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New Player needing help!

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You'd really need to give more information about what company you're playing as, in what mod, and give an idea of how you're booking - without knowing what size you are and what product you have, it's very hard for anyone to give anything but very generic advice.
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OK, and what ratings are you getting? You say you're struggling to get high ratings consistently, but you've not said how big the dips are - your midcard and opening matches would inherently be lower than your main event, and that's both natural and pretty much irrelevant as they won't have much, if any, effect on your final grade.
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<p>You would use the notes in the same context that you'd use them in reality: domination is good if you're going to try and get a monster over, burial isn't really relevant unless you're intentionally trying to mess someone up.</p><p> </p><p>

Promos would depend on a lot of factors, and there's some randomness involved.</p><p> </p><p>

You can decide whether a match is good or not be how high the grade is compared to your company's popularity. If you're at popularity of B+ then you'd be looking to get As and Bs for your main event and upper level matches, Cs and Ds for midcard or lower.</p>

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