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World Championship Wrestling: We Are At War

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So before I get into this. I want to apologise to those who enjoyed the AWA Dynasty that I started up. Life got very hectic. I suffer with depression and I would rather not go into the reasons which made me go away from here for as long as I did. I decided to come back and after seeing that my dynasty was gone. I wanted to start a new. It was probably for the best.

Perhaps one day I will return to the land of the AWA, start a new dynasty,

but for now. I would rather dedicate myself to something different.

I usually have the goal of creating an alternative product when I start a dynasty, something that competes but does not look to DEFEAT the WWF/E.

This one however, I want to be historically accurate with my goals...and the main goal...is kick Vince's butt.



World Championship Wrestling 1995

This is a company which has always been stuck in second place, that has found itself struggling through endless trials and tribulations as it tried it's best to stay relevant and to provide an alternative product to the World Wrestling Federation. Now, things may finally start turning the right way. The errors of the Jim Crockett era are a memory of the past. Jim Herd is nothing more than a ghost of bad decisions that had been made in the early nineties. Ted Turner, the billionaire owner of World Championship Wrestling has one task in mind. Defeat Vince McMahon and he is willing to do anything and spend anything in order to make that happen. In doing so, after a string of unfortunate Head Booker's who only caused the company to falter ever further down the drain. Ted has turned to Eric Bischoff, a business man with a wrestling background, hoping that a hybrid of business and wrestling knowledge will help produce a competitive and eventually superior product. One year has passed since WCW has hired Hulk Hogan and with momentum swinging back and forth between the companies, things are about to be turned up to a new level of aggression.


The first edition of WCW Mondy Nitro is due to air, the card is being written up as we speak.


The Monday Night Wars are about to begin...


Dynasty Goals

1. Defeat The WWF and win the Monday Night Wars

2. Defeat ECW

3. Make Sure WCW does not go out of business

4. Create our own stars to ensure we do not become reliant on former WWF talent

5. Have an exciting midcard

6. Give wrestlers as little creative control as possible in terms of direction of storylines and match victories/losses

7. Have Fun


I will be creating my own starting storylines, essentially considering the debut episode of Nitro as a restart point. Where I can start the Monday Night Wars on my own terms, with my own Storylines and my own ideas of where to take things and how to develop things so we can compete and perhaps one day beat the WWF


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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>WCW Roster</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>


Gene Okerlund</p><p>

Larry Zbyszko</p><p>

Mark Madden</p><p>

Sonny Onoo</p><p>

The Master</p><p>

The Sheik</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Road Agent</strong></p><p>

Jody Hamilton</p><p>

Paul Orndorf</p><p>

Pez Whatley</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Authority Figure</strong></p><p>

Erich Bischoff</p><p>



Brady Boone</p><p>

Mickey Jay</p><p>

Nick Patrick</p><p>

Randy Anderson</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Color Commentator</strong></p><p>

Bobby Heenan</p><p>

Dusty Rhodes</p><p>

Steve McMichael</p><p>



Mike Tenay</p><p>

Tony Schiavone</p><p> </p><p>


Colonel Robert Parker</p><p>

Diamond Doll</p><p>

Jimmy Hart</p><p>

Lanny Poffo</p><p>

Sensuous Sherri</p><p>

Teddy Long</p><p> </p><p>


Chuck Williams</p><p>

Julio Sanchez</p><p>

Terry Richards</p><p>



Chris Kanyon</p><p>

Fidel Sierra</p><p>

Lt. James Earl Wright</p><p>

Mark Starr</p><p>

Scott Armstrong</p><p>

Tim Horner</p><p>


Lower Midcard</strong></p><p>

Bunkhouse Buck</p><p>


Dean Malenko</p><p>

Joey Maggs</p><p>

Mr. JL</p><p>

Ricky Santana</p><p>

Rip Rogers</p><p>

Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker</p><p>

Sgt. Craig Pittman</p><p> </p><p>


Alex Wright</p><p>

Booker T</p><p>

Brian Knobbs</p><p>

Dave Sullivan</p><p>

Dick Slater</p><p>

Disco Inferno</p><p>

Earl Robert Eaton</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero</p><p>

