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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B][quote][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Saturday, July 16, 2006 COLTON RISES TO GRACE[/B] [IMG]http://x402.putfile.com/2/5802045045.jpg[/IMG] [B] THE CHAMPION RETAINS[/B] After a bitter, thirty-minute battle with Christopher Daniels, Scott Colton prevailed, pinning the Fallen Angel after the use of a steel turnbuckle clip. This was his first defense of the World Championship after defeating Bryan Danielson for the title via similarly-dubious means. Sources are saying Colton has made the flight to Televised Revolution in Seattle despite not being booked. What does he have planned? [B] EVANS IS THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER[/B] Homicide can’t be happy right now. Not only did he lose to hated enemy Jack Evans, but he also forked over his chance at the World Champion in the process. Evans hit the 630 for the three count, but paid the price, appearing to hurt his back during the match. He’s going to be in his home state of Washington tonight, is a celebration in order? [B] LONDON CALLING[/B] Austin Aries did just as he promised and downed Alex Shelley in front of 4,700 fans in Baltimore, but after the match he was blindsided by Nigel McGuinness, who, after a lengthy absence, had to be pulled away from the ring. Aries was uncontrollable in the backstage area afterwards, calling for Nigel but being told that McGuinness had been escorted off the premises. Nigel will return to in-ring action on Televised Revolution, but will the furious Tri State Champion be there to greet him? [B] SIX-MAN TAG ACTION IN SEATTLE[/B] The Alternative escaped Baltimore with the Tag Team Championships after leader Shannon interfered in their favor, but all three members will have to face Sabin and Yang in a six-man tag match with their partner, Chad Collyer! Collyer took down Shannon in singles action later on Friday night, and now Sabin and Yang will have a chance to get even alongside their impressive partner. Also, a day after being choked out by Samoa Joe in the submissions challenge, Vampiro will face Jay Lethal. Tune in, you won't want to miss this one! [/quote]
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 119) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, July 16, 2006 Held at the Espie Convention Center in Seattle, Washington Attendance: 2,000 (sellout) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B]TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM (1) TONY MAMALUKE vs. CHRIS KERRY[/B] Young Kerry showed flashes of brilliance, but the vet Mamaluke had him figured out. [B]Winner: Tony Mamaluke at 6:49, C[/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM (2) TOMOAKI KOIZUMI vs. ABYSS[/B] The monster demolished his big oriental challenger. [B]Winner: Abyss at 4:03, C[/B] [IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] The show began with World Champion [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] sauntering out to the ring. ([I]Rave: There you see the champion who made his first defense twenty-hours ago, sliding by after using the steel buckle from the corner. Smokes: You say that like it’s a crime or somethin’.[/I]) “Good evening, Seattle!” The crowd viciously booed him. “After defeating the Fallen Angel last night, I decided to hop a plane here and show everyone who was too cheap to buy the show what happened: Colton retained. But now, I’m having second thoughts. The weather’s been crappy, and now I can see why they call Washington ‘the nation’s armpit’. It's dewy and it stinks.” “The only two great people you had here were Kurt Cobain and Ken Griffey Jr.. One of them left for Cincinnati, and the other blew his brains out. In fact, nothing good has ever come out of this state, so why the hell am I here?” Colton lowered his microphone and started to leave, but [B][COLOR=#892331]Jack Evans[/COLOR][/B]’ theme hit and he stopped. ([I]Rave: Here comes one good thing from Washington: Jack Evans! He’s the number-one contender. Smokes: Barely, man, barely.[/I]) Evans walked through the curtain to a strong ovation, but looked like his back was still bothering him. ([I]Rave: Homicide put him through hell last night, you have to think his spine is in bad shape.[/I]) “Yo Scott, you need to shut your mouth before someone does it for you. The only way you got to where you is is by cheatin’ and whinin'. You don’t deserve that belt, dude.” “Oh, I don’t, shrimp? Well it just so happens that you’re the number-one contender. Why don’t you challenge me right here, tonight, in Seattle, and try to take it away?” The fans roared at this prospect as Evans weighed the offer. ([I]Rave: Evans is battered and bruised, he can’t be considering this! Smokes: Let the man choose for hisself, man, shut up.[/I]) “You on, dude. When I hit you with the 630, RevPro’s gonna have a champion it can be proud of. And you know this…” The crowd supplied the “man” and Evans’ track played as he left. Colton looked very self-satisfied. ([I]Rave: Colton baited Jack into a raw deal, does he have any chance of beating the champion in his current state?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 1 NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. TJ WILSON[/COLOR][/B] Nigel was ultra motivated, and took the young Canadian apart in short order, ending the match with a big Tower of London cutter and a lackadaisical, hand-across-the-face pin. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Nigel McGuinness at 5:06, C+[/COLOR][/B] Nigel asked for a microphone and was handed one. He still looked like he wasn’t all there. “Aries… since you beat me for my belt, I haven’t slept, eaten, drank. All I've been thinking about is getting back what is rightfully mine! But of course, the Greater London Championship doesn’t exist anymore. But the Tri State Championship does. I can’t ever have back what I want, so I’m going to do the next best thing, and take away what you've got. You embarrassed me in front of my countrymen, and I’ll make you pay dearly for it. And Aries… I’m bringing a friend to help me.” [B][COLOR=#892331]C Jay Lethal[/COLOR][/B] was in the interview position with John Laurinaitis, who reminded him that he was on a quite-sizeable losing streak, having not won a match since March. Lethal said he knew that, and even though he had Vampiro in the ring tonight, he was going to find a way to get back into the win column. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 2 “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE (w/ Melina Perez) vs. SAMOA JOE[/COLOR][/B] Rave dusted off every dirty trick he knew, but it didn’t seem to matter. Joe crushed him with a Musclebuster and slapped on the Triangle Choke for the win. Melina watched in horror, not believing that her client lost again. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 7:37, C+ Abyss[/COLOR][/B] was standing backstage when [B][COLOR=#892331]Lacey[/COLOR][/B] quickly strode up to him looking incredibly angry. ([I]Rave: Look out.[/I]) “You… big… freak! You set Vampiro up against Joe, and he got put in that stupid choke because of you! If you have a couple of brain cells clanking around behind that dumb mask, you’ll stay the hell out of our business!” Lacey slapped him hard in the face and walked off in the same direction. [B][COLOR=#892331]C[/COLOR][/B] Scott Colton was with Laurinaitis, and seemed more interested in looking at his belt than answering any questions. He did say that he saw the damage Homicide did to Jack Evans’ back at Rise to Grace, and Colton was looking forward to torturing him in front of his home fans. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 JAY LETHAL vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/COLOR][/B] Lethal came out of the gates with a lot of ferocity, but Vampiro used methodical, plodding offense to take the advantage. That was, until Abyss made an appearance. ([I]Rave: Here’s the other side of Modern Monsters, and he looks pissed.[/I]) Lacey stood in his way, screaming insults at him, and Abyss merely grabbed her by the hair and walked back up the aisle, dragging Lacey like a Neanderthal. (R[I]ave: Goodbye, Lacey! Abyss is hauling her out of here![/I]) Vampiro saw this, and stood on the second rope, calling at Abyss to bring her back. Lethal sprang into action, blasting him with a quick crucifix powerbomb and rolling him up. ([I]Rave: Powerbomb by Lethal, one, two, three! Lethal wins, Lethal wins! What an upset! Smokes: Goddamn![/I]) Lethal rolled out to ringside and pumped his fist in the air. Vampiro’s eyes were wide with surprise. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Jay Lethal at 11:23, C+[/COLOR][/B] Jack Evans was stretching in the hallway when a big arm reached out and grabbed his shoulder—it was [B][COLOR=#892331]Joe[/COLOR][/B]. “I know you well, and you can pull this off. Kick his ass.” Evans nodded and Joe walked off. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 4 YANG, SABIN and COLLYER vs. THE ALTERNATIVE (SHANNON, XILE and DEPRAVED)[/COLOR][/B] Yang and Sabin were hot after losing their tag match in Baltimore, and took it out on Shannon. However, Yang soon got cornered and assaulted by the Alternative. After a long beating, he was able to dive and tag in Chad Collyer, who cleaned house. Xile and Shannon were dispatched to the floor, and Collyer roped in Morley Depraved, who was made to tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf. ([I]Rave: Ring the bell, it’s over! Collyer takes the match by submission![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners: Chad Collyer, Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang at 15:28, B-[/COLOR][/B] “The following is a paid advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” “Left. Left. Left, right, left.” The military chant had a decidedly-more-unnerving effect when it was filtered through [B][COLOR=#892331]Commander Combat[/COLOR][/B]’s voice box. He rode on the back of a Jeep as the two men from his last video, still wearing the black hoods, ran in front of it. [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SCOTT COLTON c. vs. JACK EVANS[/COLOR][/B] Colton stretched Evans over his knee in the opening moments, bending him in half and then brutally tossing him to the floor. Colton waited for the hurting Evans to roll back in and then laid in brutal stomps to the spine. ([I]Rave: Colton’s just having a ball, beating up on Evans who’s at about seventy-percent.[/I]) Colton took Evans up for a Colt 45 that would have ended it, but Evans somehow fought out. He punched at Colton but the champion hit a shot to the throat to slow him down. Evans was taken up into a powerbomb and then dropped back-first onto the corner. ([I]Smokes: Cold! Cold! And I love it![/I]) Colton pushed Evans down to the mat and got onto the top rope himself, stretching his arm to get ready to deliver the Pro Line. He flew off, but Evans shocked him with a twisting leg lariat that hit him in the chin. Colton took a while to get to his feet, allowing Evans a chance to recover. Colton whiffed on a line, allowing Evans to hit a falcon arrow slam and instinctually start climbing to the top turnbuckle. ([I]Rave: A 630 here? That would do it![/I]) Evans made it up top, got his balance, and twisted off, catching the champion with the 630 Senton, but drove his own back into the mat, hurting it badly. ([I]Rave: Nailed it! He could win it here! But Evans might have taken the worst! Smokes: Damn straight, that was a dumb move![/I]) Evans took an eternity to crawl for the cover and Colton was already pulling himself up in the corner. Colton kicked the challenger in the stomach, drove a clubbing blow into his back, and hit a Colt 45 that decimated him. ([I]Rave: Huge backbreaker, and the pin’s academic, two, three.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner, and still champion: Scott Colton at 18:46, B[/COLOR][/B] Colton was handed his belt, but put it down in order to peel the doo-rag off of Evans’ head. He posed in it, flashing gang signs, and then got serious, laying in kicks to Evans’ back. ([I]Rave: Why is this needed? You already beat him and hurt him![/I]) Colton picked Evans up and looked to go for another Colt 45, but Joe’s theme hit and the crowd cheered. ([I]Rave: Here we go![/I]) As Joe walked down the aisle, staring intensely at Colton, the champion made a “who needs this” motion and grabbed his belt, leaving through the crowd. ([I]Rave: Joe scared off Colton and saved his friend! Did Colton just get himself into something he might not get out of?[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B- Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - Vampiro has expressed his displeasure in the way he’s being booked. He doesn’t like how many losses he’s been taking, and expects better treatment in the future. This could become a backstage issue, given Vamp’s reputation as a “bitter” individual, so the road agents and I will have to keep a close eye on it. [B]Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Scott Colton[/B] def. Jack Evans ([B]B[/B]) [B]Sabin, Yang and Collyer[/B] def. Shannon, Xile and Depraved ([B]B-[/B]) [B]Jay Lethal[/B] def. Vampiro ([B]C+[/B]) [B]Samoa Joe[/B] def. Jimmy Rave ([B]C+[/B]) [B]Nigel McGuinness[/B] def. TJ Wilson ([B]C+[/B])[/quote]
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[IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/ihrcopy.jpg[/IMG] [B]Indie Hearsay Radio Interview Transcript: Rob Rave[/B] - In its premiere edition, IH Radio was able to speak with the voice of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, Rob Rave! - Rave was asked about how he got his position of lead announcer with RevPro, and he basically said that he had to go to them. He sent them a tape, and Dean Malenko was familiar with his work through some Canadian indies, and one in Michigan. It just so happened that he came knocking at a time when they wanted to replace Dave Prazak. - Rave was asked for his thoughts on Prazak. Rob said he liked his work in ROH, and praised his match calling. Rave said he was probably just a victim of being “too ROH”. He will forever be associated with Ring of Honor, just like Jim Ross is with the WWE or Tony Schiavone with WCW, and that was hurting the transition into becoming RevPro. - Next they asked if Rave would ever become more of an on-screen character. Rave said that he was happy in the booth and wanted to leave the in ring stuff to those who belong in the ring. He had no desire to get squished like Prazak was by Giant Bernard. - They asked Rave about the Scott Colton situation, and the offer he was made by TNA. Rave said he didn’t have much of a clue, and didn’t know much more than anyone else. He said that having Scott Colton exclusive to RevPro was important for the credibility of the promotion, and hoped that he wouldn’t jump to TNA, or WWE for that matter. - Rave was asked whether he thought RevPro could realistically compete with the big two. His response: “in time, you bet your ass”. He said that right now, they looked like a distant third, but Rise to Grace showed that they could put on Pay Per Views equal to TNA and WWE without any deep coffers or written contracts. Rave looked forward to the day when everyone would be signed to written, exclusive deals, but that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon “because as most people know, the industry is kind of in the tank”. Rave speculated that while TNA and WWE were battling it out “to see who could be more sports-entertainmenty”, RevPro could slip in and take care of the fans who were being alienated by that. He then said that right now, the order of the day was survival and progress, not to compete. Rave called Revolutionary Pro Wrestling “still very much a new venture from a guy whose last two tries in sports have done miserably”. - Rave was thanked for his time and he plugged Televised Revolution which airs every single Saturday at midnight on Bravo.
