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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>ECW Hardcore TV Preview</em></span></strong> 23rd March 2001</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="Uo4SNKi.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/Uo4SNKi.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Too far.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Two men pushed the limits last week on "how far you can go", those two men being the "Man-Beast" Rhino and "The Enforcer" CW Anderson. Rhino stormed around backstage, wondered into the New Impact Players' locker room and destroyed the "Head Chearleader" Francine and Jack Victory, sending a message to Justin Credible and Steve Corino, the team collectively known as the New Impact Players. Rhino that he was going to kill the New Impact Players for costing him the ECW Television Championship. This week on Hardcore TV "the King of Old School" Steve Corino will be in action as he squares off against the "Japanese Buzzsaw" Yoshihiro Tajiri. Will Corino's mind be on the game after Rhino's threat? How will Corino's partner, the man they call Justin Credible react to Rhino's words? Hardcore TV holds the answers.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

CW Anderson disrespected the legacy of the late, great Louie Spicolli last week on Hardcore TV, and due to this he as been fined and as been given a match with Tommy Dreamer at the Living Dangerously pay per view, as punishment for Anderson; due to the request of the "Innovator of Violence". Dreamer has promised to come up with one of the most innovative ways to make Anderson pay for his actions. Also, ECW Executive Producer Paul Heyman has taken away Anderson's right of "freedom of speech" in ECW, so to speak. CW Anderson will not be permitted to use a live microphone on an ECW show until further notice. Heyman has also personally apologised to Louie's family. R.I.P Louie.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Also last week on Hardcore TV, Simon Diamond got on the microphone and took his claims too far. He said that he was an Hardcore legend because he beat Rhino for the TV title. Sandman took exception to this, came out and chased Simon away - demanding a shot at the Television Championship at Living Dangerously. This week on Hardcore TV, Simon will team up with the behemoth's known as KroniK (Bryan Clarke & Brian Adams) to take on the team of The Sandman, and ECW Tag Team Champions Doring and Roadkill! Remember, KroniK have a shot at the Tag Titles at Living Dangerously, so you can be sure that all hell will break loose on Hardcore TV.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Hardcore TV Main Event</span></p><p> </p><p>

Steve Corino vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri</p><p> </p><p>

Simon Diamond & KroniK vs. Doring, Roadkill & The Sandman</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

**Card is Subject to Change**</p><p>


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DATE: 23rd March 2001

LOCATION: Viking Hall (ECW Arena), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

ANNOUNCERS: Joey Styles & Cyrus "The Virus"



We don't get our usual Hardcore TV opening with the montage, music and Joey Styles. Instead we open up from the dull backstage corridors of Viking Hall. The corridors are almost contaminated with a blue aura, a blue light. Then, we hear foot steps. The camera quickly spins around to reveal a very nervous looking Steve Corino pacing around the corridors with his partner in the New Impact Players, Justin Credible. Corino and Credible both look as if they're "shitting bricks" so to speak. They both walk warily.



Corino: Oh, c'mon man. Hurry up.



Credible: Hurry up? That LUNATIC could be waitin' for us around the corner!



Corino: Shit man, I'm gonna' go. Forget Tajiri, I'd rather keep my life.



Credible nods in agreement with his partner. The two men then turn ..


GORE! RHINO JUST GORED CREDIBLE RIGHT INTO THE WALL! Credible falls down into a disgruntled heap as Corino heads for the hills with his tail between his legs. He quickly disappears down the corridor as Rhino stands with a sadistic look on his face, looking down at the carnage; looking down at the broken Justin Credible, whom clutches his ribs in agony.




Rhino: **** with me, **** with your life!


The camera then swiftly flicks to the ring as Drowning Pool's "Bodies" consumes the arena.







KroniK & Simon Diamond vs. The Sandman, Doring & Roadkill


The match up starts with complete and utter anarchy. As expected we are treated to a brawl. Sandman slugs it out with Simon but gets struck down by Clarke. Then, Doring and Roadkill attack - then, Brian Adams gets involved. Adams runs and beheads Doring with clothesline. The Tag Team Champion then finds himself up in the air, with Adams holding him up in a Military Press. Adams drops down Doring on his shoulder and slams him down with a vicious powerslam! Roadkill takes Clarke down on the other side of the ring with a turnbuckle clothesline. He then turns around to Adams and catches him with a kick to the gut. He is about to hit Adams with a DDT but falls flat on his face, literally, with an Ace Crusher from Simon! Simon quickly covers Roadkill; ..1..2..., kick out.


