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TCW - Head to Head w/SWF

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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]Friday Night Wrestling Preview Hallowicked 2 (GAME DAYS)Days Away[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Live from Maryland... Texas Pete vs Newly Aquired Grim Reaper Blitz Heidenreich vs Hell Monkey Adam Matravers vs Troy Tornado American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. vs Fox Mask Also the debut of the man who made these matches. He has not been shown on screen yet and is a fairly recent aquisition. A big press conference is scheduled at the beginning of the show to unveil this mystery man. So tune in and watch![/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] Predictions for this card are welcomed. Also who do you think is going to make his TCW Debut in the press conference? What information will he leak to the public? Hopefully the results will be up Thursday between classes. Hallowicked will either be posted then or this weekend.[/I]
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Friday Night Wrestling Preview Hallowicked 2 (GAME DAYS)Days Away Live from Maryland... [B]Texas Pete [/B]vs Newly Aquired Grim Reaper Blitz Heidenreich vs [B]Hell Monkey[/B] [B]Adam Matravers [/B]vs Troy Tornado [B]American Elemental[/B] vs Axxis Jr. vs Fox Mask Also the debut of the man who made these matches. He has not been shown on screen yet and is a fairly recent aquisition. A big press conference is scheduled at the beginning of the show to unveil this mystery man. So tune in and watch!
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]Friday Night Wrestling[/SIZE] Live from Maryland[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/B] [B]Press Conference[/B] Cameras flash from all over the place. TP steps to the podium with Tommy Cornell. They smile and commence the press conference. TP: “Thank you for being here. Today the deal with this man we are about to announce was finalized. We had a verbal deal a few months back but today the written contract got hashed out and we finished things up. I am proud to announce the newest member to the TCW… Peter Michaels. Before he comes out here though, Tommy Cornell has something to say.” TC: “TCW has been tactically taking people away from the competition. We here want to establish a top quality product and win in the ratings and in the quality of our product. Tonight Peter Michaels has helped us book the card that we have lined up for tonight. Now all questions may be directed to the man himself.” Peter Michaels walks out onto the stage. He smiles and waves for the cameras. Tommy Cornell and TP hand him a TCW shirt to show his allegiance. PM: “Hi, I am glad to be here. I have been in the wrestling business for years and some would say that I am one of the best wrestling commentators in the industry. I believe in giving people an opportunity to showcase their talent and TCW allows that especially as of late. I really feel I can help this company improve in many ways. I can offer input on booking. I can do commentary. I can even manage if they want me to. Either way I will make the product better.” Reporter: “Peter what really brought you over from the competition?” PM: “Opportunity! I just wanted an opportunity to show what I can really do in the business. Plus the money helped.” *snicker* Reporter: “What matches did you help book tonight and why?” PM: “All of them. Grim Reaper I think matches up well against the merciless Texas Pete. Blitz is trying to make a name for him self, and Hell Monkey is trying to get noticed in the mainstream. Troy Tornado is under used and Adam Matravers is a superstar in the making. As for the 3 way, I just felt that TCW needed to showcase something for the PPV. Thank you but that concludes my press conference now hurry up and get ready for the show.” 44.1% [B]Grim Reaper Self Promotion[/B] Naess: “Grim Reaper you are here because of your ties to TP. Do you feel like you can hang with the TCW roster?” GR: “I am a man of action. If they have a soul I am gonna take it. If they got a neck I am gonna break it. If they don’t have fear I am gonna make it!” 66.1% [B]Texas Pete vs Grim Reaper[/B] Texas Pete started in control but Grim Reaper quickly changed the pace. He started to dominate and never turned back. Grim Reaper powered through Texas Pete and had every advantage possible. Grim Reaper connected with a deadly ddt off the top turnbuckle laying Texas Pete out. Grim Reaper made the pin and won the match. 40.1% 59.6% 51.6% [B]Blitz Self Promotion[/B] Naess: “Blitz you are new to the TCW do you feel intimidated by the atmosphere of the locker room?” BH: “Blitz don’t care about y’all tryin to bug me. I am here to hurt em good ya know what I mean? Why are you lookin at me like dat? I will hit whoever comes in my way with da BLITZ! Hahahahaha” 77.1% [B]Blitz Heidenreich vs Hell Monkey[/B] Hell Monkey is by far the more superior wrestler but Blitz was impervious to every single assault on him. It appears as though Blitz has superhuman tough skin. This match almost seemed unfair as nothing hurt Blitz. Monkey got mad and Blitz capitalized when Monkey turned to run into the ropes. He was attempting a clothesline when Heidenreich hit the Blitz(spear) leveling Hell Monkey. He made the pin and won the match. 32.1% 53.0% 31.3% [B]Greatness is Here[/B] Tommy Cornell steps out of his locker room after changing into more comfortable clothes. He hangs up his cell phone and sees Mitch Naess approaching. 70.6% [B]Tommy Cornell Self Promotion[/B] Naess: “Tommy may I have a word with you? Why did you hire another former SWF employee?” TC: “I do not want to discuss business. That is not what I do. I discuss wrestling and right now Sam Strong is my focus. Hallowicked is only a couple days away Strong. You know you better watch out. You are a witness to my greatness and you know it. You are trying to remember the glory days but realize that it won’t happen. Tommy Cornell is TCW and TCW is Tommy Cornell.” 64.5%(must be an off night) [B]Troy Tornado vs Adam Matravers[/B] Troy Tornado didn’t allow Adam to really showcase his talents which seemed to disappoint the fans as they booed at the end of the match. Troy Tornado hit the tornado ddt and made a quick cover to win the match. 33.7% 76.6% 42.0% [B]SWF Send a Message[/B] SWF strolled down to the ring with Sam Strong leading the charge. They listed off their matches for Hallowicked. Then they came to the Sam Strong Tommy Cornell match. Sam Strong took the microphone from Danny B Bling. “Tommy I do not have to relive the glory days. You don’t half of what I have even lived through. You haven’t faced the types of men I have defeated. No, you have beat men like Ricky Dale, Bryan Vessey, and a broken defeated giant on the downside of his career in Bruce the Giant. Sure Bruce just needs some proper guidance but that is not the point. My point is that you are not a great champion. Sure your statistics look great but look at the details. You haven’t beaten anybody! So with that said you better be ready to hand me your title on Sunday.” 90.7% [B]He Won’t Hear It[/B] The big screen shows Tommy Cornell walking through the back area. He picks up a chair and continues to walk pissed off. 70.6% [B]SWF Aren’t Ready for Cornell[/B] Tommy comes out of the curtains and storms to the ring. Sam Strong slides out of the ring with Texas Pete, Duane Fry, Danny B Bling, Eddie Chandler, and Supreme Shrimp. Elmo is still in the ring facing Cornell thinking the SWF is behind him. Tommy Cornell points behind him. Elmo turns around seeing nobody in the ring. Tommy taps Elmo on the head with the chair and Elmo drops and rolls out of the ring in fear. The crowd pop and laugh. They then begin to chant “SWF is scared.” Tommy waves with a smile on his face as SWF walk backwards up the ramp. 69.8% [B]Axxis Jr. vs American Elemental vs Fox Mask[/B] This match was decent. Fox Mask looked good but Axxis Jr. and American Elemental definitely looked a lot better. This match didn’t disappoint the pure fans. In the end Elmo ran in and was going to attack American Elemental with the cruiserweight title when he ducked. Elmo nearly took off Axxis Jr’s head. Elmo looked confused when Fox Mask dropkicked him out of the ring. As Fox Mask watched him American Elemental covered Axxis getting the win. Fox Mask turned around but it was too late. Fox Mask dropped to his knees holding his head seeming disappointed. 42.0% 77.7% 50.1% [B]Peter Michaels Wants to Talk[/B] Peter walks down to the ring with a microphone. PM: “Wow what a good show. Grim Reaper beat Texas Pete pretty easily didn’t he? Blitz beat Hell Monkey. Troy Tornado beat Adam Matravers, and American Elemental won the 3way pretty luckily I think. I gotta admit that is not what I expected tonight. Grim Reaper showed that he is ok and he beat Texas Pete who had an off night. American Elemental will probably lose his title on Sunday. Well I guess what I am saying is TCW sucks! You can’t make me forget where I come from.” Peter Michaels rips off his new TCW shirt that he was given in the press conference. Underneath it is a SWF shirt. As he does this the SWF comes down to the ring to welcome him home to the SWF faction. PM: “Oh and the great thing is that I am TCWs new lead announcer! So get ready for TCW TV to become Supreme TV! I start at Hallowicked.” Peter Michaels and the SWF stare at the camera and look out at the crowd as the show goes off the air. 58.6% [I]Show Overall, Attendance, and Viewers will be posted later...[/I] [B][I]OOC:[/B] I hope that Peter Michaels can improve my announce team. I am thinking about putting him and Duane Fry as a team on my Tuesday show that goes head to head with DaVE. Then leaving Rhodes and Azaria on Friday Night Wrestling but I dunno yet. Hope you are all ready for Hallowicked. It will be posted tomorrow.[/I]
