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Women Rule - The Cutting Edge

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[Note: This diary was written during the first stage of testing my women's mod. As a result, you may see some things appear that would not appear in most or any other mod (specifically, injuries and angles and storylines, as well as many workers). In addition, with female workers being the focus, the vast majority of new promotions that will enter the game will be oriented to the fairer sex. I'm picking it up from where I am now, after making several tweaks.] [B][I]Prologue[/I][/B] "Is this some kind of joke?" Judging by the incredulous look on her face, Anne Stardust was seriously baffled. "No, the offer is a serious one," I replied. "In addition to that, I'd like to add the option of a lifetime contract for you as a member of my management and booking team, as well as Catherine and up to 5 workers of your choosing." "I had no idea my little operation was worth this much." "To be perfectly honest with you, Ms. Stardust," I offered, "in a literal sense, it's not worth nearly that much. But, it has potential that I see and a chance to revolutionize this industry in a manner that has not yet been seen in this country." "And what's the catch?" "The catch," I said matter of factly, "is that you'll have to watch your baby grow into a global entertainment behemoth." Two days later, I had my answer. "I'm e-mailing over the list now. We can get the paperwork completed by the end of the day." Has it really been 18 months since then? Since the day when, by all accounts, I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the line between genius and madness was paper-thin, at best? Ah well, there are shows to do, paper to chase, talent to develop, stars to make.
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Credits (will edit to add as I go along): Rufas for several characters from his RufasXP mod (Angelic Goth, Bryana Bimbo, Buffy Geller, Codename Shades, etc). D.Boon's Ghost for many angles and storylines imported from D.O.T.T. Many, many workers imported from Joshi mod (will edit to add author) T-Zone (forlan?) and RaveX for base stats and info that provided a great jumping off point and removed the need to create many workers from scratch. Adam Ryland for the Cornellverse, which has to date provided the foundation upon which my tangent was built upon.
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[I][B]AAA Training Day from Celtic Heritage Hall in Scotland, attendance: 1,000 Friday, Week 2, August 2006[/B][/I] Given the fact that this show operates in loss leader fashion and is basically an extended dark match (I call it my "Etch-A-Sketch" for booking), I generally don't expect much in the way of outstanding performances. Given how green many of the workers who work this program are, I think that's a realistic view. The first match pitted Nozomi Takesago against Penny Dreadful and Penny's name is apropos given the final result. [I]Nozomi Takesago defeated Penny Dreadful in 8:26 by submission with a Corbata. (F)[/I] The next match saw Ashley Paige go up against the oldest active worker in the world, the 61 year old with the fitting ring name, The Old Lady. Showing that she makes up in guile what she lacks in physical ability, she beat the girl over 30 years her junior. Though at one point, I thought for sure she was going to pass out or have a heart attack. [I]The Old Lady defeated Ashley Paige in 7:33 by pinfall with a DDT. (F)[/I] Into the main show and my goals, as always, are to evaluate workers and see where (and sometimes, HOW) to focus their work in order to maximize their rate of development. With Jim Lou Freebush announcing and Melanie Florence and Sue Danes on commentary, we get right into it. [I]The first match saw wily veteran Shark Tsuchiya defeat Ayana Mizumura in 12:39 by pinfall with a Lariat. (F)[/I] The next match had [I]Demonica defeat Chiharu in 7:57 by pinfall with The Demonizer. (F)[/I] In a perfect illustration of why I like this show so much, I saw how badly Demonica and Secreto (her manager) work together. Have to pair her with someone else. Our next segment had the lovely and witty Melanie Florence leave the booth and welcome to her show, the newest incarnation of a world famous tag team, the Hart Foundation, accompanied by their management team of Torrie Wilson and Persephone. With Nattie Neidhart (daughter of Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart and niece of Bret "The Hitman" Hart) paired with Alere Little Feather, judging by their singles success, they have much in the way of potential. (D) Just then, the interview is interrupted when The Outcasts' music hits and two members of the stable, Linda Miles and Chyna, sprint down the entrance ramp and unceremoniously toss the young team out, shouting "This is OUR ring. Now get the hell outta here before we kick your asses!". (D) In our next match, [I]Mima Shimoda defeated Megumi Yabu****a in 12:53 by pinfall with a Deathlake Driver, in a battle of old school Japanese icons. (D)[/I] The next match was a confrontation between two of our more raw talents, as [I]Aud D'Hoffryn defeated Amy Love in 7:37 by pinfall with a German Burn. (F) [/I] The camera then cuts to my office, just before the door bursts open and The Hart Foundation come in, fuming. They practically beg for a match against Linda Miles & Chyna, and after thinking on it a second, I agreed. (C) In another one of our training matches, [I]"La Azteca de la Ring" Linda Starr defeated rookie high flyer Yuna in 7:55 by pinfall with a Hilo Del Starr. (E)[/I] In the next match, [I]Ciara Wild defeated Minx in 7:34 by pinfall with a Powerslam.[/I] During the match we also had Nikita run in and attack Ciara. (E) The run-in was a bit of foreshadowing on my part. Nikita's my Newcomer champion and I plan to feud her with Ciara. In a match between two workers on the verge of a big push, [I]Karen Bilous defeated Saki Maemura in 7:47 by pinfall with a Bilous Bomb. (E)[/I] At this point, we're taken backstage to Kimberly Page who is conducting a faux interview with her clients, Linda Miles & Chyna. At one point, Chyna (the more vocal of the two) starts in with the insults: "Third generation of what? Third generation of SUCK maybe! Whatever happened to the second generation? Your daddy was NOTHING without Bret and Bret was just....NOTHING. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you, how's Owen? Oh that's right. He fell down and broke his crown. But don't worry, tonight you'll have the opportunity to come tumbling after." (C-) In another learning match, [I]Ayako Hamada defeated Eagle Sawai in 12:58 by pinfall with an AP Cross. (D)[/I] Ayako Hamada makes defence number 5 of her AAA RAW Lioness title. Ayako seemed off, which concerns me as I had been planning to team her with Mariko Yoshida very soon. Trying to put together a product line that appeals to more of the fringe wrestling fans, we had a hardcore match. [I]Etsuko Mita defeated Jaime D in 13:10 by pinfall with a Ganso Death Valley Bomb onto a garbage can, making it her second defense of the AAA Hardcore Championship. (D)[/I] In a match between two workers who are on the bubble, [I]Trudi Denucci defeated Roz Larren in 8:09 by pinfall with a DDT.[/I] The camera cuts backstage where Torrie Wilson is pacing back and forth in front of Jim Lou Freebush. Standing behind her are Alere Little Feather and Nattie Neidhart (with the AAA Uncut Television title draped over her shoulder). Torrie begins by explaining how she came up with the idea of putting these two ladies together. Then she talks about how well they worked together in the ring, during practice before ending with a cryptic remark about great tag teams winding up with gold around their waists. (C-) Another match, in this one, [I]Passion defeated Connie Morris in 8:03 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage. (F)[/I] Passion isn't really making a strong case for a push, given my dearth of compelling heels in the higher card levels. And before that happens, I'll have to find her another manager since her current manager (Carmen Electra) is not going to be around much longer. In a matchup I tossed in to work like a coin flip (and determine who gets a junior tag title shot on my next RAW show), Team Blondage defeated Good Lookin' Bunny in 12:39 when Krissy Vaine defeated Katherine Goodlooks by pinfall with a Special Attraction. (F) I think I'll need to sit Good Lookin' Bunny down anyway. Their act is kinda tired now and I think I should revamp their gimmicks. But it's looking like Krissy Vaine's picking up some new submission tricks. Our next segment had Persephone sending a warning out to Linda & Chyna. (D) Apparently, Chyna's remarks have really put a personal slant on their match tonight. Just to get them some work since their pushes are a couple months away, [I]Buffy Geller defeated Daizee Haze in 7:55 by pinfall with a Buffy Blast. (E)[/I] Judging by the way this match looked, you'd think both of these ladies had never seen the inside of a wrestling ring. They just do not work well together. In another match used to manufacture ring time for workers who aren't on the front burner, [I]Alicia defeated Tsuki Kawamata in 8:04 by pinfall with an A-Bomb. (F)[/I] It's looking like my idea to pair Tsuki with Monique as her manager is paying off swimmingly. Since her monthlong layoff for a gimmick change, Tsuki's been chomping at the bit for some action. I still don't know what I'm gonna do with Alicia. She's dark match fodder for the foreseeable future. Making her debut is our recent signing, Carolina, a cute manager recommended to me by the good folks at our developmental promotion MPWF. Cutting a promo with her newest client Eve Grunge (F), she looked really comfortable out there. Hoping to notice some improvement from one-half of Uncut's tag team champs, [I]Anna Marie defeated Staci Strong in 8:03 by pinfall when Francine interfered. (E)[/I] I must say, "The Queen of Extreme" knows when to make her presence known when it comes to Anna Marie's matches. Those two are a perfect pair. Unfortunately, it seems Anna Marie and Staci don't get on well at all. I needed to put another title on the line and my "every show" title had yet to be defended tonight so I added another match. This one saw two workers who are very familiar with each other go at it, as [I]Princesa Sugey defeated Lady Apache in 7:58 by pinfall with a Frankensteiner. (D)[/I] Wow, I just realized that Princesa Sugey has defended the X title 13 times now. That warrants a push, I think. Now to figure out the basis for one.... And now it's time for the rebuttal as a visibly upset Nattie Neidhart grabs a mic backstage and stares directly into the camera. With the Uncut TV title draped over her shoulder, she stares down at the floor for a moment, composing herself, before renewing that steely glare at the camera and saying: "You make jokes about my lineage. You try to dispute the tradition of excellence started by my grandfather, furthered by my father and uncles, and continued by my cousins and I. You try to imply that "The Excellence of Execution" was a myth. That's fine. It only shows how stupid you are. But listen up, 'roid queen. While you were taking your clothes off in a desperate attempt to extend your 15 minutes, some of us were working our asses off improving in the ring. So you can keep on living off of who you used to be 10 years ago, but the moment my uncle Owen's name crosses your lips is the moment you will know pain. Right now, I suggest you call the police and have them at ringside. In a few short moments, we are going to maim you. But that's going to be after I make...you...tap." (D) Ugh, I loved that segment but given the fact that these Scots barely know who we are, I guess I shouldn't have expected a reaction like we'd get in the States. Taken right to the night's main event, the action is fast and furious from the beginning. Showing glimpses of her "Nasty Nattie" side, Nattie takes every opportunity to hurt Chyna. From a DDT onto the ring steps to a Figure Four around the ringpost, it was Nasty Nattie on full display. At one point, while Alere and Linda were fighting in the ring (with the ref's full attention), Nattie grabbed her TV title belt and, with an exhausted Chyna leaning on the ringpost, slammed the title belt against her head, driving her head back into the ringpost and busting her wide open. When what became the last tag of the match was made, Chyna limped into the ring only to be met by a thunderous spinebuster. Everyone knew what was coming and Linda Miles tried to break it up but found herself on the receiving end of an Alere-dust before [I]The Hart Foundation defeated The Outcasts 2 in 12:51 when Nattie Neidhart defeated Chyna by submission with a Sharpshooter.[/I] (C-) After the match, Nattie would not release the submission hold and even twisted it into an STS. Officials swarmed the ring and finally managed to get her off as the paramedics arrived to carry off an unconscious "Ninth Wonder of the World". (F) Tonight, I gave all my road agents the night off and decided to just let the workers call their own matches. In hindsight, I have to wonder WTF I was thinking. One thing's for certain, this new Hart Foundation is the real deal. I can definitely work them up. But right now, all I want to do is have a meeting with some Grey Goose and pomegranate juice.
