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Fighters favoring exclusive contracts?

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I noticed that fighters are more interested in those contracts. I know exclusive fights are a guaranteed income, but should it hold that much weight? Even if I offer double than the nearest competitor (a full level in pop lower) they opt for the opposition.
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<p>While the exclusive fights are nice I think it also has alot to do with the guaranteed fights. Let's look at the real world for comparison. </p><p> </p><p>

Most orgs in the game would be classified as tiny tiny MMA companies. If it ain't national it's not very important (to most people). So on one hand there's the whole prestige thing (fighters have egos they wanna fight legit fights not bums) but the biggest thing to me is the fact that if u sign with a bush league company(which is anything under national) in real life you could get signed for alot of money but then they have u sit there for 8 months because they can't get you a legit fight, so now you fighting once a year for the next three throwing away prime fighting years. Let's say joe blows MMA offered you 50k/50k 5 fights 3 years gamma offered you 20k/20k 5 fights 3 guaranteed for 3 years. Now you never know how many times you will fight in joe blows, you could fight once you could fight all 5 or maybe something happens you never even fight, in GAMMA you are guaranteed fighting 3 times(or getting paid for it at least, but in real life they would rather pay for a fight then to pay for nothing).</p><p> </p><p>

In the game even if we are lower then national they are going to get paid 100% and they will be active (more active then the game would be). Being realistic though that national exclusive contract carries alot more weight then joe blows contract.</p>

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