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]TCW News[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] 51.4% show overall for Friday Night Wrestling in Maryland 566,578 viewers(not good for TCW) Attendance was 9,120(still solid crowds coming out to the shows) TCW Hallowicked only a day away![/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] The show will be up in a couple minutes. It ended up being great![/I]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TCW Hallowicked[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Live in New York[/SIZE] October 8, 2006[/COLOR][/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Preshow:[/B] [B]6 Way Cage Match: [/B]Johnny Bloodstone over Genghis Rahn, Adam Matravers, Ben Williams, Danny Rushmore, and Hells Bouncer - 30.5, 53.5 33.9 [B]5 v 5 Streetfight:[/B] Donnie J., Jimmy P., Eddie Howard, J.D. Morgan, Larry Vessey over Zeus Maxmillion, Sammy the Shark, Air Attack Weasel, Bruce the Giant, and BLZ Bubb - 41.0 52.6 46.9 [B]ICP Self Hype:[/B] They came out and talked about the Juggalos being behind them - 82.6 [B]5 v 5 TLC Match:[/B] Fox Mask, Troy Tornado, FDA, Grim Reaper, and Blitz Heidenreich over Silver Shark, Raine, JaKKeD, Jacob Jett, and Hell Monkey - 41.9 66.2 46.7 [B]4 Way Tag Match:[/B] Sniper Scout & Danny Patterson over Shane Cornell & Anthony Steele, ICP, and Champagne Lover & Warren Technique - 49.1 58.0 45.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]The Show:[/B] The show started with Peter Michaels, Kyle Rhodes, and Jason Azaria welcoming the viewers. Peter Michaels hyped up Sam Strong possibly winning the title and spelling doom for TCW. Rhodes and Azaria refuted that by saying TCW was stronger than one loss. [B]Hardcore Match for the Hardcore Title: Senor Ignition vs Steve Gumble[/B] Many fans believed this match was going to be terrible but it was one of the best matches of the night. Senor Ignition couldn't put Steve Gumble away who displayed the heart of a champion. Steve Gumble was not ready to give up his title just yet and it showed. Senor Ignition was distracted by a mysterious man in a cloak outside of the ring when Steve Gumble hit the Tiger Driver on a chair and that was it for Ignition lights out. Gumble made the pin and retained his title. The mysterious man dropped the cloak to the ground revealing that he was Whippy the Clown. He laughed hysterically. - [I]69.4 reaction 79.3 quality 74.6 overall[/I] [B]Roger Interviews American Elemental[/B] R: "American everyone knows that you haven't really been doing much as the champion. I mean you don't defend it on a regular basis. Are you afraid that you might lose tonight?" AE: "I am not afraid no but I am on high alert. I watched some videos of Axxis Jr's and he is a tremendous cruiserweight. He has the talent to be the holder of this title. I just do not know if he has the experience to hang with the superstars of the TCW. We will find out though. Oh and I have noticed that I haven't had a lot of matches. I want to be a fighting champion so Friday I will be in a match whether I retain this title or not." - [I]82.5 overall[/I] [B]Cruiserweight Title Match: Axxis Jr. vs American Elemental[/B] American Elemental and Axxis Jr. put on a match of the card performance. It was fast paced with lots of high spots. Axxis Jr. went for a top rope hurricanranna but failed allowing American Elemental to hit a perfect shooting star off the top rope. It wasn't enough though. Axxis Jr. was dazed until Elmo ran in and went to take both men out with a ladder. Axxis Jr. ducked and Elmo only took out American Elemental. Elmo rolled out of the ring before he was noticed by the ref and Axxis capitalized. He picked American Elemental up and took him to the corner. He hit the tornado ddt and made the cover for the win. Axxis Jr. celebrated with his new cruiserweight title over his shoulder. - [I]62.0 reaction 85.6 quality 72.1 overall[/I] [B]The Missile Lionheart Hype Match[/B] MN: "I am Mitch Naess and I am here with the Tag Team Champions of TCW. What are your thoughts on your opponents tonight?" DB: "Well they are the Tag Team Specialists. This is their cup of tea. They are the best at this sort of thing. We are still young but we feel this will be a good measuring stick of where we are. Tell them Simon." SM: "They don't call us the hottest tag team in wrestling today for no reason. We have beaten the Demons of Rage, and many other greats in todays tag team world. Tonight we go against some of the best technical workers in the US. They are probably the most technically gifted tag team in the world. They will be a great challenge for us but we can win. I believe it." - [I]78.8 overall[/I] [B]Tag Team Title Match: Tag Team Specialists vs The Missile Lionheart[/B] The Specialists came out ready to fight. They cheated and pushed the rules to the limits every chance they could. They isolated Blackheart and almost had him beat til he made the tag. Munoz disposed of the TTS momentum fairly quick. He had the upper hand when Robert Oxford got the Oxford Education on him. Munoz was hurt bad but didn't quit fighting. Joel Bryant got tagged in and had a big head with Blackley was tagged back in. He unleashed on the Tag Team Specialists and caught Joel Bryant with a gruesome russian neck breaker springboard off the 2nd rope. He covered Bryant and picked up the win to retain the tag team titles. - [I] 50.5 reaction 67.1 quality 57.7 overall[/I] [B]Roger Interviews Ricky Dale[/B] R: "I am here with the self proclaimed fastest rising superstar in wrestling today. Ricky you do realize if you win you are the #1 Contender for the TCW Title. Who would you rather face Sam Strong or Tommy Cornell if you win tonight?" RD: "It really doesn't matter who the champ is to me. Right now it doesn't matter who I face tonight. I will go out there and do what I do best and that is rough someone up and win. I am gonna bowl right through my opponent tonight. Roger by the way, don't you ever try and take anything away from me. I am the fastest rising star today! Buy into it now or forever hold your peace." - [I]90.6 overall[/I] [B]#1 Contender for the World Title Match: Ricky Dale vs Bryan Vessey[/B] Bryan Vessey showed his great skills and ring awareness throughout the match. Bryan Vessey was really on his game and Ricky Dale also had a great match for himself. Ricky Dale took his skills to a level never seen by him before. Bryan Vessey hit the hard knox on Dale but Dale used tremendous willpower to kick out of the pinning attempt. Dale caught Bryan Vessey with some brass knuckles and even used the tights to get the pin! - [I]75.6 reaction 83.0 quality 81.9 overall[/I] [B]International Title Match: Eddie Chandler vs Bryan Holmes[/B] Another great match of the night. Bryan Holmes was unstoppable! He and Chandler had a great technical match exchanging holdes and tosses left and right. In the end Holmes was gonna hit the corner neck breaker when Texas Pete and Supreme Shrimp ran in. They quickly got on Bryan Holmes and the ref called for the bell. Bryan Holmes won by DQ but that didn't stop SWF. Supreme Shrimp and Eddie Chandler held Holmes up allowing Texas Pete to hit a vicious boot to the face. They left with Holmes down bleeding. - [I]63.0 reaction 79.7 quality 72.1 overall[/I] [B]Mitch Naess Catches Jack Bruce for an Interview[/B] MN: "Jack wait a second. This feud with Rich has been crazy. Rich has used every dirty trick to get you in the palm of his hand does he have an advantage over your?" JB: "I am not in the palm of his hand are you nuts? Of course he doesn't have an advantage. He has pissed me off that is what he has done which will only make my moves more effective on him. I will hurt him and win tonight mark my words." - [I]100.0 overall[/I] [B]Jack Bruce vs Rich Money[/B] This match was great and very bloody. Both men were opened up early and battled their hearts out. Jack Bruce went to do the Rock City Drop but failed as Rich reversed it into a neck breaker. Rich applied the Money Clip and used the ropes for leverage. Jack Bruce tapped out giving Rich the win. - [I]80.3 reaction 76.3 quality 83.2 overall[/I] [B]Tommy Cornell Hypes Match[/B] R: "Tommy you are arguably the best wrestler in the world, but Sam is a legend are you worried that SWF may interfere?" TC: "I count on them to interfere. They will only make it easier when I know where they are. 20 minutes of us going toe to toe will be enough time for me to beat him more than he beats me." - [I]100.0 overall[/I] [B]SWF w/Mitch Naess[/B] MN: "Thank you Roger, Sam Tommy said he wants the SWF to get involved what do you have to say?" SS: "He is just trying to keep them away by saying he is prepared. He isn't and he is scared. I am the greatest