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WCW 2000: The People's Promotion

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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: 'The God of Germany' Berlyn

Comment:Berlyn makes a good heel cruiserweight champion and Rey can still look strong chasing him


'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes

Comment:Gonna guess the mystery man to be Johnny B Badd.But I'm curious if There is gonna be a start of a heel change for Dustin???


WCW Television Championship: DDP

Comment:Like some of the other answers, this seems more of a Hardcore title mach up, but DDP seems fit to maybe win the title to only loose it to some one who is an up and comming star


Truth Streetz (Tony Truths and Ron Killings)

Comment:Truth Streetz have the momentum. After the vignettes, besides Brad Armstrong has turned into a joke by this time(it's a shame because I thought Brad had so much potential,may have not been a great promo cutter like his brother, Road Dogg, but to me a better wrestler.)


WCW Hardcore Championship 'Who Better Than' Kanyon

Comment:Chavo,Kidman are cruiserweights and Hall should be in the world title hunt or a better program than the Hardcore title, but this is WCW and stranger things have happend


WCW United States Championship: 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner

Comment:Would love to see Hart vs Benoit, but somehow Stiener gets the win here


WCW Tag Team Championship: Grizzled and Chieseled

Comment:Probably wrong here, but hoping Shane gets one more title run, even if it is a tagteam title run


Buff Bagwell

Comment:Juvi may have the juice, but Buff has the stuff. Wait that may have not sounded right


WCW World Heavyweight Championship, No DQ, If Chris Benoit Loses, He Is Fired From WCW: 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit

Comment:I see Russo's interference backfiring. Therfore Russo will try to make it hard for Benoit to keep the title




Will Eric Bischoff be going to see The Big Bang?:Maybe, but I don't think so


Will Vince Russo get involved in the world title match at any moment in this match?:yes


Will anyone be turning? Who specifically?:NO


What will be the best match on the card?:Benoit and Double J


How long will the main event last?:23 MIN 45 SEC


Who Will Be Debuting/Returning/Making a Surprise Appearance?: (Hint: There will be two surprises, one of them is a former WCW television champion, the other? One of WCW's biggest draws and one of the few stars they managed to create in their final years.)Jhonny B. Badd/Goldberg


Comments On Last Show/Comments On Diary In General:Like the way everything is going. Interested to see what you do with Dustin Rhodes

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The Big Day:


Well. This was it. The first PPV of the new era. No matter what, everything had to go exactly according to plan. That was what I told my wife Kimberly before we head backstage. I had originally booked us to be at the Reunion Stadium in New Mexico incase Eric Bischoff decided to show up, but having not heard from him in the last two days: I resigned to the fact that he was not coming.


No matter. I had faith in my boys that tonight was gonna be our night. The night WCW officially turned the corner and became relevant again. This was our night. This was our night and no one, not even in Stanford, Conneticut was anyone gonna take it from-



"Oh, Dallas!" Arn came up to me, exasperated. "You came in just in time!" He started to pant, at his age: Running was more of a chore than an exercise. "Hold on Arn, calm yourself. What's going on?"


"Well, you see-" Arn began to tell me the story of someone doing something to someone when all of a sudden I heard two men shouting at the top of their lungs. Arn groaned and decided that it would be better to let me see it for myself, we started running to scene of the crime and lo and behold, look who was behind it.



"And i'm telling you buddy, when your ass can't get on T.V without someone who used to work as a taxman, you know that's a sign your ass is getting out of here!"




"Boy, your partner's attitude damn near cost you a feud with Harlem Heat, so if you wanna risk losing an eye; i'd recommend you keep talking out of your own!"




"HEY, HEY, HEY! BREAK IT UP! BREAK IT UP!" I got between the two of them, no way I was gonna let the two ruin our big night. "NOT TONIGHT BOYS! NOT TONIGHT!"


"Thank you!" Kevin hailed my arrival. "See, there's someone with common sense!"


"Oh screw off and go praise the devil man from down under!" Shane talked back. "If both of y'all don't shut up, y'all can BOTH can go down the fiery pits of hell!" That got the two of them to shut up for a moment and for me to calm down some, but I was still rather surly over the two of them arguing on our big night. "Now. Kevin. I'm gonna ask you an important question, and I need you to answer it as honestly as possible. What happened?"


"It's simple Dallas. Shane was heckling my lack of place in WCW, and it's all because of how Mike got sent down to NXT to train the youngins!" Kevin explained. "Well it's true!" Shane exclaimed, and I snarled at him in order to get him to shut up. "Now then, Shane. If this was any other night, i'd slap your wrist right about now. But seeing as it's an important night, i'm gonna have to be a little harsher than usual. If you want to call someone out, you do it in the ring; not backstage. Now, your partner's already on thin ice for drugging himself up twice. We don't need you going out there and acting like the Dynamite Kid."


"Hey, at least I still HAVE a career." He said pridefully. "You're right on that. You DO still have career. For now at least. But one more outburst like this, and you can forget about that feud with Harlem Heat and kiss your tag team with Lex goodbye!" Shane seemed a little spooked by this, not surprising seeing as this was his first big opportunity since arriving to WCW. "Now. Do you have anything to say to Kevin?" He looked into Kevin's big bulging eyeballs and quickly apologized for his words. "All right, all is forgiven. Now go get ready for your match!"


"Yes sir...right away sir...won't happen again sir!" Shane said, backing away from me slowly. I shook my head. On a night where we were gonna officially enter a new era, the same old song and dance was being played. I needed to sit down, and it looked like I was going to when I heard some more people conversing. Great, just great. With my luck, it was likely another argument. I peaked in to see what had gone wrong now.




