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9000-Verse: The Cyber Wrestling Initiative

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In the year 2008 in an alternate reality, an actual virtual world exists, and has existed since 1980. This world contains virtual cities, with virtual homes, shops and entertainment (Booker Note- Imagine, like, Second Life mixed with all of Sci Fi's wildest dreams). Pro wrestling was shockingly one of the first entertainment mediums to reach the Virtual World, with eBookers programming their own original characters into the world and running shows in their selected iCities. Soon enough, actual wrestlers started to license themselves to be included in these eFeds, and soon enough media companies started licensing out their IP's to these bookers. Now, in 2008, eWrestling is even more popular than wrestling IRL!


On April 20th 2008, Doctor Little- the mysterious owner of the iCity Neon City and one of the Virtual World's most feared and respected personalities to remain anonymous- announced he was going to be investing money to open up his own eFed called the Cyber Wrestling Initiative. Over the next few months, Doctor Little's avatar began to pop up in iArenas and forums across the Virtual World and Internet forums to search for a booker, being more “public” than the Virtual World had ever seen him be before! In October, Doctor Little would surprise the world by selecting a small time BTB forum booker named Pope Brandon Brownson (User Name: NeonCityStreetGuru) to be the head booker of the Cyber Wrestling Initiative, and he announced that his first day of work would be the first Monday of December 2008!


From here, we take it to the personal work diary of the Neon City Street Guru himself...


Sunday, Week 4, November 2008: Alright, so my mom suggested that maybe I keep a journal of my time working for the Cyber Wrestling Initiative. Says worst comes to worst, I can probably make some money selling my story or something like that, whatever. I don't know how I feel about selling my story or anything, but I like the idea of writing shit down. Who knows, maybe this'll be a wealth of memories for my hit auto-biography in 30 years?


Anyway, I should probably be sleeping right now, but I cannot stay asleep for the life of me. Out of all the people in the world that Doctor Little, the owner of Neon ****ing City, could have picked, how in the hell did he even stumble across me? I mean, sure, I've posted a few BTB's around and even got some good reviews for them, but something this ****ing big? I can't believe it! I honestly can't!


I have no idea what to expect tomorrow. I've been given an email account and I've had a profile created for a program Doctor Little called TEW 2013. Apparently, TEW is a program used by most eBookers to manage their companies. It keeps track of the other companies, all the currently available workers in the database, all that shit. Pretty neat, but I digress. I have to be online in 7 hours, and I can't say I think I'm going to crash out any soon. Might as well pop The Dark Knight in the DVD player and make myself comfortable...


Monday, Week 1, December 2008: I'm writing this on what I can consider to be my lunch break. I logged on to the email account I was given, and there was an email from Doctor Little waiting for me (I'll include the email shortly), as well as a manilla folder on my desk that definitely wasn't here when I went to bed. Most of today's work has been trying to follow the orders I've been given by the Doctor. I'm very thrown off by the manilla folder, but I'm trying as hard as I can not to let that bother me. Nothing that exciting to start with, so I'll just include the email, as well as a few photographs from the contents of the folder.


Mister Brownson,


First of all, good morning! I feel elated to be working on this eFed at long last! As I'm sure you are aware of, I've been working on the Cyber Wrestling Initiative for several years now, fine tuning everything to give it the best possible chance imaginable; the eWrestling scene is very competitive right now, and I knew that everything would have to be in tip top shape if I was going to thrive.


It's been a month and a half since we last spoke, and I'm sure you are wondering why I chose you, of all people, to be the head booker of CWI. To put it candidly, I think that you're an interesting investment; you have potential, kid. I've read your bookings, when the workers have no say because they don't actually exist, and I think that it's pretty decent stuff. Not stellar, but decent. You're like a diamond in the rough, sitting comfortably in the mountain side. I hope to be the miner, who has taken you from the mountain and will hopefully help craft and mold you into something truly beautiful and special. I believe that we can do some wonderful things together, and I believe that you could be a fine booker, Virtual or Real World, one day.


That said, I'm not giving you absolute creative control. I will be hands off with this project as much as possible, but I do have an idea of how I want things run. Whenever I give you a task, I expect you to fulfill that task. Occasionally, these tasks might seem like they have nothing to do with the booking of the CWI, but I can assure you that every task I give you has a purpose. To start off with, I give you three tasks with three deadlines.