wrestler of all time and tonight I will reclaim a world title belt. This is just the beginning of the takeover." - [I]83.2[/I] [B]World Title Hardcore Iron Man Match for 20 Minutes: Sam Strong vs Tommy Cornell[/B] Sam Strong scored the first pinfall when Texas Pete hit Cornell in the head with a chair shot, busting him open. Then Elmo ran in and tripped up Tommy allowing Strong to hit the Strong Clothesline and pick up another pinfall. Supreme Shrimp and Elmo knocked each other out with a double chair shot when Cornell ducked. Tommy used a chair to lay out Strong and got his first win making it 2-1 Strong. Tommy tied it up when Elmo accidentally hit Strong with a camera allowing Tommy to get the Guilt Trip on Sam and pick up another victory. The final victory came when Sam Strong missed his clothesline attempt 2 times in a row and Tommy Cornell looked like he was going to do a tornado ddt(Rock style) but applied the Guilt Trip getting the tap out. Time expired and Tommy celebrated with his title! Afterwards Tommy got attacked by all of SWF when Rick Law came in and made the save running them off. - [I]83.2 reaction 70.8 quality 80.2 overall[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall:[/B] 81.3 [B]Attendance:[/B] 24,090 [B]Buys:[/B] 318,455(0.72 buyrate) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]News and Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR] Violent J and Blitz got into a fight backstage at Hallowicked. Shortly after Kyle Rhodes got into a fight with Blitz. Raine got a bruised sternum when Blitz dropped him on a ladder carelessly in the match. Champagne Lover bruiser his ribs when J and Shaggy 2 Dope did a 3-d. They apolagized after the match. DaVEs Barry Kingman shattered his elbow and is out til March 7, 2007 when Chris Caulfield hit him with a chair. SWF has been caught by the IRS for fraud. They haven't been paying their taxes and owe a lot in back owed taxes. [B]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Card...[/B] American Elemental vs Elmo Jacob Jett vs Liberty Danny Patterson vs B.J.[/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from Connecticut[/B] [B]American Elemental Interviewed by Mitch Naess[/B] MN: “American Elemental you are no longer the cruiserweight champion thanks to your opponent tonight, Elmo. Do you want your title back or are you more worried about Elmo?” AE: “Are you serious? I want my title back of course. That doesn’t mean I am not upset at Elmo. In fact tonight I will set a precedent when I beat Elmo and work my way back to the top of the cruiserweight division again. I still have my rematch clause by the way.” – 86.0 overall [B]Ricky Dale Celebrates His Win[/B] Ricky Dale came out and got in the ring with a big smile on his face. The crowd chants you suck repeatedly. Ricky leans on the ropes. “You all saw what happened. I do not suck. No I do not suck at all. I have proven myself to be the #1 contender. You can’t be mad that I did everything I could to win the match. I didn’t do anything that any one of you low life losers out there wouldn’t do. In fact…” Bryan Vesseys music hits and he steps out on the stage. BV: “Ricky everyone saw how you screwed me last night! In fact Rip Chord and Easy Emma have told me that I could challenge you tonight. So what do you say?” RD: “Well, I say no. You lost and that is that. I get my shot whether you like it or not.” BV: “Well see we figured you would say that, and that is why Rip Chord told me that you will put your shot on the line against me tonight in a rematch of Hallowicked. See ya later Ricky.” – 65.2 overall [B]SWF & Elmo Hype The Elmo vs American Elemental Match[/B] SWF walk down to the ring with Elmo patting him on the back trying to get him fired up. Danny B Bling steps forward with the microphone. DBB: “Elmo is a great wrestler and one of the most recognized cruiserweights in the business today. American Elemental is great but he isn’t Elmo. Here in a few moments Elmo will win and prove that he should be in line for a title shot at Winter Wrestlefest.” Elmo is handed the mic. E: “American Elemental, don’t take things personally. I don’t know you and could care less to know you. I just saw a chance to prove my worthiness of a title shot. So I am going to use you as a stepping stone.” – 88.6 overall [B]American Elemental vs Elmo[/B] American Elemental gained a quick advantage but Danny B Bling tripped him up allowing Elmo to get some offense in. Elmo did a springboard head butt. He had American Elemental set up for the Elmos Adventure but Elemental slipped away and delivered a boot to the gut. He then hit the red white and blue thunder. Elmo was pinned for the 3 count. American Elemental won! – 61.3 reaction 70.1 quality 62.8 overall [B]Jacob Jett Interviewed by Roger[/B] R: “Jett we are both from Michigan. You are probably one of the best known superstars to come out of the glove these days. Can you represent it and eventually capture a title here in the TCW?” JJ: “Screw Michigan, Connecticut, Florida, and New York. I do not care where someone is from. Screw you Roger. I am the great flyer known as Jacob Jett. I face a TCW great in Liberty tonight. He is a proven wrestler who fans seem to cheer for. To me he is just a chump. Liberty I hope you are well rested since the TCW is trying to get rid of you. Out with the old and in with the new is their motto and you are going out buddy. See you in the ring Liberty.” – 93.9 overall [B]Liberty vs Jacob Jett[/B] Jacob Jett must have touched a nerve because Liberty wasn’t himself. He was trying to brawl saying “I am not old.” Every time he mounted some offense and had an advantage. Jacob Jett used his aggression against him. He was against the ropes and Liberty went for a running dropkick but Jett ducked. Liberty got hung up on the top rope. Jett went to the top rope and hit a flying kick knocking Liberty down onto the apron. Jett pulled him in and hit a brainbuster. He climbed up top and signaled for his finisher. TOP FLIGHT off the top rope. Jett made the cover and won the match. – 36.8 reaction 56.8 quality 37.4 overall [B]Painful Procedure Interviewed by Floyd Goldworthy[/B] “I am Floyd Goldworthy manager of Painful Procedure. I am here with the band! So people say that Painful Procedure is on its way out of the business. They also say that we will be looking at the unemployment line soon. So is that true boys?” Randall and the rest laugh. Then BJ steps through them without a smile on his face. BJ: “How can you guys laugh and have fun? I have a match tonight against Danny Patterson. We are all on losing streaks. The only one of us who has been doing alright is Jack Bruce. In fact I think he is the only one who has staying power here so we need to make ourselves noticed in a good way. You guys with me?” Randall, and Ronnie V. Pain laugh and walk off. Jack Bruce and Floyd pat him on the back and leave as well. BJ stands there upset like nobody has his back. – 80.1 overall [B]BJ vs Danny Patterson[/B] BJ was establishing dominance but kept looking to the back almost as if he was wishing that Painful Procedure would come down to ringside to cheer him on. He hit a belly to belly and then looked to the back again. Danny Patterson gained his breath and when BJ grabbed him by his head Patterson hit a low blow. The tide changed and Patterson dominated. He set BJ on the top turnbuckle and hit an assisted brainbuster, which folded BJ up. Patterson made the pin and retained his nickname “Heavy Metal” Danny Patterson. – 30.0 reaction 65.2 quality 39.2 overall [B]Supreme Shrimp Challenge[/B] Supreme Shrimp walked down to the ring holding an SWF flag. He set it in the corner and grabbed a microphone. “You are probably wondering why I am out here before our main event. Well that is simple to answer. I want a fight. So I am issuing an open challenge to anyone who wants to make a point in the back. Step up for the TCW and face me.” He waits a moment when some music hits. Out steps Fox Mask to a small pop by the crowd. A section of fans start to chant “fox, fox, fox, fox, fox.” He points at Shrimp after scanning over the crowd and just nods. He then makes his way to the ring for the match. – 46.8 overall [B]Supreme Shrimp vs Fox Mask[/B] Fox Mask was quick but Supreme Shrimp grounded him fast. Supreme Shrimp used his size to keep Fox from taking to the air. He then began to taunt fox in typical heel fashion allowing Fox Mask to get a 2nd wind. Fox threw some elbow shots and then went to the ropes coming off with a flying forearm shot staggering Shrimp. He then hit a springboard ddt. Supreme Shrimp was down when Fox Mask hit a standing 360 splash on the fallen Shrimp. He got up and hit another one for good measure before covering up for the pinfall attempt. Shrimp was done though and couldn’t kick out in time. Fox won and rolled out of the ring and had his hand raised in a hard fought win. – 41.6 reaction 63.6 quality 45.8 overall [B]Ricky Dale Interview by Mitch Naess[/B] MN: “Ricky you are being forced to put up the #1 contendership tonight are you prepared?” RD: “Of course not! I am a man of principle and this is not fair. We as wrestlers shouldn’t be put in these situations. We need justice and law to step in… wait I think I have an idea. Anyways, Bryan good luck against me as I am a little bit happier now.” – 95.4 overall [B]#1 