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WCW Mayhem Preview(August 2006 Week 1) [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [B][U]WCW Mayhem Preview, August 2006 Week 1[/U][/B] -Brock Lesnar will be in action. -What will Jindrak & O'Haire have to say about their tag title win? -Members of the New Breed, William House & Harry Smith will take on Muhammed Hassan and Rene Dupree. -Sid plans to call out Goldberg.. -All this a much more! Tune in to ABC at 8 EST....
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem results for August Week 1 2006 [center][SIZE="4"][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/B][/SIZE] [B]August 2006, Week 1 Shreveport, Louisiana Hirsh Memorial Coliseum Attendance: 10,055[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT-- [U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]Maven[/B] def. [B]Tajiri[/B] by pinfall at 7:29. -A-Train & Johnny Stamboli def. [B]Eric Angle & Grandmaster Sexy[/B] when [B]A-Train pinned Sexay[/B] at 6:11. ____________________________________________________________ [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Fireworks go off as Mayhem comes to you live from Shreveport, Louisiana. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone are at ringside. They say tonight a tag match between William House & Harry Smith .vs. Rene Dupree and Muhammed Hassan will take place and Nick Falkner will take on Orlando Jordan. And Sid told us earlier that he will call out Bill Goldberg tonight.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"](Jindrak and O'Haire's music hits. The new tag team champions stroll down to the ring with the titles. Mark Jindrak grabs a mic and starts bragging about how hard it was to win the tag titles and that not two regular men could do it. They claim to be the greatest tag team ever and say that they will be the fightingest champions ever. O'Haire grabs the mic and says that they have nothing to worry about, because no two men on this roster that can beat them. ----------The old Nasty Boys music hits---------- [COLOR="Black"][B]Its the Nasty Boys[/B][/COLOR]!! Jerry Sags and Brian Knobbs come out atop the isle. Knobbs has a mic. He pokes fun at Jindrak and O'Haire by telling them just how long and how many times it took them to win the titles. And even when they won they cheated. Jindrak strikes back cracking a joke about the Nasty Boys age. Sags grabs the mic and calls them punks. He says if they are so great, why dont they put the titles on the line against the Nastys tonight? Jindrak says no, they are tired tonight maybe another time. Knobbs wants to know what happen to the fighting champions. ----------[B][COLOR="black"]Bret Hart shows up on the VideoTron[/COLOR][/B]---------- Hart says that the titles will be on the line tonight. Jindrak and O'Haire will defend against the Nasty Boys and that match will take place now!)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW Tag Team Titles Match[/U][/B] [B]Jindrak & O'Haire(c) .vs. The Nasty Boys[/B] -Jindrak & O'Haire get the win by pinfall after O'Haire pinned Sags. The champs grab their belts and head towards the back. [B]WINNERS: Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire MATCH LENGTH: 8:23 RATING: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](William House and Brooke Hogan are shown walking hand and hand. Along side them is Harry Smith. They are discussing their tag match tonight.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Nick Falkner .vs. Orlando Jordan[/B] -Nick Falkner gets the win by submission after using a sharpshooter. After the match D-Lo Brown ran down. Jordan and D-Lo pounded Falkner until Carlito ran in to make the save. [B]WINNER: Nick Falkner MATCH LENGTH: 10:50 RATING: B-[/B] [COLOR="navy"](Terri Runnels is shown standing with David Flair and Christy Hemme. Flair says he doesnt know what the hell Papa Shango has done to Vampiro. But if he wants a fight then he has got one. He says at Road Wild in a few weeks he will show up. He then challenges Shango and Vampiro to be there for a match. Flair says they will find out his partner soon enough.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Brock Lesnar .vs. Maven[/B] -Brock Lesnar squashes Maven in less than 5 minutes and picks up the win by pinfall following an F5. Chris Jericho ran down after the match and nailed Lesnar from behind. Jericho gave Lesnar a Lionsault. Jericho rolled out of the ring smiling at Lesnar. [B]WINNER: Brock Lesnar MATCH LENGTH: 4:12 RATING: C+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Goldberg is shown arriving. Terri Runnels runs up to Goldberg and asks him if he knows that Sid is planning on calling him out tonight. Goldberg says that sounds good to him and that he wont back down.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](Promo for WCW Road Wild is shown. The theme song is "Right Here: by Staind. Only confirmed match is Jericho .vs. Lesnar for the World Title.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone hype up the "Fans Eye". They say it is broadcasted over the internet on the final day of each month to catch you up on the wrestling world.) (Rodney Mack's music hits. He and the movement come down to the ring for the White Boy Challenge. Corey Maclin grabs a mic and says the he knows there are plenty of white boys in the back and one of them needs to come down and get beat down every time. ----------[B][COLOR="Black"]Charlie Haas' music hits[/COLOR][/B]----------Haas comes down to the ring to accept the challenge.)[/COLOR] [B][U]White Boy Challenge[/U][/B] [B]Rodney Mack w/The Movement .vs. Charlie Haas[/B] -Haas couldnt overcome the 3 on 1 assault. Mack beat Haas with a pinfall. After the match Orlando Jordan got a chair and the three men started pummeling Haas, folding his arm in the chair in an attempt to break it. [COLOR="black"][B]Nick Falkner and Carlito[/B][/COLOR] run down to the ring and clean house, saving Charlie Haas. The teams trash talk each other. [B]WINNER: Rodney Mack is now 8-0 in the White Boy Challenge MATCH LENGTH: 9:12 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](Promo hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki is shown . In Japanese, he says he wont come alone. America will pay.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Harry Smith and William House are shown backstage walking to the curtains. Brooke Hogan is beside them.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] [B]Harry "Bulldog" Smith & William House w/Brooke Hogan .vs. Muhammed Hassan & Rene Dupree[/B] -Hassan and Dupree get the win by pinfall after Hassan pinned House, with his feet on the ropes for leverage. Dupree got the French flag and nailed Harry Smith with it. Hassan and Dupree backed down the isle with their hands raised in victory. [B]WINNERS: Rene Dupree & Muhammed Hassan MATCH LENGTH: 18:37 RATING: A-[/B] [COLOR="navy"](Sid is shown walking backstage to the curtains. He will call out Goldberg, NEXT!)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Sids music hits. Sid comes to the ring and throws referee Brian Hebner out. Sid gets a mic and tells Goldberg to bring his ass to the ring now. Sid mocks Goldberg and insults him for a few seconds. --------[B][COLOR="Black"]Goldberg's music hits[/COLOR][/B]---------- Goldberg walks down to the ring. Goldberg gets in the ring and spears Sid. Goldberg and Sid brawl all round the ring and then on the outside. Sid throws Goldberg into the steps. They make it back into the ring and Goldberg gets the upper hand. Goldberg then Jackhammers Sid, but Sid gets up and fights back, eventually powerbombing Goldberg. Goldberg then also fights back. ----------[COLOR="black"][B]Bret Hart's music hits[/B][/COLOR]---------- Commissioner Hart comes out and sends officials to break the two up. Bret the says that since they want at each other so bad that he is gonna give it to them. He says that they will face off at Road Wild in two weeks. But if they even touch each other once before then, then the match is off. Goldberg and Sid argue with each other over the officials as the show ends.)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B]
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem Preview (August 2006 Week 2) [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, August 2006 Week 2[/B] -Rene Dupree has a special challenge for Harry "Bulldog" Smith. -Carlito takes on D Lo Brown. -William House and Brooke Hogan will be Chris Jericho's guest on the wrestling lounge. -Can Sid and Goldberg manage to stay away from each other until Backlash? -All this a much more! Tune in to ABC at 8 EST....
