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<p>Sign-ups so far:</p><p>

1) Rockambition</p><p>

2) Blackfyre</p><p>

3) LucianCarter</p><p>

4) Larkin</p><p>

5) Uncrewed</p><p>

6) Markw</p><p>

7) The Dynamite Sid</p><p> </p><p>

So three more for sign ups. I'll situate rules and such when I get out of work this afternoon.</p><p> </p><p>


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<p>Draft sign-up is closed!</p><p> </p><p>

1) Rockambition</p><p>

2) Blackfyre</p><p>

3) LucianCarter</p><p>

4) Larkin</p><p>

5) Uncrewed</p><p>

6) Markw</p><p>

7) The Dynamite Sid</p><p>

8) ntfbolton</p><p>

9) tardelli</p><p>

10) rvdjrv2002</p><p> </p><p>

Just on my break, so why don't I get the ball rolling with promotion forms. You can pm me your promotions! On touring I'll allow any promotion to do so, not jus Japanese ones. Thank you all for joining!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Promotion Name:</p><p>

Promotion Short Name:</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: (eg: Mid South, USA)</p><p>


Drug Policy:</p><p>

Fix Belts:</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion:</p><p>

IF Touring, during which months?:</p><p> </p><p>




AI for Events: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= , 2v2= , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio=</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional =</p><p>

Mainstream =</p><p>

Comedy =</p><p>

Cult =</p><p>

Risque =</p><p>

Modern =</p><p>

Realism =</p><p>

Hyper Realism =</p><p>

Hardcore =</p><p>

Lucha Libre =</p><p>

Pure =</p><p>

Daredevil =</p><p>

Match Intensity:</p><p>

Match Danger:</p><p>

Womens Wrestling:</p><p>

T&A Levels:</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide:</p><p> </p><p>


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This should be good


Promotion Name: What Culture Pro Wrestling

Promotion Short Name: WCPW

Promotion Home Region: South, British Isles

Strategy: Traditional

Drug Policy: None

Fix Belts: Yes

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular

IF Touring, during which months?:




Name: Modern Pro Wrestling

AI for Events: 1v1= 80%, 2v2= 20% , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= 90%

AI for TV: 1v1= 80% , 2v2= 20% , 3v3= , Triagle= , Four Way= , Match Ratio= 80%


Product Appeal:


Traditional = Heavy

Mainstream = Low

Comedy = Low

Cult = Very Low

Risque = None

Modern = Heavy

Realism = Low

Hyper Realism = None

Hardcore = Low

Lucha Libre = Low

Pure = Low

Daredevil = Low

Match Intensity: 75%

Match Danger: 60%

Womens Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face/Heel Divide: Yes

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Promotion Name: Great British Hardcore

Promotion Short Name: GBH

Promotion Home Region: Northern England, British Isles

Strategy: TV Orientated

Drug Policy: None

Fix Belts: Yes

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Regular




Name: Grievous Bodily Harm

AI for Events: 1v1= 70%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 2%, Triagle= 5%, Four Way= 3%, Match Ratio= 70%

AI for TV: 1v1= 70%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 2%, Triagle= 5%, Four Way= 3%, Match Ratio= 60%


Product Appeal:


Traditional = Medium

Mainstream = Medium

Comedy = Medium

Cult = Key Feature

Risque = Medium

Modern = Medium

Realism = Low

Hyper Realism = Very Low

Hardcore = Medium

Lucha Libre = Very Low

Pure = None

Daredevil = Low

Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 50%

Womens Wrestling: Integrated

T&A Levels: Low

Face/Heel Divide: Yes

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Here we go guys, the rules for the draft!


- first 10 People who join, Each will have the Ability to Create

1 Promotion. Your Promotion will be Cult Level.


- The clock will run via EST. So everyone can work backwards or

forwards depending on which side of the timeline you live.


- After all Promotions are selected, The Promotions will have their

drafting order randomly selected. The Draft will follow the usual

Serpentine format. The last in one round becomes first in the next



- During the drafting rounds 1-20 Each Promotion has a 60-Mins

fixed window to select its Worker, this drops to 30-Mins during the

PPA Rounds (round 21 until round 40.) Once a draft pick is selected, the following person can make the next pick immediately. Just make sure to write the time window on the next persons pick.


- Every night we will have an off-period between 12am and 7am est.

Hopefully this will prevent or at least lessen the number of skipped

selections during the late evening and early morning hours.


- During the “Written” Selection, If a Promotion is Skipped, they

can make their selection at any time.

During the “PPA” Selection, If a Promotion is Skipped, they can make

their selection at any time, But you can’t draft the same person 2 or

3 times to make them have a “Written” contract by using Skipped Picks.

This is to stop people who purposely skip picks to get a worker under

written contract easier.

