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Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1... IT'S COMING!

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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="2"]Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]CAGED WARFARE[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Shown Live on PAY-PER-VIEW![/SIZE][/B] Saturday, Week 4, October 2006 [/CENTER] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Dan Barry and Ken Scampi vs The Amazing Red and Xavier[/B] All three competitors are making their WORLD-1 debuts here in this PPV dark match! This was a great tag team match between four incredible workers. Dan Barry hit a triple jump moonsault onto Red as Xavier nailed Scampi with the X-Breaker getting the pinfall. Xavier is going to be a force to be reckoned with in W-1. [B]Winners: Xavier and The Amazing Red defeated Dan Barry and Ken Scampi in 7:43 when Xavier defeated Ken Scampi by pinfall with a X-Breaker. Rating: C+[/B] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Mana vs Ricky Landell[/B] Mana makes his return to W-1 to take on Ricky Landell in another PPV dark match. Mana made quick work of the young lion Landell. Landell's only offense was a missile dropkick that didn't even cause the Polynesian Warrior to fall off his feet. [B]Winner: Mana defeated Ricky Landell in 7:49 by pinfall with a Polynesian Plunge. Rating: C+[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] Welcome everyone to the BAKER BALLROOM in Dover, New Jersey! This is CAGED WARFARE and we are live on PPV! [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] That's right, Mav, let's get to the ring, we have four lovely ladies waiting in the ring for the show to start! [U]Match 1[/U] - Four-Way Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 North American Championship [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Sumie Sakai(c) vs Allison Danger vs Alere Little Feather vs Cindy Rogers[/B] This was a good ladies' match that was highlighted when Sumie Sakai leaped off the top rope onto all three of her opponents. Sumie won by submission by making Alere tap out to a Cross Arm Scissors. [B]Winner: Sumie Sakai defeated Allison Danger, Alere Little Feather and Cindy Rogers in 6:53 when Sumie Sakai defeated Alere Little Feather by submission with a Cross Arm Scissors. Sumie Sakai makes defence number 1 of her WORLD-1 North American title. Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 2[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Joey Image vs "Sterling" James Keenan[/B] This feud has been going on for a while and SJK had the match won with a Razorblade Kiss until Image low-blowed him and hit him with a Boss Man Slam for the win. [B]Winner: Joey Image defeated Sterling James Keenan in 4:58 by pinfall with a Boss Man Slam after Image low-blowed SJK. Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 3[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]B-Boy and Ricky Reyes vs The Downtown Playboys[/B] Ricky Reyes and B-Boy team up for the first time in W-1 to take on King Kaluha and Larry Sweeney in a tag team match. Kaluha and Sweeney seemed off their game tonight and lost by submission when Reyes locked on a cross arm breaker on Kaluha. [B]Winners: B-Boy and Ricky Reyes defeated Downtown Playboys in 8:52 when Ricky Reyes defeated King Kaluha by submission. Rating: C+[/B] [I]Backseat Boyz cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Long Island Blondes.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Match 4[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]The Backseat Boyz vs Long Island Blondes[/B] The Long Island Blondes of Brian Myers and Brett Matthews are making their WORLD-1 in-ring debuts here. This match stemmed from the recent attack on The Backseat Boyz. Myers and Matthews took Kashmere and Acid out backstage after an attack last week. Acid nailed Matthews with a superkick causing him to fly out of the ring. Myers and Matthews hightailed it backstage giving the Backseatz the win by count out. [B]Winners: Backseat Boyz defeated Long Island Blondes in 11:43 when Trent Acid defeated Brett Matthews by count out. Rating: B[/B] [I]Austin Aries asks Arn Anderson for a match against Matt Hardy due to recent interference. Hardy attacked Aries during Aries' return match in a dark match last week on Hybrid TV. Anderson accepts the purposal.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Match 5[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Frankie Kazarian vs Jay Lethal[/B] Jay Lethal came out to the ring first and got on the microphone. He said that Homicide is running from him because he didn't accept his challenge and Homicide is not in the building. These two had a knock down, drag out match. Lethal hit the Jay-Trix on Kazarian that ended up knocking the referee down that prompted a masked man jumped the guardrail and hit Lethal with the Cop Killa. The man removed his mask and it turned out to be Homicide. The referee came to and saw Kazarian pinning Lethal and registered a three count. [B]Winner: Frankie Kazarian defeated Jay Lethal in 14:53 by pinfall following interference from Homicide. Rating: B+[/B] [I]After the match, Homicide continued to attack Jay Lethal with vicious kicks to the head. Homicide pulled something out from underneath the ring and held up high for the fans to see. The item turned out to be a bottle of Drano. Homicide held Lethal's head, opened his mouth, and proceeded to pour the whole bottle down Lethal's throat. Lethal began to choke as officials and EMTs came out to assist him.