Contendership Match: Bryan Vessey vs Ricky Dale[/B] Bryan Vessey and Ricky Dale did everything they could in this match but both men still seemed worn out from their match earlier this week. Ricky Dale had brought a sack to the ring before the match and left it in the corner. Bryan Vessey had the momentum in his favor when Ricky sent Bryan Vessey into the ropes. The referee Sam Sparrow got in the way though and got knocked out. Ricky Dale looked stunned and quickly went to his sack. He pulled out a judges gavil. He then came at Bryan with it and connected. He made the pin but no ref was there to count. He quickly tried to wake Sam up. Bryan Vessey woke up and tapped Ricky on the shoulder. Ricky turned around and Bryan connected with the HARD KNOX as the ref came back to consciousness. He made the pin and picked up the win. Bryan Vessey is the new #1 contender for Tommy Cornell’s World Title! – 63.4 reaction 71.8 quality 66.5 overall [B]Show Overall:[/B] 67.3 [B]Attendance:[/B] 12,593 [B]Viewers:[/B] 1,143,175(((Record High for TCW))) [QUOTE][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"][B]NEWS:[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Fox Mask was injured. He suffered a blown ear drum in his match with Supreme Shrimp. TCW have made a written offer to Angry Gilmore with a $50,000 signing bonus for 2 years. DaVE have a show worldwide on Sundays called Art of Fighting it is 2 hours and is on at 10PM SWF has a show on Wednesdays that is also aired worldwide called Main Event. It also is on at 10PM but is only on for an hour and a half.[/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/SIZE] Live from North Dakota[/COLOR][/B] [B]#1 Tag Team Contenders:Flex & Pecs vs The Fly Boys vs The All American Boys[/B] Flex dominated everyone in this match. Pecs showed his age as all the young guys seem to have an advantage over him. Donnie J and Jimmy P seemed happy to get a match on television and showed some talent here. They had some good spots with the All American Boys. Troy Tornado hit the Tornado DDT on Pecs but Flex hit the muscle buster on Troy and made the cover. The ref counted the three and Flex & Pecs were the new #1 contenders. – 35.8 reaction 66.8 quality 47.1 overall [B]Rick Law Wants Texas Pete[/B] Rick Law walks out twirling his nightstick. He gets in the ring with his microphone. RL: “Texas Pete I do not like you and I think you know that. I challenge you to a match tonight. Do you accept?” Rip Chords music hits and he walks down to the ring. RC: “I like that idea but not for tonight. That is a PPV worthy match so you and Texas Pete will fight at Winter Wrestlefest!” Crowd Pops… Then the SWF music hits. Texas Pete towers down to ringside with Sam Strong by his side. SS: “Texas Pete will face you. Rip why not tonight? The SWF wants to fight tonight. Oh well Law I guess Rip doesn’t think you can beat Texas Pete just yet. Keep training.” Sam and Pete walk up the ramp. – 66.8 overall [B]Main Event Match Made[/B] Rip Chord: “Woah, wait a second there. You guys want a fight how about this. Tonight you two face Rick Law and Tommy Cornell. I like the sound of that. I have got to be the smartest man alive.” – 75.2 overall [B]TCW International Title Match:Sniper Scout vs Bryan Holmes[/B] Sniper Scout and Bryan Holmes put on a great technical match exchanging hold after hold. Holmes established an edge and was gonna put Scout away when Eddie Chandler came out and hit an MDK Bomb on Holmes. The ref saw it and called for the bell in favor of Bryan Holmes by DQ. – 48.1 reaction 79.9 quality 54.7 overall [B]Jack Bruce Issues a Challenge[/B] Jack shows up on screen. “I am sick of this Rich. Why can’t you face me without cheating? Well I want to face you again at Winter Wrestlefest in a no holds barred steel cage match. Accept my challenge. Oh and bring anything you want because I am going to beat you plain and simple.” – 76.8 overall [B]Jacob Jett Interviewed by Roger[/B] JJ: “Roger I already know what you are going to ask me. You are going to ask me if I am ready for my 3way fight against a hardcore maniac in Genghis Rahn and if I am ready to face a former champion in Fox Mask. Well I am ready to establish myself in this company. You should be asking them if they are ready to face someone who has nothing to lose.” Roger just looks stunned as Jett leaves the interview station in the back. R: “That wasn’t what I was going to ask though…” – 93.9 overall [B]Jacob Jett vs Fox Mask vs Genghis Rahn[/B] Jacob Jett and Fox Mask destroyed each other as Rahn stood outside of the ring and let them beat each other down. Jett and Fox did well performing a couple high spots. Jett rolled out of the way of a moonsault by Fox Mask when Rahn decided to finally get involved. He threw Jett out of the ring and got a nearfall attempt of 2 on Fox. He picked Fox up and hit a powerbomb. He then hit a Rahn to the Hills. He went for the pin but Jett broke it up just in the nick of time. Rahn then began beating down Jett in the corner. Rahn picked Jett up when Jett kicked him in the groin and fell through the ropes. Rahn was then hit with a reverse ddt by Fox Mask. Fox then hit the standing 360 splash. He made the cover and got the win. – 37.5 reaction 57.0 quality 40.5 overall [B]Ricky Dale Needs a Judge[/B] Ricky Dale is shown on the big screen holding a judges hammer. “Hello North Dakota. Sorry I couldn’t be there tonight. See I have this thing about going to entertain fans in the sticks out in the middle of nowhere. Now down to business. Last week I was robbed of my shot but I looked at the rule book and came up with a verdict. I am still the #1 contender. See I was TOLD that I would face the champion for the title at Winter Wrestlefest. So the way I see it, Bryan has no right in that match. See as I looked at the rule book some more I noticed that since it was promised to Bryan too that he still has his shot. So I see it as he and I both get a shot at the title at Winter Wrestlefest. So it looks like a 3way contest for the title. The Judge Ricky Dale has made his decision and all decision in a court of law are final.” – 94.2 overall [B]Tommy Cornell and Rick Law Interviewed by Mitch Naess[/B] MN: “Tonight you face Sam Strong and Texas Pete. You guys have had your problems with those 2 for a few weeks now could this match have come sooner?” RL: “We are professionals. We usually do not get what we want but when we do we are right on top of things.” TC: “Well said Rick but this is how things go. Sam Strong has had shot after shot to beat me and hasn’t done it. It is time for him to step aside and let someone else come at me. So after we win tonight we will all move on. I hope we all move on at least. Rick Law and Texas Pete have a fight at Winter Wrestlefest and I will face either Bryan Vessey or Ricky Dale. I am unsure right now after what I just saw.” – 90.6 overall [B]Tommy Cornell & Rick Law vs Sam Strong & Texas Pete[/B] The crowd was hot throughout this match. Texas Pete hit a double powerbomb on Tommy Cornell and then Sam Strong followed up with a Strong Clothesline. Rick Law made the save though from the pinfall attempt. Texas Pete tried to pick up the pieces of Rick Law and Tommy managed to pulled Sam Strong out of the ring. Sam beat the hell out of Tommy Cornell. He busted him open and hit him in the face with the TCW World Title. In the ring Rick Law hit the VERDICT on Texas Pete. He made the pin and picked up the win for his team! – 74.2 reaction 62.6 quality 72.2 overall As Sam Strong looked at Rick Law celebrating the win you could see the disappointment in Sam’s face. He just slowly began to walk up the ramp. [B]Rip Chord Addresses his Future[/B] R: “Rip you requested me here because you had something to say. So what is it? I am dieing to know.” RC: “Well first off thank you for joining me here in my office for this interview. I feel like I still have a lot to offer this company in the ring. With many great technical wrestlers coming up I want to test them out so next week I am gonna face one of todays best technical wrestlers. I am coming out of retirement to test Johnny Bloodstone. If he wins he will get rewarded handsomely. Also sticking to my roots of fairness, I am making Sniper Scout vs Bryan Holmes vs Eddie Chandler at Winter Wrestlefest for the TCW International Title. So with that said make whatever assumptions you want but know that I am still 50% in charge with Emma Chase. – 80.6 overall [B]Show Overall:[/B] 72.1 [B]Viewers:[/B] 1,245,439 RECORD HIGH AGAIN [B]Attendance:[/B] 6,101
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Rip Chord vs Johnny Bloodstone(Bloodstone wins he gets rewarded) Randall, BJ, R.V. Pain vs Troy Tornado, Stevie Grayson, and Jacob Jett Supreme Shrimp & Elmo vs The Missile Lionheart non-title Bryan Vessey vs Bryan Holmes for the International Title Will Rich Money accept Jack Bruces challenge?[/QUOTE] [B]OOC:[/B] I already have my card for Winter Wrestlefest and I like how it looks. I have a big plan for the following card as well. Things seem to be going as planned and I am getting more structure as I go on. Matches booked so far on screen... Texas Pete vs Rick Law, Flex & Pecs face The Lionheart Missile, International Champion vs Eddie Chandler vs Sniper Scout, Tommy Cornell vs Bryan Vessey or Ricky Dale... card subject to change so no predictions yet.