You can however Trade Picks to get 3 in a row, this Will allow you to

draft a worker 3 times. Now that 5 contracts are available on each

worker. To get the Written deal, you must select a worker 3 times,

Exclusively. If they hold a PPA deal with another company, this won’t

be possible

Rule Break: If you try using skipped picks to get a worker under a

Written Contract, you will be blocked and if it is the second time of

doing this, you will lose a Skipped Pick.


- Being “SKIPPED” 3 times in a row counts as a rule break

and is followed by a forfeit.


Rule Break: Every Pick from the missed 3 onwards will be forfeited and put back into the draft pool.


- There can be no more than 3 Promotions in each Area. EG; 3

Promotions set up in the Tri State Area, that now means no more

Companies can join the Area.


- Promotions must have a Booker and Owner, Neither can be Active

Wrestlers. Non Active/Retired Workers only. You can have different

Owners and Bookers, or the same person to do both Jobs.

Rule Break: Failure to hire a Owner/Booker will result in Loss of

Finances, and a hit to Promotion Prestige and Momentum.


- You Must Draft at least one of each of the following, Owner, Head

Booker, Announcer, Color Commentator, Referee and Road Agent. Failure

to do so by the end of the draft will mean your promotion will be


Rule Break: Failure to hire 1 of each of the following will result in

a hit to Promotion Prestige and Momentum.


- The first 20 Rounds will be for Written Contracts only. Workers

drafted during the “Written” Rounds cannot be shared between

companies. However you can Split the Contract into 3 PPA’s and Trade


In Rounds 21-40 Workers will be signed to PPA Contracts. The limits to

signing PPA are that a worker must not work for more than 3


Rule Break: Persistently selecting a Worker who has already become

Unavailable will result in a Loss of that Draft Pick.


- When selecting a worker, remember to add the full Draft Round

list, along with previous selections. Also remember when deleting

previous rounds from the list, to keep all Missed and Skipped Picks.

Now just Post the name and Graphic of who you are drafting Along with

which Round it is and which Contract (Written or PPA and what number



- Injured Workers: All workers will be Eligible and have their

“Injuries Removed”

Hiatus: All Workers who are on hiatus will be eligible for Drafting.

Left The Business: Unless stated otherwise, All workers will be

eligible for Drafting

Non Active but doesn’t fit my Role for them: All “non-Active” or

“Retired” workers who have Pushes that don’t suit your role for them,

such as Eric Bischoff being “Authority” but wanting him to be “Color”.

These requests will be granted.

Retired: Someone who retired though choice and not injury (Jamie

Noble, Lita, Guido) can be be considered to be Re-Activated as

Fulltime or Part-time workers.

Others such as Steve Austin, Edge will not be allowed as they retired due to medical reasons.


- In this draft you can pick workers from any area to join your

promotion. Worker restrictions will be turned OFF.


- During the PPA Rounds, Drafting a worker once means they are under

PPA to you, Select them Twice and you have them under 2 PPA’s, Select

them 3 Times and they are under a Written Contract. To get the Written deal, you

must select a worker 3 times, Exclusively. If they hold a PPA deal

with another company, this won’t be possible. In the first fifteen

(20) rounds all characters selected will be signed to a written

contract. Once selected during these rounds that character is

exclusive to the selecting promotion and are unavailable for re-


Following that the next twenty (20) rounds will be to select

characters on a Pay Per Appearance (PPA) basis. Any character may be

selected by up to three (3) separate promotions and after that will be

unavailable for selection. A promotion may, should it choose, select

the same character more than once during the PPA rounds. If a

promotion manages to select a character exclusively three (3) times

during these rounds that character will be exclusive to said promotion

and assigned a written contract.


- When the draft is over, if you hold 2 contracts on a worker then

that person will become Loyal to your Owner but not your company.


- Staff will count as part of your draft picks.


- Trading is allowed at all Times, You can Trade Draft Picks,

Workers. So as long as the deal is fair and between two agreeing parties. If you are trading a Draft pick,

update the “Draft Order”.


- After the draft ends, there will be 48 hours of “Open Trades” meaning

you can trade your wrestlers, and just about everything. After those 48 hours, everything will be locked down and finalised.


- TV Shows will be available by using 1 of your Draft Picks. They can be selected at any point and only use

up 1 Draft Pick per Show (Limits Apply). When Selecting a TV Show,

Make sure to select its Name, The Network, Day Shown On and Time

Shown. You are allowed a Maximum of 4 TV Shows, 2-A shows and 2 B-shows.


- Each Promotion will be given 55% Popularity in all its Home

Country Regions and 10% everywhere Else in the World resulting in a

Cult Level Promotion.


- Each Promotion (Cult Level) with 10 million to start.


- Written Round Picks can be swapped for 3 PPA Contract. Written

contracts are now capable of being broken down into three PPA

contracts that you would be able to trade to other promotions as you

would any other PPA selection.