Hugh Morrus</p><p>

Jerry Sags</p><p>

Jushin Thunder Liger</p><p>

Lord Steven Regal</p><p>

Marcus Bagwell</p><p>

Maxx Muscle</p><p>


Scott Norton</p><p>

Scotty Riggs</p><p>


Upper Midcarder</strong></p><p>

Arn Anderson</p><p>

Brian Pillman</p><p>

Diamond Dallas Page</p><p>

Jim Duggan</p><p>

Johnny B. Badd</p><p>



Stevie Ray</p><p>

The Renegade</p><p>

The Shark</p><p>

V.K Wallstreet</p><p>


Main Event</strong></p><p>

Big Bubba Rogers</p><p>

Hulk Hogan</p><p>

Lex Luger</p><p>


Randy Savage</p><p>

Ric Flair</p><p>

Road Warrior Hawk</p><p>


The Giant</p><p>

The Taskmaster</p><p>



Tag Teams</strong></p><p>

Arn Anderson & Brian Pillman</p><p>

Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater</p><p>

Harlem Heat</p><p>

Men At Work</p><p>

Sting& Lex Luger</p><p>

The American Males</p><p>

The Barrio Brothers</p><p>

The Blue Bloods</p><p>

The Sullivans</p><p>



WCW World Heavyeweight Champion: Hulk Hogan</p><p>

WCW United States Champion: Sting</p><p>

WCW Television Champion: The Renegade</p><p>

WCW Tag Team Champions: Bunkhouse Buck&Dick Slater</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>FAN INTERACTIVITY:</strong></p><p>

1. Who do you think we should cut from the roster, if any? Should we cut them immediately or use them for a few jobs first?</p><p>

2. Who would you like us to pick up for the roster, please note a scouting report will be coming, your stay may be added to the report if I have not already considered them.</p><p>

3. WCW will be creating a developmental territory in order to create and hone their own talent. Is there anybody on the roster you would like us to send to developmental?</p><p>

4. Is there anybody in the wrestling industry, currently not on the roster you would like us to consider signing to a developmental deal?</p><p>

5. Anything Else?</p><p> </p><p>


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<p>Welcome back, Bock! Glad to see that, at least for now, you have managed to push aside the personal demons and get back to having fun.</p><p> </p><p>

The first Nitros were really exciting, fun television, so I look forward to seeing what you do with it. Personally, I don't think you should cut anyone, at least not for a few months. You will probably want to rotate your "enhancement" field out after using them for their intended purpose, but otherwise I always found it more fun to work with what you have than to cut losses and bring in the people who we all know become big deals in the future. As for hires; I used to like how on Nitro, WCW would bring in some old regional favorites like the RNR Express for a week or two to have a good match. That would be something you could take to doing every so often. Of course if you intend on doing the Cruiser division, then you almost have to bring in the names that made it great like Rey, Juvi, and Psicosis.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall though, have a blast! WCW is so fun to book in this time period!</p>

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Both Edge and Christian should be around at this time, just getting started, and are a good foundation for your development program. Smoky Mountain should be close to folding at around this time too, so Jericho/Storm, Al Snow, D'Lo Brown should all be doing not a whole lot at the moment.
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1. Who do you think we should cut from the roster, if any? Should we cut them immediately or use them for a few jobs first?


I think "The Shark" has grown stale, and we should move him down the card before considering him for future endeavors. We may see if John Tenta would consider training workers in development.


Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater were good workers in the territories, but those days are behind us. At this point, we should consider cutting bait with them entirely, keeping them around provides few advantages.


2. Who would you like us to pick up for the roster, please note a scouting report will be coming, your stay may be added to the report if I have not already considered them.


I've long been hot on "Bam Bam" Scott Bigelow. Vince recently seems to have cooled on him, and there may be an opportunity to snatch him away from the competition once his contract expires. "Bam Bam" Bigelow, as he is known with the boys, has a great look and can really work a match. He could be an immediate impact player for WCW.


I think young Junior wrestler Takeo Otsuka, who wrestles under MEN's Teioh on the Japanese indies, could be a major player in our division. He's currently working under the name "Terry Boy", a not-so-subtle homage to Wrestling Legend Terry Funk, which could be incorporated in a future storyline should Funk return down the road -- Funk always seems willing to put the young guys over. While he has a slight frame, Otsuka has the size to compete in the Heavyweight division down the road.


I've heard "The Canadian Glamour Boys" Shane Sewell and Sean Morley have made quite the impact down in Puerto Rico. Many are predicting both men could eventually become big stars in a major promotion. Despite being young, both Sewell and Morley are solid in-ring workers, with charisma to spare.


3. WCW will be creating a developmental territory in order to create and hone their own talent. Is there anybody on the roster you would like us to send to developmental?


I'm a big fan of Alex Wright, but at his young age, he could use some time to develop his skillset.


I think Chris Kanyon and Mark Starr need to be repackaged. Their current gimmick limits their potential, particularly Kanyon, who many think could be a star.


4. Is there anybody in the wrestling industry, currently not on the roster you would like us to consider signing to a developmental deal?


I think Bryant Anderson has a future in the company. The son of great Ole Anderson, he's a solid hand at this point, but young. He could be paired with C.W. Anderson, a northeast worker with good basics who claims to be related to Ole Anderson. The two complement each other and would make a great tag team.