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Staff meeting After hearing about how much my road agents enjoyed their day off, we got down to business. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time. Time for spring cleaning on the roster. Momoe-san, I need you and your team to, over the next week, evaluate our talent from top to bottom. I know what I see but my perspective is skewed. I need you folks to tell me who you think is good based on more than just potential, as nebulous as that term has become. I want to know who is busting their asses to improve and who is sitting on their laurels. Alexis Laree has lost her freakin' mind during negotiations for an extension so, as you might expect, we have 3 weeks to job her into oblivion. Get me a list of workers who would most benefit from big wins over the departing Ms. Laree and we'll work it out. Also, one reason this purge is necessary is, I've managed to make a few very nice signings that we'll see debut next week. These are young, proven workers with skills and desire and good work ethics. They also come relatively cheap, which is always good. I'm sure the Lady and Mary Apache can clue you in on one of them but as for the rest, I ain't tellin' just yet." [QUOTE][B]Matches announced for AAA Unity[/B]: AAA RAW Tag Team Champs Intensity vs. Glorious Power AAA Pure Wrestling Champion Mariko Yoshida vs. Angelic Goth AAA Uncut World Champion Cheerleader Melissa vs. Melina Perez AAA RAW Femme Fatale Champion LuFisto vs. April Hunter Traci Brooks vs Trinity AAA Hardcore Champion Etsuko Mita vs. Johnny Machete AAA Uncut Television Champion Nattie Neidhart vs. Passion AAA RAW Intercontinental Champion Sarah Stock vs. Michiko Omukai AAA X Division Champion Princesa Sugey vs. "The Mafia Princess" Tiffany AAA RAW Junior Tag Team champions The Avengers vs. D-FIX AAA Uncut Newcomer Champion Nikita vs. Ciara Wild AAA RAW Lioness Champion Ayako Hamada vs. Pippa Page Thunder Hike vs. Valentina Plus, AAA Uncut Tag Team Champs Manifest Destiny in action![/QUOTE]
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[B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]Angel Athletic Association[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B][SIZE="5"]AAA Unity[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] [B]Being held in front of 1,000 in Montreal, Quebec and showing LIVE on MTV. Announcers: Jane Childs, Emma Extreme, and Carl Batch.[/B] [B][U]Dark Matches[/U]:[/B] [I]Tai defeated Ayumi Kurihara in 2:35 by submission with a Dragon Sleeper.[/I] [B](D)[/B] [I]Principessa defeated Karen Bilous in 2:32 by pinfall with The Cutting Edge.[/I] [B](E)[/B] [I]Aud D'Hoffryn defeated Myth in 2:31 by pinfall with a German Burn.[/I] [B](F)[/B] [I]Speedy Marie defeated Lexie Fyfe in 2:33 by pinfall with a Marie DDT.[/I] [B](E)[/B] The show kicked off with the required pyro and the explosion of the show's theme song, "Right Now" by Van Halen. Then the first match gets under way... [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA RAW Lioness Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] [B]Pippa Page vs. Ayako Hamada (c)[/B] In this match between two up-and-coming stars, there was only one story to tell and Ayako Hamada told it. Swiftly. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Ayako Hamada defeated Pippa Page in 6:31 by pinfall with an AP Cross. [/I][B](E)[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Blue"]AAA Uncut Newcomer Championship match[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [B]Ciara Wild vs. Nikita (c)[/B] The match Ciara requested and got, this one got ugly in a hurry. Ciara got the W but not the belt, after the ref got bumped but still managed to catch Nikita drop a monstrous chairshot on Ciara. [B]Result[/B]: [I]Ciara Wild defeated Nikita in 6:53 by disqualification.[/I] [B](E)[/B] Jim Lou Freebush takes a moment backstage to wax poetic about tonight's match between Melina Perez and Cheerleader Melissa. [B](B-)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"]AAA RAW Intercontinental Championship match[/SIZE] Michiko Omukai vs. Sarah Stock (c)[/B] From the beginning, the veteran Michiko tried to ground the luchadora and keep the match on the mat. But at the 7 minute mark, after several near falls, distracted the referee long enough for her manager, Nicole Kiss, to choke out Michiko with some tape. [B]Result[/B]: [I]Sarah Stock defeated Michiko Omukai in 8:27 by submission after interference from Nicole Kiss.[/I] [B](C-)[/B] We cut to backstage where Jim Lou Freebush is standing by with Kali Fornia and Angelic Goth. Kali states how offensive it is that some people have said Angelic Goth doesn't deserve a shot at the title held by Mariko Yoshida. She then says that tonight, the world will finally get a glimpse into the future of AAA. [B](F)[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]AAA X Division Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR] "The Mafia Princess" Tiffany vs. Princesa Sugey (c)[/B] This match looked about as disjointed as Joe Theismann's leg in 1985. But thankfully, it was over fairly quickly. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Princesa Sugey defeated Tiffany in 6:52 by pinfall with a Frankensteiner.[/I] [B](E)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA Hardcore Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE] Johnny Machete vs. Etsuko Mita (c)[/B] I'm sure there were people who expected Johnny to roll over the girl but the opposite occurred as Etsuko Mita proved why she's hardcore champion. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Etsuko Mita defeated Johnny Machete in 7:31 by pinfall with a Ganso Death Valley Bomb.[/I] [B](D)[/B] Eve Grunge makes her way to the ring, mic in hand. "Y'know, I've been here for a while and I've learned a lot. Enough that I think I'm ready to face the best that this company has to offer. So, I'm puttin' it down here. Next week, me and Mariko Yoshida in this very ring, for the Pure Wrestling title. Next week, the era of grunge begins again." [B](A)[/B] ([I]Carl Batch: "Whoa, didn't see that one comin'!"[/I]) [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA RAW Junior Tag Team Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE] D-FIX (Mayumi Ozaki & KAORU) vs. The Avengers (Angel Takudome & Manami Toyota) (c)[/B] Back and forth match that showcased some of the best workers in history (plus Angel Takudome's potential). Between insane high spots and innovative submission holds and reversals, the winner could not easily be determined. Well, that is until Willow (D-FIX's manager) made her presence felt, using a title belt to knock Angel for a loop. [B]Result:[/B] [I]D-FIX defeated The Avengers in 8:17 when Mayumi Ozaki defeated Angel Takudome by pinfall when Willow interfered.[/I] [B](D)[/B] D-FIX win the RAW Junior tag titles. [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]AAA Uncut Television Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR] Passion vs. Nattie Neidhart (c)[/B] Passion came into this match with something to prove. But she'll have to wait for another day to prove it since this time, she ran into a fired-up Nattie and, after missing on an avalanche to the corner, was set up beautifully for a Nattie by Nature. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Nattie Neidhart defeated Passion in 7:55 by pinfall with a Nattie By Nature.[/I] [B](E)[/B] [B]Tomoko Saitoh vs. Victoria[/B] The first of the night's jobs worked out far worse than expected. But in the end, the intended result occurred. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Tomoko Saitoh defeated Victoria in 7:51 by pinfall with a Gold Flash.[/I] [B](D)[/B] We cut to backstage where Carl Batch is standing by with a Ritalin deprived Looney Lane. She tells him how glad she is to finally be given a chance to prove herself against a main eventer. She also promises to show the world that, though they may not know it yet, they're looking at the future of women's wrestling in "Looney Loon!" [B](D)[/B] [B] Looney Lane vs. Alexis Laree[/B] In a match that was far more entertaining than originally thought, Looney Lane dominated the more highly lauded Laree and put her down with seeming ease. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Looney Lane defeated Alexis Laree in 7:56 by pinfall with a Looneycurrana.[/I] [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA RAW Tag Team Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE] Glorious Power (Wanda Fish & Suzue Katayama) vs. Intensity (Jana Marie Bowen & Kinuye Mushashibo) (c)[/B] The first of our several main event quality matches, had Intensity looking to extend their record of consecutive successful title defenses to 26, in a rematch of their SummerSlam match. From the start, JMB and Kin established their dominance from the air before JMB got into a slugging match with Suzue, ending with the younger woman managing a dropsault on the veteran. But it wasn't until Farrah Hesketh distracted the referee long enough for JMB & Kin to hit the Head Trauma (Batch: "Here comes the Con-chair-to....err Head Trauma!") that the win was a foregone conclusion. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Intensity defeated Glorious Power in 13:22 when Jana Marie Bowen defeated Wanda Fish by pinfall when Farrah Hesketh interfered.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] Intensity make their 26th consecutive successful defense of the AAA RAW Tag Team championship. The camera cuts backstage to find the lovely Traci Brooks prepping for her match. She says, "It's high time I retrieve my title from LuFisto. But I'm told that in order to do that, I have to go through you, Trinity. So be it. It should be a great match but once it's done, I'll be looking for the self-proclaimed "Queen of Hardcore". Besides, it's what the fans actually [I]want[/I] to see." [B](B+)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA RAW Femme Fatale #1 Contender's match[/COLOR][/SIZE] Traci Brooks vs. Trinity[/B] This match was good but had very poor flow. But Trinity proved why she's the #1 contender, beating Traci cleanly. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Trinity defeated Tracy Brooks in 7:54 by pinfall with a Moonsault.[/I] [B](B)[/B] We cut to backstage where Candice Michelle is standing by with her tag team, Manifest Destiny (Anna Marie & Madison). "This match should be tonight's main event but management doesn't know a good thing when they see it. We've beaten what they like to call main eventers, which is why the gold is around these waists and not people like Jackie Gayda and Melina Perez. So tonight, we go up against Golden Rod, Golden Delicious and Joanne Rodriguez, FORMER Uncut tag team champions. Eventually management will run out of has-beens and never-weres to throw at us and maybe then we'll get some main event respect! Let's go." [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA RAW Femme Fatale Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE] April Hunter vs. LuFisto (c)[/B] The recently re-signed April came out on fire but that fire was quickly extinguished as LuFisto showed, in her home country and province, why she's considered one of the world's best workers. Not even interference from April's manager Beulah McGillicutty could prevent the final result. [B]Result:[/B] [I]LuFisto defeated April Hunter in 7:38 by pinfall with an Emerald Fusion.[/I] [B](B)[/B] [B]Thunder Hike vs. Valentina[/B] What a great time to learn that two workers don't click at all. Between Valentina trying to keep to the air and Thunder Hike trying to ground her and twist her into knots, it seemed chaotic, at best. Luckily it didn't go on for too long. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Valentina defeated Thunder Hike in 8:10 by pinfall when Aurora interfered.[/I] [B](D)[/B] [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]AAA Pure Wrestling Championship match[/SIZE][/COLOR] Angelic Goth vs. Mariko Yoshida[/B] From the beginning, the youngster tried to take it to Mari-san, with poor results. But she kept at it and managed to shake the veteran, at least for a few moments. But she made a mistake that cost her the match when Mariko reversed an attempted powerbomb into a DDT and locked in the Spider Twist. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Mariko Yoshida defeated Angelic Goth in 8:02 by submission with a Spider Twist.[/I] [B](B-)[/B] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][B]AAA Uncut Tag Team Championship match[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Golden Rod vs. Manifest Destiny (c)[/B] Joanne Rodriguez stole the show, but Francine stole the match. In a back and forth, action-packed match, it was the Queen of Extreme who turned the tables. Hitting Golden Delicious with brass knucks on the outside with the ref distracted, was enough for Anna Marie to get the 1, 2, 3. [B]Result[/B]: [I]Manifest Destiny defeated Golden Rod in 8:28 when Anna Marie defeated Golden Delicious by pinfall when Francine interfered.[/I] [B](C+)[/B] [B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AAA Uncut World Championship match[/COLOR][/SIZE] Melina Perez vs. Cheerleader Melissa (c)[/B] This match went decently, though Melina still needs quite a bit of work. Melissa carried her throughout the match and I'm hoping it wasn't as obvious to the audience as it was to me. But the match was decided when, after a DVA in the corner and a released German Suplex, while Melissa was prepping Melina for the finish, Mercedes Martinez ran in and levelled Melissa, drawing the DQ. [B]Result:[/B] [I]Cheerleader Melissa defeated Melina Perez in 7:47 when Melina Perez was disqualified when Mercedes Martinez ran in and attacked Cheerleader Melissa.[/I] [B](B+)[/B] [B]Overall show rating: C+[/B] Post-show notes: - The planned feud between Sarah Stock and Michiko Omukai will be fast-tracked after learning that those two have great chemistry. - D-FIX with the Junior tag titles means the midcard level tag team picture just got a huge lift as with workers who are so evenly skilled, sending people against them is almost a guarantee they'll learn something and improve, win or lose. - Hopefully I can piece together a few tag teams from the new arrivals and add to that picture. - I had no idea Eve Grunge could pull off an A segment. I also had no idea it would be the show's only A segment. - Angelic Goth's push is finished. She may find herself on the wrong end of a pink slip during the roster purge, as well.
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[B][SIZE="4"]Staff Meeting[/SIZE][/B] "Ladies & Gentlemen, the roster's looking pretty good. Not as tight as I'd like but that will come in time. Do we have a manifest of the workers we've let go thus far?" Sika passes me a folder whose size kinda threw me off. Reading the file, I couldn't help but be wistful over all the names I thought had promise. [B]Released/Not re-signed workers[/B]: Roxy Demonica Samantha Sixx Michael Cole Melissa Coates Princess of Pain LaTasha Marzolla Ma Myers Kristabel Plum (since re-signed) Jim Cordaris Charles Robinson Earl Hebner Michael Buffer Gorgon Michael Hayes Sherri Martel Alexis Laree Tallulah Rae Abi Romanov Jemma Griffiths Debbie Sue Dana Dameson Elisabeth Rouffaer Ellie May Walton Nene Ebina Selena Sanchez Fifi Poubelle Bobbi Billard Alpha Female Trudi Denucci Ginko Kuroda Selina the Seductress Amy Love Jamie D Emma Bitch Alicia Savannah Secret Eliza Buckley Miss Natasha Julie Forletta Jennifer Blake Chastity Helen Bach Helen Earth Rebecca Petty Black Rose Seiko Nanami Tanya Armstrong Suzi Slam Junko Hayakawa Veronica Caine June Butler Connie Morris Nikki Power Michele Carol Singer Rosa the Surfer Secreto Lisa Marie Varon Shark Tsuchiya Passion Mysty Heavens Luscious Lily (aka Missy Sampson) Chiharu Tsuki Kawamata Penny Dreadful "Wow, that's quite a list though I'm glad we got Kristabel back. I'm sure she's learned quite a bit since, if I remember right, we fired her because she didn't seem to be able to read a clock, isn't that right?" "Among other things," The Bloody replied. "She seems a changed person since her return, however." "Okay, who's on the bubble or expected to go soon?" "Well," Megumi Kudo chimes in. "We have a few workers with expiring contracts this week. But they're mainly developmental workers at Ring of Fire and MPWF. Oh, and there's Luis Montero who wants to go back home to Mexico." "So we're down one road agent. Whatever will we do?" The room erupts in laughter at the inside joke. [We have about 16 road agents along with a ton of workers who can call their own matches] "Then what's on tap on the creative side? Who's due for a push?" "Well, Esther & Cinthia are open to a storyline with Sugey & Chitose Ariwara." Lioness Asuka says. "They even suggested that they drop the junior tag titles to them." "But," Megumi Kudo adds, "Esther wants a shot at Mariko and the Pure title as soon as that storyline ends and Cinthia wants the X title." "Jesus Christ on the cross, who [B]doesn't[/B] want the X title?" "Kara Kildare doesn't." The Bloody interjects. "She wants the TV title." "Here's what we'll do. After the Morenos drop the Jr Tag titles to Escucha Lucha, we'll give Esther her go at Mari-chan but we'll put the TV title on Cinthia and let her help train Kara with a storyline. How's that?" "Win/win." says Sika. "Three birds, one stone." replies Lioness Asuka. "Are you sure you've never done this before?" inquires The Bloody, with a wink. "Positive. I'm a straight newbie. But my reasons are simple. I want to keep the X title on a talented all-rounder, preferably a Super Junior style worker. In my mind, the best candidate is Nikki Roxx. Assuming she doesn't break into the main event scene before then, I'd like her to be the one to beat Toshie for the title at One Night Stand in May. Hell, even if she does break into the main event scene, I'd still like to have her win the title, defend it some then drop it to Esther who has the all-round ability to match a Super Junior. I'm thinking maybe at the Great American Bash." "That's a damn good plan," says Sika, with a big Samoan grin. "But we still have a problem with main event level heel tag teams." "We've got a new debut coming on that front, don't we?" "Drop of water in the ocean, I'm afraid," states Lioness Asuka matter-of-factly. "Future Shock and D-FIX are our only credible contenders at that level. And NEO Machine Guns are proceeding slowly." "Alrighty, then we accelerate their development. If we can get NEO MG and East Wind into the main event scene, we solve our problem. Let NEO MG drop the junior tag titles to Sakura Michi, unless we find a decent combination on the heel side before then." Just then comes a knock on the door. "Come." In walks LuFisto, RAW Femme Fatale title draped over her shoulder, with her regular tag partner Nikki Roxx, with the RAW Intercontinental title on her shoulder. "You wanted to see us?" LuFisto asks. Scanning faces in the room, she then adds, "Oh cool, creative meeting. So, what's up?" Smiling widely I said, "Have a seat, you two. Boy, have we got some news for you..."
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[QUOTE]Matches announced for Uncut Showcase: Jaguar Yokota vs. Rosemary Gellar for the Uncut Newcomer title Mary Beth Chase puts her Hardcore title on the line against Johnny Machete Toshie Uematsu takes to the air to defend her X Division title against Suzanne Brazzle! Esther Moreno defends the Uncut Television title against Kara Kildare! The Morenos defend the Uncut Junior tag titles against T&A! Land & Air take on Par Excellence PLUS! Mariko Yoshida & LuFisto team up to face Manifest Destiny![/QUOTE] Predictions welcome ;)
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[B]Jaguar Yokota[/B] vs. Rosemary Gellar for the Uncut Newcomer title [B]Mary Beth Chase[/B] puts her Hardcore title on the line against Johnny Machete Isnt it all FEMALE? [B]Toshie Uematsu[/B] takes to the air to defend her X Division title against Suzanne Brazzle! Esther Moreno defends the Uncut Television title against [B]Kara Kildare[/B]! [B]The Morenos[/B] defend the Uncut Junior tag titles against T&A! Land & Air take on [B]Par Excellence[/B] PLUS! [B]Mariko Yoshida & LuFisto[/B] team up to face Manifest Destiny!
