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The Allenverse (Organic Cornellverse Mod)

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The Allenverse





A New World. A New Story. A New Challenge.

A TEW 2016 CornellVerse Mod


What is the Allenverse?


​The Allenverse mod is a TEW 2016 mod that uses the "Cornellverse 1997" mod by Adam Ryland and Derek_B as a base -- but has had all the history stripped away. The design of the mod was starting a "new game" in the year 1900 with 3 active characters and 3 founding promotions, then letting the game organically build. The idea is that the organic part of the build would "fill in" all the gaps of the missing history that a lot of players look for when trying out a fictional database with the TEW series.


​Not only does this mod include the core Cornellverse characters from the "1997" mod of TEW 2016, but also includes both organically created characters (between 1900-1950) for historical purposes and quite a few characters and promotions from AznBlusuazn's (the creator of this mod) e-wrestling experiences from the mid-90's and beyond, staring his own e-wrestling character - Ace Allen.


A New World. A New Story. A New Challenge.


Forget what you knew about the story of Richard Eisen, Sam Strong, and the SWF or Tommy Cornell, Nemesis, and TCW. While the players may exist, that universe does not here!


A New World. A New Story. A New Challenge.


This is an actual mod, not a save game, but there will as much history attached as possible. There is a lot of development going into this project. As the history progresses, the documentation of the organic progress can be found in the History page of my site.


This mod will include multiple starting points as of right now the two of interest are : the early 80's and the mid 90's




I am working on this mod little by little as time permits. I will finish this mod -- or worst case, I will hand off the mod as it is to someone that wants to complete it, if it comes to that.


Stay tuned! :cool:

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<p><strong>PROLOGUE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The story begins with three friends that wanted to take a circus act and make it into a profitable business. These three men were Samuel Stanford Sr., Gene Vibert, and Mickey Streets -- known today as the Founding Fathers of Pro Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

Samuel Stanford Sr. was a millionaire oil tycoon that grew found of circus acts, boxing events, and theater. Mix these three together and you get professional wrestling -- but it had not be found at this time. Gene Vibert -- being what people would call an agent today -- managed many professional entertainers in several industries, negotiating big deals and promoting their acts across the mid west. One of those big acts was professional boxer Mickey Streets. While he was not recognized world wide, Mickey was a celebrity in the sense that when he visited towns for their local fights, people came. In the summer of 1899, after a boxing event, Stanford got to meet Mickey and his agent Vibert. The three of them talked and become instant friends. Stanford had the idea to mix the entertainment of circus acts, the action of boxing, and the story of theater and make them into one. Vibert and Mickey got on board immediately and the concept of pro wrestling was born!</p><p> </p><p>

By January 1900, the three Founding Fathers had formed the Wrestling Alliance of America with three promotions -- Wrestling From the Carolinas (ran by Stanford), Ohio Championship Wrestling (ran by Vibert), and Texas Wrestling Assocation (ran by Streets). These three promotions would work together, sharing their victories and losses/profits and losses together, with agreements to share/exchange talent, and never to invade one others territories (Mid Atlantic, Mid West, and Mid South respectively). There would be two sets of championships shared among the promotions -- the North American Championship (singles) and the North American Tag Team Championships (tag team). With all of this signed and agreed upon, the three set out in their own territories to find talent and grow this concept.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>THE FIRST YEAR : 1900</strong></p><p> </p><p>

January 1900 kicked off the beginning of it all. Sam, Gene, and Mickey kept in constant contact used each of their networks to find talent across the United States and Canada. Mickey made himself immediately available as a worker to both WFC and OCW as well as working in his own TWA promotion as well. A handful of radio announcers like Herman Martinez and Shane Boone took a chance on the wrestling concept while Mickey used his boxing ties to convince boxer referee Randy Alsop to lend his services to the three promotions. Sam was a great speaker and had done a lot of radio engagements for promoting his various investments, so he had no issue with helping Gene and Mickey out with announcing either. Gene offered his services to be ringside during matches and speak for the fighters that did not know how to publicly speak or may have had a language barrier -- this role would today be known as the manager. But there were still no fighters to get in to the ring. The search continued.</p><p> </p><p>

As February 1900 rolled around, the search had returned a handful of fighters that would become the "original" legends of pro wrestling. Names like the first masked wrestler "Dark Moon" Arnold Bisping, "Rough" Cody Bonello, "White Mask" Patrick Bach, Claude Petit, "Brawling" Bartlett Gosselin, Elmer Cope, and Tyler Big. While not quite smartening them all up to what the work was, Sam, Gene, and Mickey convinced the fighters that their battles would be legit, just the decisions would be predetermined. The reasoning was to tell a story, create the drama, give the people a reason to come back. After getting them all to agree, it was Sunday, Week 3, February 1900, the world's first documented pro wrestling card - WFC Face Off 1900 - featuring a tournament for the new North American Championship - took place in the Mid Atlantic with 27 fans in attendance:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><ul><li>Claude Petit defeated Dark Moon (first round)<br /></li><li>Cody Bonello defeated Elmer Cope (first round)<br /></li><li>White Mask defeated Bartlett Gosselin (first round)<br /></li><li>Mickey Streets defeated Tyler Big (first round)<br /></li><li>Claude Petit defeated Cody Bonello (semi final)<br /></li><li>Mickey Streets defeated White Mask (semi final)<br /></li><li>Mickey Streets defeated Claude Petit (finals) to become the first North American champion<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p>

