer.
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [quote][B]Televised Revolution Preview for May 4, 2006 DRAGON VS. ANGEL II![/B] This Saturday, [B]Televised Revolution[/B] presents a can’t-miss edition! The RevPro World Heavyweight Title will be on the line, and new Commissioner Billy Graham will have a live microphone in the middle of the ring. [B]GRAHAM SPEAKS[/B] The order was handed down from the owners of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling—Don Cyrus is out, and “Superstar” Billy Graham is in. Graham, one of the most flamboyant characters in pro wrestling history and someone who is representative of the tides of change the industry has faced, has been chosen to lead the federation into a new era. The Commissioner has asked to speak right at the stroke of midnight on the ninth edition of Televised Revolution, and told RevPro.com that his speech will have implications on the two world titles. [B] CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. BRYAN DANIELSON FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE[/B] As his first act of business, Billy Graham booked this Angels and Devils rematch so the two superstars could have it out “in a match that is for the fans’ pleasure, not Don Cyrus’”. This time, a pin can happen at any time. With Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s top prize hanging in the balance, can the Fallen Angel do what he came to do and become the top dog? [B] AUSTIN ARIES/RODERICK STRONG vs. HOMICIDE/ACCOMPLICE[/B] Aries and Strong effectively dissolved whatever was left of Cyrus’ loyal army when Aries delivered a suicide dive to Abyss and Vampiro and cost them last week’s four-on-two main event. They clearly view themselves as top threats to the tag titles, but they’ll have to get by Homicide and Accomplice to hold their spot. “The Notorious 187” is on a quest to gain a world championship, and seems unbeatable with Accomplice at his side. Will Aries and Strong be this duo’s next victim? [B] CHRIS SABIN vs. JIMMY RAVE[/B] “The Future” wants Nigel McGuinness and his Greater London title, but he’ll have to settle for “Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave on Saturday. What’s Melina Perez’ plan to get her client the win this time? [B] SHANNON vs. JAY LETHAL[/B] The leader of the Alternative has been on a massive slide, falling to Scott Colton and Jimmy Yang in recent weeks. He’ll have the hungry Jay Lethal in the ring, but the wild card will be Xile and Morley Depraved. They have a chance for emancipation from Shannon. Will they stay or will they go? This and more live on Bravo! [/quote]
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[B][COLOR=#892331] RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 109) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, May 4, 2006 Held at the Grove of Anaheim in Anaheim, California Attendance: 1,986 / 2,000 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/color] [B]DARK MATCH ABYSS (w/ Lacey) vs. CHAD COLLYER[/B] Lacey didn’t need to employ any trickery because Abyss dominated. [B]Winner: Abyss at 9:05, C+ DARK – Chris Sabin[/B] appeared on the live screen and taunted Nigel McGuinness, who wasn’t in the building. He said his match with Jimmy Rave would only be a speedbump on his way to humbling the Greater London champ. [B]C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] New Commissioner [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/B][/color], wearing a black T-shirt with the RevPro logo, walked out of the entrance to a great ovation. (Smokes: It’s the Superstar! Rave: He’s got the power now, and he wanted the stick right off the top of the show to speak his mind.) “For those who don’t know me, my name is Billy Graham and as of now, I run the show. I’m here because the last guy let the position go to his head. Because of that, he only lasted three months. Well, I plan on lasting a whole hell of a lot longer. I want every performer in the back to know that they’ve got a fair shot here. I’m not going to punish anyone for who they were aligned with; as far as I’m concerned, this is a new chapter in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s existence.” “I thought we’d kick it off with a bang. Later on, Bryan Danielson is going to defend the Revolutionary Pro Wrestling championship against the Fallen Angel. No matter who wins that match, once it’s done, we will need