Task number one: Inside of the manilla folder you have found on your desk is a hand-written list of 491 names- in alphabetical order- of workers you will find in the database. I have noted which workers are in signed contracts and color coordinated them all by what roles they could possibly fill in the company. This is a list of whom I will allow you to hire. Should you wish to hire somebody who is not on that list, you must email me the workers information, as well as why you think they would make a good addition to the company. (Pope Note: I'll be including photographs of the list at the end of the email). Your first task is to select 30 names from this list and hire them to make your initial roster. I should also inform you that, on top of the 30 names you hire, I will be hiring four additional names that I expect you to use. I will inform you of who those four people are once you've started hiring individuals. Once you have signed your 30 names, I expect a list including each of the workers, their information, why you chose to hire them and what you plan to do with them. I expect at least a hand full of offers to be sent out before the end of the day, and I expect the full roster of 34 to be signed by our first show. Speakings of...


Task number two: For right now, I expect us to be running at least one show a month, and December is no exception. I expect for you to have a show booked for December before the end of the week (December, Week 1, 2008).


Task number three: Do you remember how I said a little while ago that some of my tasks might be strange? This is one of those. Before the week is over, I would like for you to write me an essay. In this essay, I would like for you to write out a one to three paragraph description on the 16 United States eFederations that rank in size from Local to Regional. I don't need anything huge, just a bit on what the company is all about, who their champions are, what the title scene is, the important stuff. Should be relatively easy with the database.


However, this isn't all that this final task entails. I expect you to write four essays (five in total) and I expect them to all be sent to me by the end of December. These four essays will be similar to the first- profiling various wrestling promotions in a certain region- but will be on 1: The 6 United States eFederations to be ranked Cult to International, as well as the one Global sized company that exists currently, 2: All 7 eFederations in Canada, as well as all 3 eFederations in Mexico, 3: The combined 10 eFederations in the British Isles, Europe and Australia and, finally, 4: The 13 eFederations in Japan. While I expect the United States Local to Regional essay first, you may do the other four in whatever order you wish.


Again, I would like to state that I am very excited to, at last, be running the CWI, and I'm very excited to be doing it by your side. I trust that you will not let me down!



Doctor Little

Owner of Neon City


(Pope Note: Alright, here's the short list.)









Alright, so that's my first entry into this little project. I discovered the 9000-verse maybe a week ago, and I immediately knew I wanted to do a diary for this game. That said, I also wanted to take the time to make sure this diary would be at least kind of interesting (hence the back story and formatting), so most of the week spent since I discovered the 9000-verse has been working on possible plot points, writing out the roster short list, all that stuff.


One of the major inspirations behind this diary (as well as the reason I found out about 9000-verse) is EpicCorey's Epic Battle Dome series, and I'd like to borrow an idea from that; I commend EpicCorey for is his use of predictions and rewarding the fans that get the predictions right, so I'd like to borrow that concept a little bit, if anyone at all is interested.


So, I included a link to the short list pictures earlier, and I'd like to play a little game here. As previously noted, there are almost 500 names on my short list, and I'm sending contracts to 30 of them. My little game is that I want for you guys to try guessing who I've hired!


Rules: You are allowed to pick a maximum of 40 names. Other than that, it's all a matter of guess work, now isn't it?


At the end of your list, I would also like for you to pick Rock, Paper or Scissors, in the event of a tie.


Rewards: The first place winner will get to create a list of 10 names that I did not hire off the list. I will hire two of those names, plus I'll let you pick which of the four remaining region essays I do after the US Local to Regional essay.


The second place winner will get to create a list of 10 names that I did not hire off the list. I will hire two of those names.


I'll be posting my next update once a few people have had an opportunity to get their picks in (assuming that anyone gives enough of a shit to play along)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tuesday, Week 1, December 2008: Woke up this morning to find that one of the talents I'm trying to hire got an offer from a Scottish Hardcore company called ATV. The company is pretty small, but they have quite a bit of momentum going. It might behoove me to keep an eye on them.


Spent most of today finishing up that essay for Doctor Little. As I was going to send it, I got another email from him.


