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TEW 2016 - SuperKick City Skin! (Hype)

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Ayeee what is going on guys, this is RpIsMe from the SuperKick City Youtube channel. (Link To Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9JB_Ut6QVEmaPdu4MoqVsw)


I am announcing that I am working on a SKC Skin for you guys.


I know what I'm doing when it comes to making graphics, but I'm a newb at skin making, but i'm sure that with hard work, and your suggestions that I could make the best SuperKick City skin possible.


As of right now, I haven't done to much, but enough to give me a good look for where I am going with the skin. So I hope you guys enjoy the skin whenever it releases, and make sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel, and join my discord. (Link to discord: https://discord.gg/T8TAV2d)


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