To my surprise, it was Jim Duggan and Terry Funk. "Now, you know what happens when you start talking about how you're the 'hot shit'?" Funk asked Jim. He nodded. "That's right, your mouth goes shut until the very end of the show. Not only that, you're buying us drinks afterwards!"


"Yes sir, my apologies Terry." Jim nodded, relieved that he got away with a relatively light punishment. But Terry wasn't impressed. "Ah ah ah," He warned. "I just said, your mouth is zipped shut until this evening is over with. Meaning, you don't talk starting now!" Jim opened his mouth and looked ready to defy Terry again, but after seeing the glare in his face decided not to try his luck and scattered off, humbled and humiliated. I had to chuckle to myself. Wrestler's Court was no joke. He had seen it many times before.




In other news, Ric Flair had been giving some tips to Johnny on how to use psychology to his advantage. "Now, one of the things I like to do is to apply a good rest hold to get the fans riled up. Provides a chance to take a breather and ponder your next moves." I smiled at the two and returned to my wife, who was sitting down on one of the carts. "Everything alright?" She asked. "And then some." I said as I sat down and thought about how crazy this day was turning into. So far, we had had the good (Ric and Johnny), the bad (Shane and Kevin) and the funny (Terry and Jim). What could be next?




"Good evening Mr. Dallas. Good evening Mrs. Page." Ah, my secretary Venus. Perhaps she was here to remind me of how the card was going to be stacked. I was just about to greet her when my jaw simply dropped. For some reason, she had decided to go all out in her wardrobe, getting her hair done in a wavy bun and sporting red lipgloss, some mascara and a diamond necklace. She also wore a strapless, sparkling, all black dress that seemed to hug her entire body from the chest to the waist before pooling out in front of her legs. "D-do I look alright?" She asks. "I wanted to look my best for the pay per view. What with this being our revival show and-"




"Dear, you look beautiful!" Kimberly smiled as she gave her a big hug. "T-thank you!" She squeaked. "I wore this dress for my school's p-prom. My senior year!" Kimberly looked at me and my jaw stuck down on the floor, and gave me a little poke to the cheek. That got me into my senses again and I muttered out, "You look great."


"Thank you Mr. Dallas!" She giggled as she spun around a bit in her dress. "Has anyone noticed you yet?" Kimberly asked playfully. "In my dress? Oh, uh...I don't think they have..." Venus blushed a little. She didn't seem that comfortable on being flirted on.




"Dayum girl!" Purred out a voice. Of course. It was Scott Steiner, apparently getting into character. "Looking fine this evening aren't we? Let me know if you want Big Poppa Pump to take you home for the night!" Me and the Mrs. chuckled as Venus looked red in the face, slightly embarrassed. When the trace of him was gone, Kimberly decided to give some motherly advice to Venus so she didn't feel so uncomfortable. "I wouldn't take it personally dear. Scott's been known for being a joker sometimes."


"I-I know that...it-it's just...i-i-it's just..." Venus tried to stutter something out, but to no avail. "What is it dear? You can tell me." Kimberly told her, giving her a soft smile and giving her the confidence to say what was on her mind. "I...I have a boyfriend." And immediately after saying that, she burrowed her head into her hands. "That's wonderful!" Kimberly sighed happily, "Isn't that right dear?" She looked at me again, at that point, I had sort of dozed off. And it had not gone unnoticed by my wife, who proceeded to give me a brief and light shake to wake me up. "Wha-huh? What happened?"


"Didn't you hear Dallas? Your secretary has a boyfriend!" Kimberly explained to me as Venus put her arms behind her back in shyness. "Oh...um...congratulations." I mumbled, still a little groggy. "T-thank you." She- god damn it. She smiled at me again. I swear, everytime she did that, everytime it gets to me! "Come, sit down and tell us about your boyfriend!" Kimberly told her and she sat down on the cart next to me and Kimberly and began telling us about her boyfriend. As it turned out, her boyfriend's name was Marcus and they had been together ever since the 10th grade. Judging by her descriptions, he seemed like a rather nice person always being there by her side, helping her out and defending her from others. "In fact...it's also how I got the necklace."


Yep, apparently a week before prom her boyfriend went out shopping and surprised her with the diamond encrusted necklace. Told her that it was a gift from the heart and that he wanted to do something special for her. "Oh that is so sweet! Your boyfriend sounds like a great guy." Kimberly gushed. "Reminds of me a certain younger version of a certain people's wrestler!" I knew who she was talking about. Me. "Well y'know, I could still sweep you off your feet if I wanted to." This lead to Venus and Kimberly chuckling and I looked at my watch.


"Oh god!" I said, jumping into a frantic motion. "What's wrong?" Kimberly asked. "We're wasting time, we've got seven minutes until showtime and I haven't booked a single thing!"


"Well you better hurry then!" Kimberly said and I ran off, bidding Kimberly and Venus adieu for now. Tonight was a big night, our night. And there was no way I was going to let anything screw this up for us. No matter what happened: Everything had to be, and was GOING to be perfect, by any means necessary.







We started with a look at how everything came about and get some narration from eight certain people.


Chris Benoit: In the beginning, there was darkness…


Jeff Jarrett: In the beginning, there was misery…


Diamond Dallas Page: In the beginning, there was despair…


Eddie Guerrero: ...Meaninglessness…


Bret Hart: ...Apathy…


Scott Steiner: ...A feeling that there would be no tomorrow…


Chris Benoit: In the beginning, there was nothing…


Ric Flair: And then...a flash of light!


Eddie Guerrero: A great spark that came from nowhere!


Jeff Jarrett: And something that seemed improbable at first, became possible.