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Monday Night Mayhem results (August Week 2, 2006) [center][SIZE="4"][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/B][/SIZE] [B]August 2006, Week 2 St. Louis, Missouri Savvis Center Attendance: 20,018[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]A-Train[/B] def. [B]Maven[/B] by pinfall at 4:12. -[B]Mikey Batts[/B] def. [B]Teddy Hart[/B] by pinfall at 9:13. ____________________________________________________________ [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Fireworks explode live from the SavvisCenter in St. Louis, Missouri. The cameras go to ringside where WCW announcers Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone are standing at their announce table. They say that tonight Goldberg and Sid are in the arena and can they manage to dodge each other all night to keep their match at Road Wild in 2 weeks. They send the cameras to the ring for the "Wrestling Lounge" with host, WCW World Champion Chris Jericho.) (Saliva's "King of my World" plays as Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring to host the "Wrestling Lounge". Jericho gets in the ring and tells everyone to welcome his guests tonight, William House and Brooke Hogan. ----------[COLOR="Black"][B]William House's music hits[/B][/COLOR]---------- House and Brooke make their way to the ring. Jericho asks the questions about their dating each other, and asks House about being on "Hogan Knows Best". ----------[COLOR="black"][B]Muhammed Hassan's music hits[/B][/COLOR]---------- The US Champion comes down to the ring and grabs a mic. Hassan claims that this is a joke that they are out here talking about meaningless crap. Hassan says that they should be talking about the win that Muhammed Hassan gained over William House last week on Mayhem. Hassan then tells House that he will never be US champion. Hassan then slaps House. House pauses for a minute and attacks Hassan. As House and Hassan brawl, Brock Lesnar comes in from the crowd, like Jericho did last week, and attacked Jericho. Lesnar gives Jericho an F5 as the show goes to commercial.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Mayhem comes back and shows what happened during the commercial break. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone say that during the break, Commissioner Hart made a tag match for tonight's main event, its Chris Jericho & William House versus Brock Lesnar and Muhammed Hassan.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Carlito .vs. D-Lo Brown[/B] -Carlito gets the win by pinfall over D-Lo Brown following a Coolbreaker. After the match [COLOR="Black"][B]Rodney Mack and Orlando Jordan[/B][/COLOR] ran down and attacked Carlito. [B][COLOR="black"]Charlie Haas and Nick Falkner[/COLOR][/B] then ran down for the save. Haas, Carlito, and Falkner cleaned house. [B]WINNER: Carlito MATCH LENGTH: 10:00 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](Promo hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki is shown. He once again says that he isnt coming alone.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Terri Runnels is shown backstage with [B][COLOR="Black"]CM Punk[/COLOR][/B]. Terri says that Punk has request a match against Billy Kidman, and it has gotten the match. But tonight its only a non title match. CM Punk says that once he dominates Kidman tonight, that Commissioner Hart will have no choice but to grant him a WCW Cruiserweight Title shot.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Tag Team Non-Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Jindrak & O'Haire .vs. Lance Storm & Tajiri[/B] -Storm and Tajiri pick up the win by pinfall with some help from the Nasty Boys. Brian Knobbs distracted Jindrak allowing Tajri to nail himw with a shuffle-side kick and roll him up for the 3 count. After the match, Jindrak & O'Haire are enraged that the Nastys costs them the match. [B]WINNERS: Lance Storm & Tajiri MATCH LENGTH: 8:15 RATING: B-[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/B][/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Harry Smith .vs. Johnny Stamboli[/B] -Harry Smith gets the win by pinfall in this non-title match. [B]WINNER: Harry Smith MATCH LENGTH: 9:39 RATING: C+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Rene Dupree's music hits[/B][/COLOR]. Dupree comes out with the French flag and confronts Harry Smith after his win. Dupree says that he has a special challenge for Harry Smith. He says that since Harry Smith has became the proud countryman all of the sudden. At Road Wild in 2 weeks he challenges Harry Smith to a European Title "Flag on a pole" match. He says that the first person to capture the other's flag wins the match and the European Title. Harry Smith says that he is a fighting champion and would love to grab Dupree's French Flag and rip it in half. He accepts the challenge.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Goldberg[/B][/COLOR] is shown walking around in the back when [B][COLOR="black"]Sid[/COLOR][/B] comes up and gets in his face. Sid dares Goldberg to hit him. Goldberg says that there is a time and a place to kick his ass.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The show comes back to [COLOR="Black"][B]Heidenreich[/B][/COLOR], who is attacking [B][COLOR="black"]Matt Morgan[/COLOR][/B] with a lead pipe. Heidenreich destroys Morgan.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Non-Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Billy Kidman w/Torrie Wilson .vs. CM Punk[/B] -The match is declared a no-contest after [B][COLOR="black"]Caprice Coleman[/COLOR][/B] interfered. Coleman attacked both men and grabbed a mic. He says that he is just as good, no wait, better than both of them and if anyone is next in line for a WCW Cruiserweight Title Match, its him. [B]WINNER: No Contest MATCH LENGTH: 15:28 RATING: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Papa Shango[/B][/COLOR] is shown standing in some kind of pit with [B][COLOR="black"]Vampiro[/COLOR][/B]. Vampiro isnt talking and still has the stained mist on his face. Shango mumbles in some kind of tone that they have accepted David Flair's challenge.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](The cameras go to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone. Cole says he doesnt know what the hell is goin on with Papa Shango and Vampiro, but tonight 5 new matches have been added to Road Wild, which will take place in two weeks at the Sturgis Race and Rally. As you know three matches have already been announced and here is the new card.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]("Right Here" by Staind plays as Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone run thru the updated Road Wild Card. -Matt Morgan will take on Heidenreich in a match just made by Commissioner Bret Hart, after Heidenreich attacked Morgan from behind earlier tonight. -In another match just made by Commissioner Hart, Jindrak and O'Haire will defend the WCW Tag Team titles in a rematch against the Nasty Boys. -Also there will be a Six Man Streetfight, no holds barred, as Members of the "New Breed", Nick Falkner & Carlito team up with Charlie Haas to take on "Movement" members, Rodney Mack, Orlando Jordan, and D-Lo Brown. -Papa Shango and his druid, Vampiro will take on David Flair and a mystery opponent. -European Title is on the line in a "Flag on a Pole Match" as Harry "Bulldog" Smith defends against Frenchman Rene Dupree. -In the biggest match made by Commissioner Hart tonight, Muhammed Hassan will defend his US Title against William House. -Plus Sid and Goldberg finally get a chance to kill each other as they go one on one at Road Wild. -And the big one, Can Brock Lesnar capture the WCW World Title in his home state as he challenges Chris Jericho for the WCW World Title.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Tag Team Match[/U][/B] [B]Chris Jericho & William House w/Brooke Hogan .vs. Brock Lesnar & Muhammed Hassan[/B] -Chris Jericho and William House get the win by submission after House made Hassan submit to the sharpshooter. [B]WINNERS: Chris Jericho & William House MATCH LENGTH: 16:21 RATING: A[/B] [B]END[/B]
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem Preview (August 2006 Week 3) [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, August 2006 Week 3[/B] -Chris Jericho takes on Muhammed Hassan in the main event. -Tempers will flare on the last Mayhem before Road Wild this sunday. -Triple threat match for the WCW Cruiserweight Title has been announced for Road Wild, Billy Kidman(c) .vs. CM Punk .vs. Caprice Coleman. -Can Sid and Goldberg manage to stay away from each other until Backlash? -All this a much more! Tune in to ABC at 8 EST....
