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Real World Chronicles Continued [Modern Day Real World Mod]

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<p>Thanks everyone for the feedback!</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">A little info on what's to come as we speed towards July and the "G1" edition of RWC©:</span></p><p>

1. There will be a <strong>v0.9 release on June 28th</strong> around 7PM EST of the July data</p><p>

2. This will be followed by the <strong>"official" v1.0 release on July 2nd</strong> around 7PM EST</p><p>

3. This will likely be <strong>the LAST RWC© released before TEW 2020</strong> is released</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Reasoning for above</span></p><p>

- As this will likely be our last release on TEW 2016 (when/if we come back for 2020 is dependent on how painful the conversion is) we wanted to do a 0.9 and 1.0 release to allow people the weekend to sift through things and get a "right" set of data for our swan song for 2016</p><p>

- AEW has a show on the 29th of June that will likely have some more info/new signings that we will want to include</p><p>

- July is a "perfect TEW start" in that the 1st of the month falls on a Monday so the game world lines up 1-to-1 with "real life"</p><p>

- I have some other projects like <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=543021" rel="external nofollow">my BCG dynasty</a> and a match ratio breakdown I promised Derek B and Adam that I need to dive in to over the summer in my limited free time</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">So, I would ask two things from all of you:</span></p><p>

1) If there is anything else you would like to see included, <strong>please try to get everything in by Friday, June 21st </strong> so it can be considered for release</p><p>

2) Once the v0.9 of the data drops on the 28th, <strong>go through it with a fine tooth comb as the release on the 2nd will likely be our last one for TEW 2016</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Providing this for everyone has been a lot of fun and a great excuse to watch a ton of wrestling. We again appreciate everyone's comments and feedback!</p><p> </p><p>

See you on the 28th as I go into my hole to update title histories, roster changes etc.. in prep for release.</p>

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<p>Okay my last push for Exoticos to get a bit more depth then. They and mini's are often undervalued in mods because they are a niche product that is mainly confined to Latin American countries nowadays</p><p> </p><p>

The first two I think need tweaking are in mod but both are undregraded on ability and looks - they both re predominately comedy wrestlers as most Exoticos are but both use "Sexy" gimmicks due to their relative attractiveness. One is definitely on female hormones whilst the others recent pics tend to indicate she is too.</p><p> </p><p>

Estrella Divina is not Bret Hart in ring but she comes from one of the wrestling families (Sagrado is her brother and she was trained by Gran Apache & Black Silver) and has really good basic skills which she uses well. Looks wise the hormones have softened her features a lot and she is arguably pretty by most peoples standards.</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=B68761A08C8076E872F27819DBF8677BA950A36F&thid=OIP.MeeiFB3aPNHPSAsvCvP3rQHaHa&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D1031794316891910&exph=960&expw=960&q=estrella+divina+lucha&selectedindex=32&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6" rel="external nofollow">https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=B68761A08C8076E872F27819DBF8677BA950A36F&thid=OIP.MeeiFB3aPNHPSAsvCvP3rQHaHa&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Flookaside.fbsbx.com%2Flookaside%2Fcrawler%2Fmedia%2F%3Fmedia_id%3D1031794316891910&exph=960&expw=960&q=estrella+divina+lucha&selectedindex=32&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6</a></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/LaCaraBonitaDeLaLuchaLibre/photos/a.1031801823557826/2681557665248892/?type=3&is_lookaside=1" rel="external nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/LaCaraBonitaDeLaLuchaLibre/photos/a.1031801823557826/2681557665248892/?type=3&is_lookaside=1</a></p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jARUP1arN8" rel="external nofollow">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jARUP1arN8</a></p><p> </p><p>

La Chica YeYe is set up to be pretty ugly and incompetent in ring but her whole gimmick is based on her being relatively attractive (and she is definitely decent in ring). Recent pics tend to indicate some intake hormones or work has been done on her face</p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/Chica-yeye-luchador-936008036486435/" rel="external nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/Chica-yeye-luchador-936008036486435/</a></p><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/HMotcuxV1zo?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Chica Yeye, Gremlin y Crazy Latino vs Atómico, Ursus y el Toro, Generación XXI en Irapuarto"></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>


</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="150" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/mgNqcJBrWtM?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Los Nerds y la Chica Yeye en BOOM vs DTU."></iframe></div></div><p> </p><p>

