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Am really considering purchasing BBCF, as have a ton of time the next month or so. I am very cautious of the game because I can not get the memories or FOF-THE COLLEGE YEARS out of my mind. The painstaking process of moving sliders for every player and then going through grades. Having to see who had a girlfriend and who did not......... I enjoyed the game for awhile and then put it away. For those of you who have played both games how do they compare. How are all those task handled in BBCF as compared to TCY. I stumbled upon this site again and have been contemplating it for awhile. Any input would be great.
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I would try the demo if I were you. Personally, I love BBCF. Recruiting isn't near as time consuming as it is in TCY. It's all done in the "offseason" which I like as it allows you to concentrate on games in one phase and recruiting in another. There are some people who don't like the fact that recruiting isn't year round (like real life) but I really think it works better this way from a text sim aspect. Again, I would try the demo and if you have any questions, there are usually people around these boards who are willing to help.
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