Sandman pulls Simon up and whips him into the corner. Simon follows up with a turnbuckle clothesline. Simon then falls back against the ropes and receives a clothesline to take him over the top rope. Sandman then goes to the outside to follow his enemy, the man he'll face at Living Dangerously. The camera pans around to reveal KroniK pounding away on Doring in the corner. Roadkill gets up and runs at the vicious, giant duo and gets taken down via a Big Boot from Bryan Clarke! Then, KroniK drag Doring out of the corner. Adams goes for a Chokeslam but gets a kick to the mid-section. Clarke then runs and almost DECAPITATES Doring with a clothesline! Doring goes down like a sack of bricks. Adams shakes the kick to the gut off as Roadkill climbs to his feet. The two then stagger forward and walk straight into the HIGH TIMES! Double-Chokeslam from the former World Championship Wrestling Tag Team Champions.




WINNERS: KroniK & Simon Diamond




After the match up KroniK simply leave with the damage done. Simon then eventually manages to escape the grasp of The Sandman as the Hardcore Icon slides into the ring to check on his fallen partners.




We then go to the ECW studio to where Joey Styles stands all alone with a microphone in hand. Styles looks around and informs us that Cyrus "The Virus" isn't here tonight, thankfully, because he's apparently recovering from the injuries he received at the hands of Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn last week on Hardcore TV. Speaking of Jerry Lynn and Rob Van Dam, the two had a little confrontation earlier on in the day; "roll the footage."




We switch to the footage to the corridors of Viking Hall. We see a red locker room door with the name "Rob Van Dam" on it up on a plaque. Then, the door opens and a gush of smoke pours out. We hear coughing and then "Whoa, dude!" We cut into the locker room to where we see Rob Van Dam leaning against the wall, sitting on a bench, with a huge smirk on his face. He's as high as a kite. Bill Alfonso stands at the other side of the locker room blowing his whistle frantically like he usually does. The hyper-active "Manager of Champions" begins to speak, spitting everywhere per usual.



Alfonso: Woo! You 'da man, dadday!



RVD: Don't you know it, dude.



Alfonso: You sure took care of Cyrus, BAY-BEE!



RVD: It was nothin' dude, honestly!



Rob smirks as Alfonso continues to bring in the praises.




Alfonso: 'Cause you're the **Thumbs** WHOLE - ****IN' - SHOW, DADDAAAAY!



Suddenly, the camera swivels around as the self-proclaimed "New F'n Show" Jerry Lynn steps into the locker room. Van Dam swiftly leaps to his feet and meets Lynn in the centre of the locker room. The two go face-to-face before exchanging words as Fonzie looks on.




RVD: Heeeey, how's it hangin', dude?



Lynn doesn't reply.




Lynn: Cut the shit, Rob. You know what I want.



RVD: Uh .. Dude, you're a little late - I just like, got totally wasted on it..


Rob smirks, obviously referring to his "4:20 material".




Lynn: Me 'n you, Rob. I want a re-match. A re-match at Livin' Dangerously. I wanna' prove ta' the world that I can beat you without Cyrus' and the Baldies gettin' involved.



RVD: ..Cool.



Lynn: Yes or no, Rob.



RVD: Whatever dude. Jus' take it easy, alright?



Whoa! It looks like Rob Van Dam has accepted Jerry Lynn's challenge for a WrestlePalooza re-match at Living Dangerously! OH MY GOD! Lynn smirks, having got what he wanted, and leaves the locker room as Van Dam turns back to Fonzie.




RVD: Jeez dude, why does he hafta' be uptight all the time? He really needs ta' loosen up.



And with that we swiftly cut back to the ring to where Alice in Chains' "Man in a Box" plays.







We switch to the room as the fans cheer their hearts out and chant "EC-Dub" at the tops of their voices as the "Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer makes his way out from the back. Dreamer walks down to the ring wielding a Singapore Cane, walking with a purpose. Dreamer climbs up onto the apron, through the ropes and into the ring to where he retrieves a microphone.



Dreamer: To mention what happened last week would be disrespectful. But, BUT, I am gonna' disrespect someone. I'm gonna' disrespect the biggest asshole in the back. I'm gonna' disrespect a man with no heart; yeah CW Anderson, mother-****er, I'm talkin' about you!