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B] [QUOTE][B] Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Wednesday, July 20, 2006 JOE SENDS THE CHAMP PACKING [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/revpro.jpg[/IMG] [/B] [B] CONFRONTATION ON SATURDAY[/B] Scott Colton’s plan worked like a charm: insult Jack Evans’ home state and lure him into wrestling in an injured state. Then he added another phase to it: attack him after the bell. The World Champion might have made a mistake there, as Samoa Joe walked out to the ring to help out his tag partner. Colton exited the arena through the crowd to avoid the submissions expert, but there won’t be any hiding from Joe this week, as they will both be in Binghamton, New York for Televised Revolution. [B] TAG TITLES ON THE LINE ON BRAVO, AND FALLEN ANGEL VS. ACCOMPLICE[/B] It looks like Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang will get one more chance to take the belts away from Xile and Morley Depraved of the Alternative. Commissioner Billy Graham has said that this match will be a two out of three falls match! The Alternative won’t be able to win this one on luck; they’ll have to prove they’re for real if they want to leave New York with the straps. Also, in a rematch from Motor City Carnage, Christopher Daniels will step back into the ring with Accomplice. After losing to Scott Colton in Baltimore, you can bet the Fallen Angel will have a lot of rage to let loose. [B] “I’M BRINGING A FRIEND”[/B] It appears Nigel McGuinness isn’t the kind to attack someone and not have backup. Nigel returned to in-ring action last week and said he was going to take Austin Aries’ Tri State Championship, but also that he was bringing a friend to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling to help him do it. Nigel told RevPro.com that this person has “royal blood running through their veins”. Nigel has promised to go face-to-face with Austin Aries this Saturday, will he be alone? [B] A LETHAL UPSET[/B] Jay Lethal’s name was becoming synonymous with failure. He had lost a long string of matches, and hadn’t been victorious in singles action since March. No one expected him to snap his slump against a big name like Vampiro, but thanks to a timely distraction from Abyss, Lethal hit Vamp with a powerbomb and got a shocking three-count. Abyss dragged Lacey away from the ring by her hair, and neither has been seen since. What happened to them?[/QUOTE] [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[B][COLOR=#892331]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 120) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, July 23, 2006 Held at the Broome County Arena in Binghamton, New York Attendance: 3,778 (show record) Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/COLOR][/B] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM AUSTIN ARIES vs. CLOUDY[/B] The title wasn’t on the line, but Aries fought like it was. He took out his mounting anger on Cloudy, nailing him with the brainbuster for a quick win. [B] Winner: Austin Aries at 3:58, C+[/B] [FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [B][COLOR=#892331]MATCH 1 CHAD COLLYER vs. TONY MAMALUKE[/COLOR][/B] Collyer was simply intense in this one. Rave pointed out that both men had been trained by Dean Malenko, and when Mamaluke desperately tried to slap on the Sicilian Crab, Collyer dropped him onto his face and locked in the Cloverleaf. The Italian struggled but quickly tapped. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Chad Collyer at 6:56, C+[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#892331]Scott Colton[/COLOR][/B] came out to the ring and held his World Championship up to the crowd. ([I]Rave: He must be pretty proud of himself for beating someone last week who had an injured back. Smokes: I’m sure he’s proud, and he should be. He beat a guy who actually pinned Homicide, and there’s only two or three guys on the planet who can do that.[/I]) “I show up in New York tonight, and we draw our best attendance ever for the television show. What a coincidence! But unfortunately, I’m not going to be wrestling tonight. I’m feeling a little taxed. I mean, look at my last week. I defeated Christopher Daniels on Friday, and then Saturday, I had to do it all over again and beat Jack Evans. To be honest, the second one wasn’t as hard; it actually took quite a bit of restraint not to put that wigger in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. So this week, I’m going to just kick back and enjoy the show. Thank you, and—” [B][COLOR=#892331]Alex Shelley[/COLOR][/B]’s theme hit and Colton raised an eyebrow as the Exhibitionist walked down the aisle and entered the ring. ([I]Rave: It’s Alex Shelley. What’s he out here for?[/I]) “Scott, I want to shake your hand.” Colton warily shook Shelley’s hand. “I mean, you took what this stupid company threw at you and literally made gold out of it. I feel like we’re kindred souls, because we both refuse to fall in line with what Billy Graham and this entire industry want us to be.” “You know, you’re so right, Alex. No one saw my potential until I rubbed their faces in it! And now, I’ve got all the power. And I see the same kind of potential in you.” ([I]Rave: Can we end the love-in please?[/I]) “Hey, champ, if you ever need a favour, don’t hesitate to—” [B][COLOR=#892331]Samoa Joe[/COLOR][/B]’s theme began to play and the crowd popped. ([I]Rave: This is what we’ve been waiting for, it’s Samoa Joe![/I]) Joe took out a microphone on the stage. “Alex, run along. There’s big boy business to take care of. Champ, I don’t have much to say. I want you in the ring tonight so I can kick your teeth in.” “It’s not happening, Joey. I’m kicking back tonight. But if you want to wrestle Shelley here—” Alex looked distressed. “I might—[I]might[/I]—consider giving you a match, [I]maybe[/I].” Joe nodded his approval as Shelley tried to reason with Colton. The champion raised a hand and seemed to be telling him to relax. Joe exited the stage confidently as Shelley ran his hand through his hair. ([I]Rave: There it is, Samoa Joe and the Exhibitionist here tonight![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, [B][COLOR=#892331]Chris Sabin[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR=#892331]Jimmy Yang[/COLOR][/B] told John Laurinaitis and the audience that the Alternative would be going down in two straight falls. [B][COLOR=#892331]C MATCH 2 RODERICK STRONG vs. “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE [/COLOR][/B] Strong really wanted to make an impact by defeating Homicide, but the Notorious 187 slowed the pace and nearly got the three count after a brutal Yakuza kick to Roderick’s head. Homicide later got hoisted up for the Death by Roderick, but raked Strong’s eyes to fall on top of him, and got his feet on the ropes for a dirty three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Homicide at 11:01, B[/COLOR][/B] After a commercial break, [B][COLOR=#892331]Austin Aries[/COLOR][/B] was in the ring and called out [B][COLOR=#892331]Nigel McGuinness[/COLOR][/B], who came out surprisingly quickly and slid into the ring. Nigel said that Aries didn’t have to worry, it was just the two of them tonight, and that he didn’t think Austin had the balls to hit him. “In fact, I’ll give you a free shot.” Nigel closed his eyes and stuck his jaw out, and Aries immediately nailed him with a right hand. ([I]Rave: Bit of a miscalculation there, I think[/I].) Aries straddled Nigel and laid in the fists until he was pulled off by someone in a black mask. The masked man hit him with a low-blow and DDTed him hard. ([I]Rave: That’s gotta be Nigel’s friend. Smokes: Who you think it is?[/I]) Nigel pulled himself up and they stomped on him. Nigel made a motion for him to take his mask off and he did. ([I]Rave: That’s…. that’s [B][COLOR=#892331]Brian Lawler[/COLOR][/B]![/I]) Lawler cackled madly as Nigel held down Aries’ legs and told him to go to the top rope. He did so, and came down with his patented leg drop across Aries' neck. Nigel said something close to Aries before they left. ([I]Rave: Aries has been left laying by these two![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 3 TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE ALTERNATIVE c. vs. CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG[/COLOR][/B] It didn’t take long for Sabin and Yang to get fall number one. Right from the bell, Morley Depraved was knocked to the floor, and Sabin ducked a clothesline from Xile to hit him with a neckbreaker. Yang capitalized with a corkscrew splash and the ref counted three. ([I]Rave: That’s three, and Sabin and Yang are already up one-nothing![/I]) The Alternative responded by driving Chris Sabin into their corner and working him over. Sabin nailed their heads together and got to Yang, who was a house of fire. He hit Morley Depraved with a headscissors takedown as Xile complained to the referee about something from the apron. Morley scooped up a tag belt and tried to use it, but Yang wrested it away and downed Morley with a crescent kick to the jaw. The referee turned and saw Morley down with Yang holding the bell, and called for a disqualification. ([I]Rave: Did you see that? After the DQ, it’s one-all! Smokes: Next fall takes it.[/I]) Yang argued with the referee, and Morley Depraved cradled him from behind. ([I]Rave: Roll-up! Two, no, almost three! That was almost it right there.[/I]) The match wore on and Depraved was whipped to the ropes where he made a sly hot tag to Xile. Depraved took Yang up into a spinebuster and Xile sprang in with a dropkick to the back of the head that KO’d Yang. Xile covered as Morley held Sabin at bay for three. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winners, and still champions: the Alternative at 10:59, B- The Fallen Angel[/COLOR][/B] was backstage and said that, although he was facing Accomplice tonight, he hadn’t forgotten about Scott Colton, and that the champion was next on his list. That’s when Alex Shelley entered the picture. “Whoops. I’m in the shot, aren’t I? I was looking for craft services. Anyway, man, you look good, considering what happened at the Pay Per View. The whole getting-brained-with-the-[I]turnbuckle [/I]thing. Well, good luck out there.” Shelley walked off leaving Daniels looking annoyed. [B][COLOR=#892331]B Homicide [/COLOR][/B]was pacing his dressing room as [B][COLOR=#892331]Accomplice [/COLOR][/B]taped his fists. Homicide kicked a chair over. “I can’t believe this s***, man. Evans beat me. [I]Evans [/I]beat [I]me[/I]. I must be slippin’ or some s***. And where the hell were you? You should’ve pulled the sucker offa me!” Accomplice paused before speaking, something he doesn’t do often. “I wasn’t booked—” “I don’t give a s***, if I’m booked then you’re booked too! You’re supposed to grab my back out there.” “Graham said I can’t go to the ring with you.” Homicide turned back to Accomplice. “He what? Man, he’s really buggin' me. Whatever—listen, just go out there and beat the f*** outta Daniels, alright? Prove yo’ damn worth, and gimme something good to watch.” [B][COLOR=#892331]B MATCH 4 ACCOMPLICE vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/COLOR][/B] Talk about on—the Fallen Angel put on a clinic here. Accomplice came out swinging, and softened Daniels up with some stiff body shots, but Angel shook them off and took him down with a swinging neckbreaker. Daniels hit a big Angel’s Wings and followed it with the BME to pin Accomplice convincingly. [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Christopher Daniels at 9:43, B[/COLOR][/B] John Laurinaitis was standing with [B][COLOR=#892331]Chad Collyer[/COLOR][/B] in the interview. “Chad, you went to Japan for about a month, and since you’ve returned, you’ve been simply… dominant! Everyone wants to know, what’s changed?” Chad took a deep breath and spoke. “When I was in Japan, I visited the Chishima Islands with some other wrestlers… the islands are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area known for its high volcanic activity… they told me how it’s believed on the islands that strength can be drawn from the fire, and then I remembered what Billy Graham said about… lighting a fire. Suddenly it made so much sense. All I needed to do was find my own fire… I spent the rest of the tour there on the islands… and now, I think I know the power of my flame. Do you understand, John?” “I’m not sure that I do, but thanks anyway, Chad.” “Please—I’d like to be called something in Japanese. [B][COLOR=#892331]Kanetsu[/COLOR][/B]. Because that’s what I am now.” Collyer walked away. ([I]Rave: Uh huh.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B- MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) SAMOA JOE vs. ALEX SHELLEY[/COLOR][/B] The first ten minutes featured a lot of offense from Shelley, who chopblocked Joe’s knee to get him down and wound it in circles before slamming it to the mat. Joe finally slipped in a kick to Shelley’s back to put him down. Joe tried to apply an armbar but Shelley rolled to the outside to escape it. Shelley played cat and mouse with Samoa Joe for a bit, and was able to hit a baseball slide on him to put him down. Shelley rolled Joe back in and went to the top rope, but Joe met him there and turned his chest red with lethal chops. Joe hooked a dazed Shelley’s head and started to get him in position for the Musclebuster. Scott Colton ran down the aisle and got on the apron, taking the referee’s attention away. ([I]Rave: Get out of here![/I]) Shelley used the opportunity to dig into his trunks and hit Joe with the mace. ([I]Rave: Goddamnit, he maced him right in the face![/I]) Shelley tossed the mace to the crowd, and nailed Joe with a big tornado DDT. He pinned as Colton dropped down. ([I]Rave: Cover after the DDT, but no! Joe slipped out![/I]) Shelley stomped Joe in frustration and took him up to choke him out on the second rope nearest to the entrance. As the referee scolded him, Colton grabbed the steel steps and moved towards Joe. ([I]Rave: He’s got a clear shot at Joe’s head![/I]) Daniels ran down the aisle and grabbed them away from Colton. Daniels rammed them straight into the champion’s head. ([I]Rave: The tables turn, Colton’s down![/I]) Shelley got distracted by the Fallen Angel’s presence, and when he turned back to Joe, he got spun around and locked into the Triangle Choke. ([I]Rave: The Choke is on, referee raises his arm, it drops! It’s over![/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]Winner: Samoa Joe at 15:35, B-[/COLOR][/B] Colton stumbled around the ringside area and walked up the aisle, avoiding Daniels and Joe, who stood over Shelley in the ring. They took Shelley up and threw him over the top rope to ringside. Colton helped him get up and dragged the stunned Shelley backstage as Daniels and Joe challenged him to come back. ([I]Rave: If Shelley takes all Colton’s beatings for him, this friendship could work out.[/I]) [B][COLOR=#892331]B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B-[/COLOR][/B] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - Brian Lawler made his debut tonight, and soon afterward, TNA announced that they had come to terms with him as well. This is after he sat on the unemployed workers list for months. Sometimes things look so much better when someone else has them. [B]Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Samoa Joe[/B] def. Alex Shelley ([B]B-[/B]) [B]Christopher Daniels[/B] def. Accomplice ([B]B[/B]) [B]The Alternative [/B]def. Sabin/Yang to retain the Tag Team Championships ([B]B-[/B]) [B]Homicide[/B] def. Roderick Strong ([B]B[/B]) [B]Chad Collyer[/B] def. Tony Mamaluke ([B]C+[/B])[/quote]
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[B]From PuroNippon.com:[/B][quote] [B][COLOR=DarkRed][U]PURONIPPON.COM HEADLINES[/U] SHOOTER GOES PRO Contributor: Taylor Webster, Minneapolis[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/hirayama2.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hideyori Hirayama[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]Following in the footsteps of such successful performers as Ken Shamrock and Josh Barnett, Pancrase’s Hideyori Hirayama is reported to be taking a shot at entering the world of professional wrestling. The shoot fighter has apparently been training for more than three months, and has sent out feelers to some of the mid-level Japanese companies. Though he has yet to wrestle a single professional match outside of a dojo graduation show, the cross-over athlete has inspired more than a little internet chatter. But one must wonder whether this will turn out to be a foolish career move for someone who might not be able to hack it in real combat anymore. One thing Hirayama will have against him from the get-go is his lack of public notoriety. Hirayama wasn’t dominant within the Pancrase ranks, retiring with a 9-9-0 record and failing to arouse much interest. He’s just another mixed martial artist in Japan, a country packed with them, and is a virtual unknown on our side of the pond. As well, he’s old. The thirty-three year old will be trying to break into wrestling alongside those who are fifteen years younger and even more desperate to succeed. His body has also absorbed a decade of punishment, and Hirayama suffered a neck injury in 2003 that could become a factor. However, some early reports speculate that Hirayama might surprise a lot of his critics. Some say the middleweight may in time grow to be a skilled technician and can brawl too. According to one of his trainers, he “has that look that simply attracts attention”. The first company to ask for a look at Hirayama is the United States’ own Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. The former ROH has acknowledged that they’re talking with the shooter in the hopes of bringing him over. Time will tell whether Hideyori Hirayama will make his mark on professional wrestling or become known as just another wanna-be. But what we know now is that it will be the most uphill of battles.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed] [COLOR="Black"]Note: game generated worker.[/COLOR] [/COLOR]
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Our last three-month extension of Televised Revolution on Bravo was going to run out on September 1st, so, just as in May, it was time to renew. Marshall had our tickets to New York City booked so we could put ink to it. While Marshall was still very much learning about professional wrestling, he’d been impressing me by being very hands-on and interested in the product. His past ventures had failed due to him growing bored with them and passing off control to someone who couldn’t handle it. But with Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, Marsh was a dream financier. I’m sure the fact that we were starting to gain back his advance was helping a great deal. On the morning we were set to leave, Bravo changed the meeting to be a video conference. I didn’t mind it—less travel equals good—but Marshall looked like a member of his close family had died. I didn’t get it, and asked him what was up. “This might be trouble,” he mumbled. I wished someone would turn on the porch light for me, because I felt out in the dark. The conference at eleven a.m. cleared everything up. “We just feel like it hasn’t been working,” Bravo President Gil Meyer carefully arranged. “Wrestling, as we’ve now found, is incompatible with our core audience, and so we’re not in a position to extend the show.” I wasn’t sure who their core audience was that wasn’t tuning in, I only knew that a wrestling audience was finding the show. We had quadrupled our first-week viewership and were approaching 100,000 viewers, all at midnight on Saturday. We had been given oranges and somehow created lemonade, yet it didn’t matter. We had been given nothing to sign, and thus this would be our last month with Bravo. Televised Revolution would soon be off the air. Marshall tried to put a positive spin on the cancellation. “This is bad news, yes. But it’s not over until we say it is. Let’s look at our assets: we’ve got a show that is starting to become a known entity, and three more guaranteed episodes of it. Let’s finish strong, and we might be able to sell our show to someone else. This might be the best thing that ever happened to us.” He was dripping with optimism, which I recognized as his purpose. He had to keep me upbeat, or all was lost. But right now, this was the worst possible thing that could happen. After Rise to Grace, which was a big success for us, all our momentum was gone and our legs had been cut out from under us. The question was, could we keep running?
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I'm going to step out of character and just ask a quick question: is this doing something for anyone? I definitely plan on continuing but I'm curious as to what is working and what isn't. I've got some big ideas and I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about the diary. Any comments?
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;137588]I'm going to step out of character and just ask a quick question: is this doing something for anyone? I definitely plan on continuing but I'm curious as to what is working and what isn't. I've got some big ideas and I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about the diary. Any comments?[/QUOTE] This is only diary I view on a daily basis. I love your promotion and I often have visualizations of how your shows pan out. I am looking forward to your big ideas.
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[QUOTE=lowki02;137719]This is only diary I view on a daily basis. I love your promotion and I often have visualizations of how your shows pan out. I am looking forward to your big ideas.[/QUOTE] Thanks a lot. I would probably write this diary even if no one was reading but it's definitely awesome to know that some people are digging it. If you don't mind, I'd love it if you could check in every now-and-again with your thoughts. Anyone else?