Good afternoon, Mister Brownson,


I just wanted to inform you that I took the liberty of setting a date for our first event. CWI: Initiation will be happening Tuesday, Week 3 of this month (That's exactly two weeks and two days for today). I hope that everything is in order by then.



Doctor Little

Owner of Neon City


Just over two weeks should be enough time for me to take care of everything that I need to. Challenge accepted, sir!


Wednesday, Week 1, December 2008: Came into the office and there was a new email from Doctor Little.


Good morning, Mister Brownson,


Good job on the essay. I hope you get the others to me as quickly as possible.


I wished to inform you that I've taken the liberty of preparing two titles for you. I saw that the old MDC2 Kryptonian title was for sale, so I picked that up and re-skinned it as the CWI Virtual World Grand Championship. I had originally considered purchasing a new belt and working it from scratch, but the prestige was at an A and I would have been a fool to pass that up.


I also went ahead and crafted new tag team titles for us. I've decided to call them the CWI Dynamic Duo Championships. Yes, a few other companies has “Dynamic Duo” titles, but I still quite enjoy the name.


Both of these titles are floating, so you can use them anywhere in the card you need them, though I suggest keeping at least one of them in a main event status.



Doctor Little

Owner of Neon City


PS, I see that you are about to close the deal on nine of the thirty names you picked. I suppose now would be a good time to inform you of a new task: Once you have all of these names signed, I want for you to write out an essay about these names, what position their in, what you plan to do with them, things of that nature. I trust you can handle it.


I signed the nine names, no issues. I'm hoping over the next few days, I hear from the other twenty one.


Friday, Week 1, December 2008: Checked the dirt sheets first thing when I got in the office and I see that a lot of companies inked new deals with iPPV carriers. This may be something we want to look at in the distant future (Maybe in the next 6-9 months). This also reminds me that I should probably be proactive and try to find us a iStream (Television) deal soon.


I only have nine more names out of my original list that need to be signed. I'm hoping that they contact me soon- I'd like to have this essay done by tomorrow so I can enjoy my Sunday.


Nothing from Doctor Little in a couple of days. With how frequently he's contacted me, this is actually a little off putting.


Saturday, Week 1, December 2008: All but two names have been signed. Hopefully I'll hear from the other two tonight. I'll be starting my essay asap!



Slower update, but essential. Thus far nobody has tried to take a crack at any of the names, so I guess I'll wait a little longer. Rules for the prediction are in my previous post. If nobody responds, I'll just go ahead with my roster essay in the next update.


In closing, here's the local to regional essay that I did. Hopefully these paint a bit of a picture as to what the world is like.


  • Name: Abnormal DNA
  • Founded: May 2006
  • Status: Active, Full-Time
  • Owner: Psimon
  • Booker: Psimon
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 34th
  • Location: Mid Atlantic (USA)
  • Style: Over the Top Heroics
  • Prestige: E+
  • Momentum: B-
  • Alliance: The American Powers Super League
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A

Summary: Founded by Psimon after giving up the reigns of MHSX. People expected this to be another life-or-death, hero-vs-villains promotion that took itself too seriously, but were surprised to find a modern promotion that had a lot of goofy characters throughout it. Even stranger is that ADNA includes serious wrestlers among their roster, and are shoved into the silliness that ensues. In some ways, that's probably a huge part of ADNA's appeal.


Talent: Their top five stars are Mr. Incredible, Batzarro, Syndrome, Elastigirl and Dr. Bong, with Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl making up the only team worth writing about.


Titles: Currently, all three of ADNA's titles are vacant. Their main title is called the ADNA Ultimate Title, their midcard is the ADNA Penultimate Title and their tag titles are the ADNA Cosmic Duplicity Title. It seems strange to me that these championships are vacant, with no lineage at that, since the company has been around for a cup of coffee.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: ADNA is a fantastic concept with some questionable execution. They have a lot of momentum going forward, they just need some damn feuds going forward, maybe utilize their championships. If ADNA capitalizes on the traction they've been getting, I can see them becoming a threat in a few years. Perhaps if we extended an olive branch now, it could help our asses out later?


