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TCP's Big Announcement Part 2

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HUSTLE, DDT and Osaka pro are great. HUSTLE is outrageously funny, where else could you see Kawada dance? True some wrestlers aren't wrestlers and aren't that great but you over exagerate how many, theres HG and RG the comedian that faced off with Kenzo, and Yinling, but really the WWE has about 10 Yinlings and at least Yinling is hot as hell. The HUSTLE Rangers are amazing high fliers. They employ some of the best women wrestlers. And they have Kawada, Ohtani, Tenryu, Tanaka, Tajiri, Nagao, Corino, Spanky and Kaz Hayashi on a regular basis. The wrestling there is great. And DDT and Osaka pro have talent up and down the roster. They do have over the top gimmicks but the wrestlers are amazingfor the most part. And if not exactly amazing they are still pretty decent.
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[QUOTE=Sartagis]HUSTLE, DDT and Osaka pro are great. HUSTLE is outrageously funny, where else could you see Kawada dance? True some wrestlers aren't wrestlers and aren't that great but you over exagerate how many, theres HG and RG the comedian that faced off with Kenzo, and Yinling, but really the WWE has about 10 Yinlings and at least Yinling is hot as hell. The HUSTLE Rangers are amazing high fliers. They employ some of the best women wrestlers. And they have Kawada, Ohtani, Tenryu, Tanaka, Tajiri, Nagao, Corino, Spanky and Kaz Hayashi on a regular basis. The wrestling there is great. And DDT and Osaka pro have talent up and down the roster. They do have over the top gimmicks but the wrestlers are amazingfor the most part. And if not exactly amazing they are still pretty decent.[/QUOTE] Cant stand the WWE either......i enjoy the pure sport of wrestling.....hard to find anymore......NOAH, NJPW before brock took the title......now it is wwe.....wait not that good of a show.....it is tna..... Zero One isnt bad.....can get gimmicky......Same with AJPW as they are trying to true the corner...... Funny thing is in the Japan Media Hustle isnt Puro it is acting....think about that one everyone
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[QUOTE=darkfire423] Funny thing is in the Japan Media Hustle isnt Puro it is acting....think about that one everyone[/QUOTE] From my understanding, wrestling in Japan is treated with the same sort of reverance as boxing in the western world. I've heard that wrestling is sometimes on the mainstream news. Obviously with a "mainstream" promotion such as Hustle, the way it is, it can't be treated that way. After all, it is a "Fighting Opera".
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[QUOTE=manmagoonbt]I was wondering if it were ok for me to add PWG to your update? I am gonna start working on it tonight and will be done with it in a day or 2. Thanks let me know.[/QUOTE] Sounds good, go for it.
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[QUOTE=Anubis]Well, I got back on the job today. Interestingly enough, TCP1's 1993 scenario was my motivator. There I was, playing along nicely, when suddenly NJPW lost their television show. I looked at the TV networks, and sure enough, they were on a Huge TV network in Japan. :p For the sake of TEW2005 players everywhere, I must finish the TV networks and PPV carriers so that promotions outside USA do not get screwed by having networks that are too large covering too few areas! Anyway, going back to it, I actually didn't see much left to do anyway. Here is an update of things that have been added: [b]Gaora Sports [i](Small, Sports Specific)[/i] Fighting TV Samurai [i](Very Small, Sports Specific)[/i][/b] On an added note, I have all but cemented by previous thoughts of how many regions were necessary for various TV networks, but there is a bit of new information. It appears that the sizes of TV networks actually follows promotion size even more closely than I had originally thought. The first three sizes (which I used to believe required one, two, and three regions respectively) actually correspond to various promotions sizes. This is not to say a Local promotion can get on television on a Tiny TV network (I haven't tested that, but I assume they are not capable of that), but it means that the first three sizes of TV network are all able to be maintained from one region. Thing is, the regions necessary jumps dramatically from there. Medium TV networks appear to require three (instead of four), and my original estimates appear to be on the mark regarding TV networks larger than Medium (5 for Big, 5-10 for Very Big, 10-15 for Huge, 15 or more for Enormous). The good news is that none of the TV networks need resizing, so this is just informational. That said, I honestly can't find any more TV networks or PPV carriers. Actually, that is not quite true. You see, I could find a ton more, but they would be extremely redundant, and most would be local networks anyway, so they are not really worth putting into the data. I am, however, considering adding one more fictional TV network, an Enormous Mainstream TV network that airs all over the world (since none do in reality). On that note, I have two questions, mainly for TCP1, but comments from others regarding the fictional network are welcome. [B]1. TCP1, have you decided on a final size for TNA? As always, I urge you to place them at the bare minimum for National if you have not already, and seeing as this directly impacts the survival of their show on Spike TV, it is very important. 