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[B]From RevPro.com [/B][quote][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Thursday, August 1, 2006 JOE AND DANIELS TWO MUCH FOR COLTON AND SHELLEY [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/rising.jpg[/IMG] [/B] [B] RISING TIDES ANNOUNCED FOR AUGUST 16[/B] Hot on the heels of Rise to Grace, RevPro will rise once again… this time in Providence, Rhode Island! RevPro Rising Tides will air live on UrbanXtra in fifteen days. Commissioner Billy Graham said, “This is a chance for us to make an impact in a market that probably doesn’t see live wrestling as much as it deserves.” This will be Revolutionary Pro Wrestling’s seventh Pay Per View, and the main event has already been announced. Surprisingly, Scott Colton has agreed to put his World Championship on the line against Samoa Joe. [B] CONTRACT SIGNING ON BRAVO[/B] Colton told RevPro.com that he would be bringing a contract for Rising Tides to Televised Revolution, “so that stupid gorilla better be there to put an X on it”. Why is Colton so willing to face Joe, someone who is ready and willing to tear him to shreds for picking on Jack Evans? The champion will have more than the signing to worry about, as he’ll face Christopher Daniels in a non-title main event. Commissioner Graham has given the Fallen Angel a chance to get even after Colton cheated to retain his title at Rise to Grace. Needless to say, it’s going to be a busy night for the champion in Toledo. [B] ARIES GETS A CHANCE AT REVENGE[/B] Last week, we saw Nigel McGuinness lay waste to the Tri State Champion with the help of a new face in RevPro: Brian Lawler! The two-on-one quickly took down Aries, but on Saturday, the odds will be even when Roderick Strong enters the picture for a tag match. The former tag team champions have had a ton of success together, but will they come out on top in Lawler’s in-ring debut? [B] ABYSS NAMES HIS PRICE: A MATCH AGAINST VAMPIRO[/B] After Abyss abducted Lacey two weeks ago, neither of the two have been seen by anyone. But the monster has finally contacted this very website, and said that the only way Vampiro will get Lacey back is if he grants Abyss a match! Abyss will wrestle Shannon on Bravo, but will Vampiro be there to step up to the plate?[/quote]
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 121) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, August 3, 2006 Held at the Toledo Sports Arena in Toledo, Ohio Attendance: 3,102 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM VAMPIRO vs. MASKED KENGEN[/B] No one knew anything about Kengen, who was decked out in a full body suit and, appropriately enough, a mask. He got zero offense in as Vampiro took out his frustration on him, hitting a spinning heel kick that was enough for three. [B] Winner: Vampiro at 3:29, C [/B][FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [COLOR=#892331][B]MATCH 1 ABYSS vs. SHANNON[/B][/COLOR] Shannon didn’t have much of a chance here. He got powered around by Abyss which the crowd ate up. He got finished with a painful-looking Shock Treatment. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Abyss at 4:32, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] came out after the match with microphone in hand. “You want to wrestle me, freak? Well, fine, I’ll bite. You’ve got your match at Rising Tides, but if you think you’ve got us beat, you’re wrong. Lacey and I have got our ways and you’ll be…” Vampiro stopped and watched Abyss who was laughing manically in the ring. ([I]Rave: I think Abyss’ day pass from the asylum just expired. Smokes: Damn straight, what the hell he laughin’ about? Rave: I think Vamp’s going to find out pretty soon.[/I]) Vampiro gave up trying to respond and backed up the aisle looking weirded out. [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] was talking to a pair of sharply-dressed “Bravo executives” in a backstage corridor, and they didn’t look happy. “Mr. Graham, we haven’t been happy with the language the performers are using on the show, and there’s just too much… wrestling… content.” The other executive piped up. “We’re just not sold on an extension of the show. We’re trying to play ball here but you’re holding a hockey stick. Do you understand what we mean?” “No, I have absolutely no clue what you mean.” [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] walked in and pushed them away. “I gotta talk to the man, here. Graham, I need to have my boy at ringside with me. It’s in his contract, dog, he’s here to watch me!” “You want Accomplice at ringside with you? I banned him from your matches because, surprise surprise, he would always interfere in them. But you know what, it seems that we’re short a match for tonight. So I’ll make you this offer. If Accomplice can beat… oh, I don’t know…[I] Jack Evans[/I] in a match, then he can be at ringside every time you wrestle. If he loses, then my ruling stands. What do you think?” “I dig, man. Jack Evans is gonna be no sweat.” Homicide walked off looking supremely confident. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ Chris Sabin[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Jimmy Yang[/B][/COLOR] were standing by the water cooler. Yang looked angry but Sabin was trying to convince him that they should challenge the Alternative one more time. That’s when [COLOR=#892331][B]Melina Perez[/B][/COLOR] walked by, with [COLOR=#892331][B]Jimmy Rave[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Alpha[/B][/COLOR] following closely. She turned and posed a question to them. “Boys, who’s got four legs, four arms and win a match to save their life?” They didn’t know. “Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang.” Yang looked like he wanted to take a swing at Melina but Sabin held him back. She mockingly put a hand to her mouth. “Did I strike a chord? Listen, my team is looking to make some noise in the tag division, so if you two can drag yourselves out to the ring, why don’t you face us?” “You’re on,” Sabin quickly replied. [COLOR=#892331][B]C MATCH 2 ACCOMPLICE vs. JACK EVANS[/B][/COLOR] Homicide’s right hand man fought with purpose in this one, jabbing at Evans to stun him and later crushing him with a standing spinebuster. But Evans wouldn’t stay down. Even with his back still in bad shape, Evans knocked Accomplice to ringside and dove over the top to flatten him. When the action spilled back inside, Evans got trapped in the reverse death valley driver position, but reversed it into a huge DDT. ([I]Rave: Accomplice got planted! Two, three! Evans takes it! Smokes: How in the hell is this string bean doin’ it? Rave: Homicide will have to fly solo during his matches for good.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 7:45, B[/B][/COLOR] With a table set up in the ring, the World Champion, [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton [/B][/COLOR]waved a contract in the air. “Here in my hand, I hold a contract for Samoa Joe to challenge me for the World Championship at Rising Tides. If he’s got the guts to face me, then—” Colton was cut off by [COLOR=#892331][B]Joe[/B][/COLOR]’s music and entrance. ([I]Rave: No doubt at all about Joe wanting Colton in the ring.[/I]) As Joe got into the ring, Colton continued. “Now Joe, people think I should be scared of you, but really, we both know it’s the other way around. Just so you don’t get into something you’re going to regret in two weeks, I’m quickly going to run through the legal jargon.” Colton opened the contract and started reading. “Persuant to the codes and bylaws established by the athletic commission in the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, the combatants agree to—” Joe grabbed the microphone away. “Just give me the papers, so I can sign them, and take your belt.” The fans ate it up. “Fine, Joe. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Colton handed him the package, which Joe signed quickly without reading. ([I]Rave: It’s on! Joe and Colton for the belt at Rising Tides![/I]) Joe went to leave. “I knew you’d be hasty, Joe, which is why you really should have let me read the contract to you.” Joe looked back at Colton. “See, as the man who made the contract, I stuck in a couple extra clauses. Check out the second page.” Colton opened the package and showed Joe a page. “What it says right here is you cannot attack me in a non-sanctioned, non-match environment until the 16th. Basically, you big idiot, I don’t have to worry about being softened up by you before the match.” ([I]Smokes: Goddamn man’s a genius![/I]) “And that’s not all. Look at the third page: ‘all submission maneuvers that constitute a choke or create a similar carotid artery compression are barred from use’. I’ll break that one down too, I know you’re from the islands. You might be able to use your Triangle Choke on all the other jokers in RevPro, but not me. Not in this match.” ([I]Rave: For God’s sakes! He can’t use his finisher? Smokes: I’m gainin’ a lotta respect for the champion right here. This s*** is sly![/I]) Colton walked closer to Joe. “You should really read contracts before you sign them, Joe. I don’t need the odds to be in my favour to beat you, but it’ll sure make things… a whole lot easier. See you in Providence, Joey.” Colton turned away from Joe and seemed like he was leaving, but turned back and slapped him across the face. Colton smiled as Joe was bubbling up in anger. ([I]Rave: What a cheapshot! Smokes: And there ain’t nothing Samoa Joe can do![/I]) Colton laughed all the way up the aisle. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ MATCH 3 CHRIS SABIN and JIMMY YANG vs. “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE and ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez)[/B][/COLOR] Both sides worked in their fair share of offense, and Melina was content with cheerleading on the sidelines. That was, until Sabin took Alpha up for the Cradle Shock. Melina slid in and jumped on Sabin’s back, clawing at his eyes, and the referee called for the DQ. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners, by disqualification: Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang at 9:52, B-[/B][/COLOR] Jimmy Yang got into the ring and pulled Melina off of Sabin, but Rave and Alpha pounced on him, stomping him into the mat. They took Yang up and blasted him with a tandem powerbomb as she spurred them on. [COLOR=#892331][B]C-[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] was cutting a promo, and quickly became furious. “Nigel, you work pretty good when it’s f***ing two-on-one. But I f***ing promise you that you’re not taking my belt. You brought in a little buddy. Good f***ing work. But do you think I’m scared of something that came out of Jerry Lawler’s balls? Tonight, I’ve got a little buddy too…” [COLOR=#892331][B]Roderick Strong[/B][/COLOR] walked into frame. “Maybe a big f***ing buddy actually. Nigel, Lawler… be very f***ing afraid.” ([I]Rave: Aries is quickly becoming the patron saint of the F-bomb.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 4 BRIAN LAWLER and NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. AUSTIN ARIES and RODERICK STRONG[/B][/COLOR] Aries took a big chunk out of Nigel, brawling with him at ringside and nailing his head into the steps. Lawler took a cheap shot at him from behind and Nigel grabbed the advantage. Nigel rolled Aries back in and nailed him with a quick Tower of London cutter, but Roderick broke it up. Strong became the legal man but was soon the target of a double team. Both Nigel and Lawler worked on his knee, taking turns wrapping it around the post. Strong struck back with a backbreaker and was able to tag out to Aries. The Tri State Champion was a house of fire, whipping Lawler into Nigel and knocking the latter to ringside. Lawler walked into a brainbuster suplex that was right on the money, and Aries got the three. Afterwards, Strong was hobbling like he’d hurt his knee. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong at 13:51, B-[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Lacey[/B][/COLOR] ran up to Vampiro, having been released by Abyss, and he grabbed her close. “Good thing that bastard lived up to his end of the deal or else…” She cut him off by handing him a crumpled piece of paper. Vampiro opened it up to reveal an 8x10 glossy of himself, with the eyes gouged through and a message scratched in with car keys: “SEE YOU SOON”. Vampiro looked queasy. [COLOR=#892331][B]C Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] had a camera and reminded Scott Colton about the beating Alex Shelley took last week, and said the champion had that coming in two minutes. “I might not be able to take your belt tonight, but that’s fine. I don’t need it just yet… I’ll settle for your blood on my hands.