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Need help on profitability

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So I started a new company and I'm the CEO. It's centered in the Gulf Coast region, brand new. I've got one media contract with SportsTube, but it's the only one I can get currently. I'm in year one of the game. Currently $305k in debt. Losing money on Marketing and Drug Tests. Honestly not sure how far into debt I can go.


Gaining an average of 1.5-2.0 interest in the US per event. Currently 8.5 popularity in US. 3.4-3.7 everywhere else.


Suggestions, tips, ideas?


Also, I'm holding about 20 fighters per weight class. All contracts were new, starting at 1000$ base, some were less. I think I signed three at $1600 per fight but they were quickly taken by GAMMA. All other fighters on my roster are tied in with OMEGA or XCC or WEFF.

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You've probably over hired for what you need depending on how many divisions you're running and what your starting cash was, early on in a company with not much money basically don't do anything above local marketing and honestly if you're still having issues you can take the popularity hits for underbooking cards. Also generally taking the deal with sportstube is fairly pointless unless you plan to expand into other regions and even then you just get broadcasters from those regions after holding a few shows there, if you wanna make it easier on yourself you should try running shows in unregulated regions to avoid having to pay for drug tests which will keep costs down quite a lot.
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