Scott Steiner: The future had become clear.


Bret Hart: I would be the one to rise up.


Diamond Dallas Page: I was gonna be the fan favorite.


Eddie Guerrero: I would find my place among the galaxies…


Chris Benoit: ...Break that glass ceiling…


Ric Flair: ...Make a name for myself…


Jeff Jarrett: ...Achieve my destiny…


Bret Hart: ...Rule the world!...


And it all ended with a still shot of Vince Russo.


Vince Russo: They said it couldn’t be done...that it was impossible...but on that moment, the universe as we knew it was born...and now...the big bang brings the rebirth...of W...C...W.


Rating: 64 ©


DDP’s Notes: Fun little video package to get everyone up to speed on what was happening, Chris and Eddie had some problems working without a script and it took a few tries to get their part right (good thing it was pre-taped). Jeff, Vince and I managed to do well with our lines.




Theme Song:


As nearly 15,000 strong screamed their lungs out: Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay welcomed the viewing public to WCW’s Big Bang, the event that Tony declared would bring WCW into a ‘new era’ and they ran down the evening’s card. Including the first match of the night…


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WCW Cruiserweight Championship


Rey and Berlyn were coming into this match with momentum and pride on the line, this whole endeavor starting because Berlyn had been jealous of Rey’s involvement in the WCW World Championship tournament. On Thunder, Berlyn asserted himself as the true challenger to Rey over Crowbar and it lead us to this moment. Rey had only one plan: Go and go high, and he dazzled the crowd with some impressive lucha libre that baffled Berlyn in the early going. After catching a breather (and a springboard plancha from Rey), Berlyn decided to try and ground Rey with some technical wrestling set for the legs. It seemed to do the trick and Berlyn managed to take control of the match.


Final Minutes: Looking to put his foe away, he got Rey up and ready for the Auf Wiedersehen; but Rey managed to break free and get Berlyn tangled up in the second rope, Rey would capitalize by running as fast as he could and giving Berlyn a tiger-feint kick, dazing Berlyn. Rey would follow up by giving Berlyn a springboard hurricanrana and the cruiserweight title at 11:36.


Rating: 62 ©


DDP’s Notes: Fun way to start the show off, Rey and Berlyn showed some fantastic chemistry in this match and there’s no doubt that the two will be facing off again sometime down the road. In the end though, it came down to who was more ready for it. Rey or Berlyn, and unfortunately for Berlyn, he had to take the loss. He can be proud of himself though for a good showing tonight.




‘Mean’ Gene Okerlund then brought us backstage to interview Jeff Jarrett, one of the finalists for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship tournament. He asked Jeff if he was ready for a tough opponent in Chris Benoit? Confident and not willing to humble himself down, Jeff told Gene that the world was about to witness the biggest night of Jeff Jarrett’s entire life when he defeated and sent ‘The Tepid Puppy’ Chris Benoit packing and becoming the new WCW world heavyweight champion. And he didn’t have to do it by taking ‘pot-shots’ or taking ‘the easy way out’, no, he did it his way. And he’ll prove it to everyone tonight.


Rating: 73 (B-)


DDP’s Notes: Jeff Jarrett is one of the most natural heels we have in our company and he proved it yet again with this interview. Was this enough for us to give him the belt? You’ll find out in quite a moment.




Dustin Rhodes then came out with a microphone in his hands, saying that the Big Bang was here and that he was waiting for his opponent. So whoever had enough balls to come face him in the ring, come out and show themselves. He turned over to the entrance ramp to see who it was that would accept the American Nightmare’s Challenge…




The announcers noted how familiar the music was, and soon they realized why. It was former WCW Television Champion Fit Finlay! Much to the chagrin of Dustin Rhodes, who started ranting about how Finlay wasn’t in the company. Finlay too had a microphone in his hand and explained that Dustin mentioned ‘any WCW wrestler’ could accept. And since Finlay was a former WCW star himself and he’d been looking for a fight anyway, he accepted the challenge and told the ref to ring the bell!


Rating: 50 (D+)/ 36 (D-)


DDP’s Notes: The fans were a little bummed to see Fit Finlay come out instead of someone like Randy Savage or Roddy Piper. But Finlay’s a solid hand and he’s capable of delivering some good matches. Sadly, his ‘Fighting Irishman’ gimmick was given an ‘Awful’ rating.



From the moment the bell rang, Fit Finlay seemed on point, delivering some nice shots and making Dustin Rhodes’s day turn into a literal nightmare. Dustin tried to duck Fit Finlay and take some time out, but no matter what he did he could not escape Fit Finlay’s wrath. Dustin did see some light at the end of the tunnel when he was able to wiggle out of a death valley drive attempt and started to fight back, but it was not long until Fit Finlay came roaring back with a chilling clothesline.


Final Moments: Eventually, Fit Finlay figured the time had come to finish Dustin off with a jumping piledriver, but Dustin managed to wiggle his way out of any further punishment and decided to get on out of here, yelling that he was ‘better than this’ and ‘wasn’t ready for him’; forcing Finlay to settle for a countout win.


Rating: 51 (D+)


DDP’s Notes: Welcome back Fit Finlay, you get a pretty nice win to start with on first night back. Dustin Rhodes was kept strong by storming out after looking like a chump for most of the match and it set the stage for a bigger, more conclusive match later down the road.




Backstage, Rey was seen with his new cruiserweight title belt when he sees Dean Malenko sitting on a cart thinking to himself. Rey asks him if he’s ready for their tag team title match, but Dean doesn’t respond. Rey asks Dean if he’s feeling alright, Dean says he is but he’s thinking about what Bret Hart’s been saying about it as of late. Rey tells Dean not to worry about what Bret has to say, instead, they need to worry about becoming the new tag team champs. For one night only, he was one of them. A filthy animal.