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hehe not all female. The hardcore division has quite a few guys in it (kinda hard to find women with high hardcore skills). The promotion is Cutting Edge so I CAN use men, I just choose not to most of the time. That is, unless I get some really talented male workers, which you might see a bit later. ;)
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][U]Triple A Uncut Showcase[/U][/B][/SIZE] [I]Being held in front of 15,000 at Plum Park (Tri-State), and showing LIVE on GNN Total Sports.[/I] Ayako Ishida, Carl Batch, and Emma Extreme welcome everyone to this week's show. Carl Batch says, "I have a feeling something BIG is gonna happen tonight!" [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ajsparx.jpg[/IMG]& [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] Sparx & Lightning come out to a thunderous reception and fire t-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] We're taken into the first match, for the Uncut Newcomer title. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/JaguarYokota2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/RosemaryGellar.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Uncut Newcomer title[/B][/SIZE] The match was a fairly slow build, until Jaguar hit a beautiful springboard enziguri that took the young champion out. It looked like the win and a 2nd reign as Newcomer champion was a foregone conclusion until strains from a pipe organ sounded and Uncut World Women's Champion Buffy Gellar hit the ring with a HUGE slab of man and he took Jaguar Yokota to task, forcing the ref to call for the bell. [I]Jaguar Yokota defeated Rosemary Gellar in 8:39 by DQ. [B](D)[/B][/I] After the bell, Buffy took up directing traffic, telling the monster of a man to set the legendary Yokota up for a Super Tiger Bomb when Mika Nishino hit the ring and went to work on Rosemary Gellar, sending the heels running for the aisles. [B][I](F)[/I][/B] The Boudiccans follow and fire t-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] Next we have a hardcore showdown, as Mary Beth Chase seeks to extend her record of successful defenses to 47. But first, she'll have to get past Johnny Machete. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/JohnnyMachete.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MaryBethChase.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]AAA Hardcore Championship[/B][/SIZE] The match started out boring as the two brawlers who are very familiar with each other, tried to keep their respective distance. Then all caution was thrown to the wind and they locked up. Machete knew not to underestimate the smaller Chase and he apparently got angry at some point, which made him an easy mark for the Chase Lounge. Within seconds of cinching it in, Mary Beth got the larger Machete to tap. [I]Mary Beth Chase defeated Johnny Machete in 8:32 by submission with a Chase Lounge. [B](C-)[/B][/I] While celebrating her win, MBC is viciously attacked from behind by a mysterious woman who ran in through the crowd. Standing over the fallen champion, she takes a long look at the hardcore title and shouts down, "Your days as champion are numbered. Savor every moment you have left with this." and with that, she tosses the belt down on Mary Beth. [B][I](E)[/I][/B] Carl Batch: "Wait a minute! I know that woman. That's Cathy Vaughan, the MMA star!" Emma Extreme: "Well what the hell's she doing HERE?!?" [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AlereLittleFeatherjfx-04.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/NattieNeidhart.jpg[/IMG] The Hart Foundation come out and shoot T-shirts. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] Next we're taken to what Ayako describes as what is bound to be an entertaining and exciting matchup, for the X Division title. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SuzanneBrazzle.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ToshieUematsu.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]AAA X Division Championship[/B][/SIZE] Although primed for a fight, young Suzanne just couldn't deal with all the tricks pulled by the veteran Uematsu. And when Alicia Webb distracted the ref just long enough for Toshie to hit a chair-assisted missile dropkick, it was all over. [I]Toshie Uematsu defeated Suzanne Brazzle in 12:43 by pinfall when Alicia Webb interfered. [B](C)[/B][/I] Carl Batch leaves the announce table and heads to the backstage area where he meets Goldylocks with her clients, Fabi & Mary Apache. They hype their match with Catastrophe coming next Sunday at Judgement Day. (C+) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/LionessLea.jpg[/IMG] & [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Questra.jpg[/IMG] EverQuest Age come out and fire T-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] Our next match promises to be a sign of things to come, as the veteran Esther Moreno defends her Uncut Television title against young Brit Kara Kildare. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KaraKildare.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EstherMoreno.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Uncut Television title[/B][/SIZE] Kara was game but just couldn't deal with the large gap in experience and Esther soon finished her with the Quebrada. Esther Moreno defeated Kara Kildare in 9:17 by pinfall with a Quebrada. [B][I](C)[/I][/B] Now Emma Extreme heads backstage where she meets with Cherry Payne and her prospective clients, Cheerleader Melissa & Michelle McCool, Par Excellence. The stadium erupts when the visual first hits the Jumbotron, forcing Emma to wait until the crowd quiets down a bit. Cherry immediately goes into hyping her clients and explaining to all who may not know, "You are looking at your next Uncut World Tag Team Champions!". [B][I](A)[/I][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG]& [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Princesa-Sugey2.jpg[/IMG] Escucha Lucha come out and fire T-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] "Don'cha" by the Pu ssycat Dolls hits and T&A head to the ring for their match. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Talia-MadisonWEW-jfx-02.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AllisonDanger.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CinthiaMoreno.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EstherMoreno.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Uncut Junior Tag Team Championship[/B][/SIZE] Back and forth match that ended when Cinthia locked in the Tijuana Twist on Talia with Karen Killer on the outside holding her leg for leverage. Talia was trapped and with Allison occupied by Esther, she had no choice but to submit. [I]The Moreno Sisters defeated T&A in 13:38 when Cinthia Moreno defeated Talia by submission after interference from Karen Killer. [B](C)[/B][/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Christie-Ricci-jfx-05.jpg[/IMG] Christie Ricci comes out and fires T-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] The requisite pyrotechnic sparks go off followed by a booming bolt of lightning hitting the ringpost and Sparx & Lightning hit the ring. After the crowd has quieted some, out come Black Widow & Tomoko Watanabe. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/BlackWidow.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/TomokoWatanabe.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ajsparx.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KitHatoyama.jpg[/IMG] This match was a study in contrasts, with the high flying Sparx & Hatoyama taking to the air at every opportunity and the ground n' pound style of Watanabe and the Widow trying to slow the pace down. That is, until AJ hit Tomoko on the outside with a handspring moonsault plancha which left Kit in perfect position to nail Black Widow with the Lightning Strike for the W. [I]Sparx & Lightning defeated Black Widow and Tomoko Watanabe in 13:52 when Kit Hatoyama defeated Black Widow by pinfall with a Lightning Strike. [B](C+)[/B][/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/HellenaHeavenly2.jpg[/IMG] Hellena Heavenly comes out and shoots T-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] Meiko Satomura & Saki Maemura head down to the ring for their match. Carl Batch: "Uh oh, I think we'd better plug our ears right about now." After a few moments' pause, the arena speakers blare...."How can you see into my eyes, like open doors....." and it appears the roof is in danger of leaving its post as the song cuts to, "WAKE ME UP!", the pyro goes off in rapid fire succession, the crowd explodes,........and through the smoke strides Cheerleader Melissa & Michelle McCool, PAR EXCELLENCE! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SakiMaemuraalt.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MeikoSatomuraalt.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/thMichelleMcCoolBD3.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Cheerleader-Melissa-jfx-01.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Land & Air vs. Par Excellence[/B][/SIZE] Given how familiar these teams are with each other, there was never any doubt about how entertaining the match would be. Quick, frequent tags, near falls, aerobatics and mat wrestling, this match had it all. In the end, after a missed Hangman's Lariat by Land & Air, Michelle managed to catch Meiko with the Evenflow DDT for the win. [I]Par Excellence defeated Land & Air in 18:35 when Michelle McCool defeated Meiko Satomura by pinfall with an Evenflow DDT. [B](A)[/B][/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG] Melody Cuthill comes out and shoots T-shirts into the crowd. [B][I](A*)[/I][/B] Emma Extreme: "You know, AI, I kinda think the next few matches are going to be....how can I say this nicely....technical clinics? Ayako Ishida: "Well, there's no doubting the in-ring abilities of these next 8 workers. Let's just hope they can keep their hostilities towards each other under wraps." [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Akino3.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Catastrophe vs. Sensational Thunder[/B][/SIZE] This match disappointed as it appeared the workers, while trying to restrain themselves from trying to kill each other, seemed to be holding back a bit too much. That is, until Sensational Ogiwara hit the Sensational Senton on AKINO on the outside which left Crusher Ichihara all alone as Thunder Hike countered a powerbomb attempt by Crusher, into a DDT and clamped on the Thunder Lock. [I]Sensational Thunder defeated Catastrophe in 19:22 when Thunder Hike defeated Crusher Ichihara by submission with a Thunder Lock. [B](B+)[/B][/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EtsukoMita.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Akino3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/fabyapache2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MaryApache.jpg[/IMG] After the match, the Powers of Pain run in and, teaming with Catastrophe, begin to lay the hurt on Sensational Thunder. But then the cavalry arrives, from south of the border, as Dos Apache hit the ring and clean house. [B][I](B+)[/I][/B] And now for the main event! As their music hits, Manifest Destiny hits the ramp like they're on fire. Running the ropes, they wait for their illustrious opponents to show. Enya's Boadicea hits with a burst of pyro and out come LuFisto and Mariko Yoshida to a thunderous ovation. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Annie-SocialWEW-jfx-05.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Madison.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/LuFisto-jfx-02.jpg[/IMG]& [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MarikoYoshida3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B][I]Manifest Destiny vs. LuFisto & Mariko Yoshida[/I][/B][/SIZE] LuFisto started this one off against Anna Marie and seriously schooled the youngster. Between lightning fast and frequent tags, and complete mat mastery, there was little the less experienced team could do. After hitting a seated senton on LuFisto and waiting for her to get up to hit the Madison Avenue, she showed her inexperience by running right into the Emerald Fusion. [I]LuFisto & Mariko Yoshida defeated Manifest Destiny in 18:35 when LuFisto defeated Madison by pinfall with an Emerald Fusion. [B](B+)[/B][/I] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SamoanMachine.