2. Should I put in the fictional network mentioned above?[/B] Oh, and one more note for everyone, there most certainly will not be any notes made listing the fictional TV networks and PPV carriers, as I never marked them down to begin with, and thus am unable to recall which ones are real and which ones are not. I also highly suggest not trying to figure it out yourselves, as I doubt anyone here would get it all right, since some fictional TV networks seem like they could be real and vice versa. Basically, just leave well enough alone; it is more playable this way anyway! Well, here is the most recent pack of TV networks and PPV carriers. If anyone sees any channels missing (please do not mention TV networks like PBS, Fuse, and i, as they will not be getting put in due to the fact that these networks would never air wrestling in my estimation), feel free to mention them, but please do not just give me every local network you can think of; substantial networks only, please![/QUOTE] 1) TNA is indeed now barely national as was suggested. 2) Is the enormous network really necessary?
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[QUOTE=TCP1]2) Is the enormous network really necessary?[/QUOTE] Nope, not necessary. I just figured that since no existing network airs all over the world, it might be a bit of a bonus to put one in. If not, though, that's cool too. I can see both sides of this one. Anyway, unless you want me to put that truly global network in, and unless anyone else has potential networks to add in, I think that'll do it for the TV networks and PPV carriers. Mission accomplished.
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[QUOTE=Anubis]Nope, not necessary. I just figured that since no existing network airs all over the world, it might be a bit of a bonus to put one in. If not, though, that's cool too. I can see both sides of this one. Anyway, unless you want me to put that truly global network in, and unless anyone else has potential networks to add in, I think that'll do it for the TV networks and PPV carriers. Mission accomplished.[/QUOTE] Sweet, thanks for your help buddy, it's a large piece of the puzzle that is this mod.
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okay this up coming sunday is my b-day.......1/4 of a century.....my my how i wasted those years.....anyway i will be out of town for like 6 days and missing the internet....anywho here is the deally I have 5 promotions left to do bios and freelancers.....so a promotion a day until friday (when i leave) and then when i get back next week keep it up until it is finished and then i have to tweek the crap out of the stats......since TCP really doesnt want A+ stats......plus i also lost all my overnesses that i fixed so i have to do that all again but that wasnt really that hard.....so as it stands do to my labtop miss half......i was set back only like 3 - 10 hours.....it sucks.....but i will catched up.....sorry for having crappy lab top everyone.... thank you darkfire
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[QUOTE=floydfan101]hey tcp did you used to have a psd site way back in the day?[/QUOTE] Nope, must be someone else. [QUOTE=Darkfire]okay this up coming sunday is my b-day.......1/4 of a century.....my my how i wasted those years.....anyway i will be out of town for like 6 days and missing the internet....anywho here is the deally I have 5 promotions left to do bios and freelancers.....so a promotion a day until friday (when i leave) and then when i get back next week keep it up until it is finished and then i have to tweek the crap out of the stats......since TCP really doesnt want A+ stats......plus i also lost all my overnesses that i fixed so i have to do that all again but that wasnt really that hard.....so as it stands do to my labtop miss half......i was set back only like 3 - 10 hours.....it sucks.....but i will catched up.....sorry for having crappy lab top everyone.... thank you darkfire[/QUOTE] That's fine due, but i didn't say i didn't want A+ stats, i just said only people who really deserve them. In Japan, I'd expect the technical stats to be in that range for the top workers, because that's the way it works over there.