  • Name: American Super League
  • Founded: February 1999
  • Status: Active, Full-Time
  • Owner: Megaton
  • Booker: Megaton
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 35th
  • Location: North West (USA)
  • Style: Traditional Mainstream
  • Prestige: E+
  • Momentum: C+
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A

Summary: ASL is an old-school promotion where the bad guys are pure evil and the heroes are easily identifiable by the number of stars they have on their flags. Founded by North-Western veteran hero-turned-villain Megaton, ASL held its first show in 2000 and has been slowly yet surely growing since then.


Talent: ASL's top talent include Megaton, Legend, Deth-Rattle, American Star and Red Kremlin, with a solid tag team in Astro Omega (Powered Omega and Speed Omega, respectively).


Titles: N/A


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: I can see the appeal in something like this, but certain things about this promotion confuses me, specifically that they have no championships. With how old school everything about this promotion feels, you think they'd have a solid title to contend over. Unless we expand to the Mid West any time soon, I feel like we have nothing to work about with ASL.


  • Name: Babes of New Sin City
  • Founded: February 2006
  • Status: Active, Full-Time
  • Owner: Honey Gofaster
  • Booker: Marilyn Starfruit
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 48th
  • Location: South West (USA)
  • Style: Las Vegas Glitz
  • Prestige: F-
  • Momentum: F+
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: Created by stripper-turned-entrepreneur Honey Gofaster, BNSC mixes elements of fighting, stripping, comedy, musicals, student theater and improv to form a crazy and colorful product that's near impossible to categorize. Never short in controversy or talking points; in fact, Gofaster has turned that into a marketing tool, and she's used the companies notoriety to grab peoples attention and bring in new fans.


Talent: Their top stars include Dharma Gregg, Charleen Angelle, Kathy Jupiter, Jen Jupiter and Alexia Capone. Their only note-worthy tag team is The Jupiters (Jen and Kathy Jupiter).


Titles: Their world title is called the BNSC Queen of the Ring title, and it's held by Charleen Angelle (She's held the belt since September. This is her second reign; she was also the first champion). Their tag titles are called the BNSC Girl Power Tag Team Titles, and are held by... for ****s sake... held by Bad to the Boner (Alexia Capone and Vampella. Held since October 2008. The previously mentioned Jupiters are two-time champions.) The BNSC 24/7 Vegas Jubblies (the ****?) title remains vacant.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: Right off the bat, this company certainly will not be a threat any time soon. That said... I kind of appreciate what they're doing. It's some out there shit, but I don't mind out there shit at all. Sure, on the surface all of their gimmicks might just looks like strippers in different stripper outfits (For ****s sake, they have a wrestler named Officer Hardbody who comes out in a sexy cop outfit), but it's clear that these girls actually have a lot of personality, and the product is actually pretty entertaining. Eye-rolling fan service some times, sure, but there is sustenance underneath the fan service.


  • Name: Dog Pound Arizona
  • Founded: February 2005
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: Phil Parent
  • Booker: Yuu Onuki
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 49th
  • Location: South West (USA)
  • Style: Traditional Cult
  • Prestige: F
  • Momentum: A*
  • Alliance: Grey Dog Syndicate
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: Kicking the cage door open with a small but defiant crash, DPA put it's (admittedly small amount of) money where it's mouth was when it introduced its hybrid blend of traditional, cult and hardcore wrestling to the local Phoenix crowds in 2005. While initially snubbed by those who were accustomed to much more polished and mainstream wrestling, it has slowly been gaining traction among those with an itch for high risk matches. Rumor has it that in 2010 they were able to afford an actual smoke machine- they'd been catching old tires on fire backstage before then!


Talent: Their top stars are GIGAS, J. Casey, Jaysin de Soza, YB Dynamo and MJD Goldeneye. Their only team is Dynamo and Goldeneye, and they're only ranked an E+ team.


Titles: Out of their five titles, three are vacant. The vacant titles include the Dog Pound Championship (Their main title), the Arizona Tag Titles (obviously their tag titles) and the Dog Pound AZ South by SouthWest Cup (From what I can understand, they intend to introduce a new annual tournament, Arizona South by SouthWest Cup. I'm hearing rumors that their February 2009 show will be the inagural tournament, though I could be wrong. Dirt sheets, and all). Currently active, they have the Rising Phoenix Championship (a floating Light Heavyweight title held by YB Dynamo) and the Dog Pound AZ Hardcore Title (which is held by Eidenhoek)


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: While DPA doesn't pose a threat, I'm still interested by them. Its clear that with them, it's definitely not the size of the fight in the dog! I'll be keeping my eye on DPA.