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Monday Night Mayhem results for August Week 3 2006 [center][SIZE="4"][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/B][/SIZE] [B]August 2006, Week 3 Des Moines, IA Veterans Memorial Auditorium Attendance: 11,234[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]Mikey Batts[/B] def. [B]Evan Karagias[/B] by pinfall at 8:56. -[B]Matt Morgan[/B] def. [B]A-Train[/B] by DQ, when [B]Heidenreich[/B] interfered at 7:35. ____________________________________________________________ [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Fireworks explode as WCW Monday Night Mayhem comes to you live from the Veterans Memorial Auditorium in the capital city, Des Moines, Iowa. The cameras shift to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone at ringside, who announce that tonight WCW World Champion Chris Jericho takes on WCW US Champion Muhammed Hassan.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"](Rodney Mack's music hits. [B][COLOR="Black"]The Movement[/COLOR][/B] make their way down to the ring led by Corey Maclin and Linda Miles. Rodney Mack grabs a mic a says that this Sunday at Road Wild they are in a match that is perfect for his style. He says that those three honkeys will get the beating of a lifetime in a street fight, but as for tonight, Falkner thinks he can beat me in the "White Boy Challenge". He then calls out Falkner. ----------[B][COLOR="Black"]Nick Falkner's music hits[/COLOR][/B]---------- Falkner comes down to the ring and brings [B][COLOR="black"]Carlito and Haas[/COLOR][/B] with him. Carlito steps in the ring and starts taunting Mack. Carlito says he is no honkey nor is he white. He calls Mack and the Movement stupid.)[/COLOR] [B][U]White Boy Challenge[/U][/B] [B]Rodney Mack w/The Movement .vs. Nick Falkner w/Haas & Carlito[/B] -Rodney Macks picks up the win by pinfall. Both sides were continuously cheating. The Movement got the upper hand in cheating to the win. After the match all 6 men started bringing weapons out from under the ring and started a preview of what is to come this Sunday in the street fight. [B]WINNER: Rodney Mack is now 9-0 in the White Boy Challenge MATCH LENGTH: 11:19 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire[/B][/COLOR] are shown busting into Commissioner Hart's office. They start complaining about being put in a match at Road Wild versus the Nasty Boys for the titles. Hart says the match is on. [B][COLOR="black"]The Nasty Boys[/COLOR][/B] then run in and attack Jindrak and O'Haire.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](WCW Cruiserweight Champion [COLOR="Black"][B]Billy Kidman[/B][/COLOR] comes down to the ring with Torrie Wilson. They take seats next to Cole and Schiavone and get set up to call the next match.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]CM Punk .vs. Caprice Coleman[/B] -Caprice Coleman picks up the win by pinfall with some outside help from Billy Kidman, who gave CM Punk a cheapshot to cost him the match. Kidman fled to the back with Torrie before CM Punk got back to his feet. [B]WINNER: Caprice Coleman MATCH LENGTH: 9:34 RATING: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](Promo hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki is shown. He isnt coming alone.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Heidenreich .vs. Grandmaster Sexay[/B] -Heidenreich gets the win by pinfall in a squash match. Heidenreich was making his way back up the ramp after his when, and he was attacked by Matt Morgan. [B]WINNER: Heidenreich by pinfall MATCH LENGTH: 3:14 RATING: C-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](Michale Cole and Tony Schiavone run thru the card for WCW Road Wild this Sunday, Staind's "Right Here" plays in the background -Billy Kidman puts his WCW Cruiserweight Title on the line in a triple threat match against CM Punk and Caprice Coleman -Can Matt Morgan and Heidenreich settle their differences as they go one on one again for the 2nd time since Bash at the Beach -Papa Shango and his brainwashed druid, Vampiro take on David Flair and Flair's mystery opponent -The Eurpoean Title is on the line in a Flag on a Pole Match, when Harry "Bulldog" Smith defends his title against Rene Dupree -The WCW Tag Team Titles are on the line as Jindrak and O'Haire defend against tag team legends, the Nasty Boys -WCW US Champ, Muhammed Hassan puts his title on the line against rising rookie, William House -A six man streetfight will take place as The Movement takes on New Breed members, Nick Falkner & Carlito, who also team up with Charlie Haas -Sid and Goldberg can finally settle the score one on one in a fued that has been brewing for months -And the big one, can Brock Lesnar win the WCW World Title in the state he resides in, when he takes on champ, Chris Jericho for the title. Contact your ppv provider and order WCW Road Wild this Sunday only on DirecTV)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Goldberg[/B][/COLOR] is shown busting into Commissioner Hart's office. He tells Hart that the knows that they have had differences in the past, but as for tonight he wants to hurt Sid. Hart says he will lift the no-contact rule tonight. Goldberg smiles and attempts to walk out when Hart tells Goldberg that he owes him one.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Vampiro w/Papa Shango .vs. David Flair w/Christy Hemme[/B] -David Flair wins by DQ. During the match, Papa Shango gets involved and gets Vampiro disqualified. Shango and Vampiro jump David Flair as Christy screams for help. Devon Storm then runs down and makes the save. Storm cleans house, thus revealing that he will be David Flair's partner this Sunday. [B]WINNER: David Flair by DQ MATCH LENGTH: 10:46 RATING: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Sid[/COLOR][/B] is shown walking backstage when he is attacked from behind by [COLOR="black"][B]Goldberg[/B][/COLOR]. They brawl backstage and then head out inside the arena. The battle all the way to the ring and back down the isle. Goldberg then spears Sid off the stage onto tables down below. Staff try to help both men up, but they refuse help and start tossing staff members left and right. Sid starts yelling that he knows Hart did this.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] is shown walking backstage to the curtains with the WCW World Title over his shoulder)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Chris Jericho .vs. Muhammed Hassan[/B] -The match is declared a no contest due to loads of outside interference. [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] ran down and stared attacking Jericho. Hassan and Lesnar pound on Jericho until [B]William House[/B] and [B]Nick Falkner[/B] run down to help Jericho. [B]The Movement[/B] then runs down and starts jumping Falkner and House. [B]Charlie Haas[/B], [B]Carlito[/B], and [B]Harry Smith[/B] run down, followed by [B]Rene Dupree[/B]. [B]WINNER: No Contest MATCH LENGTH: 13:25 RATING: A[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](All madness has broken out in the ring as a complete 12 man brawl has broken out inside and outside the ring as the show ends)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B]