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First off, on the A* stat issue . . . TCP1 already mentioned this, but I think I might elaborate, at least as to how I would do it. Japanese workers, by and large, are the best on the planet. I honestly see only a handful of workers outside of Japan having any stat in the A* range. Not even my favorites like Rob Van Dam, AJ Styles, or Samoa Joe would have A* in stats. They may seem awesome in America, but the way these guys work, that just about industry standard in Japan. WWE, for instance, probably has very few people in even the A range as far as in-ring stats go; they specialize in entertainment, by and large. Yeah, there are some exceptions, but most of them, oddly enough, aren't anywhere near the main event, and even they probably would have A in their in-ring stats. As far as WWE goes, I think their best guy in Psychology is, hate to say it, Triple H. He would still only have an A, though, most likely. As far as in-ring abilities go, I would say that Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, Chris Benoit, Brian Kendrick, and Jaime Noble are the best people they have in the ring, followed closely by Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Finlay. In Japan, though, whew. Watch out. They can wrestle circles around a majority of Americans. Hell, their [i]women[/i] can wrestle circles around most Americans (of any gender). They really are that damn good. If you still wanted to keep A* stats low in number, though, they would go on the obvious ones. Mariko Yoshida, Tatsumi Fujinami, maybe Keiji Mutoh still despite his slowing down, Kensuke Sasaki, and Yuji Nagata are a few that I can think of, but not the only ones by any means. Still, a lot of them would be deserving of some stats in the A* range. As for retired workers, here's my suggestion. Don't kill their stats. Wait, lemme go a bit deeper. Base it on when they retired, and make sure they're actually fully retired. Randy Savage, for instance, isn't technically retired (at least not that I know of; he would probably be "On Hiatus"). Anyway, for retired people, I would personally go in five-year increments, plus something based on age. For people who retired within the last five years, they should still have all their talent. After that, though, bump non-Entertainment stats (and even Popularity probably) down for every five years they've been retired. On top of that, for every five years of age over 50, non-Entertainment stats should be bumped down a level. Bob Armstrong, having been more or less retired since about 1990 (I think), would be bumped down quite a bit for being retired for 15 and even further for being like over 65 or something. Oh, one more thing, TCP1 . . . [b]Please[/b] make certain Brad Armstrong is in your stats. He's been largely ignored in the T-Zone and RaveX updates. Yet, he's not retired by any means and he is a decent worker.
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[QUOTE=Anubis]Oh, one more thing, TCP1 . . . [b]Please[/b] make certain Brad Armstrong is in your stats. He's been largely ignored in the T-Zone and RaveX updates. Yet, he's not retired by any means and he is a decent worker.[/QUOTE] Will do, any idea who he works for at the moment?
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Personally, I'd rather not have the Japanese as a bunch of "Uber-Wrestlers". Yes, many are great (both man and woman), I'm not denying that, but not all of them. The Japanese workers should be rated the same way all others are, by using the quality of past and present matches to dictate their stats. If they've had good/great matches in the past and are having good/great matches now, then their stats should reflect that. They should not be getting As and A*s because they're Japanese wrestlers, but because they earned them. I like playing the Japanese scene in the various scenarios I play, but having every Japanese worker with a bunch of As and A*s would kill the fun for me.