  • Name: Extreme Warfare Revenge
  • Founded: February 1995
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: MJ Stark
  • Booker: Astyn
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 50th
  • Location: North West (USA)
  • Style: North West Extreme
  • Prestige: F-
  • Momentum: E+
  • Alliance: Grey Dog Syndicate
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: EWR was founded by Adam Ryland, a British programmer who wanted to try his hand at making an eFed with the profits from his software sales. The promotion opened its doors in 1995, when “Extreme” was still an edgy adjective, and while it managed to hang on for nearly a decade, it eventually folded in 2003. For several years the EWR name remained dead, until previous EWR booker MJ Stark took a risk by buying the rights and resurrecting it in 2007. Although in real life they are in an alliance with Ryland's new TEW promotion, on-screen the two promotions are often considered to be feuding.


Talent: Their top stars are “Messiah” MJ Stark, Father Levitical Law, The Masked Orange, Ockbald and Merv Arrows. They have no tag teams.


Titles: All of their titles appear to be vacant. The EWR Professional Title is their main belt, the EWR Semi-Pro title is their midcard strap, and they have the EWR Tag Titles.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: EWR has a few interesting looking characters, but as a whole they're nothing to write home about right now. Then again, they did JUST open their doors back up. I'll have to pop in and check on them again in a few months.


  • Name: **** Your Wrestling Federation
  • Founded: March 2003
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: “Portland” John Geraldine
  • Booker: Ray Diaz
  • Size: Local
  • Ranking: 53rd
  • Location: Mid Atlantic (USA)
  • Style: Cult Hardcore
  • Prestige: F-
  • Momentum: F
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: From Oil City, Pennsylvania, FYWF is a truly an abortion of a wrestling promotion that made itself a prime spot of attraction to those who don't have the eCredits to leave what has often been considered “The Virtual World's Worst City.” Somehow, they've been around since 2003, disregarding any criticism thrown toward them or their town. Instead, they relish the notion of being a place for outsiders, constantly calling out promotions that are more successful than themselves while pushing their blend of controversy, steel chairs and the occasional nip slip.


Talent: Top stars include BHK, Danny Hipster, “Portland” John Geraldine, Breaker Vegan and Henri. They have no tag teams.


Titles: Their only title, the FYWF Championship, is vacant.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: I will first state that there might be a few talents here that are worth picking up. Beyond that, FYWF is an absolute joke at best, and an embarrassment to not just eWrestling, but Professional Wrestling as a whole! I can't wait for these guys to try and talk shit about us- I'll wipe these ****s off the face of the earth!


  • Name: Filler and QUALITY Warfare
  • Founded: June 2005
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: Danzou Shimura
  • Booker: Danzou Shimura
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 16th
  • Location: New England (USA)
  • Style: Traditional Shinobi Style
  • Prestige: E-
  • Momentum: F-
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: FnQ was established shortly after their parent promotion, Ultimate Ninja Storm, began their “Filler Hell” era; UNS had such an excess of shit at that point that they decided to found a developmental territory in order to dump their worst storylines, so they could maintain a better batting average of ideas for the main show. FnQ is build upon the foundation of people looking kind of cool, and that's about it.


Talent: The top talent here includes Shibi Aburame, Suigetsu Hozuki, Yugito Nii, Kotetsu Hagane and Juugo of the Scales. Their tag team division isn't actually that bad, with their two top teams being The Demon Brothers (Gouzu and Meizu, who are rated a B) and the duo of Izumo Kamizuki and Kotetsu Hagane, who together are rated as a B.


Titles: This really shouldn't shock me given the track record of the companies I've reviewed so far, but all three of their titles are vacant. I really don't get how so many of the promotions I've looked over have so many vacant titles... but I digress. Their main title is the FNQ Champion of Moderate Talent title, the mid card belt is called the This Is A Championship? Title, and the tag team belts are called the FnQ Filler Professional Tag Titles.


Story Lines: N/A. Again, this shouldn't shock me... but here I am.