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AjaKong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AmazingKong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AlereLittleFeatherjfx-04.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/NattieNeidhart.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/GeenaPrincess.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/RachelLabergealt.jpg[/IMG] The cameras cut to backstage as a massive brawl erupts between Waking Nightmare, Kong Queens, The Hart Foundation, and The Boudiccans. [B][I](B-)[/I][/B] [SIZE="3"][B]Overall show rating: B[/B][/SIZE] [B]Post show notes:[/B] Overall, a very disappointing show. I actually expected those last 3 matches to get A or better ratings. Black Widow was the albatross in her match so she's definitely going to see the view from Midcard level. I'm disbanding the LuFisto/Mariko team since I don't remember if they have any chemistry or not. I'm inclined to think they don't since there's no way they should put on a B+ match as a team against other main event level workers. But, the bright side is, this is the B show so always good for testing new things out. :)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B][U]Triple A Unity[/U][/B][/SIZE] being held in front of 15,000 at San Juan Coliseum (Puerto Rico), and showing LIVE on MTV. Cathy Vaughan d. The Old Lady by pinfall with the Vertebreaker. (E) Buffy Gellar bursts into Remianen's office to complain that Melody Cuthill doesn't deserve a title shot at Judgement Day. "She hasn't beaten anyone!" (C) Rosemary Gellar d. Sayuri Okino by pinfall after interference by Geri Smith to retain the Uncut Newcomer title. (C-) Remianen comes out to announce that Melody Cuthill will be competing tonight in a Gauntlet series of matches against....Sable, Jackie Gayda, and Jacqueline. If she loses ANY of these matches, the person(s) who defeat her will go on to face Buffy Gellar for the Uncut World title at Judgement Day. (B-) Hailey Hatred d. Shinobu Kandori by pinfall with the Hatebuster to retain the RAW Lioness title. (D) East Wind d. NEO Machine Guns by DQ after a massive chairshot by Tanny Mouse on Tsubasa Kuragaki. NEO Machine Guns retain the RAW Junior Tag Team titles. (C+) The Moreno Sisters d. The Rainbow Girls when Esther Moreno pinned Otsune Tsumura after interference by Ms. Chif to retain the Uncut Junior Tag Team titles. (C) Sakura Michi d. Blood Cult by pinfall after hitting the Hentai Bomb on Shelly Martinez. (C+) Melody Cuthill d. Sable by submission with the Simple Melody. (B) Melody Cuthill d. Jackie Gayda by submission with the Simple Melody (B+) Melody Cuthill d. Jacqueline by pinfall with the Cuthill Cutter. (A) Intensity d. Future Shock by pinfall when Kinuye Mushashibo pinned Nina the Psycho Ballerina after a Blue Thunder to retain the RAW World Tag Team titles.. (A) Par Excellence d. Manifest Destiny by pinfall when Michelle McCool pinned Anna Marie after an Evenflow DDT. (A) Mariko Yoshida d. Melina Perez by submission with the Spider Twist to retain the AAA Pure Wrestling title. (A) Super Anime d. The Outcasts by pinfall when LuFisto pinned Linda Miles after an Emerald Fusion. (A) Overall Show Rating: B+ [SIZE="3"][B][I]Notes:[/I][/B][/SIZE] - Melody Cuthill performed excellently in the Gauntlet matches, which validates my decision for Judgement Day. - Sarah Stock & Nina the Psycho Ballerina made a very strong case for a major tag team push. [/CENTER]
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Matches announced for [B][SIZE="3"]AAA Judgement Day[/SIZE][/B]: - [B]Powers of Pain[/B] defend their Uncut World Tag Team titles against Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike, [B]Sensational Thunder[/B]! - [B]Dos Apache[/B] face [B]Catastrophe[/B]! - [B]LuFisto[/B] defends her RAW Femme Fatale title against [B]"The Future" Jillian Hall[/B]! - In a Battle of the Sexes match ordered by Remianen, [B]Waking Nightmare[/B] engages [B]The Boudiccans[/B] in what promises to be an intense confrontation! - Aja & Amazing Kong, the [B]Kong Queens[/B], take on [B]The Hart Foundation[/B] - [B]The Bomb Squad[/B] faces off against [B]***** Control[/B] - [B]Buffy Geller[/B] looks to walk out with her Uncut World Women's title when she faces [B]Melody Cuthill[/B]! - X Division champion [B]Toshie Uematsu[/B] attempts to halt the meteoric rise of [B]Kristabel Plum[/B]! - In a battle of the surging upstarts, [B]Rosemary Gellar[/B] seeks to defend her newly renamed Uncut Future Legend title against [B]Mika Nishio[/B]! - [B]April Hunter & Melina Perez[/B] team up to try to remove the RAW World Tag Team titles from around the waists of [B]Intensity[/B]! - [B]Mariko Yoshida[/B] looks to make it 73 straight as she defends the AAA Pure Wrestling title against [B]Tamara McFly[/B]! ...this and many surprises when Triple A brings you.....[SIZE="4"][B][I]JUDGEMENT DAY[/I][/B][/SIZE]!
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Angel Athletic Association Presents.....[/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="Red"][U]Judgement Day[/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [I]being held in front of 45,781 at Safeco Field (North West), LIVE on Pay-Per-View[/I] [U]Pre-show:[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MikaNishio.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/RosemaryGellar.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Mika Nishio vs. Rosemary Gellar, for the Uncut Future Legend title[/B][/SIZE] Mika Nishio defeated Rosemary Gellar in 8:59 by pinfall with a Tiger Suplex Hold. Mika Nishio wins the AAA Uncut Future Legend title. [B](C-)[/B] "Just like you, I get lonely too....." reverberates through the arena as Kristabel Plum makes her entrance! [B](B-)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KristabelPlum.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ToshieUematsu.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Kristabel Plum vs. Toshie Uematsu, for the X Division title[/SIZE][/B] Toshie Uematsu defeated Kristabel Plum in 8:57 by pinfall when Alicia Webb interfered. Toshie Uematsu makes defence number 6 of her AAA X Division title. [B](C+)[/B] [B][U]Main Show[/U][/B] The show opens with an ungodly amount of pyrotechnics as Ayako Ishida, Emma Extreme, and Melanie Florence in the booth welcome everyone to [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"][B]JUDGEMENT DAY[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]. The cameras cut to backstage where Buffy Gellar, Uncut World title draped across her shoulder, is pacing before staring straight into the camera. She then says, "[I][COLOR="Red"]Melody Cuthill, you've managed to con your way into a shot at my title but I see you for what you are. You're no contender, you're a PREtender and tonight, I'll blow you and your little smokescreen away![/COLOR][/I]" [B](A)[/B] "SALSA! Mi salsa es caliente! Cosa, viva la mi gente!" blares through the arena as Escucha Lucha makes their entrance! [B](B)[/B] Simple percussion and acoustic guitar strains in a vaguely norteño style fill the arena, as The Moreno Sisters make their entrance! [B](B)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ChitoseAriwara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Princesa-Sugey2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CinthiaMoreno.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EstherMoreno.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Escucha Lucha vs. The Moreno Sisters, for the Uncut Junior Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] Escucha Lucha defeated The Moreno Sisters in 13:57 when Cinthia Moreno was disqualified while fighting Princesa Sugey. During the match we also had Demonica run in and attack Sugey. Escucha Lucha win the AAA Uncut Junior Tag Team Championship titles. [B](C)[/B] The cameras again cut backstage where Jillian Hall, flanked by Shantelle Taylor & Tiffany Diabolica, has a mic and says, "[COLOR="Red"][I]There are many who stood shocked and dismayed when I put the boots to you at Vindication, LuFisto. But it's not personal, it's just the way of progress. After all, you are the past and me? I'm The Future and I am progress and progress cannot be stopped![/I][/COLOR]" [B](B)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AngelTakudome.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ManamiToyota.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KAORU.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MayumiOzaki.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]The Avengers vs. D-FIX[/COLOR][/SIZE] D-FIX defeated The Avengers in 14:10 when Mayumi Ozaki defeated Angel Takudome by pinfall when Willow interfered. [B](B-)[/B] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Emma Extreme:[/B] [I]"Excellent job by D-FIX of isolating the inexperienced Takudome."[/I][/COLOR] ***** Control come out to sing their hit remake of the Prince song of the same name, accompanied by their bandmates Liz Phair, Sheryl Crow, Stevie Nicks, and Caroline Coors. [B](B+)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SaoriNakadan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EveGrunge.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/YoshikoTamura.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]The Bomb Squad vs. ***** Control[/SIZE][/B] ***** Control defeated The Bomb Squad in 13:47 when Yoshiko Tamura defeated Saori Nakadan by pinfall with a Patriot Buster. [B](B+)[/B] "Boadicea" slides smoothly throughout the arena as The Boudiccans make their entrance! [B](B+)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/GeenaPrincess.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/RachelLabergealt.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/DarkAngel.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SamoanMachine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]The Boudiccans vs. Waking Nightmare[/B][/SIZE] The Boudiccans defeated Waking Nightmare in 13:33 when Dark Angel was disqualified when Etsuko Mita ran in and attacked Geena The Warrior Princess with a resounding chair shot. [B](B)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AjaKong.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AmazingKong.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AlereLittleFeatherjfx-04.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/NattieNeidhart.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Kong Queens vs. The Hart Foundation[/SIZE][/B] The Hart Foundation defeated Kong Queens in 13:52 when Nattie Neidhart defeated Aja Kong by pinfall with a Nattie By Nature. [B](B-)[/B] Shirley Manson's voice booms through the building as Buffy Gellar splits the curtain! [B](B-)[/B] The arena grows silent as the lights dim and over the speakers, a wizened voice says.... "[I][COLOR="Blue"]I've seen many bridges in my time and crossed every one of 'em, with no trouble a'tall (YEAH-E-YEAH-E-YEAH-E-YEAH-E-YEAH-E-YEAH-E-YEAH!). I've faced trials and tribulations, heartaches and pain. Survived 'em all, baby. I'm still Melody....and I'm still cool (MELODY COOOOOOL)[/COLOR][/I]", the synthesizer cuts in and the pyro (and the crowd) explode as out comes...[B][COLOR="Blue"]MELODY CUTHILL[/COLOR]![/B] [B](A)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MelodyCuthill.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/BuffyHunter.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Melody Cuthill vs. Buffy Gellar, for the Uncut World Women's title[/SIZE][/B] Melody Cuthill defeated Buffy Gellar in 13:32 by pinfall with a Cuthill Cutter. During the match we also saw Tommy Gellar run in and attack Melody Cuthill, and Rosemary Gellar do the same to Melody Cuthill. Melody Cuthill wins the AAA Uncut World Women's Championship title. [B](A)[/B] The camera cuts to backstage where Kayo Noumi is standing with Goldylocks and Dos Apache. Goldylocks assures everyone that there will be no Catastrophes in tonight's match. [B](C)[/B] "Dame dame dame, Quiero sentir, Dame dame dame, Todo de ti, Quiero quiero quiero, Perderme en tu pasion y tu deseo", sung by a familiar couple a capella precedes traditional spanish arrangement as Dos Apache makes their entrance, accompanied by Goldylocks! [B](A)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/fabyapache2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MaryApache.