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[QUOTE=The Franchise]Personally, I'd rather not have the Japanese as a bunch of "Uber-Wrestlers". Yes, many are great (both man and woman), I'm not denying that, but not all of them. The Japanese workers should be rated the same way all others are, by using the quality of past and present matches to dictate their stats. If they've had good/great matches in the past and are having good/great matches now, then their stats should reflect that. They should not be getting As and A*s because they're Japanese wrestlers, but because they earned them. I like playing the Japanese scene in the various scenarios I play, but having every Japanese worker with a bunch of As and A*s would kill the fun for me.[/QUOTE] That's, like, the same thing. They [i]have[/i] earned such stats because of the quality of their work. That's the point I'm trying to make. EDIT: I had forgotton about Regal. My memory isn't always the best. Regal and Burchill are both freaking awesome.
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[QUOTE=The Franchise]Personally, I'd rather not have the Japanese as a bunch of "Uber-Wrestlers". Yes, many are great (both man and woman), I'm not denying that, but not all of them. The Japanese workers should be rated the same way all others are, by using the quality of past and present matches to dictate their stats. If they've had good/great matches in the past and are having good/great matches now, then their stats should reflect that. They should not be getting As and A*s because they're Japanese wrestlers, but because they earned them. I like playing the Japanese scene in the various scenarios I play, but having every Japanese worker with a bunch of As and A*s would kill the fun for me.[/QUOTE] Take a guy like Masahiro Chono......A good SOILD worker even with his age catching up to him.....easy B+ in all but flying..... then take Kendo Kashin......This guy did a MMA fight that he had a day to perpare for and lasted almost two round.....again soild worker....Bs all around Now enter Yuji Nagata, Takashi Iizuka these guys can and will tie you up 18 ways from sunday.....with Iizuka losing skill easily one of the top mat workers in the world......Nagata A......Iizuka gets a A*.......prolly after tweaking down he might not have a A* but if you set down the top stars in Japan have better skills than the tops stars in the US.....as TCP said it is a different style.....I wouldnt be shocked if i had out a few B's in Acting in Japan.....but take the WWE i would be shocked to see many D's......But just becuase a guy can act doesnt mean he can wrestle......*coughs Hogan*
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[QUOTE=jonlawson]Don't forget Thunder in Paradise,...what about Pipers movie about the Rock n Roll Wrestling :) Remember that??[/QUOTE] Ouch. In Roddy's defence he does have "they Live" on his resume; a pretty decent sci-fi/social commentary movie. On the other hand, if anyone is lucky enough to get hold of a VHS copy of "Fighting Fit With Rowdy Roddy Piper", a kids fitness video in the UK around 1992 with the Rowdy One giving such advanced fitness tips as "exercise is cool" and "staying in school is cool". He also teaches such useful self-defence techniques as the monkey-flip on a blow up Undertaker doll (I'm actually not making this up). Horribly off-topic, I know, but if this inspires someone to track this rare gem/piece of crap down, I think it's worth it!
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Don't forget that in Japan the wrestlers are given the stage to actually showcase their in-ring abilities. In the WWE and non-TNA PPV's, the American wrestlers have 5-10 minutes where the focus is playing to the crowd rather then really telling a story to capture the crowd. Chris Benoit is in the top 5 workers in the world today, and if he were in a place like Japan, you'd be able to see why, but he's not in an environment that allows him to showcase his "in-ring" skill. Look at how much better James Gibson was when he made the transition to ROH. He was always a nice wrestler in the E but once he was allowed to really show good he was, he became tremendous. Just because guys like Chris Benoit and Fit Finlay are held back from going all out doesn't mean they don't have the talent of KENTA.
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[QUOTE=darkfire423]his acting has been better than his wrestling since 1985.......going way down......so far down i think his wrestling talent hit china in 1997.......[/QUOTE] i wouldnt dare hit chyna! :D ~Not really the place for a can Hogan act discussion though. So best get back on topic eh?:)
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[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/WilliamRegal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/TrishStratus2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/KenKennnedy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/TCPinho/AlexisLaree3.jpg[/IMG] Hope people enjoy these!
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