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 5 (MAIN EVENT) “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS vs. SCOTT COLTON[/B][/COLOR] Another barnburner from these two. Daniels got his hands on Colton and opted to drive in hard fists to the head instead of using impressive moves. Colton slowed him down with a knee to the stomach and controlled the pace, applying an abdominal stretch. Daniels built up some strength and hip tossed Colton to the mat. Daniels got the champion in the corner and laid in some stiff chops, but the cameras cut to Alex Shelley slowly walking down the aisle and showing interest. ([I]Rave: Who invited you?[/I]) Shelley folded out a chair and sat at ringside as Daniels hit Colton with a superplex. A pin got only two. Daniels noticed Shelley and jawed with him as Colton got to his feet behind him. Daniels turned in time to nail him with an elbow to the jaw. The Fallen Angel ducked behind Colton and tried to lift him for a German suplex. Colton tried to block it with his leg and ended up low-blowing Daniels. Jim Korderas put his finger in Colton’s face as he plead innocent. Daniels staggered to the ropes and Shelley stood up, grabbed his chair and heaved it into the Fallen Angel’s head. ([I]Rave: Straight shot![/I]) Daniels’ skull reeled from the shot and turned around into a dirty small package. ([I]Rave: Colton’s got the package! Three! How the hell did nobody see that? Smokes: I seen it! More genius, man![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Scott Colton at 17:43, A[/B][/COLOR] Alex Shelley slid into the ring and helped Colton to his feet. Shelley spread the chair on the mat and took Daniels up to his feet. The Fallen Angel got crushed with a Shellshock on the steel as Colton applauded Shelley. ([I]Rave: Daniels is getting pounded, and Joe can’t even help him, he can’t touch Scott Colton![/I]) Shelley looked proud of himself as he and Colton left the ring. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B+[/B][/COLOR] [U] Post-show Notes[/U]: - It’s really important to finish strong on Bravo as we’ve only got a few shows left, and we have to make the most of them. Colton and Daniels turned it up again and Rave and Alpha put on a pretty good show in their match, considering that Alpha is not that over. Abyss vs. Vampiro has been added to Rising Tides to join Samoa Joe vs. Scott Colton. - Masked Kengen was portrayed by MMA crossover Hideyori Hirayama. We're trying to get him some in-ring experience, and if it seems to be working, we'll go from there. [B] Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Scott Colton[/B] def. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels [B](A)[/B] [B]Aries and Strong[/B] def. McGuinness and Lawler [B](B-) Sabin and Yang[/B] def. Rave and Alpha by DQ [B](B-)[/B] [B]Jack Evans [/B]def. Accomplice [B](B)[/B] [B]Abyss[/B] def. Shannon [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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IndieHearsay.com - August 6 16:23:40 [B][U]IndieHearsay.com Headlines RevPro: Show’s over? The backstage reaction to TV turmoil[/U][/B] The worst kept secret in [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] right now is [B]Bravo[/B]’s decision to boot their ninety-minute show Televised Revolution from its fall schedule. Indie Hearsay hasn’t been able to get the time of day from anyone at the network, and RevPro isn’t talking, but Bravo’s online schedule doesn’t have Televised Revolution listed on the first Saturday of September, or on any date after that. RevPro’s trouble with Bravo was basically confirmed by the appearance of two actors posing as Bravo executives last Saturday. It appears to be an attempt to storyline the cancellation, or at least to poke fun at the network and lower backstage tensions. But reports indicate that morale is at an all-time low for the company’s short history. Rising stars such as [B]Alex Shelley [/B]and [B]Jack Evans[/B], for whom RevPro is their national exposure, have reportedly expressed frustration with the promotion’s television woes. Some have suggested that the company should switch to a weekly Pay Per View model, but there don’t seem to be many proponents of this move within RevPro, or with [B]UrbanXtra[/B], their provider. Unless the company can find a new home for its programming, dark times lie just over the horizon for this fledgling company. - [COLOR=Blue][U]Rance Madison[/U][/COLOR]
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[B]From RevPro.com:[/B][quote][B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling Newsline for Friday, August 9, 2006 THE LAST STOP BEFORE RISING TIDES[/B] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/rising.jpg[/IMG] [B] EIGHT-MAN MAYHEM IN FLORIDA[/B] Scott Colton’s match contract for Rising Tides stipulates that Samoa Joe can’t lay a hand on him outside of an in-match environment. That means that when they’re on opposite sides of a giant, eight-man tag match on Saturday, the Samoan Submission Machine will have his chance to give Colton the beating he deserves. Colton’s team will consist of himself, Alex Shelley, Nigel McGuinness and Brian Lawler. Teaming with Samoa Joe will be “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels and Austin Aries. Notice we’re missing a name? Joe, Daniels and Aries will be able to bring in a partner of their choice to be the eighth man. It won’t be Aries’ closest ally, Roderick Strong, who’s sidelined with a knee sprain. It could be anyone else signed to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling, which technically includes the man that Scott Colton defeated to win the World Championship, Bryan Danielson. American Dragon hasn’t been seen since June 23rd and has to be considered a long-shot to appear in Jacksonville. Will he make his return this week on Televised Revolution? [B] SIGNED: ANGEL VS. SHELLEY[/B] After being attacked last Saturday during his match against the World Champion, Christopher Daniels has demanded, and received, a match with Alex Shelley for Rising Tides. The last time these two squared off was in the first round of the World Championship Number-one Contender’s Tourney at the beginning of the summer, where Shelley pulled off what was then a stunning upset. Now that Shelley has shown he’s ready to step up to the next level, will the result be the same? [B] TRI STATE CHAMPION MAKES HIS CHOICE ON BRAVO[/B] Austin Aries has been doing his best to fend off both Nigel McGuinness and Brian Lawler, who are set on a campaign to take away his Tri State Championship. In need of an opponent for Rising Tides, Aries will get to choose one of them to face one-on-one in Providence, Rhode Island. Will he pick McGuinness, who he’s defeated before, or seek fresh blood in Lawler? We’ll find out on Bravo.[/quote] [U]Next[/U]: Televised Revolution!
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[COLOR=#892331][B]RevPro Televised Revolution on Bravo (Episode 122) Aired on Tape Delay on Saturday, August 10, 2006 Held at the Andy Sayers Civic Center in Jacksonville, Florida Attendance: 2,000 Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM TOMOAKI KOIZUMI vs. CHRIS SABIN[/B] Koizumi isn’t a complete unknown anymore, but it didn’t stop the smaller Sabin from thoroughly defeating him. [B] Winner: Chris Sabin at 2:51, C [/B][FONT="][IMG]http://x10.putfile.com/3/8301361282.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT] The show opened with John Laurinaitis chasing down [COLOR=#892331][B]Samoa Joe[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR], who had just entered the building. He tried to get the name of their mystery partner for the eight-man tag main event, but Daniels said everyone would just have to wait and see. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]MATCH 1 “MR. 2006” JIMMY RAVE and ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. THE RING CREW EXPRESS[/B][/COLOR] ([I]Rave: We've got a couple of teams hoping to angle themselves for a shot at the tag champs, the Alternative.[/I]) The Express looked better than they had in a long time, turning it up with high-risk offense and getting a couple of near falls. But Yang and Sabin invaded the ring and exacted some revenge on Melina’s team, and the referee had no choice but to throw the match out. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners, by disqualification: Jimmy Rave and Alpha at 11:01, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] walked to the ring, and said that he had been given a choice of whether to face Brian Lawler or Nigel McGuinness at Rising Tides. “Well, how about two-for-f***ing one? I want both you bastards in a triple threat. If you want my belt… you can take your best shot.” ([I]Rave: Can you believe it? He wants both of them! It’ll be a glorified handicap match.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] Backstage, [COLOR=#892331][B]Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] stood with [COLOR=#892331][B]Lacey[/B][/COLOR]. He looked angry and opened his mouth to speak, but Lacey stopped him and stepped forward. “Abyss, you locked me up in a dark room for two lonely weeks. Some other woman might have cracked, but me… I had my man to think about. I knew he’d be waiting for me, and Vamp is going to send you back to hell this Friday.” Vampiro nodded and shook his hair around. “But tonight, Jack Evans is going to see what it’s like to get taken to the other side.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B- MATCH 2 JACK EVANS vs. VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey)[/B][/COLOR] This one went back and forth too many times to count. Whenever Evans would quicken the tempo, Vampiro would slow things down and work over Evans’ neck with clubbing blows, and later a big swinging neckbreaker. Vamp had Evans set up for the Nail in the Coffin when he heard a bloodcurdling scream—that of Lacey. She saw a fan wearing an Abyss mask and freaked out before trying to rip it off his head. ([I]Rave: There’s a lawsuit.[/I]) The fan tried to pull away, and Vampiro leaned out of the ring to intervene. However, Evans sensed an opportunity and rolled him up from behind. ([I]Rave: Lightning-quick roll-up, he got him! Evans escapes with the win, he does it again! Smokes: With luck from a fan, man. I think Lacey’s got some issues![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jack Evans at 13:51, C+[/B][/COLOR] The World Champion [COLOR=#892331][B]Scott Colton[/B][/COLOR] was in his dressing room taping his wrists. [COLOR=#892331][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] entered looking amused. “Hey champ, you’ll never believe what I heard two idiot ringrats talking about. They were saying Bryan Danielson’s gonna be the eighth man tonight. Can you believe that? Dragon’s not gonna show his face tonight, or ever again.” “That’s right.” Colton seemed confident and Shelley exited. Once he was gone, Colton resumed taping his wrists just that much tighter. [COLOR=#892331][B]B+ [/B][/COLOR] John Laurinaitis had been summoned to [COLOR=#892331][B]Commissioner Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR]’s office. Superstar said that as the result of some recent tag matches that have ended in disqualifications, the situation would be settled once and for all at Rising Tides in a four-way elimination match. It would be Sabin and Yang against Rave and Alpha, against the Ring Crew Express, and just for fun, the Tag Team Champions, the Alternative. Graham started to say the belts would be up for grabs when [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] barged in, taking Laurinaitis by the shoulder and guiding him out the door. “You just sense when I’m on camera, don’t you?” “Yo, man, cut it. You’re talkin’ about the Ring Crew Express, and talkin’ about Alpha? Man, who the f*** is Alpha? You should be talkin’ about me, I ain’t booked for Risin’ Tides yet.” “That’s very true, Homicide. Well, I have a match for you. You can face a man who pulled off quite the shocking victory a couple of weeks ago, and is back on the winning track. Jay Lethal.” “Lethal? Ain’t a thing, Graham. I’ll beat your boy.” [COLOR=#892331][B]B MATCH 3 JAY LETHAL vs. SHANNON[/B][/COLOR] The leader of the Alternative again had trouble putting offense together. Lethal hit him with a torrent of kicks and had him stunned. Shannon’s only chance at the win came when he perched himself on the second rope for the You Don’t Know The Way I Feel, but Lethal dashed at him and knocked him to the mat. Lethal took his turn in the corner and hit a diving headbutt for three. [COLOR=#892331][B]Winner: Jay Lethal at 6:43, B-[/B][/COLOR] As soon as the bell had rung, [COLOR=#892331][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring and beating down Lethal. ([I]Rave: Where’d he come from?