Personal: FnQ is a good example of a major promotion trimming the fat off the company, and it appears that there are a few stars here, but I don't really understand much of anything about this promotion beyond that. I gotta put my cards on the table, I don't know that much about anime. Sure, I grew up watching shit like Dragonball Z and Pokemon, but beyond that I'm totally in the dark. Perhaps I should bone up a little bit on the scene, since there are so many Anime-based workers in the database? I also find it strange that, while FnQ is a developmental territory for UNS, UNS does not own FnQ.


  • Name: Meta-Human Society X
  • Founded: June 2000
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: General Demetrius Lazer
  • Booker: Dr. Lorn
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 23rd
  • Location: South East (USA)
  • Style: Modern Daredevil
  • Prestige: E+
  • Momentum: B+
  • Alliance: The American Powers Super League
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: Originally founded by Psimon in 2000, MHSX quickly became a place to see fast paced, over the top action from mostly unknown superhero and supervillain stars in the making. The roster has typically been comprised of mutants and other naturally powered “super-humans”, although there have been a number of surprise wrestlers that haven't fit the bill in the history of MHSX. In 2003, MHSX helped found the American Powers Super League alliance, becoming one of the first up-and-coming promotions with the superpower-focused organization.


Talent: Top talents include Owlman, Moonstar, Bastion, Eclipso and Blindside. They also have stars like Beast Boy, Jubilee and Pyro! Their only notable team is Team Madrox (Ultimate Madrox and Madrox Duplicate VII)


Titles: The MHSX Element-X title, their main (and only) singles title, is held by Bastion, while the MHSX Meta-Team (tag team) champions are Team Madrox.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: Before I discuss my opinions on MHSX, I can't help but notice that very few promotions have title lineages in the database, which I find curious. Anyway, MHSX shows a lot of potential as a breeding ground for new talents, but it could also be a potential competitor down the road. They are part of an alliance that, while currently nothing huge, could really become a juggernaut if they play their cards right. I might want to kiss their asses a little bit.


I would write everything down about Mysterious Fight Club, but right now they exist solely as something that could happen. They have no owner, no booker, no talent and only $10,000 in the bank. I don't feel like I have anything to worry about with this company any time soon.


  • Name: nChan Wrestling
  • Founded: October 2003
  • Status: Active, full time
  • Owner: Moot
  • Booker: WT Snacks
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 18th
  • Location: South East (USA)
  • Style: Lulz
  • Prestige: E+
  • Momentum: B-
  • Alliance: n/a
  • PPV: n/a
  • TV Show: n/a


Summary: Founded by Moot in 2003, based upon the idea of pushing anonymous workers, nChan quickly turned from a potential wrestling promotion to the home of hateful humor, cats and an assortmant of degenerates, most of whom have some kind of social anxiety disorder. Its fans are truly the cesspool of the industry: Too many pedophiles to be based in America, but too many weeaboos to work in Japan. The only reason that nCw is database-recognized is to keep all the Channers concentrated in one area; the day nChan closes down, the Virtual World will likely be overrun with butthurt on a National scale.


Talent: nChan's top stars include Raptor Jesus, True Anonymous 1, True Anonymous 2, Longcat and Anonymous /V/irgin. Their top teams are the Anonymous Fags (Anonymous Moralfag and Anonymous Newfag, rated as a C+) and The Legion (True Anonymous 1 and 2, rated a C-). Literally everyone on the roster is a ****ing meme.


Titles: Two singles titles here, no tag. Their main belt is the nCw ULTIMATE WINRAR title, which is held by True Anonymous 1. Their secondary title is the nCw PROTIP: Fight Until You Win title, which is held by Spengbab (A truly sickening attempt at making Spongebob... I truly have no idea how they ****ed up so bad, or why anyone allowed this abomination in the main database)


Story Lines: n/a


Personal: I am equal parts disgusted and intrigued with nChan. On one hand, its fanbase is made up of the most disgusting, vile pieces of shit in the Virtual World. On the other hand, though, this is a bastion of creativity and there is some good talent here. I'm going to hope that nChan doesn't evolve too much; not so much for the safety of the CWI, but for the safety of all eWrestling, if not the Virtual World.