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WCW Road Wild PPV Results [center][SIZE="4"][B]WCW ROAD WILD[/B][/SIZE] [B]Sunday, August 20, 2006 Sturgis, South Dakota Sturgis Race and Rally Attendance: 14,120[/B][/center] [B]PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U][/B] [B]Lance Storm & Tajiri[/B] def. [B]A-Train & Johnny Stamboli[/B] by pinfall at 12:10 _________________________________________________________ [COLOR="navy"](Lilian Garcia sings the national anthem) (Pyros and fireworks go off as "Right Here" by Staind plays at the Sturgis Race and Rally. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone appear at ringside. They says its the WCW's return to Sturgis after many years away. All 5 WCW titles are on the line tonight. Michael Cole asks Tony Shciavone which title has the best chance of changing hands. Tony says that Chris Jericho better watch out because Brock Lesnar has a heap of fans here in South Dakota. They send the cameras to the ring for the first match of the night for the WCW Cruiserweight Title.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW Cruiserweight Title Triple Threat Match[/U][/B] [B]Billy Kidman(c) w/Torrie Wilson .vs. CM Punk .vs. Caprice Coleman[/B] -Caprice Coleman gets the win by pinfall after pinning CM Punk. [B]WINNER: And new WCW Cruiserweight Champ, Caprice Coleman! MATCH LENGTH: 18:37 RATING: B[/B] [COLOR="navy"](Highlights from the Race and Rally are shown. In attendance were many WCW Superstars.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"](Latasha Marzolla is shown standing with [COLOR="Black"][B]David Flair[/B][/COLOR], [COLOR="black"]Christy Hemme[/COLOR], and [B][COLOR="black"]Devon Storm[/COLOR][/B]. They hype up their tag match tonight.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](A video promo showing the events between Papa Shango and David Flair are shown. What has Papa Shango done to Vampiro? The question still hasnt been answered.)[/COLOR] [U][B]Tag Match[/B][/U] [B]Papa Shango & Vampiro .vs. David Flair & Devon Storm w/Christy Hemme[/B] -Shango and Vampiro get the win by pinfall after Vampiro used a weapon to knock out David Flair. After the match, Devon Storm turned on David Flair and revealed that he is one of Papa Shango's druids. Vampiro and Storm hold down David Flair. Papa Shango then spits the black mist directly on Flair's face. They then turn their attention on Christy Hemme and decide to do the same to her. but she runs away screaming. [B]WINNER: Papa Shango & Vampiro by pinfall MATCH LENGTH: 9:02 RATING: B-[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone discuss Papa Shango and his influence on other superstars. They wonder if David Flair will ever get baclk to normal. And what are they gonna do if they get their hands on Christy. And whats with Devon Storm.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"](A promo for next month's ppv, WCW Fall Brawl is shown. The theme is "Your Disease" by Saliva, who will be performing live.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="black"]Sid[/COLOR][/B] is shown busting into [B][COLOR="Black"]Commissioner Hart's[/COLOR][/B] office. Sid grabs Hart up by the shirt and throws him down. He tells the Hitman to think twice before crossing him again. Officials rush in and retain Sid. They help up Bret Hart.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](The French flag, and UK flag have been posed in opposite corners of the ring for this next match.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW European Title Flag on a Pole Match[/U][/B] [B]Harry "Bulldog" Smith(c) .vs. Rene Dupree[/B] -Harry Smith retains his European Title after snatching Dupree;s French flag. Smith then pounds Dupree with the flag and then lays it across him as he is down and out. [B]WINNER: Harry Smith MATCH LENGTH: 12:58 RATING: B-[/B] [COLOR="navy"](Terri Runnels is shown standing with the [COLOR="Black"][B]Nasty Boys[/B][/COLOR]. They say tonight they will return atop the tag team division in pro wrestling by gaining the WCW tag team titles tonight.) (Latasha Marzolla is shown standing with WCW Tag Team Champions, [B][COLOR="black"]Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire[/COLOR][/B]. They say that tonight they will put the Nasty Boys where they belong, in a retirement home.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW Tag Team Titles Match[/U][/B] [B]Jindrak & O'Haire(c) .vs. The Nasty Boys[/B] -Jindrak and O'Haire retain the WCW tag titles by pinfall after O'Haire pinned Sags, following a Seanton Bomb. [B]WINNERS: and still tag team champions, Jindrak and O'Haire MATCH LENGTH: 8:10 RATING: C+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Events leading up to the match between Heidenreich and Matt Morgan are shown.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Matt Morgan .vs. Heidenreich[/B] -Matt Morgan picks up the win by pinfall. Heidenreich tells Matt Morgan after the match that it is far from over. [B]WINNER: Matt Morgan MATCH LENGTH: 9:32 RATING: C+[/B] [COLOR="Green"](A video promo showing the events between Goldberg and Sid is shown.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Commissioner Harts music hits. [B][COLOR="Black"]Bret Hart[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring and grabs a mic. He says he will stand at ringside for this match and make sure that no one interferes, because if they do they will be suspend indefinately.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Sid .vs. Goldberg[/B] -Goldberg picks up the win by pinfall after a jackhammer. After the match Goldberg left ringside. Sid grabbed Commissioner Hart from ringside and threw him in the ring. Sid gave Hart 3 powerbombs. Leaving Hart helpless in the ring. [B]WINNER: Goldberg MATCH LENGTH: 13:13 RATING: B+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Alexis us shown standing with [B][COLOR="Black"]Muhammed Hassan[/COLOR][/B]. He claims that William House has his head so far up Brooke Hogan's ass that he is in no way ready for tonights match.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"](A promo hyping the debut of Kenzo Suzuki is shown. He isnt coming alone.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Christy Hemme[/COLOR][/B] is shown helping [COLOR="black"][B]David Flair[/B][/COLOR] try to get the mist off of his face backstage, when [COLOR="black"][B]Papa Shango, Devon Storm, and Vampiro[/B][/COLOR] run in and attack Flair again. Hemme grabs her bags and runs out.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Muhammed Hassan[/B][/COLOR] comes down for his match. He grabs a mic and starts mocking Americans. He says that in his eyes, America has lost the war in the middle east, because the army is full of fat beer guzzling rednecks like the bikers here tonight at the redneck rally.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW United States Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Muhammed Hassan(c) .vs. William House w/Brooke Hogan[/B] -William House gets the win by submission after forcing Hassan to submit to the sharpshooter. [B]WINNER: and new WCW US Champion, William House MATCH LENGTH: 18:22 RATING: A[/B] [COLOR="Green"](A video promo showing the development of Rodney Mack's stable, The Movement is shown. Also shown are some highlights leading up to this next match.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Terri Runnels is shown with [B][COLOR="Black"]Rodney Mack and the Movement[/COLOR][/B]. They show off all the weapons that they are bringing to the ring tonight.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Six Man Streetfight[/U][/B] [B]The Movement w/Corey Maclin & Linda Miles .vs. Nick Falkner, Carlito, & Charlie Haas[/B] -After the use of chairs, tables, ladders, pipes, road signs, garbage cans, kendo sticks, belts, bowling balls, bats, sledgehammers, and even the kitchen sink, Carlito picked up the win for his team after pinning Orlando Jordan. Linda Miles and Corey Maclin also got involved in the match at certain points, but were taken out. 4 of the six men ended up getting busted up, those were Nick Falkner, Charlie Haas, Rodney Mack, and Carlito. [B]WINNERS: Nick Falkner, Carlito, & Charlie Haas MATCH LENGTH: 25:10 RATING: A[/B] [COLOR="Green"](A video promo hyping the match between Chris Jericho and Brock Lesnar for the World Title is shown. Can Brock finally capture the WCW World Title in his home state.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone talk at ringside about the upcoming match for the WCW World Title.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW World Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Chris Jericho(c) .vs. Brock Lesnar[/B] -Brock Lesnar captures the WCW World Title after pinning Chris Jericho following and F5. [B]WINNER: and new WCW World Champion, Brock Lesnar MATCH LENGTH: 19:14 RATING: A+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Brock Lesnar celebrates with some of the crowd as the show ends. Brock Lesnar is starting to gain some popularity with the fans.)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B]
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem preview (August 2006 Week 4) For news on WCW's Fan's eye being cancelled, TNA, Eric Bischoff and more, [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, August 2006 Week 4[/B] -What will new WCW World Champ, Brock Lesnar, have to say? -"A Minute With Maven" debuts. -Jindrak & O'Haire defend the Tag Titles against Carlito & Nick Falkner. -Is it over between Sid and Goldberg? -All this a much more! Tune in to ABC at 8 EST....