Mamba (Federico Vera) is in things like WOTI6 and The Who and is probably the premier exotico behind Maximo currently working - and is on the AAA main roster live Estrealla Divina, Maximo and vets Pimpinela Escarlata & Polvo de Estrellas </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.facebook.com/MambaAAAlucha/?eid=ARCupYXSI7QzgbqieUQdD8qD0S6PLcFuBaH8T-jZb4tnFeN_uYFO74my19chwP3PeSghLViLgRpfFMQW" rel="external nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/MambaAAAlucha/?eid=ARCupYXSI7QzgbqieUQdD8qD0S6PLcFuBaH8T-jZb4tnFeN_uYFO74my19chwP3PeSghLViLgRpfFMQW</a></p>

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<p>Hoping to see everybody from AEW's Double or Nothing in the save. Off the top of my head I know Private Party, Dustin Thomas, Ace Romero, Sunny Daze, and Brandon Cutler aren't in the data. Hoping to also see Alex Marvez added along with the referee Aubrey Edwards. I'm pretty sure everybody is pretty much already done. Maybe adding Jebailey who will be wrestling at Fyter Fest and giving Austin Draven his Luchasaurus gimmick. Other than that I think everybody else is in. </p><p> </p><p>

Since this is a the last update would love to see MLW get a more in depth adding a lot of their talent because it's one of the best US indy wrestling companies. I also seen somebody else mention putting the Rock n' Roll Express in the save and I'm all for it as Semi-Active Wrestlers because they can still go. Also, Jerry Lawler should be Semi-Active as he still wrestles but make his WWE contract where he can't be pushed in-ring but a PPA so he can be signed by Indy promotions and willing to wrestle.</p>

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Thanks everyone for the feedback!


A little info on what's to come as we speed towards July and the "G1" edition of RWC©:

1. There will be a v0.9 release on June 28th around 7PM EST of the July data

2. This will be followed by the "official" v1.0 release on July 2nd around 7PM EST

3. This will likely be the LAST RWC© released before TEW 2020 is released


Reasoning for above

- As this will likely be our last release on TEW 2016 (when/if we come back for 2020 is dependent on how painful the conversion is) we wanted to do a 0.9 and 1.0 release to allow people the weekend to sift through things and get a "right" set of data for our swan song for 2016

- AEW has a show on the 29th of June that will likely have some more info/new signings that we will want to include

- July is a "perfect TEW start" in that the 1st of the month falls on a Monday so the game world lines up 1-to-1 with "real life"

- I have some other projects like my BCG dynasty and a match ratio breakdown I promised Derek B and Adam that I need to dive in to over the summer in my limited free time


So, I would ask two things from all of you:

1) If there is anything else you would like to see included, please try to get everything in by Friday, June 21st so it can be considered for release

2) Once the v0.9 of the data drops on the 28th, go through it with a fine tooth comb as the release on the 2nd will likely be our last one for TEW 2016


Providing this for everyone has been a lot of fun and a great excuse to watch a ton of wrestling. We again appreciate everyone's comments and feedback!


See you on the 28th as I go into my hole to update title histories, roster changes etc.. in prep for release.


Thanks to you and Fleisch for all of your hard work. This mod is what has kept me interested in this game the past few months.

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Sami did damage to the arena they were in. I doubt it's a work.


Man, I just watched this match and it was amazing. Based on the interactions and commentary with Cornette, I hope its a work. I'd love to see the promos between the two. Cornette vs Sami is the match I want to see in MLW now! Cornette could bring in some more traditional wrestler and challenge Sami as revenge for the water spit. That stuff was great.

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Renee Michelle & Drake Maverick are getting married this weekend. EC3 is Best Man & Braun Strowman is a Groomsman (and yes those photos are as funny as they sound). Looks like Maxel Hardy might be a page boy too so I'd make sure Drake has strong friendships with EC3, Braun & Matt.



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Okay my last push for Exoticos to get a bit more depth then. They and mini's are often undervalued in mods because they are a niche product that is mainly confined to Latin American countries nowadays


The first two I think need tweaking are in mod but both are undregraded on ability and looks - they both re predominately comedy wrestlers as most Exoticos are but both use "Sexy" gimmicks due to their relative attractiveness. One is definitely on female hormones whilst the others recent pics tend to indicate she is too.


Estrella Divina is not Bret Hart in ring but she comes from one of the wrestling families (Sagrado is her brother and she was trained by Gran Apache & Black Silver) and has really good basic skills which she uses well. Looks wise the hormones have softened her features a lot and she is arguably pretty by most peoples standards.








