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CornellVerse WrestleLympics!

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It was the event that pro-wrestling fans dreamed about... and it was going to come true. The supercard to end all supercards. In a move that would pretty much kill kayfabe (if it wasn't dead already), all the major promotions of the world decided to join together for a week-long event... the WrestleLympics. Each promotion would put together a team of its wrestlers to compete in four major events... Best Promo, Best Brawl, Best FlyingFest, and Best Technical Match. With the sole restriction that no one worker could be entered into more than two categories, this meant from four to nine workers per promotion would be competing to show that their company could put on the best match in each category. Matches had to be fifteen minutes long, no more, no less, with workers given a five-minute optional 'heat segment' before each match. Matches would be held for the first four days, promos would be given, blood spilled, insults slung... and on Friday, the best performers in each category would perform again. Tired, battered, they would have to give it their all to put on the performance of their lives to walk out with the gold medal. Because this is the Wrestlelympics... there -is- no second place! (So... which workers do the promotions pick? Suggestions? Also, predictions/ Will DAVE put on the Best Brawl? Will it be Mexico vs Japan in the finals for Best FlyingFest? Does SWF have a lock on Best Promo?)
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Ah, as an USPW expert I'll have to say... they're screwed. 15 minute matches? How many of their starting roster can actually last that long? Hell Monkey? Johnny "I always leave USPW at the first opportunity" Bloodstone? Best promo is going to be open, probably too open to judge properly. Best technical? Wow, Japan, Canada and USA will all be after that one. I'll be back in this thread later!
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If I may quote from some drunk paper cut outs that frequent my TV: "BRILLIANT!" I would predict, but I'm sure they'd pretty much be Vixxen to take the Gold in all events. My gut tells me it's the right guess, my head says it could never happen. Mostly cause my head points out AAA isn't a "major promotion of the world". I will however predict DaVE sends Eric Tyler and Nemisis, cause they both have skills and can cut a pretty mean promo. Acid and Sammy Bach will go for the fly fest, and then probably JD Morgan, Bryan Holmes, Scout and/or Guide, who are pretty good all-around, with the except of JD Morgan. I'd have picked Eddie Peak, but his Stamina's a C, and that'll probably hurt him with 15 minute matches.
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The following promotions have been invited to participate in the Wrestlelympics: Supreme Wrestling Federation Total Championship Wrestling Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods Canadian Golden Combat Danger and Violence Extreme North of the Border Pro Wrestling Pride Glory Honor Wrestling Ultimate Combat Ring Aditionally, the three Mexican federations have been invited to form a single team, as none of them are past Regional size. Upon hearing of this decision, CZCW lead the protest for the independant promotions of the USA (and later, joined by 4C, North America) to join together to enter a team. When the proposal was accepted, Golden Canvas Grappling and Men of Steel Combat insisted on similar deals for Japan and the United Kingdom. This added the following teams: TLL: Team Lucha Libre NHI: North American Indies UKI: United Kingdom INdies CAI: Central Asian Indies Twelve teams competing for four medals. Realizing that home-field advantage would be a significant factor in the events, the Wrestlelympic Governing Board decreed that each of the five days would be held in a different location: The USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and the UK. UCR protested, wanting a day held in EUrope, but they were out-voted. So far, only one team has been announced: Team TCW. Team TCW Promo: Tommy Cornell Brawl: Tommy Cornell vs BLZ Bubb FlyFest: Tommy Cornell vs Wolf Hawkins Technical: Tommy Cornell vs Troy Tornado ... are we really surpised? It looked like Tommy "God's Gift To Wrestling" Cornell was going to make an effort to win all the gold for himself...