a new number one contender. So starting next week, there will be an eight-bracket single-elimination tournament to culminate at the next Pay Per View event twenty days from now. The winner will receive a shot at the RevPro champion soon after that.” (Rave: That’s big!) “I’ve already got some of the participants in mind, but online voting on Revpro.com will also decide who qualifies.” ”That’s one belt. Then there’s also the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship. When I was chosen by the ownership group to be Commissioner, there were two stipulations: I had to eliminate the corruption that had become associated with the position, and resolve the situation with the two world titles. Well, as we all know, this is Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. This is not Ring of Honor. Bryan Danielson—“ Graham stares down the hard camera. “I have a message for you. Right now, you seem invincible, but you’re human. Eventually, you will lose the ROH Championship, and odds are, it won’t be to someone you approve of. I want to give the belt its rightful home in history so allow me to make you an offer. At the Pay Per View, I want to give the Ring of Honor Championship a final send-off. I want to retire it. This will mean you will no longer hold it, but you’ll go down in the history books as the last ever ROH Champion! That’s quite an achievement—if you win. But you’ll need an opponent. So I’m extending to you, Bryan Danielson, a chance to pick your opponent. Pick someone who sums up the excellence of ROH as much as you did, and give me his name. I don’t care if it’s someone who’s already here, or someone working on the other side of the planet! I promise you, I’ll get him.” (Rave: Another shocker! The Ring of Honor Championship’s going to be retired in a final match in three weeks’ time!) “Before we get to the action, I have one more announcement. You see, holding all the power is great if you can bear it. But they say that absolute power corrupts absolutely, and I don’t want to be corrupted. So I met with the owners and asked them to institute an entirely new position in RevPro: a Director of Integrity. This is going to be someone who you won’t see very often, but will always be hovering behind the scenes. The Director of Integrity will have just as much power as I do, and if he doesn’t like a decision I make, he can hold it up immediately. The man I’ve chosen for this position is here tonight, and I’d like to bring him out to the ring.” The crowd begins to buzz. (Smokes: Who’s it gonna be?” “Please allow me to introduce Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s new Director of Integrity… Mr. [B][COLOR=#892331]Dean Malenko[/B][/color]!” The crowd cheers loudly as Malenko, dressed in a RevPro golf shirt, walks through the entrance and to the ring. (Rave: What a blockbuster! Dean Malenko, the Man of a Thousand Holds and a true wrestling legend, is joining Billy Graham at the top!) Malenko shook hands with Graham and raised an arm to the audience. (Rave: The foundation of RevPro has been shaken, and we’re only just getting started here tonight!) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 1 VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/B][/color] It was a back and forth contest with many near falls until Austin Aries and Roderick Strong walked through the entrance, wearing the RevPro Tag Team Championships. (Smokes: They aren’t the champs! Rave: Nope, but they look the part.) Vampiro noticed this and got preoccupied with them as Lacey screamed her lungs out at the referee. In the commotion, Colton ascended to the top turnbuckle and nailed Vampiro with the Pro Line as he turned around. He covered for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 11:24, B[/B][/color] John Laurinaitis found the double champion [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/B][/color] and asked him who he might choose to face at the Pay Per View. Danielson said he was only looking as far as tonight’s main event, where he said he’d turn back the Fallen Angel one more time. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 2 SHANNON vs. JAY LETHAL[/B][/color] Shannon looked like a shell of his former self, and Jay Lethal kept flattening him with top rope offense and got many near falls. Things weren’t helped any when Xile and Morley Depraved jumped the barrier in street clothes and stood at ringside. (Rave: There’s the rest of the Alternative. What are they here to do?) As Lethal climbed to the top rope, Xile started screaming at Shannon and tried to get into the ring as the referee held him back. (Smokes: Xile wants a piece of Shannon! Rave: The Alternative’s falling apart right in front of us!) Suddenly, Morley Depraved jumped onto the apron on the other side and shoved Lethal onto the ropes so that he was crotched. A surprised Shannon snapped into action and hit a spinning heel kick to the head of the stunned Lethal. Xile left the ring and the referee made the count. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Shannon at 9:50, C+[/B][/color] Xile and Depraved helped a still-shocked Shannon to his feet. (Rave: Morley and Xile swerved everybody, including Shannon evidently!) They stood over Lethal and laughed. [B][COLOR=#892331]C- MATCH 3 CHRIS SABIN vs. “MR 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez)[/B][/color] Sabin was a house of fire, but Rave stalled until he could take the advantage. After Rave lined Sabin to ringside, Melina tried her trick of putting brass knuckles in his trunks but Sabin grabbed her hand as she dove in. He grabbed her by the hair but Rave hit a baseball slide to lay him out. The action returned to the ring where Sabin took control long enough to bring Rave up for a Cradle Shock. (Rave: A Cradle Shock on tap!) However, Nigel McGuinness’ theme hit and Sabin dropped Rave back down. (Smokes: I didn’t think Nigel was here! Rave: Dammit, haven’t we had enough interference for the evening?) Sabin looked to the entrance but no one came out. Rave hit a low blow as he was distracted and schoolboyed him for a quick three. (Rave: He could be back in London for all we know, but Nigel still managed to screw Chris Sabin!) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Jimmy Rave at 7:52, C+ Austin Aries[/B][/color] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Roderick Strong[/B][/color] came back out to the ring, still wearing the RevPro Tag Team Championships. Aries got on the microphone. “Vampiro, we don’t say this much but… we’re sorry. We’re sorry that we beat the s*** out of you last week, and we’re also sorry that we grabbed these replica belts from the merch stand just to screw with you.” Aries and Strong took the belts off and threw them into the crowd. Aries continued, “But if you and your pet monster think we’re going to be happy with foam and plastic, you’re dead wrong, goth boy.” Strong smiled and wrung his hands. Aries: “We’re coming for the real things, so watch your damn backs—“ Aries and Strong were interrupted by their opponents, [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/B][/color] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice[/B][/color], attacking from behind. (Rave: The match is on!) [B][COLOR=#892331]C- MATCH 4 RODERICK STRONG and AUSTIN ARIES vs. HOMICIDE and ACCOMPLICE[/B][/color] We saw a matchup of two capable teams; Homicide and Accomplice were brawling battering rams while Aries and Strong withstood the punishment enough to chime in with their hard-hitting technical routine. Homicide almost got the pin with a Kudo Driver on Strong, but Aries springboarded into the ring and broke it up. When Aries was knocked to ringside later on, Abyss and Vampiro sprung out from backstage and assaulted him with a steel chair. The referee saw this and called for the bell. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners, by disqualification: Roderick Strong and Austin Aries at 12:22, B-[/B][/color] As Lacey cheered Abyss and Vampiro on, Strong ran up the aisle with a chair of his own. Abyss and Vampiro backed away from the downed Aries and went behind the curtain. [B][COLOR=#892331]C Christopher Daniels[/B][/color] was walking backstage when John Laurinaitis asked him for his thoughts. The Fallen Angel kept walking, ignoring him. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON c. vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/color] Daniels was completely motivated and held the advantage for the first five minutes of the match, giving American Dragon a pounding in front of a mixed crowd. (Rave: Two fan favorites going at it, no one’s sure who to cheer for.) Danielson eventually turned the match in his favour by dropkicking the Fallen Angel out of the air when he tried for a BME. The match spilled out to the floor where Daniels and Danielson chopped each other raw against the barrier. Back inside, a tired Daniels took the advantage with a knee to the gut and put Danielson in a double underhook. (Rave: Angel’s Wings coming up here!) The Fallen Angel barely nailed it, but in doing so dropped Danielson so close to the ropes that he was able to roll over to the floor. (Rave: Daniels hit it but American Dragon was right by the edge of the ring!) The Fallen Angel slapped the mat in frustration and quickly slid out, pushing Danielson back into the ring. He made a cover, hooking both legs. (Rave: One, two, no! Almost three, but the champion kicked out!) Christopher Daniels, looking upset with himself, took Danielson back up and nailed a hard forearm to the jaw. (Smokes: Did you see that shot?!) He got Danielson in position for another Angel’s Wings, but American Dragon struggled out of it and hit a back body drop. Daniels charged him, but Danielson ducked behind him and hit a bridging dragon suplex. (Rave: There it is! One, two, thr-no!) Daniels kicked out but in doing so flipped onto his stomach. Danielson quickly hooked his arms back into the Cattle Mutilation. (Rave: Now it’s the submission, the Cattle Mutilation! Smokes: How can he stand this?!) Danielson struggled to keep it applied, and after about twenty seconds, the Fallen Angel gave up, drawing a cheer from the crowd. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Bryan Danielson at 17:54, B+[/B][/color] Afterwards, Danielson slowly pulled himself up by the ropes as the Fallen Angel nursed his shoulder. American Dragon extended a hand to Daniels but he was too busy kicking the turnbuckles in frustration to notice. Daniels swore to himself and left the ring, leaving Danielson hanging. [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/color] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - The financials for April came in, and we finished in the black… by all of $557. It’s a pretty slim margin but a good sign that we can stay out of debt in the future. - Scott Colton and Vampiro really clicked in the opener, and Lacey and Vampiro also seem to be a natural pair. [I]Confirmed for the next Pay Per View[/I]: [QUOTE][B]For the ROH World Heavyweight Championship:[/B] [B]Bryan Danielson[/B] [B]vs.[/B] [B]???[/B] [B]Finals - RevPro Championship #1 Contender's Tournament[/B][/QUOTE]
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Revpro.com Online Voting At the next TV show, an eight-man tournament will begin to determine a new number-one contender to Bryan Danielson and the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship. It'd be pretty cool if you guys selected some of the participants. Here's a shortlist of some people on the roster who you can choose from. Pick one, or pick eight, and choose based on whatever you want. [B]“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels Samoa Joe “The Professional” Scott Colton Homicide Giant Bernard Shannon Abyss Vampiro Jimmy Yang Chris Sabin “The Exhibitionist” Alex Shelley Austin Aries Roderick Strong Jack Evans Accomplice Chad Collyer Jimmy Rave Jay Lethal Tony Mamaluke[/B]
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[COLOR=Blue][B]RevPro news: New signings, foreign TV deal and more IndieHearsay.com[/B][/COLOR] Seemingly content with the top of its card,[B][COLOR=Blue] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/COLOR][/B] has made a pair of signings to shore up its bottom ranks, inking wrestlers [COLOR=Blue][B]TJ Wilson[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=Blue][B]Ken Doane[/B] [/COLOR]to low-end contracts. Wilson comes from Calgary’s Stampede Wrestling and has been praised for his technical work. However, sources say he will need to work on his charisma and building a unique look. Ken Doane is more well known as the headband-wearing Kenny from the WWE’s Spirit Squad, but upon being returned to Ohio Valley Wrestling became available to take independent bookings once again. Sources are indicating that RevPro has pursued a foreign television deal to show Televised Revolution in Britain, but were quickly turned away by stations. It appears that the company has a lot of work to do before it can compete with the likes of TNA, and the wrestling industry’s recent downturn is going to make it even tougher for them. The company is currently holding voting for its upcoming eight-man tournament on its website, RevPro.com.