La Chica YeYe is set up to be pretty ugly and incompetent in ring but her whole gimmick is based on her being relatively attractive (and she is definitely decent in ring). Recent pics tend to indicate some intake hormones or work has been done on her face






Mamba (Federico Vera) is in things like WOTI6 and The Who and is probably the premier exotico behind Maximo currently working - and is on the AAA main roster live Estrealla Divina, Maximo and vets Pimpinela Escarlata & Polvo de Estrellas




I will be going through this over the weekend. Mexico is something we have wanted to look at for a long time but unfortunately due to all the requests we get, there just wasn't enough time - however - I am making the Exotico update my priority tomorrow. I honestly thought I had added Mamba, but surprised to see I haven't so I will do as I have a rough idea of stats. One thing, should Estrella Divina and Chica be set as female? I may have to switch the Exotico gimmick to work with both Male & Female if it doesn't already. The only issue I have with doing that is from a game mechanics perspective in that they will only wrestle the women when they predominantly wrestle men if I change them to female. I don't really know how to approach the transgender situation on the game to be honest.


I feel there are enough generic indie workers in the mod currently and I'm not sitting watching the same old match I've watched a million times with the exact same spots as 2 different indie guys I watched months ago. It's beyond boring. If someone wants to give me stats for guys they want in, then maybe I'll add a couple but right now we still have a list of about 40+ workers that people say "need" to be in the mod that probably won't get in already. I may add Brandon Cutler & Ace Romero because at least I have seen those guys before. We have added a few new workers, not as many as the previous release (this time around, editing what we already have has been a primary focus rather than additions).


The small list of worker additions is below;

Ricky Martinez

Al Sabah (I thought he may have already been in)

Joe Coleman

Kevin Beru

Brandon Kirk

Kasey Catal

Kit Osbourne

KC Navaro

Dan O'Hare

Hide Kubota

Yasu Kubota

Marq Quen

Isiah Kassidy

Amale Winchester

Ben Basden

Bobbi Tyler


Stevie James

Jokey (Aivil)


Queen Maya

Scott Hunter

Brad Myers

Kevin Bennett

Anthony Kingdom James


The edits and "tidying up" has been a huge task this time around and makes things a lot better IMO.

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I would leave La Chica YeYeye as is I think Estrella Divina is more debate able given her physical changes. With both of them they wrestle both men, women and other Exoticos. It's a awkward set up in some ways, probably leave them as is gender wise given their broad range of opponents..
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NJPW News:

-Davey Boy Smith Jr has left the company

-(El Phantasmo & Taiji Ishimori) won IWGP Jr Tag Team titles

Noah News:

-Add Chris Ridgeway to company

AJPW News:

-Sweeper (Jake Lee and Koji Iwamoto) won All Asia Tag Team titles

AAA News:

-Keyra won AAA Reina De Reinas title

-The Lucha Brothers (Fenix and Pentagon Jr) won AAA World Tag Team titles

OTT News:

-Valkyrie won OTT Women's Championship

The Crash News:

-La Rebelion Amarilla (Bestia 666 & Mr. 450) won The Crash Tag Team Titles

DDT News:

-Akito won DDT Extreme Championship

-Tetsuya Endo won KO-D Openweight Championship

-Shuichiro Katsumura won Independent Junior Heavyweight Championship

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Thanks for all the feedback. Fleisch and I are busy prepping for the beta release next Friday, but I wanted to call out two things that I think people will be excited about this time:

- Fleisch has gone and added about 350 tag team names that make a ton of sense by region and such so that you/the AI should have some better naming as teams are created once starting your save

- I went through and added moves and updated movesets for every G1 competitor (plus gave NJPW a once over in general) so if you want to give NJPW a proper run during G1 time, this release will be your jam.


Thanks again!

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Thanks for all the feedback. Fleisch and I are busy prepping for the beta release next Friday, but I wanted to call out two things that I think people will be excited about this time:

- Fleisch has gone and added about 350 tag team names that make a ton of sense by region and such so that you/the AI should have some better naming as teams are created once starting your save

- I went through and added moves and updated movesets for every G1 competitor (plus gave NJPW a once over in general) so if you want to give NJPW a proper run during G1 time, this release will be your jam.


Thanks again!

Dammn very cool , love you guys!
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Sounds good! I'll keep posting stuff that I see need to be changed mainly from Japan and smaller companies. I did miss two things that might have already been reported but why not put them in here just in case

DDT News:

-Add Chris Brooks to company on touring contract

TJPW News:

-Shoko Nakajima Won Tokyo Princess of Princess championship

-NEO Biishiki-gun (Misao & Sakisama) won Tokyo Princess Tag Team Championship


Thanks again you two for everything you do! Can't wait for the next two updates and eventually (hopefully) TEW 2020

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