5. Anything Else?

Looking forward to this diary.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>SCOUTING REPORT</p><p>

Dear Mr. Bischoff</p><p> </p><p>

The following stars are wrestlers that the WCW scouting team is showing IMMEDIATE interest in. There are other possible athletes we can pick up, which the team will happily discuss with you upon receiving the scouting report. </p><p> </p><p>

1.<strong> Adam Copeland And Christian Cage</strong></p><p>

A young pair of wrestlers who could be picked up for our developmental tertritory which is in the works. Give them some time to learn the WCW style, develop characters and gimmicks, find themselves. They may prove to be an excellent addition to our Tag Team Division and who knows? Perhaps even one day find singles runs of their own.</p><p> </p><p>

2.Chris Jericho</p><p>

Chris has the look that could bring a lot of women to our audience, and make a lot of men hate him for it. He and his partner Lance Storm could make a good addition to the Tag Team Division. However We think Chris would make a much better singles run, helping to create an exciting midcard and possibly one day work his way up to the Main Event. Starting him off in a tag team with Lance Storm is not a bad idea though.</p><p> </p><p>

3. Lance Storm</p><p>

Lance is a wonderful athlete, whart he lacks in charisma and excitement, he makes up for in athletic ability and looks. He does however, in our opinion need to be accompanied by someone in order to truly get the rub he deserves. Whether that is as part of a unit (as suggested with Chris Jericho) or with a manager that can talk for him, in the event he ever has a singles run. If we can get him to the Upper Midcard levels of the card. I'd say we've succeeded in making Lance as big a star as he could be.</p><p> </p><p>

4.Kaz Hayashi</p><p>

The first Japanese wrestler we looked at when taking in your consideration of creating an exciteing midcard division. He would definitely be an interesting addition to the roster, providing something which fans have never seen before. If we pair him up with the right people and other people we pick up that can work a similar style. We may get some exciting matches that keeps the audience tuning in to our shows.</p><p> </p><p>

5. Psicosis</p><p>

A possible developmental pick up, if only for a temporary time just to get him to learn the style, a luchadore style wrestler who can bring a quick pace, colourful costumes and a whole new, never before seen style here in America. Having Psicosis and other luchadore wrestlers such as Rey Misterio Jr. Could make for interesting confrontations for Eddie Guerrero. If we invest our time into looking for more unique styles, such as Lucha and the wide range of Japanese wrestlers, we could have a midcard that not only rivals the WWF, but blows it out of the water.</p><p> </p><p>

6. Raven</p><p>

Consider this one opf our suggestions for a wrestler that could be OUR Undertaker. Raven's work in ECW is dark, mysterious, unhinged. He does not have the same intimidating figure The Undertaker has in WWF. But that's something we could work with. We might not be able to get an unbeatable zombie, but this snivelling, gritty, slimy act that Raven performs in WCW could make him one of our top heels if we find the right guys for him to work with.</p><p> </p><p>

We will of course send you further scouting reports in the futre, as we are currently compiling a list of wrestlers for the Developmental territory that you and Mr. Turner are discussing. We hope to hear your feedback on this Scouting Report, and will take the direction of WCW Nitro into account when looking for further talent to develop and pick up.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>WCW Monday Nitro Card</strong></p><p>

<strong>DEBUT SHOW!</strong></p><p> </p><p>


Alex Wright Vs Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 1</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Harlem Heat Vs The American Males</p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 2</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero Vs Jushin Thunder Liger</p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

Sting Vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Hulk Hogan Vs. Arn Anderson</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<strong>Alex Wright</strong> Vs Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 1</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

Harlem Heat Vs <strong>The American Males</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 2</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero Vs <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Sting </strong>Vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> Vs. Arn Anderson</p>

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<p>Dean Malenko - <em>It's a new day in WCW, and what better way to start it than with a new star going over one that the fans mostly rejected?</em></p><p>

American Males - <em>Just remember that if they try to talk to you, you'd better not listen.</em></p><p>

Jushin Liger - <em>A slick little win for your New Japan friend.</em></p><p>

Sting - <em>Should be a really good match, excited to see what you do with Brian as he moves into the Loose Cannon phase of his career.</em></p><p>

Hulk Hogan - <em>Hulkwinslol</em></p>

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<p>Alex Wright Vs <strong>Dean Malenko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 1</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

<strong>Harlem Heat </strong>Vs The American Males</p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 2</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero Vs <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> Vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> Vs. Arn Anderson</p>

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Alex Wright Vs <strong><strong>Dean Malenko</strong></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 1</p><p>

Tag Team Match</p><p>

<strong>Harlem Heat</strong> Vs The American Males</p><p> </p><p>

Midcard 2</p><p>

Eddie Guerrero Vs <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Upper Midcard </p><p>

Non Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> Vs. Brian Pillman</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

<strong>Hulk Hogan</strong> Vs. Arn Anderson</p><p>

<em>As much as I hate Hogan and a mark for AA. Hogan won't loose, especialy on the first Nitro</em></p>

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