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From RevPro.com: [quote][B]LET THE GAMES BEGIN![/B] [IMG]http://f5.putfile.com/6/15417453313.jpg[/IMG] Straight from the office of Billy Graham, RevPro’s next Pay Per View has been titled “Honor Never Fades” and is slated for May 24. The main event will be Bryan Danielson’s final defense of the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship, but his opponent has yet to be named. Who will American Dragon select? Will he make his choice this week? Also appearing on that card will be the finals of the tournament to decide the RevPro World Championship’s number-one contender, and all four matches from the first round will take place this week on Televised Revolution! Here’s the rundown of each bracket. [B]B1: “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY[/B] If the Fallen Angel wants a third shot at Bryan Danielson, he’ll have to beat an emerging star to do so. Alex Shelley has been very outspoken about his talent recently, but Daniels is still one of the most dangerous wrestlers in the world. The Fallen Angel has to be considered a favorite to win the tournament. [B]B2: SAMOA JOE vs. SHANNON[/B] After a run with Jack Evans as tag team champions, the Samoan Submission Machine is ready to take a stab at the big title. Shannon will have to overcome a vast size disadvantage but he’ll have a stronger-than-ever Alternative on his side. [B] B3: “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. JACK EVANS[/B] Evans’ star is rising but Homicide has stated explicitly that his next goal is to become RevPro World Heavyweight Champion. Evans will be expected to withstand a lot of punishment if he wants to advance. [B] B4: GIANT BERNARD vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/B] In an Angels vs. Devils rematch, Giant Bernard will try to even the score with Scott Colton after being pinned cleanly. Colton will face a huge challenge from the big man, as not only will he have to be alert for the match, but also in the hours leading up to it. The possibilities are endless for the final match. Any of these eight men could go all the way, but only one can win. Tune in this week as the field shrinks to four! [/quote]
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[B][COLOR=#892331] RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 110) Taped on Friday, May 10, 2006 - Aired on Saturday, May 11, 2006 Held at the Portland Public Auditorium in Portland, Maine Attendance: 2,741 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] DARK MATCH “AMERICAN DRAGON” BRYAN DANIELSON vs. NIGEL MCGUINNESS[/B] The World Champ in the dark match? None of the three belts Nigel and Bryan hold were on the line of course, and the double champion won a hard-fought match with a Dragon Suplex. [B] Winner: Bryan Danielson at 15:23, B-[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH ONE QUARTER-FINAL ONE “THE EXHIBITIONIST” ALEX SHELLEY vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] The Fallen Angel looked just as angry as when the show ended last week, and mercilessly beat Shelley around to start the match. He hit a moonsault to the outside onto the Exhibitionist and rolled him in for two. Unfazed he put Shelley in position for the Angel’s Wings. ([I]Rave: If he hits it, he’s one step closer to the finals…[/I]) Shelley dropped down out of it and hit a low blow to incapacitate Daniels. With the Fallen Angel down, Shelley played to the crowd and then got over top of Daniels’ head to try and apply the Skull Love. However, Daniels sat up and put Shelley on his shoulders for an electric chair drop. ([I]Rave: Daniels’ skull will get no love tonight![/I]) Shelley panicked and raked Daniels’ eyes, stunning him. Shelley slid down the Fallen Angel’s back and rolled him up with a sunset flip. ([I]Rave: Shelley’s got the cover, one, two, and that’s three! Smokes: Shelley won![/I]) Shelley quickly slid out of the ring as Daniels sat up and looked furious. ([I]Rave: Like it or not, Alex Shelley just pulled off a huge upset and is moving on to face the winner of Samoa Joe and Shannon.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Alex Shelley at 15:06, B[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, we quickly saw [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] entering his dressing room and closing the door behind him. ([I]Rave: The RevPro and ROH Champ is here, but he’s not scheduled to wrestle. Smokes: Maybe we’ll hear who he’s pickin’ to face at Honor Never Fades![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] In another hallway, [B][COLOR=#892331]Christopher Daniels[/COLOR][/B] stalked by, and came across [B][COLOR=#892331]Homicide[/COLOR][/B]. “Looks like yo’ wings got clipped, dog!” Daniels stopped briefly but then continued. “It’s too bad, man. I was lookin’ forward to whipping your ass in the finals.” This time, the Fallen Angel turned back around and faced Homicide. “Sorry, I hit a nerve? My bad, Daniels. Why don’t you step your ass back to your dressing room, and let me show you how it’s done in the ring when I slap the hell outta that bitch Jack Evans later?” Homicide walked away, leaving an enraged Fallen Angel behind. ([I]Smokes: I think Daniels is gonna snap, and soon.