[/I]) Homicide took Lethal up and quickly drilled him with the Kudo Driver. ([I]Smokes: Crushed ‘im! That was raw! Rave: Homicide doesn’t appear to be taking any chances with his match this Friday.[/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]C[/B][/COLOR] “The following is a paid advertisement, and does not necessarily reflect the views of Revolutionary Pro Wrestling.” The same two hooded, fatigue-wearing men from [COLOR=#892331][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR]’s last video were back again, but this time were crawling underneath layers of barbed wire in a muddy training setting. “The paid messages are about to cease. My two recruits… they are ready. I can sense it. They understand their commander, and they would do anything for me. They are ready. You’ll see them soon, and they'll have the biggest impact of all.” The two men finished the course, and stood up. They turned to face the camera and began to take off their hoods. “End transmissions.” The screen shot to static. [COLOR=#892331][B]B[/B][/COLOR] After a commercial break, [COLOR=#892331][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was in the ring with a microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your main event. Now introducing the home team: first, a man who is too unique and mold-breaking to be ousted by a major international conspiracy, and who will, if I may be so bold, pin Christopher Daniels at Rising Tides on August 16. It's me, Alex Shelley! Next, he’s not a grandmaster anymore, but the ladies still find him “sexay”, he’s team member two, how ‘bout a round of applause for Brian Lawler!” [COLOR=#892331][B]Lawler[/B][/COLOR] walked through the curtain and joined Shelley in the ring. “Our next guest flies the Union Jack with pride, and is best known for turning Austin Aries into a Tourette’s case, he’s London’s own Nigel McGuinness!” [COLOR=#892331][B]Nigel[/B][/COLOR] joined them in the ring where he slapped their hands like an NBA starter joining his team on the court. ([I]Rave: This is hard to stomach.[/I]) “And lastly, bestly, because great things come in fours, he’s the reason you bought your ticket, and the performer by which all other performers are judged… he’s the World Champion, and hell, he’s my friend… Scott Colton!” [COLOR=#892331][B]Colton[/B][/COLOR] made his entrance with the World title and got into the ring. ([I]Rave: Let’s get this over with, we got a match to do![/I]) Shelley didn’t seem like he was finished. “Scott, tell these people what you’re going to do to Joe at—” [COLOR=#892331][B]Joe[/B][/COLOR]’s theme boomed in the arena and he led [COLOR=#892331][B]Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#892331][B]Austin Aries[/B][/COLOR] through the curtain. ([I]Rave: Talk is cheap, it’s time to go![/I]) Joe, Daniels and Aries stopped halfway down the ramp. ([I]Rave: Who’s their partner going to be? Could it be American Dragon?[/I]) They turned, and [COLOR=#892331][B]Kanetsu[/B][/COLOR] joined them. ([I]Smokes: It’s Chad Collyer, man! Rave: Correction—Kanetsu! Colton’s probably breathing easy, but his team is getting no reprieve tonight. Kanetsu has looked awesome since his return.[/I])[COLOR=#892331][B] B- MATCH 4 (MAIN EVENT) COLTON, MCGUINNESS, LAWLER and SHELLEY vs. SAMOA JOE, DANIELS, ARIES and KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] This one went long. Joe was looking for his chance to go after Colton, but the champion toyed with him by tagging out whenever he tagged in. Joe settled for brutalizing Alex Shelley with chest-high kicks and handed him off to Daniels who got his licks in. Shelley got blasted with an Angel’s Wings, but Lawler and McGuinness came in and attacked Daniels. The Fallen Angel was thrown to ringside, and Aries and Kanetsu got into the ring to make it two-on-two. Lawler and Nigel tried to whip their opponents into each other, but Aries leapfrogged Kanetsu who speared Lawler into the corner. Nigel charged Aries but got stiffed with a huge lariat. Aries took Nigel to the floor, and Kanetsu and Lawler assumed legality. Lawler got a boot up on Kanetsu to knock him backwards and followed it with a wheel kick to fell him. Lawler waited on Kanetsu, and went for a standing hurricanrana, but instead was nailed with a powerbomb and quickly hooked into the Texas Cloverleaf. ([I]Rave: Cloverleaf! He calls this one the Purifying Fire now, but Colton springs in and dropkicks him for the break![/I]) Kanetsu slumped to the mat as Colton stomped on him and Lawler rolled to the floor. The referee tried to force the champion back to the apron, but Colton wasn’t listening. He was so distracted with Kanetsu that Joe was able to get in and hit a running kick straight to Colton’s jaw. ([I]Rave: There it is! Joe nailed the champion![/I]) Colton fell into the corner and Joe laid in harsh kicks to the chest before bouncing off of the ropes and connecting on a version of his Ole kick. Colton’s head was on a bobble as Joe took him up and laid in heavy chops. Colton blocked one and kicked Joe in the testicles to send him backwards. Colton tried to get his wits about him but Kanetsu popped up on the apron and pulled him over the top to the floor. As Joe writhed in pain on the mat, Nigel went to the top rope and came off with an elbow drop. However, Joe moved at the last second and Nigel whiffed on it. The Fallen Angel reached another top turnbuckle and prepared for his BME. ([I]Rave: Moonsault coming![/I]) Shelley got up and tried to push Daniels down, but Aries got him from the floor and suplexed him across the steel barrier. ([I]Rave: My God, his back![/I]) Daniels set himself and connected with the BME. Lawler tried to get in but was pulled back out by Aries. ([I]Rave: The cover, two, three! It’s over, they got it![/I]) [COLOR=#892331][B]Winners: Daniels, Joe, Aries and Kanetsu at 27:21, B Televised Revolution Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - I'm happy with the rating. We're ready to go. - Cloudy has formed a strong friendship with, of all people, Marshall Waters. Guess I won't be cutting him any time soon... oy. [B]Fast Results[/B]: [quote][B]Daniels, Joe, Aries and Kanetsu[/B] def. Colton, Shelley, Nigel and Lawler [B](B)[/B] [B]Jay Lethal[/B] def. Shannon [B](B-)[/B] [B]Jack Evans[/B] def. Vampiro [B](C+)[/B] [B]Mr. 2006 and Alpha[/B] def. the Ring Crew Express by DQ [B](C+)[/B][/quote][U]Next[/U]: RevPro Rising Tides!
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[LEFT][I]From RevPro.com:[/I] [/LEFT] [quote][CENTER][COLOR=#168b9c][B]Final Preview - RevPro Rising Tides[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Thursday, August 15, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] The Rhode Island Auditorium - Providence, Rhode Island[/B][/COLOR] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/rising.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]For the RevPro World Heavyweight Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]Triangle Choke is Illegal[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Scott Colton (Champion)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe[/B][/COLOR] It's not often that Samoa Joe is at a distinct disadvantage; he's big, strong and tough enough to be the favourite in just about every match he's in. But at Rising Tides, he's the underdog. Due to some underhanded clauses in their match contract, Scott Colton has made it so Joe's patented Triangle Choke finisher will cause an immediate disqualification if used. Joe's got more to his arsenal than just the choke, but will any of it be what it takes to beat Colton and become RevPro's World Champion? [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels[/B][/COLOR] If you conducted an informal poll of the backstage area, you'd probably find that Alex Shelley hasn't made a lot of friends on the roster. But the World Champion is one of them. And when he needed a little help beating the Fallen Angel in a non-title match, Shelley rose to the cause with a chair to Daniels' head. The Fallen Angel will have a chance for revenge in Providence. [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] For the RevPro Tri State Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] First Fall to the Finish[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]Austin Aries (Champion)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Nigel McGuinness (Challenger 1)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Brian Lawler (Challenger 2)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR]One thing has become clear in the last month: Austin Aries, the Tri State Champion, is a very impulsive individual. This is evidenced by the way he constantly works out Bravo's censors, and also in his challenge to both Brian Lawler and Nigel McGuinness for Rising Tides. He only had to pick one to wrestle, but chose to take on both. McGuinness brought Lawler to Revolutionary Pro Wrestling to help him take his championship back, and this is their big chance. If they're on the same page, it could be a very short match. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Vampiro (with Lacey)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Abyss[/B][/COLOR] Just a few months ago, Abyss was the crown jewel of Commissioner Don Cyrus' Army after becoming the first RevPro Champion, and Vampiro soon joined his side as a surprise addition to the roster. They soon became Tag Champions, but when they lost their titles, the cracks started to show in their partnership. Lacey took Vampiro's side in their disputes, and Abyss became as alienated as ever. One kidnapping later, and Vampiro has been forced into a match with the Monster. Lacey plans on being active at ringside, will she be the deciding factor in this battle of former friends? [COLOR=#168b9c][B]For the RevPro Tag Team Championship[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Elimination Rules[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] The Alternative (Champions)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Chris Sabin and Jimmy Yang (Challengers 1)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Jimmy Rave and Alpha (with Melina Perez) (Challengers 2)[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] vs. The Ring Crew Express (Challengers 3)[/B][/COLOR] Many around RevPro are pretty surprised that Xile and Morley Depraved have held onto the tag team championships as long as they have. Their biggest test will come in Providence, when three of the company's pre-eminent tandems will be gunning for them. [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B][U]Also:[/U] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR][COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. "The Notorious 187" Homicide[/B][/COLOR] This is the latest match made in the battle of wills between Commissioner "Superstar" Billy Graham and Homicide. The Notorious 187 will have to face the red-hot Jay Lethal. Will the post-match attack by Homicide last Saturday have slowed him down any? [COLOR=#168b9c][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Kanetsu[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]vs. Accomplice[/B][/COLOR] A just-signed match will feature two wrestlers that are headed in different directions. Kanetsu--formerly Chad Collyer--has been winning matches left and right since his "rebirth" in Japan, while Accomplice has struggled lately, falling to Christopher Daniels and Jack Evans and disappointing Homicide. Can he regain his form or will Kanetsu continue to be untouchable? Only on Friday, only on [COLOR=#168b9c][B]UrbanXtra[/color][/B]! BE THERE![/CENTER][/quote] [U]Predictions are welcome, and will get you girls[/U] Scott Colton / Samoa Joe Christopher Daniels / Alex Shelley Austin Aries / Nigel McGuinness / Brian Lawler Abyss / Vampiro The Alternative / Sabin and Yang / Rave and Alpha / Ring Crew Express Homicide / Jay Lethal Kanetsu / Accomplice
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[B]Scott Colton[/B]/ Samoa Joe Christopher Daniels / [B]Alex Shelley[/B] [B]Austin Aries[/B] / Nigel McGuinness / Brian Lawler [B]Abyss[/B] / Vampiro The Alternative / Sabin and Yang / [B]Rave and Alpha[/B] / Ring Crew Express Homicide / [B]Jay Lethal[/B] [B]Kanetsu[/B] / Accomplice
