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Protecting Guys With High Marketability?

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I protect guys with at least a 90 marketability into easy fights, is this approach good? Does marketability really matter? Should I make it difficult for guys with low marketability in terms of opponent quality? New to the game and wondering what the answers to these questions are :D.


And finally, I like to build guys up by putting them in fights with people they can easily beat, like how boxing works in real life. Do workers gain popularity by beating guys they are obviously better than or do they have to beat guys who are close to their skill level in order to gain popularity?

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<p>these are good questions, and i don't have the answers, but i think asking them is the difference between playing the game willy nilly and actually plotting out a path of success. At some point the fighters you have coddled along will have to face the big dogs, but I try and think it's a good strategy to build up your best/charismatic/marketable fighters as much as possible.</p><p> </p><p>

Much better someone like a Tyrone Malik take his first loss in a huge main event, than getting pummeled by a 25-17 mid-regional vet in a throw away match. just my view anyway</p>

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As scorpion says: there's no definite answer, but if you want to play it competitively and rise to the top asap, you might want to protect them as they get over more quickly. But it's indeed risky. If they get smacked by some nobody, they will take a huge bump in the rankings. Ideally, you want to give them a bunch of easy matches that should be good/great because of an early finish to build them up. They reap more benefits from this sort of PRIDE-style booking. But to sell your events, you need a marketable matchup. If they get upset before then, it's all for nothing, so don't keep feeding them guys.
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