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem results for August 2006 Week 4 [center][SIZE="4"][B]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/B][/SIZE] [B]August 2006, Week 4 Denver, CO Pepsi Center Attendance: 20,005[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]Mikey Batts[/B] def. [B]Teddy Hart[/B] by pinfall at 12:18 -[B]Charlie Haas[/B] def. [B]Johnny Stamboli[/B] by pinfall at 10:33. ____________________________________________________________ [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Fireworks and pyros go off live from the Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado. The cameras roll thru the crowd before going ringside to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone. They say that tonight Jindrak and O'Haire defend their WCW tag team titles against Carlito and Nick Falkner, plus new WCW World Champion Brock Lensar is here.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"](Bret Harts music hits. [COLOR="Black"][B]Commissioner Hart[/B][/COLOR] comes down to the ring and grabs a mic. The reaction to the Hitman is mixed with cheers and boos. Hart grabs a mic and says that the first order of business tonight is that he has suspended Sid for the evening. He says that he is a fair commissioner and the only reason Sid is being suspended is because of his attack on the commissioner last night at Road Wild. He says to show the fans that he is still on their side, he is making a match tonight to determine the #1 contender for Brock Lesnar's WCW title. It will be Goldberg .vs. Chris Jericho. And .....----------Muhammed Hassan's music hits---------- [COLOR="black"][B]Muhammed Hassan[/B][/COLOR] makes his way to the ring and gets in Bret Hart's face. He says that Jericho and Goldberg have had their shots, and its his time to earn a title shot. He says he will not sit here and be disgraced by some ridiculous Canadian. Hart says that since Hassan is now a former! US Champion, that he will make Hassan a deal. He says he will put Hassan in a match tonight, right now against the first person who steps out here, and if Hassan can win the match, then later on tonight it will be a triple threat match for the #1 contendership of the World title. Hart calls out anyone to come take on Muhammed Hassan. ----------Charlie Haas' music hits---------- [COLOR="black"][B]Charlie Haas[/B][/COLOR] comes down to the ring and the match is on.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Muhammed Hassan .vs. Charlie Haas[/B] -After a long hardfought match, that definately worked the crowd, Hassan wins the match by pinfall over Charlie Haas. [B]WINNER: Muhammed Hassan MATCH LENGTH: 18:49 RATING: B+[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"](New United States Champion, [COLOR="Black"][B]William House[/B][/COLOR] is shown arriving with [B][COLOR="Black"]Brooke Hogan[/COLOR][/B].)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"](Promo for the next WCW PPV is shown, WCW Fall Brawl will come your way Sunday, September 17 on ppv. Saliva's "Your Disease" is the theme and Salive will perform live.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="black"][B]Rene Dupree[/B][/COLOR] comes out with the French flag. He says that he didnt suceed last night. But tonight in a rematch for the European title, he will win the belt. Especially after the disgrace Harry Smith put on the flag last night.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW European Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Harry "Bulldog" Smith(c) .vs. Rene Dupree[/B] -Harry Smith wins the match by DQ. During the match, debuting superstar [COLOR="black"][B]Kenzo Suzuki[/B][/COLOR] walks down with a guy at his side. Suzuki and the guy get in the ring Toru tosses Rene Dupree on the outside. Kenzo then attacks Harry Smith. Kenzo and Toru destroy Smith leavin him down and out. All of Harry Smith's fellow [B]New Breed members[/B] come down to assist Harry Smith. [B]WINNER: No Contest MATCH LENGTH: 10:55 RATING: B+[/B] [COLOR="Red"][B]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](The show comes back to ringside. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone talk about the debuting Kenzo Suzuki and his right hand man. They say that they just found out the guy Kenzo Suzuki was with is named Toru, and thats all they know. They then talk about the main event tonight, a triple threat match to determine the #1 contender to face Brock Lesnar. Its Chris Jericho .vs. Muhammed Hassan .vs. Goldberg.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Goldberg[/COLOR][/B] is shown busting into [COLOR="black"][B]Commissioner Hart's[/B][/COLOR] office. Goldberg has a cast on his wrist. Goldberg asks Hart what the deal is. He says that Hart knew he cant wrestle tonight. Hart tells Goldberg to shut up, and to rememer that he owes Hart. Hart tells Goldberg that he needs ratings and that Goldberg will wrestle tonight, or he will be fired. Goldberg stares down Hart, and walks out slamming the door.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](Rodney Mack's music hits. [B][COLOR="Black"]Rodney Mack and all Movement members[/COLOR][/B] come down to the ring. Mack grabs a mic and says that they may have lost last night, but Rodney Mack is still unbeaten in the White Boy Challenge. And tonight he calls out any white boy in the back to come down and take a beating. Rodney Mack promises that tonight's match will be one on one. ----------Mikey Batts music hits---------- rookie, [COLOR="black"][B]Mikey Batts[/B][/COLOR] comes down and gets in the ring to accept the challenge.)[/COLOR] [B][U]White Boy Challenge[/U][/B] [B]Rodney Mack w/The Movement .vs. Mikey Batts[/B] -Rodney Mack destroys Mikey Batts and wins by pinfall. [B]WINNER: Rodney Mack is now 10-0 in the WBC MATCH LENGTH: 4:10 RATING: C[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Green"](Highlights from WCW's Road Wild PPV are shown. Brock Lesnar captures the WCW World Title in his home state.)[/COLOR] [B][U]A Minute With Maven Segment[/U][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The ring has been set up for the debuting "A Minute With Maven" segment. [B][COLOR="black"]Maven[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring, dressed in his wrestling attire. Maven says that since being on VH1's reality show, the Surreal Life, he has become the master of reality. So now he has his own show, here on WCW Mayhem. He says that his first guest tonight is none other that the new WCW World Champion, Brock Lesnar. ----------Brock Lesnar's music hits---------- [B][COLOR="Black"]Brock Lesnar[/COLOR][/B] comes down to the ring to a mix a cheers and boos. Maven thanks Lesnar for coming to the show. Maven says that he has a reality issue with Brock Lesnar. He says that Brock Lesnar is a liar. He claims that after doing some internet research, he claims that Brock Lesnar's REAL hometown is Minneapolis, MN, nowhere in South Dakota. Maven asks Lesnar, "Why lie to the fans about your hometown?" As Brock attempts to speak, Maven jerks the mic away and says that it really doesnt matter. He says that he just wanted to point out the reality in Brock Lesnar's lie. Maven then tells Brock to leave the ring that he is no longer needed. Brock then grabs Maven and gives him an F5. The crowd cheers Lesnar as he then grabs a mic. He says that the reality is that Maven just got an F5, and that his ass is down and out.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](An arguement has broken out in the New Breed locker room. [COLOR="Black"][B]Ben Falkner[/B][/COLOR] has returned from injury and claims that he is ready to wrestle. Ben says that he should be in the tag team title match with his brother tonight, instead of [COLOR="black"][B]Carlito[/B][/COLOR]. Ben claims that Carlito never won the tag titles in the first place. Nick tells Ben to forgot it, that the match is booked for he and Carlito to face Jindrak and O'Haire for the belts. They walk out.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW Tag Team Titles Match[/U][/B] [B]Jindrak & O'Haire(c) .vs. Nick Falkner & Carlito[/B] -Jindrak and O'Haire pick up the win by pinfall and some miscommunication from the New Breed. Ben Falkner comes down and starts interrupting the match. Ben Falkner then trips up Carlito causing Jindrak to roll up Carlito for the pinfall and win. Carlito and Ben Falkner then start fighting on the outside, while Nick Falkner tries to break them up. [B]WINNERS: Jindrak and O'Haire retain their titles MATCH LENGTH: 11:42 RATING: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Mayhem comes back inside the New Breed locker room, where [B][COLOR="Black"]Nick Falkner and William House[/COLOR][/B] are trying to seperate [COLOR="black"][B]Ben Falkner and Carlito[/B][/COLOR] from fighting. They finally seperate them and the men shake hands.) ([COLOR="black"][B]Sid[/B][/COLOR] is shown arriving and just being notified of his suspension. The security guards wont let him inside the arena.) ([B][COLOR="black"]Commissioner Hart[/COLOR][/B] comes down and sits at ringside to call the next match along with Cole and Shiavone.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Triple Threat Match for #1 Contendership of WCW World Title[/U][/B] [B]Chris Jericho .vs. Muhammed Hassan .vs. Goldberg[/B] -During the match, Goldberg climbed out of the ring and confronted Bret Hart. Hart then slapped Goldberg and Goldberg grabbed Hart and threw him to the ground. Sid then comes in thru the audience and attacks Goldberg with a chair. [B]Sid[/B] then pushes Hart back down and Hart scrambles around the announce table to ringside. Hart then climbs in the ring and low blows Chris Jericho, and walks out. Hassan then rolls up Chris Jericho for the 3 count to win the match. Sid nails Goldberg's injured handa few times with a chair. [B]WINNER: Muhammed Hassan becomes the number one contender MATCH LENGTH: 21:22 RATING: A+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The crowd boos Commissioner Hart and Hassan celebrates as the show ends.)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B] [B][I]Note: This was the highest rated edition of Mayhem since WCW's return. Note: I may be doing away with highlighting everyone in a segment black and bold. This will speed up results time and eliminate errors.[/I][/B]
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Monday Night Mayhem preview (September 2006 Week 1) BREAKING NEWS: Big WCW superstar injured.... [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, September 2006 Week 1[/B] -What is goin on with Commissioner Hart? -"A Minute With Maven" airs its second installment. -US Champion, William House in action. -Will Harry Smith get revenge on Kenzo Suzuki? -All this a much more! Tune in to ABC at 8 EST....