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Rip Chord vs [B]Johnny Bloodstone[/B](Bloodstone wins he gets rewarded) Due to outside interference Randall, BJ, R.V. Pain vs [B]Troy Tornado, Stevie Grayson, and Jacob Jett[/B] by cheating [B]Supreme Shrimp & Elmo[/B] vs The Missile Lionheart non-title I find the only reason to put champions in non-title matches is so the don't lose the title when they get their butts handed to them. Bryan Vessey vs [B]Bryan Holmes[/B] for the International Title If Vessey is going up against Cornell he shouldn't have the Internatinoal Title. I also see Bloodstones reward being a title shot at the international and I htink the Holmes vs Bloodstone match up is a good one.
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[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/B][/SIZE] [B]Live from New Jersey[/B][/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Darkmatches[/B] Jacob Jett self promotion Bruce the Giant over Jacob Jett Larry Vessey over Jeff Nova ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The show kicks off with highlights from last weeks Friday Night Wrestling. Rip Chord is shown sitting down with Roger as the intro ends. [B]Elmo & Supreme Shrimp Want Tag Titles[/B] The whole SWF stable find Rip Chord backstage and request the tag match be for the titles. Rip tells them that if they win then he will put them in the PPV match for the titles. The SWF nod and walk off seemingly happy with Rips decision. – 68.1 [B]Tommy Cornell Seen Backstage[/B] Tommy Cornell was walking backstage enjoying his night off when out of nowhere a big looking masked man attacked with a chair. He beat down Tommy until Tommy looked lifeless. The man then picked him up and hit a vicious falcon arrow on top of the chair before running out of the building. – 73.0 [B]Ricky Dale, Rich Money, and Jacob Jett Discuss Something[/B] Ricky Dale, Rich Money, and Jacob Jett are seen in the back with Ricky Dale explaining how they have been screwed over. He goes on to tell them that they should back his cause of trying to form some kind of governing body in TCW to look over rules and overturn referee decisions. The 2 men agree and seem to get fired up by this speech. – 57.4 [B]Rip Chord vs Johnny Bloodstone[/B] Rip Chord gained an early advantage but his age showed as he slowed quickly. Bloodstone showed his superior athleticism when he managed to drop out of a suplex and hit a vicious ddt to change the tide. Bloodstone dominated and their was no looking back. The 2 men had good spots throughout the match where they countered each others moves in a chain. Rip got hit with a double underhook suplex and when he got up Bloodstone hit the Unprettier. That led to the three count. Bloodstone celebrated and after a moment Rip Chord got up. Before leaving the ring Rip offered his hand out of respect to Bloodstone. Bloodstone accepted and shook his hand. – 58.1 70.3 61.2 [B]Rip Gets On the Microphone[/B] Rip Chord grabs a microphone and steps in front of Johnny Bloodstone. “Johnny, you proved to me that you are as great as the rumors report. So I am offering you a shot at the cruiserweight title. It will be you vs American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. vs Elmo. Don’t worry kid you have gotten on my good side by beating me. Good luck in your match at Winter Wrestlefest.” – 82.8 [B]Tommy Cornell Gets Help[/B] Tommy is finally being attended by medical staff backstage. He keeps repeating “who was that, I have never been hit that hard before. Am I going to be ok?” Staff tells him to keep calm and everything will be taken care of. – 73.0 [B]Painful Procedure Self Promotion[/B] Mitch Naess stood in the back and walked into Painful Procedures locker room. MN: “Hey guys you face three young up and comers tonight. Two of your three opponents are future potential tag team title contenders. It is understood that you men would like to enter that picture in the near future. How have you prepared for this match?” Randall: “Well dude we haven’t.” BJ: “What he really means to say is we have not been focusing on the tag titles. We are keeping our eyes on the match ahead of us. That’s all.” R.V.P.: “*grunt*, yeah you know how we do. We here to win everything we can if given the chance. We do not like these guys and we definitely don’t like the SWF. How do they get a shot at the titles when they don’t deserve them? Oh well!” – 81.8 [B]Painful Procedure vs All American Boys & Jacob Jett[/B] The All American Boys and Jacob Jett worked great as a team. They exploited the weaknesses of Painful Procedure focusing on the legs of all of them. They used their speed to their advantage and it paid off in the end. It came down to the wire though when RVP got kicked by BJ inadvertently in the stomach. He looked sorry when Tornado took both men off the ropes and hit a modified tornado ddt laying both men out. It almost looked like a stratusfaction except a ddt not a bulldog. He made the cover on RVP and picked up the win for the team. – 43.8 56.0 43.7 [B]The Missile Lionheart Hype Upcoming Match[/B] R: “You guys are the hottest tag team in wrestling and are holding the most coveted tag titles in the business. What is next on your agenda?” SM: “I think we both have future goals to branch off and work as singles wrestlers but right now we are focused on our team. We want to keep these titles for as long as we can and continue to grow as professionals in this business. Tonight we face the gutless SWF team of Supreme Shrimp & Elmo. That is what’s next on our agendas.” – 61.2 [B]Shot at Tag Titles at Wrestlefest if Supreme Shrimp & Elmo win: The Missile Lionheart vs Supreme Shrimp & Elmo[/B] This match was atroshious. Elmo & Shrimp aren’t good in the ring and it showed. Munoz & Blackley are just average and not capable to carry two unskilled workers. Shrimp could have put Munoz away but Blackley got the hot tag and battled back. Blackley ended up catching Elmo with the Headliner that led to a pinfall and the win. Elmo & Shrimp won’t get a shot at the tag titles at Winter Wrestlefest. – 54.1 60.4 52.6 [B]SWF Promise Tommy Cornell[/B] [I]The following announcement has been paid and covered by the Supreme Wrestling Faction[/I] “I am the lawyer for the SWF. None of the current members of the SWF attacked Tommy Cornell tonight. It is a shame to see that happen to the champion of the TCW and the SWF would like to send their condolences to the family of Tommy, and Shane Cornell. We hope Tommy has a speedy recovery from the attack earlier tonight.” – 83.1 [B]Jack Bruce Gets An Answer[/B] Jack Bruce came down to the ring anxiously awaiting Rich Moneys answer to his challenge. JB: “So Rich come out here and answer my challenge. You have attacked me on almost every TCW show for the past couple months. Last night on the Ricky Dale show you had him distract me so you could come out of the ring and attack me with a chair. You low life get out here and accept!” Rich Moneys music hits. He comes out on stage and throws dollar bills into the crowd causing a frenzy. RM: “Now Jack maintain your cool. Are you sure you want to face me again. I won last time. You know I will beat you again. I mean come on, I am already inside of your head. You are just too easy. I should pass. If I pass though I won’t get to whip your *** one more time. So I accept.” – 77.8 [B]TCW International Title Match: Bryan Holmes vs Bryan Vessey[/B] This match stole the show easily. It went back and forth as both men seemed very skilled in the art of technical wrestling. In the end Bryan Vessey hit a reverse ddt after slipping out of a suplex mid move. Sniper Scout, followed by Eddie Chandler ran in. They laid out both men forcing the ref to call for a no contest double dq! After the match Johnny Bloodstone ran in and Ricky Dale ran in joining the chaos that turned into a wild free for all with the men involved. – 55.8 86.8 75.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Show Overall:[/B] 68.6 [B]Attendance:[/B] 13,896 [B]Viewers:[/B] 1,388,135 up by 142,696 another record high for the 3rd week in a row. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [QUOTE][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkRed"][B]NEWS:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] Brett Biggz and Sam Keith got into a fierce brawl backstage at SWFs Main Event on Thursday night. When asked about it Brett Biggz refused to comment. Sam Keith said it was all Bretts fault and if the opportunity presented itself again he would not hesitate to punch Brett in the mouth. DaVE management was in New Jersey yesterday during Friday Night Wrestling and met with Liberty, and Demon Spite after the show at a club. It was rumored that they offered the two men written contracts. DaVE, Liberty, and Demon Spite all denied comment. TCW said that anyone on their roster is free to live their life and meet with whoever they want as long as they don’t quit TCW while under contract or sign another contract before the current one runs out. Runaway Train beat Christian Faith for the SWF World Heavyweight Title in what some would call a backstep for the SWF as they look to rise to the top once again. Calamari Kid has resigned with the SWF. Details of the contract have not been disclosed. Winter Wrestlefest Card So Far… TCW Hardcore Match: Fox Mask vs Jacob Jett vs Steve Gumble Rivalry Match: Jack Bruce vs Rich Money Rivalry Match: Texas Pete vs Rick Law TCW Cruiserweight Title Match: American Elemental vs Axxis Jr. vs Elmo vs Johnny Bloodstone TCW International Title Match: Bryan Holmes vs Eddie Chandler vs Sniper Scout TCW Tag Title Match: The Missile Lionheart vs Flex & Pecs In the main event which was announced on the TCW website today, if Tommy Cornell can compete. Tommy Cornell vs Bryan Vessey vs Ricky Dale vs Sam Strong. If Tommy can’t compete then the other 3 men will face off for a VACANT WORLD TITLE. If Tommy can compete though he has a chance to retain his title but either way the title is on the line. Also announced on the website was that Steve Gumble will defend his Hardcore Title against Fox Mask & Jacob Jett in a three way title match.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][U][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] Bruce the Giant vs Liberty Will Tommy Cornell make it to Winter Wrestlefest or is he out for a period of time? If he is out will he return as the #1 contender or will he have to earn a shot? Hopefully these questions are answered. Also only one match has been made before TCW Friday Night Wrestling. Does Rip Chord have something in mind for the show? Is this going to be the only match? Tune in to find out more![/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] Any ideas what is going to happen with the show? Also your predictions for everything stated above would be appreciated. I am curious to find out what you guys think is going to happen. Show will hopefully be posted early next week.[/I]
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[COLOR="Red"][SIZE="5"][B]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/SIZE][/COLOR] Live from Michigan November 3, 2006[/B] The intro video airs, followed by pyro. More fireworks go off in the ring. [B] Rip Chord Announces Format[/B] Rips music plays and he comes down to the ring. He steps through the middle ropes and asks for a microphone. Then before he speaks Emma’s music plays. She comes down to the ring and gets a microphone as well. Rip: “Well hi there Emma. I didn’t really invite you out here but you must have something to say. I just hope it is important since I have decided the format for this show.” Emma: “Excuse me you sound like you are mad that I came out here. I didn’t mean to ruin your surprise. Winter Wrestlefest is only a short time away and you are still trying to run the show without me. I just want you to know that the match you made has been cancelled. Bruce the Giant and Liberty both have been given the night off. I talked with TP and he said that I could revoke that match and make one of my own so I am. I am not going to give it away just yet though. Wait and find out.” With that said Emma left the ring and walked up the ramp. She turned around on the stage and smiled at Rip Chord. Rip: “Well that ruins everything! I guess now is a good time to make the main event then. Tonight’s card will only host 2 matches. We will not disappoint tonight as we will show you very good matches. Oh and I am not gonna give my match away yet either. I will just say that it is a table match.” – 70.8 [B]Strange New Video Airs[/B] Words flash on the screen… You have never seen a force of this magnitude! I am a superstar who will make his debut at Winter Wrestlefest Whether I am in a match or I just show up, I will be in attendance. FEAR ME! – 56.3 [B]Roger Interviews Jacob Jett[/B] R: “Jett you do not fight fair fights. You look for every short cut conceivable. Do you feel you have earned your success?” JJ: “You know Roger, you are an annoyance. You think I care how I get to the top? My goal is to get noticed as a contender. All I want to do is win. Take that for what it is. This interview is done.” – 93.9 [B]Easy Emma Match 1v1 2/3 Falls[/B] The first man out was…Sammy the Shark! This was a huge surprise. After a short pause, the next man came out. The music hit and the man announced was… FDA. Nobody really seemed to know who he was. In the match though he quickly made the crowd take notice. He scored with a quick stunner and pinfall to get the first victory. Sammy was allowed time to recover but after he did he quickly got hit with vicious jackknifes and other great moves from FDA. It was only a matter of time before FDA applied a crossface on Sammy getting the tap out as soon as they hit the deck. FDA swept this match pretty easily. – 15.6 66.6 28.8 [B]Someone Out To Get Tommy Cornell[/B] Tommy was backstage watching footage of the workers in his match trying to study their tendencies when he got wacked with a chair for the 2nd week in a row. He was laid out and the man continued to batter him with the chair before leaving again. – 73.1 [B]Soldiers of Fortune vs Fly Boys[/B] The Soldiers of Fortune were making their TCW debut and did pretty well. They lacked the speed to keep up but their experience prevailed in the end. Fate used a handful of tights on Jimmy P to get the victory by pin. -19.8 44.8 26.8 [B]SWF Start Trouble[/B] SWF are seen backstage all with weapons when they walk into Painful Procedures locker room. The door closes and the battle begins. You can hear it but can’t see it until Randall is thrown through the door breaking it in half. The camera gets in better position and the SWF is shown beating the hell out of Painful Procedure. They leave seeming satisfied with the damage they did. – 56.9 [B]Rip Isn’t Popular[/B] Rip Chord is sitting in his office when Hell Monkey walks in. Rip asks him what he wants but he doesn’t respond verbally. He walks around the desk and picks Rip up. He slams Rip into the wall. Then he slams him on top of his desk and starts pummeling his face. – 55.6 [B]Rip Chord Match 1v1v1v1 Table Match[/B] The first man out was JaKKeD. The second man was Raine. The crowd didn’t seem to know who they were. Then Champagne Lover came out which the crowd seemed to like somewhat. Then the final man out was… Troy Tornado! The crowd popped huge for Troy. JaKKeD and Raine both surprisingly dominated and showed how good they can be. Champagne showed glimpses of skill but in the end it wasn’t enough. Troy Tornado caught Champagne charging at him and quickly spring boarded off the ropes turning it into a Tornado DDT knocking Champagne out. Troy picked up Champagne and slammed him through a table to pick up the win.. – 43.4 69.2 59.4 [B]O-[/B] 58.0 [B]A-[/B]14,526 [B]V-[/B]752,408 [QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]NEWS:[/COLOR][/B] Eugene Williams and Kyle Rhodes do not get along. Chance & Fate of Soldiers of Fortune signed with TCW and debuted in the same day. Both men when asked were very excited to be in TCW. Their contracts were for 2 years but many fans seem confused why TCW picked up 2 guys who seem to lack talent and charisma. This also contradicts TCWs statements of trimming back the roster in the near future. TCWs lackluster show hurt their popularity. They have dropped to #2 in the USA behind SWF. Tommy Cornell is still the most over wrestler in the USA and is only behind Sam Strong in the world.[/QUOTE]
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Sometimes you gotta take a hit to prepare for a PPV. I've been working on a few other things so i ahven't had much time to comment on people's diaries and I missed some stuff... Winter Wrestlefest is coming up are you gonna post a complete card so I can predict?
