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TEW Rating to WWE 2k ratings

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I'm combining both games together to play a super sim with my boys. Trying to make it in line with each other. Thoughts on this system.


In my spreadsheet I have 6 columns from left to right


TEW Skills, Rating (as a percentage of 100), WWE Skill, Maximum points allowed, Formula (shown as a percentage) and then result (which is Maximum points allowed * Formula) rounded to no decimals.



Arm Power - Power

Leg Power - Power

Grapple Offense - Average of (Brawling, Mat Wrestling, Psychology)

Running Offense - Average of (Brawling, Athleticism, Psychology)

Aerial Offense - Aerial

Aerial Range - Average of (Aerial, Athleticism)

Springboard Offense - Average of (Aerial, Flashiness)

Power Submission Offense - Average of (Submission,Power)

Technical Submission Offense - Average of (Submission, Mat Wrestling)

Environmental Offense - Average of (Hardcore, Psychology)

Foreign Object Offense - Hardcore

Reversal Offense - Average of (Basics, Psychology, Mat Wrestling)

Reversal - Average of (Mat Wrestling , Psychology)

Strike Reversal - Average of (Brawling, Psychology)

Grapple Reversal - Average of (Brawling, Mat Wrestling, Psychology)

Aerial Reversals - Average of (Aerial, Psychology)

Head Durability - Toughness

Body Durability - Toughness

Arm Durability - Toughness

Leg Durability - Toughness

Damage Recovery - Resilience

Power Submission Defense - Average (Submission, Psychology, Power)

Technical Submission Defense - Average (Submission, Psychology, Mat Wrestling)

Pin Escape - Resilience

Strength - Power

Stamina - Stamina

Stamina Recovery - Average (Stamina,Resilience)

Momentum - Psychology

Agility - Athleticism

Movement Speed - Athleticism

Strike Speed - Average of (Brawling, Athleticism)

Grapple Speed - Average of (Brawling, Mat Wrestling, Athleticism)

Chain Wrestling - Chain Wrestling

Chain Wrestling Speed - Average of (Chain Wrestling, Athleticism)

Mic Performance - Mic



Any modifications you think?

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