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Pride Glory Honor Wrestling 1998 - Robin Season

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Pride Glory Honor Wrestling

Robin Season


Backstory: I've been running a Pride Glory Honor Wrestling multiplayer game (the other companies are SWF, CZCW & MOSC). We've done well over a year now and are in March at this point. A ton has changed about the world and PGHW, and my PGHW is admittedly not your daddy's PGHW. We are now running a full-time schedule. There are multiple shows a week:


Pride Road: A Pride-Division exclusive show. Pride Division contains anyone that is a Lightweight wrestler or under. I know PGHW is not a company that canon has a lightweight division, but considering I got PGHW in hand just a couple of months after they opened, I feel comfortable changing that up.


Glory Road: A Glory-Division exclusive show. Glory Division contains anyone that is a Middleweight wrestler or above. This is the PGHW you're probably used to with a lot of the names that went on to become iconic in CVerse lore.


Joshi Road: This hasn't been fully established yet since I'm waiting to be able to open up my third show. The Joshi Division has only been started recently. 5SSW got bought out by BHOTWG, and though I did open up a PGHW-JOSHI development promotion, I wanted to give Hike and Ogiwara a bigger platform. They've been mostly showcased on this 'house show' style event but they'll be getting a bigger spotlight now that we're starting Robin Season. I know IRL Joshi and male wrestlers tend to be separated and seeing the Joshis in PGHW might bother some, but I don't see why an IRL tradition HAS to be mirrored in CVerse. It's a different world after all.


There's also:


Honor in Australia: A temporary league series for some of the underutilized talent to grow our popularity in Australia and get a TV deal. This will be turned into a World Tour show once the league has ended.


Night Of: Every other week we've got our pay-per-view, when not dealing with tournaments, a PPV usually has all the titles defended plus a technical six-way match, a spotty six-way match, a couple of battle royals for those who missed out on the rest of the show.


The year is divided in 4 seasons. Winter Season which runs from December to February is pretty flexible and is more about wrestlers trying to establish themselves. Spring Season which runs from March to June is what this thread will focus on, basically its Robin Season. 3 G1 Climax style tournaments in each division to figure out who will be making the major title challenges at Night of PRIDE in the first day of July. Summer Season which runs from July to August is a bit more chill and shorter. We have 3 single-elimination tournaments for each title (think New Japan Cup), but outside of that, it's a bit more lax. Fall Season from September to November is tense once again with 3 tag leagues.


Other worthwhile things to note. PGHW has a stable system. There's a stable for every initial: Pride, Glory, Honor, and Wrestling. For a time there was an 'Inglorious Stable' but that faded with time. There's been a Rebel Stable lead by Dread for this whole period and a Blood Stable containing mostly Canadians. The body of these stables tend to vary but the leaders have mostly stayed the same.


This thread will exclusively follow '98's tournaments. The shows will be brief since it's a multiplayer game and the pace is pretty quick. Here's a list of champions and last year's tournament winners.


Glory Crown: Dread

The game starts off with Hito Ichihara as champion but I gave it to Dread pretty quickly. He's dominated PGHW pretty much throughout the entire year and 3 months since the game started. I did make a mistake where Koryusai Kitoaji beat Dread at Night of PRIDE 1997. Koryusai defended it a few times before losing it back to Dread at the end of August. Dread's been champion since.


Historical Japan: Hito Ichihara

I love Dread but Hito is perhaps the best wrestler in the company. He won it from Mito Miwa back in May '97 and hasn't looked back since. He's had a ton of A* matches with it and defended it against nearly everyone in the company.


Glory Tag Crown: Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu

The team of Eisaku Hoshino & Eisaku Kunomasu is nearly unbeatable. They won the belts back in May from Craig Prince and John Maverick and like Hito Ichihara, haven't looked back with a ton of amazing tag team matches. Their experience is at peak level and they can't really do any wrong. They've got plenty of great opponents to deal with like Team Dynasty and the Stones. Raymond Diaz and Lee Wright only just recently gained enough experience to get over their negative team chemistry but I doubt they reach their canon status.


Honor Crown: Yoshifusa Maeda

Thanks to more BHOTWG buying out companies for no reason, Maeda needed a job and I was happy to give the legend one. After some Once in a Lifetime matches, Maeda went on to win the Honor Crown from Nobuatsu Tatsuko. Like Hito, he's pretty much just a wrestling machine and he hasn't hit time decline yet. He's a legend that keeps on giving. And like Hito, I don't foresee him giving up his belt until he hits TD.


International Crown: Mito Miwa

Originally won by Dark Angel against MOSC guest wrestler, Steamroller, International Crown made its way to Shuji Inukai and eventually Mito Miwa. It's not the most prided belt, and probably the least reputed of the singles belts but Mito is still a great wrestler and with all the legends holding the big 3 belts, it's great to give some of the younger guys something to hold.


Pride Crown: Yosuke Narita

Originally held by Nukenin when our division was completely barren, and then Dark Angel, Yosuke Narita started off rocky with injuries but when he got healthy, he's pretty much dominated the Pride Division the way Dread has the Glory Division. He rarely loses and his rivals in Dark Angel, Duane Stone and Pablo Rodriguez have had no answer to what he brings to the ring.


Pride Tag Crown: Pablo Rodriguez & Super Joshuya

Combined tag experience and chemistry and you've got guys who pretty much give 100 rated performances every time they are in the ring. They're pretty much guaranteed to steal the show no matter who is in the ring with them. Pride Tag Crown is above all other titles, the source of PGHW's best matches.


Wrestling Crown: Koki Ishibashi, SILVER Ishihara & Elemental

Held by Lee Wright/Raymond Diaz/Rico Santana first, and then Dan Stone/Jeremy Stone/Duane Stone before the 'brand split', now it's held by Koki, SILVER & Elemental. Koki and SILVER have excellent tag chemistry and have been Pablo/Super's main rivals but just aren't as good as the pair to ever take the belts. Elemental was let go by BHOTWG and is deep into TD. They all have something fun to do and this is pretty much the 3rd Pride Division belt.


I'll make a post about the groups and contenders for the three tournaments then get on with the results. Thread will end with the end of the tournament.

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