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[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]Winter Wrestlefest[/SIZE] Live from Oklahoma November 5, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [B]Texas Pete vs Rick Law[/B] This match was brutal! These two both came out with something to prove. Texas Pete hit the double powerbomb on Law but Law kicked out of the pinfall attempt. Law went for the long arm of the law but Supreme Shrimp and Elmo came out to interfere. Elmo distracted the ref while Shrimp knocked Law out with the Supreme Slam! Texas Pete laid his arm on Law and picked up the three count. Afterward Law got attacked by the three men. – 82.3 64.8 81.9 [B] TCW Cruiserweight Title Match: American Elemental vs Elmo vs Johnny Bloodstone vs Axxis Jr.[/B] This match had a great flow to it. Elmo stood on the outside and let the three men wear each other down in the ring. Bloodstone looked like he was going to finish off American Elemental when Elmo made the save. Axxis Jr. took Bloodstone out of the ring. Danny B Bling and Duane Fry distracted the ref and American Elemental allowing Elmo to hit the Elmo’s Adventure on American Elemental. He then made the cover and picked up the three count allowing SWF to pick up a title for their stable. Elmo celebrated by himself in the ring with the belt. – 71.0 78.8 74.1 [B]Jack Bruce Warms Up[/B] Jack Bruce was in his locker room finishing warming up and taping his wrists up when Rich Money attacked with a steele briefcase. Jack was down in agonizing pain when Rich hit him with a vicious shot to the knee. – 83.0 [B]TCW Hardcore Title Match: Fox Mask vs Jacob Jett vs Steve Gumble[/B] Steve Gumble took it to Jett and Fox Mask in this match. Fox Mask was favoring some wounds from the previous weeks. Steve missed a double back elbow on Fox Mask when he rolled out of the way. Jett then tried to pin Gumble. Fox pulled him off though. Gumble rolled out of the ring leaving Jacob Jett and Fox in the ring. Fox tossed a chair into Jetts face and hit a beautiful drop kick knocking Jett down. Fox then hit a standing 360 splash and got the three count. Fox celebrated with the hardcore title high above his head. – 70.9 53.6 63.0 [B]TCW International Title Match: Eddie Chandler vs Sniper Scout vs Bryan Holmes[/B] This match was a great display of technical skills as all three men accel in that part of the game. It all came down to the wire when Bryan Holmes was kicked in the head by Scout knocking him out. Scout turned around as Chandler hit a merciless MDK Powerbomb. He covered him and won the TCW International Title after the three! – 65.0 82.8 69.2 [B]Jack Bruce vs Rich Money[/B] Jack Bruce came down to the ring groggy and bloody. He was heavily favoring his knee. Rich had the advantage early on and took it for granted by not trying to put Jack away. He turned his back and Jack got up seeming like he was 100%. Rich Money turned around and got nailed with the Rock City Drop. Jack made the cover and picked up the win much to the crowds surprise. The crowd went crazy for Jack. He soon collapsed though and officials ran to the ring to check his vitals. Rich came back to consciousness seeing this. He seemed a little bit upset. Jack slowly got to his feet and Rich stood there in shock. Rich extended his hand to Jack and they shook hands. The crowd cheered for both men and the officials helped Jack Bruce to the back. – 82.2 73.4 91.0 [B]Missile Lionheart Interview[/B] Mitch Naess waits for The Missile Lionheart to exit their locker room. They come out and the arena erupts! MN: “Hold up a second tonight you defend your titles against Flex & Pecs. Are you guys worried that Flex & Pecs are going to bring a tenacity like never before?” SM: “Tenacity? Flex & Pecs lack the intangibles to be tag team champs. They do not have the resiliency that we do. We are fighting champions and are fast rising to the top of this business. Just wait and see.” – 82.4 [B]TCW Tag Team Title Match: Missile Lionheart vs Flex & Pecs [/B] The Missile Lionheart came out hitting hard getting the crowd behind them. Blackley was favoring his legs but pushed through this match. Simon really carried their team when at the end Pecs missed with a chair shot and hit Flex. Flex was laid out when Black speared Pecs and both men rolled to the outside. Munoz made the cover and Flex and retained the tag team titles! - 59.9 65.4 66.4 [B]Tommy Cornell Interview[/B] Roger was seen standing with Tommy Cornell. R: "Tommy you are showing why you are the best in the industry by beating everyone who opposes you. Are you ready to fight against 3 other men in a match where you can lose without losing?" TC: "Hey nobody said being champion was easy. Nobody said it was fair. I just gotta suck it up and go out there with a positive attitude. If I go out there thinking about those things then I won't be on my A game so this is something I really need to focus on. It sucks but hopefully I will prevail as the champion still." – 100.0 Strange Video – 74.9 Words flash on the screen… [I]You have never seen a force of this magnitude! I am a superstar who will make his debut at Winter Wrestlefest Whether I am in a match or I just show up, I will be in attendance. FEAR ME! [U]TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT I DEBUT![/[/U]I] – 74.9 [B]TCW World Title Match: Tommy Cornell vs Sam Strong vs Ricky Dale vs Bryan Vessey[/B] Sam Strong really had no business in this match since he can't put on a quality match anymore. Ricky Dale has never been expected to put on a great match. Tommy and Bryan carried this to a C rating match as they used teamwork against Sam Strong and Ricky Dale. Texas Pete ran in and tried to help Strong but Bryan Vessey ducked a clothesline by Pete. He then tossed Pete over the top and got on Ricky Dale. Tommy had Strong in the ring by himself when he snuck up from behind and applied the GUILT TRIP getting the tap out. After Cornell got his belt and celebrated with some fans in the front row Sam Strong attacked with a chair. He hit him once and walked to the back. – 81.4 70.6 85.8 [B]The Man Debuts[/B] Tommy regains his composure and a big figure comes out to a good pop from the crowd. The man drove Tommy head first into the mat making him sag into unconsciousness. Officials loaded Tommy on a stretcher and took him out of the arena. The cameras finally got a close up on the mans face and it was none other than Nemesis! The big man is here in TCW! This is crazy and he is seemingly after the TCW World Title! – 82.8 [B]O-[/B] 79.5 [B]A- [/B]30,050 [B]B-[/B] 395,955 (0.90 buyrate) [QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="4"]NEWS:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Joey Minnesota has signed with TCW after a bidding war between the big 3 American Promotions. TCW has dropped to the #3 Promotion in the US behind DaVE and SWF. A couple bad shows really hurt their popularity but they are still #1 worldwide! TCW is still contradicting themselves by bringing in new talent which is shocking the world since their are no plans for a brand split in the near future. TP was asked why he keeps bringing in new people and he replied with... "when the talent is there I snatch it up. I got big plans for this company and there will be changes in due time." Critics think that TP has no idea what he is doing but only time will tell. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Nemesis made an impactful debut as he beat down the Champion after a hard fought match. Nemesis will be in attendance tonight. Also Hell's Minions(Hell's Bouncer & Hell Monkey) will make their tag debut against the team of FDA & Grim Reaper. SWF will also be in attendance. Ricky Dale will have his show titled "The Judge Ricky Dale Show" FDA & Grim Reaper vs Hell's Minions The Judge Ricky Dale Show: Special Guest TP Elmo vs Johnny Bloodstone vs Axxis Jr. in a 3-way non-title match Steve Gumble vs Danny Patterson #1 contendership for the hardcore title in a hardcore match.[/QUOTE] [B][I]OOC: [/B] Predictions are welcome...[/I]
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[COLOR="Green"][SIZE="5"][B]TCW Website[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Today TP came out of a meeting with management. He seemed a little uncomfortable when he came out but sat down with us for a moment. "TP thank you for joining us today. What happened in this big awaited meeting?" TP: "Well we discussed the future of TCW and what I had planned. I still have full reign over the dealings but they all had some opinions to add and some people were mad about the direction or lack there of that I have been taking." "What do you mean? Are you on the chopping block?" TP: "No but TCW is known for having shows that will blow you away one week and then having terrible shows the following week. I brought my plan thats all laid out to the meeting and went over it with everyone. I believe they have a new thought of me and my direction. That is why this week when I go on the Ricky Dale Show I will drop some major news! I really need to get to work though and handle some business before the show. Thank you for allowing me to express this to the internet wrestling fans." "No, thank you for your time Mr. Patterson."