  • Name: Status: Universal Pro-Extra Reckoning
  • Founded: May 1998
  • Status: Active, full time
  • Owner: Spaku Tz'Gari
  • Booker: Maxwell Lord
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 25th
  • Location: South West (USA. As a side note, I think it's best if we don't invade the South West any time soon. There is a lot, and I mean a LOT of competition there.)
  • Style: Serious Super Battles
  • Prestige: D+
  • Momentum: A*
  • Alliance: The American Powers Super League
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: n/a


Summary: It is unknown who originally founded SUPER, as somehow the records have been erased. What is known is that Spaku Tz-Gari took the reigns in 2000, and in eight years he grew it from an unknown blip with a iShack for a home base into a regional level promotion that regularly takes part in battles across the west coast of the USA. As it's acronym implies, SUPER follows the fights of super powered heroes and villains, and packages it up in a manner that is largely straight forward, hard hitting and devoid of silly gimmicks (for the most part).


Talent: SUPER's top stars include Hate-Monger I, Etrigan, Hawk I, Dove II and Nuke. They also have stars like Captain Boomerang, Egghead I, Hulkling, Vision and Wiccan. The have no teams above a D- rating.


Titles: I'm honestly kind of surprised to see that all three of the company's titles have people holding them! Their main title is the Champion of Reality, which is held by Etrigan. The SUPER Primetime title is a midcard belt held by Patriot. The tag team, or SUPER Ultimate Duo titles, are held by Hawk I and Dove II.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: SUPER leaves me a little worried because of the huge amount of momentum they have going forward. They also have some talents who, with some polishing, could be big draws in a couple of years. I'm not sure whether to befriend them or chop their legs out from underneath them.


  • Name: Steelport Wrestling
  • Founded: January 2000
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: Burt Reynolds
  • Booker: Philippe Loren
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 28th
  • Location: Mid Atlantic (USA)
  • Style: Normal
  • Prestige: D-
  • Momentum: B-
  • Alliance: n/a
  • PPV: n/a
  • TV Show: n/a


Summary: The official wrestling promotion of the heaviest industrial iCity, STEEL is well known among Steelport's million-plus residents for its ability to deliver unrestrained, completely shameless entertainment. If nut shots, human cannons and skydiving fights aren't your thing, then Steelport Wrestling isn't for you! STEEL was originally founded by criminals as a way to launder money but instead of hiding this fact, STEEL has glorified its criminal roots with various “gangs” vying for territory by way of wrestling matches and various angles. If that's not enough, they do so in the most bombastic, often ridiculous manner possible.


Talent: STEEL's top talents include Tommy Vercetti, Johnny Gat, Killbane, The Boss and Viola DeWynter, though I could go on and on about the talents here! Their best team is the C-Rated Morning Star Lieutenants, made up of Viola and Kiki DeWynter.


Titles: STEEL's lone title, the STEEL Ultimate Badass Championship, currently remains vacant.


Story Lines: n/a


Personal: Okay, I'm a huge fan of GTA and Saint's Row, so I've actually caught a few STEEL shows and I have to admit, I love it! I will not deny that these guys could be a huge threat to us one day, but I will also admit that they could be a powerful ally in the future. One way or the other, I hope to utilize some of their talent in the near future because that would equal money!


  • Name: The Initiative
  • Founded: April 2007
  • Status: Active, Full Time
  • Owner: Gauntlet
  • Booker: Henry Peter Gyrich
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 41st
  • Location: New England (USA)
  • Style: Stan Lee Style
  • Prestige: E+
  • Momentum: D+
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: The Initiative is the developmental system for The Marvel/DC Coalition (MDC2). Nothing further to note.


Talent: Top stars include Mystique, Rogue, Typhoid Mary, Taskmaster and Thor Girl. No tag teams worth noting.


Titles: Their sole title, the INIT Star Operative Title, is vacant.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: I don't really have anything to say about INIT. They have a few talents that I would like to have, sure, but other than that, they're a developmental company. They aren't gonna hurt us but they aren't going anywhere. I find it strange that MDC2 don't technically OWN INIT, but whatever.