Rating: 59 (C-)


DDP’s Notes: Not much to say here, Rey and Dean get a nice little bonding moment before the tag match. Dean seemed to underperform on this one and looked more stone-faced than concerned.




Scott Steiner was then interviewed by ‘Mean’ Gene on his United States championship match against Bret Hart, Scott says that he’s got no respect for Bret and fines him to be a little crybaby. And Big Poppa Pump hates crybabies more than anything else in the world, so what he plans to do is to take Bret’s mouth, rip it off his ugly Canadian face and-


Hold on folks, Scott sees someone coming for him and giving the look on his face, it’s not a good sight! He shouts at it, telling him that he thought Vader took him out for good. It soon becomes clear who it is…




Terry Funk. And he wastes no time putting the fists onto Scott and delivering him some good old southern justice. Scott is only able to take so much punishment before he decides to flee the scene, Terry leaves us by warning Scott that you can take a cowboy down, but you can never keep ‘em down for long.


Rating: 62 ©

DDP’s Notes: When you’ve pissed off Terry Funk, you know you’ve screwed up. Terry went after Scott and went after Scott hard in this brawl and given what happens later on, you’ll understand why.



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WCW World Television Championship


Once Terry entered the ring, all hell broke loose. Dallas, Meng, Bam Bam and Terry were laying down fists and punches like it was a good ol’ fashioned bar-room brawl with no one giving up any ground. Everyone got a moment to shine, DDP hit a Diamond Cutter out of nowhere on Bam Bam and likely would’ve gotten the pin had Terry not gotten involved. Meng also hit a vicious superkick that took Dallas’s lights out for a good portion of time. Bam Bam also managed to do what very few people did and powerbombed Meng on the mat, coming inches away from a pinfall before Terry broke the count up by elbow-diving from the top rope.


Final Moments: With DDP and Bam Bam Bigelow slugging it out of the ring (Bam Bam had threatened Kimberly and DDP came to her defense), that left Meng and Terry to decide who the new champion would be. Meng went for a Tongan grip, but Terry managed to dodge out of the way and headbutt the samoan, setting him into a daze, he punched him once...then twice...then three times! And then finally hitting a vicious DDT and pinning him for the 1...2...3! And with 14:47 on the clock, we had a new television champion!


Rating: 73 (B-)


DDP’s Notes: That was a helluva brawl we had, and it resulted in us having a fun match where everyone got to show off their best stuff. So now you’re probably asking, why Terry Funk? It’s simple. The guy isn’t gonna be around much longer, and I want to give him one last major run before he heads off into the sunset...or at least until he decides to come back again, he can never make up his mind on whether or not he’s done for good.




With tears in his eyes, Terry Funk gets a handle on the WCW World Television Championship. At fifty-five years young, Terry Funk had defied the odds, coming back from a back injury thanks to an attack from Vader and beating of WCW’s very best to become the newest WCW World Television Champion.


Rating: 56 (C-)




Vince Russo is then seen exiting his office when Gene Okerlund comes out, asking how or if he was going to get involved in the world title match this evening and perhaps screw Chris Benoit out of a job. He just laughed off Gene’s claim and declared that he was going to do what he thought was right. After all, this was his company; his flesh and blood. And no matter what happens, he was going to do the right thing for the business.


Rating: 46 (D)


DDP’s Notes: Another good promo from Vince, but likely his weakest one since becoming commissioner. He made it clear that something was up, but nobody knew what that thing was.




With Buzzkill and Steve Armstrong already in the ring, some unfamiliar music played. It was time for the debut of Tony Truths and Ron Killings of Truth Streetz. And they walked down the ring to the tune of the music with Ron holding a microphone. Together, the two rapped about how if they felt them to stand up and say wassup and if they could deal with this and that to deal with this cause Truth Streetz was where it’s at. They’re skipping and jumping, leaving the competition, making them disappear like a magician, they ride the m’fer till the wheels fall off, bouncing back to back till their necks got soft.


Most of the time you saw them being simple, but Tony was around ready to pop ‘em like a pimple, stating a claim to fame to be the baddest s.o.b’s in the game and they hadn’t even started yet. Ron and Tony damn sure to be a surefire bet.


When the song was finished, Ron popped the crowd by saying the name of the place we were at (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and the two of them welcoming them to ‘the street’, Truth Streetz.


Rating: 21 (E-)


DDP’s Notes: This one deserves some explanation. I saw Ron had written lyrics to a rap song and asked if he and Tony could use them for their theme song. They agreed, we got some music to fill things out, we had a theme song. I’d say it was pretty catchy, but i’ll leave it up to you.


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Only Moments: Let’s be real, this match was made to showcase what the new duo could do and it worked in spades, Ron got Truth Streetz hot in the early going with some fancy footwork; but when Tony got in, there was no stopping them as he banged out some impressive looking moves. After only 3:23 of toying with them, Truth Streetz decided to end it with an impressive finishing maneuver, Tony set Steve up for a Pearl River Plunge, but Ron was up at the top rope as well. Tony got Steve up and just as Steve made his descent down, Ron curb stomped his head for extra effect. It was a grueling maneuver and a very impressive debut for Truth Streetz.


Rating: 30 (E+)


DDP’s Notes: Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. We told these two to go out there and squash Brian and Steve and they delivered. Also, the tag team finisher? All my idea. This wasn’t pretty, but it was an empathetic way to introduce a new tag team.


