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[Hype] Back From The Dead - Organic Database

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December 31st, 1999. The countdown to the new milenia ends and with it humanity itself, after the feared "Y2K" Bug came true.

20 Years later, and the survivors start to get settled in with the new reality, and one of the ways they tried to not go insane was entertainment.

One of the greatest wrestlers ever, The Undertaker, survived too, and he decided to bring wrestling Back From The Dead.



This is my first attempt at creating a database, so be gentle on that backstory.


Database starts with 1 Promotion and at least one worker.




If there's anything else I should write here tell me, as I said, first Database

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  • 3 weeks later...

As someone who made a very similar database, I'd be all for allowing you to use that as a bade. I mean, it's freeware anyway but you probably don't know about it. :p


http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=533655 < Herer itis btw. This should give a basic idea of what's needed to make a minimal database.


Word of warning though, don't expect any promotion to get past Regional. The game isn't built for organic play at all, and if there's no TV it's going to stagnate hard.

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