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Ooc Note [B]People were asking me how I was able to to upstart ECW in my game as well as run ECW, WWE, TNA, and my own, WCW?[/B] [B]Answer:[/B] I actually had to restart my game, and then edit every aspect of the new game. Catching it up to where the last game left off. Im currently running the WCW and ECW promotions in the game. A friend of mine is running the WWE and TNA. At this time, I am only posting ppv results to the WWE, TNA, & ECW. I have also brought alot of new files into my game. Lots of new angles, injuries, storylines, match types, and locations. My friend has a printed list of everything running in my game and sends me results to WWE and TNA. Im still looking for feedback on my dynasty, and also some people to join up. I will fix the join page on the website for anyone who wants to join. Also Im promising to anyone that joins, to make it more like a game to them. Where as you will make decisions on your career thruought my dynasty. I appreciate all you readers.
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem Results for September 2006 Week 1 [center][B][SIZE="4"]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/SIZE] September 2006, Week 1 Phoenix, AZ US Airways Center Attendance: 18,211[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]Johnny Stamboli[/B] def. [B]Mikey Batts[/B] by pinfall at 6:10. -[B]Heidenreich[/B] def. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] by pinfall at 8:23. [B]____________________________________________________________________________________________________[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Fireworks explode live from the desert in Phoenix, Arizona. The cameras roll the crowd and then go ringside to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone. They announce that tonight Brock Lesnar is in action, and WCW US Champion William House takes on Johnny Stamboli. And WCW European Champ, Harry Smith is Maven's guest on "A Minute With Maven". Commissioner Hart's music hits and they send the cameras to the ring.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Commissioner Hart[/COLOR][/B] makes his way down to the ring as the music plays. Hart grabs a mic and says that he knows everyone wants answers. They want to know why he low blowed Chris Jericho. Hart says that its simple, he took out Jericho, because Jericho thinks that he is the best Canadian to ever step foot in the ring, and he's not. Hart continues by saying that Bret "Hitman" Hart is a Canadian legend. Hart says that he wanted to be fair, but that he remembers how the fans turned on him after the screwjob in Montreal. He claims that Jericho isnt worthy enought to lace the Hitman's boots. Hart then books a match tonight, its Chris Jericho versus Goldberg.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The show comes back to Cole and Schiavone. They wonder whats up with Hitman, and talk about the match he booked tonight between Chris Jericho and Goldberg.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Papa Shango[/COLOR][/B] is shown rubbing some kind of liquid on [B][COLOR="black"]Vampiro's[/COLOR][/B] face to finally remove the black mist off of Vampiro's face. [COLOR="black"][B]David Flair and Christy Hemme[/B][/COLOR] are shown watching on monitors. Flair's tells Hemme that he needs that liquid to get the crap off of his own face.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Charlie Haas .vs. D-Lo Brown w/Orlando Jordan & Linda Miles[/B] -Charlie Haas wins the match by DQ after Orlando Jordan was caught interfering in the match. After the match, [B]Rodney Mack[/B] ran down and watched as Orlando and D-Lo pummeled Haas. [B]WINNER: Charlie Haas by DQ MATCH LENGTH: 9:12 RATING: B[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] is shown looking for Goldberg)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](Terri Runnels is shown standing with [B][COLOR="Black"]Muhammed Hassan[/COLOR][/B]. She congradulates Hassan on his win last week. He claims that winning last week was the easy part. He says that the WCW World Champion Brock Lesnar has yet to acknowledge him as the #1 contender for his belt.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Chris Jericho[/COLOR][/B] is shown confronting [B][COLOR="black"]Goldberg[/COLOR][/B] inside Goldberg's locker room. Jericho accuses Goldberg of being in cahoots with the Commish. Goldberg denies it and gets in Jericho's face. They start pushing and shoving until officials break it up.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]David Flair w/Christy Hemme .vs. Devon Storm w/Shango & Vampiro[/B] -Devon Storm gets the win by pinfall. Shango and Vampiro harassed Christy at ringside throughout the match. After the match Shango, Vampiro, & Storm attack Flair and then go after Hemme. [B]Matt Morgan[/B] comes down to stop the onslaught. Shango and his druids make their way to the back, fleeing from Matt Morgan who came down for the save. [B]WINNER: Devon Storm MATCH LENGTH: 10:35 RATING: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The ring has been set up for "A Minute With Maven")[/COLOR] [B][U]A Minute With Maven Segment[/U][/B] (Maven's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. [B]Maven[/B] grabs a mic and tells everyone to welcome his guest tonight, WCW European Champion, Harry "Bulldog" Smith. ----------Harry Smith's old shool Davey Boy music hits---------[B]Harry Smith[/B] makes his way down to the ring. Maven asks Harry how it feels to be here on "A Minute With Maven" and before Smith can answer Maven jerks the mic away. Maven says that its time to get to the reality of tonights edition. He says that last week Harry Smith was flat out beaten by a better man. New WCW superstar Kenzo Suzuki, and his bodyguard Toru. He says that he just so happens to have invited Suzuki and Toru to the show. ----------Kenzo's music hits---------- [B]Kenzo Suzuki and Toru[/B] come down to the ring. Maven then hands the mic to Kezno. Kenzo says something in Japanese which leads Toru to attack Harry Smith. Kenzo and Toru jump Smith and Maven gets a few shots in. Kenzo then stands over Bulldog and says that his days as European Champion are numbered.) [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](JT Money's instrumental version of "Hit'em" plays as WCW Cruiserweight Champion, [COLOR="Black"][B]Caprice Coleman[/B][/COLOR] struts down the ring with a gucci suit on. Caprice grabs a mic and says that he proved that he is the best Cruiserweight in the business by beating both [B][COLOR="black"]CM Punk[/COLOR][/B] and [B][COLOR="black"]Billy Kidman[/COLOR][/B]. He keeps talking about how great he is. Billy Kidman and CM Punk both run in and simultaineously dropkick Coleman for opposite corners of the ring. They toss Coleman out and start brawling each other. Coleman grabs his mic on the outside and says that neither one of them are worthy of another title shot.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="Black"][B]Carlito[/B][/COLOR] is shown going into [COLOR="black"][B]Commissioner Hart's[/B][/COLOR] office. Carlito complains about Ben Falkner costing he and Nick Falkner their match last week. Hart tells Carlito that tonight, he and Ben Falkner will team up. They will take on Lance Storm and Tajiri to determine the #1 contenders for the WCW tag team titles. Maybe that will settle it.)[/COLOR] [B][U]WCW United States Title Match[/U][/B] [B]William House w/Brooke Hogan .vs. Johnny Stamboli[/B] -William House wins the match by submission after making Stamboli submit to the sharpshooter. [B]WINNER: and still WCW US Champ, William House MATCH LENGTH: 10:55 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Green"](Video promo for this month's ppv, Fall Brawl is shown. Saliva's "Your Disease" is the theme as they will be performing live. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone announce a match confirmed earlier by Commissioner Bret Hart, Brock Lesnar will be defending his WCW World Title against Muhammed Hassan.