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Hardcore Match


From the very beginning, it was clear that fireworks were going to be put on and they went at it hard and fast. Weapons flew, bodies were threatened, careers were jeopardized, all for the right to become hardcore champion. Some of the best moments included Billy Kidman attempting a suicide dive on Scott Hall, but Scott dodging out of the way and Billy flying into the audience, Kanyon getting a facebuster onto some thumbtacks by Chavo and a flying moonsault onto the table that only missed because Billy got out of the way. It was sheer anarchy at its finest!


Final Moments: Regardless, there had to be a winner. And we got one. Scott Hall, after grabbing hold of a chair knocked Kanyon and Chavo out of the match for good leaving Billy and Scottie to face off. Billy put up a good fight, but a kick to the gut and a well-placed chair left Billy a victim to a vicious Outsider’s Edge (which Tony said was now called the Scott Drop) onto the chair and a new hardcore champion at 13:30.


Rating: 57 (C-)


DDP’s Notes: I told the guys to go out, have a complete and utter car crash to wake the crowd up, and it seemed to do its job as the crowd was buzzing afterwards. Scott Hall was the best performer in this one and seemed right at home with the hardcore environment. Billy, Chavo and Kanyon were also told to take some pretty nasty stunt bumps along the way, but they seemed alright. I had plans for Billy to be hardcore champion, but Scott insisted it be him to ‘give the title some legitimacy’ so I gave in and let him hold the belt. (He also didn’t get wasted tonight, so good for him!)


Ironically enough, everyone said afterwards that they would rather not do a hardcore match because they didn’t feel too comfortable with the hardcore atmosphere of things.




Eddie is shown getting ready for the tag team title match when he sees Ric ask him if he’s ready. Eddie says that he’s ready for anything and Ric goes into hard-sell mode, for one night only, Eddie would have the privilege of teaming with the styling and profiling, wheeling and dealing, kiss stealing son of a gun- But what if they won? Ric stops dead in his track as Eddie asks the all important question. Ric admits that he isn’t sure, he didn’t plan on being in this match. But he did come up with a team name for them: Latino Flair. Eddie likes the ring of it and the two share a nice little laugh.


Rating: 57 (C-)


DDP’s Notes: Eddie and Ric are such a fun pairing that it seems to make Eddie a better competitor, his improvisation skills were good in this one and the two seemed like they would gel well as a straight man/eccentric veteran tag team.


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WCW United States Championship


Despite both men being heels, the crowd seemed to be more on Bret’s side given how he was robbed out of the WCW world heavyweight championship by Vince Russo and Jeff Jarrett. The two started slow with nice technical wrestling that gave Scott a chance to show off some of his amaetur wrestling ability. But when Scott ran Bret down with tackle, things quickly began to become more physical as the two man vied for the chance to be named WCW United States champion. From nearfalls, to painful submissions, to even the occasional suplex, the two went through hell and back all for the right to be named champion.


Final Moments: But in the end, Scott made a fatal decision after a Steiner Screwdriver failed to put Bret out for the three and argued with the ref about it. He opted to go for it again, but Bret managed to break free and put Scott into the dreaded Sharpshooter, Scott put up a tough fight; but in 16:45, he was forced to tap out and Bret was named United States champion.


Rating: 81 (B)


DDP’s Notes: A great match from Bret and Scott and potentially the match of the night if no one else can beat it. Bret and Scott had excellent performances in this one and Bret especially proved that he is one of the best wrestlers of all time. Scott has a great future in WCW, but it’s hard to tell where he goes after this one. For now, he may have to settle for the T.V championship.




In one of the locker-rooms, Lex decided to fire up Shane, telling him that this was their moment. The moment that they took WCW back from all the folks that said that they were over the hill and couldn’t do it any longer. This was their moment to show to the world that they were the best damn tag team in WCW, this was their moment to become WCW tag team champions.


Rating: 53 (D+)


DDP’s Notes: Lex was good without a script and made up for Shane’s lackluster attempts himself. Again, isn’t Shane supposed to be good at unscripted promos?


Harlem Heat (

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WCW World Tag Team Championships


In what was a fast paced encounter, it was revealed early on that this match would be contested under elimination rules. Whoever was eliminated from the match would signal the end of that tag team from this bout. Starting the bout for the teams would be Booker, Rey, Shane and Eddie. Rey and Dean became the first to go after Booker scissors kicked Rey and got him for the one, two, three. Harlem Heat was not long afterwards as Stevie was cheap shotted and given a Military Press Slam by Lex. That left the makeshift team of Eddie and Ric to decide the fate of the tag team titles.


Ending Moments: Shane attempted to tell Ric that they didn’t need to fight and that he could be like he and Lex. But Ric didn’t listen to him and slapped him across the face. From there, Ric put the smackdown on Shane and put him in the figure four lock. Lex tried to save his partner from certain doom but was met with an Eddie Guerrero hurricanrana and caused Shane to tap out at 12:40 to give Eddie and Ric the tag team titles.


Rating: 67 (C+)


DDP’s Notes: The crowd popped big time for Ric and Eddie, they loved seeing the two bond and become the new tag team champions. A pretty good moment for both men all foretold. Ric especially looked good in this match and was the best performer that night. The same could not be said for Lex and Shane, who are increasingly becoming more of an disappointment than the diamond I envisioned. Add the fact that Lex got hammered on drugs AGAIN and it may be the moment I decide to put the kibosh on this experiment.


In a more embarrassing incident, it turned out Rey wasn’t even eligible for the tag team belts anyway due to weight restrictions! Who’d thunk?




