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Contract Buy Out and Behind the Scenes Watcher?

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So I've been thinking of a new way to play a game/a watcher and thought I'd share;


Each company signs a worker to a written contract as usual, however if the worker is unhappy (ala Neville in WWE), they can request there release. This then allows other companies to make offers on buying out their contract.


This could also lead to companys secretly contacting workers who are working for someone else and even having a buy out close (ala football). The way I'd calculate a buy out would be; [the monthly wage of the worker] x [Months left] = [total worth of a workers contract]. However the percentage of that worth would be determined by their popularity in the current companys home region, so the overall buy out clause would be; [Monthly wage]x[length of contract]=[worth]/popularity= buy out clause.

An example of this is:




As you can see the buying of a workers contract could be more financially difficult, but what is a 92 pop 35 year worth on the open market? Time to find out.

Not only that but we see behind the scenes of agents meetings, trades and other interesting scenarios. What if someone sits out of their contract? Has a bad attitude? Drugs problem? What is creative control worth? What happens when an agent thinks a client is worth more than the company feels? What perks could they have? (All rhetorical)


Just gauging if any one would be interested and if there are other suggestions?

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