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 6[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Matt Hardy vs Austin Aries[/B] Tremendous match between these two that saw Aries reverse a Twist of Fate and nail a Brain Buster. [B]Winner: Austin Aries defeated Matt Hardy in 19:02 when Austin Aries hit the Brain Buster. Rating: B-[/B] [U]Match 7[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall, E-Style Rules [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]CW Anderson and Simon Diamond vs The Technicans[/B] This match was held under E-Style Rules which is another name for "extreme style." This was a very violent match that saw Josh Daniels nail a flying headbutt off the top rope onto Simon Diamond who had a chair covering his face. Daniels and Diamond were both out cold. CW Anderson set up a chair in the middle of the ring and hit John Walters with a vicious Spinebuster onto that open chair and pinned him for the victory. [B]Winners: CW Anderson and Simon Diamond defeated The Technicans in 12:48 when CW Anderson defeated John Walters by pinfall with a Spinebuster onto an open chair. Rating: B-[/B] [I]The match is over, and John Walters is trying to recover from the beating he took. CW Anderson and Simon Diamond jump him from behind, beating him down. Josh Daniels stands at the ringside area looking on, not trying to help his partner.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]Christopher Daniels cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with CM Punk.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [U]Match 8[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]"Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs CM Punk[/B] Very good match that saw their feud come to an end. Christopher Daniels nailed two Angel's Wings on CM Punk getting the pinfall. Daniels was immediately attacked by the "All-Around Best" Xavier. [B]Winner: Christopher Daniels defeated CM Punk in 17:42 by pinfall with an Angel's Wings. Rating: B+[/B] [I]Chris Hero cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Taz.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [U]Match 9[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 Heavyweight Championship [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Chris Hero(c) vs Taz[/B] Very good match that saw Taz hit Chris Hero with a T-Bone TazPlex onto the outside. Hero ended up getting counted out after not being able to recover. [B]Winner: Taz defeated Chris Hero in 19:00 by count out. Rating: B+[/B] [I]Taz walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect to Chris Hero for putting up a great fight, and the two competitors shake hands.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [I]A video plays hyping Steve Corino vs. Jimmy Rave.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Match 10[/U] - CAGE MATCH [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Jimmy Rave vs Steve Corino[/B] Very intense steel cage match that was highlighted by both competitors bleeding buckets all over the ring. Rave was hit with a Northern Lights Bomb off the top rope by Corino onto a chair. Just as Corino was going to climb over the top of the cage, Masato Tanaka storms into the arena and takes Corino out with a loaded Roaring Elbow causing Corino to fall back to the mat. Jimmy Rave climbs out the cage door and gains the victory. [B]Winner: Jimmy Rave defeated Steve Corino in 18:19 when Jimmy Rave escaped the cage after Steve Corino had been taken out by Masato Tanaka. Rating: B+[/B] [B]Other Statistics:[/B] Final Rating: B+ Attendence: 9500 Next Card: HYBRID TV, WEEK 1, NOVEMBER 2006!
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The following is a report from the official Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 website! [QUOTE] [url]www.world1wrestling.com[/url] Tuesday, Week 2, October [SIZE="3"]WORLD-1 BENEFIT SHOW[/SIZE] Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 is going to be holding a Benefit Show for the Boys and Girls Club of Garfield, New Jersey. To many fans, the building is formerly the home of the now defunct Jersey Championship Wrestling. WORLD-1 Management is promising two huge stars in addition to the W-1 roster at this show. Steve Corino will have the honor of going up against a WWE LEGEND. Jimmy Rave will be defending his WORLD-1 Television Championship against Ricky Reyes. The Backseat Boyz will be on hand as well taking on Los Maximos in a non-title bout. If you cannot attend the event and would like to contribute to the cause of this event, please send contributions to: Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 c/o Benefit Show 596 Rhawn Avenue Philadelphia, PA [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="2"]Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]GARFIELD BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB BENEFIT SHOW[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Live Event in Garfield, New Jersey[/SIZE][/B] Thursday, Week 2, November 2006 [/CENTER] [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] This is our first benefit show and I would like to welcome everyone to GARFIELD, NEW JERSEY! [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] This is going to be an off the wall live event, we have a big WWE LEGEND on hand for tonight taking on Steve Corino in a singles bout. We also have another former WWE star taking on Xavier in a singles bout! Let's get to the ring for our first match of the evening! [U]Match 1[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 North American Championship [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Sumie Sakai(c) vs Cindy Rogers[/B] Great opening bout that saw Cindy Rogers take Sumie to the limit in this match. Cindy almost had the match won with her double fallout chokeslam but Sumie overcame that with a Fishermanbuster. [B]Winner: Sumie Sakai defeated Cindy Rogers in 8:40 by pinfall with a Fishermanbuster. Sumie Sakai makes defence number 2 of her WORLD-1 North American title. Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 2[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Greg Spitz and Mark Mest vs The Patriot and Joey Image[/B] The Patriot is seemingly back to his patriototic ways as he teamed with Joey Image. Image wasn't too happy about teaming with The Patriot and made that known when he walked away from a tag attempt. The Patriot ended up finishing the match on his own and won when he hit Greg Spitz with an Uncle Slam. [B]Winners: The Patriot and Joey Image defeated Greg Spitz and Mark Mest in 6:43 when The Patriot defeated Greg Spitz by pinfall with an Uncle Slam. Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 3[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]The Amazing Red vs B-Boy[/B] Very good junior heavyweight action in this match that saw Red win the match with a Red Star Press on B-Boy. [B]Winner: The Amazing Red defeated B-Boy in 12:49 by pinfall with a Red Star Press. Rating: C+[/B] [U]Match 4[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]"Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Ricky Landell[/B] "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels issued an open challenge to anyone in the locker room and out come the young lion, Ricky Landell. Landell, who is ****y as ever thought he was going to beat Daniels by hitting him with the falling cross-arm neckbreaker. Daniels got up and nailed the young Landell with an Angel's Wings and got the three count. After the match, Daniels challenged Xavier to a match. [B]Winner: Christopher Daniels defeated Ricky Landell in 6:43 by pinfall with an Angel's Wings. Rating: B[/B] [I]Backseat Boyz cut a promo hyping their upcoming non-title match with Los Maximos.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 5[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]The Backseat Boyz vs Los Maximos[/B] Very good match that saw The Backseat Boyz rivarly with The Long Island Blondes heat up when they were attacked by Myers and Matthews. Jose Maximo took advantage of the attack and hit Johnny Kashmere with a reverse fallaway slam off the top rope. [B]Winners: Los Maximos defeated Backseat Boyz in 13:59 when Jose Maximo defeated Johnny Kashmere by pinfall with a Maximo Explosion. During the match we also saw Brett Matthews run in and attack Kashmere, and Brian Myers do the same to Acid. Rating: B[/B] [I]Long Island Blondes attack Backseat Boyz in the ring, and leave them down and out.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [U]Match 6[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Josh Daniels vs Austin Aries[/B] Josh Daniels came to the ring wearing a pair of boxing gloves and new trunks similar to those of boxing trunks. Josh used a lot of punches and jabs, attempting to knock Aries out. Aries struggled to pin Daniels, who kept bridging out of Aries' pin attempts. During the match, "Hurricane" John Walters came to the ring and pushed Daniels backwards into a roll-up by Aries. [B]Winner: Austin Aries defeated Josh Daniels in 12:37 by pinfall following interference from John Walters. Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match, Josh Daniels gets to his feet and stands toe to toe with John Walters. No blows are exchanged but the tension between the two competitors is thickening.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 7[/U] - Six-Man Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Jay Lethal, Chris Hamrick, and Chris Hero vs Homicide, CW Anderson, and Simon Diamond[/B] Six man tag team match that saw Homicide's feud with Jay Lethal continue. Homicide ended up forking Jay Lethal in the forehead so bad that Lethal had to be taken to the back due to extreme blood loss. The match continued with Homicide not tagging in either of his partners and pinned Chris Hamrick after using the fork on him. CW Anderson and Simon Diamond brawled with Chris Hero after the match. [B]Winners: Homicide, CW Anderson and Simon Diamond defeated Jay Lethal, Chris Hamrick and Chris Hero in 18:52 when Homicide defeated Chris Hamrick by pinfall after the use of his fork. Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 8[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 Television Championship [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Jimmy Rave(c) vs Ricky Reyes[/B] Ricky Reyes gets one more shot at the WORLD-1 Television Championship and he succeeded. Reyes won the match with a Brainbuster Suplex on Jimmy Rave. Rave didn't seem to care that he lost the title. He said later in a post-match interview that he has bigger fish to fry. [B]Winner: Ricky Reyes defeated Jimmy Rave in 12:40 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. Ricky Reyes wins the WORLD-1 Television title. Rating: B[/B] [I]Michael Hayes is standing in the back awaiting the opponent for Xavier and in walks Bob "Hardcore" Holly. Holly says he will have no problem taking Xavier apart in their match.