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CrusherIchihara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Akino3.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"][B]Dos Apache vs. Catastrophe[/B][/SIZE] Dos Apache defeated Catastrophe in 18:31 when Fabi Apache defeated Crusher Ichihara by pinfall with an Apachesault. [B](B)[/B] The camera cuts backstage where Nicole Kiss is interviewed by Jim Lou Freebush. She hypes the upcoming tag team match between Future Shock and Par Excellence. [COLOR="Red"][I]"You've had a nice little run, Michelle & Melissa. Tonight, that run ends. Abruptly!"[/I][/COLOR] [B](B-)[/B] T.A.T.U. is cued and out comes Nina the Psycho Ballerina & Sarah Stock, Future Shock, accompanied by Nicole Kiss. [B](B+)[/B] The familiar synth strains sound as the arena explodes and the entire crowd rises to their feet as Par Excellence makes their entrance amid a profusion of pyrotechnics. [B](A*)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Nina.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SarahStock3.jpg[/IMG]vs[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Cheerleader-Melissa-jfx-01.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/thMichelleMcCoolBD3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Future Shock vs. Par Excellence[/SIZE][/B] Par Excellence defeated Future Shock in 14:05 when Cheerleader Melissa defeated Nina The Psycho Ballerina by pinfall with a Single Minor. [B](A)[/B] "The word is the future..." and her music hits as Jillian Hall makes her way to the ring. [B](B)[/B] "I know I'm on your mind, I know we'll have a good time, I'm your friend, I'm fun, and I'm fine. I aint lyin'. Look at me, you aint blind" sounds amidst an explosion of pyro as LuFisto makes her entrance! [B](A*)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/JillianHall3.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/LuFisto-jfx-02.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Jillian Hall vs. LuFisto, for the RAW Femme Fatale title[/SIZE][/B] LuFisto defeated Jillian Hall in 18:58 by pinfall with an Emerald Fusion. LuFisto makes defence number 15 of her AAA RAW Femme Fatale title. [B](A*)[/B] As "One Headlight" starts up, the tired crowd rises to their feet to await the arrival of Tamara McFly! [B](A)[/B] The arena lights go out and the Jumbotron lights up with an image of hundreds of black widow spiders as a wan song rises in the background, heralding the imminent arrival of....Mariko Yoshida. [B](A*)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/TamaraMcFly.jpg[/IMG]vs. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/MarikoYoshida3.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Tamara McFly vs. Mariko Yoshida, for the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/SIZE][/B] Mariko Yoshida defeated Tamara McFly in 18:52 by submission with a Spider Twist. Mariko Yoshida makes defence number 73 of her AAA Pure Wrestling Championship title. [B](A*)[/B] That chunky drumbeat and sexy guitar line can only mean one thing....Intensity is on their way to the ring! [B](A*)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/AprilHunter.jpg[/IMG]&[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/Melina5.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/JanaMarieBowen.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]April Hunter & Melina Perez vs. Intensity, for the RAW World Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] Intensity defeated April Hunter & Melina Perez in 13:53 when Jana Marie Bowen defeated April Hunter by pinfall with a Pinwheel. Intensity make defence number 38 of their AAA RAW World Tag Team Championship titles. [B](A)[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/SensationalOgiwara.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/ThunderHike.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/CherryBomb.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Diary/EtsukoMita.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="3"]Sensational Thunder vs. Powers of Pain, for the Uncut World Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] Powers of Pain defeated Sensational Thunder in 23:54 when Etsuko Mita defeated Thunder Hike by pinfall following interference from Dark Angel. During the match we also had Samoan Machine run in and attack Sensational Ogiwara. Powers of Pain make defence number 10 of their AAA Uncut World Tag Team Championship titles. [B](A*)[/B] [SIZE="4"][B][U]Overall Show Rating[/U]: A[/B][/SIZE] [B][U]PPV Buy Rate[/U]: 493,274[/B] Notes: - Kristabel Plum & Toshie Uematsu's great chemistry lifted what should've been a pretty bad match (due to their limited overness) into a pretty decent one, all things considered. - I was pleasantly surprised by how good Buffy is on the mic. I had that segment pegged for B- tops (which is why I placed it where I did). - Odd, the Uncut Junior Tag title changed hands on a DQ. That was unexpected. Not that big a deal though since that only sets me back one show. - I had expected this event to rate A*, being in my home region with almost all of my top workers advanced booked. Ah well. It's a high A though, since I didn't lose any overness from it. - Licensed music used: Melody Cool - Mavis Staples & Prince (Melody Cuthill), Come With Me - Diddy & Jimmy Page (Intensity), Dame - Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony (Dos Apache), The Future - Guy (Jillian Hall), Oye (Pablo Flores Spanish Remix) - Gloria Estefan (Escucha Lucha), I Think I'm Paranoid - Garbage (Buffy Gellar), Yeah! (Instrumental) - Usher featuring Lil Jon & Ludacris (Par Excellence), Don'cha (Ralphi's Hot Freak Instrumental) - *****cat Dolls (LuFisto), All the Things She Said - Tatou (Future Shock), I Don't Give A F--- - Lil Jon featuring Mystikal and Krayzie Bone (Powers of Pain), Boadicea - Enya (The Boudiccans), Signe - Eric Clapton (The Moreno Sisters), Storms in Africa - Enya (Mariko Yoshida), FanMail - TLC (Kristabel Plum), One Headlight (Instrumental) - The Wallflowers (Tamara McFly)[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"]Triple A RAW[/SIZE] [B]Tuesday Week 2, April 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 at Breslin Events Center (Great Lakes) and showing LIVE on MTV[/I][/CENTER] In the pre-show, Cathy Vaughan extends her undefeated streak when she systematically dismantles Alison Capone, getting the youngster to tap at 6:01 to the Cathy Crank. [B](D)[/B] The main show kicks off with Jennifer Heat backstage with her tag team clients, Super Anime. She goes on about how at Judgement Day, The Future was turned back. [I]"[COLOR="Blue"]Sometimes The Future gets ahead of itself and has to be brought back to reality. Isn't that right, Jillian?[/COLOR]"[/I] [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Sayuri Okino vs. Hailey Hatred, for the RAW Lioness title[/SIZE][/B] The match started quickly as the veteran Okino took young Hailey to school with her in-ring technique. The finish came when Okino tried to set Hailey up for her Exploder finisher, only to have the young champion slip out and hit the Hatebuster out of nowhere for the win. [B](D)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Anthony & Nick Machete vs. The Power Plant[/SIZE][/B] This showcase of men's talent threw the audience for a loop but after the initial shock, they really started to get into it. After a series of quick tags, Jack managed to suplex Nick to the outside while Tim and Anthony were the legal men. It was then just a matter of time before they hit the Circuit Breaker and Tim covered for the 1-2-3. [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Sara Marie York vs Toshie Uematsu, for the X Division title[/SIZE][/B] Sara Marie came out on fire. After a few minutes of really looking like a new champ would be crowned, Toshie reversed a backdrop attempt by York into a crucifix powerbomb. It started to look like Toshie would get to steal another one before, out of the crowd, Kristabel Plum emerges and nails Toshie with the Plum Picker, drawing the DQ. [B](C)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Yumiko Hotta vs Mary Beth Chase, for the Hardcore title[/B][/SIZE] School was in session in this match pitting the wily, veteran Hotta against the seemingly unstoppable young MBC. As Chase powered out of every move she managed to come up with (including a beautiful counter out of an abdominal stretch into a seated face plant), Hotta resorted to using guile. Playing possum at ringside, she took advantage of the more impatient Chase who took a kendo stick to the forehead when she tried to retrieve her opponent. But Chase wouldn't go down. After 8 shots from a garbage can lid and a spinebuster onto a garbage can, Hotta hit her Pyramid Driver finisher and covered the semi-conscious MBC for the win, and the title! [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]East Wind vs NEO Machine Guns, for the RAW Junior Tag titles[/SIZE][/B] Another display of skills that really got the crowd riled up. A back and forth battle between two teams very familiar with each other. The finish came when the more seasoned Shimoda managed to roll up Tanny Mouse and, with a handful of tights AND her feet on the ropes, hold her down for the 3 count. [B](C)[/B] The camera cuts to backstage where Devil's Daughter and Vixxen are talking. "Look Vixxen, I realize we've been teammates for a few years but this just isn't working for me. Every time we have a big match, you wind up getting pinned," DD explains. "I'm not the one spending nights closing raves every night instead of training." Vixxen counters. "I'm not the weak link in this team...you are!" [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Stacy Colon & Takako Inoue vs Lisa Fury & Ayako Hamada[/SIZE][/B] Colon & Fury started off this match but Inoue & Hamada really put the best work in. The finish came when Lisa countered a headscissors attempt by Stacy, into the Fury's Edge. [B](C+)[/B] Vixxen comes to the ring with a purpose etched on her white painted face. "Devil's Daughter, I'm just about sick of you trying to pin all our losses on me while taking credit for all our wins. So, I'm going to prove to the world who the weakest link was in Wild Times, when I kick your ass from pillar to post this Saturday at Unity!" [B](C-)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Devil Masami vs Nikki Roxx, for the RAW Intercontinental title[/SIZE][/B] This one wasn't even close. While the veteran Masami is indeed a formidable opponent, she just wasn't mobile enough to keep up with the speed of Nikki. It was finally ended mercifully when Nikki hit the Tornado DDT for the 3 count. [B](C+)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Seek & Destroy vs Intensity, for the RAW World Tag titles[/SIZE][/B] Perhaps a sign of things to come, as Huntress Makiko took it to the reigning Young Wrestler of the Year, tying her into painful knots. While her partner just beat the snot out of Jana Marie, the Huntress took a more mat-based approach. After hitting a spear, Makiko took time out to deride the crowd...and it cost her, as JMB managed to lunge and make the tag to Kinuye and the game was on! After Kin cleared the ring, she took the fight outside to Temko, who managed to distract the ref long enough for Leia Meow to get a good bit of choking in using speaker wire. But JMB ducked just in time to avoid the chair shot Jade Chung had planned for her, hitting Huntress Makiko instead. Returning to the ring, Kin hit the Blue Thunder on Ikuko and tagged in JMB who hit the Pinwheel and covered for the victory. [B](B)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Mayumi Ozaki vs LuFisto, for the RAW Femme Fatale title[/B][/SIZE] Two pros going head to head and the crowd could not sit down. Twists and turns and reverses