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH TWO QUARTER-FINAL TWO SAMOA JOE vs. SHANNON[/COLOR][/B] The ref took a spill, allowing Xile and Morley Depraved to run down to ringside and make it a three-on-one. Xile and Depraved tried to hold Joe’s arms so Shannon could attack him, but he smashed them together and then leveled Shannon with a running kick to the jaw. Joe cleared the ring and then made Shannon tap with the Triangle Choke. ([I]Rave: Joe moves on, and Alex Shelley has a hell of a task lined up for next week![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 13:44, B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B] was walking to the ring when [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice[/COLOR][/B] came out of nowhere and slammed him into a wall. Evans went down and Accomplice toppled a tower of equipment boxes onto him. Accomplice began to kick and stomp at the pile like a madman until a group of officials entered and pulled him away. ([I]Rave: Jack’s match is in five minutes! How’s he supposed to win now?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]C- MATCH THREE QUARTER-FINAL THREE “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. JACK EVANS[/COLOR][/B] Homicide sauntered down to the ring, all smiles. ([I]Smokes: I guess he ain’t got much to worry about now.[/I]) Jack Evans’ music hit but no one appeared. Homicide ordered the referee to start a count. Jim Korderas grudgingly did, but at five Evans limped out from behind the curtain and made it to the ring. Homicide worked over Evans’ injured back, and Evans couldn’t do much without aggravating it. Homicide got the win with his Kudo Driver. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Homicide at 9:23, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331] Giant Bernard[/COLOR][/B] was shown in his locker room opening his bag and pulling out a tire iron. He laughed as he looked at it, but a voice boomed from behind him. “I don’t think so.” Bernard wheeled—it was [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B]! “Sorry to take away your strategic advantage, Bernard, but you will never use that tire iron again in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. If you do, you can make your ticket to Japan one-way next time, because you’ll be fired.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH FOUR XILE (w/ Morley Depraved) vs. JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] The aerial expert Yang faced an onslaught from Xile, but not even Morley’s distractions could prevent Yang from winning. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Jimmy Yang at 5:48, C+ Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR][/B] hit the ring wearing a suit and with the Greater London Championship slung over one shoulder. “I have recently been the victim of several character attacks by Chris Sabin, who has claimed that all my challengers have been ‘phonies’ and that they may not have even been trying to win. I’ve taken some time to digest these claims, and I have come to the conclusion that, it’s not even worth the trouble anymore. I tried to take the best that my home country had to offer and bring it to the fine North American fans, and all I got for it were accusations from a sore loser. It’s a shame when one person ruins something for everyone, but you only have Chris Sabin to blame. I’ve decided that I will never defend this title again. In fact, I will be taking the belt back to London to present it to the Mayor, and that’s the last thing I’ll have to do with Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” Nigel appears to be tearing up. “It has been… a pleasure… to wrestle… as the best British wrestler in history… and hold this prestigious—“ The Televised Revolution theme hits, cutting Nigel off and suddenly ending his emotional goodbye. [B][COLOR=#892331]Billy Graham[/COLOR][/B] walks through the entrance and produces his own microphone. “I don’t want to be one of those guys who has their nose in everything, but Nigel, I’ve got to burst your bubble. You’ve got a contract with RevPro, and that belt belongs to this federation, not you. So the belt stays in America. There’s something else I want to bring to your attention. You see, the guy before me, he was somewhat… paranoid. My office has discovered that he had a policy of placing security cameras in the backstage area to try and catch his enemies in something he could nail them for. Well, we have access to those tapes now, and we found something pretty interesting. Let’s get it on the big screen.” The large video screen lights up with a high-angle security tape. The quality is grainy but we can still make out [I]Nigel McGuinness talking with a group of wrestlers, Marcos, Dunn and the now-fired El Generico. Marcos is wearing half of Union Jack Thistleby’s costume. Nigel waves a fistful of money in front of them. “Alright, boys, we’ve been doing well so far but we need to keep it going. Dunn, I was thinking you could be the Chimneysweep next. You could come out with a sooty mask and one of those big brooms or something.” Nigel hands out some money. “Now get lost, and you’ll keep this to yourselves if you’ve got any sense.”