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TEW07 Converter Help

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I know this is a bit late given that we're now in 2016! But I am trying to use the converter in order to convert TEW05 data to 07. I follow the instructions in the readme and it seems to work, but no matter what I do, the output folder remains empty. I've attached some screenshots showing that things seem to be working, but I can't figure out what the problem is. I am only using the trial version of TEW07, so could that be part of the problem?


Can anyone help?


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I can't read any of those screen shots as they're too small, but if the converter is saying it's successfully worked and the data isn't visible then it would almost certainly be that you're not running one of the two games in administrator mode. That would make the output hidden to a game that is in the opposite mode. You need to be in admin mode every time.


NB: There is no warning messages or prompts to do this because both games were released years before Windows introduced the need.

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