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EVOLVE : Advancing in the World Wrestling Entertainment Business

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EVOLVE : Advancing in the World Wrestling Entertainment Business




Main Eventers


DJ Z - DUSTIN - Jeff Cobb - Matt Riddle - Rocky Romero - Timothy Thatcher


Upper Midcarders


"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams - A.R. Fox - ACH - Fred Yehi - Jason "The Gift" Kincaid - Shane Strickland




Anthony Henry - Drennan - Jaka - JD Drake - Joey Janela - Jon Davis - Player Dos - Sammy Guevara - WALTER


Lower Midcarders


Austin Theory - Chris Dickinson - Darby Allin - Jarek 1:20 - Josh Briggs -Zachary Wentz




Odinson - Parrow - TK Cooper





EVOLVE Championship




Current Holder : Matt Riddle


EVOLVE Tag Team Championship




Current Holder : Catch Point (Jaka and Chris Dickinson)


EVOLVE 108 Match Card


New GM revealed!

Battle Royal : Anthony Henry, Austin Theory, Darby Allin, Drennan, Jarek 1:20, JD Drake, Joey Janela, Josh Briggs, Player Dos, Zachary Wentz

Fred Yehi vs A.R. Fox

Jeff Cobb vs Jason "The Gift" Kincaid

Catch Point vs Parrow and Odinson - EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Match

DJ Z vs Jon Davis

Sammy Guevara vs WALTER

"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams vs ???

DUSTIN vs Timothy Thatcher

Shane Strickland vs Matt Riddle, 30-Minute Iron Man Match - EVOLVE Championship Match

Who might be the new GM?


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New GM revealed!

Battle Royal : Anthony Henry, Austin Theory, Darby Allin, Drennan, Jarek 1:20, JD Drake, Joey Janela, Josh Briggs, Player Dos, Zachary Wentz

Fred Yehi vs A.R. Fox: Best wrestler in the company ;)

Jeff Cobb vs Jason "The Gift" Kincaid

Catch Point vs Parrow and Odinson - EVOLVE Tag Team Championship Match

DJ Z vs Jon Davis

Sammy Guevara vs WALTER

"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams vs ???: No clue. Neville maybe? Dezmond Xavier? Rocky Romero.

DUSTIN vs Timothy Thatcher: Second best wrestler in the company

Shane Strickland vs Matt Riddle, 30-Minute Iron Man Match - EVOLVE Championship Match: Mostly depends on if Riddle is on his way out.

Who might be the new GM? Idk. Heyman or something. Hopefully not though. Hopefully someone low key or unexperected.

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