Ric is on the mat, arms raised as Eddie comes up to him and starts to go crazy over winning the tag team championships. The two share an embrace and have their hands raised in victory, Ric then motions for some people to come out to help them celebrate…



It’s the Nitro Girls, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson, Leia Meow and Tylene Buck (along with their respective boyfriends, Billy Kidman and Chavo Guerrero), all clapping and cheering them on a job well done. Ric takes a look at Eddie and sees what he thinks of all this. He gives it a good thought and decides…


That he likes it! He smiles and joins Ric as they make their way back. Leia and Stacy with Eddie, Torrie and Tylene with Ric as they prepare for what looks to be a fun night out.


Rating: 63 ©


DDP’s Notes: Oh come on now, don’t tell me I wasn’t going to have the Nitro Girls come out and celebrate with them! It had to happen at some point, and now was the right time! Too bad Eddie undersold the surprise or it would’ve been perfect.




Chris was then seen with ‘Mean’ Gene, looking focused heading into what could be his last WCW match should he lose. Chris says he understands the consequences, if he loses, he’s done for in WCW. But if he wins, he gets to be the leader of a new era in WCW. He tells us that Jeff Jarrett is a liar and a thief who got his opportunity all because he has special connections. Chris on the other hand scratched and clawed against two of his best friends in the business and a future world champion to get to this point and if this really is his last match in WCW, then damn it, he may as well perform as if it was the last match of his career.


Rating: 58 (C-)

DDP’s Notes: Chris delivering a better promo than he’s cut in recent weeks, but will this be enough to give him the belt? We will see shortly...but first.


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This match was designed solely to get Juventud and Buff, two of WCW’s brightest future stars on the card. Buff Bagwell had recently debuted his ‘Buff Girl’ in Trish Stratus and was successful in their first match together against Jim Duggan and looked to make it two in a row against Juventud Guerrera. The Juice did not make it easy for Buff as he gave him troubles with his high-flying antics. Buff tried to take a breather, but a diving moonsault only worsened his evening.


Final Moments: Not long after though, Juventud was introduced to Trish Stratus and enchanted by her beauty began to flirt with her, giving out his phone number and address. Trish seemed unimpressed at first, but when he started to grab her by the waist, she smacked him in the cheek and was rammed into the ringpost by a recovered Buff Bagwell. A trip back into the ring and a Yellow Jacket Suplex at 7:02 led to victory for the one girls could not get enough of.


Rating: 62 ©


DDP’s Notes: A better outing for Buff Bagwell, and what makes it really interesting was that this was made to be a cool-down match before the main event. So imagine how good it could’ve been on any other night.


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Buff smiles cockily as his hand is raised and Trish kisses him on the cheek, he and Trish begin to dance; but then, a switch and bait. Buff decides to step out as the spotlight dawns on Trish Stratus. Like she did last time, she begins to tease the men of the crowd by dancing sexily, flaunting her curves, hips and waists to those who will only be able to get her in their wettest dreams. When she finishes, Buff claps and raises her arm up in victory.


Rating: 66 (C+)


DDP’s Notes: And i’m already sick of the two. And you know what? That’s not a bad thing...That’s a good thing!


And so we come to the main event of the evening, Chris Benoit vs. Jeff Jarrett. A video takes us back to how it all started, with Ted Turner declaring a tournament to find a new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. We see the road these men took to get to this point, Chris Benoit beating Chavo Guerrero Jr, Rey Misterio Jr and Scott Steiner in very exciting matchups. Jeff Jarrett however endured through Meng but got through Ric Flair and Bret Hart because of some help from Vince Russo. We also get to the elephants in the room, during the final Thunder before the Big Bang, Jeff Jarrett declared that their both would be no DQ. As an added stipulation: If Chris Benoit were to lose this match, he would be fired from WCW.


Rating: 70 (C+)

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WCW World Heavyweight Championship


If Chris Benoit Loses, He’s Fired


It had come to this. Two of the fastest rising stars in WCW, both taking different roads to reach this moment in their careers were about to find out who the better man was. Both men stared at the prize that awaited the victor, then they stared at each other, seemingly egging on the other to make their move. Jeff struck first after yelling at Chris, telling him that he would never be as successful as him and slapping him across the face. This turned out to be a big mistake as Chris immediately locked him in the Crossface. Jeff would escape, but it set the tone for what was a war between two men wanting to be known as the best WCW had to offer. There was a lot of heart-stopping, suspense creating wrestling in this match, both men giving it their all to prove to the world that they were here. They also made good on the no DQ stipulation, Jeff Jarrett tried to humiliate Chris Benoit by making him tap out to his own finishing maneuver with help from a kendo stick. Chris also showed a ruthless side by swan diving off the top rope and landing onto the table.


Final Moments: Eventually, it got to a point where it looked as if Chris Benoit was going to pull it off. And guess who came to try and spoil the moment?




Vince Russo, he stormed down the entrance ramp and spent some time arguing with Chris, It isn’t longer until he forces himself into the ring and the two continue their shouting match. He then smacks him in the head and lets him fall victim to a guitar shot from Jeff Jarrett, who had been lying and waiting the entire time. That was it. Jeff Jarrett was about to reach his destiny and become WCW World Heavyweight Champion. And Chris Benoit? Well, it seemed that he was about to be out of a job.


The referee counted once…








It was not so. Somehow, Chris Benoit had kicked out. Believing he had the match was, he argued with the ref, demanding to recheck the tapes, saying that it was a three count. Vince also tried to argue for Jeff, but that only result with the ejection of Vince from the match. As Jeff continued to scream at the ref until Chris Benoit snuck up from behind and locked him in the Crossface. Jeff fought frantically, trying to find a way to break the hold. But after 20:10 of fighting his heart out…






















He could battle no longer, tapping out and handing Chris Benoit the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.