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Match 9[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Xavier vs Bob Holly[/B] Decent match, Holly is over as a heel. Xavier is getting better with every match he has. The end came when Christopher Daniels came down to ringside and hit Xavier with a clothesline. Holly didn't appreciate that and pushed the Fallen Angel away. As Holly did that, Xavier came up from behind him and drilled him with the X-Breaker for the win. As Daniels retreated up the entrance, he and Xavier had an intense stare down. [B]Winner: Xavier defeated Bob Holly in 10:57 by pinfall with a X-Breaker. During the match we also had Christopher Daniels run in and attack Xavier. Rating: B-[/B] [U]Match 10[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]CM Punk vs Masato Tanaka with Ted DiBiase[/B] Masato Tanaka has enlisted the help of Ted DiBiase. Very good match that almost saw Punk take the win by hitting Tanaka with a leaping DDT. DiBiase distracted the referee and Punk which caused Tanaka to hit Punk with a Roaring Elbow to the back of the head for the win. [B]Winner: Masato Tanaka defeated CM Punk in 14:23 by pinfall with a Roaring Elbow. Rating: B+[/B] [I]Steve Corino cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with a WWE LEGEND.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [U]Match 11[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Steve Corino vs ???[/B] The WWE LEGEND turned out to be Shawn Michaels, who was recently released from his contract. This was match of the night and Corino was able to check off a match against Shawn Michaels on his list of things to do before he retires. Michaels won with the Sweet Chin Music. After the bout, the two competitors shake hands and embrace. [B]Winner: Shawn Michaels defeated Steve Corino in 20:31 by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music. Rating: A[/B] [I]Shawn Michaels is celebrating his victory in the ring and about to get a microphone to speak to his fans. Before he get it, Jimmy Rave runs in and attacks. He throws Corino out of the ring and goes after Michaels, beating him viciously with strikes to the head and face. Rave gets a chair and smashes Michaels in the head with it knocking him out cold. Rave holds the chair above his head as the show ends.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [B]Other Statistics:[/B] Final Rating: B- Attendence: 5000 Next Card: HYBRID TV, WEEK 2, NOVEMBER 2006!
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[SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV PREVIEW[/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 2, November 2006 [B] Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 travels out West to California for HYBRID TV! On this show, you will see a HUGE tag team main event when Shawn Michaels teams up with Steve Corino for the first time to take on Jimmy Rave and Masato Tanaka! UPW's own Ricky Reyes will be on hand defending his WORLD-1 Television Championship against The Amazing Red! There will also be a big six-man tag team match as well as a rematch from the Garfield Boys and Girls Club Benefit Show! Also appearing: Taz, Chris Hero, Xavier, The Extreme Horsemen, The Technicans, Homicide and his Strong Style Thugs, Ricky Landell, Frankie Kazarian, Chris Hamrick, and MORE! [/B]
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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="2"]Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Shown on Bravo at Midnight every Saturday![/SIZE][/B] Friday, Week 2, November 2006 [/CENTER] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]"Sterling" James Keenan vs Mark Mest[/B] Very basic singles match that saw Mark Mest dominate SJK. Mest nailed him with a big splash and got the pinfall. [B]Winner: Mark Mest defeated Sterling James Keenan in 6:42 by pinfall with a Big Splash. Rating: C[/B] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 North American Championship [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Sumie Sakai(c) vs Alere Little Feather[/B] Very good women's contest that was highlighted by Sumie hitting a cross body block from the top rope to the outside. Alere hit the Shinne**** Stunner and almost got the three count but Sumie kicked out. She hit Alere with the Fishermanbuster for the win. [B]Winner: Sumie Sakai defeated Alere Little Feather in 8:31 by pinfall with a Fishermanbuster. Sumie Sakai makes defence number 3 of her WORLD-1 North American title. Rating: C-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] This is the first time that WORLD-1 has gone this far west in the United States as we come to you from the Galaxy Concert Theater in Santa Ana, California! [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] Owwww, CALI!! LET'S GET IT ON, BABY! I can't wait for tonight, we have a HUGE main event, let's get to the first match! [I]Taz cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Chris Hamrick.