[/I] The tape ends abruptly and Nigel looks mortified. ([I]Rave: Nigel’s been paying RevPro’s undercard to put on costumes and lay down for him! This is not good for the champion.[/I]) Nigel tears his tie off. “That’s bloody blackmailing bollocks, Graham!” “First of all, no, it isn’t. And secondly, you’ve committed a pretty serious offense. But I’m going to let you keep your title for now. However, you’re going to defend it against opponents until you lose. And whoever beats you will be allowed to rename the belt to their liking. The first defense will be against Chris Sabin at Honor Never Fades.” Nigel looks distraught. “Come on, Commish, cut me some slack!” The Televised Revolution theme hits again and Graham does a queen-wave to Nigel before exiting. [B][COLOR=#892331]B-[/COLOR][/B] In the interview position, John Laurinaitis tells [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] that he had the most fan votes of any entrant in the tournament. Colton says that the fans must be able to sense it too—his time is now. Colton asked Giant Bernard to “bring the tire iron, because it won’t make a damn difference. I’m walking out tonight one step closer to taking the gold that’s mine.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) QUARTER-FINAL FOUR “THE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH” GIANT BERNARD vs. “THE PROFESSIONAL” SCOTT COLTON[/COLOR][/B] The match was evenly paced until Bernard (intentionally?) avalanched the referee in the corner. He headbutted Colton down and went to ringside, reaching under the apron. He pulled out a tire iron. ([I]Rave: Dammit, does he have them stashed all over the arena? Graham said he’d fire him if he used that, does he not even care?[/I]) Bernard got back into the ring but Colton launched off of the top rope with a missile dropkick to knock him down. Colton picked up the tire iron as Bernard struggled to pull himself up by the ropes. Colton seemed to consider the situation and then rammed the weapon into Bernard’s forehead. ([I]Smokes: How’s that for payback? Rave: Bernard gets a taste of his own medicine![/I]) Colton roused the referee who counted the three. ([I]Rave: It’s done! Colton moves on, he has Homicide next week![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Scott Colton at 16:14, B+[/COLOR][/B] After the last commercial break, [B][COLOR=#892331]Bryan Danielson[/COLOR][/B] made his entrance with only the ROH Title on his shoulder. “Last week, I was told by Billy Graham that the Ring of Honor Championship was getting one final send-off, and that I had a chance to be the last ROH Champion in history. I want everyone to know that I don’t want to see this title go. It’s become a part of me, and I’ve been privileged to defend it against a long list of extremely talented people. However there’s one person who I haven’t defended this belt against that I’ve always wanted to, and since Billy Graham wants me to pick my opponent for Honor Never Fades, I’m picking him.” ([I]Rave: Who’s it gonna be?[/I]) “Billy, you said I could pick anyone on the planet, regardless of who they’re contracted to. Well, I’ll have to test that. My opponent is going to be a Ring of Honor legend, he is … C… M… Punk!” The crowd cheers as Danielson’s music hits again and he raises the ROH Title. ([I]Rave: You’re kidding me! CM Punk? But he’s… contracted to the WWE! Smokes: Graham said it could be anyone, Rave. Rave: The Commissioner will have his work cut out for him if he wants to keep his promise![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes:[/U] - There were a few good matches on this one. Shelley and Daniels delivered, and Shannon and Joe did a lot despite their size disparity. Colton and Giant Bernard had a phenomenal match considering that their Pay Per View match wasn’t nearly as good. We pulled in a B which makes me think that we can consistently put on shows this good. We will need to if we hope to work towards National status while the industry is in the can. - Next week will mark a shift to Saturday tapings for the foreseeable future as our ratings took a plunge back to the 24,000 mark via the Spoiler Factor. [quote]On Next Week's Show: The tournament continues as Samoa Joe faces Alex Shelley and Homicide meets Scott Colton![/quote]
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