The fans pop loudly. They would LOVE to see CW Anderson and Tommy Dreamer get it on, especially with CW's comments last week on Hardcore TV.




Dreamer: CW, get the **** out here! Get the **** out here, Anderson!


Nothing happens.




Dreamer: C'MON!




Still, nothing happens.




Dreamer: C'mon you ****in' pussy!



Then, something happens. Korn's "Got the Life" hits and "The Enforcer" emerges from the back. CW Anderson in all his glory steps out onto the "ramp" as the fans respond with "**** 'em up, Tommy!" chants. They want to see Anderson get beaten to a pulp, and rightly so. Nobody likes him, according to Joey Styles.




Dreamer: CW Anderson, get the **** into the ring so I can beat'cha like tha' dog you are!



Anderson stands on the ramp smirking, shaking his head; pissing the "Innovator of Violence" off.




Dreamer: Somehow I'd know ya'd pussy off, so I marched inta' Paul Heyman's office and requested, no, DEMANDED a match with you CW Anderson. Living Dangerously, two days time .. TWO days time .. Me 'n you will COLLIDE! We're gonna' meet head ta' head one more time! You wanna' fight CW? We're gonna' fight! I'm gonna' take you to HELL! Why? Because me 'n you are fightin' on a stairway .. A stairway .. To HELL!



The fans pop HUGE in response to the announcement. It'll be Tommy Dreamer versus CW Anderson in a "Stairway to Hell" match! Anderson stands on the ramp with a look of shock on his face as Tommy Dreamer plays to the fans in the ring. Anderson puts his hands on his head, he can't believe it. Joey Styles puts the match over HUGE as his over-bearing voice takes over our sound systems. We go to a commercial break.







Steve Corino vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The two start things off via circling each other in the centre of the ring. Corino looks exceedingly nervous as he locks up with the Japanese Buzzsaw. Then, Tajiri catches Corino off-guard with a stiff kick to the side. Corino steps back clutching his side as the fans cheer in response. Corino runs back at Tajiri looking a tad upset, and walks right into a drop toe hold. Corino's face bounces off the mat and Tajiri takes control. The two men soon return to their feet, with Corino missing a clothesline attempt and Tajiri connecting with a Super-Kick. Tajiri covers but Corino kicks out on two. Tajiri pulls Corino up and backs him into the ropes. He goes for an irish whip but Corino clings on for dear life as he grabs the opposing ropes. Then, Tajiri comes flying at him with an Handspring Elbow but it's not to be as the "King of old School" gets out of the way and Tajiri connects with the ropes!




Corino takes control with a quick Fisherman's Buster, also known as the "Old School-Plex", straight into the bridge; ..1...2.., Tajiri kicks out! Corino pulls Tajiri back up to his feet and backs him into the corner. Corino hits a few knife-edge chops and goes for an Irish Whip, but it's reversed and Corino goes flying into the corner. Tajiri then goes for the Handspring Elbow, and this time he connects! Corino goes down to the mat and onto his knees. The fans cheer loudly as Tajiri measures Corino up -- WHAM! KICK OF DEATH~! Corino is out for the count! Tajiri hooks the leg, this could be a HUGE upset; ..1...2..., KICK OUT! Corino JUST kicked out! Tajiri can't believe it. Corino climbs up onto his knees and Tajiri looks for another Kick of Death .. GORE!!!! RHINO JUST CONNECTED WITH THE GORE ON YOSHIHIRO TAJIRI! Corino quickly slides out of the ring as Rhino goes after him. Rhino stops in the ring as Corino quickly runs off up the ramp, running for dear life. The referee has no choice but to throw the match out.



WINNER: No Contest




Rhino takes a microphone and paces around the ring.




Rhino: Steve Corino .. STEVE CORINO! You're a DEAD-****ING-MAN! Nobody gets away with ****ing with me, NOBODY! I make no exceptions, and I won't at Livin' Dangerously .. 'Cause me 'n you are colliding Steve, me and you are on COLLISION COURSE! In fact, in two days time you'll know how your little BITCH Justin Credible feels .. In two days time .. You'll know why .. You're a man.. LIVING DANGEROUSLY!



Rhino raises his arms high into the air as the show fades to a close.




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