[/I] [B]Rating: B/B] [U]Match 1[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Taz vs Chris Hamrick[/B] Taz choked Chris Hamrick out in less than 10 minutes, basically dominating the match. [B]Winner: Taz defeated Chris Hamrick in 8:14 by submission with a Tazmission. Rating: B-B] [I]Arn Anderson is walking backstage when he see's The Technicans argueing about somthing. Anderson walks over to them and reminds them they have a match tonight against Los Maximos[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 2[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Los Maximos vs The Technicans[/B] The Technicans' tension was about to break in half here. Josh Daniels was very lazy and did not attempt to help his partner at all. Josh actually walked away from the ring and down the aisle for a period of time. Walters was brawling with both Maximos and referee Matt Bennett couldn't keep order so he stopped the match and called it a draw. [B]Winners: Los Maximos drew with The Technicans in 5:37 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. Rating: C+[/B] [I]After the match, Josh Daniels got back into the ring to face John Walters. He delivers a Dragon Suplex and leaves him laying. He challenges John Walters to a match, and in order to get it he says that he'll have to put his career on the line in the match.[/I] [B]Rating: B-[/B] [U]Match 3[/U] - Six-Man Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]The Backseat Boyz and Claudio Castagnoli vs The Long Island Blondes and Frankie Kazarian[/B] Brian Myers and Brett Matthews didn't seem to happy about teaming with Frankie Kazarian due to him not being a blonde. Frankie didn't seem care and didn't tag either of his partners in during the whole match. Johnny Kashmere ended up hitting Frankie with a Cradle Breaker. Myers and Matthews were not happy about the loss and made it known as they attacked Frankie after the match. Claudio Castagnoli made the save for his former rival. [B]Winners: Johnny Kashmere, Trent Acid and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Brett Matthews, Brian Myers and Frankie Kazarian in 11:11 when Johnny Kashmere defeated Frankie Kazarian by pinfall with a Cradle Breaker. Rating: C+[/B] [I]We find Brett Matthews and Brian Myers argueing about Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid. Frankie Kazarian walks into their locker room to confront them and challenges them to a match next week with Claudio Castagnoli as his partner.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [U]Match 4[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]B-Boy vs Jay Lethal[/B] Very good match in which Jay Lethal continued his rivarly with the Strong Styles Thugs. Homicide interfered in this match causing the loss for Lethal. [B]Winner: B-Boy defeated Jay Lethal in 10:49 by pinfall following interference from Homicide. Rating: C+[/B] [I]Homicide and B-Boy attack Lethal after the bout. But before the beating is to bad CM Punk runs down the ring causing Homicide and B-Boy to scurry away.[/I] [B]Rating: C[/B] [U]Match 5[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 Television Championship [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Ricky Reyes(c) vs The Amazing Red[/B] Decent match that was highlighted by The Amazing Red almost winning the WORLD-1 Television title from newly crowned champion, Ricky Reyes. Reyes hit the Brainbuster Suplex after Red missed a missile dropkick. After the match, Reyes shook Red's hand. Homicide and B-Boy came out to the ring and displayed their disapproval for Reyes' recent show of sportmanship in this match and in other matches. Reyes walked away from both Homicide and B-Boy. [B]Winner: Ricky Reyes defeated The Amazing Red in 6:32 by pinfall with a Brainbuster Suplex. Ricky Reyes makes defence number 1 of his WORLD-1 Television title. Rating: C+[/B] [U]Match 6[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Xavier vs Bob Holly[/B] This was a rematch from the Benefit Show from the week eariler. Xavier won the match in a little under 2 minutes with an X-Breaker. During the match, Christopher Daniels tried to distract Xavier but he had none of it. [B]Winner: Xavier defeated Bob Holly in 1:43 by pinfall with a X-Breaker. During the match we also had Christopher Daniels run in and try to attack Xavier. Rating: B-[/B] [I]Christopher Daniels is standing in the ring when Xavier stands toe to toe with him. Xavier attempted to attack Daniels but, Daniels took off to the back.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Shawn Michaels came out to the ring and stated that he was only supposed to have one match in WORLD-1 but Jimmy Rave took it upon himself to attack him. He said Rave has been trying to make a name for himself using other wrestlers. Michaels said nobody can steal his legacy and nobody will, especially Jimmy Rave. [U]Match 7[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Steve Corino and Shawn Michaels vs Jimmy Rave and Masato Tanaka[/B] Very good tag team match that saw Shawn Michaels and Steve Corino team up for the first time ever. Corino was working over Tanaka the whole match while Rave desparately tried to get away from Michaels. Rave took off as Tanaka tried to tag him in and as Tanaka turned around he was caught with the Sweet Chin Music. Rave laughed as he made his way to the back, thinking he had outsmarted Michaels. [B]Winners: Steve Corino and Shawn Michaels defeated Jimmy Rave and Masato Tanaka in 12:42 when Shawn Michaels defeated Masato Tanaka by pinfall with a Sweet Chin Music. Rating: A[/B] [B]Other Statistics:[/B] Final Rating: B Attendence: 2000 Next Card: HYBRID TV, WEEK 3, NOVEMBER 2006!