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Non-Title Match[/U][/B] [B]Brock Lesnar .vs. Rene Dupree[/B] -Brock wins the match by pinfall following an F5. [B]WINNER: Brock Lesnar MATCH LENGTH: 4:12 RATING: B-[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](As Lesnar made his way up the isle ----------Muhammed Hassans music hits---------- [B][COLOR="Black"]Muhammed Hassan[/COLOR][/B] comes out atop the ramp with a mic. Hassan starts to mock Lesnar. Hassan says that Lesnar is a typical American coward, failing to acknowledge a real threat, such as Hassan. Lesnar charges up the ramp and Hassan and Lesnar start throwing fists. Staff come out and break the two up.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([B][COLOR="black"]Charlie Haas[/COLOR][/B] is shown attacking [B][COLOR="black"]Orlando Jordan[/COLOR][/B] from behind as a revenge attack from events that happend earlier.)[/COLOR] [B][U]#1 Contendership for the WCW Tag Team Titles Match[/U][/B] [B]Lance Storm & Tajiri .vs. Carlito & Ben Falkner[/B] -Lance Storm and Tajiri pick up the win by pinfall after Tajiri pinned Carlito. Carlito and Ben Falkner took shots at each other throughout the match. Finally they start brawling with each other allowing Tajiri to nail Carlito with a super kick and pinfall. Ben Falkner left Carlito down and out in the ring. [B]WINNERS: Lance Storm & Tajiri MATCH LENGTH: 14:22 RATING: B[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="navy"](The show comes back to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone. They announce that Commissioner Hart has made it official, it will be Carlito versus Ben Falkner at Fall Brawl)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]([B][COLOR="Black"]Goldberg[/COLOR][/B] is shown walking backstage to the curtains.) (Before the match starts, [COLOR="black"][B]Commissioner Hart[/B][/COLOR] comes down and takes a seat next to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone to call the next match.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Goldberg .vs. Chris Jericho[/B] -During the match, [B]Bret Hart[/B] hints that he and Goldberg are working together, causing the fans to turn on Goldberg. Goldberg nailed Jericho with a spear as Bret Hart climbed into the ring. Goldberg pinned Jericho and Hart grabbed the refs arm and forced a fast count. [B]WINNER: Goldberg MATCH LENGTH: 19:31 RATING: A+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([COLOR="black"][B]Commissioner Hart[/B][/COLOR] grabs [B][COLOR="black"]Goldbergs[/COLOR][/B] arm and attempts to raise it in victory, but Goldberg snatches it away and heads to the back as the show ends. Goldberg is recieving a mixed reaction. Jericho then gets back in the ring and runs off the Hitman.)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B] [B]____________________________________________________________________________________________________[/B] SHOW RATING: B
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(NEW LOOK!)Monday Night Mayhem Preview for September 2006 Week 2 [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [quote] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, September 2006 Week 2[/B] [B]CHRIS JERICHO TAKES ON THE "WHITE BOY CHALLENGE"[/B] -For months no, Rodney Mack has rolled through the competition, with some help along the way. He faces his biggest challenge yet against former World Champion, Chris Jericho. Jericho has been on a warpath for the past two weeks after being on the recieving end of a cheap from Commissioner Hart, and accusing Goldberg of being in cahoots with the Hitman. Will Rodney Mack make it 11-0 in the WBC, or will Jericho put and end to the streak. [B]UNITED STATES CHAMPION, WILLIAM HOUSE ON "A MINUTE WITH MAVEN"[/B] -For weeks now, Maven has made a delightful talk show by pointing out lies and wrong doings of his guests. What will Maven have in store for the US Champ. [B]BEN FALKNER VERSUS CARLITO[/B] -These two have major differences, since Ben's return from injury following Road Wild. Ben wants to tag back up with his brother and win the titles again. Carlito disagrees and thinks he should be Nick's partner. These new "New Breed" members arent going to get along. So what has to happen before this is settled? [B]WCW WORLD TITLE MATCH CONTRACT SIGNING[/B] -Its about to be official. WCW World Champion, Brock Lesnar defends his title against the #1 contender, Muhammed Hassan. Will these two manage to keep from exploding as they sit down and make it official. [I]ALL THIS AND MUCH MORE, MONDAY ON ABC....[/I][/quote]
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WCW Monday Night Mayhem results for September 2006 Week 2 [B][center][SIZE="4"]WCW MONDAY NIGHT MAYHEM[/SIZE] September 2006, Week 2 Salt Lake City, UT Delta Center Attendance: 20,150[/center] PRE SHOW SEGMENT--[/B] [B][U]DARK MATCHES[/U][/B] -[B]Vampiro[/B] def. [B]Evan Karagias[/B] by pinfall at 5:52 -[B]Rene Dupree[/B] def. [B]Rick Steiner[/B] by pinfall at 8:19. [B]___________________________________________________________________________________________________[/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The WCW opening is shown, Seether's "Remedy" is the theme for WCW Mayhem. Pyrotechnics explode live from Salt Lake City. Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone stand live at ringside. "Tonight, Chris Jericho takes on the "White Boy Challenge" and the Cruiserweight Title is on the line as Caprice Coleman defends against CM Punk. We have also been told that David Flair has a special challenge for Papa Shango and company, to hopefully extract some revenge on these demons." The cameras go the ring where a contract signing is about to take place. Brock's music hits.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]( [B]Brock Lesnar[/B] makes his way down to the ring with the title over his shoulder. [B]Muhammed Hassan's[/B] music then hits, and he makes his way down to the ring. Both men stall by trash talking for a minute. They both sign the contract. Lesnar tosses the table out of the way and goes after Hassan, only to be stopped by [B]Commissioner Hart[/B] who is running down the isle with a mic. Commissioner Hart gets in the ring and says, that instead of destroying each other tonight, they will pick their opponents next opponent. Hart says that Lesnar will start this week by picking Hassan's opponent for tonight, and next week Hassan will pick Lesnar's opponent. Both men agree. Hart tells Lesnar that he has an hour to make his pick.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Lance Storm w/Tajiri .vs. Mark Jindrak w/Sean O'Haire[/B] -Lance Storm picks up the win by pinfall. After the match all four men brawl in the ring, with Storm and Tajiri getting the upper hand. [B]WINNER: Lance Storm MATCH LENGTH: 12:12 RATING: C+[/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([B]Carlito[/B] is shown walking to the curtains, his match is next!)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](A video promo for WCW Fall Brawl is shown. Saliva's "Your Disease" is playing in the background.)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Carlito .vs. Ben Falkner[/B] -Following a Coolbreaker, Carlito picks up the win by pinfall over his fellow "New Breed" member. After the match, Ben Falkner attacked Carlito with a chair. After Ben smashed Carlito a few times with a chair, [B]Nick Falkner[/B] ran down and calmed Ben down. Ben then snapped and nailed his brother with a chair also. Ben stormed out of the ring and trashed talked his brother and Carlito all the way to the back. [B]WINNER: Carlito MATCH LENGTH: 15:02 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](David Flair's music hits. [B]David Flair and Christy Hemme[/B] walk down to the ring. Flair says that he has seen Vampiro get the black mist crap off of his face. He says he wants the same. He says that at Fall Brawl, he challenges Papa Shango and his two demons to a 3-2 handicap match. He says those three versus him and any tag partner he can find. Flair says that as desperate as he is, he gaurantees victory, and if he cant win, then Papa Shango can have the services of Christy Hemme. Hemme is shocked at the deal that Flair just made. Flair insures her not to worry. All of the sudden, [B]Papa Shango[/B] appears on the Video-Tron, shaking his head yes. [B]Devon Storm and Vampiro[/B] then run down and attack Flair as Hemme flees the ring. [B]Matt Morgan[/B] then runs down for the save. Storm holds Flair as Vampiro attempts to spray the black mist in Flair's face again. Flair dodges the spray and Vampiro accidentally sprays Devon Storm. Flair and Morgan then clean house.