and counters finally came to a close when LuFisto hit the Emerald Fusion and covered Oz for the win and successful defense. [B](A)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Future Shock vs Intensity, for the RAW World Tag titles[/B][/SIZE] In their second match of the night, Intensity took on the surging team of Sarah Stock and Nina the Psycho Ballerina, who really put them through their paces. Finally, JMB hit the Pinwheel and the match was over. [B](B+)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Missy Masterson vs Mariko Yoshida, for the Pure Wrestling title[/B][/SIZE] Mariko seemed ready to carry Missy through the match but didn't need to. Missy's strategy seemed to revolve around aerial maneuvers that kept her out of Mariko's reach but eventually, she made a mistake. After connecting on a flipping neckbreaker, instead of going for the pin, Missy went to the top rope and attempted a flying headbutt. There was no one home when she landed. Mariko then took it to the young star with kicks and strikes before hitting the released german suplex and following it with an Air Raid Crash for the win. [B](A)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Overall show rating: B+[/SIZE][/B]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"]Triple A Uncut Showcase[/SIZE] [B]Thursday Week 2, April 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 15,000 at LJVM Coliseum Complex (Mid-Atlantic), and showing LIVE on GNN Total Sports[/I][/CENTER] In the pre-show, Mika Nishio gets her first defense of the Uncut Future Legend title by beating Alison Capone by pinfall after a Rolling Savate Kick. [B](D)[/B] The show opens with a tight shot on the announce table as Emma Extreme recaps the events of Judgement Day when she's interrupted by Carl Batch who says, "[I][COLOR="Blue"]What Emma is trying to say in way too many words is, WE HAVE A NEW CHAMPION! Melody Cuthill seemed to accomplish the impossible as she beat not only Buffy Gellar but Rosemary and Tommy Gellar as well![/COLOR][/I]" [B](B+)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Johnny Machete vs Yumiko Hotta[/SIZE][/B], for the [I]AAA Hardcore Championship title[/I] A quick match to get the crowd pumped, Yumiko Hotta fought off Johnny's offense, including a brainbuster onto a garbage can, and reversed an attempted death valley driver into a Tiger Driver onto a chair for the win. [B](C)[/B] A graphic is shown to announce the debut of Cherry Bomb's new talk show, "Fallout". The inaugural guest is Melody Cuthill. [B](A*)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Mas Ruda vs Everquest Age[/B][/SIZE] This battle of two up and coming teams was a fast paced affair. The finish came when Lioness Lea hit the Towerhacker Bomb on Shantelle Taylor for the pinfall. [B](C)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Mickie Knuckles vs Esther Moreno[/B][/SIZE], for the [I]Uncut Television title[/I] After somewhat of a slow start, luchadora Moreno warmed up by hitting several high risk maneuvers, culminating in the Quebrada for the win and successful title defense. [B](C)[/B] We're taken to the ring where Cherry Bomb welcomes everyone to the debut edition of [I]Fallout[/I]. "[I][COLOR="Red"]My guest tonight is none other than the NEW Uncut World Women's Champion, Melody Cuthill![/COLOR][/I]". Melody thanks the audience for their rousing reception and says, "[I][COLOR="Blue"]Winning the world title has always been a dream of mine. So when I was given the opportunity to do so, there was nothing that would stop me. Now that that's been accomplished, I want everyone to know that the only thing I value more than winning this title, is keeping it and I plan to be a fighting champion. So, anyone who wants a shot at this title, including you Ms 3-time Uncut World Champion Cherry Bomb, say the word and we'll go![/COLOR][/I]" [B](A*)[/B] Familiar music hits and the crowd groans their disdain. Remianen comes out and says, "[I]Awww, what a heartwarming story. It's so beautiful I think I'm gonna hurl. But before I do, let me say that I'm happy to hear you plan to be a fighting champion. Because I plan to make you a fighting champion. That's why tonight, you'll defend that title against none other than NIDIA! Oh, and Saturday, at Unity, I think a Gauntlet match is in order so, assuming you're successful tonight, you'll face....lemme see now....Melina aaaaaand Jazz aaaaand, hmm, Wanda Fish! Rest up! You're gonna need it![/I]" [B](A)[/B] As Remianen stands at the top of the ramp grinning, Cherry Bomb attacks Melody Cuthill from behind and lays her out with the Cherry Popper as Samoan Machine & Dark Angel run in through the crowd. The three of them start beating on Melody fiercely until........ [B](A)[/B] ....two masked men run down the ramp as the crowd explodes. Carl Batch: [I][COLOR="Blue"]No way, it can't be![/COLOR][/I] Ayako Ishida: [COLOR="Blue"][I]I'd know those masks anywhere.[/I][/COLOR] Emma Extreme: [COLOR="Blue"][I]Is that....Emerald Angel and and [B]HELL MONKEY[/B]?!?[/I][/COLOR] The two men lay into Samoan Machine & Dark Angel as Melody groggily gets to her feet and, ducking a clothesline attempt, nails Cherry Bomb with the Cuthill Cutter. [B](C+)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Miss Chevius vs Toshie Uematsu[/B][/SIZE], for the [I]AAA X Division title[/I] The difference in experience was easily apparent as Miss Chevius fell victim to several misdirection ploys, finally running into the Dragon Suplex which floored her long enough for the 3-count. [B](C)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]T&A vs Escucha Lucha[/B][/SIZE], [I]for the Uncut Junior Tag Team titles[/I] Fairly quick, fast paced match that saw Chitose Ariwara pick up the win and successful title defense after a Spiral Tap on Allison Danger. [B](C)[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Golden Rod vs Par Excellence[/B][/SIZE] A great battle of some of the most talented workers in the world saw Cheerleader Melissa pick up the win after a Single Minor on J.Ro. [B](A)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Wanda Fish vs Mariko Yoshida[/SIZE][/B], [I]for the AAA Pure Wrestling title[/I] Very good match with back & forth action that saw Mari-chan kick out of a pinfall attempt after a Dish of the Day and counter a powerbomb attempt into the Spider Twist, forcing Wanda to tap out. [B](A)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Nidia vs Melody Cuthill[/SIZE][/B], [I]for the Uncut World Women's Championship[/I] Disappointing match that saw Nidia totally off her game and blow several spots before Melody ended it mercifully with a Cuthill Cutter for the win and her first successful title defense. [B](B+)[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]2 Hot vs Sensational Thunder[/SIZE][/B] Sensational Ogiwara and Thunder Hike put on a technical wrestling clinic before Thunder Hike ended the match with a Super Thunder Bomb on Melina Perez for the pinfall victory. [B](A)[/B] [B][U]Overall show rating[/U][/B]: [B]B+[/B]
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womenswrestlewire.com: [QUOTE] Matches announced for AAA Unity: Devil's Daughter accepts the challenge laid down by her former tag team partner Vixxen! Melody Cuthill looks to defend the Uncut World Women's title in three Gauntlet matches against Melina Perez, Jazz, and Wanda Fish! LuFisto defends the RAW Femme Fatale title against Lacey! Quintessential takes on Double Jackie! Plus: Intensity, Par Excellence, Future Shock, and MORE![/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]AAA Unity[/B][/SIZE] [B]Saturday Week 2 April, 2007[/B] [I]being held in front of 26,793 people at the Kettley Arena (Mid South) and showing LIVE on MTV.[/I][/CENTER] The show opens with Ayako Ishida, Emma Extreme, and Melanie Florence welcoming everyone to the show and hyping the match between what used to be the accomplished tag team of Wild Times, Devil's Daughter and Vixxen. [B]B-[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Diva Destruction d. Ayako Sato & Nao Watanabe by pinfall[/SIZE][/B] The new team of Tai & Gorgon kicked off the show in style, completely dominating the team of Sato & Watanabe crushing them with pure power moves. The match ended at the 13:38 mark when Gorgon hit the Hydra Bomb on Nao Watanabe for the easy 1-2-3. [B]C-[/B] The camera cuts to backstage where Habana is standing with Emma Extreme, flanked by Cheerleader Melissa and Michelle McCool. "[I][COLOR="Blue"]You've all seen my team in action. You've marvelled at how it is possible for two women to work so well together. You've also wondered exactly when these women will be the World Tag Team champions. Patience is a virtue. We're going to take the titles from Powers of Pain when we get good and ready.[/COLOR][/I]" [B]A[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Devil's Daughter d. Vixxen by submission[/SIZE][/B] Double D came out and spent most of the match dominating her former tag team partner, putting on a technical wrestling clinic. In addition to reversing pretty much every move Vixxen attempted, she also managed to keep Karen Killer's interference to a minimum. Desperate, Vixxen attempted a schoolgirl rollup which Devil's Daughter reversed into the Going Down Below finally getting the tap-out victory at 13:49. [B]C-[/B] At the conclusion of the match, Karen Killer gazed wistfully at Devil's Daughter before making a throat slashing motion. Immediately, Wendy Anderson and Demonica came running down the ramp and, with Vixxen and Karen Killer, serve a massive beatdown to Devil's Daughter. The crowd erupts in cheering when Raven Nightfall comes running to the ring. But in a surprise turn of events, she joins The Darkness in attacking Devil's Daughter. It was then that the RAW World Tag Team champions, Jana Marie Bowen and Kinuye Mushashibo, Intensity, come running in to make the save, sending The Darkness and their newest member scurrying backstage. [B]B-[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Nikki Roxx d. Gail Kim by pinfall to retain the RAW Intercontinental title[/B][/SIZE] Great performance by Nikki diminished by Gail being off her game. Finish came when Gail attempted an elevated powerbomb which Nikki countered into the Roxx Off at the 18:47 mark. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Melody Cuthill d. Melina Perez by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women's title (Gauntlet Match #1)[/SIZE][/B] The first match in the Gauntlet series ordered by AAA owner Remianen was fast-paced, though it was fairly obvious that Melina was outclassed. Melody ended the match at 13:33 with the Cuthill Cutter. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Melody Cuthill d. Jazz by pinfall to retain the Uncut World Women's title (Gauntlet Match #2)[/SIZE][/B] Immediately after the bell rang ending Gauntlet Match #1, Jazz ran out to the ring and proceeded to put the boots to Melody, beating her from one side of the ring to the other. After hitting the Bitch Bomb, the ending was academic...except Melody kicked out. Jazz, smelling victory and the world title, hit a thunderous sidewalk slam and went for another cover...and another kickout. Growing frustrated, she made a costly error which Melody turned into a Cuthill Cutter for the surprise 3-count. [B]B+[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Melody Cuthill d. Wanda Fish to retain the Uncut World Women's title (Gauntlet Match #3)[/B][/SIZE] Wanda, looking to capitalize on the work of two previous competitors, ran out at the bell seeking a quick pin and her second world title reign. Two minutes into the match, she hit Dish of the Day and made a confident (but casual) cover...which Melody kicked out of. A spinebuster and a second Dish of the Day produced the same result. Reversing a powerbomb attempt into a DDT to buy herself some time, Melody attempted a comeback. Responding to the crowd's chants of "ME-LO-DY! ME-LO-DY!", she used the ropes to rise to her feet, barely beating the ref's 10 count. Stuck in the corner trying to catch her breath, she barely avoided a running shoulder charge by Wanda when she was hit with a surge of energy. Taking the fight to Fish, she hit a series of moves topped off by a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Signalling for the Cutter, she hit it and scored the pinfall at 23:43. [B]B[/B] Following her improbable victory, she hugged her title close to her, exhausted. Out of the crowd ran Buffy Gellar and her little sister Rosemary, immediately laying a beating on the resilient champion. The crowd erupts as, from the back comes none other than Mariko Yoshida. At the sight of Mariko, Buffy bails out of the ring but her sister, looking to show her toughness, foolishly engages Mariko, catching an overhead belly-to-belly suplex for her troubles. Angrily getting to her feet, she charges blindly at Mariko before being sidetracked by a Cuthill Cutter followed immediately after by an Air Raid Crash, much to the crowd's delight. [B]B[/B] [SIZE="2"][B]Quintessential d. Double Jackie by pinfall[/B][/SIZE] Good match that saw Tamara McFly show her improving flying abilities and Missy Masterson her technical skills. The end came when Missy rolled through a hiptoss attempt and hit the Identity Crisis for the win. [B]B[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]Christie Ricci d. April Hunter by submission[/SIZE][/B] Mismatched workers who showed their widely disparate ability levels. Christie locked on a modified Indian Death Lock forcing April to tap. [B]B+[/B] [B][SIZE="2"]LuFisto d. Lacey by pinfall to retain the RAW Femme Fatale title[/SIZE][/B] Very good match that saw LuFisto carry Lacey through a back and forth affair, ended with an Emerald Fusion. [B]A[/B] [SIZE="3"][B][U]Overall Show Rating[/U]: B+[/B][/SIZE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[I]Time to face the music. Walking down the hall, the door to the amphitheater loomed larger than it should have. I called this meeting of every worker in the company to clear the air and shed some light on a developing situation. The media had tried their damndest to skewer us and now my workers were being affected. That had to stop and it had to stop now. Standing outside the door, I leaned my head against it and listened. Inside, the sounds of nervous laughter and idle banter hummed at low volume. Silently composing my thoughts, I made Solomon’s choice and said a little prayer asking for wisdom. Steeling my resolve, I turned the knob and walked in. As soon as I entered, the room immediately became as silent as a forgotten tomb. Wincing inwardly, I gave the room a cursory glance and locked eyes with [/I][B]Chitose Ariwara[/B][I], who gave me a smile and a wink. A heartening gesture, no doubt, and much needed. Ascending the stage’s steps, I stopped at the podium and set down my notes. Thinking on it a moment, I then pushed the podium aside and copped a squat on the edge of the stage. Adjusting the mic clipped to my lapel, I looked up and began:[/I] “[COLOR="Blue"][I]Ladies and gentlemen, as I’m sure you’ve read in the wrestling rags, I am a selfish, greedy, ungrateful bastard. I don’t deny this for a moment. I’ve been called worse, but that’s a pretty apt description of me in a nutshell. You see, we are embroiled in a heated conflict with a network that refuses to adapt, to evolve, to meet the desires of the audience as a whole. No, they’re far more comfortable resting on OUR laurels and riding US in order to maintain their own viability. They say I should somehow be loyal to them because they “took a chance on us” when in fact, they had no choice but to sign us. They didn’t have anything to put in that time slot so putting us there was a win/win situation for them. If we flopped, they didn’t stand to lose anything but if we succeeded, they would have found a golden egg laying goose. So excuse me if I shout [B]QUACK[/B] because succeed we did. But therein lies the problem. This network, which you know as GNN Total Sports, has chosen not to do anything to capitalize on our popularity. Did they expand into new areas? No. Did they add any new programming? No. Why didn’t they do any of these things? It’s simple, their small minds couldn’t fathom expanding into new markets or adding more programming. They were content to own Thursday nights and didn’t want anything else. That doesn’t work for me and it shouldn’t work for you. Our fates are entwined, whether we like it or not. How? There’s another simple answer. The more popular you become, the more popular this company becomes. The more popular we become, the more money we all make in all areas of entertainment. Eve, how much did P*ssy Control’s last tour gross? Now, would that have been possible if the lead singer, you, had not been exposed to fans all over the world? Let’s face it, I’m the guy at the top of the food chain here and I say that you all are the reason for our success. No question. I give props to you for that. But, I want everyone to gain the worldwide exposure that only some of you currently have. Those of you on the RAW brand are seen by people all over the globe whenever you perform. Those of you on Uncut are only seen by people in the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico. Now do you see where the problem lies? Our viewership numbers on MTV, which carries the RAW branded show and the co-branded Unity broadcast, are literally double those on GNN. So I’ll be the selfish, greedy, ungrateful bastard but I will go to my grave before I allow GNN to exploit us when there are alternatives to be found. MTV, seeing how well we perform and how many records we break or come close to breaking every single week, has offered us a slot on Wednesday nights at 10pm. Three hours of programming just a day earlier than we had before. It wasn’t an official offer (since that would be tantamount to tampering) but it’s been suggested. I’m going to take it and let GNN go to hell. Any questions?[/I][/COLOR]” [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] stands and asks, “Um, hi Remi. So, in the meantime, what’s that going to mean for those of us on Uncut?” “[I][COLOR="Blue"]To show GNN that we mean business, Uncut Showcase will be cancelled until further notice. Those workers on Uncut will be participants in an invasion angle on RAW and further incorporated on Unity. Don’t sweat it, you’re not going to fall off the face of the wrestling earth. And for the new folks who might not know me very well, ask Shooter and Big Dunc how greedy, selfish, and ungrateful I was to them since they took me to the cleaners![/COLOR][/I]” The room erupts in laughter as [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] and [B]Cliff Wilson[/B] ask [B]Craig Prince[/B] and [B]Duncan Kendall[/B] for loans. “[COLOR="Blue"][I]I think we’re done here but as always, my door’s open if any of you need to see me. Like I said, I am indeed a greedy, selfish, ungrateful bastard….but I’m [B][I]YOUR[/I][/B] greedy, selfish, ungrateful bastard. Just keep that in mind as the fur flies.[/I][/COLOR]” With that, I left the room, jello-legs barely able to carry me to my office.
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[I]Time to face the music. Walking down the hall, the door to the amphitheater loomed larger than it should have. I called this meeting of every worker in the company to clear the air and shed some light on a developing situation. The media had tried their damndest to skewer us and now my workers were being affected. That had to stop and it had to stop now. Standing outside the door, I leaned my head against it and listened. Inside, the sounds of nervous laughter and idle banter hummed at low volume. Silently composing my thoughts, I made Solomon’s choice and said a little prayer asking for wisdom. Steeling my resolve, I turned the knob and walked in. As soon as I entered, the room immediately became as silent as a forgotten tomb. Wincing inwardly, I gave the room a cursory glance and locked eyes with [/I][B]Chitose Ariwara[/B][I], who gave me a smile and a wink. A heartening gesture, no doubt, and much needed. Ascending the stage’s steps, I stopped at the podium and set down my notes. Thinking on it a moment, I then pushed the podium aside and copped a squat on the edge of the stage. Adjusting the mic clipped to my lapel, I looked up and began:[/I] “[COLOR="Blue"][I]Ladies and gentlemen, as I’m sure you’ve read in the wrestling rags, I am a selfish, greedy, ungrateful bastard. I don’t deny this for a moment. I’ve been called worse, but that’s a pretty apt description of me in a nutshell. You see, we are embroiled in a heated conflict with a network that refuses to adapt, to evolve, to meet the desires of the audience as a whole. No, they’re far more comfortable resting on OUR laurels and riding US in order to maintain their own viability. They say I should somehow be loyal to them because they “took a chance on us” when in fact, they had no choice but to sign us. They didn’t have anything to put in that time slot so putting us there was a win/win situation for them. If we flopped, they didn’t stand to lose anything but if we succeeded, they would have found a golden egg laying goose. So excuse me if I shout [B]QUACK[/B] because succeed we did. But therein lies the problem. This network, which you know as GNN Total Sports, has chosen not to do anything to capitalize on our popularity. Did they expand into new areas? No. Did they add any new programming? No. Why didn’t they do any of these things? It’s simple, their small minds couldn’t fathom expanding into new markets or adding more programming. They were content to own Thursday nights and didn’t want anything else. That doesn’t work for me and it shouldn’t work for you. Our fates are entwined, whether we like it or not. How? There’s another simple answer. The more popular you become, the more popular this company becomes. The more popular we become, the more money we all make in all areas of entertainment. Eve, how much did P*ssy Control’s last tour gross? Now, would that have been possible if the lead singer, you, had not been exposed to fans all over the world? Let’s face it, I’m the guy at the top of the food chain here and I say that you all are the reason for our success. No question. I give props to you for that. But, I want everyone to gain the worldwide exposure that only some of you currently have. Those of you on the RAW brand are seen by people all over the globe whenever you perform. Those of you on Uncut are only seen by people in the United States, Canada, and Northern Mexico. Now do you see where the problem lies? Our viewership numbers on MTV, which carries the RAW branded show and the co-branded Unity broadcast, are literally double those on GNN. So I’ll be the selfish, greedy, ungrateful bastard but I will go to my grave before I allow GNN to exploit us when there are alternatives to be found. MTV, seeing how well we perform and how many records we break or come close to breaking every single week, has offered us a slot on Wednesday nights at 10pm. Three hours of programming just a day earlier than we had before. It wasn’t an official offer (since that would be tantamount to tampering) but it’s been suggested. I’m going to take it and let GNN go to hell. Any questions?[/I][/COLOR]” [B]Melody Cuthill[/B] stands and asks, “Um, hi Remi. So, in the meantime, what’s that going to mean for those of us on Uncut?” “[I][COLOR="Blue"]To show GNN that we mean business, Uncut Showcase will be cancelled until further notice. Those workers on Uncut will be participants in an invasion angle on RAW and further incorporated on Unity. Don’t sweat it, you’re not going to fall off the face of the wrestling earth. And for the new folks who might not know me very well, ask Shooter and Big Dunc how greedy, selfish, and ungrateful I was to them since they took me to the cleaners![/COLOR][/I]” The room erupts in laughter as [B]Tim Westybrook[/B] and [B]Cliff Wilson[/B] ask [B]Craig Prince[/B] and [B]Duncan Kendall[/B] for loans. “[COLOR="Blue"][I]I think we’re done here but as always, my door’s open if any of you need to see me. Like I said, I am indeed a greedy, selfish, ungrateful bastard….but I’m [B][I]YOUR[/I][/B] greedy, selfish, ungrateful bastard. Just keep that in mind as the fur flies.[/I][/COLOR]” With that, I left the room, jello-legs barely able to carry me to my office.
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