I.E “PROMOTION” picks “WORKER”, they can then separate his contract

into three PPA contracts that they can then trade. The promotion can

then chose to trade as many of the PPA Contracts away as he/she Likes.

Keeping all three PPA contracts at the end of the draft the contract

will revert to a written.


- All the contract information is being set to the following


- Random Expiry date

- Alignment set to be decided at the end of the draft by you.

- Gimmick set to database default, unless stated otherwise by


- Gimmick rating’s will be set Randomly

- Momentum set to random, Except for your first 3 Picks which get A*

- No Compete set to NO

- Recent Fortunes set to NEUTRAL

- Creative Control Set to NO

- Hiring Veto set to NO

- Wage Matching set to NO


- PPV Events are as follows, You select 12 Events, one for each

month. Then you get 1 Legendary, 1 Historical, 2 Highly Regarded, 2

Above Average and 6 Normal.


- When Selecting a TV Show, you can select any Network, any Time on

any Day. However if you select ABC for a Friday and someone else

already has a show on ABC on Fridays, you will have to select a

different Day or different Network.


- All title’s will begin with a default prestige level appropriate to

their level. If you chose Floating, Select which level it should Start

Main Event Star - 90% prestige (1)

Main Event - 80% prestige (1)


Midcard Upper -70% prestige (1)

Midcard Mid - 60% prestige (1)

Midcard Lower - 50% prestige (2)

Lower Level Upper - 40% prestige (2)

Lower Level Mid - 30% prestige (2)

Lower Level Lower - 20% prestige (2)


I am still waiting on a few promotion profiles then I think we can start the draft.



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Here is the draft order:


Draft order

1) Larkin

2) Rvdjrv2002 - Worlds Greatest Wrestling, Tri-State USA


4) Blackfyre78 - Wolf Den Wrestling, New England USA

5) LucianCarter - SoCal Wrestling, South west USA

6) Rockambition - Rising Phoenix Wrestling, south west USA

7) nftbolton

8) Uncrewed - What Culture Pro Wrestling - South England, British Isles

9) Markw - Great British Hardcore - North England, British Isles

10) The Dynamite Sid


I at least need a promotion name and location to start from Larkin, Tardelli, nftbolton and The Dynamite Sid.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rockambition" data-cite="rockambition" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43446" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You can be in the standby list kijar if anyone drops out before the draft.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Much appreciated. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Promotion Name: Fire Pro Wrestling</p><p>

Promotion Short Name: FirePro</p><p>

Promotion Home Region: Kanto, Japan</p><p>

Strategy: Traditional </p><p>

Drug Policy: None</p><p>

Fix Belts: Yes</p><p>

Regular Promotion OR Touring Promotion: Touring (Every Month except June and December) </p><p> </p><p>



Name: Fire Pro!</p><p>

AI for Events: 1v1= 65%, 2v2= 20%, 3v3= 10%, Triagle= 3%, Four Way= 2%, Match Ratio= 90%</p><p>

AI for TV: 1v1= 20%, 2v2= 55%, 3v3= 20%, Triagle= 3%, Four Way= 2%, Match Ratio= 80%</p><p> </p><p>

Product Appeal:</p><p> </p><p>

Traditional = Medium</p><p>

Mainstream = Medium</p><p>

Comedy = None</p><p>

Cult = Very Low</p><p>

Risque = None</p><p>

Modern = Medium</p><p>

Realism = Medium</p><p>

Hyper Realism = Very Low</p><p>

Hardcore = None</p><p>

Lucha Libre = None</p><p>

Pure = Low</p><p>

Daredevil = Low</p><p>

Match Intensity: (Whatever the lowest available is) </p><p>

Match Danger: (Whatever the lowest available is) </p><p>

Womens Wrestling: None</p><p>

T&A Levels: None</p><p>

Face/Heel Divide: No</p><p> </p><p>

Also since i'm first draft pick and i don't know if i'll be on when we start i'll make my pick NOW.... <strong>Kazuchika Okada</strong></p>

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<p>Welcome Kijar. Larkin can do the first pick, but we probably won't start until Saturday depending when the google doc gets finished. I have sober 3000 names to put in the sheet unless someone has a better way of transferring the names in the database.</p><p> </p><p>


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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rockambition" data-cite="rockambition" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43446" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Welcome Kijar. Larkin can do the first pick, but we probably won't start until Saturday depending when the google doc gets finished. I have sober 3000 names to put in the sheet unless someone has a better way of transferring the names in the database.<p> </p><p> Mike</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Assuming I get what you mean, there's a very quick way of doing that. Start a new game with the database you want, go to the options tab, select 'create MDB file'. Go to the save game in your program files, open the MDB files folder, open the database saved there, select the workers tab and you can copy and paste the names of everyone in the database from there (probably best to sort it in A-Z order first).</p>
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