Rating: 81 (B)


DDP’s Notes: There you go. Chris Benoit, your new WCW World Heavyweight Champion. I had to think really hard about how I wanted to go about this. Either Chris was going to win the title or Jeff was going to win and they would have a re-match at some point where Chris won. In the end I chose the former, and boy was I glad I did. The crowd went nuts for Chris when the bell rang, a few of the boys were cheering for him too. And it wasn’t because of the moment, I told these two to go all out and damn it, they went above and beyond. An excellent match, and for me? The best match of the night.




Chris Benoit had done it! He was the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, despite interference from Vince Russo and everything seemingly against his favor, Chris shocked the world and did what he promised to do, be the man that started a new era for WCW. As he wept tears of joy, he was handed the big gold belt from the referee and celebrated perhaps the biggest win of his career.


And then...some different music played. Some familiar music played. The crowd looked on in shock. So did Chris Benoit. No way was he here. He couldn’t be here. He was out injured! But there he was much to the utter jubilation of nearly 15,000 strong. And as he stood in the entrance ramp, pyro going berserk, everyone began to chant his name. And they knew exactly why they were.


























They weren’t sure why he was here or what he was doing here. But here he was. Goldberg, the former world heavyweight champion, the man who went 173-0 was in the house. Once he got in the ring and the celebratory greetings wrapped up however, there was anticipation for what Goldberg was going to do. Was he coming back early? Was he going to be the next opponent Chris faced? Was he planning an assault? Everyone watched as Goldberg and Chris stared at each other’s eyes.


Goldberg then began to speak, you couldn’t hear what he had to say, but the words seemed clear. He told Chris that he had earned his right to be champion and told him to defend it as long as he can because when he comes back, he’s coming straight for that title. Chris nodded, seemingly understanding what he had to say…























And then Goldberg raised Chris Benoit’s hand in victory and the new era of WCW officially began. And it began under the guidance of a rabid wolverine.


Rating: 66 (C+) / 80 (B)


DDP’s Notes: I wanted to do this angle for two reasons.


1.To cement Chris Benoit as a legitimate champion, And,


2.To build up a future world title match against Chris Benoit and Goldberg. These two have never worked a match together before and I have the feeling that if given the chance to work together, they can create something magical.


In any case, this felt almost surreal. As if fans were seeing the past and future of WCW come together for the first time. And it looked like we were getting a sign of things to come.


Final Rating: 79 (B)


DDP’s Thoughts: I was hoping this show was going to be a gamechanger, and I feel like it did exactly what it set out to do. This was the beginning of a brand new era for WCW and the matches we put on showed that we still had what it took to compete against the Stanford juggernaut.


Highlights: Bret Hart vs Scott Steiner, Chris Benoit vs Jeff Jarrett, Goldberg’s Appearance, Latino Flair Becoming Tag Team Champions, Truth Streetz’s Debut, Buff Bagwell vs Juventud Guerrera, Trish Stratus


Lowlights: Lex Luger and Shane Douglas, Lackluster Fit Finlay Debut


After the show ended, I gathered everyone around and congratulated them on a show well-done. We had made a promise that this show was going to be the start of a new era for WCW, and by his calculations, we had delivered.


I singled out the following three for their work in tonight’s show:


“Scott,” I said. “You showed that you could hang with one of the best wrestlers in the business in Bret. And when you put on a great showing against someone like him, that tells me that you’ve got a future in this business. What I want you to do now is keep that level up, because after today, it’s been raised.” Scott nodded as a few lowcarders patted him on his back.


Jeff was the next man to be given praise. “Let me tell you something Jeff, you’ve busted your ass to get to this point, and i’ll be damned if I didn’t say it was worth the wait. You may not have won the world title tonight, but i’ll tell you right now: One day, you’re going to be joining the likes of Ric Flair and Sting. I can guarantee you that.” Jeff was given some celebratory applause and some high fives from the crowd of wrestlers.


And then we came to the new world champion: Chris Benoit, still flowing some tears in his eyes from the emotion of winning, he was given a standing ovation by just about everyone, myself included. “Chris. When this year started, you weren’t sure if you were going to stay in WCW or not. Well buddy, i’m glad you did. Because now, you’re on top of the world. You’re the best that WCW has to offer. And I want you to honor and defend the title as such. Hold tight my friend, because I have a feeling you’re gonna be champion for a long time.”


“Amen!” Dustin Rhodes proclaimed, driving in an exclamation point to the night’s festivities. “Now then, since we put on one hell of a show tonight. I’ve got only one other thing to ask you…






Everyone went crazy when they saw Jim Duggan carrying a boat load of alcoholic beverages for all to enjoy. They had just put on the PPV that had saved WCW from certain doom, and now; it was time to celebrate.

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Predictions Board:

DHK1989: 33/46 = 33 Points

RyanR93WKU: 30/46 = 30 Points

to4sty: 28/46 = 28 Points

SuperAlbino: 26/46 = 26 Points

Blodyke: 23/46 = 23 Points

JamesTheAnimator: 23/46 = 23 Points

Smasher1311: 22/46 = 22 Points

Horsemen4Lyfe: 19/46 = 19 Points

DGenerationMC: 15/46 = 15 Points

Theheel: 15/46 = 15 Points

DavidCorperial: 9/46 = 9 Points

Colonel Phantom: 7/46 = 7 Points

KnowYourEnemy: 5/46 = 5 Points

Texasrangers13: 4/46 = 4 Points

Destiny: 4/46 = 4 Points

Bonnie: 2/46 = 2 Points


A few key players not showing up have paved the way for others to make their rise up. It is clear that it is still a very close race at the top, a race that may not be decided until the end of the month.