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[CENTER][COLOR=#168b9c][B]RevPro Rising Tides – Friday, August 16, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Live! on UrbanXtra Pay Per View[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Held at the Rhode Island Auditorium in Providence, Rhode Island[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Attendance: 4,750[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B] Announcers: Rob Rave and Julius Smokes[/B][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [B] TAPED FOR REVPRO.COM TONY MAMALUKE vs. RODERICK STRONG[/B] Mamaluke of course targeted Strong's knee, which was recently injured, but Strong resisted and got the win with a nasty-looking Death by Roderick. [B] Winner: Roderick Strong at 4:50, C+[/B] [CENTER] [IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/rising.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]MATCH 1 ELIMINATION RULES FOR THE REVPRO TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS THE ALTERNATIVE c. vs. SABIN AND YANG vs. RAVE AND ALPHA (w/ Melina Perez) vs. THE RING CREW EXPRESS[/B][/COLOR] The champions stayed on the apron for the first few minutes, allowing the first fall to occur without them. Yang got pinned by Dunn after being hurricanarana’d off of Marcos’ shoulders to make it three teams remaining. Alpha tried to get Dunn with his cobra clutch slam finisher, but Dunn spun out of it. Alpha charged him, but Dunn ducked it so Marcos could hit a top rope dive that was enough for free. ([I]Rave: Where did this come from? They’ve been silent for months but the Ring Crew Express is exploding here! One more pin and they’re the champs![/I]) They battled hard, but Xile and Morley Depraved were fresher, having spent only brief moments in the ring. Dunn got run out of the ring by Morley and Marcos was spiked with a gigantic springboard 720 DDT from Xile. ([I]Rave: One, two, forget about it![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winners, and still champions: the Alternative at 12:02, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Commissioner Billy Graham[/B][/COLOR] was backstage talking turkey with the same two Bravo executives from a couple of weeks ago. “Look, guys, I’m glad you made it as my guests tonight. It doesn’t get any better than our Pay Per Views. Just relax and enjoy the show, and afterwards, we’ll talk about an extension, sound good?” The executives seemed happy with this until [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Commander Combat[/B][/COLOR] walked into frame to join the conversation. ([I]Rave: It’s him![/I]) The Bravo execs seemed weirded out by his appearance--full helmet with facemask, fatigues--and most of all, his voice modulator. Graham extended his hand to Combat. “Our other guest of honor. Commander Combat here is one of our important advertisers.” Combat released the handshake. “Until now. Commissioner, I want to bring my two warriors to Televised Revolution tomorrow night to compete in a match.” Graham turned to the executives. “Hear that? Two big debuts tomorrow night on the show. Commander, you’ve got it.” The execs threw on nervous smiles, and Graham walked away chatting with Combat. One executive finally spoke. “Was that the guy from GI Joe?” [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B MATCH 2 ACCOMPLICE vs. KANETSU[/B][/COLOR] It was a battle of wills to see whose style would prevail. Kanetsu schooled Accomplice on the mat with variations on a kneelock, but Accomplice broke away and stood over his opponent to nail him with unprotected forearms to the back of the skull. Accomplice got rocked with a belly-to-belly suplex and then tied up in the Eternal Fire. Accomplice moaned in pain and held on for as long as he could, but eventually had to tap. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner: Kanetsu at 10:55, C+[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Nigel McGuinness[/B][/COLOR] and [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Brian Lawler[/B][/COLOR] stood on either side of John Laurinaitis in the interview position. Nigel did the talking. “Aries made the biggest mistake of his career by agreeing to face us in a triple threat. I’ve said it before, but I’ll repeat it now: I don’t want the belt around my waist, I just want to take it away from Aries. So Brian… it’s all yours. Once we have him beaten to a pulp, you can have the duke.” [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B- Accomplice[/B][/COLOR] limped through the curtain, clearly in pain, and into the backstage area. He was met by [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Homicide[/B][/COLOR]. “Dude, that was the worst s*** I ever seen. I brought you here for one damn reason: to make sure no one would step to me. But you can’t even defend yo’self. Do me a huge favor, man, and don’t bother me no more. You ain’t my muscle, you ain’t my boy. Clearly, you ain’t s***.” Homicide stalked off leaving a stunned Accomplice behind him. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]C MATCH 3 VAMPIRO (w/ Lacey) vs. ABYSS[/B][/COLOR] Abyss, who’d been watching and waiting for weeks, finally got to face Vampiro here and took advantage, clubbing Vampiro to the mat and stalking him down before doing it again. Vamp couldn’t break through his defenses and Lacey could only watch from the outside as Abyss had about ten minutes of unanswered offense. Finally, Abyss got reversed into the turnbuckles and Lacey held his legs in place as Vampiro hauled off with kicks to the head. He tried to get Abyss up for the Nail in the Coffin but couldn’t get him very far off the mat. Abyss blasted Vampiro backwards with a big clothesline. Lacey climbed up onto the ring stairs and hit Abyss with a lowblow through the ropes that doubled him over. Vampiro charged him and hit a flying DDT. Vampiro covered, hooking one leg, and Lacey covertly was able to trap the other. [I](Rave: One, two, that’s three! They stole the win! He dominated all match but Vampiro pinned him![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner: Vampiro at 16:38, C+[/B][/COLOR] Lacey slid into the ring and hugged Vampiro who celebrated painedly. He played to the crowd but turned around to face Abyss, who was holding his head with both hands and seething in anger. ([I]Rave: Payback time![/I]) Vampiro looked for a way out but Abyss moved both ways. Vampiro grabbed Lacey and shoved her into the arms of Abyss before diving through the ropes and out of the ring. ([I]Smokes: He’s givin’ up his girl, man! Rave: Vampiro is out of here![/I]) Lacey was terrified, and Abyss raised a fist like he was going to hit her… but then merely pushed her away. Abyss quickly left the ring, looking dissatisfied. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]C Jay Lethal[/B][/COLOR] was doing a stand-up in front of his locker room. “I’ve been getting a lot of pats on the back lately for beating Vampiro. A lot of people thought I couldn’t beat him, and the rest thought that I don’t even belong in Revolutionary Pro Wrestling. Everyone… but me. I knew I could beat him, and I did. Now, I’m hearing the same thing. ‘Fluke win’, ‘he can’t beat Homicide’. Those people are watching tonight, and those people are gonna be wrong… again.” [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B- MATCH 4 “THE NOTORIOUS 187” HOMICIDE vs. JAY LETHAL[/B][/COLOR] Lethal attacked Homicide as he was walking down the aisle, causing the bell to ring prematurely. ([I]Rave: Homicide’s getting a taste of his own medicine, and this one’s on![/I]) Lethal got Homicide into the ring and sprung in with a bulldog that almost got three in the first minute. Lethal continued to assault Homicide, hitting him with a German suplex and then trying for his top-rope headbutt… but missing. ‘Cide took control, tying Lethal up in the ropes and launching off the other side to hit a dropkick to the face. ([I]Rave: Jesus! Did you see that?[/I]) Homicide waited on Lethal to get up and tried for his yakuza kick, but Lethal dodged it, and dragon-whipped him to the mat. Homicide tripped him up and launched him back-first into the corner. Homicide followed him in and laid in some punches before Lethal blocked one and dropkicked him to the mat. Lethal got up top and came off with a crossbody. ([I]Rave: Crossbody and cover…[/I]) Homicide turned it over so he had the pin, and grabbed Lethal’s tights for good measure. ([I]Rave: Now Homicide’s on top![/I]) Lethal strained and was able to turn it over again. ([I]Rave: Reversed again! And three! Lethal takes it! Another huge win![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner: Jay Lethal at 14:49, C+ Alex Shelley[/B][/COLOR] was backstage and had John Laurinaitis interviewing him on his knees. Shelley called Christopher Daniels a “poor, misled pawn in the Alex Shelley conspiracy” and promised victory in his match. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B-[/B][/COLOR] Homicide was walking backstage, looking frustrated as hell after losing. He stopped to overturn an entire catering table and then kept walking, bumping right into one of the Bravo executives, who weren’t looking where they were going. “I’m sor—” the executive couldn’t even finish before Homicide decked him with a right hand. The Bravo exec went down hard, and the other tried to protest before Homicide grabbed him by the hair and flung him into a wall. Homicide spit on the second one before stalking off. ([I]Rave: The guys from Bravo are down! Smokes: Dog, you gotta pick yo’ spots, bro! You can’t do that![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]C MATCH 5 ALEX SHELLEY vs. “THE FALLEN ANGEL” CHRISTOPHER DANIELS[/B][/COLOR] Daniels almost had this one wrapped up at a number of points in the first five minutes, but Shelley kept slipping out of the Angel’s Wings. Shelley bailed to the outside and told the crowd that Daniels had nothing on him, but the Fallen Angel blasted him with a baseball slide that sent him over the rail. Daniels pulled him out of the sea of fans and launched him into the steps. Daniels got Shelley back in and tried for his BME, but Shelley moved out of the way of it. Shelley got Daniels onto his feet and tried to hook him up for the Shellshock, but Daniels small packaged him instead. ([I]Rave: Small package! Shelley gets the shoulder up.[/I]) Daniels rose into a knee to the stomach and was tossed into the corner shoulder-first. Daniels came out backwards and was rolled up, but got out at the last second. As Daniels rose to his feet, Shelley charged him but got thrown into the corner. Daniels charged him and Shelley got both boots up to knock him backwards, and into the referee. As Jim Korderas got his wits about him on his hands and knees, Shelley pulled out his mace. ([I]Rave: He’s got that pepper spray again![/I]) Daniels nailed him with a elbow, and took the mace away. Korderas got back into the match and saw Daniels with the spray. He grabbed his hand to take it away, and as Daniels tried to explain what happened, Shelley flew in with a boot to the gut and a lightning-quick Shellshock. Shelley hooked both legs as the referee counted. ([I]Rave: That’s it, Shelley beats the Fallen Angel![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner: Alex Shelley at 19:32, B Samoa Joe[/B][/COLOR] was being interviewed. "Champ says he’s going to win because I can’t use the Choke. Well I don’t need the Choke. Colton made the biggest mistake of his life when he agreed to face me one-on-one with nothing between us but my boots and his face. I’ve earned my respect here in RevPro, and it’s time for me to be the champion.” [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B MATCH 6 TRIPLE THREAT, FIRST FALL TO THE FINISH FOR THE REVPRO TRI STATE CHAMPIONSHIP AUSTIN ARIES c. vs. NIGEL MCGUINNESS vs. BRIAN LAWLER[/B][/COLOR] Aries fought hard against the odds when the bell rang, but quickly fell to Nigel and Lawler's advantage. They hit a double clothesline and laid in some boots to the champion. Aries tripped Lawler to the mat but Nigel dropped an elbow to stop him in his tracks. Aries got driven by a tandem powerbomb that had him writhing in pain. Nigel allowed Lawler to cover, but Aries got out of it. ([I]Rave: He kicked out! Aries is not done yet.[/I]) Nigel instructed Lawler to head to the top rope as Nigel held Aries’ legs down. As Lawler perched on the top rope, Aries kicked Nigel into the far corner to break free. Aries rose to his feet and blistered Lawler with a jumping lariat as he came off. Lawler rolled to ringside, but Nigel ran out of the corner and nailed the champ with a Tower of London cutter. Aries held his head as Nigel looked down at Lawler on the outside, and then covered. ([I]Rave: Nigel going for the glory! But Aries gets the shoulder up at the last second! Smokes: I thought he said he was gonna let Lawler get the belt, man! Rave: I guess he changed his mind.