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[B]FDA & Grim Reaper[/B] vs Hell's Minions [I]Grim just came around and he needs some wins even n a tag[/I] Elmo vs Johnny Bloodstone vs [B]Axxis Jr.[/B] in a 3-way non-title match [I]Don't like Elmo that much but it was a tough choice between Bloodstone and Axxis[/I] Steve Gumble vs [B]Danny Patterson[/B] #1 contendership for the hardcore title in a hardcore match. [I]Patterson has hardcore written all over him[/I]
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[COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling[/SIZE] Live from New York November 10, 2006[/B][/COLOR] [B]Rip Chord Makes An Announcement[/B] Rip sits in his office chair with some papers in front of him. Rip: “TCW does not have a #1 contender for the World Title. Sam Strong has lost a lot of matches for the title. Ricky Dale, Nemesis, Jack Bruce, Bryan Vessey, Bruce the Giant, and Liberty are all viable contenders but I am most impressed with only two of these men. So tonight in our main event it will be Jack Bruce vs Bryan Vessey for the #1 contendership.” – 72.8 [B]Grim Reaper & FDA vs Hells Minions[/B] Grim Reaper and FDA operated like a well oiled machine. They worked well together and individually. FDA was gonna finish Hell Monkey when out from the back ran in JaKKeD. Grim Reaper sent Hells Bouncer into the corner but the referee was in the way. JaKKeD got in the ring and nailed Grim Reaper with a chair shot. He followed up by hitting the JaKKeD Hammer on FDA. JaKKeD left by walking up the ramp and exiting the area. The lights then went out and flames shot up from the stage! Out came the man known as Raine. He got in the ring and laid out the Grim Reaper with a reverse choke slam on the same chair that was used to lay him out by JaKKeD. – 28.1 64.2 39.2 [B]Nemesis Is Here[/B] Nemesis came down to the ring with some cryptic music playing. As he was coming down to the ring a fan jumped the guard rail. Nemesis beat the hell out of the fan leaving the fan bloody. Officials ran down and pulled Nemesis away to the back and arrested the fan. – 55.9 [B]Non-Title Match: Elmo vs Axxis Jr. vs Johnny Bloodstone[/B] Elmo used a lot of dirty tricks in this match. Elmo also showed amazing ring awareness throughout the match. By the end of the match all three men were tired. Elmo went to the outside to grab his cruiserweight title and rolled back into the ring. He went to hit Bloodstone but missed and hit the referee. He then hit Axxis Jr. laying him out. Bloodstone kicked Elmo in the gut and hit the unprettier knocking Elmo out. He made the cover and another ref from the back came in to count the three! – 59.6 77.2 66.1 [B]Nemesis In Back[/B] Nemesis was walking backstage when he came face to face with Sam Strong. Behind Sam was the SWF stable. They had a stare down until the SWF broke out in laughter to kill the silence. Sam handed an SWF shirt to Nemesis and they shook hands. “I am glad to finally be here and apart of this group. I guess it is time to put my own touch on things.” – 66.1 [B] The Judge Ricky Dale Show: Special Guest TP[/B] The set up was next to the stage in a mock court room set design. Then TPs music hit. He came out and walked over to the bench on set. Then after a short pause Ricky Dale came out of the doors on the set. He stood behind the judge’s counter. RD: “TP it is a great privilege to have you on my show tonight. You saw how I did not lose my #1 contendership so that would make me the #1 contender still right?” TP: “You are right you did not lose it but you did not capitalize on your opportunity. So with that said Rip Chords decision is final. That is not why I am here tonight though.” RD: “What the hell? I did not lose! I should be the champion right now! It is my right to keep my shot since I did not lose it!” TP: “Don’t you dare talk back to me like that. What I said is final. Who in the hell do you think you are? You know what… your show is cancelled. You will never hold this show on Friday Night Wrestling again! Now down to business. I am here to say TCW has a huge roster. We got international stars to well, nobodies. So tonight I start trimming the fat. Now over the next couple weeks I will be laying off TCW wrestlers. Some who don’t deserve to be here and some who do but we need to make room for up and coming stars. So with that said tonight the first man laid off by me is Jeff Nova.” – 51.1 [B]Tommy Cornell Settles Backstage[/B] Tommy Cornell sits down with a glass of water and his title. He sits on a bar stool and watches the monitor. Out of nowhere comes the SWF who beat him down. Nemesis and Sam Strong lead the attack. Nemesis picks up the bar stool and breaks it across Tommy’s back. – 62.3 [B]TCW #1 Hardcore Contender Match: Steve Gumble vs Danny Patterson[/B] Steve Gumble used many equalizers as these two men battled all the way up the ramp. Danny gained the upper hand when he reversed a ddt into a suplex. Danny then threw Gumble off the stage and through Ricky Dales set. Danny used the set to his full advantage. He then grabbed a piece of wood and climbed up the big screen’s side. He did a elbow drop from about 15 feet up on top of Gumble both men were obliterated but Patterson was on top of Gumble. The ref made the three count. Officials and medical staff came out and stretchered both men out into ambulances. – 57.6 66.8 65.4 [B]SWF Come Down To The Ring[/B] The SWF music hits and out comes the group. Sam Strong is handed a microphone when he hands it to Nemesis. Nemesis steps out in front. N: “Like I said earlier it is time to put my own touch on the SWF faction. That is why we will begin to truly shake things up a bit TONIGHT!” Right as he says that Texas Pete, Supreme Shrimp, and Elmo attack Sam Strong. Eddie Chandler jumps in and starts kicking Sam Strong. Nemesis turns around and crouches down by Sam’s head. N: “You are well past your prime old man. It is out with the old and in with the new. You are out. SWF is out! We are now known as The Invaders!” – 68.2 [B]TCW #1 World Contender Match: Bryan Vessey vs Jack Bruce[/B] Bryan Vessey was the more gifted wrestler but Jack Bruce has all the intangibles, such as heart, and courage. Bryan Vessey went to hit a power slam off the top rope but Jack Bruce managed to punch his way out of it. He got to his feet and suplexed Bryan off the top rope. He measured Bryan up and went for the Rock City Drop but Bryan countered. Bryan hit the Hard Knox and it was lights out for Jack Bruce. Bryan placed an arm over him and picked up the three count for the victory! – 69.9 75.6 80.0 [B]O-[/B] 62.7 [B]A-[/B] 16,221 [B]V-[/B] 1,428,626 (up by 676,218) [QUOTE][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]TCW Friday Night Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/B] Demons of Anger vs Flex & Pecs vs Hells Minions vs Fly Boys vs All American Boys(dark match) Merle O’Curle vs Johnny Bloodstone vs JD Morgan vs Eddie Chandler(dark match) American Elemental vs Cliff Wilson(dark match) Jacob Jett vs Genghis Rahn vs James Bruce(dark match) Raku Makuda vs Lady Platinum vs Eve Grunge vs Seiko Nanami(dark match) Fox Mask vs Elmo for the Cruiserweight Title Ricky Dale vs Liberty vs Bruce the Giant Nemesis vs Jack Bruce[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B][COLOR="Green"]NEWS:[/COLOR][/B] TCW fired Jeff Nova. It cost TCW $41,646. Jeff Nova was beyond depressed due to losing a lot and not being used much. Many backstage felt that this was best for Jeff and the TCW. Paul Steadyfast also was released. It cost TCW $22,056. Danny Rushmore was given his release papers. It cost TCW $10,956. Darren Smith(a referee) signs with TCW. Cliff Wilson also signs with TCW. TCW has a few contracts expiring soon. Floyd Goldworthy, Shane Sneer, staff member Debbie Robinson, Troy Tornado, Demon Spite, Liberty, Madman Boone, Silver Shark, and Larry Vessey. TCW must act swiftly if they plan on resigning any of them. TCW Christmas of Carnage is going to be held on December 3, 2006. TCW A New Beginning is going to be held on January 7, 2007. TCW Cupid’s Curse is going to be held on February 4, 2007. Primal Rage signs with CZCW. Madman Boone has agreed to a contract with DaVE when his contract expires with TCW. Kyle Rhodes and Pecs have been fighting recently. Many are waiting for this to blow up on screen at a TCW event. Floyd Goldworthy and Supreme Shrimp were also involved in fights recently backstage.[/QUOTE] [I][B]OOC:[/B] Another terrible card lol. I do not mind though since TCW is the #1 promotion in the world again. Things will build fast for the next ppv.[/I]
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