As for how I decided time and best match, whoever came the closest to the actual time (20:37) would get the point. Since DHK guessed it on the nose, he won that point. For best match, it boils down to this. If you chose Bret/Scott or Chris/Jeff, you got the point.


Also: Maybe I should've given out a hint on who the first person returning was going to be, but yeah, it was Fit Finlay. I know it's a bit of a dull surprise, but I do have an idea on how I want to use him and hopefully you'll end up liking the results.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DHK1989" data-cite="DHK1989" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45104" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I see Benoit's WCW Title run being a LITTLE bit longer in this reality. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> So far it's already passed the one day mark, so I guess you're correct on that mark.</p><p> </p><p> Now an announcement on where I take this diary from here:</p><p> </p><p> Updates are going to be a little slower from here on in to prevent burnout and give people more time to predict.</p><p> </p><p> On another note, I feel like readership in this diary has somewhat stagnated in recent shows. I don't think it's anyone's fault, there's just a lot of WCW diaries out there and i'm just another one of them. That being said, I would love to hear from you to see how I can improve this diary in terms of writing quality.</p><p> </p><p> As a third note, I would also like to thank everyone who has predicted or has at the very least looked at this diary (looking at you Beejus and Lloyd) for their support. I've been attempting to make a diary like this for five years now, and I think I've finally managed to hit gold with this one. I hope to repay you as soon as possible.</p><p> </p><p> There are still two more shows before the month ends, then I will take a brief pause to figure out where February goes. Rest assured, the landscape of WCW is going to be changing quite a bit as this diary continues onward. So to all of DDP's troops out there, I tell you to be vigilant, because the People's Promotion is only getting started!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mr. Jones" data-cite="Mr. Jones" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45104" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>(looking at you Beejus and Lloyd)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> >_> </p><p> <_<</p><p> You've seen nothing! NINJA VANISH~</p><p> <em>*disappears in cloud of smoke*</em></p><p> </p><p> In all seriousness, I've been silently reading since the start, and I like what I see. WCW 2000 is a time that can go a lot of different ways, and with the constant turnover that WCW always seemed to see, it isn't outside the realm of possibility for DDP to be brought in out of left field to end up with the book for a time. One thing I didn't really care much for was your early game purge; I don't want to be nitpicky, but outright firing guys like that is a small pet peeve of mine that not a lot of people share. But I overlooked it, and I've especially been a big fan of how much Scott Hall knows wrestling. All in all, keep up the good work, I will look forward to Benoit's championship run.</p>
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I like what you have been doing with DDP’s WCW. From the backstage, to even how you have done Vince Russo. I started a little late and then I missed this last show with Easter and traveling.


Curious to see where the Eddie and Ric thing goes too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it was fun while it lasted...


I know this is going to sound like copout move, but as of this day: I have officially decided to suspend/discontinue this diary. I do this for three reasons.


1.Focus on the SparrowVerse

With the first beta release of the SparrowVerse behind me, I have to start planning out and working the second beta and any potential updates to the beta that people may request of it. As such, I need to ensure that it's given the upmost care that it deserves.


2. Burnout

This may also sound like a copout, but I expected this to happen at some point. The first few weeks or so were very well written, at least I believe and The Big Bang I feel was my best work in writing diaries ever. However, after that was when my general writing for the series started to take a decline in quality. The last show I managed to finish (kind of) was the final Nitro of the month, and that's when fatigue really set in and the quality really took a beating.


Plus, with school entering it's final laps for the semester, concert choir and men's ensemble starting to take up more of my free-time and SparrowVerse, I had to make a sacrifice.


And 3. Inexperience With WCW In General

This one is more on a personal note: But looking back, I feel like I kind of botched this 'new era' of WCW in a way. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. I feel like Vince Russo, Chris Benoit and especially DDP were written perfectly and there were some good storylines I had or were planning. (Benoit/Russo, Eddie and Ric's tag team, Chavo and Major Gunns, Bret/Dean)


However, I can't help but feel like I made some questionable decisions that set back WCW from what it could've been. (Eddie vs Scott in general, doing little with Dustin Rhodes, Crowbar sucking the life out of the cruiserweight feud) And in general, I feel like even though there was a connection to me and WCW, I didn't know enough of WCW in it's current state to figure out how to fix it.


The way I saw it, you could've done it two ways, a soft reboot (vacating all the titles) or blow the entire ship up and start over. I chose to do a mixture of both and in retrospect, while it was a good idea, it wasn't the absolute best idea.


Despite this: Do I regret making this? Absolutely not. I've been around these forums for the past six years and I feel like this was the first diary I've made that actually garnered some success. Before then, my record was either potentially good diaries that ended before they could really start or cringe worthy autistic 12 year old ramblings from a terrible mod he made specifically for himself (Which coming from a high functioning autistic says a lot).


So all I really have to say left is thank you. Thank you for giving me a taste of what running a successful diary here is like. The last few months have been some of the most fun I've had here, and i'm glad I got to share it with you guys.


But in the end: It just wasn't meant to be. Like with all of my other diaries.


Now then, I do have the last two shows I wrote on Google Documents, I will be uploading them whenever I can. Predictions will be open, but from here on, you will not be competing for any prizes. You will just be predicting for fun. After that...well, I guess it's over by then.


Farewell DDP's troops. You are hereby dismissed.

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<p>I echo the comment above. I think your spin was good and entertaining. I will look for the last two shows when you post them. Maybe you will consider doing a short summary of the plans you had on the items you commented on. That would be an interesting conclusion.</p><p> </p><p>

I do have a question, what was the intent with the Venus characterized the long run? Or was it just someone to be a generic assistant?</p>

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