[/I]) Nigel pulled Aries up and tried for another Tower of London cutter, but Aries pushed him off into the ropes to collide with Lawler who was on the apron. Lawler fell back to ringside and Aries took Nigel down with a crossface. Nigel spun in circles on the mat trying to get away but Aries kept it on. Brian Lawler slid back in and broke up the submission just as it seemed Nigel was going to tap. Lawler pulled Aries to his feet, but Aries ducked behind him and shoved him into Nigel, who fell into the corner. Lawler got driven with a brainbuster, and Aries got him for three. ([I]Rave: Aries beats the odds and keeps the strap![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner, and still champion: Austin Aries at 14:22, B- Samoa Joe[/B][/COLOR] made his way down a hallway on his way to the ring. He passed the carnage caused by Homicide, the Bravo executives being tended to by the trainer, and Christopher Daniels complaining to Billy Graham about his match. He ignored it all and, hearing his theme, walked through the curtain. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B MATCH 7 (MAIN EVENT) TRIANGLE CHOKE IS ILLEGAL FOR THE REVPRO WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP SAMOA JOE vs. SCOTT COLTON[/B][/COLOR] The champion turned his back on Joe at the bell and held his arms out, inviting Joe to apply the Choke. Joe shrugged and kicked him in the back of the head, sending him to the mat and the crowd into a frenzy. ([I]Rave: Uh, he can do more than choke you from behind, Scott.[/I]) Colton crawled into the corner and Joe followed him in with more stiff kicks and chops. Colton was thrown out of the corner with a hip toss and as he sat up, Joe ran by with a kick to the chest that put him on his back. ([I]Rave: All Joe thus far.[/I]) Colton was put on the turnbuckles for the Musclebuster, but resisted and shoved Joe away. Colton set himself and came off with a big dropkick that felled Joe. Colton followed by wrenching Joe’s arm and pinning him down with an armbar. Joe shook him away but Colton stomped at his elbow and hammerlocked him on the mat. Joe managed to stand and drove Colton back into the corner. Joe walked forward and Colton ran out of the corner with a big bulldog. Colton covered but only got two. Colton shrugged it off and headed to the top rope. Joe got up and turned right into a Pro Line. ([I]Smokes: Yeah yeah yeah! Pro Line! Joe’s done, DONE.[/I]) Colton made a casual cover and Joe jammed his shoulder up at two and three-quarters. ([I]Rave: Not yet he’s not![/I]) Colton couldn’t seem to believe it, and after protesting, put Joe in another armbar. Colton released it of his own accord and told the referee to “check him, he’s hurt”. As Korderas did so, Colton went to the corner and started to remove the pad and buckle. ([I]Rave: We saw this trick at Rising Tides, he’s taking that steel buckle![/I]) Colton took the circular buckle off and palmed it, but Joe surprised him with an avalanche. Joe rolled him up, but Colton barely slipped out. Both men rose and Colton clocked Joe with the steel buckle in his hand. Joe fell to the mat and Colton covertly dropped the buckle to ringside. ([I]Rave: Joe has to be knocked out![/I]) Colton dropped down and put Joe in yet another armbar, even though he didn’t seem to be moving. Colton yelled at Korderas to check on Joe, and he did so. When he didn’t get a response, he raised and dropped Joe’s arm once to no movement. Korderas called for the bell and Colton dropped to his back and raised his arms. ([I]Rave: Dammit, Colton wins![/I]) [COLOR=#168b9c][B]Winner, and still champion: Scott Colton at 23:20, B[/B][/COLOR] Colton scooped up his belt as the referee tried to rouse Joe. ([I]Smokes: The champion made Joe give up, that ain’t even happened before! Rave: Joe didn’t give up, he got knocked out cold with that buckle! The same damn thing that happened last time![/I]) Colton walked up the aisle proudly holding his belt in the air. [COLOR=#168b9c][B]B Rising Tides Overall Rating: B[/B][/COLOR] [U]Post-show Notes[/U]: - 5/7, lowki02. Super smooth. Your redhead is on its way. If you’re a brunette man for some reason, PM me and I’ll straighten it out. - No huge, mind-blowing matches turned out on this show, but Joe/Colton and Shelley/Daniels delivered some really solid action. Our buyrate actually came down for this show, as it got about 11,500 buys compared to Rise to Grace’s 12,300, but again we almost filled the 5,000 seater. [B] Fast Results[/B]:[quote][B] Scott Colton[/B] def. Samoa Joe to retain the World Championship [B](B)[/B] [B]Austin Aries[/B] def. Brian Lawler, Nigel McGuinness to retain the Tri State Championship [B](B-)[/B] [B]Alex Shelley[/B] def. Christopher Daniels [B](B)[/B] [B]Jay Lethal[/B] def. Homicide [B](C+) Vampiro[/B] def. Abyss [B](C+)[/B] [B]Kanetsu[/B] def. Accomplice [B](C+)[/B] [B]The Alternative[/B] def. Ring Crew Express, Rave and Alpha, Sabin and Yang to retain the Tag Team Championships [B](C+)[/B][/quote]
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I was just about to catch a few winks on the red-eye out of Providence when my cellphone buzzed in my front pocket. I fished it out and opened it, even though I was pretty sure I was to have turned it off. "Jimmy boy." Marshall. "What's your favourite letter in the alphabet?" Favourite letter? What kind of question was that? I thought of telling my old friend to go to sleep and then doing the same myself, but then something else occurred to me. What if this was some type of age-old, telltale question that would effectively gauge my business acumen? If I told him "Q", would I find myself out on my ass? Or conversely, if I replied that my favourite letter was "G", could I cement myself as the leader who would guide his investment to the promised land? This was too much to be contemplating on an airplane at 2:30 AM with Dean Malenko sleeping like a baby beside me. I threw caution to the wind. "J", I answered, for the simple reason that both of my names begin with it. Marshall chuckled. "Not anymore, Jim. Your new favourite letter is E. Or should I say, E!" He emphasized it with childlike glee the second time around. I felt like I was missing something. Then I got it. And I knew I wouldn't have too much trouble sleeping that night.
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I'm glad another TV deal was secured. E! is much better than Bravo anyway. 5/7 isn't bad... REDHEADS ARE FINE WITH ME! haha Also, I forget but who actually are Xile, Depraved, and Alpha again? I know Trent Acid is one of them, but I forget who. haha. Can't wait for the next Televised Revolution.
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[QUOTE=lowki02;141939]I'm glad another TV deal was secured. E! is much better than Bravo anyway. 5/7 isn't bad... REDHEADS ARE FINE WITH ME! haha Also, I forget but who actually are Xile, Depraved, and Alpha again? I know Trent Acid is one of them, but I forget who. haha. Can't wait for the next Televised Revolution.[/QUOTE] I think I'm going to start posting pics for any new worker I introduce that won't be wrestling under his real world name. Xile is FWA's Jody Fleisch, and Morley Depraved is Trent Acid. Alpha is none other than Ken Doane, Kenny from the Spirit Squad. I snagged him before he left OVW, so he works in both. Additionally, Accomplice is the Messiah from XPW and Chris Kerry, the guy who's been getting his ass whipped in dark matches, is Canadian standout Greg Pawluk. Tomoaki Koizumi and Hideyori Hirayama/Masked Kengen are both game-created workers. I hate bringing in workers to just be exactly who they were in WWE or TNA or anywhere else, so I'll definitely start using pics for their debut since it might get a little confusing.
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[QUOTE=Jehovah;141998]I think I'm going to start posting pics for any new worker I introduce that won't be wrestling under his real world name. Xile is FWA's Jody Fleisch, and Morley Depraved is Trent Acid. Alpha is none other than Ken Doane, Kenny from the Spirit Squad. I snagged him before he left OVW, so he works in both. Additionally, Accomplice is the Messiah from XPW and Chris Kerry, the guy who's been getting his ass whipped in dark matches, is Canadian standout Greg Pawluk. Tomoaki Koizumi and Hideyori Hirayama/Masked Kengen are both game-created workers. I hate bringing in workers to just be exactly who they were in WWE or TNA or anywhere else, so I'll definitely start using pics for their debut since it might get a little confusing.[/QUOTE] I love the fact that you create a different persona for someone. It's shows individuality and creative on your part to basically create a "new" star. It's like XPW used to do. MANY workers when working for XPW went under a different moniker. The Wall/Malice was known as "Snuff," and Devon Storm/Crowbar was known as "Salem."
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[quote=lowki02;142120]I love the fact that you create a different persona for someone. It's shows individuality and creative on your part to basically create a "new" star. It's like XPW used to do. MANY workers when working for XPW went under a different moniker. The Wall/Malice was known as "Snuff," and Devon Storm/Crowbar was known as "Salem."[/quote] I'm not too familiar with XPW but that's cool to know. "Snuff" is a damn cool name for a guy like the Wall. Never thought I'd enjoy being likened to XPW, but thanks for the info. And as an interesting sidenote, I originally tried to pick up your namesake to play the part CM Punk ended up playing in the "Last ROH match" but he turned me down flat. Can't win 'em all. **** [U][B] IndieHearsay.com Headlines RevPro: Backstage news on television, Bob Holly, and more[/B][/U] - As we saw on last night’s Pay Per View, with the attack on the [B]Bravo[/B] executives by [B]Homicide[/B], it looks like [B]Revolutionary Pro Wrestling[/B] is setting the fans up for the announcement that their deal with Bravo is done. Expect further developments tomorrow night on [B]Televised Revolution[/B]. - RevPro.com has a very short preview up for the show, seeing as it’s only a few hours from now and a day after their PPV. They’ve announced that every single member of the roster will be required to attend the show, as [B]“Superstar” Billy Graham[/B] is holding a “company-wide meeting of great importance”. Also, the site reads, “the suspension on [B]Matt Sydal[/B] and [B]Jimmy Jacobs[/B] has been lifted by their request, and they will tag up to face [B]“Mr. 2006” Jimmy Rave[/B] and [B]Alpha[/B]. Can [B]Melina[/B]’s men bounce back from their defeat in the four-way match last night?” This should settle some speculation that Sydal and Jacobs’ suspension for no-showing a live event was a shoot. Nope, pure storyline. Either they needed some time off or they’re being prepared for something new. Also, we should expect to see[B] Commander Combat[/B]’s recruits in some fashion. - There is increasing talk of bringing in [B]Bob Holly[/B] to join the active roster. He doesn’t have the best reputation for dealing with young wrestlers, but the vet is very popular and well known among mainstream fans, which is a quality most of the RevPro roster sorely lacks, in my opinion. Near the end of his WWE run, Holly was put over the likes of [B]Chris Benoit[/B], [B]Bobby Lashley[/B], [B]Road Warrior Animal[/B], and defeated [B]Rosey[/B] at Wrestlemania 22. Surprisingly, he’s been unemployed since May, but has reportedly been training hard to keep in ring shape. It’s not a sure thing, but I wouldn’t be too shocked to see Holly in a RevPro ring by the end of the year. - Now turning to the outbox, [B]Brian Lawler[/B] has likely wrestled his last RevPro match. He wasn’t intended to be a long-term competitor, and was brought in knowing that he’d probably lay down for [B]Austin Aries[/B] and that would be the end of his use. He seems to have been consummately professional about everything, but that doesn’t mean that the company will take another look at him. - Lastly, RevPro has released the promotional image for their next Pay Per View earlier than usual, and it looks like they’re headed to New York City for it. Here it is: [CENTER][IMG]http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m77/jjehovah/species.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
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I agree with Audiobank...I've finally had the time to catch up and read this entire diary and this is GREAT stuff, very original...I love how you give new personas to characters in need of "refreshing up"...Your longevity is a testament, do this for yourself, not responses...
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