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[SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV PREVIEW[/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 3, September 2006 [B] In a recent turn of events from the prior week, Masato Tanaka has relayed to his manager, Ted DiBiase that he is not happy about Jimmy Rave's recent antics. DiBiase is also the manager of Jimmy Rave and doesn't seem very happy about it either. Tanaka has challenged Rave to a match at HYBRID TV but it is unknown whether or not Rave has accepted that challenge. In a tag team match to determine the number one contenders to the WORLD-1 Tag Team Championships(the PWF part has been dropped), The Long Island Blondes go up against Claudio Castagnoli and Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian had an issue with Myers and Matthews last week and wants revenge. Taz is also action against the returning WORLD-1 Heavyweight Champion, Chris Hero. Hero has been on a tour of New Japan Pro Wrestling defending the WORLD-1 Heavyweight Championship against the likes of Scott Norton, Yuji Nagata, and Shinsuke Z Yamagasa(also known as Jet-o). Hero said he is ready to take on Taz in this non-title bout. Xavier is also in action! Also appearing: The Extreme Horsemen, Homicide, CM Punk, Shawn Michaels, Steve Corino, Austin Aries, Ricky Reyes, B-Boy, and MORE! [/B]
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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="2"]Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Shown on Bravo at Midnight every Saturday![/SIZE][/B] Friday, Week 3, November 2006 [/CENTER] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Billy Maverick vs "Sterling" James Keenan[/B] Decent match that saw Billy Maverick get into the ring for the first time just to keep himself in ring shape. SJK beat him with the MK Ultra. [B]Winner: Sterling James Keenan defeated Billy Maverick in 9:10 by pinfall with a MK Ultra. Rating: C-[/B] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Intergender Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]The Patriot and Sumie Sakai vs Greg Spitz and Cindy Rogers[/B] Very good intergender tag team match that saw Greg Spitz ended up getting pinned by Sumie Sakai. The Patriot's mask was ripped off by Cindy Rogers only to reveal another mask underneath. [B]Winner: The Patriot and Sumie Sakai defeated Greg Spitz and Cindy Rogers in 6:31 when Sumie Sakai defeated Greg Spitz by pinfall with a Fishermanbuster. Rating: C[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] We are coming to you from the Wexford County Civic Center in Cadallic, Michigan and we have one hell of a show for you fans in the Great Lakes! [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] That's right, B-Real... we have Taz taking on Chris Hero as well as Tanaka taking on someone! We're not sure if Jimmy Rave accepted Tanaka's challenge or not but we will find out! [I]Kazarian and Claudio Castagnoli cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Long Island Blondes.[/I] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [U]Match 1[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall, #1 Contenders to WORLD-1 Tag Team Championships [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Frankie Kazarian and Claudio Castagnoli vs The Long Island Blondes[/B] Your basic tag team match that ended in a draw when The Backseat Boyz interfered attacking both teams. Arn Anderson came out after the match and booked a three way tag team match at NEW YORK VENDETTA. [B]Winners: Frankie Kazarian and Claudio Castagnoli drew with Long Island Blondes in 9:32 following a double disqualification. The match also had a lot of interference: Johnny Kashmere targeted Kazarian and Myers and Trent Acid attacked Castagnoli and Matthews. Rating: C+[/B] [U]Match 2[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Taz vs Chris Hero[/B] Great match that ended when Chris Hero hit the Hero's Welcome targeting Taz's bad neck. Hero got the win. [B]Winner: Chris Hero defeated Taz in 8:37 by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome. Rating: B+[/B] [I]The match is over. Chris Hero walks over and offers his hand as a sign of respect to Taz for putting up a great fight, but Taz refuses the handshake and walks off.[/I] [B]Rating: B+[/B] [U]Match 3[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Xavier vs Rocky Romero[/B] Rocky Romero is making his debut here in WORLD-1 against Xavier! It was a great match that saw Xavier almost hit the X-Breaker only to be reversed by Romero. Romero hit the La Bamba and won the match. Romero's tag team partner Ricky Reyes came to the ring to congratulate him. Romero and Reyes embrace after the match and leave together. [B]Winner: Rocky Romero defeated Xavier in 11:02 by pinfall with a La Bamba. Rating: B-[/B] [I]Xavier does an interview in which he challenges Christopher Daniels. Daniels comes out and accepts, setting up a singles bout between the two.