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"](The cameras go to Michael Cole and Schiavone, they say that they assume this match will go official. But is David Flair really willing to lose the services of Christy Hemme to gain that serum that will remove the black mist from his face.)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](WCW European Champion, [B]Harry Smith[/B] comes down to ringside and takes a seat next to Michael Cole to call the next match)[/COLOR] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Kenzo Suzuki w/Toru .vs. Rick Steiner[/B] -Kenzo Suzuki gets the win by pinfall after practically dominating Steiner. After then win Suzuki spat at Harry Smith on the outside. [B]Harry Smith[/B] got into the ring and attempted to attack Suzuki, but was cut off by [B]Toru[/B]. Toru delivered a super kick to Smith. Toru then held Harry Smith as Kenzo slapped him a few times. [B]WINNER: Kenzo Suzuki MATCH LENGTH: 7:31 RATING: B-[/B] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"](The ring has been set up for "A Minute With Maven")[/COLOR] [B][U]A Minute With Maven Segment[/U][/B] (Maven's music hits. [B]Maven[/B] makes his way down to the ring. Maven says that his guest tonight is WCW United States Champion, [B]William House[/B]. William House's music hits and House comes down to the ring. Maven then points out that House has came down to the ring alone tonight. Maven says the "reality" of House coming alone, is because Brooke Hogan dumped his sorry ass. Maven then asks House how it feels to be dumped by the fabulous Brooke Hogan. Before House can answer, of course, Maven jerked the mic away and started insulting House on his skills. Maven says that he doesnt know how House became the US champion. The he doesnt deserve it. He says the only reason House got a shot is because he was dating the owener's daughter. William House then nails Maven and start pummeling him all over the ring. The, out of nowhere, [B]A-Train[/B] comes in through the crowd and attacks House. It ends when A-Train hits House with a Derailer. A-Train helped Maven up as the crowd booed Train and Maven.) [B][COLOR="red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Singles Match[/U][/B] [B]Muhammed Hassan .vs. Charlie Haas[/B] -Haas gets Hassan set up for a pinfall, but [B]Orlando Jordan[/B] runs in and attacks Haas. Hassan gets DQ'ed but doesnt care, he leaves the ring. Jordan attacked Haas leaving him down and out. [B]WINNER: Charlie Haas by DQ MATCH LENGTH: 9:22 RATING: C+[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="SeaGreen"](The cameras come back from commercial to Michael Cole and Tony Schiavone. They preview Fall Brawl by running through the card so far. Saliva's "Your Disease" plays as the run through some matches that were just added by Commissioner Hart. Just added during the break, Charlie Haas will go one on one with Orlando Jordan. The WCW Tag Team Titles will be on the line when the champions, Jindrak & O'Haire defend against Lance Storm and Tajiri who are the number one contenders. And how about this one, Carlito takes on Ben Falkner, and with a special referee, a former partner to both men, Nick Falkner. And the challenge has been accepted, Papa Shango and his demons, Vampiro and Devon Storm will take on David Flair and Matt Morgan. WCW European Title is on the line in a match made earlier tonight, Harry "Bulldog" Smith defends his title against Kenzo Suzuki. And the big one, Brock Lesnar defends the WCW World Title against Muhammed Hassan.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]([B]Caprice Coleman[/B] is shown sweet talking [B]Alexis[/B], when [B]CM Punk[/B] comes up and gets in his face. CM Punk says that if Caprice is as good as he says he is, then to give him a title shot. Coleman says he will do it if CM Punk can pass a challenge that he has in store for him. Coleman says that he has already talked to Commissioner Hart, and next week on Mayhem, there will be a "Cruiserweight Battle Royal". Punk doesnt look to happy and walks off. Caprice smiles as Punk leaves. Coleman then tells Alexis that the winner next week gets to face him at Fall Brawl. Then he starts sweet talking Alexis again.)[/COLOR] [COLOR="navy"]([B]Chris Jericho[/B] is shown walking backstage to the curtains, the White Boy Challenge is next!)[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Red"]COMMERCIAL BREAK[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Navy"]([B]Rodney Mack's[/B] music hits and Mack makes his way down to the ring with the entire [B]Movement[/B]. The 5 Movement members get in the ring as Mack grabs a mic. Rodney Mack says that Chris Jericho is no different from any white punk who has stepped into the ring with him.)[/COLOR] [B][U]White Boy Challenge[/U][/B] [B]Rodney Mack w/The Movement .vs. Chris Jericho[/B] -Jericho had the match won until [B]D-Lo and Orlando Jordan [/B]started to distract the ref so Jericho couldnt apply the Walls of Jericho. [B]Goldberg[/B] then ran down the isle and got in the ring, only to spear Jericho. Goldberg then knocked Orlando Jordan and D-lo off of the apron as they were distracting the ref. Rodney Mack then rolled over and pinned Jericho 1..2..3. Rodney Mack wins. The Movement fled ringside. And as Goldberg walked back up the isle, a stumbling Jericho grabbed a mic and yells at Goldberg saying that he knows Bret Hart sent Goldberg in to costs him the match. Goldberg shakes his head in denial. [B]WINNER: Rodney Mack, who is now 11-0 in the WBC MATCH LENGTH: 18:52 RATING: A[/B] [COLOR="navy"]([B]Jericho [/B]kept abusing [B]Goldberg[/B] on the mic, accusing him of being sent to the ring by the Hitman)[/COLOR] [B]END[/B] [B]___________________________________________________________________________________________________[/B] [B]FINAL SHOW RATING: B[/B]
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i am new to the forums but i have read this all the way threw know and i am loving it... william house and muhammad are being pushed like mad mofos its great stuff... im still awaiting a return of the mysterious man!!! and if you are any fan of WCW you know who i'm talking about... anyways i love this... i laughed my ass off when you had flair as the WCW World Champ it was good stuff.. hey you never know maybe he is the next big star waiting to happen...
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Monday Night Mayhem Preview for Sept. 2006 Week 3 [SIZE="3"]VISIT THE WCW WEBSITE[/SIZE] [quote] [B]WCW Mayhem Preview, September 2006 Week 3[/B] [B]CRUISERWEIGHT BATTLE ROYAL[/B] -After it being confirmed by Commissioner Hart, Caprice Coleman informed CM Punk on the match to determine the #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Title, which will take place this week on Mayhem. A cruiserweight battle royal will occur. The participants are CM Punk, Evan Karagias, Ben Falkner, Grandmaster Sexay, Teddy Hart, the debuting Frankie Kazarian. [B]A-TRAIN ON "A MINUTE WITH MAVEN"[/B] -After attacking US Champion, William House last week, A-Train is Maven's guest on "A Minute With Maven". Will A-Train answer the questions that need to be answered? [B]MUHAMMED HASSAN PICKS AN OPPONENT FOR BROCK LESNAR[/B] -Commissioner Hart announced last week that Brock Lesnar and Muhammed Hassan would be picking each other's opponents in the final two weeks leading up to Fall Brawl. Last week, Brock Lesnar chose Charlie Haas for Hassan. Now who will Muhammed Hassan choose for Lesnar? [B]CHRIS JERICHO PROMISES TO CALL OUT GOLDBERG[/B] -Chris Jericho has been claiming for weeks now that Goldberg is tied up with Commissioner Bret Hart. Goldberg says otherwise, and Jericho is planning to prove it. Will Jericho prove the partnership with Goldberg and Hart is a fact? [I]ALL THIS AND MUCH MORE, MONDAY ON ABC....[/I][/quote]
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