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Do angles get workers over?

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Had this discussion because of a multi-player game...


I'm an international promotion and sign a worker with ZERO overness. I spend over a month using him in angles rated on Menace with main eventers to get him over. After 6 weeks he's at 20-25 overness in the USA.



Product: Sports Entertainment basically

His menace is like 95 plus

Star quality 90

high charisma


All of the angles he's been in have been rated A or A+


I noticed almost not pop gain so used him in a few squash matches.


This has led me to this question regarding TEW: Do angles get guys over?


So I checked on a guy I could be more precise with: Glacier

Signed with 5 overness in all of the US except one that we'll disregard


Star Quality=64

After 60 days of angles (vignettes and him appearing in angles with other workers) about 10 total of A or B+ quality (by associating him with other workers, basically his vignette interrupts)

His popularity now ranges from 5.9 to 11 in the USA.


What does this all mean?

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<p>In my game game starting in 1987, i created my own avatar, who is 24 yo wrestler, and his stats and capapbilities (imagine Scott Hall with zero popularity in the USA - potential star but needs developing and proper push). </p><p> </p><p>

His record is 6 wins- 12 lossess, started as Enchancement Talent, won only one match against Lower MIdcarder, others were Openers or ET. After 8-9 months/28 shows he has popularity of 29 in Tri State, and I feel i have wasted at least 2 months of his developement, because i thought that just by winning matches with workers on his level he will gain - he did, but not as quick as i wanted. So ...</p><p> </p><p>

I realised, that even as Enchancement talent he could go over much quicker, if after loss, i will give him angle with the same worker where he will beat him up (small victory).</p><p>

I would put him and other opener against midacrders, loose, but beat them up ( small wictory for him). Somehow it worked like this:</p><p>

March - pop 4</p><p>

Apr - pop 9</p><p>

May - pop 17 (this is where I started with angles, all freestyle)</p><p>

Jun, Ju,l August, - pop 20 - he was either unavailable ( open contract, working in the europe as well - touring) or jobbing, to lift others </p><p>

Sep - pop 21</p><p>

Oct - pop 29</p><p> </p><p>

I would say, yes, angles will give worker either gain in popularity, or at least good momentum, which helps him as well</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="justtxyank" data-cite="justtxyank" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="43720" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> His popularity now ranges from 5.9 to 11 in the USA. <p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Angles do improve pop, but not as much as matches. Also keep in mind that pop gains are much more significant on PPV, with TV not being as effective.</p>
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