  • Name: Total Entertainment Wrestling
  • Founded: September 2004
  • Status: Active, full time
  • Owner: Adam J Ryland
  • Booker: Adam J Ryland
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 38th
  • Location: South West (USA)
  • Style: Vintage Mainstream Mashup
  • Prestige: F+
  • Momentum: F
  • Alliance: Grey Dog Syndicate
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: TEW was founded back in 2004 by independent software developer Adam J Ryland, not long after the first closure of EWR. The promotion was mostly filled with family fans of his, many of whom had a previous background in the industry. Although he's changed a lot, nepotism has still always been high on the TEW personal mandate, with Adam hiring several family members within his first year of ownership. To this day they have their own stable and receive favorable booking. TEW is home to the alliance-based GDS Heavyweight Title.


Talent: Top stars include Forlan McLeod, Aaron Ryland, Madame Ryland, Eric Baker and Azrael Ryland. There are no tag teams.


Titles: Out of their five titles, only one has a champion (That would be the TEW Superstar title, their main event belt, which is held by Forlan McLeod.). The vacant titles are the E-Penis Increasing Cup (A tournament held every June.... what the ****?), the GDS Forum Leader Title (A midcard belt), the GDS Multiplayer Tag Titles and the TEW Beta Access Title (a lower card belt).


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: They exist, but they certainly aren't a threat.


  • Name: United States of Anarchy
  • Founded: September 2002
  • Status: Active, Full-Time
  • Owner: Carl Mondo
  • Booker: Dr. Mindbender
  • Size: Regional
  • Ranking: 36th
  • Location: North West (USA)
  • Style: Superhero Cult
  • Prestige: F+
  • Momentum: D-
  • Alliance: The American Powers Super League
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: Located in iSeattle (Yes, that's a thing, I guess), United States of Anarchy is a cult promotion that was founded by “Slippery” Carl Mondo. They are home to the Flaming Eagle Cup and present a darker option to the offerings of most superhero promotions.


Talent: Top talent includes Nemesis, Uncle Sam, The Ray II, Deathlok III and Phantom Lady III. No noteworthy teams.


Titles: Three of their four titles have champions, surprisingly. Their world title is the USA Patron Saint of Anarchy title, held by Bomb Queen. The USA All-State Assailant title is a floating (but lower-to-mid card) title held by Human Bomb II. The tag titles are the USA Doublet of Danger titles, held by A Dangerous Game (Double Down and Dr. Trap)


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: USA's status in the alliance could prove to be a thorn in my side later, but I'm not sure it'll get to that point. Their momentum and prestige are low enough to where I don't suspect that'll be an issue at all.


  • Name: ZEN: Art of Wrestling
  • Founded: October 2006
  • Status: Active, Full-Time
  • Owner: Halloween Knight
  • Booker: Cyanide of the C-Verse
  • Size: Small
  • Ranking: 44th
  • Location: Hawaii (USA)
  • Style: Lucha Fun, ZEN-Style!
  • Prestige: F+
  • Momentum: E+
  • Alliance: N/A
  • PPV: N/A
  • TV Show: N/A


Summary: iKahuna-Island's oddball eFed, ZEN: Art of Wrestling was created by local programmer Halloween Knight in 2006 in order to give a place for a new wave of eWrestlers coming through the area. A cult classic in the making, ZEN mixes the cutting edge athletic and technical aspects of lucha libre with a healthy dose of off-the-wall humor and zany characters. The emphasis is primarily on producing fun shows that everyone can enjoy, and they do it well, but the quality of wrestling they produce shouldn't be overlooked. ZEN prides itself on the fact that they are the first ever “full equality” promotion, where gender is no barrier. However, they have yet to actually book any women on their shows. It's the thought that counts, right?


Talent: Top talents include Halloween Knight, Lone Shark, Apocalypse of F.E.A.R., Necromancer and Devilfish. They have a decently sized tag division, but their highest rated team (X-War, consisting of X-Calibre and Man O' War) is only a D-.


Titles: ZEN has three titles. The ZEN Conceptual Title (a lower-midcard title) and ZEN Harmony Title (A floating title currently used as a midcard belt) are held by Shaolin, while the Zen Master Title (their main belt) is held by Halloween Knight.


Story Lines: N/A


Personal: These guys aren't a threat by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm still enamored by them. They're a lot of fun, and I dig it! Kind of like what Chikara is doing. I'll be peeking in on them from time to time, and I hope they do well.


Alright, so that's it. Lengthy, yeah, but this is the longest essay I had to do. Again, get your roster predictions in!

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