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Over the next few days, more teams are announced. UCR claims the honor of being the first team to not have a wrestler double-up in events. Canadian Golden Combat, as expected, featured DeColts on their team. And team PGHW was the first to feature a team without the owner present. Team UCR Promo: Doctor Insane Brawl: Bigger Dan Ewe vs Mister Blister FlyFest: Sergie Kalashnov vs TOby Juan Kanobi Technical: Captain Hero vs Louis Figo Manico Team CGC Promo: George DeColt Brawl: Steve DeColt vs Alex DeColt FlyFest: Lee Rivera vs Steve DeColt Technical: John Maverick vs Jack DeColt Team PGHW Promo: PRIDE Koiso Brawl: Buddy Garner vs Dread FlyFest: Noriyori Sanda vs Bryan Vessey Technical: Eisaku Kunomasu vs Yoshimi Mushashibo
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North of the Border Pro Wrestling, after seeing CGC's DeColt team, naturally responded with a Stone team. SUrprisingly, the picked a non-Stone as their entry into the promo competition. BHOTWG decided to go with a good mixture of their talent, anchored by the lovable Bruce the Giant. Finally, DAVE took advantage of a rule nobody seemed to have noticed yet and front-loaded their team to win the Brawl category, with four matches entered without going over the nine-person team limit. Team NOTBPW Promo: The Natural Brawl: Jeremy Stone vs Dan Stone Jr FlyFest: Edd Stone vs Duane Stone Technical: Sean McFly vs Duane Stone Team BHOTWG Promo: Nariaki Hitomi Brawl: Eiji Hamacho vs Bruce the Giant FlyFest: Awesome Kiyaru vs Sensational Dragon Technical: Hooded Kudo vs Masaaki Okazaki Team DAVE Promo: Easy Emma Brawl: Hell's Bouncer vs Nemesis, Scout vs Guide, Eddie Peak vs Big Cat Brandon, Acid vs Bryan Holmes FlyFest: Acid vs Guide Technical: Scout vs Bryan Holmes
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The final non-Indy team was the six hundred pound gorilla of the event, SWF. Citing DAVE's team as precident, they announced multiple entries into the promo event. Also coming out was Team UKI, United Kingdom Indy. Comprised of 21st Century Wrestling, Men of Steel Combat, and Ring of Fire, the three had a larger, but less refined, talent pool to choose from for their team. With only a few days left before the deadline, would the respective Mexican, North American, and JApanese teams announce their lineups, or be disqualified? Team SWF Promo: Joe Sexy, Christian Faith, Jack Bruce, Angry Gilmore Brawl: Christian Faith vs Runaway Train FlyFest: Brett Biggz vs Eric Eisen Technical: Enforcer Roberts vs Marc DuBois Team UKI Promo: The Steamroller Brawl: Danny Patterson vs Ripper LeStat FlyFest: Adam Matravers vs Brilliant White Technical: Merle O'Curle vs Walter Morgan
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With days to go before the deadline, Team Lucha Libre was made public in a joint press conference held by all three federations, calling this the biggest undertaking of Lucha Libre since the National Day of Wrestling. The same day, officials called TCW on trying to use Tommy Cornell in more than one category, informing him that he would have to be replaced in two of the four he had entered himself in. As a result, he withdrew from the Technical and Flying competitions, announcing that the same match would enter both competitions: Troy Tornado vs Wolf Hawkins. The next day, Team Central Pacific Indy announced their lineup, highlighting the best and brightest of Japan that didn't have a decent contract. Only one team remained to declare themselves... and rumor had it, the American indies were engaged in political warfare against each other for spots on the team. Team TLL Promo: Axxis Jr Brawl: Mayan Idol vs Jungle Jack FlyFest: El Leon vs Pablo Rodriguez Technical: Soul Taker vs Champagne Lover Team CPI Promo: Ryu Kajahara Brawl: Burning Taka****a vs Hell Monkey FlyFest: Sensational Ogiwara vs Emerald Angel Technical: Yoshifusa Maeda vs KOKI Ishibashi
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The day of the deadline, Team NAI: North American Indy made their team known. It had taken a great deal of political manuvering, and nobody was completely happy with the results, but nobody was severely upset. But the delay would hurt them, as several indy workers with connections in other countries had already agreed to stand by and be alternates for their teams. But now, the twelve teams were set... they had two weeks to practice, and then the Wrestlelympics would begin! But wait... a last-minute revelation! Injecting a bit of 'sports entertainment' into the show, the Wrestlelympics Official Board announced a thirteenth team would be competing, TCU: Team Currently Unemployed! Only workers who did not have a contract with any promotion were allowed to compete... and unlike the other teams, these guys could use the Gold Medal as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. The other teams had skill... but this team had raw hunger. Team NAI Promo: Rip Chord Brawl: T-Rex vs Mr. America FlyFest: INsane Machine vs Remmy Skye Technical: Joey Minnesota vs Johnny Bloodstone Team TCU Promo: Melanie Florence Brawl: Masutaro Kataoka vs Jeff Nova FlyFest: American Elemental vs Kit Hatoyama Technical: Owen Love vs Flemmy Lemming
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi]With the sole restriction that no one worker could be entered into more than two categories................. Team TCW Promo: Tommy Cornell Brawl: Tommy Cornell vs BLZ Bubb FlyFest: Tommy Cornell vs Wolf Hawkins Technical: Tommy Cornell vs Troy Tornado[/QUOTE] What's the deal, yo? P.S. It's great to see you back in the Dynasty forum, Infinity.
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Tommy tried to sneak past the rules. Check Post #8... he had to pull out of two events. A preliminary schedul has been announced. Each day, twelve promos will be given, four brawls will be held, and three flyfests and technical matches will be held. Monday and Wednesday will each have an additional match, either flying or technical wrestling. Monday will be in the UK. Tuesday will be in Canada. Wednesday will be in the USA. Thursday will be in Mexico. The finals on Friday will be held in Japan. The exact schedule of events on each day is yet to be determined, but will probably follow the same schedule for each day.
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