It was not a glorious event. Definitely by today's standards, the work was horrible. But for those 27 fans in attendance, the announcers calling the show over the radio, fighters in the matches, and for Sam, Gene, and Mickey, it was special.</p><p> </p><p>

Some people would take issue with Mickey Streets being the first ever recognized champion of any kind since he was also an investor and promoter, but from a business prospective, it made sense. Streets was never going to abandon something he was invested in. He had his own money tied up in the promotions, just like Sam and Gene. He was not going anywhere. If you were going to have a champion, why not someone guaranteed never to leave the industry or no show an event? Made sense to me.</p><p> </p><p>

After the first card in Feburary and the second WFC card in March 1900, a flock of new talent would join the wrestling bandwagon - Raymond Wood, "Mean" Marcus Patterson, Nathan Franklin, Delane Bernier, Tommy Dahl, Maxime Ouellet -- along with a non-wrestling talent like announcer Jesse Vincent and referee Scott Hudson.</p><p> </p><p>

​OCW would have its first show in April 1900 followed by another WFC one in the same month. Mickey was having trouble balancing being a traveling champion between the Mid West and Mid Atlantic and still returning home to try to build his own promotion in the Mid South (remember there were no airplanes at this time in the world, much less cars). It would be a week of travel to get between areas for shows.</p><p> </p><p>

WFC and OCW would hold shows through the summer, averaging around 20-30 fans in attendance. There were a lot of local sponsorship and endorsements from local companies, so the shows were profitable. </p><p> </p><p>

In October 1900, the next big batch of fighters joined the ranks of this new thing called pro wrestling -- Rodney Perry, "Verde Guerrero" Arthur Stubbs, "Bluegrass" Perry Vedder, Elliot Bartlett, Blais Nadeau, Melvin Gordy, and Silvestre Lessard. Most of them signed to WFC but would also appear in OCW under the Alliance agreement. </p><p> </p><p>

By December 1900, the next wave of talent would debut - "Killer" Clyde Kingman, Jo Gorman, Scott Bobish, Anthony Liaudin, Destan St-Pierre, Piperel Gagne, Jon Turcotte, and Sevrin Robert.</p><p> </p><p>

Ending the year with the close out show, WFC Breakdown, Mickey Street would end the year as the reign North American champion in front of 36 fans in the Mid Atlantic. </p><p> </p><p>

While TWA had not gotten its feet off the ground yet (due to Mickey traveling a lot), WFC and OCW were rolling in the dough.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>NEW CHAMPION AND SCANDAL : 1901</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The TWA had its first show in January 1901 with a whopping 2 fans in attendance. OCW and WFC would go on to draw 35-40 per show, with the following growing. There would be a series of walk outs, egos, and talent swaps throughout 1901 . But the biggest event of 1901 would be when Mickey Streets, a retired boxer, would be asked to come back to the boxing world in May 1901. As the traveling North American champion, Mickey wanted a break but knew he could not adequately train for the boxing match and still wrestle on the side. So it would be in Texas, Sunday, Week 4, June 1901, days before his boxing training would begin, Mickey Streets would lose the North American Championship to Perry Vedder infront of 60 fans, then take a hiatus for months, training for his "real" fight. For the months Mickey was out, "Bluegrass" Perry Vedder (doing a tough guy country singer gimmick) would defend the title against all comers in WFC and TWA (he had previously walked out of OCW so it was difficult for Gene to get him to agree to be on his shows). Mickey ended up losing his boxing fight and then would return to wrestling in November 1901, immediately challenging Vedder for his North American Championship. He would go to a no contest in his first attempt and then go on to win it back to start his second reign at the end of 1901. Days before that event though, the first scandal in the wrestling world would occur as Rodney Perry would be revealed as a regular customer of prostitutes. While his tough style in the ring and rude attitude had gotten him let go from WFC earlier in the year, he was definitely blackballed at this time, which was a shame because he was one of the better workers in the world with a very menacing look.</p>

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Do you have the 1900 start point available for D/L? Curious as to the starting point! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LeicsCity" data-cite="LeicsCity" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45492" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Do you have the 1900 start point available for D/L? Curious as to the starting point! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's interesting. It can be when I get to a first release point! Great suggestion.</p>
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