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [I]Jay Lethal is backstage, psyching up CM Punk for his upcoming match.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 4[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]CM Punk vs Homicide[/B] Jay Lethal is doing color commentary at ringside during the match. Homicide kept pointing at Lethal everytime he downed CM Punk with offense. B-Boy came down to the ring to even up the odds on Homicide's end. Lethal got up from the table and pumped Punk up from ringside acting as his second. Lethal and B-Boy ended up getting into a scuffle until Ricky Reyes and Rocky Romero came to ringside and attacked Lethal. They carried him backstage leaving Punk alone at ringside with Homicide and B-Boy. B-Boy tried to attack Punk but Punk moved and Homicide got hit by accident. Punk nailed the Pepsi Plunge for the win. B-Boy got back into the ring and Homicide recovered from the loss and they drilled Punk's head into the mat with a double piledriver. They both scurry backstage. [B]Winner: CM Punk defeated Homicide in 15:01 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge. During the match we also had B-Boy run in and try to attack Punk but accidently hit Homicide. Rating: B-[/B] [I]The camera shows Jay Lethal being thrown into the trunk of a car by Ricky Reyes as Homicide and B-Boy come rushing in. All the while Homicide is yelling at B-Boy for his mistake. Reyes, Romero, Homicide, and B-Boy all get into the car and it speeds off.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] I wonder where they are taking Jay Lethal! This doesn't look too good, does it, Mav? [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] You're right, Bryan, it doesn't. I hope someone called the cops, the Strong Style Thugs have just abducted Jay Lethal! I am getting word that we are scheduled for an interview in the ring but we aren't told who it... [I]Jimmy Rave's music plays and he appears from behind the curtain. He says that he refuses the challenge laid down by Masato Tanaka and will not having anything to do with either Tanaka or DiBiase. Arn Anderson comes to the ring to confront Rave. He tells him that whether he likes it or not, he will be taking on Tanaka tonight. Not only that but Steve Corino will be the Special Guest Timekeeper! Rave is steaming now and is about to leave until Arn stops him. He tells Jimmy Rave that the referee will be Shawn Michaels. Rave goes crazy and throws a tantrum on the stage as Arn leaves him.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 5[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Austin Aries and John Walters vs CW Anderson and Simon Diamond0[/B] Austin Aries needed a partner against the team of CW Anderson and Simon Diamond and asked John Walters who accepted. The match was going well until Josh Daniels came to ringside to confront his former tag team partner. Daniels snapped Walter's head across the ropes causing him to fall backwards into a Problem Solver. Walters and Daniels brawled after the match. [B]Winners: CW Anderson and Simon Diamond defeated Austin Aries and John Walters in 9:37 when Simon Diamond defeated John Walters by pinfall with a Simon Series. During the match we also had Josh Daniels run in and attack Walters. Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 6[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Special Guest Referee: Shawn Michaels Special Guest Timekeeper: Steve Corino[/I] [B]Jimmy Rave vs Masato Tanaka[/B] The odds were against both competitors in this match. Tanaka didn't seem too happy that Corino was the timekeeper. Rave told Michaels to call it down the middle otherwise he would have a problem. The match was going fine until Michaels didn't want to count for Rave's pinfall and Rave became upset. He got up and clocked him with a super kick to the jaw. Rave continued to beat on Michaels as Tanaka went to the outside. He picked up a chair but Corino stopped him from using it. Tanaka allowed Corino to take the chair and ended up hitting him with a roaring elbow while he had the chair in the hand causing the chair to smash back into Corino's face. Tanaka got back into the ring with the chair and Rave nailed him with a DDT on it. Rave pinned Tanaka but there was no referee so Rave used Michaels' hand to count to three. Rave has outsmarted both Michaels and Tanaka. [B]Winner: Jimmy Rave defeated Masato Tanaka in 12:52 by pinfall by using underhanded tatics. Rating: B[/B] [B]Other Statistics:[/B] Final Rating: B Attendence: 2000 Next Card: HYBRID TV, WEEK 4, NOVEMBER 2006!
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[SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV PREVIEW[/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 4, September 2006 [B] One day away from WORLD-1's pay-per-view event, NEW YORK VENDETTA and we have a dream match coming up as the main event on HYBRID TV! We have Homicide taking on Shawn Michaels in the MAIN EVENT! This is sure to be a blockbuster match and is definitely PPV calibur! Let's see if the Notorious 187, Homicide can take the Heartbreak Kid out! WORLD-1 Co-Owners Billy Stanford and Steve Corino will be present to make a huge announcement! Jay Lethal teams up with Xavier to take on the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and B-Boy! The Backseat Boyz will be in singles action with Johnny Kashmere taking on The Amazing Red and Trent Acid against UXW Hardcore Champion, King Kaluha! Also appearing: CW Anderson, Simon Diamond, Ricky Reyes, Rocky Romero, Josh Daniels, John Walters, Austin Aries, and MORE! [/B]
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[CENTER] [B] [SIZE="2"]Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 Presents[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]HYBRID TV[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Shown on Bravo at Midnight every Saturday![/SIZE][/B] Friday, Week 4, November 2006 [/CENTER] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]The Patriot vs Greg Spitz[/B] Decent match that saw The Patriot hit various clotheslines on Spitz. Patriot hit an Uncle Slam for the win. Spitz attacked The Patriot after the match and took his mask off but Patriot hid his face as he walked to the backstage area. [B]Winner: The Patriot defeated Greg Spitz in 6:05 by pinfall with an Uncle Slam. Rating: C+[/B] [U]Dark Match[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall, WORLD-1 North American Championship [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Sumie Sakai(c) vs Alere Little Feather[/B] Very good women's match that saw Allison Danger attack Sumie causing a disqualification. Alere and Allison brawled after the match. [B]Winner: Sumie Sakai defeated Alere Little Feather in 9:35 when Alere Little Feather was disqualified when Allison Danger ran in and attacked Sumie Sakai. Sumie Sakai makes defence number 4 of her WORLD-1 North American title. Rating: C-[/B] [B][SIZE="3"]SHOW[/SIZE][/B] [B]Bryan Reigel:[/B] We're in Woodbridge, Connecticuit at the Connecticuit Sports Center here for HYBRID TV! We have a hell of a main event for you tonight and I have to say, Mav, it's one of my dream matches! [B]Billy Maverick:[/B] Mine too, Bryan! Homicide vs Shawn Michaels is going to blow any other match on this card out of the water! [U]Match 1[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Havana Pitbulls vs Los Maximos[/B] A very good tag team match between two very good tag teams. Los Maximos are definitely in line for a tag title shot! Romero pinned Jose Maximo after a La Bamba. [B]Winners: Havana Pitbulls defeated Los Maximos in 9:38 when Rocky Romero defeated Jose Maximo by pinfall with a La Bamba. Rating: B-[/B] [I]WORLD-1 Co-Owners Billy Stanford and Steve Corino come to the ring to make a big announcement. They talk about how Pro-Wrestling WORLD-1 is a hit on all markets in the United States. Their national TV deal with Bravo and a PPV deal with UrbanExtra has brought them to new heights. Starting in December, WORLD-1 HYBRID TV will be airing on G+ Sports in JAPAN at 11pm on Saturday nights![/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 2[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Trent Acid vs The Amazing Red[/B] Originally it was supposed to be Trent Acid taking on King Kaluha with Johnny Kashmere taking on Red. Kashmere was unable to make his flight and Kaluha was pulled off the card. Trent and Red had a pretty good match Trent coming out on top. [B]Winner: Trent Acid defeated The Amazing Red in 7:33 by pinfall with a Yakuza Kick. Rating: C+[/B] [I]Brian Myers and Brett Matthews come out and attack Trent Acid prompting Frankie Kazarian and Claudio Castagnoli to come out and join the fray. All of a sudden, Johnny Kashmere jumps the guardrail and clears the ring, saving Trent from a beating.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [U]Match 3[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Josh Daniels vs Austin Aries[/B] Good match that was requested by Aries after Josh interfered and caused him and John Walters to lose their tag team match last week. Aries won after Walters came in and dropped Daniels with a DDT. [B]Winner: Austin Aries defeated Josh Daniels in 12:45 by pinfall with a 450 Splash. During the match we also had John Walters run in and attack Daniels. Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match, John Walters showed a vicious streak and continued to beat on Josh Daniels. Walters dropped Daniels with a Hurricane DDT and left him laying.[/I] [B]Rating: C-[/B] [I]Jay Lethal and Xavier cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Chris Daniels and B-Boy.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [U]Match 4[/U] - Tag Team Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Matt Bennett[/I] [B]Jay Lethal and Xavier vs "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels and B-Boy[/B] The match was alright. B-Boy and Daniels didn't work very well together. Xavier pinned his rival, Daniels after an X-Breaker. During the match, Homicide, Ricky Reyes, and Rocky Romero come to the ring to watch Jay Lethal. [B]Winners: Jay Lethal and Xavier defeated Christopher Daniels and B-Boy in 11:52 when Xavier defeated Christopher Daniels by pinfall with a X-Breaker. Rating: B[/B] [I]Shawn Michaels cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Homicide.[/I] [B]Rating: A[/B] [U]Match 5[/U] - Singles Match, One Fall [I]Referee: Mike Kehner[/I] [B]Shawn Michaels vs Homicide[/B] This was match of the night. Much to everyone's surprise, Homicide beat Michaels with a Cop Killa. [B]Winner: Homicide defeated Shawn Michaels in 19:55 by pinfall with a Cop Killa. Rating: B+[/B] [I]Shawn Michaels and Jimmy Rave are in the ring, and are squaring off, unhappy about something. The argument soon turns physical, and they are joined by Homicide, Jay Lethal, Steve Corino and Masato Tanaka for a wild brawl, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other.[/I] [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Other Statistics:[/B] Final Rating: B Attendence: 1000 Next Card: NEW YORK VENDETTA!
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